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Changing of a in this Fast- Responsibilities changing World Principal
College - the place of a beautiful transition from the realm of schooling to the stepping stone into the future; also known to be the hub of knowledge, it spectacles life skills and is an eye opener toward the real world. The person who is indeed responsible for enhancing thedreamsofbuddingyoungstersandmakingthemareality isthePrincipal.Thepaceatwhichtheworldisexpandingits horizons obviously has made an impact on the routine roles andresponsibilitiesofacollegeprincipal.
Apart from the routine of a teacher, the regular roles of a college principal revolve around general administration, organization, and supervision duties; additionally include guidance and counseling of students and staff. In a nutshell, the role of a principal is a compass that points toward the enhancementordevelopmentoftheinstitute,alsofencingin the upliftment of the college's morale. A college based in Medicine,Nursing,Dentistry,andAlliedHealthSciencesisin multiplewaysdifferentfromthatofothers.Amedicine-based environment is not just about igniting the light of selfdevelopment in a student; it is about bringing in an actual changeinthecommunitybymeansofmoldinganindividual whoisself-aware,perceptivetotheneedsofsociety,instilled with the sense of empathy and keen to be on the road with rapidadvancementsoftheindustry
The current world is getting into headway with novel technologiesandunimaginablediscoveries.Frominnovative cellular regenerative techniques to Artificial Intelligence (Internet of things, Blockchain technology,
Neurotechnology), the world of medicine has expanded exponentially Giventhescenarioofafast-changingworld,it becomestheunswornresponsibilityofaprincipaltoshiftthe paradigm of traditional educational methods and bring in moreingeniousstrategiestokeepthestudents,aswellasthe teachingfacultymotivatedandinspiredtogoforthegreatest glories and create a mark in the strengthening of society by makingasignificantcontributiontothehealthcaresector.
Inmyview,aPrincipalisnotjusttheillustriousoracclaimed captain of the ship but a leader who creates the path toward progress.The students of today are evidently more creative, smart, and well-informed about the latest discoveries and inventions; they should be encouraged to participate in conferencesandacademicconclaves.
Furthermore, involvement in research activities should be encouragedasmuchaspossible.Buildinganorganizationallevel innovation council and trying to bridge ideas and thoughts into reality will enable young minds to foster their innertalents.Thefocusshouldnotjustbelimitedtoacademic and scientific upgradations, but a Principal should take into account the healthy development of an individual. This includes giving the students the space to work on their soft skills. These can be instilled in by persuading them to do presentations,creatingagroupdiscussionhourforimprovement of communication skills and also to learn about team bonding, and interpersonal skills in real life, forming an onlineblogorinternalmagazinetoboosttheessentialwriting skills.
About the Author
Dr C Ananda Vayaravel is an alumnus of JIPMER, Puducherry, possessing a Doctoral degree in Biochemistry. He is passionate about teaching the students of Health Care (Medical, Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy and other Allied Health Sciences) and has been enlightening them with his innovave teaching for the past 22 years. He possesses 39 Publicaons to his credit. Top 10 Principal of the year, Best Academician, Best Researcher, Best Writer, Cerficate of Leadership, the most admired Educaon influencers in India, Award of Excellence and the Best Administrator Award are his accolades. He is well appreciated for empowering the students naonally, being honored with the ‘Cerficate of Empowerment’ from Young mind Publishers, Pvt. Ltd. He is inclined towards Medical educaon and Inter-disciplinary research.
Currently he is the Principal of Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Paramedical Sciences, (SVCPMS) Puducherry, an unit of Sri Venkateshwaraa Group of Instuons which also offers courses in Medicine, Denstry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Engineering Science.
Additionally,studentscanbeaskedtotakeuponlineoroffline coursesfromawidearrayofopportunitiesthatwillopenthem up to newer learning experiences based on their topics of interest. A principal should therefore play the role of a dignifiedmentorandinoculateconfidenceanddetermination intheyoungmindsofstudents.
Apartfrombeinganeducatorandadministrator,onehastobe an entrepreneur and a leader to cope with this fast-changing world. Though the internet world is loaded with facts, the current generation of students or the faculty needs a friend, philosopher, and guide who can lead them toward their success. So, the current generation's Principal must keep himselfupdatednotonlyinhisfieldbutalsowiththedifferent growing educational technologies related to his field, which will also enable him to give good carrier advice to the students.
Socialmediaeasilydiverttheyoungergenerations;somestill gofurthertoviolenceandareaddictedtodrugs.Itisdifficult fortheparentstoretrievethemback,andmanydependonthe faculty or the principal to take care of the situation. This delicateconditionhastobehandledcarefullyasitisadoubleedged sword. Most of the time, the Principal alone cannot handle himself, and he has to give counseling through a psychiatrist.
The role of a principal does not just cease with the managementofstudents.Italsoundeniablyentailsmanaging the teaching and administrative faculty of the organization. Notmostofthetime,theywillbeuptohisexpectations.
During these times, one has to be patient and give some opportunitiesforthemtodevelop.Thereshouldalwaysbea thinthreadbetweenhimandhissubordinates.Onehastobea buffer between the management and his staff, paving a pathway for a lifelong smooth relationship. Not every time will there be enough time for the principal to have access to the students. Here comes the vital role of the faculty, who shouldactasabridgebetweenthestudentsandtheprincipal.
Along with the fast-changing world, a principal has to work with the management's fast-changing motto, especially if it is a private organization, as they give more emphasis on the outcome. "If your mind doesn't know, your eyes can't see." Onehastounderstandthevisionandmissionofhisorganizationandthenplanhis'NutsandBolts'towardsitsprogression.
In a nutshell, a Principal has to be multitalented (Teacher, MentorandAdministrator)andkeephimselfupdatedwiththe changesintheeducationpolicieshappeningacross,aschange isinevitable.