22 minute read
Dr. Neena Mehta
Wielding Education for Social Transformation
As Nelson Mandela says, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” education has proved through years to be the most dominating factor in the overall development of any country in the world.
Education in India has not just ensured a solid human resource but has extensively contributed to a true awakening of the nation since its Independence.

The Knowledge Review takes immense pleasure and pride to uncover through an interview the story of an educator, Dr. Neena Mehta, who thrives on impacting change among people with education. Below are some highlights of the interview.
Please tell us about your journey throughout the education sector right from the beginning of your career.
I, Dr. Neena Mehta, was born and brought up in Chandigarh. I am PhD in Biochemistry and working as Professor and HOD, Dept. of Biochemistry with Rayat-Bahra Group, Mohali, Punjab (Near Chandigarh). During my studies and Post Doctorate research, I gained research experience in my field at various research institutes in India and abroad like Panjab University, PGIMER, Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH) at Chandigarh, India, and in the Dept. of Biochemistry at Technical University, Germany.
During my professional journey, I have published research in various National and International Journals. I have participated in multiple National and International conferences as an invited speaker and have chaired scientific sessions. I have been a subject of music therapy, and in due course of my therapy, I got involved in music so much that I started learning music. I got cured of many diseases because of music therapy's primary or secondary effects while learning music.
We have helped many female subjects, children, and the elderly gain selfconfidence and help them feel empowered by our unique and excellent teaching designs. Autistic children have also gained from music therapy.
During my career with the Rayat Bahra group,I have been actively involved in conducting Rehabilitation and Music Therapy conferences as Chairperson in association with National Rehabilitation Institute, ENT Dept. PGIMER, Chandigarh and SABH Foundation, USA.
I believe that education should not be restricted to merely collecting degrees and should be used for social empowerment. I wish to be a student
throughout my life, and whatever knowledge I have gained in my career, I want to pass it on with love to those aspiring.
What inspired you to step into the education industry? Who were your role models growing up?
To sincerely disclose the fact, I never wanted to be in the education line. I wanted to opt for a subject that would lead me to have an independent setup and build my career, and with this thought, I shifted from Chemistry Dept. in Panjab University to Biochemistry Dept. My Biochemistry Professors of Panjab University, IMTECH, and PGIMER, Chandigarh, are my all-time mentors and inspiration who are with me like my family members and always stood by me at different stages of my life and struggles in my career.
My acceptance of all the challenges and my faith in God lifted me gradually to different heights in the education sector. I can never forget that my mother was a noble and pious lady and was a beloved teacher of her students and it inspired me.
My biggest source of inspiration during my journey in the educational career is my husband, Prof. (Dr.) S. K. Mehta, also an academician and presently Vice-Chancellor at the University of Ladakh, is an internationally renowned scientist par excellence in his field of Physical Chemistry.
Many secrets of professional ethics and dedication in the education sector were sincerely taught by my father, a very honest workaholic person retired from Panjab University, who never compromised against any pressure and taught us the same, which is essential for the institute where we work. I believe that one gets educated at every step during your journey of setting up your career and rising to the next step after that.
Tell us about your esteemed institute and its mission, vision, and core values.
Rayat Bahra Group of Institutes (RBGI), a leading private education group in northern India, is a huge umbrella under seven campuses with 30000+ students with diverse cultures, regions, and lifestyles. The group has emerged as a premier destination for higher and professional education in Punjab, Haryana, and Himachal Pradesh in the Northern Region of India in approximately 21 years. Rayat Bahra University, a lush green campus, was established in 2014.
The University focuses on studentcentric, multidisciplinary, and skillbased education. The group provides education in the areas of Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Hotel Management, Education, Law, Sciences, Social Sciences, Agriculture Sciences, Medical & Allied Sciences, Media Studies, Polytechnic, Dental, and Nursing. In addition to education, the group is actively engaged in fulfilling its social responsibility.
What are the priorities of your institute in terms of course objectives and learning outcomes?
The curriculum is the core of education. It is vital to have a relevant, well-structured curriculum that answers all the questions about the future and equips the student with all the necessary skills and knowledge. Rayat Bahra University offers academic programmes reaching out to a wide spectrum of students across the globe. The syllabus is dynamic and is constantly revamped to keep pace with the rapid developments in various fields of study, scientific and
India's Most Admired Women In Educational Sector - 2022

Dr. Neena Mehta
Professor and HOD Biochemistry, Dean Academic Affairs
technological advancements and to meet the demands of academia, industry, and society.
The University focuses on the courses that are helpful for children in getting jobs in their academic fields or being an entrepreneur. To make the teaching and learning more innovative and interactive various institutes have been equipped with labs where all required facilities are available. Environment studies are included in all UG programmes. Several activities such as seminars, workshops, guest lectures, industry visits, and field excursions are organized for students of all programmes to create awareness about the environment and sustainability issues. In addition, many National and international days are celebrated every year. Rayat Bahra University provides international students with opportunities to pursue courses in various streams. These courses aim to develop professional capabilities and instil competencies like social and ethical values, human values, environmental sensitivity, etc., resulting in the holistic development of future professionals.

Education is considered a tool of empowerment. What efforts do you and the institution take to ensure that education is provided to those who need it?
As women, we know first and foremost how vital education is to shape our future and be good citizens. While we provide many formal modes of empowerment like scholarships for socially underprivileged students and students who lost one or both of their parents, we also give a lot of time to mentorship.
At Rayat Bahra Group of Institutes, we spend a lot of time guiding students when they seek help for non-classroom issues. We are, therefore, aware of the circumstances that might affect the academic performance of most of our students, and we do our best to empower them personally and through the system.
Kindly mention any of your awards, accolades, and accreditations.
Ÿ Awarded Special stipend to attend the International course on
Molecular Medicine at Freiburg,
Germany by the organizers Ÿ Awarded open SRF by CSIR Ÿ Awarded Travel Grant by DST to attend an international course on
Tuberculosis at Naples, Italy Ÿ Awarded Travel Grant by CSIR to attend an international course on stem cells at Salerno, Italy Ÿ Awarded Iconic Women Creating a
Better World for All by WICCI Ÿ Meritorious Award by Rayat Group of Institutes
What advice can you give to those who want to step into the field of education?
Being in education is a rewarding experience. Being an educator teaches one to be empathetically organized and infuses leadership skills as one gains experience in teaching and mentorship. For those of us who also conduct research, we know very well: real learning comes when we explain concepts in our subjects of expertise to others in a simplified manner and get exposed to their questions and perspectives that might have escaped our own understanding. So it is not only the students who are learners in a classroom but also the teacher. I would advise youngsters to consider education as an important endeavour of contribution to society, which requires the best talents to join hands in shaping our future as a nation.
Please share what lies ahead for you and your institution in the near future.
As I mentioned before, being an educator is a constant learning experience for me and my colleagues. Personally, I am happy to have evolved from being a young faculty and researcher to now having a leadership role in the administration as Dean Academic Affairs. I would like to continue sharing my years of experience in education, and I'm ready to take on more responsibilities if it helps to empower more and more students to realize their dreams.
The Rayat Bahra Group is looking forward to implementing the new National Education Policy in all its institutes, specifically focussing on interdisciplinary approaches, skill development, and academic flexibility in teaching and research. We wish to establish collaborations between academia and industry to provide clear pathways to employability.
deanacademicaffairs@rayatbahraunive rsity.edu.in

Dr. Preeti Bajaj
An Unwavering Guiding Light in Education

The human race has witnessed tumultuous growth since its genesis. Through ages, man T has succumbed to numerous dark times, drought, famines, plagues, and epidemics. But it was the human capacity to think critically and apply the knowledge, even at the time of calamity, has paved the way for the coming generations. Similarly, several challenges in education have been met by cumulative and extensive research through years to deliver a growthinducing and sustainable education system in India. Research and development go hand in hand, as research helps bridge the gap between knowledge and change. Dr. Preeti Bajaj is one such educator who has been persistently thriving to make phenomenal advancements in education through research and innovation for more than three decades.

The Knowledge Review takes honor in showcasing this dynamic and visionary educator.
Early Career, Professional Journey, and Milestones
Dr. Preeti Bajaj holds a Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering with MBA, with 31 years of rich administrative, academic, and research experience. She is currently the Vice-Chancellor
of Galgotias University, Greater
Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Preeti has achieved many milestones in NAAC A+, NIRF Rankings, 30 Crores plus grants including DST-NIDHI-TBI, AICTEMagradarshan, UGC-Paramarsh, World Bank-TEQIP-I & II, ARIIA ranking, Indian Patent Rankings during her leadership roles in various academic institutions. She is a tech lady, giving thrust to research, innovations, and entrepreneurship at Galgotias University.
IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the world's highest apex body in engineering, which decides standards across the globe. She is an active IEEE volunteer for more than 22 years and has executed many leadership roles of IEEE in India and abroad. She is also a Chair-Education Activities Committee IEEE Region10 - Asia Pacific, Member-Section Education Outreach Committee (SEOC) - Education Activity Board of IEEE, USA, and a member of the CII Northern Regional Committee on Education for 2021-22.
She is an expert in Computational Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Education Data Mining, and Healthcare. Her professional society affiliation includes Fellow- Institute of Engineers, Fellow IETE, Senior Member- IEEE. A total of thirteen students have completed their Ph.D. under Dr. Preeti's supervision and on the panel of Ph.D. examiners to many universities. She has co-authored three book chapters and co-inventor for three patents and 150 publications with more than 1000 citations.
Dr. Preeti has served on various governing bodies, including the General Council of National Board of Accreditations New Delhi, BOG of IEEE HKN USA, BOG Of many Academic Institutions, and BOG of the vocational board Maharashtra. She is also a member of the NEP steering committee of the UP State Government.
She is a recipient of IEEE MGA Achievement Award 2021 for exemplary Contribution and Dynamic Leadership in Achieving Rapid Transformation of IEEE Educational Activities with Several Geographic Units.
She is also a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award by IEEE India Council 2020 for subsection and FICCI Road Safety special Jury awards.
Reinventing the Academic Structure
Dr. Preeti Bajaj had recognised and contributed to the link between academics and innovation way back from 2012. Many features of the National Education Policy 2020 like linking academics with innovations and multiple internships, inclusion of data science, AI and other disruptive technologies, and many features of the NEP 2020 were implemented since 2015 across many institutions under her mentorship.
She has worked very closely on credit transfer systems with industries, and the model has been working very well for the last ten years. In the first year, NCC and NSS as credit courses and social internships during undergraduate programs, the course on innovations and entrepreneurship has set up new directions in the formal education system. Outcomes are in terms of many well-established startups and innovations
Dr. Preeti, a big advocator of OutcomeBased Education, has trained more than 1000 faculties on the same, designing and innovating the academic structure that shall shape students and generations.
Under Dr. Preeti's leadership, Galgotias University has achieved many milestones, some of them are mentioned below:

Ÿ E-Learning Excellence for
Academic Digitisation by QS I-
Gauge E-Lead Certification for
Excellence in Online Learning – 2020 Ÿ Placed in Excellent Band by ARIIA 2021 Ÿ In the band of 76-100 for Pharmacy and Management, listed in 151-200 top universities of India, 177th in Vice-Chancellor, Galgotias University, Greater Noida

Engineering Category in NIRF
INDIA RANKINGS 2021 as declared by MHRD Ÿ Secured 3rd position for uploading maximum E-Contents on Uttar
Pradesh Higher Education Portal among the all 76 plus Universities in Uttar Pradesh Ÿ Received UGC-12B status. Ÿ Ranked 3rd in India and 1st in Uttar
Pradesh in OBE Ranking 2021 by
R World Institution Ranking
Galgotias University, Transforming Education
The Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, sponsored by Smt. Shakuntala Educational and Welfare Society, has been established by the state of Uttar Pradesh under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956 vide The Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh Act, 14 of 2011.
In 2022, the university grew to more than 16000 students. Galgotias University aspires to be and is on a fast-track to becoming an internationally recognized university that excels in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education, research, and innovation, educating globally competitive graduates with the potential to become leaders in their fields of endeavour. The 'students-first' philosophy is a big reason why Galgotias University is consistently ranked among India's top universities. The focus of Galgotias University is on a low student-tofaculty ratio that promotes plenty of personal attention and mentoring opportunities. The record-breaking placement at Galgotias this year is an apt testimony to its focus on upholding the highest academic standards right from selecting top faculty, introducing world-class pedagogical practices to the personality development of the students.
Galgotias University has 13 schools, 19 Departments with 53 UG programs, 36 PG programs, and 25 Ph.D. programs. We have approvals from various Councils [Pharmacy: Pharmacy Council of India (PCI); Law: Bar Council of India (BCI); Nursing: Indian Nursing Council (INC); Architecture: Council of Architecture (COA); Education: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE); Hotel Management: Norms of National Council for Hotel Management (NCHM)].
The University has won several awards; some of them are listed below: Ÿ ARIIA Ranking 2021: Placed in the
Band of Excellent under the Category "University & Deemed to be University (Private/Self-
Financed) (Technical)" in Atal
Ranking of Institutions on
Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) 2021 Ÿ Awarded 4 Star Rating (highest) by
Institution Innovation Council (IIC) for 2020-21 Ÿ Galgotias University is Ranked No. 1 for SDG 10 (Reduced Inequality) and Overall Ranked in A1 Band (Rank 1-10), PAN India for excellence towards offering global and Holistic Education | Global
Impact Rankings (Based on 17
SDG by the United Nations) by R
World Institution Ranking Ÿ Engineering Programs in Computer
Science and Engineering,
Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering are accredited by NBA (National Board of Accreditation),

Education is a never-ending topic, and the more you learn about it, the more you learn. Learning can take place anywhere, be a learner throughout your life, and you shall achieve new heights.
India's Most Admired Women In Educational Sector - 2022

Ÿ Ranked 3rd in India and 1st in Uttar
Pradesh in OBE Ranking 2021 by
R World Institution Ranking Ÿ 1st amongst Private Universities and 3rd amongst all Universities in
Uttar Pradesh for uploading maximum E-Contents on Online
Digital Library Uttar Pradesh Portal Ÿ Galgotias University is ranked 10th across India and is positioned in the 'A1 Band: Institution of Excellence' category in MHW Ranking 2021 by
R World Institutional Ranking Ÿ Amongst Top 5 Business Colleges in Uttar Pradesh by India Today
Ranking 2020
Mission, Vision, and Differentiator Vision
To be known globally for value-based education, research, creativity, and innovation
Ÿ Establish state-of-the-art facilities for world-class education and research Ÿ Collaborate with industry and society to align the curriculum Ÿ Involve in societal outreach programs to identify concerns and provide sustainable, ethical solutions Ÿ Encourage life-long learning and team-based problem solving through an enabling environment
Ÿ Outcome-based Education across all disciplines in the university since inception Ÿ Students' council and club Ÿ 100% admissions and close to 100 percent placements, higher educations and entrepreneurship together

Holistic Approach
At Galgotias University, students are encouraged to follow their passion apart from academics to deliver holistically and overall development. The 30 plus clubs take care of this, and in addition to this, IPR cell, E cell, Research Cell, Startup community, Placement cell, and IIC cell allow the students to do all experimentation exposure and bring the best out of them. The CPDD (Career placement Department) inputs from industries and recruiters and value addition programs are arranged in the departments.
Nobel laureates' lectures from various fields create an ideal environment for setting up their careers.
A Message for the Students
Dr. Preeti says, "Education is a neverending topic, and the more you learn about it, the more you learn. Immerse yourself in diverse writers' works and read various books on your themes and beyond until you find a story that resonates with you. Learning can take place anywhere, be a learner throughout your life, and you shall achieve new heights."
She believes that the students should grab every opportunity that comes their way, no matter how small or big it is. She adds, "It doesn't matter whether it's small or big as every opportunity opens the door for the new one. Always keep your spirits high and let your confidence show through your work. Be your mentor, decide what you want to be, and don't dream because someone else wants you to do so.”
Outlook for the Future
Dr. Preeti Bajaj envisions a university where everyone feels valued and appreciated regardless of race, gender or religion. She advocates skill-based India, Startup India, and dream for the university wherein the students intend to become job providers rather than the seeker. She adds, "My priority is to make the university get Accredited by National and international agencies and to be one of the most digitally driven, internationally recognised research-based University with international accreditations."

Ushering a Sociocultural Change

A A nation progresses through numerous factors of technological innovations, industrial production, agriculture, trade, commerce, productivity, education and sociocultural factors. Over the years, women seem to have become synonyms for modern developments today. The role of women has steadily increased and has placed themselves in the education system to a great extent. Earlier it was perceived that women were best suited for the teaching profession due to their calm nature, disciplined approach, sincerity and focus. Today the role of women has expanded in almost all sectors with noticeable contributions.
Impact Since Childhood
Right from childhood, it is noticed that the presence of women in our lives has been influential in the decisions we make. Through the roles of mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, neighbors and teachers, women have been active at some point in our lives.
In schools and colleges, the students learn new things with a clear mind to absorb the subjects. Apart from the core subjects, the manners, etiquettes, morals, values, examples instructions steadily percolate in their belief system. A teacher's instruction in a clear and distinct tone gets registered in the minds of the pupils, steadily creating their personalities. Women teachers of today contribute to a great extent in molding and shaping the future of generations.
Remarkable Contributions to Higher Authorities
Women have been at the forefront of adorning senior positions in various fields of politics, administrative services, civil, finance, etc.
Indira Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, was an influential leader who initiated the country's growth. She represented India in various international summits and was instrumental in numerous decisions contributing to the development of the nation. Amongst the masses, she was known as 'The Iron Lady' who inspired a large number of people through her sheer determination and leadership.
Another example of such influential leader is, IPS the former Kiran Bedi, Inspector General (Prisons) and Director General, Bureau of Police Research and Development, who is a very strong leader and headed the Indian Police fraternity. She identified the new ways of inspiring and training the prisoners to learn important life skills. Her ideology of transforming the prisoners of Tihar jail into cultured civilians was indeed noteworthy. Apart from her dynamic public government services, she is an active social worker and a strong reformer for women's empowerment. She was awarded Presidents Police Medal in 1979 and Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1994.
Influential Educators
One of the prominent women poets, freedom fighters and educationists is Mahadevi Verma. She was the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Prayag Mahila Vidyapeeth and promoted human values through her career and teachings.
Durgabai Deshmukh, an ardent Gandhian, was a freedom fighter who established schools to train women in weaving and spinning. Durgabai formed Andhra Mahila Sabha to coach young girls to appear for Banaras Hindu University Matric examination. Inspired by her huge contribution to society, the institution later decided to train women in journalism, nursing and teachings.
Creating Significant Impact
Amla Akkineni is aformer film actor and a social activist in Hyderabad. Amla is a strong promoter of vegetarianism and the founder of Blue Cross NGO in Hyderabad. She is dedicated to the work for the protection and spreading awareness about animal rights. She quit her successful career in the Indian film industry and devoted her time to helping the homeless animals and spreading awareness about their well-being in society.

Moreover, the founder of Akansha Foundation and CEO of Teach For India, Shaheen Mistry is also one of the remarkable social workers who have made a huge impact in the upliftment of the poor, homeless slum dwellers in Mumbai. She noticed that the povertydriven children from the slums were deprived of their right to formal education. With this vision, she founded Akanksha Foundation in 1989 to provide post-school teaching to the kids. As the number of children steadily grew, she initiated The Teach For India in 2008. Since then, the organization has placed approximately 1700 students in various schools. Oprah Winfrey is one of the most influential women in America. She has become a role model for the African American community, fighting for their equal rights and justified treatment. Oprah has advocated strongly for women's rights in the professional world. She is the host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, an interview-based talk show which revolves around the lives of common people and tends to inspire them. Oprah has grown to be an impressive and inspiring role model for millions of people in America and across the globe.
Social Reformers
Some women have been an exceptional inspiration to the masses worldwide due to their selfless service to humanity. One name that sparkles in our mind is MotherTeresa, an Albanian-Indian roman catholic nun and missionary who served in Kolkata. She served the poor and the destitute with Leprosy. She was honoured with Padma Shri in 1962 and Bharat Ratna in 1980. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her noteworthy service to uplifting the poor and distressed people. Mother Teresa was honoured with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by US President Ronald Regan in 1985. She has also been confirmed with the title of sainthood by Roman Catholic Church recently. She has been one of the motivating personalities who encouraged people to come forward and help the needy.
Spreading the Brightness
As we look at the role and the impact women have created in our society, it is far-reaching and deeply imbibed. On counting, the list goes endless, concluding with a smile of empowerment and clarity that we can look up to and grow to become a mature and responsible citizens of this global village.