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Pick Up Routine

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Daily Routine

Daily Routine

Parents/Carers must inform the class teacher and the Junior School Office as to who will collect their child if they cannot. If the person is unknown to the school, they will need to give the pre-arranged key word. The school must be informed in writing regarding those persons NOT allowed to collect their child for any reason. A form will be sent to parents annually at the start of each new academic year to update or re-confirm their password.

Children who are not collected promptly will be handed over to the member of staff who is supervising prep. Whilst on school property and in the care of school staff, children must participate in the structured activities provided. Children not collected at 4.05pm and who are not booked into Atlas Camps will remain in the Junior School foyer and parents will be contacted. If parents are unable to collect their children, they must book them into Atlas Camps aftercare via the Atlas Camps booking system.

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