April 2012

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Prohibition Going, going gone?

Marijuana: a gateway drug? p.9

The vegan diaries p. 25

The life of Sherwon Wanzo p.12 Vol. 91, No. 6 . April. 2012 • Lakewood High School • 14100 Franklin Blvd. • Lakewood, OH 44107

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Cover Illustration by Julia Houska.


Check out Dylan Dombroski’s vegan spring break on page 24.

The Lakewood Times


Vol. 91 Issue 6 April 2012

Times staff 2011/2012 Managing Editors Julia Houska Gwen Stephen Lily Pollack Victoria Chesmar Juan Amador

Sports Editors

Jon Cropper Sabrina Suleiman


4. Weed beginnings 5. Ron Paul: pot 6. Dangers of driving 7. Smoke to smoke 8. Gateway drug 9. American pot head/ mellow motivation 10. Natural highs 11. DEA

Staff Writers

Maddy Kane Brandy Davis Khalil Cormier Brandon Reid Dylan Dombroski Becca Houp




Casey Miller Brett Brown Alain Mika

Sabrina Suleiman The Ohio scholastic media association journalism awards ceremony held at Kent State, brought together past and present editors. Read more about Lakewood’s awards at Lakewoodtimes.net

Copy Editor

Bushra Harba

Karen Ballash


17. Obamination 18. Editorial edition


12. Remembering Sherwon 16. Obama-nation

Lakewood Life 22.Photo fun

24. Vegan Diaries 26. Tunes of a cello


27. Hermans hurdles/baseball Students and teachers remember Sherwon Wanzo. See pages 12-14.

Times Editorial Policy

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December 2011

8 8


Want the


Weed on

By Khalil Cormier

Since the beginning of the Bronze Age (3300-1200 B.C.) there have been recorded uses of a plant, that recently, has created much controversy. The plant is known as cannabis. Only relatively recently has cannabis presented a problem, In the mid 20th century to be exact. Before then, cannabis has been used for many things, from food, to clothing, to material used in construction. Ancient China was known for first using cannabis as food and material for hemp ropes and cloths. The first use of cannabis for medicinal purposes was recorded around 2700 B.C.. The plant has even been alluded to in ancient texts of cultures, from the Romans literature to Hindi sacred texts and specifically as a sacred plant in the Atharvaveda (Science of Charms). During the early 1600s, cannabis was made a necessary component in crops. Between 1763 and 1767 one could be jailed for not having it as part of their crops. This was because of shortages until cotton was discovered as a clothing material. The prohibition of cannabis has been fairly clouded in controversy. There are many reasons to why it was made illegal but most reasons lead to Mexico. Most hemp comes from Mexico, and since the use of cotton increased, farmers started to get annoyed by the use of Marijuana as a drug. Many Mexican laborers smoked Marijuana and brought it to California, and many Mormons who traveled to Mexico returned to California with pot to smoke as well. California was the first to outlaw Marijuana and eventually in 1927 all of America made use illegal.



Since then, the use of Marijuana has would have thought of as marijuana users, been frowned upon by the government. but I later found out that they were. To be But recently, states have been fighting for honest, I feel that the effects of weed are the legalization of pot. Medicinal marijuana insignificant compared to the effects of has already been made legal in 16 different something like alcohol, which is completely states. Significant attempts at legalization legal. Although the consumption of alcohol have been seen in California and Colorado can be done without intoxication, I think as well. that alcoholics present more of a problem But what are some Lakewood opinions to society than stoners. Serious drug-users on the drug? are usually cursed with certain predisposi“It’s a really overblown and misunder- tions such as risk-taking behavior or destood thing,” said junior Peter Quigley. “My pression that result in their behaviors. Sure, opinion is that cannabis is an omnipotent marijuana may have been square one for plant that has been at those people, the butt-end of a pabut it’s ridicuthetic war on personal “Some people act as if marijua- lous to blame freedom coined ‘the for na-use can turn ‘normal’ people ittheirentirelyprobwar on drugs’”. into complete freaks.”- Junior lems.” It has countless medicinal purposes and Asking Peter Quigley can act as a great recadults about reational alternative to cannabis is harder substances” says Dylan Glover. tricky, the only clear choice was to ask my “It doesn’t matter if you smoke it, don’t parents. My parents understand opinion on judge because it’s just a plant,” said junior cannabis as that it is indeed a bad thing, Rob Moore. “It makes people slackers, it’s illegal, and Many students from other schools, such it’s a gateway drug. At least that’s how the as Avon Lake, Bay Village, and Westlake, general society sees it” said my mom. seem to agree. “I’m not against it, I don’t “I believe it should be decriminalized, really see a problem from it, but I person- I wouldn’t exactly say legalized but there ally don’t smoke it,” said Seamus Groman shouldn’t be severe penalties for having a from Westlake. ‘stash’ or buying it or selling it”. Both my “It’s safer than alcohol” said Emma parents believe it should be used for meSchmotzer from Rocky River, “If used re- dicinal purposes. “It seems that there is a sponsibly it isn’t bad”. fair amount of logic missing either for or “Some people act as if marijuana-use can against it” said my dad. turn ‘normal’ people into complete freaks. But I think that’s completely untrue; there have been people I’ve met that I never

The Lakewood Times

Ron Paul: in weed he trusts By: Becca Houp

We finally have a candidate for president who is calling for the legalization of marijuana. Texas Congressman Ron Paul has people debating his position. Does he think everyone should be allowed to smoke pot or possess it? According to Ron Paul, and the state of Washington and Colorado, this is not the case. Republican Ron Paul has been in the House of Representatives for 30 years and served as a Texas congressman. During this time, Ron Paul has voted in favor of bills introducing the idea of legalizing marijuana or ending the marijuana prohibition. However, none of the bills that he supported made it to committee to be discussed. In his latest attempt to run for President, he and Barney Frank introduced a bill on June 23, 2011 named HR 2306. The bill allows states to decide how they will regulate marijuana. The bill reads as follows: “To limit the application of federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marijuana and for other purposes.” According to the Los Angeles Times website, Ron Paul is not necessarily trying to promote the use and alleged abuse of the substance. He just wants to permit the use to those of age (21), as they did when ending alcohol prohibition. Both Washington state and Colorado are to vote in November on Measure 502. The measure prohibits sale of marijuana to anyone under the age of 21, as well as the production, distribu-

Measure 502 PART I INTENT NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. The people intend to stop treating adult marijuana use as a crime and try a new approach that: (1) Allows law enforcement resources to be focused on violent and property crimes. (2) Generates new state and local tax revenue for education,health care, research, and substance abuse prevention; and (3) Takes marijuana out of the hands of illegal drug organizations and brings it under a tightly regulated, state-licensed system similar to that for controlling hard alcohol. This measure authorizes the state liquor control board to regulate and tax marijuana for persons twenty-one years of age and older, and add a new threshold for driving under the influence of marijuana.

tion and retail sale. Colorado seeks to allow limited possession and cultivation of cannabis according to America Blog. About.com states the bill that Ron Paul introduced in June 2011 also says that if a state has chosen to legalize marijuana, federal law cannot override state law. Ron Paul has come in second and fourth in primaries so it is not likely he will win the nomination. According to the New York Times website, Ron Paul has raised more money than any other Republican (aside from Mitt Romney) and has also earned 50 delegates. (While he still needs over 1,000.) College students seem to make up a massive proportion of Ron Paul’s supporters. In the next two months, Ron Paul is planning to arrange rallies at 30 different campuses across the country. According to an article in Rolling Stone magazine, Obama claimed he vowed to put an end to Bush’s high profile raids on providers of medical marijuana (Legal in 16 states and D.C.). Then why has the Obama administration been cracking down on medical cannabis ruthlessly the past year? It is reported that his quiet operations go beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. Even if the growers are able to prove they abide by every state law, the federal government seizes their property. There isn’t any real reason that has been reported by Rolling Stone for Obama’s sudden turn on the issue. Executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project, Rob Kampia, claims in Rolling Stone, “There’s no question that Obama’s the worst president on medical marijuana…he’s gone from first to worst.”

PART II DEFINITIONS (f) “Deliver” or “delivery,” means the actual or constructive transfer from one person to another of a substance, whether or not there is an agency relationship. (h) “Dispense” means the interpretation of a prescription or order for a controlled substance and, pursuant to that prescription or order, the proper selection, measuring, compounding, labeling, or packaging necessary to prepare that prescription or order for delivery. (i) “Dispenser” means a practitioner who dispenses. (p) “Lot” means a definite quantity of marijuana, usable marijuana, or marijuana-infused product identified by a lot number, every portion or package of which is uniform within recognized tolerances for the factors that appear in the labeling. (q) “Lot number” shall identify the licensee by business or trade name and Washington state unified business identifier number, and the date of harvest or processing for each lot of marijuana, usable marijuana or marijuana infused product. Art by Brett Brown and Maddy Kane

December 2011



Art by Brett Brown

g n i v i r D

n a d a s e k a t


n Steph

By Gwe

n r u t s u o r e g

Texting: new laws to

eliminate the distraction

While Ohio as a whole has no central law regarding texting while driving, several cities including Toledo, Columbus, Berea, Brooklyn, and Zainesville implement laws against distracted driving. According to DrivingLaws.com, “over the past four years various attempts at passing anti-texting laws have failed in Ohio,” Hands Free Driving Info’s website states, out of 31,231 accidents in Ohio involving distracted drivers from 2009-2011, “Cuyahoga County had the most wrecks,” These accidents resulted in 74 deaths and 7,825 injuries. Currently a state-wide ban of texting while driving is “stalled in the Senate Highways and Transportation committee” said one article. Fines of $100, $250 and $500 are given in Fairview Park for texting while driving. Individual cities, until the bill passes, have the authority to develop bans on texting while driving as well as the amount per ticket if caught. A study done by Nationwide Insurance concludes that an estimated 20 percent of drivers text behind the wheel. That number skyrockets to 66 percent when reviewing results from the 18-24 age group. Utah passed a law that threatens offenders with 15 years in prison and 16 other states are seeking further repercussions for distracted driving via texting. Most of Europe and 50 other countries have laws deferring cell phone usage while driving.

Drinking: a veteran in driving impairment

Drinking and driving has been a persistent threat to the lives of alcohol users and non-users alike. Alcohol Alert's website indicates that in 2009 out of over 1200 car crashes in Ohio, 400 were directly caused by alcohol intoxication. Out of the fatal accidents due to alcohol only 32 percent of drivers had a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher. The majority of the crashes were caused by drivers with an alcohol concentration lower than the legal limit according to the data reviewed on the website. A survey done by Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), students at Lakewood High and around the Cuyahoga area are at equal risk of abusing alcohol even while driving. The Cuyahoga County High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey including LHS, states, 26.4 percent of students had driven with someone who had been drinking in the previous 30 days before the survey was taken. The survey also suggests that 29.6 percent of the students in the previous 30 days before the survey “had been at gatherings or parties in a home where parents permitted students to use alcohol.” Almost the same percentage of students believed that it is “very wrong for someone their age to drink alcohol,” according to the survey with 24.4 percent. An online forum on state policies, Stateline, mentions that the level of drunk drivers is slowly decreasing, but are still a consistent concern.

Smoking: how high is too high?

As the states of Washington and Colorado move towards the legalization of limited possession and usage of cannabis, new laws and regulations will be ordered regarding marijuana intoxication while driving. Much like laws against drunk driving, future laws will limit the use of marijuana while driving. If marijuana usage were legal in various states, officials would have to confirm the potency of the cannabis as well as the level of “high” the user would or would not have to have while operating a motorized vehicle. According to a study done by the French National Institute for Transport and Safety Research, three percent of the 10,748 drivers involved in the study caused fatal crashes directly due to smoking marijuana. The research showed that the “risk of being responsible for a fatal crash increased as the blood concentration of THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) increased,” the article read. The question is how this “high” will be measured. “It makes me feel paranoid when I drive [when I’m high,]” said one LHS senior. “The first time I was really nervous,” she said “but after a few times doing it, it didn’t bother me.” The House and Senate bills are said to be voted on in November. In a study conducted by Yale University, drivers intoxicated by alcohol were more likely to find situations such as “merging onto a crowded highway” more difficult while they were able to conduct simple tasks such as “turning on the car,” according to a report by Maggie Clark of Stateline, a website of State policies and politics.

THE FACTS: *It is more difficult to measure how to body absorbs THC than it is to measure the amount of alcohol consumed. Smoking habits, weight and age would all have to be considered if drivers were caught under the influence, therefore making a standard legal limit of “high” would be inaccurate. According to a marijuana report by Clark. *As THC can be found in the bloodstream, hair and urine of users over a month after smoking, this would create difficulty for police to clearly test if a driver is suspected of being high as stated by the NHTSA.



The Lakewood Times



THE FACTS: *In most states the individual is considered legally drunk if their BAC reaches 0.08, some states have a legal limit of 0.05. *One in three people will be involved in an alcohol related accident in their lifetime. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. *The use of a breathalyzer dates back to 1874 as said by the administration.

*Nevada has attempted to set a standard limit of 2 nanograms of THC per millimeter of blood. This is nearly 2 billionths of a gram of marijuana. According to the NHTSA. *Colorado’s projected system would allow 5 nanograms of THC per millimeter of blood.

House Bill 99: Prohibits drivers of a motor vehicle from texting on a device. Fines up to $150. Includes six-month warning period. Senate Bill 35: Bans use of handheld communication devices while operating a motor vehicle. Fine would be $30. Hands free cellphone use issued “OK.”

Hoppin’ from smoke to smoke A comparison between different smokes and the effects on your body By Jon Cropper Photos courtesy of American Academy of Pediatrics

Artwork by Brett Brown

December 2011

Most high school students have heard the exp re s s i o n s “Smoking marijuana will give you c a n c e r. ” and “Its 10 times worse than cigarettes” about marijuana, but in reality are they actually true. A recent study on lung cancer in marijuana vs. cigarette smokers conducted by W e b MD suggests, “ a clear increase in cancer risk among cigarette smokers in the study, no such association was seen for regular cannabis users. Even very heavy, longterm marijuana users who had smoked more than 22,000 joints over a lifetime seemed to have no greater risk of cancer than infrequent marijuana users or nonusers.”

Although cancer is less likely from smoking marijuana, a marijuana smoker must ponder the question “Does it affect my lungs?” According to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, a study found that smoking marijuana on an occasional basis does not appear to significantly damage the lungs. Although if used heavily the study proves that heavy marijuana users usually have more days of being sick and minor r e spiratory problems Marijuana may not be as harsh on your lungs as cigarettes, but what about smoking hookah. Hookah is a type of water pipe believed to originate from the Middle East, but is now marketed widely in North America and around the world. Hookahs are typically tall, narrow glass pipes with one or more flexible hoses through which tobacco is smoked. The tobacco is heated by charcoal in a ceramic bowl located on top of the pipe’s stem, then water-cools the resulting smoke before being inhaled. Smoking hookah has become a trending activity among youth; generally high school students and col-

lege aged kids. The typical belief is that hookah is less harsh on one’s lungs than marijuana and cigarettes. Hookah smoking carries many of the same health risks as cigarettes. According to the American Lung Association Hookah smokers are at risk for the same kinds of diseases caused by cigarette smoking, including oral, lung and stomach cancer, cancer of the esophagus, reduced lung function, and decreased fertility. Due to frequent puffing, deep inhaling, and length of the smoking session, hookah smokers may absorb higher concentrations of the toxins found in cigarette smoke. Cigarette smokers typically take 8-12 hits of a cigarette over about 5-7 minutes. Hookah smoking sessions typically last 20-80 minutes, during which a smoker may take 50-200 hits off of the hookah.



Gateway theory goes unsolved By Maddy Kane

Is marijuana a gateway drug? This is the question seeming to plague the minds of scientists, lawmakers, and people for or against marijuana all over the nation. A local 19-year-old male, who has been smoking marijuana every day for the past year and a half, explains his view. “I think very often people have a predisposition to do other drugs. They know where to go to find things stronger than marijuana, which makes it easier to access.” This anonymous marijuana user has also participated in the use of prescription pills, tobacco, LSD, and alcohol. “Although I have tried other drugs, and it may seem that it is a gateway drug, I would still have had an interest to try the other drugs, without the use of marijuana,” said the anonymous drug user. The definition of a gateway drug is a drug whose use tends to lead to the use or dependency of harder drugs. The belief that marijuana is a gateway drug is a key argument for a prohibitionist. What are the facts? In a 2006 survey done by Case Western University for Cuyahoga County grades 9-12, it was reported that 33% of those students have tried marijuana. In another study done by The Center for Health Promotion Research, it reported that in 2009, 46.1 % of students residing in Cuyahoga County have tried marijuana one or more times in their life.

The same study also showed that 8.5% of students in Cuyahoga County have tried cocaine, 3.3% of students have tried heroin, 7.2% have tried methamphetamines, and 10.5% have tried ecstasy. According to the 2003 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration the average age of a first marijuana user is 17 years old. Only 9% of those who have tried marijuana have not also previously tried alcohol or tobacco. The same survey showed that 34% of the nation (people over twelve) have tried marijuana and 1.4% of the nation has tried heroin. Marijuana is the most widely used drug in the United States as of today. Someone who has tried cocaine, heroin, LSD, or other hard drugs, has most likely tried marijuana first, due to its popular use. There are many underlying factors to this theory. Economic status, living environment, and many other things contribute to illegal drug use. H o w e v e r, no single study c a n prove the theory, right or wrong.

Illustration by Maddy Kane



The Lakewood Times

The secret life of an American pot head By Victoria Chesmar

Smoking for a passion. An anonymous sured when he first smoked marijuana, but LHS student smoked marijuana at the age he was also curious. Ever since that day of sixteen. A lot of students probably know his obsession with marijuana has grown to of him, because he has been heard around the point where he smokes at least 5 times the school. To become a known pot head, a week. you must smoke a lot of marijuana. This Now here’s the question: is he addicted? student remembers his first time smoking. There have been so many debates regard“Well, I smoked ing, if marijuana with the seniors is actually adon my sports team dicting, but the and I thought it LHS student would be funny. I says he is not didn’t know what addicted. He to expect, but after stopped twice I did it I really had and he felt no no control just to discomfort. be easily amazed “Not at all honand care free,” said estly. Like it’s the LHS student. fun and all but Consuming any when I had to kind of illegal drug stop, I stopped usually begins with for 3 weeks and friends, or by cua month with no riosity and peer problem both pressure. He felt times,” said the somewhat presstudent. Art by Victoria Chesmar

Some people ask, what’s the point of smoking? Usually marijuana is smoked to relax and feel good. Lately, marijuana is used to help people in medical needs including cancer and glaucoma. “There’s nothing really exciting to do anymore plus it’s the easiest way to kill time in my opinion. Also, all my friends do it,” said the student. As time goes on more teenagers are trying drugs and at a younger age. “It’s pretty messed up. In my opinion, the younger you do it the more likely you are to take a terrible path,” he said. When will a pot head stop? People will never know. Some pot heads continue to smoke from their bongs in their basements for the rest of their lives. This student would like to become a doctor one day, so he will have to quit. “Yeah, I would quit for college sports and to become a doctor one day, only because it’s illegal though,” said the student. He will attend college in the fall and will be studying to be a doctor. “It’s medicine, to others it’s their life. To me it’s just something to get me by high school till I have to get serious.”

Potential motivation meltdown

By Lily Pollack

It’s been claimed that smoking is relaxing and quite “chill”, but is it “too chill”? Although people claim there are no long-term effects of smoking marijuana, it’s actually been shown to be a major impact on people’s motivation to carry out day to day tasks. The term “amotivational” has been coined to describe lethargic pot smokers by researchers a few decades ago. The US Department of Health and Human Services actually warned parents against the dangers that weed could bring to youth, saying that it could cause an “apathetic approach to life, fatigue and poor academic and work performance.” The research results have been mixed, according to a

December 2011

paper done by students in the Department of Psychology from the University of Southern California and the University at Albany, New York in 2006. Some research suggests that the use of marijuana actually doesn’t impair anyone in terms in motivation, while others suggest that cannabis totally prevents people from progressing through life successfully. Other studies that have been conducted by these universities suggest that high schoolers who use cannabis get significantly lower grades than non-users. Students who heavily used marijuana and had bad grades prior to their use did not perform more poorly after their use. This might suggest that use doesn’t affect grades

at all. Another study showed that college students who frequently smoke actually get better grades than non-users, and are actually more likely to get through graduate school. People who do tend to smoke a lot wouldn’t exactly say that losing motivation is a negative thing. In yet another study conducted by these universities, heavy smokers claimed that their satisfaction with their life is quite high. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what the term “heavy marijuana user” means. Some people define heavy use of marijuana as smoking every day, while others define it as only smoking once a week or so. It can be argued that the reason people lose motivation

from smoking too much weed is because the only thing they desire is getting high all of the time. In an online forum concerned with giving up pot, people claimed that their mental well being isn’t as good as it could be, that their memory isn’t nearly as sharp and the desire to do things they once enjoyed doing just isn’t there anymore. Some even feel as if they haven’t emotionally grown up. “I don’t smoke anymore, but when I did it didn’t change my motivation factor. I still did my homework and things I do now. I smoked in my free time when all of my work was done. I was actually maintaining a higher GPA when I did smoke,” said an anonymous LHS student.



Want to get high (naturally)? By Lily Pollack

Believe it or not, when people say they’re high on life, they aren’t kidding. Mind-altering drugs are similar to brain chemicals produced when a person is happy and content, and drugs work by mimicking those effects. There are multiple things a person can do to rack up natural highs.

Chomping on some chocolate will actually trigger happy neurotransmitters, although it might not be the best to turn to in terms of health. The sugar aspect can be a bad one, but chocolate has been found to actually be healthy. A recent study has found that people who more frequently eat chocolate are thinner than those who only eat it once in a while.

Exercise, and most commonly running, produces a massive amount of endorphins, which are the neurotransmitters responsible for making people happy. By running a significant amount or doing any other physical activity for that matter, a natural high can be attained. In fact, it’s been proven to be similar to opium. “It’s kind of a light feeling, and like a feeling of relief except a little more intense and physical,” said senior A.j. Graber. “I have experienced it mostly after strenuous or long runs. I have also experienced the runner’s high after big races. I feel it takes a pretty decent effort to achieve a runner’s high.”

Snacking on lots of carbohydrates is also effective in creating a natural high. Carbs are absolutely necessary for moving tryptophan, an amino acid, through the brain. It makes up serotonin, which is the neurotransmitter associated with mood, according to care2care.

Meditation, massage and acupuncture boost the secretion of endorphins as well, seeing that they all involve a significant amount of relaxation.

10 focus

It’s been found that therapeutic shopping creates a temporary sense of happiness. Giving time and volunteering actually produces more endorphins, and they usually last for a longer time as well. Simply giving thanks to someone seems to elevate the mood.

There are also certain fruits that fight depression, including papaya, strawberries, mangos, pineapple, grapefruit, apples and bananas.

The Lakewood Times

The DEA’s ‘war on drugs’ By Adam Mitchell

It’s not always fun and games with drugs— or at least to the United States Government. The Drug Enforcement Administration, or DEA, is the federal agency tasked with enforcing drug laws across the country, specifically around the borders of the U.S. Since 1973 when it was founded, the DEA has indicted and incarcerated almost 750,000 drug criminals, and with the drug cartels in Mexico, that number is only rising. But where does it come into play in Lakewood? The DEA has jurisdiction across the United States. They are able to arrest some of the most dangerous drug cartel leaders, as well as even petty street dealers. Their task and meaning of existence is to try to keep contraband drugs from being used. But does the changing attitudes toward drugs, specifically cannabis (weed), change anything? “You have to remember that it’s the DEA, we’re supposed to fight against these drugs, and not loosen our hold for anything” said a DEA employee. “Attitudes towards it may be changing, but the drug hasn’t gotten any different. Medicinal marijuana may

be legal, but the DEA has a strong stance on upholding the laws against the pharmaceutical companies which are licensed to sell medicinal marijuana.” According to the DEA’s annual report, 41% of teenagers aged 13-19 have tried marijuana or hashish in one way or another. “These kids need to realize that they’re the future. They aren’t going to be able to get a lot of jobs in the public, or even private sector because they tried it, and if it gets to be a habit, it’s going to leave them even worse off, because corporations will not choose a job candidate who hasn’t been clean from drugs for long enough over someone who hasn’t. Personally, I think that there’s no way to stop kids from trying it. What I believe my job is, is making sure they aren’t able to again, for their own sake.” The DEA works alongside the FBI, the U.S. Coast Guard, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement [Border Patrol]), and the Department of Homeland Security to prevent drugs from entering the United States. Their work never seems to end, as over the

course of just under 30 years, the DEA has cost the government almost a half trillion dollars to fund, and the resources per arrest of a criminal averages around $10,000. However, over the course of the 40 years that the DEA has been around, drug crime has slowly been in a decline since the cocaine problem of the 1980’s and 1990’s. Attitudes toward weed have become much more liberal in the past decade. The DEA, however, isn’t allowing this to change anything. They’ll remain vigilant until their mission is done, or relieved.

Could America benefit from legalization? •

The Federal government spends $19.2 billion every year fighting the war on drugs. Combine the state governments, they spend $77.8 billion every year. An estimated 20% of the war on drugs budget, goes towards marijuana.

Looking at average tax rate of 5% on the income from the marijuana industry the forty one states that have an income tax would bring in a total of $275 million.

When you add all the numbers up the federal government would generate an additional revenue of $6 billion a year and the states would bring in an additional $17 billion.

A federal excise tax of 6 percent, on the $11 billion U.S. consumers spend on marijuana every year, would produce $660 million for the federal government.

The federal government could bring in $382 million in FICA taxes.

A 6 percent excise tax on Washington state alone would bring in, $13.2 million each year. This money could potentially pay for the entire food stamp program and provide a tax rebate of approximately $150 per tax payer per year. Info courtesy of www.seattlepi.com

December 2011



Remembering Sherwon D. Wanzo, 18, passed away Sunday morning April 15th, 2012. Beloved son of Tara Price, Sherman Wanzo, and stepfather Carlos Price. Sherwon was born on August 12, 1993. Loving brother of Sharmaine Wanzo, Cache Price, Brittany Wanzo, Sherman Wanzo, Mario Whitehead and Shavonte Edge. Dear grandson of James Richard Branham, Mary Wanzo, and Carlynn Price. Sherwon went to Newton D. Baker Elementary in Cleveland, Harding Middle School in Lakewood, Lakewood High School for 9th grade, John Marshall in Cleveland for 10th grade, South High School in Columbus for 11th grade, and then returned to Lakewood High School for 12th grade. Wanzo

was known for his smile and had a bright future planned. He was loved by many of his friends from the Lakewood and Cleveland area. Wanzo intended to join the U.S. army and then to return for college later.

Compiled by the help of Somar Sarkis, Juan Amador and Victoria Chesmar.

“Sherwon Wanzo, a smile that would light up a room, a personality like no other. Words can’t explain Sherwon’s smile. Once you saw his smile, you instantly knew your day would get better. You knew that you could count on that smile everyday, even if there was nothing to smile about. Sherwon was truly one of a kind. He will forever and always be missed. He has a part of my heart that could never be replaced. I love you Sherwon. Rest in paradise”- Tianna Gray, 12th grade

“I remember the first time Sherwon and I met in 6th grade. He came up to me at lunch and started a random convo about ourselves and the whole time, he had me smiling and that was the first time he gave me one of his biggest hugs ever. It made me feel like I knew him forever. Another time when my brother died in Afghanistan a couple months ago, he was there for me. I cried in his arms. He held me, telling me that he’s here for me and that he wouldn’t leave my side. He would text me everyday and give me hugs when he saw me and would say, “Come on Shorty, everything will be all right”, with his big Kool-Aid smile. I remember when we ran from a hall sweep together. That was a good day. So much more I can say but I’m just going to enclose this with a simple, I love you and miss you”- Alexa Marroquin, 11th grade

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“I’m speaking on behalf of all of the guys. He knows who I’m talking about. I guess it’s true when they say the good die young. I remember growing up together since 5th grade. We always would sit there & wrestle around, laugh, joke & everything. He was always there for me like another brother. If I ever needed anything, if anyone ever had a problem with me he was always there to back me up 100%. I’ll never forget all the crazy times we’ve had these past years. It’s never going to be the same anymore but things will be better. We’ll never forget the giant smile of his. His family would call him “Mr. Smiley”. The time that we had will NEVER be erased. The bond Sherwon, Steve, Nick, Brandan, Eric, Josh, Chance, Shawn, Mike and I shared could never be broken. All of us basically grew up together. We’ve all been there since day one. If any of us needed a favor, everyone else was there. A brother’s bond can never be broken, ever. I promise him that. I promise him that I will do everything I can to make myself a better person. When my brother passed away in 2007. Sherwon, his mother, sister & father were all there for me. Sherwon always made sure I was okay. He always reminded me that my brother is going to be there for me. Losing him is like losing another brother. Now it’s my turn to be there for his family. I promise you I will always be there for them no matter what. We’re all here for him. He’s in all of our hearts, thoughts, & prayers. He will forever be loved & missed. Rest in peace my other brother. I love you so much.” Somar Sarkis, 11th Grade

The Lakewood Times

Sherwon Wanzo

“Sherwon Wanzo, I can never forget your beautiful smile and I never thought about how much I would miss it. He’s touched every one of our hearts in a special way. I always smile when I think about him and his goofy ways. He always knew how to make someone smile at lunch. I could never forget him and he’ll be missed. I love you.” Kashe Thomas, 12th grade

“We got along like 99.99% of the time and the only argument we had was over a game that lasted for maybe 2 minutes. Sherwon wasn’t an argumentative person and we ended up just laughing and sitting in the chairs together for the rest of the night. I’m going to miss his smile and personality and everything about him. He had so much positivity and not a negative bone in his body and I’m going to miss that.” – Kyra Nall, 12th Grade “I was in pop culture class at the beginning of the second semester this year and I was the first person in the room and I sat in the back seat of the first row and Sherwon came in the room and sat right in front of me, turned around and said “What’s up my name’s Sherwon” with his big smile. That caught me so off guard because every other seat was open and he chose to sit by me. That was the first time I met Sherwon and we became good friends. We’d always give clap upside down and we’d joke around. Sherwon would laugh or talk real loud so Ms. Flynn heard, and she’d ask what was going on, and always blame Sherwon and he’d always laugh and smile with us, and Ms. Flynn used to say it was Sherwon’s fault and Sherwon would say, “ wanna work, Ms. Flynn!” I miss you Sherwon, Pop culture isn’t the same without you. I will make sure no one takes your seat!” - Molly Cooney, 11th grade “Sherwon and I share few memories but the ones we do share I will never forget. I remember the first time I met him. We were all hanging out in Bubble’s basement and as soon as I walked up to him I saw through his giant smile how much of an amazing person he was. He did nothing but joke around and keep us all laughing. Later that night we all walked around Lakewood. He would trip me and laugh about it. He would try to beat me up but never won. He was such a joke-ster. Lakewood High School will never be the same without seeing Sherwon in the hallways with that big smile on his face. It won’t be the same getting those bear hugs of his. I am lucky to be one of the last ones blessed with his smile and that is something I will never forget.” - Heather Rothwell, 11th Grade

December 2011

“Sherwon was my ace that always put a smile on all of our faces. His presence was always a pleasure. There was no one who disliked him. Everyone loved him. If I had a last goodbye, I would tell him that I love him.” Dejonee Kidd, 12th grade

“I met Sherwon when I was in 9th grade, at John Marshall High School. Our relationship got stronger when he came back to Lakewood. Being around Sherwon everyday, made me grow to love to be around him. He was so funny and always kept a smile on his face. Even when he was trying to be serious, he would always end up smiling. I never knew Sherwon to be involved with any drama. He would tell some of my close friends to stay away from it. The relationship I had with Sherwon was a sister, brother one. We yelled at each other almost everyday and he would always say, “Brandy, why are you so mean?” and I would always say, “Sherwon, I am not mean, it’s all love”. We would always sit and talk and laughed with each other at the same time. I am going to miss that so much. We would always sit down at lunch and talk about prom and graduation. Sherwon was so excited about graduation. He would talk about the dance he would do when he crossed the stage. I wish I could see him physically, walking in the hallways or somewhere around in the city. If I could say anything to Sherwon, I would tell him that he was very much loved and he is missed. R.I.P. Sherwon”- Brandy Davis, 12th grade Friday was the last time I hung out with you and you asked me out that night. Then we held hands and walked to your friends. But the thing I regret the most is how we were supposed to have a sleep over on Saturday. I was in the ER for a couple hours and didn’t respond to your texts or calls. I got to Tori’s house trying to stay up. I was on a lot of medication and ended up passing out. Just know that you always knew how to make me smile, laugh, and feel good about myself. I can’t wait to be reunited with you. I love you Sherwon, you will always be my sugar. Do you know why? “Cause kool-aid isn’t good without some sugar.” - Kayla Wallace, 12th Grade “I remember walking into government and I see this new boy sitting in the seat behind me. I turn to look at him and say “Hi I’m Feda” and this boy gives this huge smile and says, “I’m Sherwon” Not a lot of people knew that he and I didn’t really know anybody else in the that class. Government came to an end but I had another class with him. This class is not the same without him. I hate going to class, and looking at the seat that he used to sit in. I miss you.” - Feda Abuzahreih, 12th Grade



“Sherwon’s class”

A teacher reminisces

“I learned very quickly at the beginning of my career that there are some things that happen in a high school that my college education courses didn’t prepare me for. A few weeks after I began teaching, the September 11th attacks occurred and I had no idea how to handle it. While the nation mourned the victims of the attacks, I had Muslim students in class who were being harassed and even attacked outside of school. It saddened me to hear these stories. I thought, and even hoped that this would be the worst thing I would encounter during my career. I have certainly encountered challenges and sad moments since then, but this week, one of my worst nightmares became reality. I received a text from a former student at 9:02am on Sunday morning. I was half asleep and could barely read it. “Sherwon Wanzo got shot in the head and died sometime this morning.” Once I was able to read it, it took a moment for me to really comprehend what it said. I tried to text back, but my fingers were shaking and I couldn’t press the letters fast enough. I gave up and dialed the phone instead. My former student didn’t have many details, but part of me needed to actually hear her say it before I could believe her. It was a very short conversation and after ending the call, I sat on my couch in disbelief. After about an hour or so, I realized that it was likely that none of the administrators, counselors, or other teachers would have this information, so I contacted Sherwon’s counselor, Mrs. Hoopes, and his House Principal, Mr. Siftar. I could tell by their reactions that they were as stunned and troubled by the news as I was. As the district administrators began to initiate a plan for crisis intervention, I sat in my living room feeling numb. How could this have happened? Sherwon? It just didn’t make sense. He was the kind of kid that everyone liked, who made everyone laugh and smile. Who would do this to him? While I realize now that we may never have the answers, I spent the rest of the day asking these questions over and over again. It was all surreal to me. I was asked by Dr. Wagner and Mr. Sif-

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tar to make a list of students Sherwon was closest to, so the counselors could be sure to talk with those students first. While it seemed like an easy task, it soon hit me that Sherwon’s impact on the LHS student body was so far-reaching that there would be many students affected by his death. Sherwon didn’t keep to his close group of friends. He made friends easily, and with all types of people. I scanned Facebook and Twitter throughout the day looking for updates and, from what I saw, it was apparent that Sherwon accepted others for who they were and was a true friend to all. I can’t say that I was surprised by this. I first met Sherwon when he was a freshman in my World History class. His older sisters were both former students of mine, and while I liked each of them, Sherwon had the brightest personality of the three. Some would argue that all freshman boys are energetic and unique in their own way, but Sherwon was different. He goofed around like freshman boys do, and sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get him to do his work, but he had a smile that lit up the room. His positive energy made it difficult to ever be in a bad mood when around him, and he was able to get along with and talk to anyone. I was disappointed a year later when I learned he was moving to Columbus. Sherwon returned to Lakewood this year and I ran into him in the hall one day. I sometimes have difficulty remembering the names of former students, particularly those that I haven’t seen in a few years, but this was not the case with Sherwon. As I said hello to him, his face lit up and his big smile appeared. It was good to have him back. To top it off, he appeared on my roster for second semester. I am always nervous when I start a new semester. Learning names and getting to know students usually takes at least a few weeks, so it is always comforting to have a few familiar faces in class. Sherwon was the only former student in my 4th period Pop Culture class, so a connection was quickly reestablished. I wasn’t the only one he connected with. He introduced himself to those he was sitting by and quickly

became friends with them. We all joked and laughed on a daily basis. When planning lessons, I often caught myself referring to 4th period as “Sherwon’s class.” By this point, it wasn’t because he was that familiar face, but because he was such an integral part of the class. He continued to light up the room with his smile, but by now he had matured and was a man, not a boy. Sherwon sat in the front seat of a row of desks in the front of the room. When I entered MOD 17 on Monday morning and saw his seat, a rush of emotions came to the surface. I realized that he would never be back in this room, sitting in this seat. I didn’t stay long. Dr. Wagner had called an emergency staff meeting to tell us about what had happened and to explain the resources that were available for staff and students. As I walked to the meeting, I began to cry. Without hesitation, my colleagues came to my side to console me. The rest of the day was, to say the least, extremely difficult. It broke my heart to see students walking through the halls crying, and to see my 4th period students walk into the room and stare at Sherwon’s empty seat. On the other hand, I also saw students hugging those who were upset, staff members offering support to students, happy memories of Sherwon being shared, and students mobilizing to raise money for Sherwon’s family. I was reminded of what I had learned when I started teaching at Lakewood High School. We encounter unexpected and difficult challenges here all of the time. We always come together as a community and help one another through them. We see past our differences and support one another. Sherwon was the perfect example of what it meant to be part of our community. He did these things on a regular basis, and always did so with his trademark smile. As we try to move forward, I hope we all strive to treat others like Sherwon did.” - Lauren Flynn, Pop Culture teacher

The Lakewood Times


Put an end to violence By Brandy Davis

In today’s society, gun violence has reached its peak. If you read the Plain Dealer, almost everyday you see a young teen murdered, due to gun violence. As residents and students in the Lakewood community, we feel something needs to be done. One again, an African American kid, is the victim. It’s time for other people to step up and do something, and maybe the crime rate will go down. The chance of decreasing this violence will most likely occur only if we all come together. Maybe

if adults get more involved in teen’s lives and activities that teens are involved in, some things will change. It’s so sad that someone’s life was cut short because of senseless violence. Its getting very tiring reading, hearing and seeing these kinds of stories and not anything being done to prevent it. If you know someone caught up in something that can land them in some trouble, take action. Do whatever it is you can to prevent violence. Talk to them. Even if you feel like your

words won’t get through to them, it never hurts to try. You never know what kind of impact you can make on someone’s life. Everyone keeps saying that they want change, but no one is doing enough to make it happen. Actions speak louder than words and it’s time for people to stop talking and begin working to take back the streets.

The power of social media By Victoria Chesmar

The power of technology can be frightening or extremely effective. The morning of senior, Sherwon Wanzo’s death Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram were filled with memories, pictures, information, and mourning. Facebook was very helpful for students that knew Sherwon or just wanted to know what happened. LHS senior, Aturo Morgan created a Facebook page “in loving memory of Wanzo.” Throughout that Sunday afternoon, LHS seniors Kyra Nall, Kayla Wallace, and Devin Goddard planned to meet at LHS football field to mourn together. At the football field, LHS alumni Steve Kmetz, the driver of the car during the incident, explained the story to everyone. Wanzo’s mother and sisters were there. That Sunday evening, Heather Rothwell hosted a candle lighting ceremony at her house and over 200 people attended the ceremony. Prayers were said and moments of silence were held. Videos and photos were taken during the candle lighting and they were shared on social Senior, Somar Sarkiss went to the area that Wanzo was shot and a cross was already made. Sarkiss shared photos

December 2011

of the cross on Instagram. During the school day lots of students at LHS wore the colors black and blue in honor of Wanzo. Student council made black and blue ribbons and sold them for a dollar each and donated the money for Wanzo’s funeral. A few days later students posted information about Wanzo’s fund-raiser for his funeral. The fund-raiser was held at Kickstand Smitty’s and was promoted by Wallace and Nall on Facebook and Twitter. Adults say that social media websites only cause harm well for incidents like these it brings people together. It’s incredible how fast information fled through Facebook and Twitter. Tragedies bring people together with the help of social media websites. There’s always going to be a negative side of everything. Social media websites can be very helpful but also bad. It’s great that people are helping one another with grief but it’s another thing when people take it to an offense. People need to understand that there is not a competition. There is not a grief competition. It doesn’t matter who Wanzo loved more. The Lakewood community as a whole is effected. It’s not the

time to step away and begin an argument. It’s the time to come together and comfort one another. One should not over use the power of technology because it will have a bad response. Who cares who Wanzo loved more, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that students at LHS need to stand up and be strong. Be happy if you spent time with Wanzo. Be happy that you were a good friend. Be happy that you were a class mate. Be happy that you knew who he was. No one will never forget this. Students need to take a break from social media. Yes, it is an obsession with teenagers but taking a break from the media is a relief. Media could make people stress even more. Wanzo wouldn’t want this fighting that’s been going around school. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, relax, and smile just like Wanzo.



By Julia Houska

Obama-nation vs.

Four years ago history was made in the United States. The election was down to the wire. No matter what happened, history was going to be made. The first African American president or the first female president would be elected. And then it happened; the first African American president was the candidate. A group of Democrats worked four years ago to get votes for Obama and are once again putting their noses’ to the grind stone in hope of a re-election. Lakewood for Obama is a subset of Obama for America. Saturday April 14th was one of the first meetings for the Lakewood re-election. There are two women in charge of the meetings, Gayle Wellman and Karolyn Isenhart. Many of the people in attendance for the meeting were people that participated before. Lakewood for Obama starts their road to the elections with phone banks in hopes of recruitment. Saturday April 21st was the first Canvas Lakewood event of the year. All participants were separated into four wards and set out to gain more support for Obama through Democrats in Lakewood. They met at the Beck Café at 10 a.m. for the initial meeting before they broke off into their groups. Each group consists of someone experienced in canvasing, someone somewhat experienced and someone that has never canvased before. The coordinators want this to be a fun experience for the newer members and don’t want anyone to feel

uncomfortable. “The statewide canvass kick-off is our first opportunity to engage our neighbors and Knock for Barack.” Said Coordinator Karolyn Isenhart. For the people that don’t think knocking on peoples doors’ is their thing, they can also work phone banks, making calls and entering data. Thursday April 26th, the group will be having a phone bank to recruit people for their voter registration event on April 28th. They will be meeting for the event at the Beck Café at three p.m. to register democrats for the November election. “Lakewood is an important city in the county and the state and we are excited to get to work.” Isenhart said. At the Saturday meeting the group also discussed some possible events that could be held between now and the November elections. Some things discussed were, Kickball for Obama, a social event watching the documentary called “The Road We Travel,”(Obama’s documentary) a booth at the fourth of July celebra-

tion, and a social at Mahall’s. “We will be hosting events every week across the city until the election. We welcome new volunteers to join us and look forward to building neighborhood teams in every Ward!” said, Isenhart To register for an event, visit www. barackobama.com and click on Volunteer > Find an Event. You can also volunteer online or e-mail the Lakewood Team directly at LakewoodDemocrats@ gmail.com and follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LakewoodforObama!

Photo courtesy of www.whitehouse.gov

What Lakewood for Obama believes Obama’s record shows: • The Obama administration fought to save the jobs of hundreds of thousands of educators across the country. The Recovery Act supported roughly 300,000 education jobs, and in 2010 President Obama helped school districts prevent 161,000 teacher and school staff layoffs. • President Obama has worked to raise K-12 standards, invest in teachers, and turn around low-performing schools so that children are prepared for college and careers.

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• President Obama has doubled our investment in scholarships and financial aid so students from working- and middle-class families can access and complete the college education they need to get the good jobs of the future. • President Obama made college more affordable by doubling funding for Pell Grants, increasing the number of recipients from 6 million to 9 million since 2008. He achieved this in part by eliminating the mid-

dlemen from the college-loan program, taking away billions of taxpayer dollars that were going to the banks instead of students. • The President created and extended the American Opportunity Tax Credit, worth as much as $10,000 over four years of school. The college tax credit is expected to have helped an estimated 9.4 million students and families in 2011. The President signed a new law that makes it easier for stu-

dents to pay back their federal college loans. Starting in 2014, new borrowers will pay no more than 10 percent of their disposable income, and the President recently proposed accelerating this benefit for current students. The law also allows any remaining debt to be forgiven after 20 years. Those engaged in public-service professions— such as teachers, nurses, or members of the armed forces— will have any remaining debt forgiven after 10 years if they make their payments on time.

The Lakewood Times

Obam[i]nation By Adam Mitchell

Sometimes, I regret calling this man my commander-in-chief. I’m starting to think that day by day, as the Republican Party leadership falls apart. The race becomes much more split between the two candidates that are at the top of the Republican polls, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, both having terrible policies for their campaign. This is starting to look like a landslide victory for the incumbent, President Obama. As a naïve 13 year old, I supported Obama because of the campaign of “change” and “hope.” I have not seen one, and lost the other. I refuse to put my hopes for my own future into someone who cannot truthfully run our country the way he promised. He is continuing to escalate our presence in the East, just the opposite of what he ran on in his 2008 campaign. Yet, the worst thing of all? He is a complete coward. In mid-February, United States soldiers in Kandahar, Afghanistan disposed of the Koran by burning. The imprisoned al-

December 2011

Qaeda insurgents were using the books as a way to convey messages between each other. When word of this got to the Afghan public, they went absolutely insane, and riots broke out. They were never worth liberating, if you ask me. Our President, the single most powerful man in the world, apologized to Karzai, the President of an insignificant Afghanistan. This is cowardly. Why would someone with his power, even out of a moral reason, apologize for soldiers who were preventing information from being exchanged between terrorists hostile to the national security of the United States of America? Neither Karzai, nor people, deserve an apology. They have proven that their ignorance outweighs their thankfulness for how actually being a stable country. Especially after being controlled by the Taliban for almost a generation. We got Bin Laden almost a year ago, why are we wasting our time in this country? Bin Laden is dead and rotting at the bottom of

the Persian Gulf, it’s no longer our job to be the baby sitters. Let them take care of themselves. Why doesn’t Karzai apologize for all of the U.S. Soldiers killed at the hands of insane Afghan National Army soldiers, the ones that we trained and armed? Why don’t we demand they apologize? We won’t, because President Obama is afraid of “disrespecting their faith.” News flash, Karzai, respect is a two way street. You give it to earn it. You have lost mine, if you ever had it in the first place. I will gladly lay my life on the line for your people’s safety, but I’m starting to hope I don’t have to. You have made yourself an enemy. President Obama, I have no choice but to respect you because of your role as the commander of the U.S. Military, but as a politician, you are second worse to Jimmy Carter.

Photo courtesy of www.whitehouse.gov



Staff Dress code: a game of hide and seek “You look very pretty, darling. I would actually wear that myself, but that skirt is just crossing the line.” Boy, oh boy do we hear those words a lot. We’ve all heard the guidelines but the question is: whose rules do you abide by? The LHS handbook states the following: The objective of this dress code is to provide an appropriate educational environment while allowing students to dress comfortably within limits to facilitate safety, security, and learning. •All pants, shorts, skorts, capris, and skirts must meet all guidelines in this dress code including, but not limited to, fit, length and style. •Shorts and skorts must be mid-thigh or longer. •Skirts must be slightly above the knee or longer. •Tops must have sleeves and be of comparable style to those pictured below. The rules are obviously clear. With the nice weather springing into effect, more and more people will try to cross the line and get by with barely acceptable attire. This leaves the staff of LHS with two options: report more students, or simply overlook

the matter. To test the code, we came to school in attire we thought “crossed the line”. We wore short skirts to see what the staff of LHS would say – or rather what they wouldn’t say. One of us wore a tight, black and white stripped skirt that ended a tad bit above mid-thigh, and a tank top with a sleeveless vest to top it off, and the other wore a loose skirt that stopped just above mid-thigh. Throughout the whole day, only one security guard addressed the tight skirt and vest outfit. The loose skirt proposed no problem to the staff and security. However, the previous week we wore a longer skirt of the same length and style and were sent home because the skirt was too flowy and would cause distraction while going up and down the stairs. We’ve noticed discrimination in the process of determining whether or not outfits are appropriate. Not only is appropriateness determined by the clothing, but on the person wearing the outfit. A taller person with the same exact skirt as someone else would most likely get a citation over the shorter person. With more legs, staff may think the taller

Students wait on deck Warm weather has sprung up just in time for spring in Lakewood, and we’re taking every chance we can to soak up the sun. Well, that is, every chance after 3:00. Between then and when the first bell chimes at 8:00, the only sun we get is when we make the daily hike to and from the mods. Lately, many students have been questioning. Why can’t we venture outdoors to the atrium or the L Room deck? Well, there are a few reasons. Contrary to the thoughts of some students, the real reasons aren’t noise, danger, or graffiti. So what is it? Why can’t we spend our free periods and study halls outside? One main reason. “We have to make sure we provide full

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person is in violation but in reality, both skirts are above the knee. The same thing is true with cleavage – people with less to show get overlooked. At the end of the day, many rules depend on your figure. You may call it a coincidence, or maybe even luck, but the staffs’ enforcement of this is inconsistent. This is why people try to dodge the dress code. “If they didn’t get caught, why should I?” we ask. It seems as if the rules in the LHS handbook don’t matter anymore. It has become a game of hide and seek, and only the “fittest” survive. The LHS staff should know the handbook like the back of their hand – and follow it. They say their goal is “to provide an appropriate educational environment while allowing students to dress comfortably within limits to facilitate safety, security, and learning,” but sending students to ISA for the day for breaking the dress code isn’t helping their learning, its preventing it. A detention, Saturday school, or any other disciplinary actions that take students’ free time away, would make the LHS handbook’s mission statement more accurate.

Art by Casey Miller

supervision. Staff supervision,” says Dr. Wagner, speaking about the possibility of one day, having more outdoor experiences in school. “And the deck is a little old.” So does this mean we’ll never get to study in the atrium or on the deck? “Revisions are in the works,” Wagner says. They are working on fixing the deck, as annually the custodial staff works to press in nails and fix up the wood of the deck. So, to all the students complaining about wasting money on new “unneeded” TVs and other L Room additions without spending a dime to renew the deck, fear not. We’re getting there. One nail at a time.

The Lakewood Times

editorials Meeting us halfway The bell rings on time, everyday. The student body makes their way to their next class in frenzy, all trying their best to beat the light. Most of them manage this seemingly impossible task, but not everyone. And as if it were a sign from the heavens to further test their diminishing patience, a torrential downpour flows from the clouds upon the waiting masses. Okay, that may have been a little dramatic, but events like these are commonplace during the course of the school year. However, the student body seems to be very patient and reasonable considering the circumstances. Outside of the occasional individual who openly criticizes the administration for punishing them, most students accept the rules and regulations at face value and continue on with their day. How can the mass of students be blamed for the actions of a few? Shouldn’t good behavior be rewarded? Now the purpose of this article is not to

put excessive amounts of blame on the administration, but rather to applaud the student body on looking past these negatives and staying positive throughout the year. Sitting in a classroom drenched is never fun, but rarely do we see people complaining about the circumstances. Having to syphon through your wardrobe to find things suitable for school is definitely a challenge for some. Yet attendance rates are exceptional, and students, for the most part, come dressed appropriately. So instead of viewing the student body as a bunch of whiny brats, let’s take a moment to recognize the patience and understanding embodied by them. We’d like to implore the administration to recognize the student body for their good behavior. Things could be a lot worse, and your jobs would be more difficult if the student body did not meet you half way.

Art by Alain Mika

Pink slime for president What’s the difference between raw beef and ammonia-treated, pink-col- ored slime? According to the American Meat Institute, there is none! Schools, restaurants, and super markets all over America have been and are currently ‘infusing’ their various beef products with a succulent waste-paste formally fit only for consumption by dogs. It doesn’t take a gourmet chef to see that there’s a rather serious problem here. The US Department of Agriculture has no beef with allowing Beef Products, Inc. and other corporations to get away with ship-

December 2011

ping out this goop to your dinner plate without any sort of label i n d i c a t i n g the levels of pink slime per package or the fact that the product was ammonia-treated. We here believe there are a few changes that need to be made. Firstly, if one wants to avoid this stuff, there should be no problems doing so. Label the contaminated beef! Secondly, schools should either turn down the slime or give students and staff the option to pink slime free lunches. Until recently, schools had no option to refuse pink slime. This means every

school lunch you’ve ever eaten has potentially been partially putrid pink slime. Up- ton Sinclair must be spinning in his federally regulated grave. Whether or not the school district is going to keep on serving pink slime isn’t up to us, but if we had a say we’d argue the choice is clear: ban pink slime!



Taking the ‘high’way to jail

By Maddy Kane

Locked in cell with nothing but the clothes on his back for sixth months, is where my friend John will find himself in a couple of weeks. You might be thinking what could land a 20 year old in jail for sixth months? Perhaps it was the gateway path that marijuana started when he was 12 years old. John was in sixth grade when he started his use of marijuana, and now, a year after he has graduated he still can’t stop. I feel the extensive use of pot in his every day life has lead him to make poor decisions. The first way marijuana affected in his life was how he did in school. He showed up maybe every 4 days? If that. He got awful grades in high school, and he just didn’t care. Now granted, some people

are like that without the use of marijuana, but I feel he could have done very well without the constant intake of weed. His use of other drugs including: LSD, ‘shrooms, cocaine, crack, meth, ecstasy, prescription pills, alcohol, and tobacco also played a roll. I sincerely believe that without his first use of marijuana, none of these other drugs would have ever been taken into his system. The night John graduated from high school he was pulled over in a city nearby and charged with possession with marijuana, acid, and DMT. He received a felony, $1,000 fine , not including court costs, and one to two years of probation. Mandated drug tests by the court were given to John every month for almost a year now. Everything was going well,

while he cheated his way out of the drug tests. Until one test he took and failed. Now John will be spending sixth months or longer in a county jail, all because of drugs, mostly because of marijuana. It is my belief that marijuana is ultimately the cause for his unfortunate year. I think that with out marijuana, he and lots of other people would never have tried other drugs. Although I believe that marijuana leads to the use of other drugs for some people, the person doing the other drugs is at fault. A lot of people who do drugs other than marijuana already have the mind set in which they would have done the drugs anyway. John is a perfect example of how marijuana leads to other

Lose the attitude

drugs. However, I know a lot of people who smoke marijuana responsibly, and it doesn’t affect their life at all. If marijuana were legalized, this would stop people from having to go to drug dealers who are pushing other drugs. Interactions with people who do other illicit drugs besides pot would be decreased. Ultimately reducing a marijuana smokers chance at encountering harder , more addictive substances. I can not say weather marijuana is a gateway drug or not, but I do think that some people who smoke weed on a regular basis are setting themselves up for a rocky future.

By Anna Rudin

The amount of disrespect student’s show toward teachers and administration disgusts me. Not only are the adults, but they also take the time out of their day to come teach us and try to keep us in check. Each class can hold up to 30 students, ages ranging from 15-18, that’s a lot of rambunctious teenagers. Try being the one adult figure in a class full of crazy, talkative, out of control kids. I don’t blame teachers for getting frustrated. I actually give them a lot of props for being patient and not losing it. Teachers wake up earlier than we do every morning and most have to drive 30 min-

20 opinion

utes or more to school. Yet kids complain about having be here at 8 a.m. and take it out on teachers if they’re having a bad day. They stay up all night grading our papers and barely get any sleep. When kids don’t follow the rules, obviously there is going to be consequences. Teachers give them a warning or send them to the office and kids act out like it’s the end of the world. The talking back, the eye-rolling, it’s all pointless. I know I grew up getting told to be polite to everyone and most importantly, not to disrespect adults. Teens at Lakewood High School need to get their acts together.

Having a bad attitude won’t get you anywhere and this just high school. Wait until you’re adults and you’re the ones getting snotty kids disrespecting you. You probably won’t like it either, shape up.

The Lakewood Times

Seuss leaves teens defenseless By Matt Morgenstern

When I was a child, a mere 7 years ago, I read a series of books that changed my life, and I would think that they changed many others too. Today, I do not share that opinion after being exposed to the Grinch that is Pop Culture. Seuss was good at everything; from writing whimsical rhymes and creating characters that seemed as if Seuss had smoked something during the creative process. He may have also just took two words and seen how they sounded together, which seems to be the popular explanation. However, Seuss never helped me make the jump from Whoville to real life. He didn’t tell me about the homework, the controversy, or even about the teenage hormones that I seem to possess and scare many people off with that have hampered my teenage years. His rhyming in Fox-In-Socks was mindblowing; but And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street didn’t warn me of the peril of breaking my fibula or how to pick up girls. Marco never told me how to efficiently study for Spanish tests, nor did he tell me that I had to watch my weight. Seuss’ Cat-In-The Hat is arguably the greatest book ever written, but the cleaning contraption at the end is very fictional, and many a times I have created many similar messes only to get yelled at or sent

December 2011

to my room, without help from a rhyming cat in a hat and some anxious little fellows. Hop-On-Pop also taught me about jumping and all the fun things I can do. However, a couple of days ago I did “hop on pop” (my dad) when he was sleeping. I ended up without my laptop and a very angry man. Why Dr. Seuss? Why? Why have you made my childhood so great but not made my teenage years the same? All your lessons haven’t helped me much. For instance, in your book Dr. Seuss’ ABC you told me about the wonderful Zizzer-ZazzerZuzz; my teacher asked me for a z-word a couple days ago on a test and I that was my answer. She just walked over to it and looked down. She then drew an F on a post-it-note and promptly put in on my forehead. Another thing he never wrote about was

The largest thing that Seuss gave us was hope for the future. Maybe when we would be adults, we could own extravagant mansions and be able to play a myriad of hats and devices. I’ve never been in a mansion, I’ve never played with any of the Who’s toys, nor have I been able to wear any of the 500 hats of Bartholomew Cubbins. I also once thought I would be able to transform into a tiger and balance 10 apples on my head; I have only gotten up to two apples. I realize that Seuss’ did have a lot symbolism throughout his novels; environmentalism in The Lorax; racial equality in The Sneeches; and even Hitler and antiauthoritarianism in Yertle The Turtle. But what about teenagers? And no, Marvin K. Mooney and Bartholomew Cubbins don’t count.

women. Especially as a teenager women are puzzling; their smirks, their quirks, and their perks. Horton Hears a Who warned us of purple kangaroo women, but those aren’t around to be studied. Teenage boys want to know how to get a girl, not how to deal with a large case of Oobleck. Seuss also didn’t warn us of how to eat. In One Fish, Two Fish, Three, Four, Five Fish, Seuss taught us about the basics of reading and basic nursery styles. However, he doesn’t tell us about how the colors of the fish may not be good to eat. Some of those fish may not be sanitary to consume.

I know Dr. Seuss is currently not able to write teen-directed novels, but I wished he had at least tried to direct his novels in that sort of way during his lifetime. He wrote about Hitler but not crushes? Indeed he was a questionable man, but Seuss’ works did help me in childhood nevertheless. I guess now I will just have to rely on Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul to guide me through the next couple of years.



Photography at your


By Lily Pollack

Who needs a camera when they’ve got an iPhone? With the latest gadgets and apps, anyone can produce amazing photography at their fingertips.

Tilt Shift Generator Tilt shift photography makes it appear as if certain things are miniaturized, when really they’re not. These lenses are usually put over very high quality cameras, but this app effectively teaches the user how to alter and edit the picture to produce the same effects. For only 99 cents, it’s well worth the cost.

Art by Alain Mika

Hipstamatic This app takes everything a film camera has and consolidates it. With various films to choose from, different flashes and lenses, the choices are endless. Lomography ( a type of photography where color is emphasized and photos are truly bizarre) is as easy as tapping a screen, and once the picture is taken, it “develops”. For only 1.99, the prints that are able to be made are amazing. A normal lomographic camera is typically very expensive, from film to developing pictures, and can range anywhere from 60 to over 100 dollars.

Incredibooth Want a film strip but don’t know where to get one? Incredibooth takes pictures both ways- self snaps or group pictures are an option. The lens can be changed to produce a different effect or film. Once that’s been decided, a series of four pictures are taken, which can then be uploaded anywhere.

PicFrame This app allows the user to combine multiple pictures they’ve taken into a variety of different frames. For only 99 cents, it’s like a small scale version of Photoshop. For only 99 cents more, labels in a variety of fonts can be placed in pictures, and rotated to liking.

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The Lakewood Times

Easy Macro This small, highly effective lens can turn any iPhone’s camera into one that’s capable of shooting images really up close. It’s on a bright, colored rubber band, allowing for easy removal. The lens simply goes over the camera, and instantly, macro images can be taken. They’re only 15 dollars. http://www. easy-macro.com/

Jelly Camera Phone Filters

These handy-dandy filters allow pictures to be taken on the iPhone like none other. These effects include a star-burst filter, a wide-angle filter and a kaleidoscope filter. These filters only cost 15 dollars on Photojojo.com. They’re even small enough to store on a key chain. Photo courtesy of Photojojo.com

360 This app allows multiple shots to be taken for a full 360 degree effect. All that’s required is rotation and the pushing of a button. At a bargain price of 99 cents, it beats any expensive gadget. Khalil Cormier

OldBooth+ For only $1.99, multiple yearbook pictures from past decades can serve as a frame for anyone’s face. The darkness of someones complexion can be changed. For 99 cents, additional frames from certain decades can be purchased. Every photo is guaranteed to give a laugh. Gwen Stephens Juan Amador

December 2011

All photos by Lily Pollack

lkwd life


In the beginning

The adventures By Dylan Dombroski

As all people know, eating is essential to life. But what we eat is more important. In this life, we eat more processed and unhealthy foods than our bodies can handle as shown in the documentary, Super Size Me. Food is fuel for the body, and if we put the wrong fuel in our body will not perform to its full potential. So, I decided to put away the meat and lock up the cookies and start a pilgrimage to good health. For two weeks, I did not eat meats, (including fish and poultry) refined fats and processed foods, and dairy.

The first day

I woke up that day feeling empty and hungry. I didn’t eat anything until 1 in the afternoon. I just had hash browns for breakfast. For lunch I became a stereotypical vegan: eating nothing but fruits and nuts. By fruit I mean dried cherries and by nuts, I mean almonds. Not the best lunch I ever had. I went to Nature’s Bin to buy some of the essential vegan foods that I would be snacking on for the next two weeks. For me, this was my first time buying vegan food. I was very confused about what to buy at Nature’s Bin. There were shelves of organic food ranging from gluten-free to dairy-free and combinations of the both. I got a vegan Shepard’s Pie, some almond milk (I wasn’t very sure about this), meatless jerky (it was soy), healthy fruit smoothie mixes, vitamins because I was going to miss some essential nutrients, and a natural cereal (which I got because it was healthy and had chocolate!) I got the baked Italian bread from Heinens, and then I had to get a lot of fruits and vegetables. I couldn’t eat just one kind of fruit that would be unhealthy. So I got different kinds of produce like apples, bananas, cantaloupe, honeydew, tomatoes, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, peppers, one blood orange, and etc. I did buy vegan burgers (they were vegetarian but they were still the same) and then I was set for the next two, meatless weeks. And so I began my perilous journey with unknown certainty to see if I would gain any knowledge from this experience.

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The second day As I woke up from a long night without any meat or dairy, I struggled down the stairs into my kitchen. On instinct, I grabbed the new healthy cereal and opened the fridge for milk. I was about to pour the milk in before my brain told my body, “Stop! This is the wrong milk!” I then grabbed the almond milk and poured that into my cereal. As I took my first bite of this vegan monstrosity, I almost cried. It turned out to be pretty good, just a little dry and the milk wasn’t half bad. At school, my body was feeling strange. Almost as if, I could think clearly and my body felt satisfied. I did catch myself falling asleep during 3rd period. I was glad that I had a drink called OxyWater. It is almost like a healthy version of Gatorade, but it has more vitamins and less sugars. At track practice, we had to run intervals on the track. While running intervals, my body felt different than what I usually ran. I felt like I had more energy and could run faster. Unfortunately, I had to hit my time for the interval (90 seconds) but I was always a second or two faster. Later that night, I tried the vegan burgers that I bought. I didn’t know what to put on them, so I put lettuce on it with whole wheat, gluten-free bun. I took my first bite, and it was nothing like a normal burger. I didn’t know if I overcooked it or if it was undercooked. The burger was so dry, and so unappetizing I didn’t even finish. After a long day of experimentation, I finally went to bed, knowing I had to keep this up for twelve more days.

The third day I felt confident during the morning because I knew what I was doing and felt ready for the day. But for some strange reason the day felt like it took forever. I was slightly rushed after track because I had to immediately go to work. My mom made me potato salad with cumin. It had sweet potatoes, Idaho potatoes, parsley, and peas. I was pretty hungry during work and was

hoping that my break would come soon. All I had for my break was a salad and lemonade. At the end of the day, I had the feeling of a clear mind and body.

The fourth day

This morning was the day of the first Track Meet. I felt eager and energetic to run at Parma. I decided to have the gluten free waffles with all-natural Ohio maple syrup. It was a good way to start off my morning. I didn’t feel so hungry today as I normally have been. I didn’t know if it was my nerves about the track meet. I had a feeling of satisfaction throughout my day. I found myself snacking on random snacks in my bag like dry banana chips, dry pineapple, almonds, peanuts, a granola bar, and some of my salad wrap. I was very happy for my mile time because I ran at least forty seconds faster. My official time was 5:54. I think all the training I put in and my new healthy diet helped me achieve my faster time. Later that night, I went to go see Neon Indian at the Grog Shop around 10 o’clock. I was really excited to see them and then it hit me. The hunger to end all hunger. The rumbling in my stomach was so powerful that it could cause earthquakes.

The fifth day That next day felt like it was going by so slow. My mind was so groggy I didn’t even know how I kept myself going. My body was sore from the track meet as well. Honestly, I was not sure I could keep going through the day like this.

The sixth day The first day of Spring Break and I had to work. No sleeping in and no staying up late. My body was working but I have no idea where my mind was. My mind was probably on a beach, where it was warm and sunny. I discovered that mixing oatmeal and chocolate soy milk (or the drink that saved my existence during these two weeks) was pretty good. A couple hours passed at work and I had a salad. I was about ready to just drop dead after work, there came a surprise. My mom made a vegan pizza. I was in shock. It tasted like normal cheese, but it was a fake

The Lakewood Times

of a reluctant vegan mozzarella that Post-It note on the was used on top. Every conthe pizza. It was tainer said somecalled Veggie thing Easter candy Cheese Alternarelated. One said tive, but still tast“Chocolate Rabed like cheese. bit”, another said I then went out “Peeps” and the with my girllast one said “Peafriend’s mom and nut Butter Eggs”. stepdad to go to The only good the Cheesecake thing in my basFactory, where ket was a pair of Sampson my dog is another reluctant vegan. socks. I honestly I told them that I was vegan. They then asked me what I thought I would cry. This was probably the couldn’t eat while I was vegan. I told them I worst moment in my life. couldn’t eat meat, dairy, or other processed I did find out some useful information on foods but I jokingly said I still showered. food, mainly sugary food, which was “acI said this because vegans don’t use any cidently vegan”. Since gelatin is in most products that are tested on animals. We sugary snacks like Peeps, I couldn’t eat it. then went to Mitchell’s to get sorbet, an ice Gelatin is basically pig fat. So now the next cream alternative. time you bite into a Peep, you will be constantly reminded of the pig fat that’s in the The seventh day tiny little chick. Sour Patch Kids, surprisingly, are “acAs another day of Spring Break came, so did a sudden and horrifying realization: cidently vegan” because they contain no I would not be eating Easter chocolate. A gelatin. So, I bought a few packs of those fate worse than death in my case, for with- to eat. Luckily, I was not the only vegan in the out chocolate it was not Easter. It was also my brother’s birthday, so I couldn’t eat cake family when I was doing this impossible challenge. My cousin had also gone vegan, either. Bummer. Then I went to work and in a few hours, but for health reasons. She had an inflamed guess what I had for my break. A salad. I gull bladder. For Easter, I made a vegan ritried to make my salad taste better by add- sotto with different vegetables like carrots, ing new things, but I still miss a little bacon soy beans, corn, the vegan fake cheese, in my salad. To make matters worse, I had peas, and tofu. No one told me tofu was to help take the meat off the shelves be- in there, but I still ate it. The risotto tastcause the next day it would be Easter. Oh ed really bland due to the lack of flavorful vegetables and spices. It was the first time the irony! making this kind of risotto so I didn’t know The eighth day what I could do with it. Later, I added a little hot sauce and some sea salt to give it more I woke up this morning with an attitude of flavor. My cousin made enchiladas with a doom and gloom. My mom, dad and broth- fake meat alternative with rice, beans, and er were already up and my brother already a fake cheese substitute. It was a very unfound his Easter basket. It’s not Easter if orthodox Easter dinner. you don’t work for your The ninth day chocolate. As I peered into my After an unpleasant Easter, I was basket I thought I happy that I was nearly halfway would expect chocothrough my vegan excursion. I late or something. No had to make a trip out to GFS such luck. In it were 3 (General Foods Store) in North different containers of Olmsted because I had heard of a almonds, dried banana potato chip snack that was much chips and dried apples, healthier than a chip, but it was a pineapples, and manstraw. Each bag had three kinds goes in one. The worst of straws inside: potato, spinach, part of all was that each and tomato. Unfortunately, these container had a little snacks were discontinued at this

December 2011

store. I traveled back to Lakewood because of Malley’s 40% off sale for Easter candy. To my disappointment, there were no 12 ounce chocolate rabbits left. So my decision was to go big or go home with a bunch of small chocolate rabbits. I chose to go with the big Billy Bob Bunny. It was my personal motivation and my idol. Oh, how bad I wanted to bite its big chocolaty head off.

The tenth day When I got up, it was cold, raining, and my body felt miserable. I had to run in the valley for track and it started hailing when we were on the bus. Luckily when I was running, the trails weren’t too wet or swampy to run in. I had heard that there was a pancake breakfast back at the track. In my head I was thinking “Pancakes! I love pancakes! Let’s go get some pancakes! No one will ever know!” My body was thinking “Yeah! Let’s go get pancakes!” When we did get back to the track, there were no pancakes. I think this was karma’s way of getting back at me for trying to cheat. Later, I went to Great Northern mall with my girlfriend and we basically spent the entire day there. After a long day of browsing, we finally decided to head down to the food court. I had a salad from a place called Chop-It, where they specialize in salads. My salad had spinach, tomato, carrots, corn, tortilla chips, sunflower seeds, olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and banana peppers.

Want to know if I made it to the 14th day? Use your smart phone and scan this QR code and it will lead you to the Lakewood Times Live website and you can read the last 4 days.

Photos by Dylan Dombroski

lkwd life


Measuring up to national orchestra By Sabrina Suleiman

When ten kids’ tryout but only three can be seated, the pressure is on. Especially when the price is the chance to perform at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The tasks are: 2 excerpts 2 scales 1 minute of solo For sophomore Danny Toner it at first wasn’t that much of a big deal. “ At first I’d never thought I’d get it. I honestly wasn’t even expecting to make it. I just wanted to see if I could.” Toner has been playing the cello for 11 years, since he was five years old. He’s played through middle school knowing that he liked it, “I remember when I was younger, and my parents gave me an option between the violin, piano, and the cello. I honestly don’t know why I chose the cello, but I knew that I’d like it,” says Toner. Although he’s played for quite some time, it wasn’t until high school before he stepped his game up. “I’m in Lakewood Project and I like it a lot, It’s like this amazing experience,” said Toner. When auditioning for regionals and state, Toner found that it came easily to him to perform. “Maybe because I practiced a lot, but it felt relatively simple.” Four-fifths of everything students submit is what they are told to perform and the other one-fifth is the solo piece. With a twist, all the auditions were picked plainly by ear, since submissions were by record. “I recorded my music with the help of a friend. We used his microphone, and set up a place that I could perform, after that it felt really real,” said Toner. On the other hand, junior Chelsea Polk has been submitting her music since freshman year. “I recorded my music with the aid of garage band, “said Polk. She and Toner attended the same school grew up practicing together, with the same teacher. “I had the chance to play piano, but I knew at first sight that I wanted to play the cello,” says Polk. While time progressed and she continued playing, it was when she was graduating from middle school that she knew that she really wanted this for her future. “I didn’t really like practicing, but eventually I don’t

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Chelsea Polk performs a favorite piece on her cello. Photo courtesy of Randy Varchio.

know why, I grew to like it more and more,” says Polk. Toner chose the prelude to the Bach’s cello suite number 20 in D minor for his solo piece. “I’m taking myself seriously now, because I didn’t prepare for regionals.” Playing for years since grade school, can give you the courage to deal with most anything “The chance to play in this huge hall, it’s a very prestigious feeling to get the chance to play there,” said Toner. He feels this huge shift of responsibility, realizing the position he’s in. “I feel the mood of the piece, like for instance the little parts, where the piece will sharpen and your focused on the intensity of it all. It’s so great,” said Toner. Polk describes what it is like playing the cello for 11 years. “The cello has always been a part of me.” “It suits my life. Now, here I am, and I feel amazed at how far I have gotten, especially when its getting tense and everyone is playing great. It feels amazing with all the sounds around you,” said Polk. She looks back at how she thought it was just for fun, “like it was no big deal”. Her favorite piece to play is Shostakovich’s, “Fifth Symphony.”

Daniel Toner practices before performing for a concert.

The Lakewood Times

Herman hurdles towards success

By Zach Fehrenbach

Running is more than just putting one foot in front of the other for Julie Herman. For some people, having to run is a task they try to avoid. For Julie, running is something that’s always on her mind, almost an addiction. Herman, currently a junior at LHS, plays volleyball, basketball, and runs track. She loves all three sports, but track is her true passion. Julie runs the 100 meter hurdles, 300 meter hurdles, and the 4x400 meter relay. She received varsity letters in both of her first two seasons. Julie got all the way to the regional meet last year in the 300 meter hurdles and her 4x400 meter relay team also made it to regionals. One of Julie’s most memorable races took place during her freshman year. It was a home meet, and if Julie were to win the race, she would move on to the conference meet. She was running against Natasha Shorts, who was an outstanding hurdler for Brush High School. Julie won the race, and realized that she had just started a rivalry with Shorts. “Our rivalry was kind of a joke (at first), but she was good. Better than I thought I was, and picked to beat me in the conference,” Herman said, with a grin. “It was the first rivalry I ever actually had in a sport, and beating her was what made me realized I actually had a lot of potential”. Track brings out the most competitive personality that Herman can muster. She runs whenever she can, and says it relieves stress and allows her to relax. Why does she love running so much? “Running is my favorite sport because it’s

At a meet against Normandy Julie Herman warms up with the hurdles.

a measure of pure athletic ability. It’s not who can shoot a ball better or kick a ball farther. It’s who has the most pure strength and talent. Also, it’s great because it’s individual competition,” Herman said. This year, she plans on surpassing her previous achievements. Julie wants to go to States and be known as one of Ohio’s best hurdlers. “Just going to regionals isn’t enough anymore. I did that the past two years, and this year it’s all about states,” Herman said. By the glazed look that Herman gets in her eyes and the slight smile that arrives on her face when talking about running, it is obvious how much effort and passion she puts into the sport. “I’ve already achieved a lot, two years of being all conference, two years of being the runner-up in the district, and two years of regionals and regional finals,” she said lustfully. “This just drives me to work harder because states is a whole new level of competition. Her fondness and devotion for the sport makes her hun-

Photo credit by Gwen Stephens

gry for competition; and because of that, her success is bound to be satisfying.

Miller packs a punch

By Brandon Reid

Students in Lakewood High might not know the name Chase Miller now, but they soon will. Miller just moved from Kentucky and plays on the Lakewood High School Varsity Baseball team. He started playing baseball at the age of 5 and has kept playing ever since. Some of the positions he plays are second base, sort stop and

December 2011

third base. He also pitches. One of his most memorable baseball moments was when he hit a game winning double in a regional championship game. When Miller lived in Kentucky he played baseball as a freshman for Ballard High School, a town in the upper part of Kentucky. “Schools in Kentucky were much harder than here in Ohio, we had to face pitchers that were throwing in the 90’s”.

Since age 5, Miller has been in a number of travel leagues up till his high school career. One of Miller’s close friends since he came to Lakewood is Erik Kwikoski, a fellow player on the baseball team. When the season first started Miller played Junior Varsity but moved up to varsity early in the season.



Final Word By Victoria Chesmar

You can’t prove a hypothesis without testing it. Today, one of the biggest debates in America is legalizing marijuana. The fight on legalizing marijuana has been in effect for decades. And it just doesn’t make sense. Why can’t marijuana be legalized? Smoking hookah is worse than smoking a cigarette or smoking marijuana and it’s legal. Prohibition was a time when the government took control and didn’t give Americans the freedom they deserved. If an alcoholic wants to drink their life away, then so be it. If a person can have the right, at the age of 18, to go and buy a pack of cigarettes and understand what smoking tobacco can do to their body, then why can’t people smoke marijuana? Let congress legalize marijuana. People in the 20s snuck alcohol or bought alcohol from a dealer. Today there are too many drug dealers in the world. Legalization of marijuana will decrease the crimes in America. There will be fewer drug deals because it would be available to purchase if it were legal. If marijuana is legalized there could still be laws. There are laws on drinking alcohol so there could be laws regulating marijuana still. I’m not a pothead but I think legalizing marijuana would make Americans happy. The drug makes you feel good. It makes you relaxed. I have smoked marijuana before and I’m not afraid to admit it. People smoke cigarettes when they are stressed out, why can’t a person smoke a blunt? The prohibition of alcohol only lasted for


13 years. The government has the power to create new laws and recall them. When Bill Clinton was in office he created “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for the military. When Barack Obama took office he repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” When Obama repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, shows how the government and the president can

away or make Why don’t have the vote on legaljuana? Let’s endum. America c o u n t r y, We’ll know if or bad l e s s Imagb e Imagsmoking cause it’s just to chill This isn’t about

freedom. Let Americans vote for what kind of country we live in. The prohibition only lasted for 13 years. Let’s put it to a vote.

take things changes. Americans chance to izing marihave a referis a free so test it. n e v e r it’s a good idea unwe try it. ine people ing happy. ine people marijuana betheir culture or out. drugs. It’s about

The Lakewood Times

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