1 minute read

How we will contact you

We have the following tools and Apps to ensure you are kept up to date with your child’s progress, events at School and able to communicate with other parents of children in Little King’s.


When your child joins Little King’s you will be sent the login details for the Apps listed below.


Online App for all regular communication about your child’s progress and events. More details below.

My School Portal (MSP)

Used as a central point for all forms, letters, your child’s reports, personal information and SOCs sports match information, clubs and activity bookings.

Chatter Letter

Little King’s weekly newsletter sent via MSP on a Friday.

All parents are invited to sign up to the Classlist App when their child starts at King’s. Classlist is a parent-to-parent App which helps parents connect with other parents and stay in the loop with what’s happening in School. It is secure, GDPRcompliant, with clear community guidelines.

School Cloud

An online booking system used to book parents’ evening appointments.

Clarion Call

Used to contact groups of parents via text message.

Telephone/Email messages

Will be swiftly attended to by the Junior School administration team. The school has a policy of answering emails within 48 hours of receipt during the working week.

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