TheKiteMag #15 - Italiano (Anteprima)

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£4.85 | issue #15


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Contenuti 056

IT’S ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD Hood River? Fà freddo, può essere molto rafficato, ed onestamente non sembra un posto ideale per fare kite (dove sono le palme?). Ma è ad ogni modo il centro del kite negli USA, con molti kiters residenti e molti brands che cercano visibilità. Investighiamo un po’...

076 SNAKE ISLAND Se sei in vena di avventure, sei nel posto giusto, l’Indonesia... Migliaia di isole, un numero incredibile di spiaggie, ed ovviamente due esploratori, Rob Kidnie ed il fotografo Jason Wolcott.

088 VÆ R Ø Y : M Y S U M M E R L OV E Kari Schibevaag viaggia, e molto... Migliaia di miglia ed un passaporto pieno di timbri e visti - ma è la Norvegia la sua casa, anche perchè c’è molto da scroprire.

098 I N T E R V I S TA : S T E F A N S P I E S S B E R G E R Austria. Non il solito posto dove si fà kite, ma il luogo di nascita di Stefan Spiessberger , al top della scena freestyle da alcuni anni. Ci parla dei suoi inizi in un lago austriaco, del suo primo contratto da team rider internazionale, e della scena freestyle...

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The Regulars 034

// Gallery… Rhosneigr Park Jam


// I’m On It… Sebastian Sponholtz


// Pro Tips: Foil kites


// Tangled Lines con Liam Whaley


// Under the Hood… Nobile


// Tecnica con Damien LeRoy


// In the Pipeline con Ozone


// Tell Me About It… Peter Lynn Escape + Best ROCA


// Testati…


// Kite Sista… Quanto sei alta?


// Behind the Clip… Savage Mode

COPERTINA Rob Kidnie nella speranza che questo mega-slash non allerti nessuno nel raggio di 100km... Foto: Jason Wolcott QUI RUn kiter solitario, con Capo Verde al top... Non ti piacerebbe essere lĂŹ in questo momento? Foto: Enfondo TheKiteMag | 15

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Benvenuti al numero 15 di TheKiteMag. L’estate ci ha lasciato, ed è ora di riflettere su quello che abbiamo ottenuto in questa stagione e magari ponderare un viaggio invernale. E sopratutto dove abbiamo lasciato i boots invernali lo scorso Aprile... Per aiutarci a pensare, abbiamo pensato di inspirarvi con delle destinazioni sicuramente più calde di quelle

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che state sperimentando in questo momento se siete in acqua nell’emisfero Nord. Una bellissima Guida alle destinazioni, da non perdere! Parlando invece della nostra classica rivista, ci dedichiamo in questo numero a Hood River. Una destinazione atipica, relativamente fredda e con un vento non troppo stabile, senza contare gli ostacoli naturali - ma sicumente il centro del kite made in USA. 20 pagine dedicate a questo mistero.

Quindi parliamo di avventure, agli estremi del termometro. Anzitutto Rob Kidnie e jason Wolcott in Indonesia, lontani dai confort della vita moderna... Un secret spot, inconfessabile, rimmarrĂ un segreto... Chiamiamolo Snake Island, in Indonesia. Da lĂŹ alle temperature sotto zero della Norvegia, con Kari Schibevaag in esplorazione nelle acque di casa... E per gli amanti del foil, parliamo di foil: ne volete uno? E giĂ che ci siamo, guardiamo come fare un KGB con un foil (non molti forse sono pronti per questo...) E come al solito le ultime uscite, i brands, ed un mucchio di test per i vari kit del 2017. Non ci facciamo mancare niente. Godetevi la rivista. Alex

Here's Roderick Pijls who 1) is enjoying this wave in Mauritius, and 2) has just signed with Peter Lynn. No darker months for him... TheKiteMag | 19

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LC: Qui sono all’opera con un momento all or nothing di un handlepass. Questa mossa è diventata molto popolare nell’ IKA Big Air in CIna tenutosi di recente. I giudici ci hanno detto al briefing che il rischio paga in una competizione, e con 22 nodi le opzioni erano ridotte. Il piano era di salire più in alto prossibile sfruttando l’onda...

The Team:


Editor: Alex Hapgood (

Online: If you have a clip or would like to get something on the website please send it over to us:

Sub editor: Cai Waggett Art Director: Louise Kelly Assistant Art Director: Dave Clifford Contributors: Jason Wolcott, Enfondo, Toby Bromwich, Roger Wanke, Alexandru Baranescu, Lukas Pitsch, Steve McCormack, ‘Butter’, James Boulding, Lance Koudele, Tom Magne Jonassen, Richard Varga, Damien LeRoy, Mland pictures, Alexandru Baranescu, Marcus Gracien

In the mag: TheKiteMag welcomes both written and Fotographic submissions. Fotography should be submitted in both RAW and edited format. Please note that the publication of written content is generally dependent on the provision of high quality Fotography, so in the first instance please send Fotographic samples and a 150 word synopsis of your writing to: You can find TheKiteMag on:

TheKiteMag is… BORN Published by WATER M E D I A in Hayle, Cornwall, United Kingdom.

Advertising enquiries: All material in TheKiteMag is subject to copyright. Reproduction without the express permission of the publishers will result in prosecution.

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This magazine is printed on paper sourced from responsibly managed sources using vegetable based inks. Both the paper used in the production of this brochure and the manufacturing process are FSC® certified. The printers are also accredited to ISO14001, the internationally recognised environmental standard.

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TKM: Il GKA Wave and Strapless Tour è arrivato a Mauritius il mese scorso, ed i riders hanno approfittato dell’occasione per divertirsi in tubi che non scherzano. In queste foto vediamo committment al 100%...

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A: Ho sempre amato uscire al tramonto, l’energia è speciale, forse è il colore delle nuvole illuminate dal solo, ma il vibe è veramente speciale. L’autunno è stato molto buono, dopo una estate piena di eventi in Europa è bello lasciarsi dietro lo stress in questo modo, navigando upwind fino a quando fà buio.

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TKM: Mika ha dedicato anni della suo vita ed ore ed ore in acqua alla ricerca del kite perfetto con F-ONE. Prova di tutto, e lo fa bene - e quando inizia la stagione e riceve il kit finale, quello su cui ha così tanto lavorato, è facile immaginare l’orgoglio e l’attesa - il risultato si vede in questo unhooked Railey…



LP: L’acqua qui è intorno ai 10°C, ma ne vale veramente la pena. Venti termali costanti, che passano tra le Alpi Svizzere, un gran bel panorama.


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ED: Questa foto è stata presa all’ AKS (Australian Kite Surfari), un camp che si tiene nel Queensland, Australia. “Tank Town”, conosciuta così da molti, è un piccolo camp fatto da cisterne d’acqua sulla spiaggia. Venendo da Sidney, apprezzo la solitudine che un viaggio come questo può dare.

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JT: Le Grenadine hanno bellissimi colori, e fare foto lì è veramente bello, si trovano sempre nuovi angoli, sempre interessanti. Abbiamo lasciato il JT Pro Center con la speedboat per andare a Mayreau, uno dei migliori flat spot per le foto il vento era offshore e c’erano alcune barche a vela ancorate in zone non ideali per il kite, ma ci si passa un rider alla volta e ne vale veramente la pena.

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La Ki t e Park L eague ha a vuto un gran successo nel suo anno inaugurale, con 4 e ven ti di cui l 'ultimo e finale nel Regno Uni to. Tutti i riders erano pron ti, ed la crew locale a ve va preparato il Park alla perfezione. Game on. Parole e fo tos: James Boulding

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Difficile da credere, ma Noè ha solo 17 anni, un prodigio nel freestyle, ora dedicato agli slider da soli due anni, con l 'o bbietti vo di dominare presto la part e cable/ki t e del nostro sport.

Pochi riders sono più radicali di Ewan Ja span. Dopo infortuni al ginocchio e alla spalla, con operazione e riabili tazione connessi, Ewan è ri tornato al top, con il suo stile e la sua atti tudine nei confron ti degli altri riders ch e non danno il ma ssimo. Eccolo quì con boo ts e kicker al tramon to, con un bel nose grab.

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Dopo a ver la sciato il freestyle tour 2 anni fa, Manuela ha iniziato a dedicarsi agli sliders, ed in questo e ven to ha sicuramen t e impressionato i media con il suo con trollo - il li vello delle ragazze è decisamen t e alto.

Il vinci tore indiscusso del Rhosneigr Park Jam, (ed in realtà di ogni e ven to KPL quest'a nno, così come molto spesso è già ca pi tato negli ultimi 5 anni), definisce lo standard del park riding. A ca sa nel Regno Uni to, con il suo van a Rhosneigr pieno di t è e biscotti per combattere il freddo.

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Non ca pi ta spesso di compe t ere nello spo t di ca sa. Normalmen t e Rhosneigr è più conosciuta per le onde, ma è grazie alle onde ch e si creano kickers di soli to. La nostra attenzione era però per lo più ri volta alla baia a O vest, dove l 'a lta marea genera delle pozze di acqua piatta perfette per un park.

Immancabile un bel party finale, con il weekend in stile festi val party con Syst em 2.0 e DJ se ts per tutta la notte. Chris Simpson si è particolarmen t e distin to, con un paio di se ts drum and ba ss nien t e male...

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Sebastian Sponholtz viene dal Nord dell California, facile capire come conosca le onde alla perfezione. E’ comunque in buona compagnia (Rebstock, Alldredge fra gli altri) - tutti condividono una dieta fatta di venti rafficati, acqua fredda e mareggiate importanti, cose che costruiscono un rider aggressivo e versatile. Scopriamolo.

Da buon rider strapless in Nord California, sono per lo più in spiaggie rocciose con breaks a picco e acque molto fredde. Il mio stile prevede per lo più le manovre aeree, sia in acqua piatta che fuori dall’onda. Cerco di divertirmi il più possibile quando sono in acqua, quindi fondamentale avere una tavola per tutte le occasioni. Quando sono con il kite sono o veramente in cima alla tavola per andare upwind, o tutto dietro per attaccare l’onda. Con la Climax, il punto più ampio è un filo più avanti del normale, e questo rende la mia posizione sulla tavola più centrale. Quando entri in un onda, l’effetto sul kite è drammatico a causa

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dell’incremento di velocità dovuto all’onda. Con 20 nodi, il vento apparente può diventare fino a 30 nodi. Per questo è importante tenere la coda piuttosto stretta, il che permette al rider di mettere un piede sulla tavola, rallentarela, e maneggiare meglio il vento apparente. Il deck è strutturato in modo da aiutare negli atterraggi, con dei canali che attraversano gli stringer e le fibre e che evitano la compressione della schiuma. Mi piace pensarlo come un’amaca: con questo shape, ci sono due amache di fibra che assorbono anche gli atterraggi più duri. La Climax ha al top fiberflass e tessuno Innegra, veramente bello e super flessibile, oltre ad aumentare

la resistenza del fiberglass. L’Innegra si usa anche nel fare gli scudi della polizia. La cosa che preferisco è il pop di questa tavola. E’ super veloce e la senzazione al pop è super morbida. Ho disegnato, testato, e costruito i prototipi tutto da solo. Questa tavola è stato uno dei miei progetti a cui ho lavorato e ehe ho perfezionato. Ho portato questa idea ad Evan di AXIS perchè è un buon amico e fà dei gran bei prototipi. E’ incredibile che ci sia un tour strapless, bello da vedere ma non mi ci vedo a competere. La cosa bella di un surf camp e del surf kite in generale, è che si adatta bene a qualsiasi condizione.

E TÀ : 1 9





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PERCHÈ DOVREI PROVARE UN FOIL KITE? Se vuoi un kite con un gran bel hangtime ed ottima per l’upwind, sei nel posto giusto. Perchè? Il RAM Air system ha un gliding ratio più alto, ciò vuol dire che il kite vola più verso le estremità della finestra del vento, e questo serve per l’upwind. Per saltare, un foil kite si posiziona veramente sopra di te, il lift è molto più verticale rispetto ad un classico kite. COME DIFFERISCE DA UN ALTRO KITE? La differenza principale è la pressione sulla barra, molto meno che su un kite classico. La maggior parte della forza è sulle front lines. COSA POSSO ASPETTARMI DAL DEPOWER E DAL RANGE? Questione difficile da rispondere, dipende dal tipo di foil kite si usa. In generale, il foil kite ha un depower differente. Si divide in “diretto” e “indiretto”. Un kite con un depower diretto perde potenza semplicemente lasciando la barra, classico dei kite delta e ibridi. Parliamo di indiretto se invece, quando si lascia la barra, il kite accellera all’estremità della finestra del vento per poi perdere potenza. Questo è il tipo di depower dei foil kite. Per il range, direi più o meno lo stesso, ma dipende ovviamente dal tipo di foil kite che si stà usando. COME POSSO MASSIMIZZARE IL MIO HANG TIME? La cosa più importante è il timing. Devi saltare prima, la posizione perfetta è alle 12 ed assolutamente prima che il kite vada dietro di te. Importante anche tenere l’edge sulla tavola il più a lungo possibile ed avere il depower a metà.

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COSA DEVO FARE SE IL KITE VA IN ACQUA? RELAUNCH! Seriamente, se il kite è al contrario, tira le back lines fino a che il kite sale di circa 5 metri, poi lasciale ed il kite girerà su se stesso. COME FARE UN BEL PACKING DEL KITE PER LA SESSIONE DOPO? La cosa migliore è lasciare la barra connessa e tenerla al centro del leading edge, ma non sul kite, per terra. Quindi iniziare a piegare la wingtip downwind fino a quella upwind. assicurarsi che le bridles sono nel kite, quindi piegare il kite verso il centro. Importante NON posizionare la barra nel kite, perchè la barra sarà bagnata ed il kite inizierà a puzzare. ALTRE COSE IMPORTANTI DA SAPERE PER TENERE IL KITE IN BUONE CONDIZIONI? La cosa più importante è non lasciarlo aperto in spiaggia per troppo tempo, gli UV sono molto dannosi e lo invecchiano in fretta. Anche importante che sia impaccato asciutto e pulito con acqua non salata quando necessario.

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Sei passato da essere un ragazzino ad uno fra i migliori riders al mondo. Cosa hai dovuto sacrificare per questo e come è la tua giornata classica?


Ero piuttosto molesto da piccolo, ma ho imparato fortunatamente un po’ di educazione con gli anni. La mia giornata tipo è, dopo la sveglia, capire cosa mi motiverà in quel giorno. Potrebbe essere qualcosa di produttivo o di stupido, faccio sempre quello che mi sento di fare in quel momento. Ho fatto molti sacrifici nella mia vita, sopratutto il tempo che avrei potuto passare con la famiglia, gli amici e la scuola. Il supporto però che ho ricevuto in questi anni paga per tutti gli sforzi.



Ho sentito che è più semplice uscire con una ragazza da quando sei diventato campione del mondo?


Non userei mai il mio status per uscire con una ragazza, sono orgoglioso di ciò che ho ottenuto ma non vorrei mai che una ragazza uscisse con me per quello. Se invece già mi conoscono, allora è diverso.



Sei uscito dalla scuola piuttosto presto per dedicarti al kite - ricordi quando hai preso questa decisione?



L’ultima volta che ti ho visto su uno skate hai fatto un ollie sopra la mia bici, rompendone il sellino. A parte questo, come va con lo skate?


Lo adoro, così come mi piacciono tutti gli sport con le tavole. Cerco di non esagerare per non farmi male, in fondo non sono un pro, ma ho provato l’half pipe dall’ultima volta che ci siamo visti, e sto praticando il mio BS Disaster.


Da quando avevo 15 anni avevo la sensazione di poter ottenere di più dal mondo in acqua invece che in classe. La mia visione era chiara, ci credevo e ci credo ancora.



Dopo aver vinto il primo titolo mondiale lo scorso anno, hai lavorato duro per aggiungere grabs ai tuoi già eccezionali tricks. Puoi ancora progredire, e cosa hai in mente?




Mi piace molto aggiungere grabs ai miei tricks, li rende migliori e diversi, e penso di essere unico in questo campo. La prossimo volta che ci vediamo, ti mostrerò quancosa di nuovo.

Se guardi i tuoi risultati negli ultimi anni, hanno questi cambiato il tuo modo di vivere?


No, ovviamente sono più sotto i riflettori e ricevo le cose di cui ho bisogno molto più semplicemente - la cosa forse che più è cambiata è che vado in acqua senza spingere per avere successo, ma più per superare i miei limiti, è lì la mia vera ossessione.



Cosa ti piace del Reggaeton?


Non lo ascolterei mai a casa. Sono cresciuto in Spagna, e da sempre lo si ascolta nei club, sicuramente una delle musiche più belle da ballare con una ragazza...

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Mitu Convertible La Mitu è ben nota nel mondo del surf, nonostante lo shape che può lasciare dubbiosi, è ottima in ogni condizione. Ora arrivata alla versione 4, con dei cambiamenti, il principale la possibile conversione a foil board, il che permette di risparmiare qualche €.

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North Neo E’ ancora Neo, ed in questo 2017 alcuni aggiustamenti, con un LE più piccolo nelle dimensioni minori ed un profilo più flat in quelle maggiori, per migliorare la performance. E’ bene anche ricordare che il Neo si usa di solito uno o due metri in meno di un altro classico, quindi attenti alla scelta della metratura... Se sei invece Airton Cozzolino, la metratura non conta...

RRD Spark Il range RRD quest’anno è diminuito (anche se sono aumentate le tecniche di costruzione, come si vede). Abbiamo qui la nuovissima Spark, all-round felice nelle mosse strapless come nelle sezioni più complicate di un’onda...

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ION Strike Amp Zipperless Se sei pronti ai douple pass o ai tubi, hai bisogno del massimo della flessibilità, e quindi ecconci alla Strike Amp Zipperless. Nessuna zip = più manovrabilità, più leggera e quindi più flessibile.

CrazyFly Tango Fresco fresco dalla fabbrica europea, il Tango 2017 sfrutta il successo dell’anno passato per portarci un kite super accessibile e divertente da far volare - ottimo nelle onde ma anche pronto per loops ed il freestyle...

Mystic collezione autunno/inverno Giusto a tempo, e veramente ben fatta, la collezione Mystic di mute, trapezi e accessori. Ecco il nuovo Majestic con nuovi colori e l’appena uscita Legend X, muta top-end. Come sempre Mystic non ci delude.

NP Bomb A NP sanno quello che fanno quando vogliono un trapezio super comodo e stiloso... Il Bomb offre comodità e leggerezza, per supportarti in ogni disciplina che tu voglia affrontare...

Ocean Rodeo – Stick Shift Bar & Roam E’ l’inizio di una rivoluzione? Il concetto è semplice, è un nuovo sistema di depower dove un semplice twist aumenta la potenza, ed un colpo la riduce. Abbiamo poi il Roam, il promo kite puramente wave di Ocean Rodeo, veramente molto promettente e bello da vedere, compatto con i suoi 3 struts - testato nella prossima uscita...

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Blade Trigger 9th Gen Lo abbiamo provato, e ne siamo stati impressionati super responsivo e divertente in aria, e se sei un rider in gamba noterai la differenza. E’ un all-rounder, ma potenzialmente può eccellere anche nella parte freestyle e wave...

Liquid Force NV Un 3 struts serio, un nuovo NV, nuovo profilo e geometrie, con un LE ridotto, wingtips ridisegnate, ed un nuovo schema di bridles che include una connessione a V. Tutto è cambiato, ma a Liquid Force ci assicurano che è rimasto superversatile, come in passato...

Naish Slash Naish è entrata di prepotenza nel mondo wave con lo Slash. Come sempre, è stato un processo organico, dove sono stati presi a prestito elementi da altri kite, come il Pivot... Con Quad-Tex per un kite più resistente e responsivo, lo Slash è pronto per la sfida.

Moses Fluente A tutti piace il Carbonio, ma tutti sanno che è caro. Vero? Forse non per tutte le tavole, come dimostra la Moses Fluente, con un focus freeride/wave, ma anche customizzabile verso il racing se necessario... Una delle preferite dal nostro test team, e perfetta se vuoi la tua prima foil.

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Alpinefoil 5.0 Titanium Pura tecnologia. Sicuramente non adatta ai principianti, ma ad Alpinefoil sanno come fare un foil kite.

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Hood River è sicuramente la mecca del kite negli USA, e forse del mondo. E’ un magnete per riders e brands, con condizioni uniche, uno slider park aperto al pubblico, e la cittadina di Hood River piena di sportivi di ogni disciplina, acquosa e montagnosa, che partono da qui per le loro attività. Alcuni la conoscono meglio di altri...

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Il set up dall’alto.

Foto: Lance Koudele

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Lance Koudele

Mi sono trasferito a Hood River nel 2003, a quel tempo ero un windsurfer ma ben presto mi sono spostato verso kite, ho fatto il corso e non mi sono mai voltato indietro. Sono cresciuto non lontano da Gorge, e sapevo che prima o poi mi sarei spostato lì. E così è stato, dopo aver viaggiato come uno snowboarder professionista. Il vento è la ragione principale per cui molti si spostano qui, primavera/estate/autunno il vento è garantito. E’ un posto stupendo, con lo sci e lo snowboard, e la costa non è lontana per il surf. Un’altra ragione è che adoro l’acqua non salata, soprattutto piace alla mia macchina fotografica.

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E’ il setup perfetto per i vari brand che vogliono testare le varie tavole snow/kite/SUP/surf/longboard, fra cui DaKine, Slingshot, Moonshine Longboards, North Pacific Surfboards, Ride Engine, Liquid Force, TREW GEAR, Sensi Bikinis, assieme ad altri brand più tipicamente windsurf. Qualità della vita. Il kite è tutto l’anno, ma d’inverno è un po’ duro onestamente - di solito viaggio in quel periodo per evitare la pioggia e le

nuvole. E lo stesso fanno molti locals... Baja, Maui, Utah (per la neve) sono i classici miei spots. In estate però è perfetto, affollato sicuramente, ma ottimo cibo, musica tutte le sere, bar e feste in gran numero. Play hard e party hard, un mix perfetto. L’estate passa così in un attimo, e ci si ritrova in autunno.

Il vincitore del 2016 Hood River Slider Jam , Sam Light. Foto: Lance Koudele

Il nuovo Cabrinha funbox... Foto: Lance Koudele


La lista



1) Jacks! Dov’altro puoi bere uno Scorpion Bowl, ballare fino alle 2 del mattino e mangiare cinese? 2) Sand Bar Café. Okay, è un baretto, ma perfetto per birra, live music e kiters con ragazze in bikini. 3) Marterdì sera al The Ruins - musica all’aperto in un edificio senza tetto, uno dei preferiti dai locals.


1) Double Mountain Brewery. La migliore pizza + e la migliore birra locale. 2) Lampoei’s Thai Truck. Il Pad Thai si prende qui.

4) L’ Oak Street Pub. Spesso busy, in bocca al lupo!

3) Sushi Okalani. Saki Bombs con gli amici!

5) Trillium Café. Per i tiratardi, un drink senza troppi problemi…

4) Lake Taco. Incredibili Chorizo Burritos!

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5) Celilo. Quando hai voglia di farti una doccia!

No Wind?

1) Surf nella Oregon Coast. 2) Mountain Bike Post Canyon 3) Snowboard sulla Timberline – con accesso al ghiacciaio.

4) Caffè allo STOKED ROASTERS e alla COFFEEHOUSE. 5) Giretto alla marina kite beach coi tuoi amici.

Top 5 Kite legends che si vedono settimanalmente?! 1) Corey Reseller. Leggenda del kitesurf! 2) Brandon Scheid. Il maestro dei rails. 3) Jason Slezak. Legganda del kite, surf e mountain bike. 4) Joby Cook. Il disegnatore di slider park. 5) Ken Lucas. Ultimo ma non ultimo!

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Un sogno che diventa realtà... Fotos: James Boulding

L’ Hood River slider park era la ragione per cui sono venuto a Hood River sei anni fa, era gemello del park in Cape Hatteras e le varie features fatte in plastica HDPE erano il meglio del meglio. Era un periodo d’oro, dove molti park stavano vedendo la luce, e con il book dei cable park, ed il seguente bisogno

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di features che ne scaturì, molte società iniziarono a lavorare sugli sliders. Una delle ragioni per cui andai era monitarare la costruzione di un nuovo slider per quel park. Con l’aiuto del fondatore

L ’ I N F I L T RA T O

dello Slider Park Joby Cook, i vari designs vennero creati, con uno slider con diverse vie, alcune semplici e sicure, altre ben più tecniche, Joby ci ha messo del tempo ma il risultato è stato ottimo.

E la sua introduzione è stato anche l’inizio dell’ Hood River Slider Jam, bello vedere riders contenti dopo che per la prima volta nella loro vita hanno provato uno slider, lo slider che tu hai creato - un feeling simile a quello che si ha la prima volta che riesce una water start con il kite.

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Lance Koudele conosce Hood River molto bene. Ecco 4 classici esempi che ce lo mostrano..

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Il ponte…

Una delle cose pià imponenti di Hood River è il ponte. Lungo un miglio e costruito nel 1924, è il punto di entrata se vieni dall’Oregon, verso Washington. Con un kite si fà prima, è il punto di contatto in pratica fra i due stati. E’ veramente unico, probabilmente il ponte che più appare nelle riviste di kite, sicuramente lo ricordo su alcune copertine, visto che è il simbolo di Hood River. E’ alto 17 metri sul livello del fiume, e si considera che le linee di solito sono 23m... A questo si devono aggiungere le correnti, veramente forti, ed alcuni pilastri nel bel mezzo del fiume a sostegno del ponte stesso - non è proprio il punto più sicuro ed ideale per una sessione in tutta tranquillità.

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Quindi organizziamoci un photo shooting! Con la fidata Double Agent, visto che con una twin tip andare upwind fino al ponte sarebbe pressochè impossibile con il vento così rafficato. Non che con la Double Agent il vento sia costante, ma sicuramente il migliorato angolo di attacco rende il tutto possibile, ed in fondo io devo solo fare le foto, qualsiasi cosa succeda sono pronto a fotografare!

Apollo Mission Hood River... Foto: James Boulding

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Dopo alcune prove in un pomeriggio soleggiato con vento leggero, eravamo pronti, ma con un angolo di video più

chiuso. Peccato che il tempo per i cambi, hanno portato anche ad un notevole cambiamento del vento, ed i nostri timori di poco vento sono stati subito spazzati via dal problema opposto. Troppe raffiche, che rendono Gorge piuttosto nervoso. Aggiungete a questo la marea ed il basso ponte. Forse non è chiaro quanto eravamo overpowered, con un 7 ed un 9m Apollo in acqua. Troppo, ma era la nostra unica possibilità, oltre al fatto che avevamo solo questi kite piccoli con noi. Era un modo di navigare piuttosto particolare, una lotta fatta di edging e stalling a causa delle continue raffiche, oltre ad una sorta di vento negativo che si soffre quando si passa a tutta velocità sotto il ponte. Ogni passaggio era come una vittoria, ma almeno il 50% si veniva catapultati in acqua da una raffica di 35 nodi che colpiva improvvisamente il kite quando già eravamo a tutta velocità!

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Senza una mano - coraggioso. Foto: James Boulding

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A volte meglio abbandonare il tutto, dovunque tu sia... Foto: James Boulding

River Surf

Onde su un fiume? Hood River offre anche questo, grazie ad una forte corrente ed ai venti. Come spot parliamo di Hatchery o Swell City, un poco upwind da Hood River. Il vento è stretto dal collo di bottiglia del fiume, ed il vento diventa ancora piÚ forte per intensificare la mareggiata...

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This is pretty impressively vertical hey. So impressive that it was incredibly close to being on the cover...

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Set tembre, il mese di Indonesiano di Rob K idnie, sicuro come è sicuro che il giorno segua la not te. Ci sono alcuni top spot che sono immanc abili p e r l u i , m a q u e s t a v o l t a , c o n l ’a i u t o d i G o o g l e E a r t h , è o r a d i e s p l o r a r e l ’i g n o t o c o n i l f o t o g r a f o J a s o n Wo l c o t t ...

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Quando mi hanno chiamato i ragazzi di CORE chiedendomi se avevo voglia di esplorare una remota isola tropicale dove nessuno aveva mai fatto kite, ho chiamato Jason ed ho accettato al volo. Dopo varie emails e sessioni skype con Jason, il piano era pronto. Avevamo dei dubbi sul vento, che non sembrava al top quest’anno a causa de La Niùa (dovuta agli effetti de El Niùo), e con la mia peggior stagione alle spalle in un decennio ero effettivamente perplesso. Abbiamo comprato i biglietti ed iniziato a pregare per almeno un paio di buone giornate.

Durante una pausa pranzo...

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Uno show per i locals.

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I floaters possono essere un po’ piÚ duri di quel che sembrano con il vento cross-shore... Rob comunque non ha troppi problemi e riesce a recuperare brillantemente la tensione delle linee dopo un bel float.

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-MASSACREDopo un volo un filo mosso, siamo arrivati a destinazione. Sembrava di essere in un altra era, il terreno era molto scuro e sembrava che ci fosse stato un bagno di sangue sul terreno, anche se il colore marrone scuro era semplicemente dovuto allo sputo dei locali dopo che masticano la loro droga preferita, Betel Nut, che tutti praticamente hanno in bocca continuamente Il primo spot che abbiamo fatto era uno piuttosto remoto, con nessuno attorno. Una sinistra veloce, che sembrava dipendente dalle maree visto che con la bassa era pesantemente rasa ai coralli. Una menzione speciale a questi coralli, così affilati da rendere

difficile camminarci anche con le scarpe. L’area downwind era anche piena di questi simpatici coralli, un incubo se fosse successo qualcosa al kit. Abbiamo dovuto attendere 4 giorni, un eternità, usata però per conoscere lo spot con il surf - con il vento i problemi sono aumentati, visto che non sapevamo nemmeno dove e come lanciare il kite (niente sabbia, sorry). Le onde non erano troppo grosse fortunatamente, visto che ero già nervoso, ed il vento un perfetto side shore, un filino offshore. Pensavo ci fossero dei tubi alla fine dell’onda, ma con la bassa marea il reef non permetteva di raggiungerlo in tranquillità. Ora di cambiare spot.

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Piccole ma ben formate...


Il prossimo spot nella Google Earth list era ad un’ora di distanza, bellissimo, stile Blue Lagoon o tipo quel film con Leonardo di Caprio, The Beach. Un vero e proprio paradiso tropicale, spiaggia bianca e foresta vergine, acqua cristallina. Ai lati della spiaggia c’erano due antichi villaggi, con le tombe degli abitanti di quelle caverne.

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Durante la nostra valutazione del setup, i locali si sono avvicinati, betel nut in bocca e spade in spalle, con le donne senza denti e dalla pelle color cuoio. Doccia? Lavatrice? I bambini correvano piangendo e ridendo quando vedevano i capelli biondi e la nostra pelle bianca, potete immaginare quindi lo stupore nel vedere i nostri kite. Tipo invasione aliena.

Ce l’ha fatta? Chissà... TheKiteMag | 83

Un perfetto tail slide, e subito pronto le la sezione successiva.

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Finita questa sessione, il villaggio ha terminato per ignorarmi, più affascinato dal mio kit. Specialmente le linee, probabilmente ottime per pescare... Gli sputacchi del betel nut però hanno sicuramente dato un nuovo colore al mio bianchissimo CORE... I giorni seguenti abbiamo fatto alcune sessioni extra, ma il vento era sicuramente perggiorato a causa de

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La Niña, quindi tempo per il surf! Voglio tornare a Snake Island a trovare i miei amici del villaggio, nella speranza che il dio del vento sia dalla nostra parte. Voglio ringraziare chi ha effettivamente reso possibile questo viaggio: CORE, TheKiteMag, Jason Wolcott, e la mia ragazza Anna. L’avventura di una vita…

“Adoro questo posto!”

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Perchè spendere soldi in aerei, quando c’è un paradiso freddo che ti aspetta davanti casa? Se non ti piace la compagnia e l’acqua calda, Kari Schibevaag è in buona compagnia… La piccola isola di Værøy è sempre stata un mio pallino, fino a che mi sono decisa a riempire la macchina ed a lasciare Flakstad, Lofoten, dove ho il mio activity center, Schibevaag Adventure. Era una giornata di sole e vento, e speravo di fare kite a Fredvang sotto i ponti, prima di andare verso Moskenes a prendere la barca per Værøy.

Foto: Tom Magne Jonassen e Richard Varga

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In cima a Flakstad con il mio cane Truls, con davanti la nebbiosa kite beach... TheKiteMag | 89


Fermate il traghetto… Avevo un mucchio di tempo e mi stavo godendo il viaggio, ma nei pressi di Værøy, ho notato che il vento era aumentato, e lo spot mi stava chiamando. Ero pronta a fare kite per le isole e ponti a Fredvang, ci ero passata tante volte ma mai in acqua. Da terra è bellissimo, ma ancor di più in acqua, con le montagne

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altissime ed i colori del acqua tipici di Lofoten. Indescrivibile passare fra i ponti e le isole. 3 ore di kite, e potevo non fermarmi, ma il traghetto mi stava per lasciare a terra, e c’è solo un traghetto al giorno...

Era come un water park: sotto il ponte, le montagne, acqua cristallina, e queste piccole isolette.

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SUP a Værøy - una nuova esperienza, tantissimo da vedere e la natura tutta per me.

A letto.

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Pronta a tutto In Lofoten puoi controllare i forecast, ma non sono sempre affidabili al 100%... Parliamo di isole in mezzo al niente, il tempo può cambiare in secondi, ed a questo sono preparata! A Værøy, anzitutto ho fatto un giro in macchina per avere un’idea dell’isola, più piccola di quello che pensassi, ma più bella e veramente calma. Da dove cominciare?

Il sole di mezzanotte.

Non c’era vento, quindi un giro in SUP attorno all’isola, giusto per prepararmi per il cibo e a preparare il campo base. La scelta si è rivelata semplice - free camping all’interno di una fishing boat appena ricostruita. Windguru diceva vento a fine giornata, ma mi sembrava così tranquillo che mi pareva impossibile. In realtà a fine giornata ha iniziato ad entrare un po’ di vento - perfetto per un’oretta di kite prima del mio sacco a pelo...

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What a place, what a view, 94 | TheKiteMag

, what a country I’m from! TheKiteMag | 95


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Raggiungere la vetta La mattina dopo, ancora vento, una sessione veloce prima della camminata verso Håen, il più alto piccol dell’isola a 439 metri sopra il livello del mare. La vista era mozzafiato dalla cima, così mi era stato detto, faceva caldo ed il mio zaino era piuttosto impegnativo. Felice in cima, ma anche pensierosa e meditativa, stanca dalle attività delle giornate precedenti, tutto sembrava andare nel verso giusto. Ho

posizionato la mia tenda, per rilassarmi più in comodità senza fretta. Che isola... Dopo un’ altra giornata, era già tempo di ripartire verso casa. Contenta di Værøy ma triste di lasciarla, ed allo stesso tempo felice di tornare a Flakstad. Sulla barca il mio telefono ha ripreso vita, con le news di onde e vento a Flakstadstranda. Un bel viaggio, ma bello essere a casa.

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Dalla prima volta che l’Austriaco Stefan Spiessberger ha fatto volare un kite nel 2006, sapeva che questo era il suo sport. Nonostante avesse a sua disposizione un piccolo angolo ventilato di un lago ghiacciato, ci si è dedicato completamente, ed ora lo troviamo a competere nel tour mondiale. Qualsiasi brand desidere un rider cosĂŹ motivato...

Intervista: Reemedia

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Dove tutto è cominciato... L’home spot di Stefan.

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Come hai iniziato, vivendo in una nazione circondata da montagne e senza coste? Quando ho cominciato, il lago(‘Traunsee’ in Alta Austria), dove io sono cresciuto, era già un kite spot ben noto. Non l’oceano, ed un piccolo angolo di questo lago è adatto al kite (e senza essere mai forte), ma è lo spot più bello che abbiam mai visto in vita mia! Ci facevo windsurf, ma con l’arrivo del kite ho investito tutti i miei risparmi di allora nel mio primo kit. E dopo poco eri nel team North? Non esattamente, ho fatto il mio primo deal dopo il mio primo titolo austriaco, ma con North Kiteboarding Austria - il mio scopo era essere nel team international, i miei eroi a quel tempo. Il mio training era costante, ed i risultati nel mio primo tour europeo veramente buoni. E da lì il passo a team rider ufficiale è stato breve, lo sono da 6 anni ed è perfetto per me. Viaggio per il mondo quasi ogni mese, un sogno diventato realta!

trick in tutte le condizioni, per alcuni riders questo viene molto naturale, per altri è molto più complicato. Adattarsi a tutto è quindi anche chiave per essere al top. Il passato inverno hai cambiato totalmente i tuoi piani, ed hai deciso di viaggiare molto per imparare un solo trick. Haha, sì, effettivamente volevo anzitutto passare 6 settimane a Cape Town, ma come si sa, Cape Town non è il posto ideale per il freestyle, con venti molto forti, onde, ed acqua fredda. Riders come Christophe Tack e Alex Pastor erano a Perth, e Christophe ha iniziato a chiudere il primo ‘Double Halfcaps’. Pensavo da tempo a quel trick, ne ho parlato anche con lui a lungo, e quando mi ha inviato il video, ho immediatamente cambiato programma, nuovo biglietto, di ritorno in austria per recuperare alcuni kite e Western Australia a Safety Bay con gli altri. Dopo due settimane di crash dopo crash, sono finalmente riuscito, ed ora è uno dei miei preferiti.

Cosa distingue i top 5 del tour? Direi la consistenza, ogni rider performa bene i top tricks. Quello che ancora fà la differenza è chiudere un

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Stefan alle Îles de la Madeleine, Canada... Fotos: Toby Bromwich

Tutti questi trick con il kite molto basso sono a rischio infortunio. Ti sei infortunato alcuni anni fà, giusto? C’è sempre professionale

rischio, diventa

il freestype sempre più

rischioso con il kite così basso, a causa dei bruschi atterraggi. Una spalla dislocata un paio di volte a inizio carriera ha sicuramente per alcuni anni influenzato il mio modo di essere in acqua. Poi, durante un evento in Polonia, mi sono disclocato la spalla in batteria e sono dovuto andare in ospedale, dove il dottore ha provato 5 volte a riposizionarmi la spalla. Il dolore peggiore della mia vita. Come è stato il recupero ed il ritorno? Non è mai bello infortunarsi, e tornare forte dopo un infortunio, anche mentalmente, non è facile. La mia spalla destra è quella che prende la barra in praticamente tutti i miei trickts, ci è voluto del tempo per riprovare un handle pass. Adesso riesco a vedere gli infortuni in maniera più positiva, questa esperienza mi ha insegnato a prendermi maggior cura del mio corpo

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ed a passare più tempo in palestra per evitare infortuni a monte. Viaggiare come un kiter professionale sembra un sogno. Sole, kite, beach bars, è veramente così? Certamente non è una vitaccia! Ci sono però anche delle parti negative, devi essere sempre al top fisicamente, quindi palestra, oltre ad avere un certo tipo di traininig focalizzato anche in acqua. Testare i nuovi prodotti ed allenarsi significa anche passare un sacco di tempo in aereo. Le sessioni in acqua però sono fantastiche qualsiasi cosa faccia, ed ovviamente ho un mucchio di sessioni ogni anno! Gli highlights del 2016? Un anno incredibile, ho iniziato la mia web serie ‘Without a Jersey’ dove filmo i migliori spot al mondo, veramente divertente. A livello competitivo, sono finito top 4 a Leucate. Mancava il vento per fare le semifinali, quindi primo posto a parimerito con gli altri. Miglior risultato dell’anno, sicuramente. Sono anche andato a New York per un

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Bastano gli sponsor per le spese? Assolutamente no. Difficile guadagnare abbastanza con il kite per pagarti viaggi e alberghi, considerando anche che viaggiamo un mucchio. All’inizio lavoravo parecchio fra i miei kite trips, e con un budget super basso, e dopo due mesi di viaggio classicamente ero al verde. Ho imparato però in questo modo ad apprezzare ciò che ho adesso, e sono molto contento. E la cosa più importante è che con il giusto mix di ambizione e motivazione posso ottenere ciò che voglio.

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Sessione finita a Tarifa, al tramonto, non c’è niente di meglio! Foto: Toby Bromwich

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In Grecia.

nuovo bel progetto, un nuovo modo di editare i kite video (che ormai sembrano un filo ripetitivi in stile). Quello che abbiamo fatto a New York è veramente diverso, sono piuttosto eccitato! Il nuovo formato WKL ti piace? Sì, si adatta bene al mio stile ed è più visibile per il pubblico. Come rider, c’è più pressione perchè gli errori non vengono perdonati, bisogna ben valutare rischio e punteggio. Cambia radicalmente il modo in cui ti approcci alla batteria. Chi ti ha impressionato di più? Liam sicuramente, super sicuro, bei tricks, potenti, un Nosegrab Back Mobe 5 incredibile.

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Piace anche agli altri riders questo nuovo setup? Le vibrazioni sono molto positive, l’evento WKL a Cabarate è stato molto bello, e tutti sono motivati a tornare ai fasti di un tempo. Il tour ha fatto due eventi, e siamo già a livelli piuttosto alti dal punto di vista media, con i droni che mandano un live feed e 12 persone al lavoro! Ed il tutto molto in fretta. Piani per questo inverno? Tarifa e Brasile, prima di New Caledonia per l’ultimo evento dell’anno. In inverno andrò a Cape Town, prima di tornare a Perth per preparare il mio 2017.

Backmobe 5s. Non una super novità, ma sempre uno dei miei tricks preferiti.

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D I E T R O. . .




Potete essere perdonati se pensate che Nobile sia un piccolo brand. Ma solo se non sapete niente di kitesurf. E’ infatti uno dei giganti del settore, fanno kite e tavole da molti anni, ed hanno collaborato per alcune delle super potenze del settore (potreste avere una tavola Nobile senza saperlo). Sanno quello che fanno. Per quei pochi che non lo conoscono, ci parli di Nobile? Nobile ha iniziato nel 1994, una società familiare che si basa sulla passione ed esperienza. Abbiamo due maggiori parti nel nostro business: Nobile Sports (i brand Nobile) e NBL Sport (la fabbrica di tavole). Nobile Sports possiede alcuni brands (nel kite, nello snow, nel wake e nello sci), e moltissimi amanti di questi sport usano i nostri prodotti fatti nel Sud della Polonia, a Bielsko-Biała, da ben 11 anni! Siamo super esperti in marketing e communications, ed amiamo quello che facciamo! NBL Sports è uno dei più grandi ed importanti fabbricanti di tavole al mondo, facciamo oltre 150000 sci, snowboards, kiteboards e wakeboards per i nostri clienti. Abbiamo 8000 metri quadri di

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strutture, 130 esperti al lavoro, usiamo il meglio del meglio come materiali e tecnologie. All’inizio, nel 1994, avevamo solo 80000 snowboards, con l’avvento del kite nel 2003 con Dariusz Rosiak, owner e founder di Nobile, abbiamo aggiunto il kite ai nostri prodotti, sfruttando tutto quello che sapevamo sugli snowboards. Siamo da sempre leader nell’innovazione, la vita non è male se hai una Nobile fra i piedi! Chi lavora per lo più nell’R&D? Lavoriamo come una famiglia da 21 anni, con Dariusz a capo dell’ R&D e Grzegorz Staszczuk, R&D ingeniere e designer – le menti del processo di costruzione e creatori dei foil e dei kite. Grzegorz conosce molto bene l’idrodinamica, ed è un rider di

The new kites...

grande talento. Il team si completa con Michał Kamyk, l’ R&D senior manager, responsabile del processo di produzione di tutti i prodotti Nobile, e co-designer di wake, snowboard e kite. Ovviamente tutti i nostri prodotti sono testati dal nostro team di Pro riders, dai nostri partners e da alcuni ben noti ambasciatori dei nostri kit. Avete molte tavole nel vostro range. Con la teconologia Nobile, puoi navigare più velocemente, saltare più in alto, e divertirti in maniera più sicura. La nostra collezione si basa su 5 parole: FREEDOM, TIME, GAIA, NATURESPLIT e TITAN. FREEDOM è tutto ciò che abbiamo, TIME è ciò che cerchiamo, NATURE è dove dobbiamo essere, GAIA

è ciò che ammiriamo e TITAN perchè non c’è tempo per debolezze sulla neve. Questi concetti diventano:

comoda da trasportare. Ed ovviamente è una tavola ottima se comparata alle altre tavole da kite.

Freedom.Essentials: Tavola entry level, per chi comincia la sua avventura nel kite, perfetta per scuole e per la prima tavola.

Gaia.Woman: Per le ragazze che cercano una tavola performante e dal design accattivante.

Time.Pro: Avanzata, per il wakestyle, freestyle o comunque per la new school. Specialmente costruita per chi vuole andare al next level, sia boots che straps.

Titan.Snow: Tavole da snowkite, completamente dedicate alla neve, vincitrice di premi all’ ISPO (monaco di baviera).

Nature.Split: Per chi viaggia! Nessun costo extra in aereoporto, solo con la nostra Splitboard puoi viaggiare libero da grossi bagagli - in macchina, treno, aereo o moto. La tavola si divide in due, e con la sua speciale Nobile bag è super

Siete stati uno dei primi brands, se non il primo, a sviluppare split boards - che tecnologia ha reso questo possibile, e sono popolari fra i vostri clienti? Le split boards non sono una novità, ma Nobile ci ha lavorato fin dall’inizio,

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NHP Split

NHP Carbon


Infinity Split

La collezione Nobile 2017

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Ocean Cruiser

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Darius, un uomo felice al lavoro...

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arrivando a costruire una split board durevole, resistente, e facile da montare. Abbiamo usato le nostre conoscenze in meccanica, plastica, componenti ed ingenieria per costruire diversi prototipi. E’ stato un processo lungo e complicato, e che continua tutt’ora. Il nostro obbiettivo è rendere il viaggio con un kite il più semplice e comodo possibile. Aveta anche una nuova versione dei vostri kite. Abbiamo lavorato molto sul T5 e sul 50/Fifty, per assicurarci un miglior controllo ed una migliore stabilità in aria, anche in condizioni rafficate e non stabili. La parte alta del kite è stata rinforzata, causando maggiore stabilità nel profilo del kite. Abbiamo usato in entrambi i kite materiale rip stop, aumentando nel 50/Fifty il low range e l’abilità upwind. Abbiamo anche cambiato il modo in cui cuciamo i kite, per farli durare di più. Nel nuovo T5, ogni pannello ha doppio ripstop posizionato in un solido frame di Dacron, super solido e leggero allo stesso tempo. E le novità in serbo per i prossimi mesi? Vogliamo condividere la nostra passione con più persone possibili, e creare un mondo Nobile dove ognuno si possa sentire a casa.

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F O I L I N G KG B H A N D L E PA S S COME COMICIARE Visto che c’è un mucchio di potenza sul foil, bisogna fare attenzione

Anzitutto prima di affrontare il KGB, meglio provare con un

a non essere overpowered. Prova anzitutto il feeling dell’unhook -

unhooked back rool - bisogna fare pratica con la sensazione del pop

diverso da quello di una twin tip! Prova a riprova fino ad essere più

del foil, prima di aggiungere l’handlepass. Fà un po’ paura all’inizio,

che sicuro.

ma come tutte le cose si impara fino a farlo diventare comodo. Baby steps sono necessari...

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C O M E FA R E Step 1: Come un classico KGB, crea tensione con un buon edge upwind, aspetta un filo più di quando faresti con una twin tip in quanto devi attendere che le ali del foil lascino l’acqua prima della prima rotazione a 180. Step 2: Un buon pop è fondamentale. Il foil è più pesante di una twin tip, tieni la barra vicina al bacino durante la rotazione. La cosa interessante è che durante la rotazione, il peso aiuterà il completamento della stessa.

Step 3: La cosa più importante. O completi l’handle pass, o meglio scalciare la tavola, senza timori, per evitare problemi. Se tutto è ok con l’handle pass, la tavola ti seguirà. Step 4: Guarda dove atterri, ginocchia piegate, seconda mano sulla barra. Step 5: Tieni il foil davanti a te, in modo da spingere sull’ala dietro, il che aiuta nell’assorbire l’atterraggio. Completato!

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Ozone sembra davvero avere un kite eccellente in ogni categoria: wave = Reo, lightwind = Zephyr, Freestyle = C4. Non male. Matt Taggart ci parla delle loro recenti novitĂ , e di cosa hanno in serbo per i prossimi mesi...

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Avete lanciato molti kite di successo ci parli delle vostre ultime uscite?

miracolo, con un serio miglioramento nella performance.

Quindi avete il R1 V2 uscito presto quest’anno.

Il REO V4 stà ricevendo un super feedback, il migliore mai ricevuto per un nuovo design. Rob, Dom, Torrin e Stuart nel design team, ed il nostro team di riders ed ambasciatori, hanno svolto un lavoro veramente ottimo.

Abbiamo anche un nuovo snow kite, l’Access V7, il nostro entry level, che negli anni era stato poco cambiato ma molto amato, è stato rivoluzionato. Qundi il Summit V4 per chi cerca quella performance extra, per chi vuole scalare le montagne o per i freestylers. Tutti i nostri snow kite hanno standard il re-ride safety landing system. I venti forti non sono un problema, è semplice atterrare, impaccare, e scendere.

Molti cambiamenti, questo kite è veramente cambiato e ne siamo rimasti noi stessi impressionati. Veramente maturato, tutto quello che abbiamo imparato negli anni precedenti sull design a closed cell e suoi materiali lo abbiamo messo qui. Personalmente adoro il foil, specialmente la parte racing, quindi è stato un anno veramente fantastico. Innovazione è la parola che meglio si adatta a questo kite.

A seguire lo Zephyr V5, il V4, già ottimo era stato poco rivoluzionato in passato, quindi per il V5 non è stato facile per Rob migliorare una leggenda. Il V5 vede compiuto questo

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Reo V4 Ed ha avuto la possibilità di competere. Come è andata? Subito podio. Il feedback ricevuto ci parla di un kite semplice da far volare, con incredibile performance, angoli di navigazione mai visti prima, ed una facilità di lancio, tack e gybe veramente notevole. Un design che riteniamo imbattibile. Riki Leccese, Johnny Heineken, Nico Parlier, Nico Landauer, Olly e Steph Bridge e Florian Trittel lo usano, così come i nostri giovani, Daniella Moroz, Jacob Olivier e Toni Vodisek, tutti a podio. Quindi il Reo V4. Quali sono gli aspetti importanti di questo kite?

Zephyr V5

Rob ed i ragazzi hanno creato un profilo tutto nuovo, un design super pulito con 2 struts, il che porta a migliorare la velocità e la potenza in tutta la finestra del vento. Un kite performante ma semplice da far volare. Sono appena tornato da un viaggio in Indonesia con i team riders Ryland Blakeney e Marc Ramseier ed erano piuttosto contenti… E le maggiori differenze sullo Zephyr V5? Molto più veloce in aria, anche se già il V4 era più che buono. Il V5 è più morbido, con una potenza molto modulabile e controllabile; è il kite lightwind al next level. Come il Reo V4, Rob e gli altri hanno preso spunto dal passato, sfruttando però le nuove conoscenze a livello di materiali e di processi costruttivi-

R1 V2

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Matthew Taggart se la gode. Foto: Mike Peffers

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Paulino ci mostra cosa può fare l’Enduro... Cos’è la nuova opzione Stealth?! E’ il risultato di tutti i feedback ricevuti dai nostri clienti e partners. Lo Stealth Black è stato fatto da Andy, il nostro graphic designer, un risultato veramente ottimo, il bello di avere una fabbrica tutta nostra è proprio questo. Possiamo fare tutto, dai paragliders, alle speedwings, alle paramotr wings, foil kite e LEI kite. E, cosa che non molti sanno, facciamo anche le migliori wingsuit al mondo, la Squirrel Suit. Questa è la differenza con gli altri brand, facciamo tutti

questi prodotti incredibili, allo stato dell’arte, grazie al nostro background nel design aereonautico ed alla flessibilità che avere la propria fabbrica comporta. Ed altre novità generale Ozone?



Certo! Visto che il 2016 è il decimo anniversario di Ozone Kitesurf Ltd (i gonfiabili) ed il 15imo di Ozone Kites (snow kite/foil), ed il 17imo Ozone Paragliding, sicuramente celebreremo con stile…

Matt e Rob al lavoro sul nuovo prodotto Ozone all’orizzonte...

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Tell Me About It: BEST ROCA V2

Per Best, il Kahoona è stato un gran successo. Ha insegnato a molte persone a fare kite, oltre ad essere stato un gran bel freeride/fun per molti altri. L’anno scorso ci ha abbandonato, rimpiazzato dal Roca, disegnato per percorrere il percorso iniziato dal Kahoona. Ed adesso siamo al Roca V2, ne parliamo con il design guru di Best Pete Stewie... Come è iniziato il progetto Roca, ed a che scopo? Avevo in testa di fare un freeride kite già da tempo, con il Kahoona che vendeva bene eravamo contenti, ma con due problemi: 1) Aveva la reputazione di kite per beginner, il che spaventava molti riders intermedi, e 2) Non riuscivamo più a migliorarlo senza rivoluzionare il design. Ci siamo detti quindi che fosse il momento giusto per rimpiazzare il nostro best seller con qualcosa di nuovo, ma con un range maggiore, più hangtime, salti migliori ed una stabilità maggiore. Ed ecco il Roca, Semplice e facile da usare in ogni condizione. Cosa c’è di diverso con la V2? Abbiamo sfruttato il feedback sul Kahoona, e capito che i kiters vogliono un buon hangtime - abbiamo quindi lavorato

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sull’aspect ratio per aumentare l’effetto paracadute. Ho anche lavorato sul leading edge, rendendolo più spesso verso le wing tips, aumentando così l’impulso a curvare quando necessario, e la stabilità. Abbiamo anche perfezionato il trailing edge, usando i materiali migliori ed installando nuove valvole, oltre ad altri piccoli miglioramenti. Per quanto avete sviluppato il nuovo Roca, e dove lo avete testato? C’è un ciclo annuale classico dei brand, ma a Best dipende: a volte il ciclo di sviluppo può essere più lungo, se pensiamo che il prodotto non si esattamente pronto. Quest’anno siamo stati più rapidi perchè molto era già stato testato, e bastava la semplice installazione. Ma c’è anche da considerare che non abbiamo un nuovo Cabo per esempio, per quello ci siamo presi più tempo.


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E chi testa il tutto?

Quanto è accessibile questo kite per un beginner/intermediate.

Di solito mi occupo del testing con Sam Medysky, Franz Schitzhofer e suo figlio, colleghi ed amici. Per il Roca l’ho fatto provare più o meno a chiunque volesse poi darmi un feedback. Può essere un problema fare testare un kite solo da professionisti, visto che usano il kite in modo diverso dagli altri riders.

Grazie alle wingtips, il range è veramente grande e semplice da rilanciare una volta in acqua. Il feedback della barra è ottimo, il kite è molto stabile e prevedibile in aria. La progressione nel tuo stile ed abilità è aiutata dal grado di confidenza che il Roca può darti una volta per le mani.

Il Roca è un vero freeride. Piacerebbe ad un freestyler o ad un wave rider? Penso che potrebbe piacere a chiunque, è veramente divertente, semplice e versatile. Ad alcuni puristi del C kite potrebbe piacere, dopo aver visto il suo boost. Ad ogni modo, se tutto quel che vuoi fare è dedicarti all’unhook o alle onde, meglio andare verso il GP o il Cabo. Ma se ti piace fare un po’ di tutto, il Roca è perfetto.

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Tell Me About It:


Eccoci all’ Escape V5, e non un kite qualunque, ma quello che è piaciuto così tanto vincitore dell’evento WKL a Cabarete, Alberto Cruz da farlo collaborare con Peter Lynn… Puoi parlarci dell’Escape e del suo range - a chi è dedicato? L’Escape è iniziato 5 anni fa, ed è ancora il nostro kite principale. Il primo Escape era il più versatile, dedicato ai freeriders. Ora lo cosa sono un po’ cambiate, ci sono più discipline che necessatano di una cura particolare. Pensiamo ancora tuttavia che sia necessario un kite all-rounder. Quanto tempo ha necessitato la nuova versione? Lo sviluppo del V5 è iniziato in Sud Africa all’incirca due anni fà. Ci sono voluti 18 mesi per poter mandare Willem van der Meij al KOTA a competere. Nonostante abbia mancato il podio, ha battuto dei grandi nomi, un bel risultato per Peter Lynn Kiteboarding. Ci puoi parlare delle specifiche del design? Il maggior focus dell’Escape è stato nel tessuto. C’è una

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transizione nel collegamento al LE, da una forma sferica ad una angolare. Usando pannelli specifici, abbiamo creato una transizione veramente morbida, e la combinazione di questo tessuto con il pannello a V crea un kite più resistente, che quindi necessita di meno pesanti rinforzi. Alla World Cup, alcuni pro erano interessati e l’hanno provato - che ne pensano? Hai buon occhio. Molti riders erano sorpresi dal vedere cosa questo LEI kite poteva fare contro i regolari freestyle. Specialmente con il modo di fare freestyle di adesso, più tecnico, i riders vogliono che determinate cose siano al loro posto. Ed abbiamo uno scoop, Luis Alberto Cruz lo ha adorato quando lo ha provato, grazie all’upwind ha potuto passare più tempo nel box, ed ora fà parte della famiglia PLKB!


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Che influenza ha la vostra esperienza in non-LEI kite (ARC) nel vostro kite gonfiabile? Disegnare questo tipo di kite necessita di parecchi variabili, e un kite con questa forma ARC senza bridles è il kite più stabile nel mercato ad oggi. Un po’ di questa stabilità cerchiamo di metterla nei LEI (ma siamo lontani dal famoso auto-zenith). Un’altra cosa è la conoscenza dei materiali, e di come le forme mutano sotto pressione. C’è molto di più in gioco nei foil kite, quindi sappiamo fare tessuti morbidi e perfettamente customizzati, senza creare pieghe o punti di stress che influenzerebbero negativamente

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la performance. Quindi è questo - un tessuto morbido ed uno studio di design ad hoc per valutare bene le pressioni è ciò che prendiamo dal foil. Piccoli dettagli, ma di grosso impatto. Novità per i prossimi mesi? Dal punto di vista del design, non c’è limite! Sviluppiamo di solito in parallelo diversi tipi di kite, cercando di targhettizzare vari gruppi per coprire tutte le discipline. Anticipare il mercato è chiave. Aspettate e vedrete...

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H E R E ’ S A L I T T L E TA S T E R O F W H AT T H E K I T E M A G ’ S T E S T T E A M S H AV E B E E N U P TO. Remember, these are summaries of the tests, and you can find the full results at U












The Pro Session is an entirely new board in the North range for 2017. It steps in as the



This year there is also the use of a ‘Technora’ net which adds some additional strength


along the base to add some strength here thus enabling a lighter layup across the board.


tech boards in North’s surfboard line up. The construction makes use of the carbon strip


Kontact bows out and joins the Pro CSC and the Pro Surf as the lightweight and high

and impact resistance on the deck. In terms of the shape, the Session has followed the D

direction of paddle surfing so there is additional width compared to the Kontact (the






maintains the attitude of its predecessor – so there is the rounded pin with a decent amount


5’11 comes in at 18 1/8” whereas the 5’10 Kontact was 17 3/8”). Beyond that and the Session

of rocker and concave through the bottom. On the water and the Session feels much more like the other boards in the North range to cruise around on. The extra three liters of volume compared to the Kontact mean that you don’t need to be stacked to power upwind, and you have some extra float for less than perfect conditions when you need to work your way round a closed out section. On decent waves the Session has all of the elements that you need to fully commit – it’s a board that wants to be ridden fast and it really comes into its own when you get some real speed up and start heading down the line. The pin tail gives you plenty of speed and there is then plenty of hold for fully committed carvey turns. But it doesn’t ‘just’ do this, you can really work it in less perfect waves and for a lot of riders who want something a little more high performance than the Pro Surf this would now be a really good option as well. In a sentence: The Session is a great board for those epic days (as the Kontact was) but it has now extended its usability

as a board for more average days, where it is also now definitely a contender.








The FX rewrote the rules on what you could expect from a three strut ‘performance freeride’


CABRINHA FX kite and, with the help of Nick Jacobsen, it has developed an incredibly solid rep in a relatively short amount of time. For 2017 it has benefited from technologies which can be found across their lineup, such as the Pure Profile Panels which provide a cleaner and smoother arc through the middle section of the LE, improving airflow and the kite’s profile. There are also new lower stretch bridle lines and the new Sprint inflation system which is a real improvement and is now one of the best on the market for us, with efficient inflation but – more notably – a flawless deflate and the new pinch-clip cover which doesn’t catch on the kite while you’re

wrapping it up. There is also a new size in the 5m – so you now have no excuse when the wind gets into the 40+ knot range… On the water and what we have always liked with the FX is the fact that it offers you so many options as a rider. It is equally at home boosting, unhooking, foiling or playing in the surf. This is still the case and for us the 2017 FX is notably smoother to fly. There is no wingtip flutter – the kite turns with ease and the bar pressure is bang on. The FX just gives you a safe and confident feeling the moment you get on the water, and you know that if the wind does pick up beyond its range the kite will not do anything strange. Although it is very much a performance ‘do it all’ kite, a lot of riders will take their lead from Nick Jacobsen and buy this kite for its jumping and big air potential and we found that this had been improved in the 2017 version. It feels like Cabrinha have managed to install ‘the elevator’ that is a signature of the Switchblade and, with the right technique coupled with pulling the bar down, the FX gives you that secondary lift. We didn’t expect it initially but we absolutely love it. It’s something that’s lacking in some three strut freestyle kites but Cabrinha have got it right on the money with the FX. Un-hooked, the FX is also superb with the right amount of slack when throwing your tricks. Our only slight quibble with the 9m was that it was so fast! So we would advise playing with the attachment settings if you want something a bit less lively for your freestyle tricks. In a sentence: The FX really could be a contender for best ‘bridled freestyle’ kite of 2017 – there are some

genuine improvements here – and the FX was an impressive kite to begin with…

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CORE SENSOR 2S Complementing the recent release of their iconic GTS kite – the GTS4 – CORE have also released an upgrade to their bar system to the Sensor 2S. The additional ‘S’ in the name refers to some new goings on at the chicken loop end. First up is the S-Neck which employs an angled stainless steel connection coupled with some clever attaching of the depower lines. The attachment looks a little bit crazy but the outcome is that there is completely even distribution of load between the two lines, and they are perfectly aligned with the QR. The second element is the new front line untwisting system. This uses new ceramic bearings for pretty much automatic line untwisting without having to sheet the bar all the way in to activate it. In addition to this, the lines from the depower to the QR are now Tectanium (as you get on the Pro bar), coated in plastic. The safety is then the SSF system, which stands for Supported Single Frontline. We discussed it with Eric Rienstra at the Surf Expo and it was one of the things he mentioned as having made a big difference to his riding, as the kite is ready to go again after you have put it down every time. Sometimes it’s the simple but well thought out ideas that make the biggest difference to your everyday riding experience… We rode the Sensor 2S with the new GTS4 and 24m lines and were impressed by the new features. The coated lines look and feel slicker than the old ‘exposed’ system and there was no ‘stickiness’ from the coating as you run it through the bar (although as with all coated systems we would always advise that, to avoid kinks, you pull these through and leave them loose rather than wrapping them round the bar). The new swivel was very effective – with the original Sensor bar we did find that you could end up with one or two twists right at the bottom that you would need to swivel to get out, but the new bearing and S-Neck do automatically force twists out pretty much every time. In a sentence: When it comes to being into tech, nobody else does it quite like CORE – we are always astounded by their attention to detail




is a board for no-compromise riding. The first








feature you notice is the four right angle channels on the tips which improve the board’s hold and also give it enough grip to ride finless, giving the board crossover appeal for guys who also want to ride at the cable. There are also the two channels running along the board (the ‘Edge Control Track’) which – in the absence of a big concave – provides additional grip and improves the upwind performance of the board. The layup utilizes Kevlar and ‘X Carbon’ (which runs off-axis to ensure the board doesn’t feel too stiff) so you are getting plenty of tech and durability for your $. On the water and there’s plenty of rocker so you need to ride it powered – especially if you are in bindings and not boots. Throwing down your favorite wakestyle tricks is what the Addict was built for, and loading up the edge you will find that there is plenty of bite and it really whips you up skywards on release. The amount of pop really did surprise us – but once you have this dialed in you can really use it to buy yourself some more time in the air and help to get those rotations in. Landings are pretty smooth with the channels absorbing the impact well and displacing the water to stop you getting bounced, and we found that it wasn’t too jarring on the knees. The Addict looks quite chunky but weight is slightly below average for this type of bombproof wakestyle board. In a sentence: We continue to be impressed by the boards coming out of CrazyFly’s European factory and the Addict is no exception – if you’re looking for a no compromise wakestyle board then the Addict should be on your list.

to their lineup last year as their pure it had all of the good points of the Rally for riding in the surf but with no compromises. So 2017 sees

addition of some extra sizes so you



expect from V2… Designed to be ridden hard and preferable in bindings, the Addict

Slingshot introduced the Wave SST E

it back for round two. There is the P

so we were excited to see what we could



team were impressed last time round,



wave kite. We really enjoyed it –


It was really well received and our test





their more wakestyle focused board.






range last year when it stepped in as



The Addict was introduced to the CrazyFly





















and the amount of thought that goes into their products and the Sensor 2S is a case in point.

can now get the ‘odd’ sizes, but you can

also now get the SST all the way down to 4m

(this is also partly in recognition that the kite has also been a favorite of foilers). The variables that helped to make it such a responsive kite in the surf – such as the condensed bridle and the Surf Grid supertough panel layout – are there for 2017, and this year there are some additional reinforcements in the trailing edge to reduce flutter, further reinforcements for the one pump and two new Kevlar patches to prevent bridle rub on the trailing edge. On the water the Wave SST has an incredibly solid and stable feel, there is absolutely no chance of this kite over flying you, which gives you so much confidence of its downthe-line drifting abilities. The Wave SST also maintains great turning capabilities even when fully depowered, which is hard to get right but Slingshot have it spot on. If you’re coming off the Rally then you will notice a more dynamic, positive feel through the turns which is just what you need for smooth riding in the waves. If your kite skills are good then you can generate a lot of power so you can ride the SST a size or two smaller which is of course a real plus in the surf. If you do want to ride more powered then the Wave SST has a superb top end which is also a real plus for strapless freestyle – if you want to ride it stacked then there is plenty of boost and float potential. Of course you may not just want to ride it in the surf and we also used it a lot for foiling where its smoother power delivery, wide range and agility made it a great option as well. In a sentence: The SST really is a gem – there have been some subtle improvements for 2017

and it is now a truly exceptional surf (and foiling!) kite…

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In a sentence: If you are looking for a lively all-round board with freestyle potential then the Edge is a great choice – if ‘looking great’ is also high on your list then you need look no further.

















In a sentence: A well-built, lively and enjoyable foil to ride – just about accessible enough for a beginner but it’s main appeal will be as a perfectly tuned performance option for intermediate and beyond…

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TE The un-informed amongst you may think that foiling is a relatively recent phenomenon but, do your research, and you will find GE TT IL ILITY IN O SSIB G out that it has in fact been alive and kicking and doing very well for many years in one particular European country: France. U E So when foiling suddenly hit ‘the mainstream’ there were several French companies right at the front of the R&D pack who were putting out quality foils to rival the very best that that the bigger brands were producing, and there were several other companies with the right know how waiting in the wings. One of these was Alpinefoil who blasted onto the scene with their extensive range of foils. The foil we had on test was the second version of their Access foil. The Access – as the name suggests – is their entry through to intermediate level foil. It has an 6061 T6 aluminum mast (which has been reworked slightly from the 2015 mast to reduce cavitation) a CNC milled (this takes 8 hours!) aluminum fuselage , and full carbon wings. The first thing you notice when you start to unpack and assemble it is that every last thing has been considered… It was beautifully packed and then all fitted together very quickly and cleanly. It is possible to use the carbon wings with the alu fuselage due to Alpinefoil’s Galvanic Isolator System (GIS) which separates the components. There are eight of these ‘wedges’ to choose from as they can also adjust the angle of the foil depending on your level and your style of riding... Clever. The version we had of the Alpinefoil used their KF-Box, which is their box designed specifically for the foil and provides a more solid connection than you get with a Tuttle box. We also had two mast lengths supplied, so also a shorter one for when you are starting out. It seems that they have thought of everything. But how does it go on the water? The first thing we noted was that the board (the RX–V5S) provided plenty of buoyancy and the foot straps were super-comfy. Once you send the kite and get going, the board picks up speed quickly and it is then your call – a quick pump and it comes smoothly up onto the foil or you can accelerate and it comes up nice and easily. It’s a very well balanced foil and isn’t going to scare a beginner. Once you are riding there is a good amount of response from the foil and you feel plugged in. Could you tell you were riding an alu mast if you didn’t know? Probably not… For intermediate to advanced riders there is plenty to get excited about as you can really turn the Access V2 on. Alpinefoil have clocked it at over 30 knots and you can easily believe this as there is a surprising amount of performance here for a ‘non race’ foil. Turning and carving is smooth, and it is relatively easy to ride when sailing off the wind. For us the Access V2 has all of the features that you need to get you started but then plenty of performance beyond this to keep all but the top-end racers happy. U




In a sentence: Definitely one of the surprise packages of 2016/17, the Escape is a very fun kite to fly (which we knew) but can now also add ‘solid freestyle option’ to its list of assets.

SU2 EDGE The Edge is an entirely new board from SU2. As ever with the well-established Polish brand, you can expect the aesthetics to be spot on and with the Edge they really are… There are few other brands who pay such attention to detail with their graphics and – for us – if a brand has really taken the time to get their graphics spot on then this generally also indicated that what goes on beneath the graphics has been well thought out too… Time to find out if that was the case with the Edge. The board has a hybrid core which is a combination of carbon and bamboo. The bamboo looks awesome and gives the board a premium feel but it is also practically a very sound choice and, combined with the carbon through the middle of the board, delivers a good combination of stiffness and vibration dampening. Rails are slim and the overall weight of the board is impressively low. The straps and pads are good with plenty of adjustment options, and the board is also supplied with a handle (I know, you would expect this but there are several brands now who do not ship a handle as standard!). Through the base there are some channels to aid your upwind performance and the stock fins are good quality. On the water and the SU2 is a super smooth and friendly board to ride. The bamboo gives it a really nice smooth flex, but the carbon keeps it in check and prevents it from feeling too soft. It really cuts through chop and is a delight for cruising. So for freeride it ticks all of the right boxes. If you want to boost then the Edge has a lively amount of pop and for powered freestyle TYLE BOAR you can load it up nicely and feel that ES T D E PO G carbon coming back at you with interest. R E I H P



PETER LYNN ESCAPE V5 Sometimes it feels like ‘blink and you miss it’ with kites. Amazingly the Escape is on to V5 and it is interesting to see how it has evolved over the last five years. It entered the range as a more ‘freeride/ wave’ focused kite yet it has now evolved into a more freestyle focused beast. We were pretty surprised when it featured at this year’s KOTA but were maybe a little more surprised when we got the news that Luis Alberto Cruz has signed with the brand – this is the guy who blew the doors off the competitive side of the sport when his final trick of the event in Cabarete TEST saw him overtake the best in the world and seal R DE BO N O the win. So, if you hadn’t taken notice of the ST U IN Escape before, now is the time… For V5 Peter Lynn have further improved the construction of the kite with the primary aim of ensuring that the airflow over the kite is as smooth as it can be. With their vast experience in building efficient ‘non LEI’ kites, their objective is to try and bring this efficiency and smoothness to their kitesurfing range. So there are subtle changes such as the Dacron patches on the LE being stitched inside so they do not disrupt airflow, and their ‘clean camber’ which keeps the airflow smooth, reduces fluttering and removes the need for any Dacron on the trailing edge. In the air the kite immediately feels light and responsive. For turning, the square tips and other design features provide a very nimble feeling and – for looping – it delivers more grunt than you would expect. All round freestyler performance is excellent – you can develop plenty of tension in the lines and it then provides plenty of slack line to get your rotations in. Unhooked and it flies nicely with no surprises and for boosting you can pull on the bar and there’s a steady lift and plenty of support when you are in the air. So it is a great freestyle kite – but also not the kind of kite that a beginner or intermediate would be uncomfortable riding as the power delivery is smooth and it behaves pretty intuitively…

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Con il kite si può fare molto: prendere un’onda, usare un foil, prendere slider e kicker - ma c’è solo una cosa che ci rende unici, la capacità di saltare. E molto in lato. Con questo in mente, abbiamo visto Nick Jacobsen saltare 26.7 metri, due metri in più del record

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Prese nts

Rider: Malin Amle Foto: Mland Pictures

precedente di 24.8 metri di Aaron Hadlow. Con l’emergere della WOO e PIQ, abbiamo ormai la prova provata di quanto si possa saltare, carta canta... Quindi parliamo di come saltare più in alto...

Rider: Bibiana Magaji

CONTROLLARE IL KITE Questo concetto è chiave. Basta guardare lo scoreboard della WOO per capire che i migliori hanno una storia ed un’esperienza alle spalle che gli permette di conoscere il kite nei minimi dettagli - il kite non è un lusso, ma una necessità. Per saltare più in alto possibile, devi avere un controllo del kite più che preciso. E si vede quando un rider controlla un kite alla perferzione.

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Rider: Bibiana Magaji Foto:Alexandru Baranescu

MUOVERE IL KITE IN AVANTI, NON SÙ Come si definisce un top rider? A volte ci sembra tutto così complicato quando vediamo un professioni sta in azione... Anzitutto una premessa - adoriamo il freestyle e tutti i tricks unhooked, e capiamo i professionisti che devono seguire una rotta predefinita nelle competizioni, ma a volte sembra che l’abilità di un kiter sia misurata semplicemente in handle pass e trick da eseguire. Questa idea, che è ben nota a tutti i riders, comporta due problemi fondamentali. Anzitutto può provocare frustrazione, specialmente nelle ragazze che hanno problemi nelle manovre più potenti. In secondo luogo, tutti i giovani che si avvicinano allo sport non capiscono l’importanza di un controllo semplice e puro del kite. Ed ovviamente un bel salto hooked in è veramente divertente!

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Rider: Malin Amle Foto: Mland Pictures

IL LOOP A molti kiters il loop fà paura, sembra una manovra estrema, da tentare solo se si è più che esperti. Ma fare un kite loop o far fare un loop al tuo kite non è esattamente la stessa cosa... Per esempio, il tardo loop nell’estremità della finestra del vento (o safety loop come viene chiamato a volte) è una parte fondamentale del saltare veramente in alto,

ed è usato per assicurarsi che la parte finale del proprio salto finisca in un atterragio confortevole e sicuro. E’ un problema di cultura. La maggior parte delle persone che vogliono imparare a fare kite, vogliono navigare il prima possibile, e le scuole vogliono kiters felici (e sopratutto interi). Per questo si tende a non insegnare i basici kite loops downwind.

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Foto: PIQ con North. Ora sai quanto in alto vai...

SI SONO PERSE LE SKILLS? Siediti in spiaggi e guardati intorno (ad eccezioni di Cumbuco) e noterai che la maggior parte dei riders in acqua sono beginners, che navigano tranquilli sù e giù senza troppi problemi chiudendo semplici backrolls e saltando di pochi metri. Hey, non c’è niente di male in questo, è divertente ed è la base del nostro sport, ma ci piacerebbe vedere la combinazione di tutti gli aspetti di un buon salto, il che porterebbe a dei salti veramente più alti e stilosi. 142 | TheKiteMag

QUINDI? Questo articolo nasce per motivarvi a navigare ed a praticare le abilità chiave del kitesurf, per migliorare in maniera più organica e completa. Buttate un occhio a due riders su You Tube: il primo è Dimitri Maramenides, il secondo è Brandon Scheid. Diverse generazioni sicuramente, ma entrambi con una cosa in comune, la versatilità, il talento e lo stile. TheKiteMag | 143


Savage Mode

Savage Mode è una clic con uno scopo preciso: se sai dove vuoi arrivare in una sessione, PUOI FARLO. Abbiamo Chris Bobryk e Billy Parker - nessuna folla da impressionare, o altri kiters. Puro kite (un po’ selvaggio a volte).

Dove avete filmato e quanto ci avete messo?

nel park. Ma anzitutto un bel tension builder alla Will Ferrel per cominciare!

La maggior parte a St. Pete, Florida, la città di Billy. Ci abbiamo messo 3 settimane, con un weekend a Florida Keys incluso.

Ci sono alcune combo pazzesche - deve essere piuttosto interessante capire come affrontarle?

Vi costruite i kicker da voi? Billy ha costruito i kicker ed il suo park che stà nel suo trailer che si porta dietro dovunque vada! Come mettete in sicurezza i rails? Con un gran martello li inchiodiamo al terreno. Qual’è il tuo trick preferito in questo video? L’ up-rail to kicker combo non è stata per niente male, mai vista prima, almeno da me. Nell’intro anche abbiamo rimosso tutti gli extra per andare dritti all’azione

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Andare up rail nel kicker è forse una delle cose più divertenti. Difficile ma incredibile.

dietro, cade senza possibilità di relaunch. Quindi è uno spot sempre tutto per noi! Ed il cable ovviamente - che rapporto cable/kite avete in questo viaggio? In 3 settimane, solo 7 volte il cable, ed il resto kite.

Qualche brutto colpo?

Vi siete filmati a vicenda o avevate extra crew?

Fra 0:15-0:37 un pessimo Double Mexy. Presto una clip dedicata ai crash!

Più che altro noi, con l’aiuto di Tiffany Schrader, la ragazza di Billy.

Che set up usi al momento?

E la camera?

TS kite, con la Best 141 Profanity e Billy sul suo modello custom.

Panasonic GH4 e la GoPro4.

Non male anche gli spots - dove sono? Uno spot chiamato T-Table a St. Pete, con alcuni cespugli dietro che sono piuttosto traditori, se il kite ci finisce




But, despite all these years kiting, it wasn’t until

Fast forward six months. It’s August in Canada

this past February while in Cape Town that

and the Kite Clash Canadian Nationals are

perhaps the biggest danger of kiteboarding was

happening in British Columbia. Lewis was back

brought to my attention in brutal fashion with

in action and decided, having joined the event

Lewis Crathern’s crash during the King of the

the previous year, to come back to Canada for

Air. It can be easy to forget, but we are a ‘water’

the event to compete and to be the man on the

sport and of course the biggest risk with water

mic. Day one of the event and I went out in my

is drowning….

first heat of the day and had nailed my first four

Look at most watersports: sailing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, kayaking. In most of these sports


lifejackets are commonly worn in recognition of the genuine risk of taking on water and drowning. I’d never thought about it until the Red Bull King of the Air when I watched Lewis, a

elcome to our new regular ‘signing off ’ slot… Something with a bit of meat to it. Something to leave you with a few points to ponder as you come to the end of another issue and prepare to get back on with your life. Or to head to the beach… (Or if you’ve just got this issue and are flicking through from the back to see what’s in store, then we’ll catch you later on…) Kicking us off we have Sam Medysky reflecting on the fact that two riders have been knocked unconscious in 2016 and what that means for us all…

good friend of mine and of many others, fall out of the sky during a kite loop and knock himself unconscious. At that second a lightbulb lit up in my head.


the water for a long period of time. I’ve kited for over 18 years and can honestly say I don’t have any “kook out” moments anymore. I’m not worried about an accident during launching or landing with hard objects around so I’m more concerned about getting hurt trying something technical on the water that could potentially keep me from riding for a few months.

I had completed the Heart Attack but over rotated and caught my heel edge, causing me to hit the water hard and knock myself out. I came to in the water face down with the kite pulling me downwind. While I was unconscious, Lewis, who’d seen the crash and knew what was up, had jumped in the water fully clothed and swam to my rescue. When I came around, all I could do was cough water and with the kite still pulling me I couldn’t keep my face out of the water. In my head I was saying, “Holy shit, this is it…”. Then the next thing I know I heard Lewis’s voice, “Mate I got you.” Then he lifted me up to keep my face above the water until the rescue ski arrived.
 Pretty ironic don’t you think? I watched Lewis crash in Cape Town six months prior, then here was Lewis saving me under similar circumstances. Like Lewis, I was incredibly lucky that this happened to me during an event with people watching, and I was close to shore

but it was a similar scenario.

the hospital while they drained his lungs of the

common injury for kiters and can take them off

Yes, I’d knocked myself unconscious.

nearly as much water into my system as Lewis

Lewis spent over a week in an induced coma in

ligament in the knees or shoulders is the most

And then on a ski, then at the hospital...

about 30 seconds face down in the water. I’ll

lungs. It was one of the scariest things I’ve seen.

or shoulders. It seems like torn ACLs or any

trick, then the next thing I knew I was choking.

with help to get to me quickly. I didn’t take on

was convulsing and choking on the water in his

their main worry for injuries are their knees

(S-Bend Back 3). I remember taking off for the

lifeguards, Lewis made it to shore after spending

on the backboard carrying him up the beach. He

high level for several years, they’d probably say

pretty standard trick for me – a Heart Attack

With the help of other riders in the heat and the

never forget the moment the lifeguards had him

If you ask anyone who has been kiting at a

tricks and had one trick left to go. I went for a

sea water. It is certainly lucky that this crash happened during an event, and there were other riders around (as well as trained medical staff and 5000+ spectators watching) as otherwise this could have been a different outcome for Lewis. 
 The accident really shocked the kiteboarding community and I think put into perspective the dangers involved with the sport. Yes it’s an extreme sport, yes it’s practiced in the water, and yes drowning is possible. However… Is that going to stop us from enjoying the sport we are passionate about? Me personally? Hell no! I love kiteboarding. It’s been my life since I was eightyears-old.

So, what did I take away from this event? Yes kiteboarding is an extreme sport, yes it’s practiced in the water, and yes drowning is very possible. Am I going to stop kiting? Hell No! But I have to say if this hadn’t occurred during an event with people around and medical staff then it would have been a different story… I think it’s very important to realize the dangers of kiteboarding and the potential risk of drowning. Don’t let this hold you back from enjoying the sport that we all love, but take caution. I myself always now recommend not riding further than you’re willing to swim (and if you’re a shit swimmer wear a life jacket), if you’re trying something new make sure there are people around who are watching. We can’t eliminate the dangers in our sport but we can prepare ourselves for them and try to prevent them. At the end of the day we are in the water so bear this in mind and plan for the worst. Lewis and I have had positive outcomes in 2016, so let’s keep that record going!

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Welcome to TheKiteMag’s 2016/17 Destination Guide. As we move into the colder months of the year in the northern hemisphere, those of you who fear the dark evenings and wetsuit hoods that winter brings are probably starting to get a little bit edgy… And those of you who embrace winter and the windy mayhem it can bring, well, you deserve a holiday. Whatever your motivation, the fact is that if you don’t take your kiting ‘on the road’ then you really are missing out… We aren’t like other sports: a football pitch is pretty much the same the world over, same with a swimming pool, or a tennis court. Even with sports like golf or mountain biking not a lot changes apart from the climate. Kiting is different: you can travel and you can find completely different conditions – you can find thousands of spots that are completely incomparable to ‘back home’. There are perfect waves, endless lagoons, and steady thermal breezes around every corner… And – aside from the kiting – you also get to travel and to see parts of the world you would never have considered visiting if it wasn’t for ‘the search’. Different food, cultures, philosophies… The fact is that traveling expands your horizons and makes you a better informed and more worldly person… And you get to kite. What’s not to love about that? This guide will take you through some of the spots that you should definitely have on your list of places to visit, and also introduces you to some of the companies who can help you to find your own personal kiting nirvana. And why should you trust them? Because they all love to kite too… Enjoy the guide, and we hope you find your perfect trip. TheKiteMag Team Photo: Jason Wolcott Here’s Susi Mai exploring her own personal nirvana... 2 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide


For all of the destinations you’ll find these symbols…

Flat. If freestyle is your game then this is what you’re looking for. See a 5? Book your flight… Wave. Whether you’re looking for those perfect reefs or wedgy beach breaks, score high here and you’re in. Beginner. Just starting out? Pretty much everywhere in this guide has something for you – so take your time and seek out your perfect playground. Party. For kiters who want to hang out with likeminded people on the water and in the bars at the end of the day…

DESTINATIONS 04 // Cape Town

46 // Greece

14 // Kenya

50 // Tarifa

24 // Morocco, Essaouira

58 // Fuerteventura

28 // Morocco, Dakhla

62 // Brazil

32 // Egypt

72 // Philippines, Boracay

42 // Sicily

80 // Grenadines

PROFILES 10 // KiteWorldWide

66 // bstoked

36 // Girlzactive

68 // Kite Camp Pro

40 // Sick Dog Surf

80 // ION Club

53 // Easy Riders

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Photo: High-Five Kiteschool

Why Cape Town?

South Africa is the perfect place to escape from the short, dark days of a European winter. Kiters can hit the water almost daily during the South African summer at a seemingly inexhaustible variety of spots: from freshwater lakes to world-class reef-breaks. Cape Town has steadily developed into the preferred November – March kitesurfing destination.

The wind is strong and constant. The kite spots are second to none. And once you’re out of the water, Cape Town is a vibrant, diverse city to discover – whatever your thing: from shopping, top eateries and high-end hotels to hip nightclubs and buzzing bars.

With all this variety, it’s no surprise that Cape Town is popular with professional kiteboarders, many of whom spend several months here, training for the next season. And, of course, there’s the major draw of the annual Red Bull ‘King of the Air’ event showcasing the world’s best kiting talent in February. Kitesurf locations can be found all around Cape Town – they are divided into three areas: Table Bay, in front of the city, the Cape Peninsula’s Atlantic coast, and False Bay, which faces the Indian Ocean.

Photo: High-Five Kiteschool

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The Season:


The predominant wind direction in summer (which is the main wind season) is South East. This wind is known as the Cape Doctor. In winter (May-Sept), the predominant wind direction is North West.

Bring your wetsuit! Even in summer, the temperature of the water is pretty low. A 4/3 full suit is recommended. Bring your smaller-sized kites. Usual sizes are between 5 and 9 sq m. EAST COAST:

Not as strong winds as on the West Coast.

Bring slightly larger sized kites: between 7 and 12 sq m

A 3/2 wetsuit will be enough here. Water temperatures are a bit higher. Somewhere between 18 and 22C.

Spots: Blouberg area (Cape Town)

The Blouberg area is the most well known and popular area for kite surfers and wind surfers. If the ‘Cape Doctor’ does his thing, the wind will be good! The Cape Doctor (or “die Kaapse dokter” in Afrikaans) is the local name for the strong, persistent and dry south-easterly wind that blows on the South African coast from spring to late summer (September to March).

In Blouberg, there are several beaches to choose from. From the south, the beaches are as follows: Sunset Beach, Dolphin Beach, Kite Beach and Mystic House.

Sunset Beach: this spot is particularly popular with windsurfers. The wind here is usually slightly offshore. If the Cape Doctor is active, this beach is always the first place for the wind to pick up. Sunset is also well known as the start for a downwinder for kite surfers, who head downwind to Mystic House, or even all the way to Big Bay or Haakgat.

Dolphin Beach: one of Cape Town’s most famed kite surfing spots – usually packed with kiters riding their twin tips. A great venue for beginners and intermediate kiters. Kite Beach: only a few hundred metres downwind from Dolphin, Kite Beach has a very similar vibe, but is perhaps even more popular. As the name implies, it’s the most renowned beach for kite surfing.

Mystic House: another few hundred meters downwind from Kite Beach, this stretch of beach is rarely as crowded as

Dolphin and Kite Beach. The Mystic House surf hostel, with its party vibe and laid-back accommodation, offers lessons for beginners or a pro-clinic for more experienced kiters. BIG BAY (Cape Town)

Just north of Blouberg, but still more or less connected to Cape Town, Big Bay is sheltered due to the shape of the bay, and its flat sections between the waves make it a favorite for twin tip riders. With good, clean waves in certain spots, it’s also popular with more experienced kiters. The home of Red Bull’s King of the Air, Big Bay is a perennially lively location, with shops and plenty of parking. Top Big Bay spots:

In front of the Life Savers’ club: during the season, popular with kite and windsurfers. Karma’s (or Kamers). A little downwind, Kamers is a perfect wave spot, with beautiful clean lines.

Eerste steen and Derde steen (upwind of Kamers): kiters on a downwinder from Blouberg to Haakgat will encounter exceptional beach breaks on these two beaches – but a word of warning: the waves can get pretty hollow and gnarly. Haakgat is the most famous big wave spot in Cape Town. If the swell picks up, Haakgat and its reef break is the place to be. This is a spot for experienced kite and wind surfers.

Downwinders from Blouberg and Pancake Point usually end here, and there’s no better place to enjoy a beautiful sunset and a cold beer.

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DESTINATION GUIDE 2016-2017 // CAPE TOWN Photo: High-Five Kiteschool

Photo: High-Five Kiteschool

Melkbos is the northernmost of Table Bay’s quality beachbreaks. The waves in front of this very long, sandy beach are usually well-sized, although it doesn’t generally get as windy here as further south. The further from Table Mountain you are, the later in the day the south-easterly starts– which means Melkbos is often the place to hit at the end of the day, when other spots get blown out. Langebaan and Shark’s Bay are the most famous flat-water spots of the Western Cape. Ideal for beginners and for (freestyle) flat-water lovers. The scenery is beautiful, and even if you are not in to flat water, it’s still worth the hour and a half drive from Blouberg. Note: even though Shark’s Bay & Langebaan are next to each other, the conditions can differ a lot. Don’t wait for wind all day at one of the spots. It might blow on the other side of the lagoon… Check both for the best conditions during the day.

Velddrif is a boating and fishing community located at an estuary mouth a bit further up the R27 from Langebaan. A protected system of lagoons and wide canals that stretches far back from the coastline, Velddrif offers great flat-water kiting.

Yzerfontein (west coast) can be a ‘difficult’ kite spot, but when it works, it’s one of the most incredible wavespots of the Western Cape. Experienced riders only. Yzerfontein is a point break that only goes with a proper W/NW swell. Wind will be pretty gusty, but once on a wave, you will have a blast! ATLANTIC CAPE

The Cape’s Atlantic spots offer a spectacular alternative to suburban Table Bay. The drive is an experience in itself, especially over the legendary Chapman’s Peak Drive. Unbridled, rolling Antarctic swell is the compelling case for a trip south. Plus, closer to the Cape itself, there’s a higher probability of wind. 6 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Witsands at the Cape Peninsula: perfect lines roll in on this beautiful, long white beach. It offers a certain degree of safety in cross-onshore south-easterly, but cross-off northwesterly is best for clean down-the-line riding. Park your car on the road above the spot, and walk down with your gear.

Another performer in north-westerlies is Misty Cliffs, an extremely powerful reef-break with persistently weak wind on the inside: very dicey in front of a thoroughly rocky coast. No problems launching off the sandy beach of Scarborough towards probably this region’s fastest wave. Experts only, and even they shouldn’t get too close to the kelpbeds; fall here and you’ll be washed mercilessly onto the rocks. Another adventure awaits near the Cape’s surreal southernmost tip; Platboom Bay hosts big, fast waves that break right in front of rocks, with only a sliver of sandy beach in the middle to come in on. An insider tip is in a north-westerly to launch off the northern end of the Bay and ride some gigantic sets a bit further. The only drawback is that the nature reserve demands a 55-rand admission fee per person (that’s about €6). EASTERN CAPE

It’s another world on the eastern side of the Cape. The Indian Ocean is distinctly warmer, and the beach-breaks of Muizenberg are more forgiving, with its onshore winds – fun to practice your strapless airs or try your freestyle on the flat water between the waves. INLAND

Brandvlei dam: This spot is about an hour and a half drive from Cape Town, near the town of Worcester. When the South Easterly in Cape Town is blowing like a mad scientist– aka the Cape Doctor on steroids – then take a look at the Brandvlei. A pleasant flat water spot in a beautiful scenery.

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No Wind?

It’s not all kites and parties...

Go surf or SUP at the various spots, climb Table Mountain, visit town, do a wine-tour, go to the ‘Dirty Habits playground’ for the cable 2.0 system, catch a fish or let the guys from High-Five kiteschool and adventures hook you up with one of the following activities:

High-Five Kiteschool

Vitals: Flights:

Flights from Europe are usually between €700 and €1,100 – highest prices around Christmas and New Year. Rental car:

We strongly advise you to have a rental car already waiting for you at the airport. On a budget?

Rent a cheapie – cheap rental cars that are always popular with kiters and surfers. Acker car rentals – renting old Mercedes Benz cars. If you can get over the feeling these old mercs might break down any second, these are probably the coolest kite-cars you can get! Which kites?

Depending on the season and the coast, follow the advice above to choose which kites to pack. What to wear?

Yup, you’ll need a couple of wetties. Beer:

It costs on average €1 euro for a nice cold black label bottle. Typical dinner:

A braai – the South African word for bbq – is the most popular mode of eating. Meat is a big deal out here… After hours:

Cape Town and the surrounding area

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- Many single-track options for world class mountain biking - Shark cage diving - Seal snorkeling

offer a huge variety of night-time action: clubs, stand-up comedy shows, concerts, bars and amazing restaurants – all available any night of the week. Sharks?

There are sharks in the Cape Town area. However, no kiter has ever been taken by one. There are hundreds of kiters there, and it’s generally accepted that sharks are not a problem. In fact, most spots are at the Atlantic side, where there are very few sharks. If sharks do venture into the colder waters of the Atlantic coast, they tend to go into hibernation mode and don’t eat. If you go surfing at the Indian Ocean side, for example Muizenberg, just check the flags of the shark spotters that are there daily. Price-level:

Expect to pay little less for food than in Western Europe or the us. Eating in restaurants is also cheaper, roughly 3040% of European prices, and a big night out costs about r250-500. For low-cost living, it’s possible to buy your main supplies cheaply at the supermarket. As a general rule, imported stuff is expensive, local stuff is cheap. A taxi from Table View to the city is about r150-250. Don’t forget that you get your VAT back at the airport on all goods that you buy. A typical day in Cape Town:

Chill, get a breakfast, go surfing, lunch, go kitesurfing, have a party. Everything is there, so the options are limitless.

- Freedive Apnea surf training - Tandem paraglide - Skydive

Crime & security: Crime is an issue in South Africa, but out in Table View/Big Bay, it’s relatively safe. The best advice is to be aware of where you are and avoid rougher areas: ideally, ask around about the safest places to stay when you get there. Petty crime is fairly prevalent – so follow the usual common sense rules: hide your valuables when parking your car, don’t leave your bags lying around and don’t leave stuff lying on the beach. Accomodation in Cape Town for kiteboarders:

We recommend staying in a hostel or an apartment in Table View, Blouberg or Big Bay. This is where all the kiters hang out during the day, as there are kiteshops / kitebars / restaurants and kite guest houses galore. Each of these locations offer easy access to the main spots, which are mostly just a few minutes drive away. Places to stay in Table View/Blouberg at the beachfront: - Mystic house - Endless Summer beachhouse Contact www.Capetownguru.Com for apartments Long-term rentals:

For longer stays, check Gumtree, which is aimed at locals, so the prices are more affordable, but you won’t find short-term rentals on here.

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PROFILE KITEWORLDWIDE Can you summarize what you do?

KiteWorldWide offers kitesurfing holidays to special places, with an extra focus on exclusive accommodation and a laid back community feeling. Every kite trip is a unique experience with the perfect mix of ‘accessible remoteness’, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an expert. The accommodation we operate from is chosen carefully and usually only provides space for around 40 people. In this way you’ll experience the same familiar feeling with likeminded people, wherever you go. Furthermore, in many destinations KiteWorldWide offers ‘no-worries’ packages. This means accommodation, kite courses, food and drinks are all included for before you set off, so you won’t be surprised by any extra costs on site…

And can you take lessons at all of your centers?

Yes! In all of our seven kite schools around the globe we guarantee a high standard of teaching using only the very latest 2017 CORE Kiteboarding equipment.

Austria, Switzerland and Italy. However, there are also clients from pretty much every other country in the world. Usually, wherever you travel with KiteWorldWide, you’ll meet likeminded people from various places around the globe.

How long have you and your team been kiting?

Juergen, co-founder of KiteWorldWide, was one of the first ones to get hooked. This must have been around 2002. Five years ago he got into strapless and hasn’t put a foot into a twintip ever since. The rest of the team probably got into it around 5-10 years ago. It’s a great combination of freestylers, wave fanatics and kiteloop addicts here in the office. But no matter which conditions we prefer, in the end we all share the one thing: the passion to be on the water and to explore new spots.

What makes you special compared to other kiting businesses?! There’s a few things which separate us from the rest. First

Where are you based and when were you established? of all we don’t just sell random accommodation. Everything KiteWorldWide was founded in 2009 in Hamburg, Germany. Today, KiteWorldWide has offices in the United Kingdom and Italy as well. Here at the headquarters we have 25 kitesurfing addicted people, and KiteWorldWide has around 100 more people working on site in the various destinations.

Where are most of your clients from?

Most of the clients are from the United Kingdom, Germany, 10 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

we offer is exclusive and can only be booked with us. Hence, we have our own staff on site and can constantly control and manage the quality and service provided. We also love to launch extraordinary products. Whether it’s the remote kite lodge on the coast of Kenya, the loft style mansion directly on Sunset Beach in Cape Town, or the sailing trip with the kite catamaran around the Canary islands. Furthermore, we avoid all mass tourism spots such as El Gouna, Paje or Cumbuco.




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It’s important to us that guests experience a familiar atmosphere, that breakfast and dinner are held together on a long table, and that everyone has enough space on the water to learn and progress in a relaxed manner.

Can you talk us through your most recent trip?

The last and most exciting trip was probably the Surfin Sem Fim downwinder, which Juergen has done. 400km downwind through the Brazilian wilderness. One hell of a trip as he describes: “We’ve been going from Fortaleza, through the Parnaiba Delta up until Atins. The Parnaiba Delta (known from the Rally dos Ventos and Chapter One) was a oncein-a-lifetime experience. Butter flat lagoons, which are only surrounded by massive dunes in the middle of nowhere. The whole trip we’ve just been kiting along deserted and stunningly beautiful coastlines. Every evening we’ve reached a different accommodation along the way to relax and fill up those energy reserves again. With us was Guilly Brandao, who taught us quite a bit along the way. It’s not every day

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you get the chance to kite and chill with people like him. I’m still stoked by this experience!”– Juergen, co-founder KiteWorldWide.

What do you have lined up for the next few months?

We’re super stoked to have a new partner on board: GoPro! Very soon there will be cams and accessories available in selected destinations. Furthermore there’s going to be editing stations available to guests and a dedicated GoPro teamer around.

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?! I think one has to look as this differently. They don’t spend it “with us”. They invest it in unique experiences, which will last forever. I can tell you, I’ve spent a lot of money on a lot of things. Most I’ve already forgotten about. But there’s not one single journey I’ve done which I don’t remember…

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The Season:

Why Kenya?

While the more southern African metropolis of Cape Town tends to grab the headlines, Kenya has plenty to offer in the kiting department but without the crowds. And – if you check a map – you will see that it is also closer to the equator, so that temperature dial is turned up a notch or two as well. As ‘longer haul’ kite destinations go it’s becoming ever more popular and it’s easy to see why. Aside from the plus of it being a ‘boardies/bikini’ destination, there is also an insane amount of coastline to explore, and a heap of unique experience to be had inland.

The Set Up:

Constant trade winds, a choice of sandbars, many kilometers of powder white sand beaches and large summer swells all help to make Kenya a wonderful playground for kitesurfers of all levels. Award-winning beaches, world class game reserves and a ton of other activities and sights close by also ensure that it is an incredible all-round holiday destination. You can kite from pretty much any beach in Kenya, there is always lots of space and easy access to beaches all along the coast. All areas are uncongested, safe, and have more or less the same wind and wave conditions. The wind is always side-shore or side-onshore as the coastline runs the same direction as the wind. However, Kenya does not always provide good public facilities such as toilets, lifeguards or rescue and security, so it may be best to pick somewhere that is set up for kiting in case you need repairs, rescue, or just generally a good atmosphere and some company on the water. For this, the obvious places are Diani Beach, Watamu, Che Shale and Funzi which all provide facilities for kiters. 14 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

December – March the prevailing wind is a N/NE consistent trade wind. Every day there is wind from 10am – 6pm (with 100% windy days from midDecember through to mid-February). The wind and waves are moderate and the water is less choppy and it is clear and warm. You can also dive and do SUP at this time of year, and there is very little chance of rain. March – May there is a chance of wind, but it’s usually quite light and can be onshore. It is fun for landboarding or skimboard kiting on one of the bigger flatter beaches like Galu or Che Shale.

June – September the prevailing wind is S/SE and is less consistent but stronger and more powerful. It usually kicks in around 8am and the waves and swell are bigger with a cooler water temp. The sea is also murkier as it’s agitated from all the wind and rough seas. It can rain, but usually only at night or early morning.

September – December the wind is at its lightest and generally onshore. The water is crystal clear, the weather is very pleasant and vistas are stunning. It is good for diving and SUP, and there can be some windy days so there is still a chance to kite. Continued...

Random Factoids:

Kenya has 310 miles of prime white sanded kiteboarding perfection. There is a reef around a kilometer offshore which runs pretty much the whole length of the coast making for one of the biggest, longest and most alluring lagoons on the planet. You need to be aware of the tides – they can have a pretty big range here and some of the lagoons will drain out at low tide leaving you with a bust fin or a potentially long walk home…

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No Wind?

Deep sea fishing. Best on the north coast near Che Shale. September – April.

Surf. Beginner lessons available at Kenyaways in July – August. Advanced surfers can enquire at kiteschools for the best surf spots.

Lake Naivasha. A lovely wildlife area on a huge lake – lots of flamingos, hippos, leopards, buffalo, waterbuck and zebra.

SUP. Available for rent at most kiteschools.

Snorkeling and diving. Year round with the whaleshark season November – Feburary.

Safari. Direct flights to Massai Mara from Diani or Malindi. Tsavo East National Park is a three hour drive. Skydiving. Available in Diani Beach, all year round. Landing on the beach.


Getting there:

In terms of International Airport options, you have Mombasa on the coast or Nairobi inland (and then an internal flight). So it kind of depends where you are heading and – most likely – which has the cheapest flights when you check Skyscanner. Then, for domestic flights, check out:

16 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Golf. Lots of beautiful courses throughout Kenya.

Mombasa old town. Great shopping on the streets of the old town with a unique Arab/African blend of cultures.

Nairobi. Feed giraffes at the giraffe rehab center in Karen, and adopt an orphan elephant at Daphne Sheldrick elephant orphanage. Both are reputable and responsible organizations.

2 kites? 9 & 12

Rubber: Don’t be a fool.

Beer: €2.25 / $2.45 / £1.70

Typical dinner: Mostly European cuisine in the coast beach resorts, and in all the hotels, but you can easily get a local meal of beans, chapatti, BBQ goat or beef (nyama choma) for under $2. Standards and food quality is very good, with fresh produce, especially

seafood and fruit. Coconuts are available to buy on the beach and serve as an excellent quick fix! After hours…

All the beach towns have a local beach bar where you can expect to find some like-minded travelers or residents. Night clubs are also open every night of the week.





MAURITIUS One of the most iconic set ups in the world of kiteboarding... Photo: Stephen Kleinlein

Why Mauritius ?

Whatever your chosen sport in life, there will come with it an ‘iconic’ destination. If you’re into golf it’s probably Augusta, if motor racing’s your bag then maybe it’s Le Mans, if you’re into kiting then it should be Mauritius. It is famed for the insane perfection for waveriding that is One Eye, but there is a whole lot more on offer as well. You can ‘choose your lagoon’ pretty much anywhere around the entire island, with A spot such as Bel Ombre providing freestyle perfection.

And of course you want to kite, but don’t forget that you are in Mauritius. An island idyll that is everything you imagined you’d get from white sand tropical perfection. You may think it’s a ‘once in a lifetime’ trip but once you’ve been once you’ll be back before too long…

Photo: Stephan Kleinlein 18 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide





The Season:

The main ‘guaranteed wind’ season runs from mid-March through to the end of December. The wind’s strongest in April, August, September and October. For as close as you can get to guaranteed perfection, October to January is the best bet and the water is super warm. But out of these times you can still expect to get a good percentage of days on the water and it will generally be quieter. Continued... Photo: Stephan Kleinlein


The Set Up:

Le Morne This is the busiest area for kitesurfing and where most of the schools and centers are based. The lagoon is wide and gets steady wind from the prevailing easterly direction. It is around waist deep throughout. Outside of the lagoon you will find the numerous wave options. There is Manawa to the left of the reef pass which is a great warm up with a more crossshore wind and a channel to ride off in to. As you cross the reef pass you then meet up with the various sections that make up the famous wave over here. The first section can be a bit tricky but you can leave this out and drop straight into the main One Eye wave. The wind becomes progressively more offshore as you follow the reef around. The wave is for experienced riders but the lagoon on the inside is perfect for all levels. Bel Ombre Bel Ombre is suitable for beginners, advanced kitesurfers and anything in between. The spacious lagoon has flat water which is perfect for learning. The main center here, Kite

No Wind?

Globing, teaches from the beach and you will normally find that you have plenty of space as there are no other schools based on the beach here. There are also wave options out beyond the reef (with some waves similar to One Eye), and you can also take on a downwinder towards Le Morne.

Belle Mare Leaving the south coast and there are plenty of great kiting spots all over the island – Belle Mare on the east coast is another hub with plenty of standing depth water for beginners and also with wave options outside of the reef. The wind tends to be a little lighter here than on the south coast. The North There are a couple of better known spots in the north of the island, Cap Malheureux is a super-scenic place to kite and Ande de la Raie has a couple of good wave spots. As far as dependable destinations go, the south coast is pretty unbeatable but if you are unlucky or you’re there out of season (or you fancy a change!) then there are plenty of other beaches so don’t be afraid to explore... Photo: Stephan Kleinlein

This is Mauritius! There so much to do.. Here are a few options…

On the water you can go surfing, SUPing, wakeboarding, fishing or just opt for something more sedate like booking a yacht cruise and lunch out for the day.

Frederica Nature Reserve. Go in a 4x4 or on quads around the sugarcane farms and check out some of the waterfalls and forest.

Hike Up Le Morne. You spend all day looking at this crazy rock from the water so it is great to head up and see things from the other perspective.

Photo: Stephan Kleinlein

Chill. If you have gone ‘all in’ and are staying somewhere suitably swanky then why go anywhere? Book a massage, chill in the pool, have a bottle of wine at lunch…

Random Factoids:

The main island of Mauritius is only 28 miles wide and 40 miles long. It’s of volcanic origin and is almost entirely surrounded by coral reefs. Among all developing countries, Mauritius has the highest life expectancy at 73 years The dodo bird was found only in Mauritius before it became extinct. Despite its extinction, the dodo remains Mauritius’ national animal… Mauritius gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1968. Mark Twain wrote “Mauritius was made first, and then heaven; and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.” 20 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Photo: Harry Winnington

Image Location: Le Morne, Mauritius


Planet Kitesurf Holidays offer expert advice and complete travel arrangements to the world’s very best kitesurf locations. You can expect exceptional service and superb value for money on a Planet holiday. All resorts are tried and tested by our passionate and knowledgeable team of experts.

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TheKiteMag - Destination Guide | 21

DESTINATION GUIDE 2016-2017 // MAURITIUS Airton sliding down a bomb...


Photo: Stephan Kleinlein

Getting there: Mauritius has an international airport served by most major airlines. 2 kites? 9 & 12

What to wear. From May – September bring at least a shorty or overknee, from October to April boardies/bikini and Lycra is fine. Beer: €1.50 in the local village, €4.5 in the hotels. Typical dinner:

If you’re eating local then fresh fish with rice or chicken with rice. If you’re in a hotel then something swanky. After hours…

Port Louis has exciting nightlife, otherwise the hotel bars.


+230 605 53 34 | +230 5717 53 48 ww w.kit eglobing. c om 22 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

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Why Morocco - Essaouira?

Essaouira is a great place to be if you don’t mind sharing the beach with the odd camel or two! It is known as the windy city of Africa, and with its wide endless beach it offers you the space and freedom to learn, progress and to have fun in the water. If there are 30 kites on the water it is a busy day! The vibrant old medina and harbor give Essaouira its soul and give you an insight into a charming way of life. Essaouira has managed to retain its rich culture and welcoming spirit whilst also expanding itself as a great water spots destination offering comfort and luxury in terms of riads and hotels.

The Set Up:

Essaouira is a huge endless beach which starts off from the old medina and sweeps around. The best kiting is the left side of the bay so away from the old town. Here the beach is less crowded and the wind more consistent. The curved shape of the bay and cross-on winds make it safe, and kite schools offer safety boat assistance. Protected by the Mogador Islands and harbour, cross-shore winds from the right offer ideal conditions for everyone, from beginner through to expert.

During the winter months you can kite at the rivermouth where you have flat water. There are also flat water spots at high tide and closer to the medina. In the summer it is mostly choppy open water or small waves. You also have waves to the left of the spot and past the rock you will find the second beach where the wind is clean and the waves are perfect for people just getting into waveriding. Advanced wave riders head to Moulay Bouzarktoune and Sidi Kaoki, and Explora run weekly downwinders from Moulay to Essaouria or from Essaouira to Sidi Kaouki if the conditions are good.

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The Season:

Essaouira is known as the windy city of Africa so the trade winds blow pretty much all year. From mid-March through to mid-October has the most consistent wind, with the peak through June, July and August where you can get wind 90% of the time as the huge temperature difference between land and sea accelerates the summer north easterly trade wind in the afternoons.

During the winter months, from November until the end of December, there is wind around 55-60% of the time. In January and February it drops to around 50-55% of the time.

Wind speed during the summer months is from 18-25 knots but it can get up to 35 knots during some afternoons. Essaouira is sunny all year and the temperature during the summer is between 26-30 degrees, the autumn still feels like summer – around 22-25 degrees. During the winter months it can still be jeans and t-shirt weather and last year we wore shorts until January!

No Wind?

No wind no problem in Essaouira, we are blessed with a huge amount of alternative activities. If the wind stops blowing there are always the waves so surfing, SUP and surf trips to different spots.

You can then blast across the sand dunes by quad, or gallop along the sea on horse back. There is also camel riding, mountain biking, yoga, cookery courses... The list goes on!

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Getting there

There are some direct flight to Essaouira and regular flights to Marrakech (then it is a two hour transfer) from across Europe. The other option is Agadir which is a three hour transfer. 2 kites?

7 and 9m

What to wear 3/2 Wetsuit Beer €4

Typical dinner

Lemon Chicken Tajine, BBQ fish After hours…

Taros for live music and a few beers looking out across the ocean.

26 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Random Factoids:

ssaouira is the perfect mix of beach life and rich E culture, the huge expanse of beach offers you the space and freedom to progress and have fun in the water, while the vibrant old medina and harbor give you an insight into a charming way of life.

Essaouira is known as the Windy City of Africa. here is an incredible amount of history and culture T in the town – Jimi Hendrix and other legends of the 60s visited and fell in love with the city…

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MOROCCO – DAKHLA The lagoon... Massive!





Why Dakhla?

The Season:

Dakhla is basically a huge lagoon stretching 45 kilometers. It offers you warm flat water and – even with the increase in camps – there is still plenty of space. The other side of the peninsula has three good wave spots, creating the perfect playground for kiting, whether you are learning or progressing! Dakhla is like stepping away from the everyday and providing you with a place you can just focus on your kiting – and with over 300 windy days and sunshine all year it is a safe bet that you will do.

The swell starts hitting from the end of October so the best time for waves is October through to March.

Kitesurfing in Paradise..

The Set Up:

A humongous lagoon! So plenty of space for everyone, most of the camps are located on the lagoon, some in slightly better positions than the others but regardless there is plenty of space. You can also head a few kilometers south and find the famous ‘speed spot’ at Dakhla, which works perfectly at low tide and offers butter flat water. The lagoon can be ridden at both high and low tide, though high tide provides the best opportunity for beginners as the water is waist-deep. For advanced riders the flat water at low tide doesn’t get any better… There are also a few wave spots between a 5 and 20 minute drive away. You’ll need a 4x4 to get to the spots, but schools organize regular transfers to the wave spots of Foum Lobouir and Pointe D’Or. The first is close to town and can be accessed in a normal car, and features side-shore wind from the north offering up some spectacular conditions. Pointe D’Or needs 4x4 access. There is generally less wind at the wave spots and a 4/3 or 3/2 wetsuit on the coast is a good idea. Kiteworldwide offer weekly downwind trips Duna Blanca the white dune as part of all their packages. 28 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Last year we had wind over 300 days in the year. The high season is from mid-March through to the end of October. During July and August it is windy 95% of the time. The wind is around 19 – 25 knots, although it can be stronger through July and August – around 30 knots. It’s usually lighter in the morning, then the wind increases at lunchtime until dropping off again at sunset, so it’s possible to kite all day!

The weather is good all year, between 20 and 30 degrees. Most of the year it is t-shirt and shorts weather. The evenings get chilly though (it is the desert!) so warm jumper and jeans are recommended at night time.

No wind option courtesy of Dakhla Attitude

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Liam Whaley and Marc Jacobs keeping busy...

Random Factoids:

There are world tour events here every year. Both for freestyle in the lagoon, and in the waves.

No Wind?

If the wind is not in you can always go SUPing or head to one of the wave spots for some surfing. Alternatively you could go fishing or wakeboarding. Or just take a spa or chill in the beach bar and relax with a book and a beer…


From most European airports you need to fly to Casablanca and get the connecting flight. This is now easy to do as Royal Air Maroc fly from several main airports. You then have a two hour stop to change planes 30 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

The whole lagoon-side town is ‘purpose built’ for kiting. There are no other kitesurf communities quite like it in the world! If you are feeling adventurous it is possible to head off into the desert with a 4x4 and explore some of the most remote kitesurfing spots on the planet. Lots of pros do kitecamps here over the course of the season which provide a great opportunity to hone your skills.

before heading to Dakhla. 2 kites?

7 and 9m

What to wear.

Shortie or boardies. A fullsuit for the waves. Beer: €4

Typical dinner: Lemon Chicken Tajine, BBQ fish After hours…

It’s more about relaxing and chilling with a few beers and having a good chat. Some camps have bonfires and parties…

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Random Factoids: Why Egypt ?

Just a few hours from Europe, Egypt’s year-round sunshine makes it a perennially popular destination.

Soma Bay, a small peninsula on the north-west shore of the Red Sea, draws watersports fans from across the board: from divers and snorkelers to sailors and kitesurfers. The peninsula, with its shallow white-sand beaches, is home to 7BFT KiteHouse – a kite school and hotel that caters to kiters of every ability. Soma is known for a steady side shore wind and flat warm water, and boasts a wide variety of accommodation options.

The set up:

There are two main spots in Soma Bay:

Directly in front of the 7BFT KiteHouse, with flat water even in stronger winds. Its side/side-offshore conditions in the morning turn to offshore in the late afternoons. This spot is patrolled by two safety boats, and is split into two areas: one for the kite school and the other for riding – both of which are exclusive to those staying in local hotels. Tobia Island is a small, sandy atoll just south of the peninsula, and is only accessible by boat. It has been voted one of the best flat-water spots in the world. Both spots are kiteable on any tide, and with 1.5 km of rock-free sandy beaches and over 300 days of rideable wind per year, it’s quite a solid bet that you’ll get some kiting done during your stay.

The season

Aside from the legendary 300+ days of wind per year and butter-flat warm water, there’s also more or less guaranteed sunshine the year round. Reliable, and often pretty strong (up to around 35 knots), winds blow between March and December – generally starting up at about 8am and lasting until 3-4pm daily. Wind is similarly constant in the winter, but on one or two days a week, it can be a bit lighter. The nearby Red Sea Mountains add a few more knots to the average wind speed. The mountain air cools faster than the air over the sea, causing the cool wind to accelerate over the desert towards the sea. Continued...

32 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Soma Bay is the perfect spot for all kinds of watersports, with shallow water and steady winds at the kite spot. It also has of the most stunning ‘in-house’ reefs for snorkeling and diving. The Breakers hotel, which was built with the needs of the kiters and divers in mind, is all about the vibe; it is relaxed and highly sociable and attracts a youthful, fun-loving crowd. There are free shuttle buses operating around Soma Bay: the service runs every 30 minutes between the main hotels and the 7BFT KiteHouse, which takes about 10 minutes door to door. The 7BFT KiteHouse has been operating a kitesurfing school for over eight years, with experienced VDWS instructors teaching in German, English, Italian, and Arabic, catering for everyone from absolute beginner to the advanced kiter in need of a pro clinic. Groups are never larger than four people per instructor. There is safety boat cover at all times, and each instructor has a small motor boat in order to be close to the students in deeper water. The center is open all year, with CORE, Carved, Goodboards and Best equipment available for rent. If the wind doesn’t show, there’s a ‘simulated kiteboarding’ experience – which teaches you how to waterstart from behind a wakeboat.

Alex Lewis-Hughes getting a sunset tweak in. Photo: Toby Bromwich

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No wind?

There’s a lot to do in Soma Bay in case of no wind (which is unlikely) with SUP and wakeboarding/wakesurfing at the 7BFT KiteHouse, as well as beach volleyball, soccer, slack lining and a panoramic rooftop chill-out area with views of the bay. KiteHouse’s affiliate hotel, Breakers, has a yoga area where yoga lessons run 5-6 days a week. Snorkeling and diving is on offer at an unspoilt reef, which is directly


You can reach Soma Bay via direct flights from all major European cities, or via Cairo to Hurghada International Airport. From there, it’s a 45-minute drive to Soma Bay. 2 kites?

For a 65–100kg rider: 9m + 12m

Rubber: From April till October, no wetsuit is necessary. For the rest of the year, a shorty or long wetsuit are highly recommended. Average water

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accessible via a 420m long jetty (the ORCA Dive Center is located within the hotel).

Breakers also has an open air cinema twice a week (except winter). Within Soma Bay, there are also tennis/squash courts and a golf course. Shopping opportunities are limited, but you can find most things you need in a small supermarket and pharmacy and several small shops around the marina.

temperature in summer is 27°C and in winter, 21°C.

Beer: €4 (taxes on alcoholic drinks are very high in Egypt)

Typical dinner: The Breakers offers an ‘Oriental Night’ once a week, featuring both Egyptian and Oriental food.

Try a typical ‘Bedouin Dinner’ with a huge choice of cold and warm Mezzeh and grilled meat dishes. This dinner is available at Breakers with a selection of Oriental desserts -

but must be booked in advance. After hours…

Each hotel has its own restaurants and bars. Ask for a ‘Dine Around Voucher’ from your hotel: for a small surcharge, you can then buy dinner at any of the other hotels during your stay. The Breakers offers different theme nights for dinner, twice weekly live music or DJ, an open air cinema, Sunset Boat trips with DJ and cocktails and lots more.

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PROFILE GIRLZACTIVE Owner and founder of Girzactive, Maroean Mones, tells us all about what her company has to offer. Can you summarize what you do?

We offer active kite camps, including surf, SUP, longboard, wakeboard and snowboard events for every level, from beginner through to advanced. With Girlzactive you get to discover all the board sports and you learn to practice them in a sociable and safe environment. Thanks to our professional instructors, it is possible for beginners to learn quickly. Then for our more advanced clients we have trick clinics and video analysis. We are never happier than after a good session on the water, snow or on the tarmac. But we also enjoy a relaxing evening by the campfire with good company, a nice yoga session in the morning or lazily dreaming away in a hammock during the sunset. Our goal is to share those feelings with as many girls as possible. We are

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experts at creating trips that include all of the ingredients you need for the right vibe.

Can you summarize your ‘philosophy’?

Ask anybody who has ever stood up on a kiteboard and they’ll tell you there’s nothing like that first time. It’s an incredible feeling you never forget: one that can change your life. The same is true about any other type of board. Mastering these skills is so exhilarating, not only because of the pure joy we experience when performing them, but because of the self-confidence we gain as a result. Such moments lead us to believe that if we can accomplish these feats, then there’s likely much more we can achieve in our lives through having the courage to try. So if you want to

travel with a fun and relaxed group, discover the world, discover yourself and enjoy all the good things the board sports lifestyle has to offer, then you’ve come to the right place with Girlzactive!

something completely insecure is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. But it worked out pretty well, I can say now. And most important thing is I do what I love, every day again.

Girlzactive is based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, and was Girlzactive is based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. It was officially established in November 2014 when I quit my fulltime job. Letting go of a well paid corporate job for

Most of our clients are from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Russia and the US. But anyone speaking English is welcome in our camps.

Where are you based and when were you established? Where are most of your clients from?

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How long have you and your team been kiting?

We have a core team of six, all with different skills and at different levels of kitesurfing. Yoga teacher Karina is just learning, photographer Juliette is intermediate and Vera, Kelly and Lidewij are competing – successfully! – around the world. As for myself I’m in the water coaching nine months of the year. The level is high, but more importantly, the level of teaching and coaching is even higher. We are there for our guest to improve, not to show off ourselves. .What are you doing that makes you special

compared to other kiting businesses?!

We are fully focused on female kiteboarders from 25 years of age and up. We use the different boardsports, healthy food and yoga to give our travelers a good time and new experiences on the water. Girlzactive is so much more than only kitesurfing!

What do you have lined up for the next few months? We are quite busy and have many trips planned: November / December 2016: Brasil, Kitesafari

January / February 2017: Zanzibar Kite & Yoga April / May 2017: Dakhla, Progression Camp July 2017: Turkey, Kite & More

August / September 2017: Sri Lanka, Progression & More

November / December 2017: Panama / Grenadines Kitecruise

Then in-between we have three day ‘weekenders’ around the Dutch coast during the summer months. 38 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?!

Girlzactive is not a random travel agency. Kitesurfing is the priority, but we also want to create a community where it’s not only about vacations, but about the way of life. We want to take our guests into this life and let them experience what a focus on kitesurfing, healthy food and time to ‘be who you truly are’ can do for you. We want to give them our SURF lifestyle, so the chance to share the boardsport and enjoy life; some SOUL and the chance to share all the SOCIAL aspects with other people who share the same philosophy. Nothing makes us happier than having a bunch of woman spending their time on and around the water, smiling, and having the best time of their life. That’s why Girlzactive is not just a travel company, it’s a life project.

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PROFILE SICK DOG SURF Can you summarize what you do?

Sick Dog Surf organizes kitesurf trips in the Red Sea. We call it a Kite Safari: one week on a luxury yacht exploring the best lagoons and islands that Egypt has to offer. We kitesurf from dawn til’ dusk in perfect flat water and, thanks to stable and constant winds, we sleep, eat and chill on our boat. It is a very different experience than going to kite in a kite school, we see more spots and it’s definitely more intense: a great way to learn and to progress.

Where are you based and when were you established? We started in 2014 and we are based in Egypt.

Where are most of your clients from?

Europe, mostly English, Italians, Germans and Scandinavians. We also have groups from China and Asia as well, so we are getting pretty much international.

How long have you and your team been kiting?

I started kiting in 2009, but some of our guys have been kiting since as far back as 2004.

Can you talk us through your most recent trip?

We just had a group from Hong Kong that wanted something a little different, and to experience diving and kiting in the same week. Most of them were experienced divers and kiters, while the remainder needed to learn one of the two disciplines from scratch.. We arranged a new route to take in some of the best dive spots that Egypt can offer, together with our best kite spots for that week’s wind forecast. It was pretty intense and there was a lot of activity on board during the week days, but we made the most out of that week for sure!

What do you have lined up for the next few months?

We will spend winter with our guests in Cape Verde in our Surf house, collaborating with some pro riders to organize kite camps on the beautiful island of Sal. This way we are keeping fit for the summer season, where we have many more kite safaris lined up!

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?!

A weekly kite safari offers perfect conditions both for

What are you doing that makes you special compared learning kitesurfing from scratch and for improving your skill. Egypt is a windy country, and being in the middle to other kiting businesses?! We feel we offer a unique kitesurfing experience… You live on a boat for a week and at any time you can pick up your kite and go. And when you want, you can get back on the boat. So this is literally a moving hotel, with all the comfort that a luxury yacht can offer. And all this with the sunsets and the landscapes that only Egypt can offer, and traveling together with other kite enthusiasts. It’s pretty fun! 40 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

of the Red Sea helps us to have even better winds (stronger and more stable). Lagoons and the sand banks are flat and wide and there is plenty of space for everyone, and we also do some downwinders. The boat is very comfortable and it’s perfect to recharge your batteries between sessions. But it’s a lot of kitesurfing so you had better be ready…!

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Why Sicily?

It’s a little-known fact that Sicily is home to one of the best spots for kitesurfing in Europe… With a huge, shallow, flat-water lagoon, Lo Stagnone is situated at the westernmost part of the island, on an unspoilt nature reserve – perfect for learning and enjoying kiteboarding. Winds are steady throughout the year and temperatures are generally pretty balmy. The water temperature, due to the shallowness and sheltered nature of the lagoon, can be positively hot. Beginners benefit from unchallenged conditions – the lagoon has a soft, sandy bottom, and there’s a large meadow for lessons. Advanced kiters are no longer limited by safety area boundaries, and are free to explore the lagoon to its furthest edges – taking in the expanse of salt pans dotted with red-tiled windmills and little islands. Expert freestyle riders will have a blast on the many various flat water spots created by the islands and by the salina walls that surround the salt-pans.





The Set-Up:

The hotel complex of the Alby Rondina ProKite kite school is located right on the beach, only 10 minutes away from the nearest airport at Trapani-Birgi. At the beach there’s a compressor and large area for set up, launching and landing kites. Beginners’ lessons take place on a wide, grassy area, and in the water close to the beach, which is safe and supervised. Advanced riders are asked to keep their distance from the students and cruise the lagoon, where there are literally thousands of hectares of space to find your perfect spot. Right on the waterfront are some newly built apartments for kitesurfers, and lining the roads nearby are many B&Bs and cottages whose terraces fill up in the evenings with locals and visitors alike, playing guitar, socializing and hanging out. Stagnone is open to the sea at two points: in the north at San Teodoro, and in the south, close to the city of Marsala. The shallow waters are easily warmed by the sun. Lo Stagnone is located halfway between the cities of Marsala and Trapani.

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The Season:

With over 300 windy days per year, you can pick pretty much any time to kitesurf at Lo Stagnone.

The conditions created by temperature difference between the open cold sea and the much warmer waters of the shallow lagoon create thermal winds from north and south. Often, even when there is no wind forecast, Lo Stagnone will still receive these strong thermal winds – making it one of the windiest kite spots in Italy.

Aside from the thermals, Stagnone works with two opposite wind systems: the Northerly (N, NE, NW) and the Southerly (between Scirocco and SW). The Mistral wind from the north is clean and stable, while the nervous Scirocco is very gusty. The positioning of Stagnone lagoon’s islands also creates channels that accelerate the wind speed. During the summer, the temperatures are around 25-30 Celsius, and the wind is stable, with an average of 4 Bft.

During spring and autumn, the wind direction is more variable and tends to be stronger than in the summer. Depending on whether it’s coming in from the south, north or west, the changing winds create unique new spots on the lagoon. Winter winds are usually stronger, but wetsuits are advised, since the temperature drops to 15 Celsius during the day. There is no tidal force in the lagoon, but the water level can change depending on wind direction. While the north wind pushes the water outside of the lagoon, southerly wind pushes the water in, increasing the water level.

No Wind?

Sicily is an island with a rich history and natural wonders. Outside of kitesurfing, you can rent bikes and SUPs from the kite center. Rent a car, and you have masses of options of places to explore. The Stagnone lagoon has been famed for thousands of years for its salt – its vast saltpans are dotted with red-roofed windmills, which were used to pump seawater out of the pans. In summer, workers in wellies and sunhats can still be seen harvesting the salt from the evaporated pans. You can visit the historical cities Marsala or Trapani by day, and experience their buzzing nightlife after the sun goes down, or enjoy the finest Sicilian cuisine in one of the many restaurants. Nearby is the island of Favignana with its beautiful beaches – which makes a fantastic day trip. Or you can head up by car or cable car to the medieval mountain village of Erice, close to Trapani. For those preferring to relax at the beach on their rest days, just to the north of Lo Stagnone lies the perfect white sand beach of San Theodoro.


Getting there: Trapani Birgi airport (5 minutes’ drive from Lo Stagnone) offers economy flights from many European cities. Palermo International, the main airport of Sicily, is 100km away. If you are bringing your car from mainland Europe, the ferry from Genova to Palermo runs daily, and takes 19 hours (cabins are available). Daily ferries also run from Livorno, Civitavecchia or Napoli to Palermo. 2 kites? 10m and 14m What to wear. In summer, boardshorts are more than enough, outside the summer, we recommend a full wetsuit. Beer: €3 Typical dinner: A pizza in local restaurant costs around €7. Much of the cuisine in western Sicily is a perfect marriage between Sicilian and Arabic flavours: the local speciality and emblem of this melting pot is the fish and seafood dish, couscous alla trapanese. Also try the Sicilian pastries made with ricotta cream: cannoli, cassata, cappidduzzi or cassatelle. Real marsala wine (unlike the sweet fortified version that is usually exported) is dry and flavorsome. TheKiteMag - Destination Guide | 43


After Hours:

Random Factoids:

There are many restaurants where you can enjoy traditional Marsala cuisine.

Only five years ago, there was very little if no tourism in Lo Stagnone and the surrounding area was used only for wine growing (you can still buy local wine for €1,20 a liter!) and salt production in the Salinas – the giant saltwater pools that abut the lagoon. Today, only a few salinas are still active, but the rest are used as wave breakers, creating the perfect flat for kiting…

Stagnone offers its best when at sunset the wind weakens, leaving space to the beauty of the sunsets. The place par excellence to enjoy these sunsets is the Mamacaura.

Pubs and Bars: A few minutes drive from Lo Stagnone is the summer open air disco at Chiedilaluna. A few minutes more, and you come to the historic center of Marsala, with its Antico Mercato: by day, the municipal fish market, by night the focal center of social life in Marsala with dozens of venues offering live music and cocktails galore.

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Lo Stagnone is 2,012 hectares in size: the equivalent of 2,453 full-sized football fields. It is shallow, flat and warm. In other words, it’s a giant kite playground.

On one of the islands in the lagoon are the ruins of a Roman outpost, and there’s an old Roman road that used to run across the lagoon, which is still visible from the air, and can be seen as you kite over the surface of the water.

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Why Limnos, Greece?

Greece is one of Europe’s best kiteboarding destinations. It has 14,000 kilometers of coastline and 227 inhabited islands, most of them blessed with Meltemi winds which make Greece the ultimate kite destination. Top that with the world famous Greek food, friendly people, family friendly services and unique landscapes, and you have a winner! Limnos island offers all the above at maximum level! Friendly and safe beaches, local traditional cuisine, protected ecosystems, plus being right in the ‘eye’ of the Meltemi makes Limnos stand out as a destination.

The Set Up

Keros beach is the main kite spot on the island. When it comes to super safe, sandy, beginner friendly beaches with stunning colors, it doesn’t get any better than Keros beach. Not to mention the space. The three kilometer bay means that there is room for everyone. But the good part is: it never gets crowded! Only featuring a few accommodation options nearby, and with only a few villages within a 15 kilometer area, Keros is a place for the nature loving rider who wants to ride without fuss and enjoy the turquoise colored water and the refreshing Meltemi wind.

To make things even better, at Keros beach you can find three different types of conditions. On the north side of the bay there is an ultra flat section where you can see the shadow of yourself riding in the sandy bottom, in the middle of the bay (where Surf Club Keros is) you start flat but you get some nice chop once you go further out that will help you practice jumps and moves. On the south side of the bay there is a mini-wave spot, with 1m waves on average, that have a nice distance between them, making it a perfect spot for someone learning to ride waves. 46 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide





The Season:

June, July and August are typical summer months in Greece with clear skies, Meltemi winds, and boardshort water temps. You can’t really go wrong by visiting then, but it is when most people visit so it is a bit more busy, a bit hotter, flights tend to get more expensive.

Early and late in the season is for many the best option. Between May and the beginning of June one can still get the predominant NE winds, but there is also lots of south wind in the picture. The great news is that Keros bay handles south winds really well, unlike other Aegean islands and spots. Nice waves, warmer temperatures, more relaxed vibes, and more wildlife also make it a great decision to visit in May, June, September and October.

Random Factoids:

On the northwest part of Limnos you can find a vast area of sand dunes (quite far from the sea level), a landscape unique to Greece. In the 70s part of a Greek film was filmed there, where the set up was supposed to be in the Sahara desert. Many recent TV commercials have also been filmed there. On Limnos you can find the oldest ancient Greek theater (Heaphestia) which is very close to Keros, and the oldest organized community in Greece (Poliochne) which is also believed to be the birthplace of democracy, as here they found ruins of what is estimated to be the oldest parliament in ancient Greece.

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No Wind?

Limnos is a great place for non-wind activities. At Surf Club Keros you can do yoga outdoors, go on bike rides, do full moon SUP crossings and beach barbeques. There are also daily trips every time there is no wind. Or you can go to the sand dunes, visit local wineries, visit archaeological sites, or just explore. Limnos is the perfect island for adventure, as there are more dirt roads than proper roads.


Getting there:

The best way to get to Limnos is by plane. Most flights come from Athens (ATH) or Thessaloniki (SKG) with Aegean or Astra Airlines. 2 kites?

The most used kite here at Keros is the 9m, so for two kites I would suggest checking the forecast and bringing a bigger or smaller kite either side of that. 48 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Limnos features 260 kilometers of coastline, with volcanic rock formations and more than 100 beaches. You can often find yourself on a beach alone, even in high season.

For more adventure, there is a horse riding club on the island, there are boat rides and sailing trips to nearby islands. There are lots of activities for kids, and every June and July there is the ‘Surfing Birds Kids Club’ where kids visit for a week and take part in beach and watersport activities.

What to wear. Shorty wetsuit for early and late in the season, boardshorts for July and August. Beer: €3

Typical dinner: The typical Greek tavernas usually serve meat, fries, Greek salads, tzatziki etc. Limnos is also a famous fishing destination, so you will find fresh and reasonably priced fish. At Surf Club Keros you will find a buffet with a wide variety of Mediterranean and local cuisine

dishes, prepared for you by famous Greek chefs. Vegetarian meals are also available.

After hours… The area around Keros and Limnos island in general does not feature a big party scene. Most of the drinking happens in tavernas or cozy little meze shops with local ouzo and wine.

Of course, if you are willing to drive a bit there are always parties and nightlife, mostly on the west of the island.

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Why Tarifa, Spain?

Tarifa is quite justifiably known as the kitesurf Mecca of Europe. With its wide 10 kilometer stretch of kiteable beach, Tarifa also has great wind conditions so you can kite kite kite all day before you head to the vibrant old town for tapas and Mojitos and can party party party all night!

The Set Up:

Tarifa has a long 10 kilometer stretch of beach which runs from Tarifa town to Valdevaqueros. In the summer months kiting is restricted from Los Lances to Valdevaqueros (June to Mid Sept) but for the rest of the year you have the whole stretch of beach. There is also a lagoon at certain tides during the winter months so you have lots of choice and options. Along the entire stretch of beach there are various chiringuitos which you can use as your base and lunch stop. In the summer the water is generally flat, and in the winter you can get swells which bring waves or you can have flat days. The wind is either Poniente, which comes from the sea (so lighter and more consistent), or Levante which

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comes from the land. This is a hotter wind that can be gusty and strong.

Tarifa can be busy in the summer but if you get up early (before midday!) you can easily get to the beach and find a spot and space on the water.

The Season:

Tarifa has a long season from Easter through to the end of October, but it is also now becoming more and more popular for the full year as you can have plenty of windy days through the winter as well. For the high season through the summer months of June to end of September there is wind around 85% to 90% of the time. We never know if it will be Poniente or Levante wind. The old farmer’s tale is that whatever wind is on Easter Sunday is the wind that will be prominent throughout the summer.

One of the best times of the year to kite in Tarifa is June: the weather is warm, it is before the crowds arrive and you have great thermic days, consistent wind and plenty of space on the water.

No Wind?

In Tarifa there is a huge amount to do on low wind days. You can SUP, surf (more so in the winter), go mountain biking, shopping, whale watching or horse-riding. Or you could just relax and get stuck in to a Mojito or two‌

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Getting there

What to wear. In summer a shorty or boardies/bikini. In winter a fullsuit. Beer: €3

You can fly to Gibraltar – this is then just 45 minutes away from Tarifa. Otherwise you can fly to Malaga which is just under two hours away, or you can fly to Jerez with Ryanair which is around 90 minutes.

Typical dinner:

7 & 9m

Café Del Mar outside of town stays open until 5am and all the bars in town are open until 2am

2 kites?

Random Factoids:

If ‘pro spotting’ is your thing then you’ll be spoilt for choice with the likes of Liam Whaley, Aaron Hadlow, Alex Pastor and Gisela Pulido all calling Tarifa home. Tarifa is the point where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean Sea. It is no accident that Tarifa is such a popular spot for kiting: it is the windiest place in Europe...

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Tapas, fresh tuna After hours…

There is a huge amount of choice in terms of bars and clubs…

PROFILE EASY RIDERS Can you summarize what you do?

We’re based in the south coast of the UK where we have a school, and we then organize several trips each year to teach kitesurfing and SUP. Our courses are geared towards all levels: beginner, intermediate, expert and instructor levels.

Brazil, the Canaries, Barbados, Grenadines and Portugal. We have taught more instructors nationally than anyone else and we run instructor courses worldwide. And I wrote the book on kitesurfing… Literally!

Can you talk us through either your most recent trip? Where are you based and when were you established? We have just returned from our cold water classic west Ireland We have been going since 2004 and we are base in Poole, Dorset. We have taught on every continent and taken more clients to Brazil, the Caribbean and the Canaries than any other UK kitesurfing business.

trip. Six days of wind, great waves, great surfing, Guinness and Irish magic.

UK and Europe.

What do you have lined up for the next few months?

As a team we have over 100 years’ experience. Personally I (Andy Gratwick) have been kiting for 17 years.

Barbados in February

We were the first dedicated kitesurf school with the first instructors. We were the first to take kitesurf clinics to: Egypt,

Were the best at what we do… And we love doing it!

Where are most of your clients from?

Next stop our two clinic program in Brazil, for both beginners and advanced riders (downwinding the coastline) and zero to hero instructor training.

How long have you and your team been kiting?

Brazil in November Morocco in May

What are you doing that makes you special compared Why should our readers choose to spend their hard to other kiting businesses?! earned money with you?!

ru e P , o c c o rr o M s, o d Barba



Whether you’re after curling waves or crystal flat water; beginner or pro, we have the holiday for you. With Easyriders expert tution and over a decade’s worth of experience in running kitesurf clinics worldwide, your kiting will soar and your cheeks will ache from smiling. Don’t fancy the above? Why not also check out our kitesurf clinics to The Canaries, Sicily and Ireland? Visit for more information. Limited places so call now to book yours. Take it easy. Kite hard. 01202 744055

Making kiting easy

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Why Calabria, Italy?

The country is fantastic with blue sea and white sand and this area is very fortunately because it has a thermal wind plus the Venturi effect, so from April until August the wind every day is around 17 knots. As well as the fantastic kiting conditions you can also expect fantastic Italian food and an exceptionally vibrant night life.

The Set Up:

The beach has sand and it is very large without any obstacles of any kind. If you head downwind of Hang Loose Beach then you’ll find many kilometers of completely empty beach. At Hang Loose Beach we have a kite school, RRD Test Center, surf shop, green areas, and you can also rent equipment. Then there are areas to wash your equipment and we also have five rescue boats on hand if you need picking up. There is also a beach club, kids area, restaurant, bar, and disco as well as basketball and beach volleyball areas. Then there is also a Camper Area and a Volkswagen Village, where it’s possible to sleep right next to the beach…

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The wind is generally side on from the north west, and the kitesurf area is in the gulf of Sant’Eufemia so it is very safe and the sea is generally completely flat with little chop.

Sometimes in spring there can be Sirocco wind, with 25/30 knots side off with very flat water which is great for jumping near the beach.

The Season:

April-August: This is the best season for kiting, with daily wind around 17 knots. The wind is regular and constant. It comes up around midday and lasts until 7pm. The air temperature is warm, around 20 degrees in April and May, 25 degrees in June, and 30 degrees in July and August. The water temperature is 18 degrees in spring and around 25 in summer. September – October: This period is good but with less predictable wind. Sometimes from Sirocco and some time with Mistral. Sirocco is strong and a little gusty, around 25 – 30 knots side off with flat water. Mistral can arrive with cloud and rain but often also with waves.

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Getting there: Hang Loose Beach is only three kilometers from Lamezia Terme International Airport (SUF) which has many flight connection with Rome and Milan. Kites:

12 & 9

What to wear.

Beer: €2.5

Typical dinner:

In Hang Loose Beach restaurant we have a complete menu with the specialty of fresh fish After hours:

Every day can you drink quality cocktails or beer with chill music on the beach. On Friday and Sunday there is always a big party on the beach…

Spring/summer a shortie, in summer a rashie is enough.

Random Factoids:

Near the kite spot are beautiful locations like Tropea and Pizzo. You can get to the Ionian Sea in only 25 minutes.

The beach park is a staggering 15,000 square meters in total!

The beach parties at Hang Loose are famous! If you want to kite and have a couple of big party nights then this is your perfect destination.

Hang Loose Beach regularly international events – keep an eye on the website to see when these are on.

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Why Fuerteventura, ?

The Set Up:

This part of the coastline guarantees ideal wind-statistics on the 1.5 kilometer long kite-zone running along the shore. A highlight of the spot is the 4 kilometer long tidal lagoon, which provides ideal waist-deep training conditions. The extensive sandy beach offers endless space to launch and land the kite in a completely safe environment.

Furthermore, the center has 650 kites and 250 boards from Cabrinha, which are all upgraded every 6-12 months.

The René Egli Center has been located in the south of the island for 32 years and is at the northern end of a tidal lagoon at the beautiful white sand-beach of Sotavento, a landmark of Fuerteventura.

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The René Egli Kite-Center is situated right in the center of Sotavento´s strong-wind zone where, due to the very wide sandy beach, the wind blows very consistently. The center’s fantastic sheltered position is in the midst of a palm oasis, with countless amenities – from fresh water showers to compressed air to save your arms in the morning!

The spot offers perfect conditions for all levels of kiters. Beginners can practice on the sheltered lagoon or, depending on the tide level, use the open sea with intermediate and advanced riders.

The Season:

The René Egli Center is open 365 days a year! It is situated in a special wind zone which benefits from the Sotavento wind funnel effect. Optimal geographic conditions allow the prevailing north-east trade wind to accelerate between two ridges. In addition to this, the air on the island is heated by the sun and rises upwards, compressing the slightly cooler trade wind as it pushes itself beneath the warm air. When the wind in the René Egli Center once again reaches the sea, the compression and the wind become free, generating more pressure and even stronger winds. So you can pretty much guarantee that Sotavento will be windier than anywhere else all year round…

No Wind?

For all René Egli rental and course clients, the use of Stand Up Paddling Boards is free of charge. We also offer our clients beach sailing on the dry lagoon. It is a fun option for those who want to stay dry and still enjoy the feeling of kitesurfing. This is possible from 8 knots upward. Besides this you can just relax in our kitesurf center, enjoying a snack or a cool drink. The large sand beach offers long walks to the nearby coastal towns Jandía or Costa Calma, and you can also enjoy hiking on the nearby dunes or take a ‘fatbike’ ride on the beach. TheKiteMag - Destination Guide | 59



Getting there

Four hours flight-time from mainland Europe, you arrive at the airport near the island’s capital Puerto del Rosario. Our surf centers are situated 45 minutes away from the airport and can be reached by shuttle bus, taxi or rental car. 2 kites?

What to wear

3/2 Shorty is usually sufficient. Beer

Local beer costs around 2€. Typical dinner

Typical food for Las Canarias is papas arrugadas, seafood and goats cheese and meat.

We always recommend to check the weather a few days before arrival and choose the kites accordingly.

After hours…

Random Factoids:

The stunning lagoon is 4km long with ideal waist-deep training conditions.

As a guide: Summer: 5 + 8/Rest of the year: 9 + 12

The Canary islands are HOT all year round! You can check the unique rotating webcam at 60 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

The Fuerte Action Bar in Costa Calma has live music, homemade burgers, cocktails and delicious ice-creams and is the place to meet.

The extensive sandy beach offers endless space to launch and land the kite so you can find your perfect spot… Only four hours flight-time from mainland Europe.

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Why Uruaú?

Brazil is famous not just for the salsa, the carnival and the Copacabana, but also for its incredibly consistent wind stats.

At the heart of the scene is Uruaú, a small village just south of Fortaleza city, on the north-east coast. The wind here is consistent, but not too strong – conditions that make it accessible for beginners, as well as more experienced kiters focused on improving their technique: qualified instructors are always on-hand. Graced as it is with both a lagoon and open ocean, there is a choice of waves or flat water – offering endless possibilities for every level of kitesurfer, no matter what rocks your board. As the locals say – the only thing that’s missing here is you…

The Set Up:

Because Uruaú is so compact, there’s no hustling around to organize where to go kiting. All of the hotels (known as ‘pousadas’) and restaurants are within 2-10 minutes walk of the kiting center, with its WiFi, Italian restaurant and chill-out lounge area. Right in front of the center is a wide sandy beach, enabling easy setup, start and landing for kites. The staff are friendly and always available to help out on the beach. Beyond the flat water of the lagoon are choppy to small waves in the sea, which make a great introduction to wave kitesurfing, while those keen for a bit of exploring can head out on downwind trips. The wind direction is side shore to side onshore and usually blows around 14-18 knots, but can get up to 25 knots in September / October. 1 km inland is a fresh-water lagoon, with dunes on one side. Accessible by 4x4 vehicles, its flat water makes it ideal for tricks, jumps and whatever takes your fancy. The only drawback is that the dunes can make the wind a little gusty and unpredictable.

Two other world-class kite spots are easily accessible from Uruaú: Parajuru and Barra Nova. Beach buggies are available for day trips or half day trips, or you can take a downwinder to Barra Nova and beach buggy back, or grab a downwinder to bring you back home from Parajuru. 62 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

The Season:

The season starts in mid-July and ends in mid-January, with the best conditions between August and mid-December. Like everywhere else in north-east Brazil, the wind is guaranteed: 24/7, all year round. During the day, the air temperature is consistently warm, as is the water in the sea and the lagoon (no wetsuit necessary – it’s definitely a boardshorts climate). During the night, it cools down just enough to make for a good night’s sleep.

No Wind?

There is no “no wind”. But if you just want to take a break from kiting, you can arrange buggy trips to visit some unspoilt fishing villages and beaches up and down the coast. Buggy trips to the sand dunes are popular for sand boarding, and discovering some of Brazil’s diverse nature. Horse riding along uncrowded sand beaches is also available or you could book a massage or hot stone treatment at one of the pousadas.

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Typical dinner

Book a flight to Fortaleza and order over a taxi from Fortaleza to Uruaú.

Meat: Carne de sol – sun-cured, salted beef that is either fried or baked with cream. It is also served as a traditional dish called pococa de carne seca: the cured beef is shredded, and slow-cooked with cassava flour, onions, garlic and chilli.

9 and 12

Fish: Lobster and shrimps.

Boardshorts, sunglasses and sunscreen

Although Uruaú is a small and uncrowded place, there is plenty of fun to be had when the sun goes down: once a week, there’s an Aperitivo event with drinks and snacks on the dunes. There are also daily BBQs, a Capirinha Evening, Club Sandwich Night and the monthly full-moon DJ Sessions.

Getting there

2 kites?

What to wear Beer

Around €1.5

Random Factoids:

Brazil offers over 500km of kite-able lagoons During rainy season, the lagoons get filled with water, making them perfect to kitesurf from July to January.

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Filet mignon is also popular. After hours…

You need to be aware of the tides in most of Brazil’s lagoon spots – they can have a pretty big range, and some of the lagoons will drain out at low tide, leaving you with a bust fin or a potentially long walk home. Not in Uruaú, however, where the lagoon is fed by the river and not affected by tides. Sandwich Night and the monthly full-moon DJ Sessions.

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Pick your ideal destination and enjoy your time on the water! (Kite Cruise in Los Roques)

PROFILE BSTOKED Can you summarize what you do?

bstoked is an online platform for unique kitesurf experiences around the world. It makes it easy for kitesurf enthusiasts of all skill-levels to find and book the ideal trip or service based on their preferences (cruises, tours, camps, accommodation, courses). Professional tour operators as well as individual kitesurfers can easily host and sell their kitesurf experiences with the help of our specialized reservation system.

Where are you based and when were you established?

We are an international team based in Germany and Slovenia and launched in 2015.

Where are most of your clients from? Europe, North America and Brazil.

How long have you and your team been kiting?

One developer started kiting after he joined the team, he had no choice, it’s just part of bstoked. The other three cofounders started kitesurfing a few years ago.

The bstoked platform allows kitesurfers to avoid the daunting task of cross checking all travel and kitesurfing related information before booking their trip. We make sure kitesurfers avoid packed mass tourist spots and that they are stoked by riding in the best possible conditions.

To deliver that, our marketplace accepts only the best experiences offered by kite schools, tour operators and individual kitesurfers, who can use our technology to create offers, drive sales, manage bookings and payments, all in one place. The platform also automatically enhances the host’s listings with independent data about spot conditions (e.g. wind, waves), country information, attractive media, user reviews, and easy access to third-party services such as flights, kitesurf gear rental and insurance. So it is very easy even for non-professional hosts to prepare a high-quality listing, while the customer has all necessary information at hand to compare offers and to make an informed booking decision.

So what is the most exciting thing about bstoked? What are you doing that makes you special compared We are excited to bring a fresh breeze in the kite travel sector to other kiting businesses?! and to take kitesurfers beyond the old-fashioned travel agency bstoked stands for uniqueness, high-quality and a wide selection of kitesurf experience around the world that can’t be easily found otherwise. We offer unique trip formats such as cruises, road-trips, and expeditions, which sometimes happen only once and in small groups. Kitesurfing is an amazing sport and doing it in epic locations around the world makes it even better. 66 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

model. We believe an online marketplace, where kitesurfers – hosts and guests – can interact directly with each other is better suited. It can bring together kitesurfers who dream about similar adventures, and stimulate tour operators as well as individuals to create truly special kitesurf experiences on unique locations and earn money by sharing their favorite sport. And it’s a community driven platform, since the users

can rate trips and hosts, which guarantees that only the best listings remain on the bstoked marketplace.

What do you have lined up for the next few months?

A unique road trip - kite safari in Cabo de la Vela, Colombia.

So far we have been mainly focusing on the development of the bstoked platform. We have been getting many requests from tour operators to include their offers on our marketplace and we will now intensify our search for unique kitesurf trips. This will allow us to expand our inventory with high-quality kitesurf experiences and at the same time hopefully inspire tour operators as well as local kitesurfers to come up with even more amazing kitesurf experiences on less known locations we all love.

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?!

bstoked at its core is about the discovery of epic spots and getting stoked with kiteboarding. This is why we select only the best and most unique kitesurf experiences away from the crowds. Our technology makes it super easy for kitesurfers to decide on an experience that’s right for them and to travel to just the right spot at the right time.

Guidance and courses for kitesurfers of all skill-levels on uncrowded spots in Los Roques, Venezuela.

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If it’s empty line ups you are looking for then they’ve got you covered.

PROFILE KITE CAMP PRO Can you summarize what you do?

In the last five years Kite Camp Pro have built a reputation around organizing coaching camps and private trips based around the key factor of giving the client more than expected and offering the highest levels of organization and training in the very best locations.

How long have you and your team been kiting?

One of us has been kiting just over and the other just under 10 years each, which rather conveniently for this answer gives us a combined experience of 20 years.

What are you doing that makes you special compared to other kiting businesses?!

Where are you based and when were you established? Service and clients first. We are not a ‘come ride with us’ We were established five years ago as a British and French couple working as a team traveling the world. We are about to setup home in Portugal but we are based wherever we find ourselves and can get a Wi-Fi password. We also run KiteSista Magazine and a web development business so the importance of connectivity is something we understand.

Where are most of your clients from?

We have a truly global client reach with previous clients coming from the UK, France, Switzerland, America, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Russia, China, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and more. The only prerequisite is that you can speak either English or French.

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business. We listen to what you want, understand what you need, and build packages and training around that.

This has led to us being increasingly in demand in the higher end bespoke luxury market where the focus is less on cost and more on quality, efficiency, privacy, discretion and understanding the unique needs of each of our clients.

Our backgrounds are not only in kitesurfing, with one of us coming from a business background and the other from a sports coaching background. Together we are able to combine these talents and differing perspectives to provide an effective multifaceted approach.

Co-founder Sofi Cheavlier in action

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It’s not all kiting....

Can you talk us through your most recent trip?

We recently found ourselves in Corsica with private clients whom we had previously taken to Dakhla. The requirements were for the destination to be within four hours private flight from London with the highest chance of wind, and suitable spots for the client’s level. We sourced Corsica as the final choice due to the availability of spots that work in all winds, suitable accommodation that exceeded the comfort requirements of the clients, and access to the spots from the hotel with the least amount of time wasted in a car.

We arrived ahead of the clients with enough time to check out and ride in each spot to assess how they worked. We also sampled the restaurants and alternative activities if the forecast was questionable. We also supplied completely stocked board bags of the latest equipment for the clients so they did not have to worry about transporting anything.

In the end we spent on average 8-10 hours in the water each day for four straight days, with a final day being spent at the local race track (understanding clients wishes off the water is just as important to us) and sent home three exhausted and thoroughly satisfied clients. Providing this level of service can be intense but hugely rewarding. Once you have everything in place, waiting for 70 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

the clients to arrive is the most exciting time. It is like having the keys to a candy shop and waiting for the kids to arrive.

What do you have lined up for the next few months?

We are off to Brazil to do two weeks of group camps. A flat water camp in a special new location we have sourced to give the best conditions without the crowds. Followed by a Big Air camp in the north, where the wind will be pumping and we aim to take advantage of this by covering the core aspects of Big Air kiting along with making sure our clients are confident and independent kiters in all conditions.

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?!

This is an interesting question with so many great companies out there offering amazing experiences. The best way for us to answer this is perhaps to focus not on their money, but their time. If time to kite is in fact the most valued commodity we are discussing, then we will be able to ensure you get the highest levels of service both on and off the water and maximize every moment of your experience. The trip is built around you and no one else, and therefore can be where, how and at the speed that you choose...



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Why Boracay Island, Philippines?

Voted as South East Asia’s premier kite spot with a 27+ degree shallow turquoise bay protected by a fringing reef, only boardshorts/bikini and harness are required. Boracay’s famous White Beach is consistently voted as being one of the world’s top five beaches and is within five minutes walking distance of Reef Retreat. Ideal for singles, couples and families: Boracay Island has something for everyone. Welcome to paradise!





The Set Up: Bulabog Beach

Bulabog bay is a three kilometer long white sand beach with a fringing reef on the outside. For six months a year it gets the prevailing NE trade winds – cross onshore wind predominantly from the left side. Low tide produces glassy flat water for the first few hours. Mid tides prove perfect for learning, with a shallow sandy bottom and large area to play in. High tide allows some swell into the lagoon offering 4-6 foot deep water, kickers, and perfect conditions for playing in the breaking waves along the reef. The Reef

Outside the reef there is locally created wind swell, from 2-4 meters on strong wind days (over 20 knots) and 1-2 meters the rest of the time. The swell is in 5 meter deep water and doesn’t break until the reef making for excellent open water riding. Cross onshore creates a less than perfect reef break, however the two gaps in the reef provide a bit more shape. Union Bay – Panay Island

Slightly more crossshore than Bulabog. Sandy bottom, reef outside, very few kiters. Water tends to be slightly flatter but shallower. Carabao Island

More cross shore, A wider beach, shorter distance to reef (400m). Facilities by the beach, local cafes/bars. Seco Island

Offers something for basic upwind riders to pro. An L shaped sandbar with reef provides a perfectly flat offshore lagoon and crystal clear water. The L shape offers a sandbar to jump for the brave of heart, from 20 meters wide tapering to a point. It also offers a sideshore area inside or outside the lagoon. Seco is only accessible by boat and has no buildings or facilities. 72 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

The Season:

Boracay Island is blessed six months of the year with the NE Trade winds, starting in November and finishing in April. Peak wind months being December, January and February. Averaging from 12 knots up to 35 knots.

No Wind?

Choose from: Scuba, snorkeling, golf, glass bottom boats, sailing trips, beach massages, Zorbing, zip line, ATVs, yoga, spas, parasailing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, banana boating, sunset cruises, mountain biking, cliff diving and more. You can never get bored in Boracay!

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Getting there Most international flights will stop in Manila and then it’s a short 40 minute flight to the local domestic airport MPH (Caticlan). This is the closest airport to Boracay, only just opposite the island. Kalibo is a regional airport 1.5 hours from Caticlan. Caticlan is set to handle A320 regional jets from later in 2017… 2 kites? 9 & 12

What to wear With 27+ degree water all year, only boardies or a bikini are necessary. Beer $1

Typical dinner With numerous restaurants and cafes offering food from almost everywhere around the world you are spoilt for choice. After hours…

White Beach is the beach that never sleeps, so you can party until the sun rises. Alternatively Bulabog and the other beaches are more laid back and chilled out, ideal for quiet romantic dinners on the beach.

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Random Factoids:

The Philippines has 7,107 islands, so the possibilities are endless. oracay Island is approximately 10 kilometers long and B 1 kilometer wide, walking is the main mode of transport. Motorbikes, cycles and tricycles are available if desired. he famous White Beach is 4 kilometers long and T continually voted as one of the best beaches in the world.

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Why the Grenadines?

The Set Up:

The JT Pro Center kitesurfing spot of Union Island in the Grenadines has become one of the top kitesurfing destinations for both beginners looking to learn to kitesurf and for advanced kiteboarders looking to kite at one of the most beautiful clear water and amazing kite spots. The JT Pro Center is also surrounded by several kitespots easily accessible by speedboat and water taxi which makes your holiday even more enjoyable as you discover new islands.

The JT center has rooms right on the kitespot –you can literally launch from your doorstep!

Here you can find that the true Caribbean spirit is still present – far from all the mass tourism industry and big hotel chains.

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The spot has some of the best flat and most beautiful colored water you can dream of with some fun waves to play in if you are ready to ride 15 minutes upwind from the launching area.

The kite center has great Wi-Fi connectivity and a cool lounge area on the deck overlooking the spot with comfortable day beds and a bar / cafe.

The center of town with all the restaurants and bar are a three minute walk from the spot and the center which makes your holiday ‘car rental free’ as everything is accessible by foot.

The Season:

The best winds to kite are between November and the end of July where the trade winds allow you to kite almost every day. If you are planning on foiling you could come at any time of the year. The winds are always from the north east to the south east and you don’t need a wetsuit here, the water and air are respectively 28 and 30 degrees Celsius all year long‌

No Wind?

If the wind becomes too weak for you some days of your stay or if you would rather take a day off from kiting, there are several no-wind activities available on the island. One of the main attractions is to join one of the day tours to the Tobago Cays and enjoy swimming with the turtles and discovering the neighboring island. (This trip is also available on windy days with kite stops to the neighbor spots). The diving and snorkeling here is also amazing.

The JT Pro Center offers snorkeling trips around the island as well as Stand Up Paddle discovery excursions alongside the Union Island coastline discovering the secluded beaches and clear water mangroves. A must do. There are several beautiful beaches as well as amazing uninhabited sandy islands you can cho0se to visit by hiring water taxis at the JT Pro Center.

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Getting there To get to Union Island Fly to Barbados and then take the short flight to Union Island with SVG air. 2 kites?

Beer $2

Typical dinner Rice, local vegetable, lobsters and fish After hours…

Board shorts and sunscreen

JT Pro Center Full Moon Parties with a night ‘fire kitesurfing’ show from December to March. The Snack Shack bar on Union Island from breakfast to late night. Then lots of small bars and restaurants on the island.

Random Factoids:

Tobago Cays has some of the most beautiful waters in the world.

9 & 12

What to wear

The Grenadines has 32 Island and Cays to discover, so make sure to plan a long holiday!

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Some of the best pro kitesurfers and biggest kitesurfing brands come to the JT Pro Center to shoot their product videos.





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PROFILE ION CLUB Can you summarize what you do?

Windsurfing, kitesurfing, surfing, stand-up-paddling and mountain biking are the sources of our total commitment! The extraordinary and inspiring places where our ION CLUB centers are located promise to be the backdrop for the most exciting days of your year. Our professional and specialized skills motivate and bring our guests to the next level. These qualities are underpinned by the fact that we use only the very latest equipment and only operate at the very best spots on the planet… Lessons are held by our qualified instructors – no matter your level: beginner, intermediate or advanced.

And can you arrange travel and accommodation as well?

Yes, Travel People, our in-house travel agency can arrange the full package for you. Their service includes: flights from all destinations, accommodation, transfers, rental car and travel service, as well as the special service of kitesurf luggage reservation for the flights and the destination transfers. So you don’t have to worry about anything…

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Where are you based and when were you established?

We were established in 1985. We have our base in Germany and then we have two centers in Fuerteventura, two centers in Tarifa, Golf de Roses, Safaga also has two and then Mauritius has four centers, and then we also have centers in Cabarete, Cape Verde, Essaouira and Dakhla.

Where are most of your clients from?

Most of our clients come from Germany, France, England, Spain, Italy, Scandinavia, Benelux and Switzerland. However, we also have several clients from Austria and Eastern Europe. At ION CLUB you will meet like-minded people from all over the world and our company has always given top priority to customer orientation, team spirit, innovation and professionalism.

How long have you and your team been running kite holiday?

Our company was one of the first to offer kitesurfing as an option back in 2001.

What are you doing that makes you special compared to other kiting businesses?

The story of ION CLUB is about people who have turned their passion for windsurfing and kitesurfing into a career. So we trust our international team who make sure that our guests can live every second of every kind of their holiday – no matter whether on the land or on the water. Their enthusiasm is the guarantee that you get the moments you are searching for.

Why should our readers choose to spend their hard earned money with you?

They can share their thrilling sports’ sessions with other like-minded people at ION CLUB who, like they, travel to us from all over the world. There is no limit to magic on the water and the swells to ride, so make ION CLUB your home of surfing elements! 82 | TheKiteMag - Destination Guide

Exclusive beach front location in fuerteventura since 1988

+34 928 866 389


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