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hibernate winter

from the kitchens of pinch and dash

HIBERNATE winter seasonal inspiration from the kitchens of pinch and dash Danielle Arsenault and Jessica Perlaza

copyright Š 2012 danielle arsenault and jessica perlaza HIBERNATE www.thekitchensofpinchanddash.com www.etsy.com/shop/pinchanddash photographs | jessica perlaza illustrations | danielle arsenault winter poem | joshua fernandes

forward “nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” –albert einstein there are many reasons for choosing a vegetarian diet. some of us consider the health benefits of such a lifestyle, as it is now proven that a high-fiber, low-fat plant-based diet helps in the prevention of cancers, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis and multiple sclerosis (just to name a few). others may be interested in alleviating the enormous environmental impact livestock production has on the earth’s air, soil, and water systems. or it could even be for moral reasons, as more information is leaked about the mistreatment of animals in industrialized farming practices. whatever the reason for choosing vegetarian is, there is no doubt that your body, mind, and spirit will be changed forever. eating gluten-free is another choice that many people are making these days, outside of a medical condition such as gluten-intolerance or celiac disease. one benefit of avoiding gluten, is the foods that often replace it, such as quinoa, brown rice, millet, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. this in itself improves cholesterol levels, promotes digestive health, and increases energy. with the locavore movement on the rise, there is no doubt that eating seasonal foods is the most health-supportive choice. food that is fresh maintains more of its nutrients and energy field. and since your dietary needs actually vary according to the seasons, it makes sense to eat this way. if you pay attention to your body’s signals, you will easily find that the types of foods that bring you satisfaction will be different in the spring, summer, fall, and winter. high water content foods in summer like lettuces and cucumber cool us down when temperatures rise, while dense, hearty winter squash and root vegetables in the colder months offer us deep nourishment and grounding heat. you will also tune into the distinct flavours of each season and appreciate the cycles of tastes and textures throughout the year. the big question for many people when wanting to make the transition to a plant-based, gluten-free diet is, “can I get all the nutrition I need to be healthy?” the answer is a resounding yes! luckily, at this moment, you hold in your hands a collection of inspired recipes that are both well-balanced and nourishing, to improve your health and feed your spirit. i hope you enjoy this winter volume from the kitchens of pinch and dash as much as I do. in love and light, Sarah B holistic nutritionist. vegetarian chef. and one of our favorite bloggers.


I can become lost in the folds of nomadic travels now and then but I still find time to pursue my passions. I travelled the world and discovered isolated corners of over 20 countries, as a rock climber, English and Spanish teacher. With a Bachelor in Fine Arts and a degree in the Master of Teaching Program at the University of Calgary, I have been teaching and creating unique curriculums for almost 10 years in Canada, Mexico and South Korea. Polka-dotted within my studies and beyond, I have accomplished many things.

who are pinch and dash?

In March of 2012, I completed a ukulele-infused album under my musical pseudonym, Mustache Fable. In 2012, I received a Permaculture Design Certificate as well as a Living Foods Lifestyle Certification at the Ann Wigmore institute. Shortly afterwards I completed the 200 hour Raw Food Educator Program from Raw Foundation Culinary Arts Institute in Vancouver, BC and I continue my studies in the science of nutrition. I have also been so fortunate to write my own cookbook, Heal and Ignite; 58 Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes to Heal your Body and Ignite your Spirit, published in 2015.

my husband and i took off to korea five years ago where a year of adventure turned into almost half a decade as we traveled the far east and found ourselves living in a tiny farming village nestled in the korean mountains. it was here that my path connected me to the most inspiring group of women and together, we built a community wellness oasis and retreat center in seoul. my time in asia was a transformative one and i left korea an insatiable traveler, a self-published author, and a mother. i’ve since settled with my husband and two baby boys into a charmingly tiny mid-century cottage in the sunny southeastern US. i spend a lot of time in the kitchen and am often hosting so i love making a simple, beautiful meal to share with friends and family. the details are just as important to me as the food and my collection of rustic pottery and vintage glass bottles (and the wildflowers sprouting up in my backyard) make that easy.


i’m a freelance stylist, vegetarian cook, and nurturer by nature. i surround myself with beautiful things (and people) that bring lightness and joy into my life.


two ladies full of passion who had once been neighbors now embark on journeys beyond them. as part of nature’s cycle, change is abound this season. everything must come full circle.

Health and creating amazing healing foods wasn’t always my top priority. Being diagnosed with IBS, as well as a gluten and dairy allergy back in 2005, I decided to delve head first into clearing up the major discomforts that my diet was causing. Armed with nothing but motivation to be a strong and healthy vegan in a non-vegan world, I have definitely required patience, imagination and education. Always with an eye for fresh foods, over the years I have discovered endless combinations and hidden secrets in nutrition – especially in raw, living foods. Looking for some grounding roots, I founded Pachavega Living Foods Education in 2013 to inspire people to take charge of their happiness and health by eating mindfully. We offer whole foods, plant-based catering, nutritional consultation and chef certification including the most amazing 40 hour Healing Whole Foods Preparation Certificate and the 70 hour *Heal and Ignite* Raw Chef Certificate. No matter how busy I get, I still have to eat. My boundless energy and creative drive are directly related to the food I nourish my body with. I am chlorella, tahini, almonds and zucchini. Food gives me a way to express myself and it gives me the utmost pleasure to share my creative expressions with my loving family, friends and all those I meet, including you.

tamari - a wheat-free soy sauce himalaya salt - a pink rock salt that can be used instead of sea salt tahini - raw sesame paste commonly used in middle eastern dishes nutritional yeast - makes a great cheese substitute and can be used in anything. made from sugarcane and beet molasses, it is a complete protein and is high in B vitamins. an essential in any vegan diet. doenjang (korea) and miso (japan) paste - a salty fermented soybean paste high in protein and rich in vitamins and minerals. agave syrup - this vegan friendly sweetener comes from the agave plant, native to the deserts of mexico. it is the same plant that brews tequila and is lower on the glycemic index than maple syrup, white sugar or honey and even a touch sweeter.

Q and A when i cook for myself...

most utilized tool in the kitchen...

D: i fire up the blender with a mix of

D: the Vitamix blender

soaked cashews, tahini, olive oil, caraway and lemon. served with hand-cut dehydrated crackers, this quick and easy cashew cheez is an ideal snack.

J: a warm bowl of brown rice with lightly steamed greens, sesame oil, nutmeg and toasted pumpkin seeds is perfection.

a pinch a dash and a handful

strange ingredients explained

J: a good (sharp!) knife favorite world cuisine...


mexican. refried black beans and avocado with fresh pico de gallo and a handmade corn tortilla just makes my mouth water.


after spending extended periods of time in the countries of some of my favorite cuisines, i’ve discovered that even my favorite food can become boring if eaten every day. variety is the spice of life!

flavor you couldn’t live without...

D: apple cider vinegar. sweet and tangy.

a splash of this natural health tonic adds a zing to any savory dish.

J: sesame oil! it gives an element of

warmth to a bowl of rice or a simple soup and is also great for your skin. i love the smell when i give myself a sesame oil facial!

eat seasonally

take time for yourself

keeping our bodies in balance is about intuitively following the changes in our environment and listening to our own body. the earth provides us with an abundance of grounding root vegetables to get us through the coldest season which help keep our energy centered and inward. combined with warming oils and spices along with whole grains, they are perfect for making hearty soups and stews to cast the chill from our bones.

ground yourself with a relaxing ayurvedic massage before your daily shower or bath. sesame is one of the warmest of oils and if you use a good quality cold pressed oil you won’t smell like roasted nuts! sesame oil helps to ease stiff, aching joints and keep hands and feet toasty by increasing circulation. get into the routine of giving yourself a massage daily and you will be filled with energy while enjoying an extra bit of relaxation in your day.

favor a warm breakfast and make a whole grain porridge with cinnamon and maple syrup or take a tip from the health-conscious japanese and start the day with a bowl of steaming miso soup. all of these foods are rich in warming and drying ‘yang’ and are just what we need to keep our bodies balanced when temperatures drop. try to avoid non-seasonal food, such as salads and raw vegetables because their ‘yin’ has a cooling effect on the body. drink spicy herbal teas throughout the day and indulge in a glass of red wine from time to time to improve circulation and relax weary winter muscles.


stay active it’s easy to fall into hibernation in winter months - it is a natural time for resting afterall. while still respecting our bodies’ need to rest and find balance, getting a bit of exercise is essential for keeping our internal fire ignited. yoga is a fantastic way to build some heat and get the lymph system moving. on milder days, take a hike in the mountains or a walk in the park and be thankful for the crisp fresh air and stillness in nature that the winter season brings.

the dark, cold months of winter can make it difficult to keep our bodies and our spirits happy. according to the ancient wisdom of ayurveda, macrobiotics and traditional chinese medicine, there is plenty we can do to keep our immune system high and stay healthy throughout the season.

rosemary root bake dig in the dirt for your favorite root vegetables! choosing at least five different roots will give you a fusion of flavors you can’t resist – variety is the key!

cut all roots into bite-sized bits. drizzle generously with olive oil. sprinkle with a few pinches of fresh rosemary and pink himalayan crystal salt. dried rosemary and sea salt will work too. in a bowl, toss together and add a clove of finely minced garlic. when the roots are coated well, bake in an open dish at 350 Âş F for an hour, tossing the veggies around halfway through. remove from the oven when the roots are tender and slightly browned.

winter greens quinoa pesto

2 cups white quinoa 4 cups water wash the quinoa very well before combining with water in a pot and cover. boil, then simmer until the quinoa has turned from white to transparent, the germ has separated and all the water is absorbed. set aside to cool.

. . . . . . 2 cups each (sesame leaf, kale, swiss chard) chopped, tough stems removed

spice a dish with love and it pleases every palate. -plautus

a handful of pine nuts a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar a quarter cup of chardonnay or any dry white wine 2 cloves of garlic, minced 2 tsp of himalaya salt a pinch of black pepper to make the pesto, blanch winter greens in boiling water for just a minute, until bright green and tender. remove and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process. place the cooled greens, pine nuts, olive oil, vinegar, chardonnay, garlic, salt and pepper in the bowl of a blender and blend, adding the oil in a steady stream until smooth. in a bowl, combine the quinoa and pesto, stirring well until grains are well coated.

a quarter cup of tahini a handful of walnuts 2 tbsp lemon juice a quarter cup of water 3 tsp tamari a tsp cumin powder a clove of garlic a tbsp maple syrup combine all in a blender until creamy. transfer to a small bowl and whisk with a fork before drizzling over the quinoa pesto. serve with a generous sprinkle of crushed pistachios.

red wine mushroom polenta

a cup of red wine 4 cups of mushrooms 4 cloves of garlic a few pinches of salt a pinch each of oregano and thyme sauté the mushrooms with the above ingredients until the liquid is mostly absorbed, about fifteen minutes. just as the mushrooms begin to brown, add a drizzle of olive oil, mix well and remove from heat.

. . . . . . a cup of corn grits or polenta 4 cups cold water ¼ cup minced onion ¼ cup rice or almond milk ½ a veggie bouillon cube 3 tsp nutritional yeast combine the polenta with four cups of cold water and bring to a simmer while constantly stirring. add the onion, and bouillon. stir for fifteen minutes as the polenta becomes thicker and watch that it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pot. before removing from heat, add the nutritional yeast and your choice of milk to make it creamier. stir well then serve topped with the aromatic mushrooms.

a mix of button, king oyster and shitaitake mushrooms will give the dish a multidimentional flavour!

miso noodle soup half a fresh green chili, seeds removed 2 cloves of garlic a knob of fresh ginger 4 cups vegetable stock or water 4-6 tbsp miso or doenjang paste to taste a tbsp tamari two handfuls of rice noodles a handful of cilantro a handful of chopped scallions lime hot sauce

. . . . . . mince chili, garlic and ginger and combine in a pot with the stock (or water ) and bring to a boil. in a separate pot of water, prepare the noodles according to the package, drain and divide between two bowls * in a separate small bowl, mix miso/doenjang paste with just a couple spoons of the boiling soup stock to dissolve the paste. add to the soup pot, stir and remove from heat. ladle the miso broth over the noodles and top with freshly chopped cilantro and scallions. finish with a squeeze of lime and your favorite hot sauce. *for a heartier soup, add some blanched winter greens, brocColi or tofu.

kabocha gnocchi with spiced creamy carrot sauce

the sauce

a large carrot, roughly chopped ½ cup rice or almond milk ½ cup almond butter a handful of shredded coconut a drizzle of maple syrup ½ cup water pinch of salt 2 tsp cumin seeds toast the cumin seeds in a dry pan for a minute or two. remove from heat and set aside. in a blender, combine the ingredients and blend on high, adding water gradually until silky smooth (save half the cumin seeds for the garnish). transfer to a pan and warm the sauce just under a boil. almond butter until silky smooth and add to the other ingredients in the blender. puree, adding water gradually until the mixture becomes creamy. return to pan, warm until just before boiling.

the gnocchi

a cup of kabocha squash (about 1 small pumpkin) 3 cloves garlic, finely minced a tsp nutmeg a tsp cinnamon 1.5 cups gluten free flour (see recipe for gingerbread) sesame oil salt and pepper to taste

quarter the squash and remove the seeds and strings. steam until the flesh is soft, then scoop it all out, discarding the skins and mashing the insides with a fork. heat a little sesame oil in a skillet over low heat and sauté the garlic for just a minute. add the squash, nutmeg, and cinnamon. stir together for another minute or two and set aside in a large bowl. add the flour to the squash - little by little - and mix to make a soft dough. don’t overknead, just mix together well. add a bit more flour if the dough is too wet and let sit for about thirty minutes. on a sheet of waxed paper, roll the dough into bite-sized balls, pressing lightly on one side with a fork. bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, gently adding the gnocchi and boiling until they float to the top - about 3 to 5 minutes. drain and serve with spiced carrot peanut sauce. drizzle with toasted sesame oil and sprinkle with toasted cumin seeds. enjoy with a friend, lover or both!

coco-nut crusted tofu a block of tofu half cup of walnuts half cup of shredded coconut

- for the marinade, combine together in a small bowl a quarter cup tamari 2 tbsp maple syrup 1 tbsp stone ground mustard put walnuts and coconut in a ziploc bag and crush using a hammer or anything you have handy. set aside. slice the tofu into half-inch thick rectangles and set the slices gently into a sealable container. drizzle the marinade between each slice, layering as you go. after letting it marinate in the fridge for about four hours, coat each slice with the coco-nut mix, sprinkling a little extra on top. bake in the oven at 200 ยบ F for 20 minutes or until browned.

. . . . . .

asian pear salsa a big asian pear half an onion, minced 2 chili peppers, seeds removed and minced half a stalk of fresh minced lemongrass (or 2 tbsp prepared) a handful of fresh cilantro, stems removed and chopped finely a tbsp of each: olive oil, lemon or lime juice, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar combine salsa ingredients in a small bowl and enjoy fresh!

“a cook should be

happy with his or

her work, content and mindful.

food is vital for all

and should be prepared

with love and positivity. such food is a gift to the world.� gemuna jinasena

mixed mushroom soup

heidi swanson’s 101 cookbooks is one of our favorites. everything on the blog is beautiful, simple and delicious. we love how heidi uses the freshest seasonal ingredients, simple cooking methods, and adds an unexpected twist to every dish. the way she used toasted sesame oil in this soup has gotten us hooked on drizzling sesame oil over everything!

. . . . . . olive oil two handfuls of mushrooms (use a variety), chopped an onion, chopped small 3 tbsp tamari 6 cups vegetable broth a drizzle of toasted sesame oil chopped chives or scallions salt and pepper using a wide soup pot, saute mushrooms in olive oil and season well with salt and pepper. cook well, stirring often, until mushrooms have released their water and have a deep earthy flavor and beautiful brown color (about 8 minutes). remove from the pot and set aside. in the same pot - heating a bit more oil - cook the onions until translucent (just a few minutes). stir in the tamari and veggie broth and simmer. add the mushrooms and cook another 10 minutes to combine all the flavors. drizzle in the sesame oil and add a bit more tamari if your broth is lacking salt. serve this deeply warming soup with a bowl of brown rice (add the rice to the bowl if you want a heartier soup) and sprinkle with fresh chives or scallions and a little extra cracked pepper if you’d like.

cranberry cumin craut “ my aunt married into a lovely lithuanian family with whom we have the pleasure to spend the holidays whenever we are home. the table is always set with the usual christmas fare but everyones’ favorites are the traditional lithuanian dishes my uncle’s mother makes. being a lover of all things pickled and fermented, the sauerkraut (kapusta) is the highlight of my holiday. but after finding out the original recipe has been lost in favor of using store-bought ‘kraut, i was determined to ferment my own using the traditional method. fortunately, on a recent trip to malaysia, i met a great lithuanian couple and we got to talking about our love for eastern european food. although they didn’t know their family’s recipe for sauerkraut, they promised they would track it down from one of their grandmothers. to my delight, i got an email a few weeks later with this recipe and, although it is different from the way it is prepared at my family’s holiday table, it still tastes like home. “ - jessica half a head of green cabbage, shredded half a head of red cabbage, shredded half a head of garlic, minced a couple handfuls of dried cranberries a couple spoonfulls of cumin seeds half a cup of vinegar - we used brown rice vinegar half a litre of warm water half a cup of oil 2 tbsp of cane sugar lots of salt toss all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix well using your hands to release water from the cabbage and bring out the flavors. put a plate on top of the mixture with a weight (we used a full teapot) to keep the cabbage submerged in its brine. cover the whole thing with a towel and leave on the countertop for two days to ferment. after the fermentation period, you can store it in a sealable container in the fridge for up to a year where it will continue to get more flavorful with time. sauerkraut is delicious as a tangy side to almost any dish but we love to saute it with mushrooms and onions to bring out its warming umami side.

mixed rice

bibimbap bibimbap is one of korea’s national dishes and certainly the one that is gaining the most popularity around the world as korean food is being put on the map. bibimbap literally means ‘mixed rice’ and is a fantastic way to use leftovers or any veggies that have been hanging out in your fridge for a while. the traditional korean version uses specific vegetables, each cooked separately to preserve their unique flavors and is topped with an egg and a dollop of spicy chili paste. but you can make some variation of satisfying bibimbap almost every day... the possibilities of combination are endless! we recommend you start the day by putting on a pot of brown rice first thing in the morning - enough to last throughout the day. when hunger strikes, throw whatever you’ve got in the kitchen on the stove and mix it all up. some winter vegetables that work well include:

julienned carrots or beets sliced mushrooms chopped winter squash spinach, kale, or any leafy greens leeks or onion pieces of pumpkin and leftovers! toasted sesame oil toasted pumpkin and sesame seeds salt to taste

. . . . . . you can saute your chosen veggies separately or toss them all together with olive oil and salt in a hot wok, just enough to lightly cook them while still keeping their nutrients in tact. add to a big bowl of steaming rice and mix well. top with toasted pumpkin, sunflower, or sesame seeds, a sprinkle of salt and a generous drizzle of sesame oil. if you want to go a more traditional way, use your favorite hot sauce instead of the sesame oil - both have a warming effect.

thai curry start with a fragrant and spicy curry paste. toast the cumin and coriander seeds in a dry pan for a few minutes being careful not to burn them. remove from heat and crush the spices (along with the peppercorns) using a mortar and pestle. toss into the blender with the remaining curry paste ingredients and blend until thick. 1 onion a can of coconut milk a quarter cup water 2 potatoes, diced a block of tofu, cubed 4 cups of bok choy or any other winter green (swiss chard tastes great too!) to make the curry paste really sing, fry it in a bit of oil in a wok or deep pan for a few minutes to release the aroma. add the onion, cooking until soft. next, add the coconut milk, water, and potatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. when the potatoes can be easily pierced with a fork, add the tofu and greens and remove from heat. serve with a squeeze of lime.

. . . . . . “ being a rock climber, i have spent many a day climbing the cliffs that shield the crystal clear andaman sea overlooking the white sand of tonsai beach in thailand. the restaurants that dot the peninsula always use the freshest ingredients to make their curries and, up until my visit there, i had only used store-bought, pre-made curry pastes. now, i will never go back. making your own curry is far more rewarding than scooping something out of a jar. this recipe will tickle your tongue with authentic character and if you close your eyes, you just might be transported to the sandy beaches of tonsai. “ - danielle

1 stalk of fresh lemongrass or 3 tbsp prepared 2 green chilies (if you like spice, add another) 1 shallot or 4 tbsp minced red onion a knob of galangal or ginger, thinly sliced ½ tbsp of each: cumin seeds, coriander seeds and black peppercorns

2 cloves of garlic 3 kaffir lime leaves 1 tbsp tamari and ½ tsp salt 2 tbsp of lime juice – fresh is best 1 tbsp maple syrup 1 tsp olive or coconut oil

curry paste

we are not afraid to be bold in the kitchen. we have had our fair share of disasters but also abundant success. all the recipes you find in this book have been experimented upon. there is no right or wrong way to cook! when your fridge is looking pretty bare but your spice cabinet is loaded, start experimenting little by little and let your imagination soar!



ginger, cumin, turmeric, coriander, mustard seed



i do w

ith a

ll th

herbs and spices?

ginger, garlic, tamari, toasted sesame oil, star anise, fennel seed, chili pepper, cinnamon


chili, cumin, cayenne pepper, cilantro, paprika, oregano


garlic, basil, oregano, thyme, marjoram, sage


kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, ginger, green chili, garlic


caraway, dill, mustard seed, pepper


allspice, bay leaves, cayenne, chili, dill seed, lemon


lavender, fennel seed, tamari


cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, cumin, ginger, garlic, turmeric


dish a e “spic love with leases it p and palette“ every


what is your favorite spice? “my favorite would still have to be chili. it adds greatly to a wide variety of cuisines and culinary styles. it aids digestion, is a mild central nervous-system stimulator, tastes awesome and is generally the one thing besides coffee I can’t live without. in my youth i was introduced to it via home cooking in dishes from mexico, asia and eastern europe. my uncle was a chef and an ex-vietnam vet who loved to experiment with it in both savory and sweet dishes (yes even desserts!). when the world’s ultimate chocolate biscuit (the Tim Tam) was released in a chili-choc version i knew there was a god, despite being an atheist. the only time it’s ever been my nemesis was as a uni-student with excess bravado ordering a mexican fireball pizza from a dodgy canberra pizzeria in australia. despite all and repeated warnings not to, a single bite had me regretting it. since that day though, not a moment of pain has passed between us.” – a. jake preston “rosemary - because here in the mountains of cataluña, spain you can smell it with every step. when you climb you can find these hidden odoriferous treats growing in cracks and pockets. and since i discovered it goes amazingly well with sweet potatoes (along with many other things), it has become my favorite herb!” – elizabeth henaff “for sure cilantro, both delightfully spicy and biting! adds that extra freshness to all sorts of things, including the ubiquitous korean ramyeon.” – adrian omni “Old Spice” – andrew howrath

lotus root a spoon or two of tamari a drizzle of toasted sesame oil a spoon or two of brown rice syrup a sprinkle of sesame seeds

one of the most special korean side dishes is caramelized lotus root. nobody makes it as good as a korean mama but we were lucky to get the recipe from a korean friend whose mom is an excellent cook.

. . . . . . wash, peel and slice the lotus root into half inch discs. blanch quickly and remove from water. in a pan, braise the lotus root in a shallow pool of fresh water until boiling. add soy sauce and bring again to a boil. add brown rice syrup and boil once more. drizzle in some sesame oil and remove from heat. garnish with sesame seeds and enjoy its sweet and salty flavor as a unique side with your favorite winter dish.

a winter poem when the earth tilts a little and your bones feel brittle,

next you step outside, and make that first stride,

you know the season is dawning

to find fog has coated your glasses

and the winds blow a bitter, while your teeth chatter chitter,

and walking the streets all eyes watching feet,

and the snow weighs down on the awning

like a spell was thrown over the masses

then the morning alarm sings, and you hit the darn thing,

what we can prescribe, to regain your vibe,

but you feel like a block of cement

are some comforting dishes to heal

and after delay, you make your sweet way,

with cashew nut cheese your friends will beg please

out of bed just to stand by the vent

and devour it all as a meal

and so you get dressed, all bundled your best,

carmelized lotus root and hot miso noodle soup

get ready to face the cold day

to eat them alone isn’t fair

alligator dry skin, frigid shivers lastin’,

licking crumbs of sweet gingerbread snuggling up in your bed

make you wish for the showers of may

this winter food is to share


the perfect sunday morning treat

a cup light vegetable oil (we used grapeseed) half a cup of water a cup brown rice syrup ½ cup of maple syrup a cup brown sugar egg replacer: 2 tbsp ground flaxseeds whisked with 6 tbsp water

3 cups gluten free flour * 1.5 tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt 3 tsp ground cinnamon a tsp ground nutmeg a tsp ground cloves 3 big tbsp grated ginger root

½ cup rice, almond, or soy milk

preheat oven to 325º F. grease a muffin tin with a bit of vegetable oil. in a small pot, combine the oil, water, rice syrup, maple syrup and brown sugar and simmer over low heat, stirring until all ingredients are blended well. remove from heat, pour into a large bowl and set aside until cool. add the flaxseed egg replacer and milk, stirring to combine. in a large bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. fold the dry ingredients into the batter, and don’t worry if you don’t get it silky smooth. stir in the ginger and spoon into the muffin tins, baking for 45-60 minutes until beautifully golden brown. when a toothpick is inserted and comes out clean, they are ready to devour. enjoy warm with a cup of chai tea.

. . . . . . *it’s easy to make your own gluten-free flour. we use this mix and it seems to do the trick. make a big batch and use it cup for cup whenever a recipe calls for flour: 8 cups rice flour 2 and 2/3 cups potato starch 1 and 1/3 cups tapioca flour a cup sorghum flour a tsp xantham gum

we dont claim to be artisan bakers but we love to experiment. feel free to tweak the amount of sweetness and spice to suit your liking and make something sinfully tasty that you can feel good about eating for breakfast!

2 cups of water 4 tbsp darjeeling tea (or any black tea) 5 green pods of cardamom a tsp black peppercorns half a star anise a tbsp cinnamon or a cinnamon stick 8 whole cloves a thumb sized piece of fresh ginger, chopped small 2 cups of rice, almond or soy milk a drizzle of maple syrup to taste

grind the above spices except for ginger using a mortar and pestle and chop ginger into the smallest pieces you can manage. Â in a pot, add cold water, spices and ginger and bring to a boil for 10 minutes as you wait for the sweet and spicy aroma to fill the air. reduce heat, add black tea and simmer for another 5 minutes. stir in the milk and maple. strain spices through a sieve and serve with warm gingerbread.

hailing from india, masala chai literally means

mixed-spice tea.

this spiced black tea has many versions and each spice adds a subtle difference in flavor. we drink tea in the kitchens of pinch and dash everyday and frequently reach for this fiery brew.

winter toddy 2 cups of boiling water 2 shots of whisky or cognac 2 cinnamon sticks 2 slices of lemon a couple pinches of nutmeg a couple tbsp of maple nectar

prepare two double old fashioned glasses. pour a shot of whisky into each. add a slice of lemon, a spoon or two of syrup and a pinch of nutmeg. pour boiling water over the spiced whisky and stir well with a cinnamon stick. serve hot to share.

a bottle of cheap red wine a couple sticks of cinnamon a handful of whole cloves a star anise a knob of ginger, thinly sliced a handful of cardamom pods, cracked a pinch of whole black peppercorns zest of half an orange zest of half a lemon sweetener (maple, maple syrup or brown sugar) to taste a generous splash of brandy (or cognac, scotch...)

don’t worry if you dont have all of the suggested spices on hand. throw in what you’ve got and experiment.

mulled wine can never turn out bad! . . . . . .

mulled wine (or glühwein or glögg as it’s called in europe) is a warm and boozy concoction of wine and mulling spices (with a little extra spirit thrown in for good measure). it’s almost as easy as uncorking a bottle and is sure to warm you up nicely after an afternoon of frolicking in the snow. to make, wrap the spices and citrus zest in a large piece of cheesecloth, tying a knot to seal the bundle. this makes it easier to strain when serving. combine the spices, wine, and spirit of your choice in a stainless steel or ceramic pot. simmer on low - being careful not to let it boil - giving it a stir here and there. when the spices have steeped to your liking, drizzle in the sweet stuff. give one last stir, have a taste and ladle into warm mugs with a wedge of lemon and a sprinkle of nutmeg.

a cup of soaked cashews a splash of purified water 2 tbsp nutritional yeast 3 tbsp lemon juice a pinch of himalayan salt (sea salt will do) a capsule of probiotic powder this cheese will produce it’s own healthy probiotics once fermented. probiotics are friendly bacteria found in the human gut. good for keeping our digestive system balanced and healthy, probiotics have a wealth of benefits to offer our bodies. whether they help us absorb nutrients from our food properly, aid in digestion or keep our immune system in check, these microorganisms will definitely keep you feeling your best! soak cashews overnight and, in the morning, drain and discard the soaking water, and place cashews in a food processor or blender along with the other ingredients. blend until smooth, adding only enough water to keep the blades running – you don’t want it too soupy. pour into a nut bag or cheesecloth and place a bowl underneath to catch the liquid that will slowly trickle out. let hang between four and six hours, allowing it to ferment. squeeze the cheesecloth to remove excess liquid and set aside the extra liquid for later. you should be able to hold the now solid ‘cheese’ in your hands and form it into a ball (or a heart). serve with a drizzle of equal parts balsamic vinegar and maple syrup and gluten free crackers.

guess what? you can use the liquid that separates from the cheese as a creamy sauce to smother pan-fried veggies! when cooked, it becomes gooey and could even fool a cheese connoisseur!

resources blogs and recipes to inspire mynewroots.blogspot.com 101cookbooks.com greenkitchenstories.com purevege.com glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com theglutenfreevegan.com xgfx.org

on our bookshelf mysore style cooking -v. sandhya

becoming vegan: the complete guide to adopting a healthy plant-based diet -b. davis, RD and v. melina, MS RD

sites we cant live without iherb.com


. . . . . . “ the wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. let food be thy medicine. �


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