1 minute read
The Poets Always Say
weeping weeping weeping / good things come in threes / pockmarked / bitter / stinging / the softness / each and every ghost / each and every God / each and every genesis / four walls and a mother / fatherhood / girlhood / and the stars have all died / from the same dust we are made from / i have questions / i have answers / i have lied / tell me “stop” when you hear a truth / tell me “go” when it is a truth that’s been stolen / headlights / all the flavors of hours after midnight / an ache / a void / the well in my chest / the palette of feelings together on the page / an empty canvas / a spinning wheel / the clay / the contour / all the flavors of love / all the flavors of love after / death / hurt / pinprick of pain / the vivid / vocal / validity / definitions / plump lip petals / give me a moment before the / break / when the well runs brown water you will drink / when the well runs clear you will cry / the unfiltering / the treatment / rainstorms / autumnal grieving / the quiet / a first snowfall / baby breath / murmuration / a sonnet / a song / a soliloquy on the side of the road / tell me “stop” when you hear a lie / all this to take the moments / the magic / all this to show / you mean it.
By:Gabrielle Wong