THE KRAKEN | April | Volume 2 Issue 1

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Vol. 2 Issue 1

APRIL 2015




TABLE OF CONTENTS Farewell 6 Greetings from LTG 7 Division Officers 8-9 Key Club 101 10-11 DCON Recap 12-15 District Board 16-17 ELIMINATE Project 18 Divisional Officers 19 Divisional Goals 20 DGov. Greeting 21 Exec. Board 22-23



Dear Division 33 Krakens, I am extremely grateful and honored to have served this division as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2014-2015 Key Club year. All of you are the reason why my term was so great and I cannot thank you guys enough. I've seen this division grow stronger and stronger not only during my term, but also throughout the years. I don't think that I could have asked for a better division to serve. Starting out as a freshman, I was the younger sibling that went to meetings because of my older sister. As I volunteered at more projects and connected with members in my club and the division, I realized how inspiring every member of this organization was and the impact that we all were making on people's lives. Honestly, I think our division represents that well and it gives me happiness. During my term, there were so many great memories made. From pies being thrown at my face, to hosting rallies, to getting all of our dues submitted first, and increasing our divisional membership by 10%, there have been so many great achievements and memories that I will forever cherish. I am so proud of each and every single one of you in the division and I am so happy that all of you have been committed an dedicated members to Key Club International. I truly believe that our division is one of the most dedicated divisions in the Pacific Northwest. All of you have shown amazing character, leadership, and love of service. You all are perfect examples of what a Key Clubber should be. I want to thank all of you for this amazing term that I had. Like I said, all of you are truly inspiring and amazing people. There have been so many bonds and friendships I have made throughout this term and I wouldn't give those bonds and friendships up for anything. I always just think about the night I retired when I was walking back to my seat and you guys called out my name and a bunch of you came up to me and started hugging and crying with me and all the thank you's you gave me as my term ending. It's something that will stay with me forever and will always be a constant reminder of how passionate all of you are and how supportive and how strong of a bond we were all able to make. All of you have truly inspired me and make me appreciate everything this organization offers to it's members. The service, dedication, inclusiveness, leadership, friendships, just everything, you all have been contrast reminders of everything that Key Club offers. There's so many people I want to thank for this term being so successful. I want to thank all the club officers for working with me throughout the term and making things run smoothly within the division. I want to thank all the advisers and Kiwanians in the division for working so closely with us and watching over us. I want to thank all the treasurers for having to deal with all my nagging during dues season and making it so that we were the first division to get all 100% of our dues submissions in first in the whole Pacific Northwest. I want to thank all the members of the division. You all are the reason for the success of the division. You all have shown a hardworking mindset, dedication, a love for service, and a loving and caring attitude towards every aspect of life. All I can think about is how much I love and miss you guys. You all have made such a strong impact on my life and I cannot thank you guys enough for it. You all are truly the best. I know that Andrea will do an amazing job during her term and I can't wait to see what she has planned for the division. I know that she will make a huge impact on all of your lives and I know that all of you will make an impact on hers'. Again, I love and miss you all. With much love, Greg Park Lieutenant Governor of Division 33, 2014-2015


GREETINGS Hi Krakens! I’m Andrea and I’m so excited and honored to be serving you all as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2015-2016 year. I’m currently a junior at Federal Way High School, I’ve been a part of Key Club since my freshman year and I spent my last year as our club’s Vice-President. Being a part of Key Club has been an amazing experience and I can’t wait to continue my Key Club experience with our division this year! Thank you to everyone who attended DCON for being exemplary attendees. Even though we didn’t win the spirit stick this year, we’ll be back for it next year! You guys were loud, spirited (and everyone loved our Hola Que Pasa chant) an inclusive throughout the entire weekend. I hope that you all learned a lot from the forums you attended, whether it was officer training, team building or even icebreakers, and that you take what you learned and incorporate it in your clubs. DCON is one of the few times where you get to feel how big Pacific Northwest Key Club and the impact that Key Club has had on its members. But even if you didn’t attend DCON don’t forget that we are all a part of the oldest, largest, and greatest student led service organization in the world! I can’t wait to meet you all throughout my term and hope to see you all at the DCM in April! In love and service,,

Andrea Diep 7

Auburn High School

President: N/A Vice President: N/A Editor: N/A Secretary: N/A Treasurer: N/A

Auburn Mountainview High School

President: Kathy Nguyen Vice President: N/A Editor: N/A Secretary: N/A Treasurer: N/A

Auburn Riverside High School

President: Allison Bantigue Vice President: N/A Editor: N/A Secretary: N/A Treasurer: N/A


Decatur High School

President: Dayoung Cheong Vice President: N/A Editor: Alex Nagode Secretary: N/A Treasurer: Chun Hwang

Federal Way High School

President: Sharon Choe Co Vice Presidents: Angie Kong & Kyle Devanadera Co-Editors: Victoria Cacho & Rheanna Borromeo Secretary: Maggie Brewer Treasurer: N/A

Thomas Jefferson High School

President: Isaiah Tabalbag Vice President: Nayoung Kim Editor: Jamie Yuk Secretary: Bryan Hsieh Treasurer: Ally Lee

Todd Beamer High School

President: Quianna Aquino Vice President: Dannis Thompson Editor: Yuri Yi Secretary: Cindy Park Treasurer: Ayoung Kim


KEY CL The Pacific Northwest is geographically the largest district of Key Club International. The district spans from western Canada to northern California: with Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and the pan-handle of Idaho in between. The Pacific Northwest encompasses nearly 1.8 million square miles and includes over 300 clubs that operate under 45 divisions. Through rain or shine, snow or hail, Key Clubbers in the Pacific Northwest dedicate countless hours to their communities and internationally, and are always Proud 'N' Willing to serve!

Division 33

serves the Auburn and Federal Way community with 7 high schools. This includes, Auburn High School, Auburn Mountainview High School, Auburn Riverside High School, Decatur High School, Federal Way High School, Thomas Jefferson High School and Todd Beamer High School. Our division is known for our amazing spirit and large Korean population. Division 33 is represented by the Kraken and our colors are blue, gold and white. There’s never a dull moment when everyone in our division is together. Everyone is dedicated and always willing to serve the community no matter what.


UB 101 “It's raining, it's pouring, and PNW is soaring above the rest, 'cause we're the best, Pacific Northwest!”

MOTTO "Proud 'N' Willing to Serve!" MASCOT Mortimer Moose COLOR Fuchsia Pink PNW ON SOCIAL NETWORKS FACEBOOK: Pacific Northwest District Key Club TWITTER: @pnwkeyclub INSTAGRAM: @pnwkeyclub








Division AYN: TBE Division AYS: Tanya Charoonsophonsak Division 9: Kelsie Coffell Division 13/15: Veronica Vivero Division 17: TBE Division 18: Baneet Braich Division 19/36: Tiana Herring Division 20i: JhonMartin Dimaculangan Division 20m: Ryan McLaughlin Division 21: Jessica Bae Division 22/24: Erica Smith Division 26: Christina Nguyen


Division 27: Julienne Renne Division 28: Cyssi Ngo Division 30: Alex Wicks Division 32: Kim Tran Division 33: Andrea Diep Division 34: Angela Shin Division 42C: Ryan Loforteza Division 42V: Shelby White


Division 44: Stuart Sardo Division 45: Michelle Chang Division 46: Misty Schofield Division 48: Leah Maly Division 50: Hienschi Nguyen Division 52: Cynthia Lopez Division 54: Viyana Singsanavong Division 56: Grace Chung Division 58: Ariana Regimbal Division 62: Vicky Nguyen Division 64: Daniela Mai Division 65W: John-Nick Beronilla

Division 65E: Bryan Lee Division 66: Bailey Chen Division 70: Kennedy Birley Division 72: TBE Division 74: Pearl Cutting Division 76: Danielle Acosta Division 80: TBE Division 82: Mariah Gronbach




-EVERY 11 MINUTES, ONE BABY DIES FROM MNT. -APPROXIMATELY 134 NEWBORNS DIE DAILY. 49,000 NEWBORNS DIE EACH YEAR FROM MNT. It takes a series of 3 doses ($1.80) to save a mother and all of her babies.

YOU CAN -Buy Eliminate Gear (ask your LTG!) -Host a fundraiser (bake sales, miracle minute)


YOUR DIVISIONAL OFFICERS Hey Krakens, I am very proud to be able to introduce myself as your Division Secretary for the upcoming Key Club year. I'm 17 years old, a Junior at TBHS and my full name is Dannis Duy Thompson. These are things that anyone could see by just glancing at me. But I'm much more than what people can see on the surface. On the outside I look like person who doesn't enjoy the company of others or being talked to. In actually I love to converse with others to learn about their experiences and how they came to be who they are today. I don't do this to be a creep and know everything about a person but to know who they are as a person so I can help them, if they need me, in the best possible way. I also have a strong passion for service just like any of you. Ever since middle school I enjoyed lending a helping hand to those in need. Whether it was tutoring younger kids or serving the community I loved every moment of it. Outside of school and extracurricular activities I dedicate myself to music and dance. Through dance and composition I vent my feelings, expressing them in a way nothing else would allow me to do. This has been one of my passions for very long. Without music I wouldn't be able to deal with the stress that comes with the plethora of homework given to us at school. Peace Out, Dannis P.S. I love giraffes.

Hey Krakens, I'm Kevin, and I'll be your divisional editor this year. I'm an 11th grader at Todd Beamer (Bomb squad). I hope to aid our LTG rollinginthediep to the best of my abilities, and hope to see y'all later. Peace out, Kevin PS: I love koalas and mocha frappes.


GOALS FOR THE DIVISION -UNITY: Clubs will be more aware of what other clubs in our division are doing. As a division I want us to be closer and more comfortable with one another. At the heart of it all we are a family sharing the same passion for service. -INCREASE: I would like membership growth to increase by 10% so that Division 33 can continue to grow. -FUN: I want every member to feel included in the division and have us be able to enjoy being together, -SERVICE: The divisional board and I will work hard to bring divisional service events to you all. But also, make sure that your clubs are making the biggest impact on your community as possible. -DCON: I’d love to bring more members to share the experience of DCON with next year. With it being so close to home, its hard not to take advantage of the amazing opportunity. 20



EXECUTIVE BOARD DISTRICT SECRETARY Hey hey hey, PNW Key Clubbers! Words cannot adequately describe my excitement to serve you as District Secretary for the 2015-16 term. I'm eager to see what we as a district can accomplish this year, from membership growth to funds raised for the Eliminate Project. I know that through our continuous efforts, from club to district level, pouring endless hours into giving back to our community, we can hit many new milestones, and our achievements will definitely soar. I'm excited to meet you all! Feel free to contact me anytime, whether it be about Secretary reports, tips on improving club attendance at meetings, or if you just want to conversate-I'm always available as a resource and as a friend. In caring service, Tran Hoang Pacific Northwest District Secretary Key Club International (971)-(267)-(9235)

DISTRICT TREASURER Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Suvir Copparam and I am your incoming District Treasurer. I am incredibly excited and thankful to serve you all for the coming year and am confident in what we can accomplish. This year, I plan to effectively educate club treasurers with detailed resources, monitor district spending with our first budget, grow district membership, and ultimately help all of you improve your clubs, so we can have a larger impact as a district. I am available to all of you as a resource, but also as a friend. Please contact me anytime if you have questions about your club, or even if you just want to chat! I look forward to working with you all this year. In Caring & Service, Suvir Copparam Pacific Northwest District Treasurer Key Club International (425)-(445)-(6199)


DISTRICT EDITOR Hello PNW Key Clubbers! I’m truly honored to be serving all you this year as your new District Editor for the 20152016 term. I'm so excited to get started on everything that I planned on doing and I'm confident in what we are able to do this year. During my term I plan on making sure editors have the proper training to make newsletters through either workshops, videos or one-onone help. I also want to try and focus on connecting the club and district level a bit more while also being able to give you guys more news on a more frequent basis. If you guys have any questions or just want to talk, feel free to contact me! I'd love to get to know you guys as much as I can throughout my term. In love and service, JoJo Saunders Pacific Northwest District Editor Key Club International (206)-(790)-(7510)

CONVENTION CHAIR Hello PNW Key Clubbers! I’m Ryan Miura and I will be serving as your 2015-2016 District Convention Chair. I am so excited to be planning DCON 2016! There are a lot of great things that will come this year, so be on the lookout for updates and videos during our time before DCON. I hope we all take this year to better ourselves as student leaders, and that we are able to live up to our greatest potential as Key Clubbers. Thank you everyone, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all throughout this year! In love and service, Ryan Miura Pacific Northwest District Convention Chair Key Club International (503)-(490)-(0041)



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