200 χρόνια από την Ελληνικθ Επανάςταςη: το Γυμνάςιο Αγίου Πνεφματοσ γιορτάζει γράφοντασ ποίηςη ςτα Αγγλικά
Θέκλα Καυκιά
Μάρτιος 2021
Τάξη Α´
Περικλήσ Νάοσ
Κωνςταντίνα Μπουτςιοφκη
Θεοφάνησ Παποφλιασ
Τάξη Β´
The flame of hope
Once upon a time the chains had trapped the slaves in a deep dark room. The Greek soul in the cell the sun rays could not reach. There is void and a lot of blood. Before its last breath, the soul remembered that she had a debt. Sacred. Bring back liberty! In the shadows a flame broke up. The light awakened those far away. They came to bring kindles. The place was burned to the ground. In a flash the Greek soul was walking together with Liberty, giving redemption to the warriors. Death came. And then there was Hope.
Μαγδαληνή Αναγνώστοσ, Αποστολία Γροσμαλιά, Αθανασία Λαζαρίδοσ, Γημήτρης Μανιώτας Βέρα Τρικοίλη
Struggle for Freedom Our country turned into martyrdom. where beautiful smiles existed. Only pain and sorrow hereon. Forget all this, let’s be a fist. The yoke is horrifying. All this death and poverty. And bandits marching into battle with bravery. All season’s a nightmare, but we must dare. Crossing all obstacles we reach the top, hoping all this will surely stop. They have this spark in them for good. For their homeland do all they could. Their mothers tell them glad goodbye and they are with their heads held high. No one is sad “they will have luck”. The kids wish all this soon be done. How long will our flag held high last? Not long unless some help will come. The poets and amazing friends bring money and their soldiers’ best to fight for Freedom by our side and, thus, forever are glorified. Our little country was not defeated the past and heroes remain remembered. Our flag is there continually waving. and Freedom us is for life embracing.
Χρφςα-Ραφαέλα Χατζηπαπανικολάου
Τάξη Γ´
The awakening of Greece A dawn arises in the black all evil misery reveals. The nightingales have ceased their song. The pigeons flying has been stopped. Nothing is left, all hopes surcease, the country is left behind. But time has come. Let Greece wake up, power to acquire to tear all apart. Then, suddenly, another dawn, a golden ray revealed. Liberty brought on Hope, gave them a bold decree. Oh great Greeks, in misery no longer shall you live, together with those from far awaydestroy this cursed doom. So, dear brothers, go ahead! Rush into every battle! In front you go with the sword united and strong! With flames their hearts are filled. The battles they begin. And Greece with Glory now reigns and Liberty relives. Αποςτολία Γκαϊδατζθ, Αναςταςία Γκρίτςα, Θωμαθ Καραουλάνη, Τζέςικα Μπαϊράμι, Αναςταςία Μέλλιου, Ελένη Μπουτςιοφκη, Χρυςάνιη Παπαποςτόλου
I look you in the eyes and tears come to my eyes. I look at you and dream my homeland being free. And now what is left for you? To fight and free become again. In tears but resolved the bandits give an oath: For you, my blood, Greece, I will shed and free again you will become. And friends of you will come to help from far away to set you free. If I die fighting for Greece happy and proud will I be. If I die fighting for Greece my kids free will play and be. I hope one day. Χρσσούλα Αντωνιάδοσ, Καλλιόπη Βλάτοσ, Νίκος Τσιρίκας