Š 2012
October 12, 2012
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Angel missions are his passion
2 A
P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVI ❖ No. XXI 64 pages, 2 sections
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Cover photo by Dick Hagen
COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Calendar Cookbook Corner The Back Porch Marketing Farm Programs Back Roads Milker’s Message Mielke Market Weekly Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing
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Publisher: Jim Santori: jsantori@cnhi.com General Manager: Kathleen Connelly: kconnelly@TheLandOnline.com Editor: Kevin Schulz: editor@TheLandOnline.com Assistant Editor: Tom Royer: troyer@TheLandOnline.com Staff Writer: Dick Hagen: dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com Advertising Representatives: Kim Henrickson: khenrickson@TheLandOnline.com Mike Schafer: mike.schafer2@gmail.com Danny Storlie: theland@TheLandOnline.com Office/Advertising Assistants: Vail Belgard: vbelgard@TheLandOnline.com Joan Compart: theland@TheLandOnline.com Ad Production: Brad Hardt: lndcomp@mankatofreepress.com For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, theland@TheLandOnline.com Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, editor@TheLandOnline.com National Sales Representative: Bock & Associates Inc., 7650 Executive Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55344-3677. (952) 905-3251. Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $17 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.25; $22 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.25. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com. Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is noon on the Monday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $24 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (ISSN 0279-1633) is published Fridays and is a division of The Free Press Media (part of Community Newspaper Holdings Inc.), 418 S. Second St., Mankato MN 56001. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, Minn. Postmaster and Change of Address: Address all letters and change of address notices to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002; call (507) 345-4523 or e-mail to theland@TheLandOnline.com.
The Clay County Fair at Spencer, Iowa, he’s still an Iowa farmer too. He’s uncertain bills itself as the World’s Largest County if the work in Haiti will ever be completed. Fair. Could be. I don’t know the parame“Someone said that once you start down ters when you start bragging. But it is the road of humanitarian relief in Third indeed one mighty fine fair. A great examWorld countries there is no end. So I feel ple: I met Willie, a 1,161-pound, Yorkshire my role is just to do what I can to help boar at this fair. Willie was not only the those in need as I can. We’ll be working in biggest hog at the Fair but Willie was also Haiti a long time. We’ve built an orphangrand champion of the Yorkshire breed. age. And we now have our first village And he made the front cover of the last with the Sukup Safety Homes.” issue of The Land. LAND MINDS Long known for circular steel bins, this This fair is also where I met one of the By Dick Hagen Sheffield, Iowa, firm offered to provide biggest hearted Iowa farmers. Ken some of its own product as shelter and DeYoung is a third-generation farmer housing for the homeless of Haiti. One around Laurens, Iowa. I talked with of these bins was on display at the Clay Ken at the Global Compassion display, County Fair. I stepped inside and noticed some speand shortly into our conversation I learned “angel cial engineering like a double steel roof with built-in missions” were his passion. ventilation that keeps the 18-foot diameter interior “Flying was mostly just for fun but as I kept flying considerably cooler. There are also a couple of winI wanted to use my skills for other things.” That’s dows, a small attic and a rain gutter collecting prewhen he started doing “angel cious rain water because drinkable well water is a flights” hauling people to Mayo rare commodity in Haiti yet today. Clinic in Rochester, Minn. “In my Ken told me these structures can be erected in a heart I wanted to use my airplane day with a couple of special tools delivered with each for something bigger for the Lord if bin. Thanks to a specially reinforced earth wall at its possible.” base, it’s hurricane proof. Cost is $5,700 plus about He started flying 13 years ago $1,000 for shipping expenses, erection and concrete because his youngest son wanted to on location in Haiti. Fourteen of these steel units can learn how to fly. “So we decided to fit into a single shipping container. (Log on to Ken DeYoung learn together,” DeYoung said. http://bit.ly/UDvyfc for a story from the May 11, 2012, issue of The Land.) Something bigger happened on Jan. 12, 2010. A tremendous earthquake devastated Haiti, killing Invariably there are frustrations when doing misthousands and leaving 300,000 people homeless. sionary work. Ken shared, “I learned early on there That’s when the Lord really got Ken’s attention. are lots of obstacles working in Haiti. But if you keep in mind why you are there and who you are working “I was looking for ways to help. I sent out an inquiry asking if there was anyone flying into Haiti for, even with a government that sometimes seems very uncooperative, good things do happen. As a who could use me and my airplane,” he told me. Three days later he received an e-mail from a group Christian I feel called to help the widows and in the Bahamas saying they could use pilots and air- orphans and that helps overcome the obstacles of the work.” planes to fly into the smaller airports on Haiti. Who helps with the funding of Global Compassion “Six hours later I was flying my airplane to Fort Network? DeYoung is grateful to the generous hearts Lauderdale and a new world unfolded. I started flying medical supplies and doctors into Haiti and evac- of Iowa farmers. “We are amazed every day with what we see happening. It’s not uncommon for some uating people out of Haiti.” of our farm families to pay for one of these Sukup Based out of Nassau in the Bahamas, DeYoung was safety homes. The Lord has shown his blessing in the flying his Cessna 340 (twin engine piston) which he way Global Compassion has grown the past couple of describes as a great airplane for family flying but not years. A big part of that is farmers and farming comreally enough “payload” to do missions to Haiti. “So I munities picking up the tab on these $6,700 bin traded up to a Conquest II, a twin turbo prop. Useful homes. Some even fly to Haiti to help in the conload is about 4,000 pounds plus added speed, range struction of ‘their donated home’ to a needy Haitian and load-carrying capabilities.” family.” Today DeYoung is a board member of the Global There is now a big awareness of this Haiti program Compassion Network — www.globalcompassionnet.org — and is co-founder/aviation and Haiti director. And See MINDS, pg. 5A
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 20A — Drought pushes corn hybrids to their genetic limits 21A — 2012 crop insurance claims to
stack up quite high 30A — American Soybean Association’s Steve Censky offers his take on farm bill 9B — Cattleman John Moon sees the beef industry heading northward
3 A
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4 A
Soaking in the sights, sounds and smells of autumn Somehow a notice went everywhere. out a week ago to all the Old Maggie, the farmette blue jays in Illinois that the dog, cares little about the acorns on (what I think is) critters that threaten the a shingle oak outside my rule of her mild kingdom. office were ripe for the pickAge and aches take her ing. Within hours a dozen slowly from one sunny part or more jays appeared in of the yard to another for the tree’s top branches to long, hard naps in the pluck, shuck and consume autumn’s just-warm-enough the soft fruit of the slickFARM & FOOD FILE sun. Increasing deafness leafed tree. promotes her slumber, too; By Alan Guebert Now, four or five days the less she hears the more after the blue jay Woodshe dreams. stock began, the ground Most late afternoons, under the tree is a carpet however, Maggie is rested of acorn hulls and caps that crunch — enough for a walk in the woods. Like with an almost delicious snap — other seniors in the neighborhood, beneath my steps to and from the though, a sinking sun calls her home to mailbox. where warmth, supper and more sleep That’s what fall sounds like this await. year. Snap. Crackle. Squawk. On warm days an open back door The jays didn’t come alone. Fatbrings the sounds of another corn and cheeked ground squirrels, feasting on soybean harvest. At night the steady the nutty debris field, arrived a day whine of grain dryers provides a onethereafter. A month ago nary a one note symphony that crickets and the showed its buck-toothed face; today neighborhood owl occasionally harmothey must be texting and tweeting to nize to. Later, a rising, weak moon adds every brother, sister and cousin to a silky glow to the unerring concert. come share the fat times because the Few predicted a colorful fall, yet the squeaking varmints dash and dart
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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maples, hickories and ash are awfully showy for all the heat and dryness they endured this spring and summer. They turned yellow, red, gold and plum earlier than in past years and will, I reckon, become bare-branched earlier, too.
was a magic carpet that carried me through hills and hollows and towns and fields I’d never seen, and everyday I was absolutely thrilled to climb aboard to see it all again.
Fall mornings, like this morning, were the absolute best to be on that That’s fair; April arrived in March so bus because the sights and smells — if November arrives in October some steam-breathing cattle casually chewsort of seasonal balance will be ing as we lurched by, barnyard chickrestored. ens scattering as children raced toward Today’s damp, cool morning turns my us, dew-draped corn pickers waiting to go back to work, beat-up pick-ups at attention to the winter’s woodpile. A the end of dusty lanes packed with long wall of aged, split red oak — too sulky teenagers, a whiff of burning coal good, really, to burn in the fall — — were almost too much for a young stands ready, a one-minute wheelbarboy to take in. row ride from the upstairs stove. Today, however, they’re just enough to Nearby another long, deep stack of oak, elm and hickory sits under roof as make an aging observer smile as it awaits its hot fate in the downstairs another year’s maple leaves drift on a stove. It is dry and beautiful and I can gentle breeze toward an aging, resting dog who dreams not of corn yields or smell the hickory as I walk past the needed rain or national politics. She small, open-faced shed. just rests in the beauty of another gloThat wonderful, earthy aroma takes rious fall day. me homeward, and 50 years backward, Smartest dog I ever did see. to the same thoughts I had as a child on the early morning bus rides to Alan Guebert’s “Farm and Food File” is school. published weekly in more than 70 newspapers in North America. Contact him at That bus — before books filled the agcomm@farmandfoodfile.com. ❖ hour-long rides a few years later —
MINDS, from pg. 2A thanks in part to the Iowa secretary of agriculture and the Iowa lieutenant governor agreeing to cochair the Global Compassion Network projects. As projects grow, bigger facilities are sometimes needed. DeYoung’s Conquest airplane is too big for his hangar at the Pocahontas airport so next on his agenda is a new, bigger hangar which perhaps can also function as a headquarters facility for the GCN. His farm/business telephone is (712) 358-2226. Also check the GCN website noted on Page 2A. Some areas again have been blessed with some surprisingly good crops. Harvest is rapidly winding down, as is fall tillage. Commodity prices, though dancing virtually every day, remain surprisingly good. If you haven’t yet earmarked your own “angel mission,” maybe cost-sharing a steel bin for a family home in Haiti isn’t the dumbest thought. Meanwhile my closing thought with Nov. 6 elections fast approaching: “You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” Don’t be an abstainer. Vote even if you aren’t pleased with the process. Dick Hagen is staff writer of The Land. He may be reached at dickhagen@mvtvwireless.com. ❖
It’s almost Election Day 2012
If you wish to express your opinions before the election, they will need to be sent to us by Oct. 19 to be published in the Oct. 26 issue of The Land. Comments received after that, but prior to the election, will be published on our website. Send comments to editor@TheLandOnline.com or “Election,” The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.
5 A THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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6 A
Commentary: Marriage is about procreation, not love To change the definition of marriage is like saying that we will now call an apple an orange. Just calling the apple an orange will not change the apple into an orange. Changing the name of the apple to that of an orange will not change the substance of the apple. It will still be an apple in taste and flavor. The definition of marriage has always been understood to be that of a covenantal vow between a man and a women with the aim of procreating, creating a family. The family has always been the basic cornerstone of any civilization, is the basis of any village, town, city and civilization that has ever thrived. For many centuries love had little to do with it as marriages were often arranged very early in life as they still are in some back
waters of the world. To change the definition of marriage to that of a couple stating publicly that they love each other is utterly alien to the term of marriage and it cannot be done. It goes against the natural law. The natural law — what is that? Mankind has been around for some 130,000 years on this planet; some 50,000 in our present state called modern man. The majority of those years mankind laid outside, slept outside under the stars thinking and telling stories to pass the time. The advent of the TV to pass the time is a relatively new thing. Even the reading of books to pass the time is relatively new phenomenon. As man through the centuries thought and talked under the stars he came to realize that there were certain
To change the definition of marriage to that of a couple stating publicly that they love each other is utterly alien to the term of marriage and it cannot be undone. It goes against natural law. phenomena or traits that were common to the rise and fall of villages, towns, cities and even empires. Certain traits led to the rise and the neglect of these traits would lead to a degeneration and even disintegration of those villages, cities and empires. These traits came to be known as the natural law.
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One of these natural laws is that it is a man and a woman in a sustained and binding relationship that is the basic cornerstone and basic building block of a prosperous society. Other natural laws are common courtesy items like don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat and don’t sleep with the neighbor’s spouse. The breaking of a natural law leads to pain and misery for the individual and an eventual fracturing of the society. This has been observed and noted countless times in the history of mankind. That is why the institution of marriage as that of being a relationship between a man and a woman has been elevated in every society and civilization that has ever arisen on this earth to that as being something extraordinary and even necessary. Only now See MARRIAGE, pg. 7A
Safeguard from radical extremist judicial judgments unborn babies is an act against the natural law and the church will never be party to it. Changing the definition of marriage to something that it is not is like the HHS mandate. It is a blatant attack on religious freedom and my church, and should not be tolerated.
So this November please vote yes on the marriage amendment and please remember not voting on the amendment will be counted as a no vote. So again please vote yes. So much depends on it. This commentary was submitted by Martin Primus of Sauk Centre, Minn. ❖
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the passage of the marriage amendment would be an attack against the religious freedom of certain congregations wanting to marry same-sex attracted people. What could happen and does happen if this marriage amendment is not passed? (Remember if passed it changes nothing but serves only to safeguard the definition of marriage in our state.) The definition of marriage will be changed as it already has been in a few other states against the will of the majority. When that happens, and it surely will, any church that will not marry two same-sex attracted people may be liable to costly lawsuits of discrimination and bigotry. The church will not be able to teach scriptural truths to the fullest without fear of facing costly lawsuits as it tries to live out and teach the basic tenets of the natural law. It is very possible that many congregations will be forced to get out of the marrying business. So much for religious freedom. The attack on the traditional definition of marriage is in the same vein as Obama’s Health and Human Services mandate on abortion and artificial birth control. The killing of innocent
MARRIAGE, from pg. 6A when we no longer lie under the stars at night sharing thoughts and thinking deeply about the mysteries of life is the natural law being challenged and forgotten. The consequences of this neglect are dire; just ask the citizens of past civilizations, some long forgotten. The Catholic Church realizes this, teaches this and that is why it so stridently opposes changing the definition of marriage. The marriage amendment changes nothing as far as current laws go. It only is meant to safeguard one of the basic natural building blocks of society from radical extremist judicial judgments and opinions. This has been happening elsewhere in our country changing radically how society looks at the world. These changes are being made by an extreme minority and forced on the majority. The marriage amendment is an attempt to safeguard the will of the majority and a natural law that is so basic to the survival of our society, our civilization. A letter to the editor of The Land a while back stated this amendment to be a religious freedom issue and that
7 A
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Melrose Impl.
8 A
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2011 Salem 26RKDS – Rear kitchen, 1 slide, 1/2 ton towable - $24,144. #0672
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Letter: Romney best candidate to ever run for president His personal life is exemplary, sullied only by the lies that the Obama campaign is putting forth.
debt that Obama has placed upon our children, the attacks on our Christian churches, Obamacare, the pollution control who dictates that carbon dioxide, which we exhale every day, is defined as a pollutant and so we can no longer use coal to generate our electricity, the unemployment level that is continuing, the problems with hooking up the oil lines from Canada. These are all problems that are occurring on the Obama watch. They no longer can blame it on the Republicans, insurance companies, oil companies and everyone else. It is just good politics for them to try to change the subject and blame it on Romney. Obama’s mantra is “just give me four more years and trust me.” When he was first elected we had a problem with China’s reluctance to allow their currency to move with its true value. He had seven opportunities to pursue this and took no action until a proposal a few weeks ago. How long would we have to wait until he would try again? Al Schumann Eyota, Minn.
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individuals, thousands of dollars. It’s a lie. The proposal would continue their Medicare protection at the present level. For those younger they would have the opportunity to try a different approach which would give them a better option. Barack Obama says that the private sector is doing fine but we find all kinds of businesses failing every day. This has been happening for as long as the United States has been in existence. When the bank has to foreclose they try to recover as much as they can by selling the business to someone else. That is when the Romneys, the Buffets, the Chinese, Italians and other venture capitalists become involved.
Mitt Romney has been very successful in turning around some of these businesses. He has saved over 100,000 jobs in the United States. His success has made him a wealthy man. He has paid all his taxes and contributed a substantial sum to charity in the United States. Yet the Obama lying machine is saying that Romney caused the problem. Just a few weeks ago a Chinese company purchased an airplane manufacturing company in Minnesota. An Italian company bought Chrysler. Other foreign companies are actively purchasing American companies. Guess where the jobs are going to be in the company’s future. Even if they continue to manufacture here the profits are going to be taxed and spent in their own country, not here to the U.S. treasury. Romney is probably the best candidate to ever run for president of the United States. He has headed a huge company, had to meet the payrolls of a business. His personal life is exemplary, sullied only by the lies that the Obama campaign is putting forth. Where are the discussions about the tremendous
To the Editor: Time for the truth squad. The Obama administration took over $716 billion out of the Medicare fund and placed it in the Obamacare bill. Now this is money that you and I have paid to guarantee that the fund would have the ability to pay the doctor bills when we needed them. This is no different than buying health insurance today from a private company. The Obama administration was going to replace the $716 billion with a promise that they would make savings in Obamacare, by delaying payments to doctors and other providers. In other words, a bum check. If a private bank, investment broker or insurance company would do this they would be thrown in jail. The doctor who treated you would have to pay his help, suppliers, his college costs, etc., without any money coming in the door. How is that for taking care of our medical needs? On the TV ads they tell us that the Republican program that guarantees those over 55, the same program that we have today, is going to cost the older
9 A
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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10 A
Letter: Wolf hunt maintains balance between nature, farming To the Editor: Farmers in Minnesota for many years have experienced financial loss and frustration because of depredation by gray wolves — wolves have preyed on livestock and pets on Minnesota farms which has compromised farmers — affecting their livestock and livelihood. In 2011, the gray wolf was de-listed from the Endangered Species Act, and in response to public input from farmers, rural folks and other impacted citizens, the legislature established a season and regulations for the taking of the gray wolves, which is scheduled to begin Nov. 3. Two opposition groups filed a lawsuit seeking to stop a Minnesota wolf hunting and trapping season, and asking for the wolf hunting season to be put on hold until the Minnesota Court of Appeals makes a decision. Minnesota Farmers Union members strongly support a wolf hunting season, and our policy calls for a dedicated hunting season for the gray wolf — livestock predation and wolf sightings are on the rise. The hunt requires a fee which goes toward a wolf management program. Not all predation to farm animals is
reported, and a scientifically managed wolf population is critical to our state.As livestock predation claims increase, the state of Minnesota indemnifies farms for their losses, and hunting fees go to cover those losses. Minnesota has paid out a record amount of over $154,000 to farmers whose livestock were killed by wolves in this last year.
In Minnesota, we respect the integrity of Minnesota’s natural resources, and we also respect the livelihood of farmers and ranchers, and it is incumbent upon us to maintain a balance between the two throughout the state. Doug Peterson Minnesota Farmers Union President, Madison, Minn.
To the Editor: Love, commitment and responsibility should be part of all lives. But they cannot be the determinants for marriage. What makes for marriage is the emotional and physical differences between men and women. Male and female bodies complement each other to form the union from which society’s greatest asset, children, is produced. Children need male and female influence and insight in their lives. Two males do not equal mom. Two females do not equal dad. The wants of adults must never precede the needs of children. With the acceptance of contraception, abortion and sterilization, society has often reduced marriage to a place for legal sex. In the spirit of fairness, we hear
the cry for all to have legal sex. This new meaning of marriage will result in school children being taught that all sexual activity is “normal” and thus good. Those in public life who disagree will not be punished with fines or worse for discrimination. Most important, the new definition of marriage will help solve the conscience of sodomites, and who wants to feel guilt? Government did not create marriage, so government cannot redefine it. We must vote yes on the amendment or government in the form of judges or a legislature will redefine marriage as a place for legal sex. Margaret Jordan Howard Lake, Minn.
Letter: Don’t reduce marriage to place for legal sex
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Log on to www.TheLandOnline.com for our full events calendar the University of Wisconsin-Madison; call the Center for Business & Industry Registration Office, (507) 389-7203, or Mark Wehe, (507) 838-6054 or register online at cbi.southcentral.edu/enroll Heritage Acres Fall Festival Soup & Sandwich Dinner
Oct. 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Heritage Acres, Fairmont, Minn. Info: Contact John Hilgendorf, (507) 7288713; Heritage Acres open through Oct. 31, buildings open during special events or by appointment Export Exchange 2012
Oct. 22-24 Marriott City Center, Minneapolis Info: Sponsored by the U.S. Grains Council and the Renewable Fuels Association; log on to www. exportexchange.org for information as it develops Quality Assurance Training
Oct. 24 Minnesota Pork Board Office, Mankato, Minn. Info: Pork Quality Assurance, 10 a.m.Noon; Transport Quality Assurance, 1-3:30 p.m.; registration requested to colleen@mnpork.com or (800) 537-7675 or log on to www.mnpork.com
11 A THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com Haunted Corn Maze www.farmamerica.org and Haunted Feed Mill Oct. 12-13, 19-20, 6:30-9:30 Agricultural Tax p.m. Seminar Farmamerica, Waseca, Oct. 17, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 Minn. p.m. Info: $8/person; children South Central College, under 10 must be accom- North Mankato, Minn. panied by an adult and it Info: Main speaker will be might be too scary for the Phil Harris, tax attorney little ones; bring a flash- and nationally recognized light and dress warmly; speaker and professor at
Trucks Trailers & More! Special Price: $29,500 plus FET
Service Truck Demonstrator
New Stellar Mechanics Service Truck Equipment, with a TMAX1-11 11’ service body w/shelving & small parts cabinets, Stellar 7621 crane w/remote control, 6000 lb. capacity @ 7’, Miller Enpak power source w/Kubota 27 hp. diesel to power crane & 40CFM compressor & 6000 watt generator, all mounted on a 2008 Ford F550 4x4 diesel, automatic, engine warranty to 8-30-2014, 61,000 mi. Complete Package: $109,500
Neville 45’x102” Drop deck trailer. 11’ top deck, 29’ bottom deck plus 5’ beavertail with 3 folding ramps, 68,000 lb. GVW with 50,000 lb. load concentrated in 10’ space, Apitong hardwood flooring, 255/70R22.5 LoProfile tires on steel rims, outside stake and tie rail with intermediate spools, LED lights. Trailer Price: $26,200 plus FET
2011 Pace Journey JT612SA, 2990 lb. GVW 12’x6’ Black trailer, 5’6” high w/15” radial tires, stone guard, .030 exterior aluminum, radius roof, dome light, side wall vents, 3” tubular frame, undercoated, Hat post sidewall post on 16” centers, 3/4” plywood floor, 3/8” plywood interior side walls, 32” solid core side door, 1500 lb. ramp rear door with spring assist. Price: $2,995
2011 Big Lug T2014DFB 20’ Deckover flatbed w/beavertail, 15’x102” wide bed plus 5’ beavertail, (2) 7000 lb. axles, w/elec. brakes, ST235/80R16E tires, Slipper spring susp., modular wiring, self maintaining breakaway system, LED lights rubber mtd., 7 RV trailer plug, 3⁄16” treadplate steel whl. pans, spring loaded ramps, 8” I-beam main frame, 3” crossmembers on 16” centers, 12K sidewind dropleg jack, trailer is shotblasted, polyurethaned primed & topcoated w/polyurethane paint, outside stake & tie rail constructed of 3⁄8” steel, deck height is 33.5” Price: $6,400
8’2” Boss RT II V plow - $3,000
Like new 7 ⁄2’ Boss sport duty snow plow, hand held control & choice of mounts - $2,995
8’2” Boss V w/locking syls w/wiring & control 13 pin, choice of mounts - $3,900
Boss Model 1100 spreader - $1,600 1984 Ford, LN8000 diesel with 43,500 miles, automatic transmission, 28,000 GVW, 10’ box with front discharge spreader for spreading in front of drive wheels, Mp41r11-iste 11’ Monroe trip edge snow plow, Phillips V3000 vibrator. Great Runner, Low Miles, Ready To Go. Price: $14,000
2005 Chevrolet K3500 Silverado 4x4, Duramax diesel, automatic, AC, PL, 52,450 mi., New Turbo, New Crysteel 11’ tipper dump w/fold down sides, Quick Drop tailgate, electric hydraulic hoist, trailer hitch, aluminum tool box curb side, Hideway warning lights in head lights & amber strobes in dump body bulkhead. Very clean truck. Price: $29,850
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1973 Chevrolet ME65 Tandem, 427 gas, 5 and 4 transmission, 74” sides, 600 bushel capacity, air brakes, excellent 10:00x20 tires, 17’ all steel grain body with front lift telescopic hoist, 3 grain gates in rear. Price: $8,950
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
1989 Ford LN8000 sgl. axle tractor, 240 hp. Ford dsl., Allison auto trans., exc. 11:00R-22.5 tires, traction tread (rear), air ride drivers seat, radio, chrome bumper, rear fenders, 125 gal. fuel cap., no rust, very clean, 187K mi. DOT inspection. 2000 Hawkmaster 28’ steel tandem single hopper, single gate trailer w/electric tarp, side unload chute, viewing window, high clearance landing gear, 11:00R-22.5 tires. DOT inspection. Tractor: $9,250 - Trailer: $15,750
2013 Neville built 40’ aluminum grain trailer, 102” wide, 67” sides, 1150 bu. heaped capacity, 8900 lbs. empty wgt., 9’7” overall height, 25,000 lb. Rockwell axles, 11R22.5 Dunlop tires w/alum. outer rims, Hutch 9700 3 leaf susp., 2-spd. 50,000 lb. landing gear, alum. ladders & catwalks both ends, sealed wiring system w/LED lights, 19” wide trap openings w/dbl. rack & pinion 2-spd. gears & Teflon guides on trap doors w/21” clearance from ground, seamless body corners, sight windows, Shurlok tarp w/dbl. ridge straps & front return cable assist.
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Tractor/Trailer Combination Pkg. $23,000
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12 Send us your events by e-mail to editor@TheLandOnline.com A
Quality Assurance Training Nov. 7 Southern Research and Outreach Center, Waseca, Minn. Info: See details of Oct. 24 event. Helicopters and Cover Crops
Log on to http://bit.ly/theland-calendar for our full events calendar
Nov. 7, 1-3 p.m. Jerry and Nancy Ackermann Farm, Lakefield, Minn. Info: Free; from Interstate 90 take Exit 64 for Minnesota Highway 86 and Lakefield, travel north for about 2.5 miles, turn west into Mill Road West/820th Street/County
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Phone 507-385-7241 and talk to Marv.
Info: See details of Oct. Minnesota Pork 24 event. Congress Jan. 16-17 Quality Assurance Convention Center, Training Minneapolis Dec. 12 Quality Assurance McLeod County FairInfo: $10/person A One Health Training grounds Commercial through Jan. 3, Approach to AntimiNov. 21 Building, Hutchinson, $15/person at the door; crobial Use and Resis- Nobles County Govern- Minn. tance: A Dialogue for a ment Center, WorInfo: See details of Oct. www.mnpork.com/ Common Purpose thington, Minn. 24 event. porkcongress Road 14 and travel 5.5 miles, the farm is on the north side of the road; contact Jan Voit, (507) 793-2462 or Jill Sackett, (507) 238-5449
Nov. 13-15 Columbus, Ohio Info: Call (719) 5388843 or log on to www. animalagriculture.org
13 A
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14 A
Grandma’s recipes yield yummy, if vague, treasures flower Crinkle CookBy SARAH JOHNSON ies fit the bill, and The Land Correspondent turned out light and This is not going to be a crispy with a nice typical cookbook review. “chew.” My nest has Instead of reviewing a now emptied as of this cookbook, I’m sharing fall, with the youngest recipes from a source close going off to college, so to my heart: my Grandmother Carlson’s recipe The Johnson ‘clan’ now there are only box, which I ended up with gives two out of two two Johnsons to say: “Two yums up!” after her death earlier this ‘yums’ to Sunflower (A note on “emptyyear. Her familiar crabbed Crinkle Cookies nesting.” It can be a handwriting and her choice melancholy time for of which recipes deserved to be recopied onto index cards made me parents, but my attitude was adjusted smile. This farm wife obviously had a recently when I attended the funeral of sweet tooth — cookies, bars, cakes and a 20-year-old family friend. Suddenly, sweets were well-represented. Our fam- having my kids a few hours away by ily is of Scandinavian extraction, hence car didn’t seem so far. There are losses, the two Swedish-style dessert recipes. I and then there are losses.) hope you enjoy a slice of my grand- Sunflower Crinkle Cookies mother’s life. (from her daughter, Aunt Joyce) 1 cup sugar ■ 1 cup brown sugar The whole idea to share Grandma’s 3/4 cup melted margarine recipes came from when I was digging 2 eggs, beaten around for a cookie recipe using only 1 teaspoon vanilla ingredients that I had on hand. (No 1/2 teaspoon baking powder chocolate chips! Hell froze over!) Sun3/4 teaspoon baking soda
Cookbook Corner
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2 cups flour 2 cups oatmeal 3/4 cup coconut flakes 1 cup raw sunflower meats (Aunt Joyce could have written: Mix the first five “wet” ingredients. Then mix the next six “dry” ingredients separately. Then combine the two mixtures. But all she wrote was: “Drop by teaspoon. Bake at 350 F.” Because duh; that’s how you do cookies.) ■ Some of Grandma’s recipes didn’t come with a whole lot of detail that I would consider helpful. Verna’s Meatball recipe starts out OK with 2 eggs, wobbles a bit with 1 pound of “meat,” and slides into chaos with the milk, onions, potatoes and bread crumbs. (Not sure what she meant about the parenthetical gravy and beef bouillon, either.) Just mix it up until it feels like you can roll meatballs out of it, and pour some gravy-like substance over them at the end. I like the addition of potatoes, a habit my mother shares, although she uses instant. Verna’s Meatballs 2 eggs 1 pound meat Milk Onions Grated raw potatoes Bread crumbs Roll meatballs in flour. Put in pan and brown in oven. (Gravy.) Pour cream of mushroom over. (Beef bouillon.) ■ Grandma’s sausage starts out as hamburger, but as the smoke salt cure does its magic, the texture comes out closer to a beef summer sausage, but drier. It tastes great sliced cold or fried up in a pan. The meat “cures” as it sits,
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raw, for three days. My Sausage Recipe 5 pounds hamburger 5 heaping teaspoons smoke salt cure (Morton Sugar Cure Smoke Flavored) 1 teaspoon of spices (in cure box) 2 teaspoons pepper 2 teaspoons dry mustard 2 teaspoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons nutmeg 1 tablespoon dry onions Oregano if desired Mix well. Refrigerate. Second day: Re-mix. Third day: Remix. Form into 5 rolls; wrap in foil. Bake on broiler pan for 1 1/2 to 2 hours at 325 F. ■ Ruby-red crab apples are marinated in vinegar and fragrant spices, then slow-baked until delectably soft and tangy-sweet. They make a beautiful garnish on any plate. (Another use for crabapples: They’re high in pectin and make excellent jelly.) Baked Crab Apple Pickles Dissolve 3 1/4 pounds of sugar in 1 scant quart of cider vinegar. Add a stick of cinnamon, 5 whole cloves and five pounds of crab apples with flower end removed. Place in a roaster (covered) and bake slowly for 2 hours (oven at 325 F). Seal in sterilized jars and cook in water bath for 10 minutes or more. If your community group or church organization has printed a cookbook and would like to have it reviewed in the “Cookbook Corner,” send us a copy to “Cookbook Corner,” The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Submission does not guarantee a review. ❖
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Be sure to spread a little ‘dust’ to those around you Too bad the same thing couldn’t be said of our mailbox, but that’s a different story.
taught. Our greatest influence on others comes not through our lips, but through our lives. Whether it’s our children or grandchildren, those we mentor, teach, coach, or encourage, we know Unless you sell cleaning products, it’s difficult to find a lesson has landed in their hearts and minds when they get dusty and we see “I get the picture,” I said. I things to be thankful for experienced his reality on about dust. It coats vehicles our positive influence coating their Friday night when I sat in and furniture, ignites aller- words, actions and lives. That’s beautithe combine’s buddy seat. gies and triggers asthma. In ful dust indeed. THE BACK PORCH general, it’s a nuisance. As All we needed was ChristIn his book, “The Invested Life — mas music and a few By Lenae Bulthuis an object lesson, it’s an making disciples of all nations one perroasted chestnuts and you amazing visual of what it son at a time,” Joel Rosenberg says would’ve thought we were means to be a “dusty discithat every person who follows Jesus driving to Grandma’s house in a snow- ple.” should be able to answer two simple storm. questions: “Who is investing in me?” There is an old Jewish proverb that And, “Whom am I investing in?” “There’s highline poles somewhere talks about a relationship between around here,” Mike said. He’d stop the children and their rabbi or teacher. Parents, teachers, grandparents and combine, wait for the dust to clear for When the teacher walks and his sanyouth volunteers have no problem needed visibility, and then crawl fordals kick up the road’s dust, the stutelling you who they’re investing in. ward again. We lamented for the gener- dents should want to be so close to the Depending on their generation or loveation of farmers who worked in these teacher that they get dusty. hate relationship with technology, conditions without a cab. Thankfully, Even in Jesus’ day it was understood they’ll pull out their photo albums or Mike avoided the poles. that faith was more often caught than smart phones and show you pictures of
those kiddos. There’s great pride, joy and intentionality in investing in children who are within their sphere of influence. As independent adults, you may question who’s investing in you. Initially the thought feels like it’s something we should outgrow; yet the reality is, whether we’re aware of it or not, that all of us are influenced and we are influencers. We are led and we lead. The company we keep influences our character. We live in a dusty world and I’m not just referring to gravel roads and my living room. Each one of us is kicking up relational dust; seek to walk closely with those who coat you with the good stuff — faith, hope, kindness, integrity and love. Lenae Bulthuis is a wife, mom and friend who muses from her back porch on a Minnesota grain and livestock farm. ❖
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★STAR TRAILER SALES★ 53’ x 13’6” x 102”, shallow drop pot, air ride spread axle, aluminum rims, winter kit, nose vents, wash friendly, many more options, hog friendly, built and ready to go.
Mike walked through the back door after a full day of harvesting soybeans and said, “There’s dust in my hair, dust in my eyes, dust up my ...”
15 A
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012 16 A
17 A
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18 A
Exhibitors recognized for entries in NBS progeny test Honors were presented to swine exhibitors at the 66th National Barrow Show for outstanding entries in the 2012 NBS Progeny Test. Fifteen SUPER SIRE awards and 12 PORQUE awards were given to recognize the highest-indexing groups entered. The following individuals and farms from Iowa and Minnesota were presented awards for their winning entries in the 2012 Progeny Test. Berkshire-sired entries
• Phenotypic Acres Inc. of Ames, Iowa, (SUPER SIRE and PORQUE awards for entry sired by PA9 Abraham Lincoln 20-7) • Phenotypic Acres Inc. and Watts Quality Pork of Ames, Iowa, (SUPER SIRE and PORQUE awards for entry sired by 2OHF6 Hulk 118-1) • Lyle and Darla Wipplinger of Kiester, Minn., (PORQUE award for entry sired by WIPP1 Aslan 41) Chester White-sired entry • Randy and Becky Schmidt of Williamsburg, Iowa, (SUPER SIRE award for entry sired by SC1 Kandyman 3-2) • Comparts Boar Store of Nicollet, Minn., (SUPER SIRE and PORQUE awards for entry sired by CBSW0 F Lloyd 40-2) Started in 1991, the Progeny Test is designed to
analyze the offspring of purebred sires. Factors that influence final results are production performance at the test station, structural soundness of each pig, carcass composition and eating qualities. The top indexing sires in each breed and the entire test are recognized with SUPER SIRE and PORQUE awards. Averages for the 48 entries in the 2012 test were 1.82 pounds average daily gain, 0.93 inches backfat at the 10th rib, 6.53 square inches loin-eye area, 6.0 (out of possible 10) soundness score, 5.60 loin pH, and 2.53 percent intramuscular fat (marbling). The 2012 Progeny Test was the 23rd to be conducted in conjunction with the NBS since 1991. Another progeny test is scheduled to be delivered March 22. ❖
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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66th National Barrow Show swine judging contest sion with 674 points out of a possible 700. Iowa State University contestant Colby Taber finished in a threeway tie for fourth with a score of 660, but finished fifth with the tie broken on higher total reasons score. Senior college reasons awards were given to the top team and top five individuals. There was a fiveway tie of 191 for second place, with ISU’s Hunter Shoemaker taking third. The ties were broken based on lower placing totals in reasons classes.
Junior Division Tri-Point FFA No. 1, Cullom, Ill., captured top honors in the junior division of the 66th annual NBS Swine Judging Contest this year. There were 39 teams in the Junior Division from seven states — Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Indiana, Nebraska and Missouri. St. Ansgar, Iowa, FFA No. 1, was fourth with 981 points. ❖
Winners in the 66th annual National Barrow Show Swine Judging Contest held Sept. 10 in Austin, Minn., were Western Illinois University of Macomb in the senior college division; Connors State College, Warner, Okla., in the junior college division; and TriPoint FFA No. 1, Cullom, Ill. in the junior division. The winning team in each of the three levels of judging competition was awarded according to points accumulated in the contest. This year’s contest attracted 65 teams and 278 participants. Senior College Division Western Illinois University won first place (out of 14 teams) in the senior college division with a score of 3,270 points out of a possible 3,500 points. Iowa State University of Ames, coached by John DeClerk, came in third with a score of 3,267. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, placed ninth with 3,134, followed by the South Dakota State University, Brookings, 3,127, in 10th. Hunter Shoemaker, Iowa State University, was the top individual of 108 competing in the university divi-
19 A
DAKOTA WOOD-GRINDING, INC. Land clearing, woods, fence rows, etc. You pay for cutting down trees and cutting up in 10 ft. lengths. Grinding and hauling is free
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20 A
Thurston: Hybrids capable of withstanding tremendous stress By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer “I think it’s shocking the industry that we’ve gone through the worst drought since 1988, and yields this fall are significantly higher than projected just a month ago,” according to Bob Thurston, president of Thurston Genetics of Olivia, Minn. “It’s a real credit to corn breeders what they’ve developed for corn growers. Many of these yields are coming
in far better than expected under the worst conditions this season. So the combination of traits now available plus the drought package coming along we’re proving that we can provide hybrids capable of withstanding a lot of stress.” In view of this growing season, will there be enough seed for the 2013 crop year, especially if American corn growers want to increase acres over the 2012 production?
“We’re worried,” Thurston said. He noted that much depends upon what will be the intent of planted acres for 2013. If it’s going to be 100 million acres of corn — 96.3 million in 2012 — then it might be a real stretch to provide the seed. “There’s a big increase in winter seed production in South America, mostly on new products. I’m confident we’ll have enough seed though perhaps not on the new releases.” Without a significant “recharge” of soil moisture this winter, will farmers
cut back on planting rates next spring? Thurston suggested such thinking would be good logic, but chuckled that come next spring when farmers roll out their planters, they usually stay with the same settings of the previous season. “Growers are eternal optimists,” Thurston said. “They’ll plan and plant for next year’s crop accordingly. Perhaps on lighter soils you might see some cutback on planting rates if soils stay dry.” ❖
Kubota: Power; Versatility and Value Rohwer: Corn a ‘miracle plant’ On The Go: RTV1100
All-around Versatility: BX2660
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Big features define this popular sub-compact tractor – including a 25.5 HP Kubota diesel engine, Category I 3-point hitch, power steering and HST transmission.
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Iowa Corn Growers Association president Bruce Rohwer comments on this year’s corn crop: “This corn plant has been modified into one most fantastic miracle plant. From the August USDA report, the 2012 crop was projected to be the eighthlargest in history with a projected total yield of 10-plus billion bushels. Yet this is one of the driest seasons in history. “Without the plant that we have today with the weather we had this season there would have been lots of zero acre yields out there. Our agriculture, our nation, would be in dire straits if we were still farming with the
hybrids of 10 to 15 years back. “The flip side is that with normal yields and 200-bushel corn across the Corn Belt, those mountains of yellow corn piles in small-town elevators across the Corn Belt would have produced a bit of a train-wreck on corn prices. You could peg $4 corn, you could peg $3 corn; who knows the drop. The point being that with significant recharge of soil moistures across the farm belt who knows how many acres and what price for corn in 2013. We’ve got to keep exports and ethanol as major buyers of U.S. corn for certain.” — Dick Hagen, The Land staff writer
ADM’s Greg Mills: Record year for client payouts Mills: I don’t have an answer for that. I was in the grain industry for 27 years before getting into ADM’s Crop Insurance Division. I simply maintain that crop insurance is the key safety net for the American farmer today. And the significance is that it’s important for all of rural American, not just the farmer. Q: How many crop insurance companies exist? How does ADM Crop Risk Services rank? Mills: There are 16 crop insurance companies. ADM just got involved in 2009. We are about a 3 percent market share today. Q: Why did ADM make the move into crop insurance? Mills: For ADM everything starts with production agriculture. We saw crop insurance as a way to support the American farmer and assist him in risk management and risk mitigation. And that’s particularly important today when you look at the production costs of growing an acre of corn or any other crop. The risks for the American farmer today are substantially higher than 10 years ago. What we want is a healthy farming community to help sustain the businesses
that have built this farming community. Q: So how do you market ADM Crop Risk Services? Mills: We market through already existing crop insurance agencies. We promote the fact that we are the only international grain company that is in crop insurance. We’re the only crop insurance company that can discuss with you day-by-day, even hour-byhour, grain markets locally, nationally and internationally. The same for weather trends with an intimate knowledge from over 300 asset locations in farming communities across America. And that additional input we feel is even greater value to the farmer than just the crop insurance policy. Showing a farmer how the markets relate to his crop insurance policy is key to our growth. We’re four times larger than we were three years ago. Q: Without federal subsidies, would premiums be ‘affordable’ for most farmers? Mills: Premiums would have to be substantially higher. Would farmers See INSURANCE, pg. 22A
DOUBLE A CUSTOM PUMPING, INC. Custom Manure Application Since 1999
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than 50 percent of crop acres insured to today’s level of about 83 percent of all crop acres in America being insured. In the current environment the crop insurance program has been relatively neutral because there has been enough gain in new participants to offset the additional expenses. Q: Who shares in the benefits of federal crop insurance? Mills: The benefits accrue not just to the insurance companies and their policy holders but to the entire agricultural community. This year without crop insurance we would be ramping up a direct payment program to producers because banks would be frozen up, Farm & Fleet stores and other farm supply outlets would be boarding up because there wouldn’t be assurance of a cash flow that crop insurance provides. The stakeholders of crop insurance are broad — your local bank, your seed dealers, the chemical outlets, your farm equipment dealer, even your retail stores. Q: So what language needs to be included in the next farm bill to maintain this protective umbrella over agriculture?
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Could this be a $20 billion year for crop insurance payments? That certainly wouldn’t surprise Greg Mills, president of Archer Daniel Midlands Crop Risk Services. “Yes, this will be a record year for client payouts,” said Mills, who quoted a projected $20 billion to $30 billion in crop indemnity payments for Crop Year 2012. He said University of Illinois business specialists are using the same range of damage claims. Q: How does this year’s disaster impact the future of crop insurance? Could it ever be self-sustaining if the farm bill doesn’t provide federal payments as part of the overall cost of crop insurance? Mills: The experience of crop insurance companies is that it cannot be a self-sustaining program. The government subsidy is needed simply to keep the cost affordable for the American farmer. When the government ‘costsharing’ finally ramped up to 60 to 65 percent premium level, farmer participation jumped dramatically from less
21 A
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22 A
Other countries look to imitate U.S. insurance programs INSURANCE, from pg. 21A participate? History has suggested the answer would be ‘no.’ As we look at crop insurance both in America and other countries the reality is that is has to be government subsidized to make it work. Q: Is crop insurance now working for farmers around the world?
Mills: From ADM’s perspective, our crop insurance is basically just in North America. But other countries are looking at our U.S. crop insurance programs and wanting to imitate our model. And that of course is why passage of a new USDA farm bill is so important to simply substantiate our agricultural industry.
After the Russian drought of 2010 even their government is searching for ways to better protect the financial stability of their farmers; the Chinese are looking at our crop insurance; not yet government involvement in crop insurance in Brazil but lots of discussion about generating government support; India and the Philippines are looking; so too is Africa. Globally, officials see crop insurance as the major way to stabilize farm risk so that you can expand food supply. Strange, but other countries are looking at us to see how to emulate the success here in America while we’re now looking for ways to cut the program. Q: With the widespread drought damage across the country, how soon will indemnity payments start occurring? Mills: The farmer first has to complete harvest of his crops; then assemble all his receipts for yield certification; then get this info to his adjuster. As the harvest proceeded this fall, farmers were calling their local agents reporting yield losses as they read their combine monitor. But the payment cycle is still detailed and precise. The horror story is when the adjustor shows up and gets a shoe box of unorganized documents. You
would be surprised how often in our modern world that still happens. It’s very much a cooperative effort and the better organized the producer, the faster the entire process. In a normal year, payments start in November-December and wind down in March, April. This year volumes will be so much higher that the entire process will be delayed. Q: You have a new iPhone application that speeds the process? Mills: Yes, AerosExpress is an Apple iPhone app that allows ADM’s Crop Risk Services adjustors to provide faster, more efficient delivery of crop insurance claims. It allows adjustors to view and organize claims, take photos of damaged crops, map damaged acres of the fields, find contact information and take notes after a call — all from the palm of their hand. It also uploads all of the information into ADM’s Aeros system which is accessible by the insurance agent. Q: Can payments on crop insurance claims this year possibly influence crop choices next year? Mills: The market will signal what crops to plant next year. Crop insurance is pegged to the market with prices not determined until next April 1. By that time most crop decisions are pretty much in place. ❖
Local Corn and Soybean Price Index corn/change* Dover Edgerton Jackson Janesville Cannon Falls Sleepy Eye Average: Year Ago Average:
$6.85 $7.21 $7.28 $7.12 $6.80 $7.17
+.05 +.04 -.03 +.04 -.20 -.03
soybeans/change* $15.00 $14.93 $14.90 $14.68 $14.77 $14.95
-.55 -.73 -.65 -.79 -.55 -.57
average soybeans average soybeans year prior
$15 $10
average corn
$ 5
average corn year prior
$ 0
Cash Grain Markets
23 A
Grain prices are effective cash close on Oct. 9. The price index chart compares an average of most recently reported local cash prices with the same average for a year ago. *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period.
Cattle market turns sluggish
Volatility still dominates markets
The following market analysis is for the week ending Oct. 5. CORN — Corn harvest chugged along in the west this week while progress in the east was hampered by rain. They couldn’t buy a bucket of water all summer, but now when they are trying to get fieldwork wrapped up it rains. Any moisture to recharge the soil is welcome, however. Corn prices were stagnant this week after the limit higher close on the day of the grain stocks report. December corn could only muster a $7.46 to $7.68 1/2 weekly trading range; settling down for the week at $7. Last week’s spike lower to $7.05 NYSTROM was in all probability our seasonal PHYLLIS Country Hedging low. St. Paul Basis levels were slightly higher during the week as ethanol locations look for bushels and growers put their own storage to use. Once the bin doors are locked, it will likely take better prices to entice producers to part with inventory with checkbooks looking healthy and thoughts of warmer climates in their plans. Corn is a domestic market as weekly exports remain a disappointment. Sales of only 12.9 million bushels pushed us to 39 percent behind last year and to 33 percent of the yearly target. The average for this point in the marketing year is 37 percent sold. Brazilian corn headed to North Carolina helps explain the poor export pace. Ethanol production fell to 785,000 barrels per day, the lowest number since 2010 when data was first collected. Stocks dropped from 19.3 million to 18.8 million barrels. Informa Economics released two corn estimates this week, one that they believe the U.S. Department See NYSTROM, pg. 24A
With the change of seasons not only has the weather begun to change, but so has the livestock markets. As one has struggled — that being the hog market — the other — being the cattle market — has relished in strength. It now appears the roles are reversing and the hog market is finding the strength while the cattle market struggles to stay steady. The reason the cattle market has turned sluggish is the boxed beef price which, in comparison to other competitive meats, is high. Even though slaughter numbers are down, weights of cattle conJOE TEALE tinue to rise, creating enough Broker meat to offset the decline in num- Great Plains Commodity bers. With the economy still Afton, Minn. retracting, the beef cutout has found that above $190 per hundredweight, beef movement slows, reflecting a reluctance from retailers to increase purchases. The rallies in the futures market have recently been led by commodity funds moving to the long side, rather than good commercial buying. This would indicate that until we reach closer parity between the beef market and competitive meats, the cattle market will continue to struggle. This is not to say that the cattle market cannot improve, but it will be a slow advance as numbers decrease until other meats get more in line with the beef market. The key word for the cattle market at this time would be demand, and not supply. If demand expands, the cattle market will respond with higher prices. But if demand continues to be weak, the cattle market will continue to struggle. Producers should continue to monitor the market and protect invento-
As the “flash harvest” is wrapping up, price volatility remains the dominant feature in the marketplace. Yield estimates continue to improve as the harvest has moved to the northern Corn Belt. The question on the trade’s mind is, “have high prices taken care of high prices?” Corn has been pressured for weeks by concerns that high prices have curbed demand for the grain, after front-month futures reached all-time highs in August. Those concerns continue, as export demand remains weak overall, and weekly U.S. ethanol production fell to the lowest level TOM NEHER since the Energy Information AgStar VP & Team Leader Administration started reporting — Grain Industry the data two years ago. The high Rochester, Minn. prices appear to be rationing demand for corn and oil seeds. This will be an interesting marketing year, with the inverted prices working to pull grain into the markets rather than storage bins. Yet there has been a mad scramble to capture bushels to store for next summer’s perceived tightness of supply. Inverted markets are the most difficult to merchandize in because one is not paid to store the grain through higher prices being offered for future delivery. The conventional practice in an inverted market would be to sell the grain, capture the margins and get ready for next year. This year many seem to be willing to assume the storage risk with the hopes of being able to leverage the market next summer. If there is another drought next year they will look like heroes and if the rains come and crops look
See TEALE, pg. 24A
See NEHER, pg. 24A
Corn exports disappoint
Grain Angles
Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.
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Livestock Angles
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Grain Outlook
24 A
Soybeans show a doji star on candlestick charts NYSTROM, from pg. 23A of Agriculture will put out on Oct. 11, and one which they think will be the final crop number. For the Oct. 11 report, they are using 127.0 bushels per acre (September USDA was 122.8) with production of 11.194 billion bushels (September USDA 10.727 billion). For the final report they are anticipating a 127.2 yield with production of 11.147 billion bushels. The average trade guesses for Oct. 11 are yield of 122.8 bu./acre, production 10.616 billion bushels and ending stocks of 656 million bushels. OUTLOOK: Look for consolidating corn trade prior to the Oct. 11 USDA crop report. The report will lend direction as harvest winds down, but attention will then turn to the pace of corn usage as well as South American
prospects. December corn is consolidating, but it would take bearish news to push into new lows in the short run. A range of $7.40 to $7.75 may be in place for a while. December corn was down 8 1/4 cents for the week at $7.48 per bushel. SOYBEANS — Soybeans continued to bleed lower during the first half of the week, only to find technical support and business near $15 per bushel. Oct. 3 November beans spiked lower hitting $15.04 per bushel before finding buyers. The $15.04 level represented a decline of $2.85 from the record high of $17.89 per bushel on Sept. 4. On Oct. 3, the opening price and settlement price were within one-quarter of a cent of each other, close enough to call it a doji star for candlestick chartists.
TEALE, from pg. 23A ries when necessary. The hog market has certainly turned the corner and has begun to recover after a long-term downtrend. Hog numbers have decreased enough that packers have been more aggressive in bidding for live inventory to maintain a good slaughter. This because margins have been positive for the packer which means the packer wants to maintain good margins while they are still available. Pork cutouts have improved over the past month and this appears to be a direct reflection of the disparity between pork and its competitive
meats. Pork product movement has been good because of the comparative lower price of pork versus beef, chicken and turkey. Cold storage pork inventories are large and will pose a problem until these inventories are whittled down. This will likely slow the ascent in hog prices in the weeks ahead. Looking forward it is quite likely that the fall in prices in the latter part of summer and the high feed costs have reduced the hog herd to some degree. Therefore, optimism into next year will help keep a floor under the market for the next few months. Producers should remain aware of current market conditions and protect inventories when NEHER, from pg. 23A warranted. ❖ great they will be looking at lower prices. Perspective is difficult to maintain during these times. So often we tend to get caught up in our own worries and concerns; forgetting how blessed our lives have become. All it takes is to see pictures of drought-stressed crops to remind us that many things are out of our control. It is during times like this that we must take inventory of what are really the most important elements in our lives. During the next several weeks give thanks for the strength and courage provided to till the soil and provide food for a hungry world. It is an honor to be a steward of the great creation. As the fruits of our labors, worries and prayers are gathered; it is a good time to start planning for next year. The markets have a job to do this fall and winter. It will be the driving force in providing guidance into the number of corn, soybean and wheat acres that
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Price lag, feed costs drop herd
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This type of technical development usually signals a change in price direction, which in this case proved true. November soybeans bounced off the Oct. 3 $15.04 low to settle at $15.51 1/2, down 49 1/2 cents for the week. A 50 percent Fibonacci retracement from the previous week’s high of $16.26 to this week’s $15.04 lower equates to $15.65 per bushel. Lending support to ideas we have seen the harvest low was the appearance of China back in as a buyer of 180,000 metric tons of beans and 21,000 mt of soyoil, even though they were on their Golden Week holiday. Weekly exports were huge at 47.6 million bushels. China accounted for 79 percent of the weekly sales. It’s believed China has bought 14.6 million mt of U.S. bean for this year versus 11.8 mmt last year at this time. We now have sold 82 percent of what the USDA projects we will export for the entire marketing year. The average is normally 43 percent sold at this time of year. Attention is already starting to turn to South American prospects. The south and central regions of Brazil seem to be in pretty good shape, but northern Brazil could still use moisture. Overall, Brazil is thought to be 3 percent complete on soybean planting as compared to 2 percent on average.
Brazilian growers are estimated to have already sold a record 50 percent of the 2013 crop. Argentina has enough rain for now for the 4.5 percent increase in bean acreage (record 19.7 million hectares) the Buenos Aires Cereals Exchange is projecting. Informa Economics issued only one soybean estimate on Oct. 5 of 2.86 billion bushels (September USDA 2.634 billion) using 37.8 bu./acre (September USDA 35.3). OUTLOOK: The seasonal trend for soybeans is higher through Oct. 20. We we’ll see if the post-October report action will support the tendency. Soybean rationing still needs to be accomplished. If the production number next week is raised, the export category should absorb a portion of that increase. Looking ahead, volatility and wide daily trading ranges should not be a surprise. Assuming we have seen the harvest low, look for prices to consolidate ahead of Oct. 11, trade the numbers, and then turn more attention to what growers do with the tail end of harvest bushels. A sizable $15 to $16.50 trading range may be expected short term. This material has been prepared by a sales or trading employee or agent of Country Hedging Inc. and should be considered a solicitation. ❖
Sharpen the pencil, charge the calculator
are planted next year. A sharp pencil and a well-charged calculator will need to be used as we analyze and evaluate the most profitable production alternatives. Risk management tools will be of paramount importance in this coming year as volatility and pricing opportunities will abound. With commodity prices and production costs rising, more money will flow through our bank accounts. Our challenge will continue to be centered on how much of that flow we can keep in our operations. Solid plans that are made during this time of the year can help to take some of the emotion out of our lives as we move into another year. Our perspective leads to emotion and this impacts our quality of life. Let us all remember that we are blessed to live in a land of freedom and opportunity. With this freedom, let us remember to take the opportunity to prepare to make the most out of our blessings. ❖
Taking a look at flexible cash leases for 2013 agreeable to both the landlord and farmer. Most land grant universities, and some farm management associations, publish annual average land rental rates on a yearly basis, which could be used as a resource for arriving at an equitable “base” rental rate. It is important for producers to have a maximum cash rental amount, in order to assist them with crop budgeting, grain marketing strategies and crop insurance decisions. Typically maximum annual rental rates are $100 to $150 above the base rate. The “base” yield for a crop can be determined by either using the proven yield (APH) for Federal Crop Insurance, which is updated annually, or some other acceptable method of yield determination. Actual yield calculation on the farm can be determined by warehouse receipts, settlement sheets, scale tickets, bin measurements, grain cart weigh wagons, yield monitors, or any other method that is acceptable to both the landlord and farmer. Many times, yield determination requires a certain degree of “trust level” between the landlord and the farmer.
See PROGRAMS, pg. 26A
Wil-Rich Soil Pro 513
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Flexible leases also work well for newer or younger farmers who may not be able to afford the higher cash rental rates for farm land. A flexible lease makes it easier to use a crop revenue insurance policy, along with some forward pricing of grain, as risk management tools for farmers. Most ag lenders are quite supportive of the use of flexible leases by farmers as a risk management tool. A flexible lease, with a fair base rental rate, allows landlords the security of a solid base rental rate, while having the opportunity to share in added profits when yields and crop prices exceed expectations. Flexible leases are a nice alternative for landlords who want to continue to work with long-standing farmers with cash rental arrangements, without setting cash rental rates too high to keep the current tenants. The biggest challenge with flexible cash rental leases is determining the “base rent” per acre, the “maximum” (and possible “minimum”) cash rent per acre, and the method to determine the flexible rent payments. The best way to establish the “base” rental rate is to have a rental rate per acre that is
The continued strength in gross revenue per acre corn and soybean commodity exceeds established targets. prices in the past several The use of a flexible cash months, and the resulting rental lease is potentially projected increase in gross more fair to both the landcrop income per acre, has lord and the farmer, dependcaused many landlords to ing on the situation, and consider significant how the flexible lease is set increases in cash rental up. A “true” flexible cash rates on rented farm land for lease allows for the landlord 2013. This comes after subFARM PROGRAMS to receive additional land stantial increases in many rental payments for a crop By Kent Thiesse rental rates from 2008-12. year above a “base” land Many crop producers are rental rate, if the actual concerned that the favorable crop crop yields and market prices, or the prices may not last long term, and that gross revenue per acre, exceed estabthe gross income per acre in future lished “base” figures. years may not be high enough to justify A “true” flexible cash lease would also the higher cash rental rates that are allow for the “base” rent to be adjusted being proposed for 2013 and beyond. In downward, if the actual crop yields and addition, crop input costs for seed, fer- prices, or revenue per acre, fall below tilizer, chemicals, fuel and crop drying the established “base” figures. Howare likely to be higher in 2013, as com- ever, many flexible leases have been pared to the 2012 crop year. modified, and only “flex” upward with An alternative to the proposed high added rental payment to the landlords, cash rental rates for 2013, or potenif the “base” crop yield and prices, or tially even higher rental rates in the revenue per acre, are exceeded. The future, may be for producers and land- modified “base rent plus a bonus” cash lords to consider a “flexible cash lease” lease approach is probably acceptable if rental agreement, which allows the the “base” cash rental rates are kept final cash rental rate to vary as crop within a reasonable range. yields and market prices vary, or as
25 A
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26 A
Many variations to setting up flexible lease agreements PROGRAMS, from pg. 25A In many cases, the “base” price for a crop is the “new crop” price at the local grain elevator for that crop on a specified date (example: April 1 for corn and soybeans), and the final price is the price for that crop at the same local elevator on a specified date in the fall (example: Oct. 15). In some cases a weekly or monthly average price at the local grain elevator from planting to harvest is used to determine the final price. Another alternative that is easy to follow is the use the Revenue Protection crop insurance base price for a crop as the “base” price for the flexible lease, and the RP harvest price as the final price, which are based on Chicago Board of Trade futures prices. Whatever method is used to determine both the “base” and final prices
should be consistent, using either local cash prices, or RP prices from the CBOT. The details for determining prices and yields should be spelled out in a written land rental agreement that is signed by all parties. With the occurrence of much higher crop input costs in recent years, some flexible cash leases have been modified, and are now based on gross revenue triggers that exceed the cost of production, rather than on crop yield and price triggers. In this type of lease the landlord only receives additional cash rental payments beyond the “base” rent when the final gross revenue per acre (yield x price) exceeds the established cost of production for the year. Typically, the added “flex” rent payment to the landlord would be a set percentage of the added gross revenue
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per acre above the established cost of production per acre, which is typically about 35 percent for corn, and about 40 percent for soybeans, with a “maximum” rental rate per acre. Just as with crop yields and prices, determining the established cost of production for a crop for the year can be a challenge. Some possibilities would be to use cash flow statements for the year prepared by a farm management adviser, ag lender or the producer themselves. Again many universities and farm management associations have average cost of production data available. There also probably need to be allowances in a flexible lease to allow for added costs or expenses due to weather or emergencies. There are many other variations to setting up a flexible lease agreement between a landlord and farmer, including using a base crop revenue compared to a harvest crop revenue, without using cost of production, to determine flexible rental rates (see below). The big key, regardless of the flexible lease agreement, is that both the landlord and tenant fully understand the rental agreement and the calculations that are used to determine
the final rental rate. It is also important that flexible lease agreements, as well as all land rental contracts, be finalized with a written agreement. Flexible lease examples There are many examples and variations of “flexible cash rental” contracts and agreements. Following are simple examples of flexible cash rental lease calculations for corn and soybeans in southern Minnesota. • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250 per acre), plus the farmer will pay the landlord and additional percentage (example: 35 percent for corn and 40 percent for soybeans) of the amount that the final crop revenue (example: final yield x Oct. 15 local price) exceeds the base crop revenue (example: Crop insurance APH yield x April 1 new crop local price). (Please see specific crop revenue flexible lease examples in the tables on Pages 29A and 30A.) • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250 per acre), plus the producer will pay the landlord an additional amount (example: $30 per acre), if actual yields exceed the APH crop insurance yield by See PROGRAMS, pg. 28A
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Miller Sellner Slayton Slayton, MN Miller Sellner Equip. Bingham Lake, MN Miller Sellner Impl. Sleepy Eye, MN Domeyer Implement Ellsworth, MN Rabe International Fairmont, MN Hammell Equipment Chatfield, MN Caledonia Implement Caledonia, MN Arnold’s of Alden Alden, MN Arnold’s of Mankato North Mankato, MN Arnold’s of St. Martin St. Martin, MN Arnold’s of Willmar Willmar, MN Arnold’s of Glencoe Glencoe, MN Arnold’s of Kimball Kimball, MN Trueman-Welters Inc. Buffalo, MN Bancroft Implement Bancroft, IA Jaycox Impl. Worthington, MN Jaycox Impl. Luverne, MN Kalmes Implement Altura, MN Arnold Equipment Sauk Rapids, MN Pederson’s Agri Service Herman, MN
27 A THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
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28 A
Contract examples PROGRAMS, from pg. 26A 10 percent or more (Corn example: APH of 180 bushels per acre and final yield of 198 bu./acre or higher). • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250 per acre), plus the producer will pay the landlord an additional amount (example $30/acre), if harvest-time (example: Oct. 15) local grain price exceeds the base (example: April 1 local grain price) by 10 percent or more. (Soybean example: $13/bu. local price on April 1 and Oct. 15 price of $14.30/bu. or higher). • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250/acre), plus the landlord will receive 35 percent of the excess bushels for corn yields that exceed 180 bu./acre, and 40 percent of the excess bushels for soybean yields that exceed 48 bu./acre. The landlord would be responsible to market their share of the excess bushels. (Final corn yield of 200 bu./acre would result in landlord receiving 7 bushels of corn [20 bu. x 0.35] to be marketed.) • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250/acre), and the producer will pay the landlord an additional 35 percent of the difference between final gross crop revenue and the base crop revenue for a Revenue Protection crop insurance policy. Soybean example Base revenue: $624/acre (48 bu./acre x $13/bu.) Final Revenue: $720/acre (48 bu./acre x $15/bu.) Final Cash Rent: $283.60/acre ($720/acre $624/acre = $96/acre x .35 = $33.60/acre + $250/acre See PROGRAMS, pg. 29A
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Spell out land rental lease details, put them in writing Following are simple examples of flexible cash rental lease calculations, based on projected and final crop revenues, for corn in southern Minnesota. Base rent: $250 per acre Base corn yield: 180 bushels per acre (Crop Insurance APH Yield) Minimum crop yield: 135 bu./acre (Crop Insurance APH Yield x 0.75) Base crop price: $5.50 per bushel (Local new crop corn price on April 1.) Base revenue: $990/acre (Base Yield x Base Crop Price) Landlord’s share: 0.35 (35 percent of the difference between Final Crop Revenue and Base Revenue) Maximum rent: $400/acre (Base rent plus $150/acre)
Final scenario 1 Actual corn yield: 210 bushels/acre Final crop price: $7/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $1,470/acre Flexible revenue amount: $480/acre ($1,470 - $990) Landlord’s share: $168 ($480 x 0.35) Final cash rental rate: $400/acre ($250/acre + $168/acre exceeds maximum rent )
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Final scenario 3 Actual corn yield: 160 bu./acre Final crop price: $7/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $1,120/acre Flexible revenue amount: $130 ($1,120 - $990) Landlord’s share: $45.50 ($130 x 0.35) Final cash rental rate: $295.50/acre ($250 + $45.50)
Back Roads
alternative to extremely high straight cash rental rates. Landlords who are eligible for Social Security also need to pay attention as to what effect certain types of flexible payments, such as receiving a percentage of the grain that they must market, may have on the status of their future Social Security benefits. It is important that all aspects of a flexible land rental lease agreement be spelled out in detail in a written rental contract, which is signed by all parties. Successful flexible cash lease agreements have always involved cooperation, trust and good communication between the farmer and the landlord. Kent Thiesse is a government farm programs analyst and a vice president at MinnStar Bank in Lake Crystal, Minn. He may be reached at (507) 726-2137 or kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. ❖
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Final scenario 2 Actual corn yield: 210 bu./acre Final crop price: $4.50/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $945/acre Flexible revenue amount: $0 (Final crop revenue is lower than Base Revenue) Landlord’s share: N/A Final cash rental rate: $250/acre (Base cash rental rate is final.)
PROGRAMS, from pg. 28A = $283.60/acre) • Cash rental contract with a base cash rental rate (example: $250/acre), with no additional provisions; however, the producer decides to give the landlord an additional $25 to $100/acre land rent because of excellent crop yields and/or good commodity prices. Flexible lease resources Iowa State University has some good resources on flexible cash leases and written cash rental lease contracts, including sample cash rental contracts, which are available on their “Ag Decision Maker” website, which is located at www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm. For additional information on flexible land rental leases, send an e-mail to kent.thiesse@minnstarbank.com. Bottom line Utilizing “flexible cash leases agreements” between farmers and landlords is a good management strategy as an
Crop revenue flexible lease examples
29 A
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30 A
What happens now that the farm bill has expired? By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer The current farm bill quietly expired Sept. 30. In view of this failure by Congress I posed some questions to Steve Cen- Steve Censky sky, CEO of the American Soybean Association. Below is his Oct. 1 response. “ASA is deeply disappointed that the House did not consider the farm bill before recessing before the elections. ASA and 90 other ag-related organizations were part of a ‘Farm Bill Now’ coalition that had urged the House
leadership to take the bill passed by the House ag committee in July to the House floor before adjourning for the elections. Since no action was taken, we are calling on Congress to finish a new farm bill during the upcoming lame duck session in November and December. While some House leaders have expressed support for a one-year extension of the 2008 farm bill, others have stated that budget cuts and a revised budget baseline by the Congressional Budget Office would make it impossible to write a new bill similar to the versions approved this year by the Senate as well as the House committee.” Q: If a one-year extension seems the best alternative by this Congress, what is the likely action and
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$1,000 Off Any Used In Stock Grain Trailer - While They Last! any 0 off $1,00 d Grain Use in stock t. ers Hopp e they las e whil ur websit See o d Call! an
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content if/when a new farm bill is drafted after Congress reconvenes in January 2013? Censky: The longer Congress delays in passing a new farm bill, the more complicated things are likely to get. If the lame duck session approves an extension, funding for a new farm bill in 2013 could be reduced in several ways. Congress may not be willing to pass an extension without including some of the cuts already made in the House and Senate bills. These include elimination of Direct Payments, consolidation of conservation programs and a reduction in funding for SNAP (food stamps). The Congressional Budget Office would take these cuts into account in its next budget baseline, due out by March 2013, and reduce the amounts of funds available to write a new farm bill. In addition, Congress and the next administration will need to resolve the pending sequestration of $1.2 trillion in defense and non-defense spending, scheduled to take effect in January. While this process may be postponed during lame duck, it could eventually require deeper cuts in agriculture spending. So funding for the next farm bill could be substantially less than
the level available for writing the current House and Senate bills. It is not clear what the impact will be on farm programs, crop insurance, conservation programs, export promotion, research, etc. Q: Should Federal Crop Insurance continue as the major consideration in terms of financial protection for American farmers? Censky: Absolutely yes! ASA strongly supports the current crop insurance program as the most important risk management tool and the foundation of the farm income safety net. ASA and others successfully opposed amending or reducing funding for crop insurance in both the House and Senate farm bills. ASA also supported authorization of the Supplemental Coverage Option under which producers would be able to purchase county-level insurance above what they pay to insure production on their individual farms. Protecting crop insurance will become more difficult as CBO increases the projected cost of the program due to this year’s higher prices See CENSKY, pg. 31A
Crop revenue flexible lease examples
Following are simple examples of flexible cash rental lease calculations, based on projected and final crop revenues, for soybeans in southern Minnesota. Base rent: $250 per acre Base soybean yield: 48 bushels per acre (Crop Insurance APH Yield) Minimum crop yield: 36 bu./acre (Crop Insurance APH Yield x 0.75) Base crop price: $13 per bushel (Local new crop soybean price on April 1.) Base revenue: $624/acre Landlord’s share: 0.40 (40 percent of the difference between Final Crop Revenue and Base Revenue) Maximum rent: $400/acre (Base rent plus $150/acre)
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Final scenario 1 Actual soybean yield: 58 bu./acre Final crop price: $15/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $870/acre Flexible revenue amount: $246/acre ($870 - $624) Landlord’s share: $98.40 ($246 x 0.40) Final cash rental rate: $348.40/acre ($250/acre + $98.40/acre)
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Final scenario 2 Actual soybean yield: 56 bu./acre Final crop price: $11/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $616/acre Flexible revenue amount: $0 (Final crop revenue is lower than base revenue) Landlord’s share: N/A Final cash rental rate: $250/acre (Base cash rental rate is final.) Final scenario 3 Actual soybean yield: 43 bu./acre Final crop price: $16/bu. (Local cash price on Oct. 15.) Final crop revenue: $688/acre Flexible revenue amount: $64/acre ($688 - $624) Landlord’s share: $25.60/acre ($64 x 0.40) Final cash rental rate: $275.60/acre ($250 + $25.60)
Nutrition funding allows farm legislation to get passed tural trade be part of the farm bill? Censky: Yes, very definitely. Farm bills historically have included authorization and funding for agriculture export promotion programs administered by the USDA, including the Foreign Market Development program and the Market Access Program. They also provide funding for international food assistance, including through P.L. 480 (the Food for Peace Program). Unfortunately, authorization for FMD lapsed on Sept. 30 and MAP’s authorization will expire at the end of December. These programs are critically important in supporting farm exports and building foreign markets. If they are not reauthorized, the U.S. will lose important markets that ASA and other farm organizations have worked to establish for over 50 years.
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Q: Should school lunch and other ‘food aid’ provisions continue as the major impact of the next farm bill? Censky: The school lunch program, the food stamp program or “SNAP”, and other nutrition programs comprise 80 percent of spending under the farm bill. They have been integral to passing this omnibus legislation, since a substantial majority of House members do not represent rural districts, and their support is based on nutrition program benefits to their constituents. While some in the House have argued in favor of splitting nutrition and farm programs into separate bills, we believe that this would only make passing agriculture legislation that much harder. ❖
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CENSKY, from pg. 30A — thereby making it a bigger target for budget cuts. But protecting crop insurance as a risk management tool for producers will remain ASA’s highest priority in the lame duck session and beyond. Q: What kind of language relating to renewable energy should be included in the next farm bill? Censky: Energy programs in the 2008 farm bill have no baseline funding beyond 2012, which represents a significant challenge to extending these programs and building on the benefits they have provided in creating markets for soybeans and other crops. Given funding realities, ASA believes that funding for energy programs should be targeted toward two small but important programs — the Biodiesel Education Program and the Biobased Market Program. The Biodiesel Education Program received mandatory funding totaling $5 million. ASA supports reauthorization and funding for this program at the $1 million per year level. The Biobased Market Program received mandatory funding totaling $9 million. ASA supports increased funding for USDA to promote the BioPreferred and voluntary biobased labeling programs. Q: Should legislation pertaining to agricul-
31 A
Like clockwork
This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondents Tim King (story) and Jan King (photo)
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
32 A
L.N. Kaas Company, Sauk Centre, Minn.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
he Clock Repair sign at L. N. Kaas T Co., on Highway 71 in Sauk Centre, Minn, always reads 3 o’clock. But inside
into a tiny gear tooth. “It’s ready to have the case put back on,” he said. the shop Lawrence Kaas, now in his late-70s, has been keeping clocks ticking, Lawrence Kaas began learning his craft when he was a student at Sauk and on time, for over 40 years. Centre High School. When we visited, Kaas had the works “I had a wonderful wood shop of a very old clock, with wooden gears, teacher,” he said. Now his shop is only standing open on the floor. A tooth on blocks away from where he graduated one of the gears had been broken and the weight-driven clock needed repair. from high school, but people from To make the repair, Kaas glued a very around the country send him clocks small piece of hard wood onto the gear and musical instruments to repair and people from around the world come to where the broken tooth was. After the glue set, he used one of his many hand- see his hand-carved clocks, statues and wall hangings. One of his larger made carving tools to shape the piece
clocks has hand-carved roses inside and a face of soft pink roses. “The roses represent my children and grandchildren,” Lawrence said. The rose clock is in the front room of the workshop. The room is sort of retail space and sort of an art gallery. In a room off to the side of the workshop are violins, violas, and even a mandolin that have been repaired or are under repair. Kaas showed us a Romanian violin that he has finished working on. The wood glowed with a life its own. “I had to take the front off to repair it. Then I put five coats of varnish on,”
he said. “The varnish was developed in Europe.” Kaas doesn’t create large carving projects anymore; his hands cramp up, he says. But he does repair antique clocks and musical instruments as well as more prosaic things like sewing machines, student’s violins, and digital clocks and watches. He also is happy to show visitors some of his remarkable work. “I enjoy giving tours,” he said. L. N. Kaas Co. can be reached at lnkaas@mainstreetcom.com or (320) 352-6651 ❖
Do you have a Back Roads story suggestion? E-mail editor@TheLandOnline.com or write to Editor, The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002.
October 12, 2012
Milker's Message from
September federal order milk price jumps $1.27
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<< Milker’s Message >>
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This column was written week of Oct. 1, with the for the marketing week endblocks closing at $2.10/lb., ing Oct. 5. up another 2.5 cents on the week, 33.5 cents above a Farm gate milk prices conyear ago, but 18.5 cents shy tinue to rise. The U.S. of the record $2.2850 on Department of Agriculture May 23, 2008. The barrels announced the September closed at $2.06, also up 2.5 federal order Class III price cents on the week and 27.5 at $19 per hundredweight, cents above a year ago when up $1.27 from August, 7 MIELKE MARKET they rolled 14.5 cents lower. cents below September WEEKLY Seventeen carloads of block 2011, $1.50 above Califorand two of barrel traded By Lee Mielke nia’s comparable 4b cheese hands this week. The AMSmilk price, and equates to surveyed block price averaged $1.8907, about $1.63 per gallon. The September Class IV price is $17.41, up $1.65 from across the United States, up 4.2 cents, and the barrels averaged $1.9051, up August but $2.12 below a year ago. 7.7 cents on the week. The 2012 Class III average now Cheese production is mostly steady stands at $16.54, down from $18.28 at with recent weeks as manufacturers this time a year ago and compares to look to secure more milk for cheese $14.07 in 2010 and a painful $10.49 in vats, according to the USDA’s Dairy 2009. Market News. Demand for mozzarella Looking ahead, the October Class III is good as new pizza promotions are futures contract was trading late Frisurfacing. Export sales are slower with day morning at $21.03; November at the recent price increases, but the $21.13, and December at $20.45. The Cooperatives Working Together proAgricultural Marketing Service-surgram continues to aggressively proveyed cheese price averaged $1.8647 mote sales with their assistance. per pound, up 9.7 cents from August. Butter averaged $1.8269, up 14.1 cents. Ten CWT requests for export assisNonfat dry milk averaged $1.3768, up tance were accepted this week to sell 4.25 million pounds of cheese and 12.3 cents, and dry whey averaged 200,621 pounds of butter to customers 58.46 cents, up 4.9 cents. in Asia, Central America, the Middle California’s comparable 4b cheese East and North Africa. milk price is $17.50/cwt., up 93 cents Tuesday’s Global Dairy Trade auction from August and $1.17 above a year saw the weighted average price for all ago. Its 2012 average now stands at contracts fall 0.9 percent from the pre$14.69, down from $16.48 a year ago vious event, according to FC Stone’s and $13 in 2010. eDairy Insider Closing Bell. Whole milk The 4a butter-powder price is $16.62, powder and buttermilk powder were up $1.22 from August and $2.67 below the exceptions but all global prices are a year ago. Its average now stands at well below U.S. prices. The average $14.88, down from $19.24 a year ago price for anhydrous milk fat of and $14.45 in 2010. $1.3526/lb. was down 6.4 percent Looking at what’s driving milk prices; (adjusted for 80 percent fat the price Chicago Mercantile Exchange cash cheese saw a fifth week of gain the See MIELKE, pg. 2B
1 B
Report begs the question: Where’s the milk going? MIELKE, from pg. 1B was $1.0843); the cheddar cheese price fell 7.4 percent to $1.4969/lb. BMP at $1.4261/lb. rose 4 percent; but WMP at $1.4365, climbed 2.8 percent. ■ The CME cash butter price had a meltdown the first Friday of October, dropping 9.25 cents to $1.86, down 9 cents on the week but 9 cents above a year ago. Fourteen cars were sold on
the week, 13 on Friday. The AMS butter price averaged $1.8791, up 3.6 cents. Churning schedules across the country are increasing as butter producers take advantage of available cream supplies and are generating butter for fourth quarter, according to DMN. Producers indicate it will not be long before cream is absorbed into Class II cream-based holiday items and limit cream for churning.
<< Milker’s Message >>
2 B
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Cash Grade A and Extra Grade non- thus culling rates remain high. fat dry milk held at $1.66 and $1.6350, She warned that we’ll likely see a respectively, on the week. AMS powder continued reduction in the milking averaged $1.4395, up 4.5 cents, and dry herd which could lead to further conwhey averaged 60.61 cents, up 1.3 traction in milk production, possibly cents. evidenced in the September data. Where’s the milk going? The latest On a brighter note, the Oct. 1 DDR Dairy Products report showed August reports that the National Restaurant butter production at 129 million Association restaurant performance pounds, down 3.1 percent from July index for August was 100.6, up 0.4 perand 3.5 percent below August 2011. cent from July and the first month Nonfat dry milk output, at 106 million since March 2012 that it increased. pounds, was down a whopping 30 perMore than 61 percent of restaurants cent from July and 7.8 percent below a surveyed reported that same-store year ago. sales were higher in August versus last American-type cheese, at 354 million year; an improvement over July’s 53 pounds, was down 0.7 percent from percent, which was the lowest level in July but 4.5 percent above a year ago. 2012, according to the DDR. The increasingly growing importance The DDR points out that “continued of Italian-type cheese, at 370 million strength in the restaurant industry pounds, was up a half-percent from July and 1.9 percent above a year ago. provides support for U.S. dairy products. A substantial portion of cheese Total cheese output amounted to 884 million pounds, up a half-percent from consumption occurs outside the home July and 2.6 percent above a year ago. in fast-food, pizza and sit-down restaurants.” Meanwhile, dairy product commercial ■ disappearance in the first seven months of 2012 In politics, Lori totaled 117.1 billion Fischer, Dairy Busipounds, up 2.6 perness Association cent from 2011. executive director, ... dairy farmers want Butter was up 4.2 discussed the percent; American to have insurance for importance of getcheese, up 1.1 perting a farm bill risk management purcent; other cheese, passed this year in poses very similar to up 2.2 percent; Wednesday’s Dairycrop growers. But in Nonfat dry milk, up Line. the dairy side of things 42.7 percent; but fluid Speaking from milk products were if you want to have the this week’s World down 2.1 percent. insurance, you also Dairy Expo where Milk production have to participate in a they held a press across the country conference on program that forces varies from declines in Thursday, Fischer dairy farmers to perithe northern tier of said Wisconsin odically limit milk prostates to slight dairy farmers have duction or be penalincreases in southern even been asked by regions, according to ized. their governor to the USDA and milk — Lori Fischer increase milk proproduction in the Oceaduction to meet the nia region continues to demands of the speseasonally build. cialty cheese market and she cited New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s support of Most milk producers and handlers “the booming Greek yogurt industry” project milk output in Australia to be in the 1 to 2 percent growth range over by “loosening regulations and increasrecent years. New Zealand projections ing incentives for his dairy farmers to grow.” are for a 3 to 4 percent increase from the last two years. That desire to grow the industry runs contrary, however, to the proposed ■ dairy title of the new farm bill, Fischer Checking the bottom line, the Daily said, by giving farmers a disincentive Dairy Report’s Sara Dorland pointed in its supply management scheme. She out in the Sept. 28 “Daily Dairy Discus- argued that “dairy farmers want to sion” on the DDR website that higher have insurance for risk management U.S. milk prices haven’t been realized purposes very similar to crop growers. yet in farm milk checks while higher feed prices arrived almost immediately, See MIELKE, pg. 4B
USDA announces change in release time of reports
3 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012 << Milker’s Message >>
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that the National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board will begin issuing several major USDA statistical reports at 12 p.m. EDT beginning in January. The current USDA release time of 8:30 a.m. EDT will remain in effect until Jan. 1. The USDA statistical reports affected are: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, Acreage, Crop Production, Grain Stocks, Prospective Plantings, and Small Grains Summary. The time for livestock reports currently released at 3 p.m. will not change. Between June 8 and July 9 the USDA sought public comment on the release times for several major statistical reports in response to changes in market hours by major commodity exchanges. Stakeholders submitted 147 comments through the NASS online response site and via letter and e-mail. The comments received may be viewed on the NASS website at www.nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/2012/ Public_Comments_Release_Times.pdf. Under the Freedom of Information Act and Office of Management and Budget Statistical Policy Directives 3 and 4, rules are in place to regulate the public’s access to federally generated statistics. The 2012 official published schedule for all NASS reports is available online at www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/index.asp. The World Agricultural Outlook Board report schedule is available at www.usda.gov/oce/commodity/wasde. ❖
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4 B
Ben & Jerry’s picked as favorite U.S. ice cream chain MIELKE, from pg. 2B
limit milk production or be penalized.”
shuts off, they’re going to want the milk production, and “cows just don’t But in the dairy side of things if you She added that “dairy farming isn’t jump back on.” want to have the insurance, you also that nimble, you just can’t tell a cow Penalties to some of her members have to participate in a program that today you’re going to need to produce would have been as much as $18,000 forces dairy farmers to periodically less milk tomorrow.” When the program per month, she said, and while the program would increase milk prices, it would increase consumer dairy product prices and foreign markets will look to other countries. She said her members support an alternative by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and David Scott, DGa., which would remove the supply management provision but still “provide dairy farmers with the margin insurance that they’re looking for.” The National Milk Producers Federation took its message to the World Dairy Expo as well. Dairy Profit Weekly reported that the NMPF’s Jerry Kozak and Jim Tillison said dairy policy debate in the 2012 farm bill is essentially over, with both the full Senate H I G H S T E E L I N S E RT and House ag committee proposals I N 20 ’ AR ROW F RON T® F E E D E R embracing the major pieces of the “Dairy Security Act,” which was built on the NMPF’s “Foundation for the Future” program. They noted that the Goodlatte alternative had been already soundly defeated in the House ag committee by a 29-17 vote, and that the committee had approved a 2012 farm bill on a 3511 vote. “Due to higher costs which could limit availability of margin insurance LARGE BALES IN A 30’ to all dairy producers, the NMPF leadTA N D E M A X L E A R R O W F R O N T ® F E E D E R ers contend the Goodlatte amendment would actually impose greater supply management controls,” DPW reported. The financial plight of California’s dairy farmers received some national attention in an Associated Press column in the Sept. 29 Washington Post. A recent rally on the issue in Sacramento FULL SIZE BUNKS drew several hundred people, according to the Sept. 28 Milk Producers Council S P E C I A LT Y F E E D E R S See Your Local Dealer newsletter.
<< Milker’s Message >>
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Participants called on Gov. Jerry Brown and Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Karen Ross, to, as the MPC stated, “utilize their authority and legal responsibility to bring our milk prices in better alignment with the prices being paid for milk throughout the country.” The MPC reported that organizers continue to strategize and are planning another rally in Sacramento on Oct. 18 and a pre-rally prep session on Oct. 4 in Tulare. Details are posted at www.rallyforcaliforniadairyrelief.com. ■ Finally, the Alliance’s Bill VanDam continued his focus on U.S. ethanol mandates in his last newsletter and reports that “dairymen, pork producers, beef producers and poultry operations are under huge stress. ... The only thing that does not change is the ethanol mandates which are nothing but an arbitrary number put into a bill by Congress. Congress by definition has the power to change the mandates. Can it really be true that we are not smart enough to stop converting our corn into ethanol when it is needed to feed America?” ■ The IDFA’s SmartBrief, citing a story from the Huffington Post, reports that Americans’ favorite ice cream chain is Ben & Jerry’s, followed by Cold Stone Creamery and Culver’s, according to a new survey by Market Force Information. Ben & Jerry’s took top place in the Midwest, Baskin-Robbins was the favorite in the Northeast and Culver’s was top ice cream chain in the South and West. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. ❖
How do today’s commodity prices compare to last year’s? See The Land’s price index chart on Page 23A
5 B
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<< Milker’s Message >>
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Cover story: Award-winning pork producers focus on stewardship
Photos by Dick Hagen
Wayne and Laura Dahl of Lac qui Parle County, Minn., were among four winners of the 2012 National Pork Industry Environmental Steward award, sponsored by the Pork Checkoff and National Hog Farmer magazine.
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life, but the reality is that it’s much By DICK HAGEN harder to control flies, rodents, mud, etc. The Land Staff Writer Being honored as a National Pork “So as we could afford it we gradually Industry Environmental Steward is a big moved more of our total hog operation deal. There are only four such honorees inside on slats,” Wayne said. “We each year as part of the 18-year-old pro- started on partial slats in our 1979 fingram. ishing house and could see immediate Winning awards, however, is the benefits. When 2003 rolled along and least concern of Wayne and Laura we got into our major expansion, we Dahl, Lac qui Parle County (Minn.) decided to go all slats. pork producers and 2012 honorees. “We’ve been pleased with the comfort of Much more important is presenting the pigs, the cleanliness of the pigs, the ability to take care of their 240-acre farm, hog individual pigs as production facilities needed, and, of course, and neatly landscaped The public holds the much greater effiand artistically decous accountable to ciency and ease of our rated farmstead as an daily chores also.” entity of rural pride. be good stewards, especially in this Their expanded “Stewardship is a operation now commitment that comes day and age of includes a 4,400along with farming,” anti-livestock head nursery and Wayne said. “The public activists, hidden four 1,100-head finholds us accountable to cameras, etc. We ishing barns. Pigs be good stewards, espedon’t want to be are grown on concially in this day and tract for Mill Farm, a age of anti-livestock just another name sow operation princiactivists, hidden camon that abstract. pally owned by Greg eras, etc. We don’t want and Paul Boerboom to be just another name — Wayne Dahl of Marshall, Minn. on that abstract. For us The Dahls receive six it is a blessing and privilege to have a farm like this. We want to groups (about 4,400 pigs per group) of 21-day-old “freshly weaned” nursery leave a legacy.” pigs a year from Mill Farm. ‘I fell in love with this farm’ That legacy’s beginning dates back to From snout to tail Caretaking of the nursery pigs is 1977, when Wayne bought the farm. Laura’s responsibility. “I fell in love with this farm the minute Trained as a medical lab technician I drove up the driveway 36 years ago when we were married,” Laura said, and with experience as a hospital physreferring to the country charm of the old ical therapy aide, Laura has some solid farmstead nestled among a shelterbelt of qualifications to help get these “baby” assorted trees. Wayne raised hogs with pigs off to a good start. his dad in a renovated older barn and hog “I love it,” she said. “These little rashouse, but 1979 marked the building of cals are always fun to watch.” their first farrowing/nursery facility and Laura carefully notes their weights. a finishing setup. Each batch has a few “tail-enders” so “I helped my dad with his hog opera- she sorts them into their own pen, protion, which at that time was on dirt. viding a special 4- by 6-foot mat placed Even my first farrowing of our own sow over the slats by their feeders. herd was at my dad’s place but now “Three times a day I put some of the everything is produced on slats,” Wayne said. “And it has been a major same starter ration on this mat,” said Laura, “so if they’re not yet ready to nibble transformation.” at the feeders they can feed off this mat.” He said that people think that pigs on dirt have all that freedom and a good See DAHLS, pg. 7B
Dahls stay on ‘front end’ of technological advances Laura Dahl’s responsibilities on the farm include caring for the nursery pigs, helping them get off to a good start.
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“Where Farm and Family Meet”
DAHLS, from pg. 6B She sorts and groups by size and makes certain they find the nipple waterers. Pigs in that “hospital pen” get even closer attention. “I look at every pig, from snout to tail, every day. Treat your pigs well and they treat us well,” she said. At 40 to 60 pounds, pigs move to finishing barns. Marketing is at about 280 pounds. Front end of technology Anez Consulting Inc. of Willmar, Minn., assists with nutrient management, crop scouting and the implementation of conservation practices on the farm. Manure from the 8-foot-deep pits is tested, with application rates calibrated to meet the fertilizer needs for the pigs and the workers in the buildthe next year’s crop. ings. It also means fewer odor-carrying A 10,000-gallon tanker equipped dust particles in the air,” Wayne said. with a flow meter applies the manure That lack of “hog barn odor” is with GPS precision in soybean stubble. noticeable to visitors. The Dahls use a manure additive to help stabilize the nitrogen in the fall- Water conservation, too Water meters are also part of techapplied manure. nology at their farm. The feed additive, “Being aware of phytase, is used to water quality is a reduce the amount of starting point in conI look at every phosphorous in the servation farming, pig, from snout to manure. This enables even as it pertains to them to boost manure tail, every day. your livestock. With application rates by up Treat your pigs these meters we are to 20 percent without well and they constantly monitoring building phosphorous our water. So if we treat us well. in the soil. Nothing notice any slowdown gets ignored in a mod— Laura Dahl in water consumption ern swine operation. that’s a good indicator Pig comfort is first to take a closer look at and foremost in their operation. That the animals,” Wayne said. includes the adoption of a few “technoNipples are the traditional water logical wrinkles” still unfolding in source for most swine operations, much of the swine industry. including the Dahls, but they’ve added Wayne doesn’t mind being at the something new in their nursery. This front end of new technologies. “He’s new tool for better water consumption always looking at technology ideas,” is called a fresh water trough. chuckled Laura. “What we have here is a water pan at Wayne agreed. “We’ve come a long floor level with water level controlled way in pork production and so new by a bladder that maintains constant ideas that might help us to do a better water level,” Wayne said. “When you job catch my attention.” get 12- to 13-pound, 3-week-old pigs For instance, he was one of the first newly weaned from their mothers, the in the nation to install Electronic Par- first thing they want is a drink of ticular Ionization technology. Designed water, but these metal nipple waters by Baumgartner Environics of Olivia, are totally new to them. However they Minn., the EPI air system discharges can see water in these pans and very literally millions of negatively charged quickly are drinking from them.” ions into the air space every second. He has been told these pans reduce These negative ions attract dust par- water waste 20 to 30 percent. ticles, polarizing them to act like magUsing Oxy Blast for treating nursery nets and fastening to whatever surface water, Wayne said it reduces manure they touch first. “We are seeing lower dust levels and that’s appreciated by See DAHLS, pg. 8B
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Farm’s ‘petting zoo’ welcomes kids, classroom visits DAHLS, from pg. 7B pit odors because the oxygenated water that drips from the nipple waterers produces an aerobic environment in the pit below the slatted floors. Also new is a simple in-line structured water filter device only about 12-inches long. “It’s basically glass marbles that water passes through,” he said, “and the claim is that this process energizes the water which in turn means better water utilization within the pigs’ system.” Cautious about claiming scientific results, Wayne said only that “between the Oxy Blast system and these structured water filters we’re seeing our young pigs get off to a much better start.” He pointed out, however, there are so many variables in each group of pigs that it’s difficult to pinpoint the success. Their system revolves around 9 weeks for isoweans in the nursery facility and 18 weeks in the finishing barns. After each nine-week nursery timeframe, the entire structure gets pressure washed with hot-water cleaning “so it pretty much looks and smells like the inside of a car wash.” The same process happens after each cleanout of the finishing barns. A farm for all ages The sparkly clean appearance of their hog operation is now typical industry-wide of America’s pork pro-
Wayne and Laura Dahl’s sons Jarrett and Jordan are skilled at creating sculptures using a chain saw, several of which grace the family farm. nature. I was born with it, apparently. “My pets are good therapy for me, for my friends, and especially for little children. My grandmother used to love her chickens. I grew to cherish her love for chickens. I even decorate my kitchen with chicken art work. Grandparents love to bring their little grandchildren to our house.” Wayne and his brother David team up to grow 1,800 acres of crops in a corn-soybean rotation. The Dahls’ youngest son, Jordan, is an integral farming partner, and a neighboring young farmer, Tanner Winge, is ducers, Wayne said. But it’s not all high-tech that drives the Dahls’ environmental stewardship. Much goes to simple things like keeping their farmstead comfortably clean and tremendously fun for their own grandchildren, neighboring kids, even classes from local schools for a look at Laura’s incredible “petting zoo” which includes a variety of unique birds, chickens, pheasants, goats, geese, rabbits and a pair of adorable alpacas. “I’ve always loved animals,” she said. “I remember as a little girl being so sensitive about my little pets. It’s my
also a valuable part of their swine enterprise. “He’s just an exceptional young guy. I can’t say enough about his animal husbandry skills,” Wayne said. The Dahl family includes Tanya, 34; Tera, 31; Terese Viessman, 29, with husband, Nate, and children Skylar, Walker and Tucker; Jarrett, 27 and Jordan, 25, with wife, Ashley, and, son Lincoln. Both sons have become skilled chain saw sculpturing talents, with Jarrett named grand champion in the 2012 Alaska Chain Saw Carving show. “It’s such a joy to wake up each morning on this farm,” Wayne said. “We want the next generation, and the next generation and the next generation, to be able to experience the same joys that Laura and I experience every day. To me it’s easy to be close to God when you work so closely with nature.” ❖
Channel offers new Genuity VT blends Expanding on its promise to deliver expert advice, customized service and elite seed products, the Channel seed brand will introduce at least 14 new Genuity VT Triple PRO RIB Complete blended seed corn products in the 85- to 118-day maturity range for 2013 planting. Recently approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Genuity VT Triple PRO RIB Complete offers farmers dual modes-of-action for protection against above-ground insects, a single mode-of-action for corn rootworm protection and herbicide tolerance. This single-bag solution is a blend of 90 percent Genuity VT Triple PRO and 10 percent refuge (non-Bt) seed. The Channel 2013 product lineup also features: • Twenty Channel Genuity SmartStax RIB Complete blended seed corn
products, offering the broadest spectrum of above- and below-ground insect protection on traited acres including two modes of action against earworm and corn rootworm. As a blend of 95 percent insect-protected and 5 percent refuge (non-Bt) seed, this offers the lowest refuge in the Corn-Growing Area. • Twenty-six Channel Genuity VT Double PRO RIB Complete corn blend products, providing a broader spectrum of insect control for above- and belowground insects, including corn earworm, resulting in higher yield potential and better grain quality potential. SmartStax multi-event technology was developed by Monsanto Co. and Dow AgroSciences. For additional information, farmers can contact their Channel representative or log on to www.channel.com. ❖
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Beef Council’s Moon: Industry heading northward
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“Ron had so much experience. I’ve had questions since getting on the Board, especially these past couple years as president. But always Ron could bail me out. Especially on checkoff issues he was so well-versed. He helped greatly bridging the gap between some of the factions out there that also had concerns about checkoff dollars. He simply was a master at taking care of issues for us.” Minnesota is internationally recognized for the irradiated meat campaigns of the Minnesota Beef Council, thanks in large part to Eustice’s extensive involvement on the issue. “Ron traveled all over the world, and always upon the invitations of other countries, to talk and educate about the values of irradiation in the world food chain. And I need to point out that these are always expensepaid trips on behalf of the countries inviting him. There are no checkoff dollars involved, yet these missions have definitely given Minnesota the reputation of being a world leader on this issue,” Moon said. Often Eustice took his own vacation time to do some of these educational missions, and these efforts put Minnesota beef on the worldwide map, Moon said. It also put the spotlight on the countries Eustice was visiting and the concerns they have about healthy foods in their own food chain. Moon was interviewed at the recent retirement event held to honor Eustice. ❖
By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer In view of relatively good feed supYou look at all the ethanol plants in Minnesota plies up here, Minnesota Beef Council which are now providing huge amounts of President John Moon thinks the catDDG feedstuffs and that, I think, is a major tle industry is relocating into this northern geography. It’s beginning to reason beef numbers are strong up here, and happen, he said, especially due to the likely to keep increasing. severe drought conditions across John Moon much of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and even Nebraska. Moon said the soybeans. Also cows are a good price right example, we can cut trees but we can’t ethanol industry in the northern Corn now, too, so selling off is an opportunity.” dig. And this land that could be good Belt is also a factor. With cattlemen getting out of the busi- grazing but we’ve basically just lost our “You look at all the ethanol plants in ness, checkoff dollars are likely to become rights to that land. There are so many Minnesota which are now providing an issue since $1 per head at time of sale rules and regulations that it’s even huge amounts of DDG feedstuffs and is the funding mechanism for the entire decreasing the value of our property.” that, I think, is a major reason beef beef industry. “Our Minnesota Beef CounOn the impact of the Environmental numbers are strong up here, and likely cil retains 50 cents of each checkoff dollar Protection Agency, Moon said, “we just to keep increasing,” he said. so unfortunately we’re going to have can’t have any more regulations or Moon acknowledged the nationwide fewer dollars for beef promotion,” he said. we’re going to be out of business.” drought this season and its impact on Like most cycles will not this cycle Moon was asked why irradiated grain prices is the major factor for the eventually run its course and beef meat and irradiated foods are not sell-off of cattle herds across the coun- profits will emerge again? “I certainly being promoted by the U.S. Departtry. That drought has also driven up hope so,” Moon said. “Beef exports ment of Agriculture, the Food & Drug distillers prices and erased DDGs feed- today are a major reason for positive Administration and the domestic food ing margin over other feedstuffs. things happening in the beef industry. industry within the United States. On beef profitability, Moon noted that And much of that success is due to the “I wish I knew the answer to that cattle numbers are soon at lows to promotion of beef through the beef question,” Moon said. “I think just the what they were in the 1950s yet checkoff programs.” term ‘irradiation’ scares people. Maybe because of drought impacts, land prices Another item on Moon’s mind is the if it was called ‘cold pasteurization’ it and feed costs he isn’t optimistic about “clean water” issue. “We live and ranch would be more consumer-acceptable. a turnaround anytime soon. along the Minnesota River,” he said, “and Seems like the irradiation talks throw “We’re going to have cattle ’til the day I we basically have lost our property owner up a red flag for no reason.” die whether we’re making money or not. rights to about 50 acres of our land that Ron Eustice My boys are the same way,” Moon said. fronts on the river. It is in the floodplain Moon has much to say about retired “But there are quite a few cattlemen of the river and is called ‘farmable wet- Minnesota Beef Council Executive who, if they have pasture, are likely to land’ and that means there is little or Director, Ron Eustice. plow up that pasture and go to corn and nothing we can do with that land. For
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2,078.27 Acres +/- Southwest Minnesota Nobles & Murray Counties Thursday & Friday, November 1 & 2, 2012 @ 9:30 A.M.
• PO Box 3169 • 418 S 2nd Street • Mankato, MN 56001 • theland@thelandonline.com
Lodermei ers ......................22B M S Di versi fi ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31B Mages Aucti on Servi ce 13B, 15B Mankato Impl ement ............27B Massop El ectri c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29B Matejcek Impl ement ..........28B Mel Carl son Chevrol et . . . . . . . . 7B Mi dway Farm Equi pment . . . . 29B Mike’s Collision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18A Miller Sellner ....................32B MN P ork P roducers . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A Mustang Mfg ........................2B Mycogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16A, 17A New H ol l and ........................7A Ni erengarten & H i ppert .....13B Northern Ag Servi ce ..........21B Northl and Bui l di ng Inc ......18A Northl and F arm Systems . . . . 21B P rai ri e Brand ......................5A P rofi tP ro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A P ruess El evator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14B R & E Enterpri ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24B Red H ori zon Equi pment . . . . 25A Ri versi de Tire . . . . . . . . . . . . 29A, 31A Rohl fi ngs of Cl evel and ......31A Rul e Tire & Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3B Schwei ss Inc ......................31B SI F eeder/ Schoessow Inc . . . . . . 4B Smi ths Mi l l Impl ement . . . . . . 18B Sommers Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A Sorensen Sal es & Rental s . . . . 29B Southwest MN K F ence ......12A Star Trai l er Sal es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15A Starr Cycl e ..........................4A State Bank of G i bbon ..........3B Steffes Aucti oneers ............14B Sunri se Ag Sal es ..................8B Syngenta ..............................3A Syntex ................................31A Ti tan Machi nery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26B Tony Montgomery Aucti on ..10B Toppers Pl us ......................26A Uni ted Farmers Coop ........26B Vetter Sal es & Servi ce ..........6A Wagner Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10A Wahl Spray F oam Insul ati on 9B Wearda Impl ement ............24B Westbrook Ag P ower ..........24B Westman Frei ghtl i ners........18A Whi tcomb Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25A Wi l l mar Farm Center ........26B Wi l l mar Precast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31A Wi ngert Real ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10B Wi nnebago Mfg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14A Woodford Ag LLC . . . . . . 18B, 20B Zi egl er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22B
Day 1 Thursday, November 1, 2012 @ 9:30 A.M. Tract #1: Tract #2: Tract #3: Tract #4: Tract #5 Tract #6 Tract #7: Tract #8: Tract #9:
W1/2 SE1/4 12-104-42 W1/2 NE1/4 11-104-42 NE1/4 7-104-41 SE1/4 19-104-42 NW1/4 19-104-42 NE1/4 19-104-42 N1/2 SW1/4 19-104-42 SE1/4 13-104-43 SW1/4 13-104-43
Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles Nobles
# of Acres 80.00 +/79.00 +/160.00 +/160.00 +/161.28 +/160.00 +/80.99 +/160.00 +/160.00 +/-
Day 2 Friday, November 2, 2012 @ 9:30 A.M. Tract #10: Tract #11: Tract #12: Tract #13: Tract #14
NW1/4 29-105-40 SW1/4 29-105-40 SE1/4 29-105-40 NW1/4 9-106-40 N1/2 NE1/4 exc. E. 66’ 7-102-39 Tract #15 SE1/4 exc. a 1 acre tract in the SW corner 15-101-39
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This is an unprecedented opportunity to purchase high quality Southwestern Minnesota farmland at public auction. Many tracts are contiguous and could be operated as larger units. Sale includes 15 tracts ranging in size from 80 to 160 acres in size. For additional information regarding sale terms, soil maps, tile/drainage, crop productivity indexes, FSA information, go to www.fairlandmanagement.com or www.danpikeauction.com and check the information brochure under the Musick Land Auction section or call Fairland Management Company at 507-831-2808 or Dan Pike at the Dan Pike Auction Company at 507-847-3468. Auction is open to the public.
Musick Farm Company
Dan Pike Auction Company FAIRLAND MANAGEMENT COMPANY 410 Springfield Parkway 339 Eleventh Street P.O. Box 128 Jackson, MN 56143 • 507-847-3468 Windom, MN 56101 • 507-831-2808 www.danpikeauction.com www.fairlandmanagement.com
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A g P o w er E nte r pr is e s ........25B A g Sy s t e ms I nc ..................29A A l bert Le a Se e d ..................9A A rno l d C o. .........21A , 16B , 17B B a y er Tr uc k ......................14A B i g G a i n ............................12A B o b B ur ns Sale s & Se r vic e ..20B B o s s Supply I nc e ................10A Buckey’s Sales & Service ....24B C & C Roofing ..................18A C a s e I H ..............................27A C hri s Son ne k ......................8B Compart’s Boar Store ........20A C o urt l an d Was te Handling ..1B C ry s t ee l Tr uc k E quipme nt ..11A C us t o m M ade Produc ts ......28A C y ri l l a B e ac h Home s ............6A D a i ry l a n d Se e d ..................13A D a ko t a Wood Gr inding ......19A D a n P i ke A uc tions ..............11B D i ers A g Supply ................19A D i rt M e rc hant ......................9B D o ubl e A Cus tom Pumping 21A D o ubl e B M anufac tur ing ......5A D unca n Tr aile r s L L C ..........27B E dney Dis tr ibuting ............19A E mers o n Kalis ....................21B F a ct o ry Home C e nte r ........10A F a rm D ra inage Plow s I nc ....26B F a s t D i s tr ibuting ................22A F l a deboe ....12B , 14B , 15B , 19B F reudenthal D air y ................5B G ehl C ompany ....................3B G ehl i ng I mple me nt ....18B , 19B G el l ha u s & Ge llhaus PC ....10B G reenw ald Far m C e nte r ....23B G ri zzl y B uildings ..............24A H a a s E quipme nt ................22B H a mi l t o n A uc tion Se r vic e ..15B H a ug I mple me nt ................23B H en- Wa y M fg ....................15A H ens l i n A uc tions ........10B , 15B H ew i t t Dr ainage E quipme nt 28A H o l t Tru ck C e nte r ..............30A H ug hes A uc tion Se r vic e ......24A K ei t h B ode ........................31B K el t g ens I nc ........................4A K erkho ff A uc tion ........14B , 15B K i es t er Imple me nt ..............31B K l o buchar for M N ................7A K o hl s We e lbor g For d ..........30B K o ppel man ........................31A K ro ubet z L ake s ide C ampe r s 8A K ubo t a ................................6B L a no Equipme nt-Shakope e 20A L a rs o n B ros ................19B , 31B L a w ns Are U s ....................18A
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In case of inclement weather please check noted web sites or contact Broker or Auctioneer for details. SALE LOCATION: The auction will be held both days at the Fulda Community Center at 106 W. Front Street in Fulda, MN.
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020 Real Estate
FARMLAND FOR SALE 50.5 acres, Douglas County, Sealed Bid Deadline, October 19th. Call 320-766-1970
020 Antiques & Collectibles
Sell your land or real estate Horse-drawn road grader, in 30 days for 0% commispainted red & white, $625. sion. Call Ray 507-339-1272 Joseph J. Byler, N352 Cty Rd. K, Genoa, WI 54632 Real Estate Wanted
WANTED: 1909-1959 Ford cars & parts, tin & porceWANTED: Land & farms. I Selling or Buying Farms lain signs, old gas pumps & have clients looking for or 1031 Exchange! globes. Please call 507-665dairy, & cash grain operaPrivate Sale or 6893 tions, as well as bare land Sealed Bid Auction! parcels from 40-1000 acres. Call “The Land Specialists!” Both for relocation & in- Hay & Forage Equip 031 Northland Real Estate vestments. If you have 612-756-1899 or 320-894-7337 even thought about selling FOR SALE: JD 5400-5830 www.farms1031.com contact: Paul Krueger, and 6000 series forage harFarm & Land Specialist, vesters. Used kernel proWe have extensive lists of Edina Realty, SW Suburban cessors, also, used JD 40 Land Investors & farm buyOffice, 14198 Commerce knife Dura-Drums, and ers throughout MN. We alAve NE, Prior Lake, MN drum conversions for 5400 ways have interested buy55372. and 5460. Call (507)427-3520 ers. For top prices, go with paulkrueger@edinarealty.com www.ok-enterprise.com our proven methods over (952)447-4700 thousands of acres. FOR SALE: NH 851 round Serving Minnesota 026 baler, always shedded; Mages Land Co & Auc Serv Antiques & Collectibles Dakken forage box. 507www.magesland.com 553-3008 Drag line for Moline model 800-803-8761 D corn sheller, good cond, $65. 763-856-2950 Zimmer- FOR SALE: NH round baler, BR780, like new. 563-880man MN. 2364
Material Handling
032 Grain Handling Equip
BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE: SMARTPOST(TM) by PostSaver USA Call 1-888-519-5746 Bins & Buildings
Barn roofing Hip or round roof barns & other buildings. Also barn & quonset straightening. Kelling Silo 1-800-355-2598 FOR RENT: 30,000 bushel grain bins with aeration. Kimball, MN 320-248-0755 SILO DOORS Wood or steel doors shipped promptly to your farm stainless fasteners hardware available. (800)222-5726 Landwood Sales LLP Stormor Bins & EZ-Drys. 100% financing w/no liens or red tape, call Steve at Fairfax Ag for an appointment. 888-830-7757
Grain Handling Equip
(2) 8x61 Grain auger, 1 is Su- Farm King 13x70 auger w/ denga in excellent condiswing hopper. $9,900/OBO. tion, 1 is Feterl in good con(715)792-2267 dition. (715)778-5772 FOR SALE: Demco 450 gravity box, $8,500. (4) GSI 15HP centrifugal 320-987-3177 fans & transitions, approx 2 yrs old, like new cond. FOR SALE:Used grain bins, Many bins ranging from floors unload systems, sti4,000 bu to 50,000 bu, check rators, fans & heaters, aerour website. ation fans, buying or sellwww.usedbinsales.com ing, try me first and also 507-697-6133 call for very competitive contract rates! Office 1071 Westfield Auger w/ Low hours 8am-5pm Monday – Profile Hopper, Real Good. Friday Saturday 9am - 12 Great Plains 30 Ft Turbonoon or call 507-697-6133 Til w/ Rolling Basket H.D. Ask for Gary Series Like New. M&W #1465 Earthmaster All New J&M 750 Bu Grain Cart w/ Tarp Good Cond. Farm Blades Older Unit Good King 13x70 Auger/Low ProCond. 319-347-2349 Can Del file Hopper. John Deere 54' Stanhoist grain elevator, #910 3 Pt 5 Shank V-Ripper great shape, $500. All Good Cond. 319-347-6138 712-363-3843 Let It Ring. Can Deliver FOR SALE: Behlen 850 3 Kinze 640 grain cart, rollover phase continuous flow grain tarp, always shedded, dryer w/ Cal-Cu dry, small farm, $17,500/OBO. $1,000/OBO. 507-764-3806 515-408-3122
Grain Handling Equip
Ladig Jr. Unloader. Out of a 21' diameter high moisture corn unit Used 10 yrs. $2,500. (715) 505-8000 WESTFIELD 10-71 low profile swing hopper $8,799. Mike 507-848-6268 Farm Implements 3
bottom Int'l pull plow, mech & hyd lift $350/OBO; 953 JD running gear, $450/OBO. 515-290-2421
7 shank inline Tebben, w/cover boards, straight, no welds or cracks. Belmond area, $3,000. 563-212-5509 Drago 830 chopping head, plastic snoots, hay trash reel, 2400 acres, $45,000. 515-570-0155 FOR SALE: '53 R JD dsl, SN R6449, new tires, professionally painted; '50 M JD, parade ready. 320-761-0069 FOR SALE: '59 JD 720 dsl, WF, 3 pt w/ 45 ldr; Oliver baler; 55' elevator; 14' digger; 12' grain drill, side delivery rake. 507-889-4861 FOR SALE: '91 Houle 7300 gal liquid tank w/ disk, also 3 yr old 42' Trail Ag pump for lagoon & Houle 42' agitation unit. For more details please call 507-3910098 or 507-874-3424 FOR SALE: '96 JD 8770, 20.8x42 duals, 3050 hrs, 3 remotes, SN H00491; IH 884 utility tractor, 2250 IH ldr, 1996 hrs; JD 512 disk ripper, 7 shank; JD 985 44 ½' field cult w/ 3 bar harrow. 507-220-6810 FOR SALE: 1680 CIH combine, 8RN poly 1083 CH; 964 CIH, 6RW CH; 8RN poly 3000 Massey, elec adjustment, big A floater; 175 Michigan loader; 708 & 706 narrow CH; 3300 Hiniker cult; 10x91 Westfield auger; 4994 CIH tr, 450HP. White plows & parts; JD 500 grain cart. 507-380-5324 FOR SALE: 8x56 PTO, 8x58 elec auger, both on transport; 250 bu gravity box, truck tires; grain bin floors; 18-26 & 23.1-26 duals; manure spreader; EVAC-U-Loader. 701-4128910 or 320-342-4422 FOR SALE: Balzer 1500 stalk chopper, 507-249-3908 or 507-828-6905 Call evenings only.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
FOR SALE: Center pivot Olsen irrigator, approx 7,000 hrs, for quarter section, (6) updated gear boxes, Olsen irrigator parts available, $14,000/OBO. 507240-0098 FOR SALE: Int'l #11 V-ripper, 3pt mounted, 5 shank, auto reset, $5,000. 515-852-4241 FOR SALE: JD 148 loader, very sharp, Best to call evenings. 507-847-2638 FOR SALE: JD 2800 5 bottom nary wit plow, moldboards, 1 yr old, new way shins, land side, good shape, $3,800; Goodyear 23.1x26 combine tires on JD rims, off 7700, exc shape. $700. 507-530-1433
Farm Implements
035 Farm Implements
035 Tractors
036 Tractors
JD 148 ldr w/ wand controls, $2,950; JD 4455 tractor, QR, 3 hyds, 8600 hrs w/ auto steer, $36,500; JD 512 7 shank disk ripper, nice, $14,900; JD 568 baler, mega wide pickup & net wrap, $19,500; Parker 2500 gravity box on JD 1075 trailer, $2,450. 320-769-2756 JD 15' platform w/ Hiniker Bar, Tiger Jaw sickle, serial #178874H, $700. 515-542-3252 JD 215 Platform Black reel, serial #369825H $1,500. 515-542-3252 JD 6-18 pull type plow, auto re-set w/coulters. Also, C Int'l tractor w/mower. (320)760-5622 Koyker 500 loader, exc cond, fits JD 40 series frame. No bucket. (715)684-2613. bcfarms@baldwin-telecom.net
M&W EARTHMASTERS New & Used On Hand. 3-5-79-11 Shank. Ready to Trade/Deliver Anywhere. Lots of M&W Earthmaster parts on Hand-Can Ship. A.L. Buseman Industries 319-347-6282
NH 892 chopper, 2R head $2,000. 16' Badger chopper box, new front, very good cond, $3,850. 715- 647-5679
Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4NE1/4), Section 27, Township 109N, Range 29W, Blue Earth County, Minnesota; less highway right-of-way. The property for sale consists of: 40 acres, more or less; tillable FSA acres = 37.28.
The real estate is offered for sale subject to the following procedures, terms and conditions:
1. Any buyer wishing to purchase must submit a sealed bid specifying the total amount bid and reference the above property. Each sealed bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bank draft in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid amount payable to Nierengarten & Hippert, Ltd. Trust Account.
2. All bids must be submitted and received either by Nierengarten & Hippert, Ltd., 11 North Minnesota Street, New Ulm, MN 56073, on or before 4:00 p.m., Thursday, November 1, 2012, or by personal delivery to seller at Nierengarten & Hippert, Ltd., New Ulm, Minnesota by 1:00 p.m., Friday, November 2, 2012. Any sealed bids received after those times will be rejected.
3. All those submitting sealed bids are invited to be present at the Herbeck Room, Recreation Center, Vogel Fieldhouse, 122 South Garden Street, New Ulm, Minnesota, at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, November 2, 2012, by which time and place all sealed bids will have been tabulated. All those who have submitted sealed bids will be given an opportunity to increase their previously submitted bid in successive rounds of bidding at that time and place. Bids may not be withdrawn until the bidding process is concluded and a Purchase Agreement is signed. 4. The successful bidder or bidders on the above real estate must be prepared to enter into a Purchase Agreement at the conclusion of the bidding on November 2, 2012, at which time earnest money in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the successful bid price amount must be deposited. The balance of the successful bid price shall be due and payable in cash at closing which shall be on or before November 30, 2012. Closing will be at the offices of Nierengarten & Hippert, Ltd., 11 North Minnesota Street, New Ulm, MN.
5. The property is not currently being cropped. No fall tillage will be performed by the current owner. Buyer may have access to the land for fall tillage at any time after the Purchase Agreement is executed and the earnest money paid, and before closing, but such access shall be solely at the buyer's risk. 6. The real estate taxes due and payable in the year 2012 shall be paid by the seller.
7. Seller reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all irregularities in the bidding.
8. Anyone desiring additional information, including a copy of the exact legal description of the subject property, or to schedule a viewing, should contact Attorney Hugh T. Nierengarten, Nierengarten & Hippert, Ltd., 11 North Minnesota Street, New Ulm, MN 56073, Telephone 507-359-2991 or at hnierengarten@comcast.net.
800-657-4665 • 507-345-4523 www.thelandonline.com • theland@thelandonline.com
Saturday, October 27th, 2012 • 9 a.m. 55780 St. Hwy. 19 - Winthrop, MN 1/4 mile west of Hwy. 19 & Hwy. 15 Intersection
Tractors & Farm Equipment: JD 4430, PS, factory cab, 6707 hrs., 2 hyd. • IH 1566 tractor, factory cab, 5675 hrs., 2 hyd., rock box • Farmall M, WF w/Schwartz all hyd. loader & rear wheel wgts. • Woods 72” belly mower • JD tandem BWA disc • 3 pt. 6’ disc • IH 7’ 2 pt. sickle mower • (2) Bale racks w/gear • 16’ stock trailer • Melroe drag • (2) 10 bu. & (2) 5 bu. Pride of the Farm hog feeders • JD 8 hp. snowblower • H&S 16’ silage wagon, tandem running gear • 1971 Wilson flat floor grain trailer • Lorenz 120 feed grinder w/scale & auger ext. • Mayrath 10x62 auger w/swing hopper • Lindsay drag 5-section spike tooth on cart – Lawn & Outdoor Equipment, Vehicles & Trailers, Guns, Sporting Goods, Shop/Tools, Coins, Games & Toys, Antiques, Collectibles & Glassware, Furniture, Household & many more items to be added by Sale Day!
Auctioneer: Matt Mages • 507-276-7002
Auctioneers: Larry Mages - Lafayette • Joe Maidl - Lafayette
• Joe Wersal - Winthrop • John Goelz - Franklin Clerk: Mages Land Co. and Auction Service LLC Not Responsible for Accidents • 10% buyers premium Lunch & restroom on grounds
For full terms and more information go to: magesland.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Massey Harris 22 tractor, WF; JD 530, 3 pt & fenders; JD 4020 dsl, pwr shift, WF; JD 148 ldr; JD 46A ldr; CIH 2255 ldr; JD 45 ldr; JD F145, 3-16, 3 pt. plow; JD 3 pt, 5½' disk; JD 613, 6', 3 pt cutter; JD 8W 13' disk; 1000 gal. anhyd. ammonia tank & gear. Koestler Equip. 507-399-3006
following real estate, all located in Cambria Township, Blue Earth County, approximately 1 mile East of Cambria, Minnesota and generally described as follows:
The Land
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
13 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
FOR SALE: New Idea Uni New Kelderman 4RW corn Case IH 9270 4WD, PS, 4900 FOR SALE: IHC 656 tractor, hrs, farmer owned, 24.5x32 2pt hitch, 2 hyd valves. reel, $3,800. 712-363-3843 701 picker/husker, 6 cyl gas, duals, $55,000. 515-571-6932 507-764-3943 field ready; Minneapolis We buy Moline model D sheller w/ FOR SALE: JD A w/loader Salvage Equipment FOR SALE: '72 Oliver 1755, drag line; 40' Allied flight & snow bucket, $1,975. Parts Available 6300 hrs, 20 hrs on OH, all elevator. 952-657-2319 515-852-4241 Hammell Equip., Inc. new rubber, cab, quick (507)867-4910 FOR SALE: Oliver 1955, hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 2nd Harvesting Equip 037 owner, original, always incompletely restored w/ 5.9 036 side, $10,000. 507-213-0600 Cummins, cab w/ AC. Also Tractors '98 JD 9610, 4200 eng/2940 2255 Oliver w/ 3208 Cat en- '69 2520 Gas Engine OH'd, sep hrs., RWA, Contour FOR SALE: 1030 Case dsl gine, 2,400 hours on engine. Master, HD final drive, New clutches, Wgts, Exc tractor w/ 3pt; 930 Case dsl 319-240-4368 dual chaff spreader, 20.8x42 paint, 9675 hrs, $10,900 tractor w/3 pt. (320)760-5622 w/duals, Kuchar concave & Show tractor. 715-694-2156 Hydrostatic & Hydraulic Reother upgrades, Ag Leader pair Repair-Troubleshoot- FOR SALE: '00 Gehl 4835 FOR SALE: Used Oliver mon., delivery available, ing Sales-Design Custom tractor parts for most modskidloader, 67HP, turbo dsl, $57,500/offer; also, availhydraulic hose-making up els for both gas & dsl, in3600 hrs, cab & heat, able, JD 930F bean head to 2” Service calls made. cluding parts for Super 88 $10,800. Int'l 544 55HP tracw/contour/9610, very good STOEN'S Hydrostatic Serdsl, hyd unit $375, radiator tor, hydrostatic drive w/ IH cond., $11,500/offer; JD $150; complete tin work & a vice 16084 State Hwy 29 N 2000 ldr, $5,400. Int'l 300 12x22” cornhead/complete lot more. Also, parting '55 Glenwood, MN 56334 320backhoe/ldr tractor, $6,200. or for parts, GVL poly, Oliver dsl. 218-564-4273 or 634-4360 All tractors run very nice. $8,500. 320-510-1222 cell 218-639-0315 320-766-3758 IH 55 33' chisel plow, $3,750; '98 Loftness 180 chopper, 15', IH 2250 quick tach loader, FOR SALE: '00 JD 8210, NEW AND USED TRACTOR green, high residue knives, nice, $3,250; Kewanee 2000 MFWD, 18.4x46 duals, PARTS JD 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 4 wheels, cyl, CVC & over 12' HD disk, 34” blades, quick hitch, 4300 hrs, in A-1 55, 50 Series & newer tracrunning PTO, always shed$8,450; IH 80 snowblower, condition, asking $86,000. tors, AC-all models, Large ded, good cond, $6,900. 507$1,450; IH 55 12' chisel Knight 8040 manure spreadInventory, We ship! Mark 380-7863 plow, $850; JD 4430 tractor, er, exc shape, always shedHeitman Tractor Salvage 454A Row crop head, 36", all runs good, needs hyd pump ded. 507-236-1099 715-673-4829 chain tighteners, always seal, $8,900. 320-769-2756 FOR SALE: '49 M Farmall, shedded, looks new. $2,000. Specializing in most AC new paint & decals, live 712-358-3324 IH 7' Sickle bar, belt dr. field used tractor parts for mower, semi-mount, nice hyd, 2spd, M&W trans, Brent 440 & 444 wagons, sale. Now parting out unit, ready to go. $950. rears 75-80%, rebuilt gen, green, lights, brakes, truck WD, 190XT, #200 & D-17 515-824-3656 new steering whl, starts, tires, always shedded, both tractors. Rosenberg runs good. WANTED: very nice condition, $8,750 IH 700 8x18 pull type plow, Tractor Salvage Swathers with Wisc motors. & $9,750 respectively. auto spring reset, $3,900; 507-848-6379 or 507-236-8726 Call 507-383-5973 507-380-7863 Case IH 7120 Magnum tractor, MFW, 3pt, 3 hyds, 18.4x42 tires & motor, $31,500; JD 1075 running gear, $1,550; Farm King 8' 2 auger snowblower, nice, Notice is hereby given of the proposed sale and call for bids by Walter O. Jones, et al., on the $3,450. 320-769-2756
Harvesting Equip
14 B
If you’re having a Farm Auction, let other Farmers know it! Upcoming Issues of THE LAND Southern MNNorthern IA October 26 November 9 November 23 December 7 December 21 January 4
Northern MN October 19 November 2 November 16 November 30 December 14 December 28
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Deadlines are 1 week prior to publication with Holiday deadlines 1 day earlier ** Indicates Early Deadline
PO Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 Phone: 507-345-4523 or 800-657-4665 Fax: 507-345-1027
Ask Your Auctioneer to Place Your Auction in The Land! Website:
Steffes Auction Calendar 2012 For More info Call 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: www.steffesauctioneers.com
Opening Monday, October 1 & Closing Tuesday, October 9: IQBID October Auction, Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, Vehicles, RV’s & More! See complete listing & photos online at: www.iqbid.com Wednesday, October 17 @ 10 AM: Multi-Tract Farmland Auction, City Center in Lake Park, MN, 220+/- Acres in Cuba Township, Becker County, MN. Opening Tuesday, October 23 & closing Tuesday, October 30: Arens Farm Inventory Realignment Auction, Graceville, MN Thursday, October 25 @ 12 PM: Gary Jacobson Estate, Chokio, MN, (2) Case-IH 2096 2WD Tractors, Loaders, Freightliner FLD120 Semi, Step Deck Trailer, Gehl Round Baler & More! Tuesday, October 30 @ 10 AM: Multi-Parcel Real Estate Auction, Eden Valley, MN, 220 +/- acres in Manannah Plat, Meeker County, MN Opening Thursday November 1 & Closing Monday, November 12: IQBID November Auction, Call now to consign your excess equipment! Selling Ag, Construction, Trucks, Vehicles, RV’s & more! Advertising Deadline: October 15.
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Thursday, November 1 @ 10 AM: Al Skogen Farm Retirement, Valley City, ND, Tractors, Navigation Equip., Harvest Equip., ‘10 JD 1890 Air Drill, Tillage & Much More! Friday, November 2 @ 10 AM: Meeker County Farmland & Farmstead, Watkins, MN, 193 +/- Acres in Forest Prairie Plat with home, garage, shop, pole sheds & more! Thursday, November 8 @ 10 AM: McLeod County, MN, Executive Home & Farmland, Lester Prairie, MN, 3,500 sq. ft. custom built home on 4 acres with 94.88 +/- acres in Winsted Township Thursday, November 8 @ 11 AM: Dennis Fowler Farm Retirement, Casselton, ND, Tractors, Harvest Equip., Air Drill, Tillage, Grain Handling & More! Wednesday, November 28 @ 10 AM: AgIron 62 Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND, Consigning Tractors, Combines, Heads, Trucks, Semis, Tillage, Construction Equip., Hay & Livestock Equip. and Much More! Advertising Deadline: Friday, November 2
We pay top dollar for your damaged grain. We are experienced handlers of your wet, dry, burnt and mixed grains. Trucks and Vacs available. Immediate response anywhere. CALL FOR A QUOTE TODAY
PRUESS ELEV., INC. 1-800-828-6642
114.85 Acres Land Auction
Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012-9:00 a.m. Located at Kerkhoff Auction Center, Redwood Falls MN 114.85 Acres M/L Renville Cty. Farmland Section 16 of Bandon Township
Terms: Successful bidder is required to sign a purchase agreement and pay a $30,000 nonrefundable down payment the day of auction. Balance is due with certified funds on or before November 30, 2012, the date of closing. A 4% buyers premium to apply. Possession after 2012 crops have been removed. Buyer to plow back. Seller to pay real estate taxes on the 2012 tax statement and buyer to pay thereafter. Seller to retain all 2012 rents. Sold subject to owner confirmation. Information is obtained from reliable sources, however, the auctioneer or agents do not accept responsibility for information presented, it is the buyers responsibility to verify all information.
For More Information Contact: Doug Kerkhoff @ 507-829-6859 or doug@kerkhoffauction.com
ADORA OLSON LIFE ESTATE 1500 E. Bridge Street Redwood Falls MN 507-644-8433 Office www.kerkhoffauction.com
037 Harvesting Equip
037 Harvesting Equip
4R 36" JD Corn head 444 FOR SALE: '08 NH 88C FOR SALE: 6R Sukup stalk draper flex head, exc cond, chopper w/ windrow attachHigh tin, total rebuilt '11. First $39,900 takes it. Also ment, exc cond, 2 yrs old. Always shedded, $2,000. 930 JD flex head, plastic 563-880-2364 712-358-3324 snouts, exc shape, $6,500 FOR SALE: JD 6600 dsl Case 1020 20' bean head, 701-640-4697 combine, 443 cornhead 30” Crary Air Reel, save up to R, field ready, exc cond, 3 bushels per acre. $9,800. FOR SALE: '82 MF 760 comgood rubber, AC, hyd row (715)205-9433 bine, 8R30 cornhead, 9120 box for beans, big engine, bean head, good shape, 3200 FOR SALE: '01 TR99 NH wheel wgts. 507-317-0959 hrs, may split, $6,000/OBO. combine w/ RWA 1,399 507-381-3298 Eng/1,039 Sep Hrs, Mauer FOR SALE: JD 7720 & 6620 Hopper Topper, Ag Leader FOR SALE: '90 JD 9500, 643 443, 643, & 843 cornheads, Yield Monitor, 18.4 x 42 Dubean heads, numerous cornhead, oil bath; 220 platals, 18.4 x 26 Rears, Chaff gravity boxes; 10x71 hyd form. All for $36,000. Spreader, $114,500; '04 NH auger w/ swing hopper. 6, 7, 641-430-3193 96C 8R30 cornhead, $27,500; 7x20 onland plow. TW35 '01 NH 73C 30 Flexhead, FOR SALE: '91 JD 643 lo tin MFWD. 320-351-8990 $17,500; 20 Loftness Stalk cornhead, 6RN, low acres, Chopper, $14,000; '12 8R30 FOR SALE: JD 9560 walker good cond., $7,500. 507-249Corn Reel, $1,900. Call Paul SN W705625, 1680 eng/1146 3985 or 507-249-3334 at 507-828-1010 sep hrs; also, 626F beanhead, SN 7257. 507-220-6810 FOR SALE: '02 Case IH FOR SALE: JD 220 bean head w/ head mover, black FOR SALE: MF 9120 20' 2366, field tracker, field wheel, Tiger jaws, very bean head w/ SCH sickle, monitor, chopper, 2000 clean, always inside, always shedded, very good eng/1400 sep hrs, 30.5x32 $2,350/OBO; 8” jump auger cond, $4,000/OBO. MF 1163 tires, real nice shape. w/ or w/out motor. 6R30” cornhead, 10X61 Feterl grain auger. $100/$225. 507-213-0600 $2,500/OBO. 507-340-1001 507-872-5267 or 507-530-8875
Harvesting Equip
037 Harvesting Equip
037 Tillage Equip
15 B
RIM/CRP Land Auction
Gleaner 17-2 w/430A corn- '08 JD 9770STS, 700 sep hrs, FOR SALE: Case/White head, 2919 hrs, $7,500. 715RWD, $159,000. 507- 475-7021 semi mounted plow, 308, 3495-0252 or 715-647-3903 16, auto re-set, plowed 70 JD 9400 Combine, 2350 sep acres, like new; JD 1010 15 hrs, Agleader/GPS, 900 Gleaner FG 438 corn head. ½' field cult w/ harrow atacres on bars, 515-570-4382 4RW, fits F or G series tachment, 3 pt, like new. or 515-570-9769 combine. Exc cond. Make $975/ea 952-442-4259 offer. (715) 425-5081 or (715) 220-0624 Tillage Equip 039 FOR SALE: IH 800 10 bottom hinge plow, 18”, w/ Hiniker 1700 stalk chopper Disk rippers 5-7SH, $6,900 & some coulters, $4,700. JD 15', near new condition, still up; Wagons 400-750bu. 510 disk ripper, $10,500. has most of it's original $3,500 & up. 515-795-2943 320-589-2235 knives, always shedded. $10,000/OBO. (715) 279-1275 DMI 500 3pt 5 shank ripper FOR SALE: Intl 720, 6x18 w/ cover boards, exc shape, on-land plow, good cond. IHC 720 plow parts; Allied $6,500/OBO. Pequea 8 round 952-955-1181 6x40 auger w/basket; Owabale transport, like new. tonna 40' elev. w/motor; 6 $4,000. 320-328-5794 FOR SALE: Model #1475 ton running gears; 8x10 Earthmaster, SN13895, new alum. truck bed, nice; FOR SALE: Case IH 496 blades & bearings, walking cushion gang disk, 28' w/ 18x18x8' alum. tool boxes. tandems, new pts, exc harrow, $11,900/OBO. 320-864-4583 or 320-779-4583 cond, 5 or 7 shank. $14,500 320-267-6796 JD 643 cornheads, low tin, oil 507-383-0114 bath, new deck plate, 515- FOR SALE: Case IH 6650 deep tiller, walking FOR SALE: Wishek 862NT 570-4382 or 515-570-9769 tandems; also Lake Cabin 16' disk w/ 3 bar gates levJD 925 Platform, plastic between Morris & Alexaneler & rotating scrapers, 2 snouts/lights, stored inside, dria, please call for more yrs old, 28” blades, $7,500. 515-570-9003 or information. 701-412-8910 or $32,000/OBO. 507-764-3806 515-545-4209 320-342-4422
Monday, Oct. 22, 2012-9:00 a.m. Located at Kerkhoff Auction Center, Redwood Falls MN 65 Acres Redwood Cty. RIM/CRP Section 27 of Delhi Township
For More Information Contact: Terry Marguth @ 507-829-5067 or marguth@nutelecom.net
THE FELSKA HEIRS, Owners 1500 E. Bridge Street Redwood Falls MN 507-644-8433 Office www.kerkhoffauction.com
ADVANCE NOTICE AFTER HARVEST AUCTION Sat., Nov. 17, 2012 – 9:30 a.m.
Located: Earl Hamilton Auction Co. off Interstate 90 at Dexter, MN exit #193 then 1/4 mile east on Hwy. 16
To consign call: Hamilton Auction Co. at:
507-584-0133 office EARL HAMILTON AUCTION COMPANY 130 State Hwy. 16 Dexter, MN 55926 Web site: www.hamiltonauctioncompany.com
They want how much to sell your Farm?? We have sold thousands of acres using proven methods throughout MN at commissions that are often half that of other companies
For You Hunters! 66 acres in Brown Cty. outside of Sleepy Eye, MN, mixed grass w/small trees and conservation land just north of property • $1200/acre w/payment • Mulligan Twp Sec 3 Excellent Business Opportunity! Turnkey business, excellent location, established restaurant and event venue w/2.2 acre real estate w/2 adjoining buildings, and all equip • $170,000 • E 11th St, Gibbon, MN Perfect Hobby Farm, perfect for horses/livestock, 3 bedroom rambler w/updates, large insulated 2 stall garage, shed, fenced in horse pasture • $127,900/10 acres or $114,900/5 acres • 57821 300th St, Winthrop, MN Income Generating Business, Own your own bakery, a turnkey business, also comes with a salon & apartment already leased out. • $64,900 • 1021 1st Ave, Gibbon, MN 4.5 Acre Horse Ready Hobby Farm, beautiful 3 bedroom home, spacious & charming w/large attached garage, new roof & updated septic. Shed currently set up for horses, $99,900 • 64340 220th St., Gibbon, MN Totally Renovated 11⁄2 Story Home on 1.25 Acres, with 2 stall attached garage & 2 sheds, huge master suite, kitchen w/granite & slate, hardwood floor, Must See!!, $157,900 • 45950 330th St., Gaylord, MN Best of Country Living! 2001 home on 10 acres w/3 & 4 season porches, deck, full w/o basement, 2 stall attached garage w/detached 36x64 Shop/Utility Building w/Office • $379,900 • 58638 382nd St, Lafayette, MN
Mages Land Co. & Auction Service
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Consign your farm equipment including tractors, tillage, combines, heads, wagons, construction equip., trucks, trailers, pickups & misc. items by the 26th of Oct. to have items listed on auction sale bill. NO CAR TIRES
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Terms: Successful bidder is required to enter into a purchase agreement and pay a $10,000 nonrefundable down payment the day of auction. Balance is due with certified funds on or before November 15, 2012, the date of closing. A buyers premium to apply. Possession after closing. Seller to pay real estate taxes on the 2012 tax statement and buyer to pay thereafter. Seller to retain all RIM payment for the 2012 year and buyers shall receive remaining payments. Seller to retain all 2012 rents. Sold subject to owner confirmation. All information is obtained from reliable sources, however, the auctioneer or agents do not accept responsibility for information presented, as it is the buyers responsibility to verify all information.
16 B
KIMBALL, MN • 320-398-3800 Sales: • Al Mueller • Wayne Mackereth • Mike Schneider
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• Allen Schramm • Rollie Jurgens • Chase Groskreutz
GLENCOE, MN • 320-864-5531
Sales: • Richard Dammann • Randy Uecker • Steve Schramm • Mike W
NO. MANKATO, MN • 507-387-55 Sales: • Randy Rasmussen • Ed Nowak • Leon Rasmussen • Jay Pederson • Spencer Kolles • Rick Miller
CIH 550 Quad, '11, 500 hrs ..........................................$327,000 CIH 550 Quad, '11, 600 hrs ..........................................$325,000 CIH 535 Steiger, '11, 455 hrs ........................................$309,500 CIH 535 Quad, '10, 800 hrs ..........................................$299,000 CIH 500 Steiger, '12, 300 hrs ........................................$275,000 CIH STX500, '05, 2945 hrs............................................$172,500 CIH STX450Q, '04, 5420 hrs ........................................$129,500 CIH STX450Q, '02, 5095 hrs ........................................$149,000 CIH 385 Quad, '10, 1825 hrs ........................................$237,500 CIH 350 Steiger, '12, 220 hrs ........................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '12 ......................................................$235,000 CIH 350 Steiger, '12 ......................................................$235,000 CIH STX325, '05, 2530 hrs............................................$132,500 CIH STX275, '01, 3495 hrs..............................................$97,500 CIH 9390, '97, 5425 hrs ..................................................$88,500 CIH 9380, '97, 4600 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9380, '96, 8075 hrs ..................................................$65,000 CIH 9370, '97, 4325 hrs ..................................................$84,500 CIH 9350, '96, 5970 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 9180, '89, 7600 hrs ..................................................$39,900 CIH 9170, '90, 4840 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 9170, '89, 7825 hrs ..................................................$56,500 Case 2470, 5600 hrs..........................................................$4,950 Cat 75E, '98, 3080 hrs ....................................................$85,000 Challenger MT865B, '06, 3745 hrs ................................$199,500 Ford 846, '93, 5785 hrs ..................................................$39,900 JD 9630, '11, 1050 hrs..................................................$269,900 JD 9630, '08 ..................................................................$235,000 JD 9620T, '06, 3205 hrs ................................................$195,000 JD 9320T, '05, 1940 hrs ................................................$159,900 NH T9060, '08, 1440 hrs ..............................................$212,000 NH T9050, '09, 1350 hrs ..............................................$209,000 NH TJ330, '07, 1735 hrs ..............................................$139,500 Versatile 846, '88, 5510 hrs ............................................$30,000
CIH 305 Mag, '10, 625 hrs ............................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 3350 hrs ..........................................$151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 3265 hrs ..........................................$151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '09, 1595 hrs ..........................................$182,500 CIH 305 Mag Gold, '08, 1700 hrs..................................$169,500 CIH 290 Mag, '12, 380 hrs ............................................$192,500 CIH 290 Mag, '11, 180 hrs ............................................$192,500 CIH 275 Mag, '11, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 600 hrs ............................................$172,500 CIH 275 Mag, '10, 950 hrs ............................................$155,500 CIH 275 Mag, '09, 1120 hrs ..........................................$175,000 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2250 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 245 Mag, '09, 2460 hrs ..........................................$129,500 CIH 215 Mag, '11, 695 hrs ............................................$130,000 CIH MX220, 5345 hrs ......................................................$65,000 CIH MX200, '99, 8865 hrs ..............................................$65,000 CIH 190 Mag, '11, 220 hrs ............................................$167,000 CIH MX110, '97, 8125 hrs ..............................................$36,900 CIH MXM190, '02, 2940 hrs............................................$67,500 CIH 125 Value, '10, 995 hrs ............................................$76,500 CIH 210 Puma, '08, 2900 hrs ..........................................$89,000 CIH 200 Puma, '11, 380 hrs ..........................................$141,500 CIH 165 Puma, '09, 3470 hrs ..........................................$95,000 CIH 7140, '91, 8840 hrs ..................................................$45,900 Case 2590, '79, 6035 hrs ................................................$14,900 IH 2400, '74, 3565 hrs ......................................................$4,500 Challenger 65E, '01, 5385 hrs ........................................$37,500 Ford 8970, '94, 8140 hrs ................................................$57,500 JD 8520, '03, 400 hrs......................................................$98,000 JD 5525, 1235 hrs ..........................................................$39,900 McCormick XTX215, '06, 870 hrs....................................$85,000 NH T8040, '10, 1075 hrs ..............................................$179,000 NH TG275, '06 ..............................................................$118,500 NH TG245, '06, 2670 hrs ..............................................$105,500 White 185, '88, 4510 hrs ................................................$29,000
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
CIH 2404, '68, 5805 hrs ....................................................$4,950 Case 800............................................................................$2,500 Case Vac, '47 ....................................................................$1,150 IH M, '49............................................................................$2,500 IH 1086, '79, 6000 hrs ....................................................$16,900 IH 1086, '76, 7615 hrs ......................................................$7,950 IH 986, 7260 hrs..............................................................$11,000 IH 986, '81, 9130 hrs ......................................................$12,900 IH 756, '68, 11765 hrs ......................................................$7,500 IH 706, 5580 hrs................................................................$4,950 IH 686, 8175 hrs..............................................................$11,750 IH 656, '70, 7405 hrs ........................................................$6,950 IH 656, '68, 4740 hrs ........................................................$7,250 IH 656, '68, 5495 hrs ........................................................$5,500 IH 656................................................................................$6,500 Allis 7060, '76, 3140 hrs ..................................................$9,900 Ford 3000, 3160 hrs ..........................................................$5,250 McCormick 560 ................................................................$4,900 NH 3010S, '01, 630 hrs ..................................................$11,500 Oliver 1750, 7715 hrs ........................................................$4,000
TRACTORS AWD/MFD CIH CX90, '99, 3715 hrs..................................................$22,500 CIH 335 Mag, '11, 50 hrs ..............................................$219,000 CIH 335 Mag, '10, 4155 hrs ..........................................$151,900 CIH 305 Mag, '10, 765 hrs ............................................$182,500
CIH 40 Farmall CVT, '10, 125 hrs ....................................$31,900 CIH DX25E, '04, 175 hrs..................................................$13,900 Deutz 5220, '87, 1540 hrs ................................................$5,995 Ford 1220, '90, 1135 hrs ..................................................$7,750 JD 4310, '04, 1345 hrs....................................................$21,900 JD 4310, '02, 1090 hrs....................................................$21,000 Kubota B2920HSD, '08, 195 hrs......................................$16,250 Kubota B7510, '04, 1040 hrs ..........................................$10,500 Kubota B7300HSD, 1265 hrs ............................................$6,500 Kubota BX2360T, '09, 485 hrs ..........................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '05, 310 hrs ............................................$8,950 Kubota BX2230, '04, 1965 hrs ..........................................$7,750 Kubota BX2200, '02, 365 hrs ............................................$7,900 Kubota BX2200, '01, 565 hrs ............................................$7,900 Kubota BX1500, '04, 1235 hrs ..........................................$6,100 Kubota L3430, '03, 2470 hrs ..........................................$22,500 Kubota RTV1100, '10, 725 hrs ........................................$14,900 Kubota RTV900, '06, 935 hrs ............................................$7,950 Kubota RTV900, '05, 950 hrs ............................................$8,550 Kubota RTV900W, '04, 830 hrs ........................................$8,200 Polaris ATP 500, '05, 2270 hrs..........................................$3,999 Polaris Sportsman, '04, 1710 hrs......................................$2,999 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250 Polaris Sportsman, '04 ......................................................$2,999 Steiner Hawk, '00 ..............................................................$3,250
COMBINES Financing as low as 0% available for Up to 60 months on used Combines! CIH 9120, '11, 290 hrs ..................................................$320,000 CIH 9120, '09, 725 hrs ..................................................$289,000 CIH 8120, '11, 210 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120, '11, 215 hrs ..................................................$312,000 CIH 8120, '11, 250 hrs ..................................................$309,000 CIH 8120, '11, 510 hrs ..................................................$311,500 CIH 8120, '10, 1275 hrs ................................................$260,000 CIH 8120, '09, 930 hrs ..................................................$253,400 CIH 8120, '09, 1120 hrs ................................................$265,000 CIH 8120, '09, 1265 hrs ................................................$249,500 CIH 8010, '07, 1100 hrs ................................................$215,000 CIH 8010, '06, 865 hrs ..................................................$175,000
Financing provided by
CNH Capital ® 2012 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com
COMBINES Continued
CIH 8010, '06, 1410 hrs ................................................$191,500 CIH 8010, '04, 2115 hrs ................................................$139,000 CIH 8010, '04, 2440 hrs ................................................$159,000 CIH 7120, '10, 160 hrs ..................................................$285,000 CIH 7120, '09, 915 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7120, '09, 940 hrs ..................................................$252,500 CIH 7088, '11, 585 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 7088, '11, 640 hrs ..................................................$249,000 CIH 6088, '10, 450 hrs ..................................................$228,500 CIH 2588, '07, 1580 hrs ................................................$185,000 CIH 2588, '07, 1650 hrs ................................................$185,000 CIH 2388, '04, 3965 hrs ..................................................$99,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2740 hrs ................................................$135,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2415 hrs ................................................$140,000 CIH 2388, '03, 2540 hrs ................................................$117,900 CIH 2388, '03, 2550 hrs ................................................$125,000 CIH 2388, '02, 2925 hrs ................................................$107,900 CIH 2388, '02, 2975 hrs ..................................................$99,000 CIH 2388, '01, 2400 hrs ..................................................$99,500 CIH 2388, '01, 2580 hrs ................................................$106,500 CIH 2388, '00, 3295 hrs ..................................................$86,500 CIH 2388, '00 ..................................................................$84,500 CIH 2388, '99, 3670 hrs ..................................................$78,500 CIH 2388, '98, 3250 hrs ..................................................$85,700 CIH 2388, '98, 3780 hrs ..................................................$82,500 CIH 2366, '00, 3135 hrs ..................................................$89,500 CIH 2366, '98, 2690 hrs ..................................................$79,900 CIH 2366, '91, 2845 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, 2815 hrs ........................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '97, 3800 hrs ..................................................$69,500 CIH 2188, '97, 2365 hrs ..................................................$79,000 CIH 2188, '96, 2950 hrs ..................................................$72,500 CIH 2188, '96, 3045 hrs ..................................................$79,500 CIH 2188, '96, 4440 hrs ..................................................$59,900 CIH 2188, '95, 3875 hrs ..................................................$56,500 CIH 2166, '97, 2535 hrs ..................................................$69,000 CIH 2166, '96, 3430 hrs ..................................................$63,500 CIH 1688, '94, 2775 hrs ..................................................$43,500 CIH 1688, '94, 3305 hrs ..................................................$49,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4115 hrs ..................................................$48,500 CIH 1688, '94, 4160 hrs ..................................................$39,500 CIH 1680, '90, 4850 hrs ..................................................$28,500 CIH 1666, '94, 2810 hrs ..................................................$42,000 CIH 1660, '90 ..................................................................$29,500 CIH 1660, '87, 4045 hrs ..................................................$25,500 CIH 1660, '87, 4605 hrs ..................................................$27,500 CIH 1640, '91, 4345 hrs ..................................................$21,500 IH 1460, '79 ......................................................................$6,500 IH 1440, '81, 2020 hrs ......................................................$8,500 JD 9860STS, '04, 2000 hrs ..........................................$169,500 JD 9760STS, '06, 2350 hrs ..........................................$149,900 JD 9660, '07, 1805 hrs..................................................$169,500 JD 9660STS, '06, 2310 hrs ..........................................$155,000 JD 9610, '96, 3265 hrs....................................................$62,500 JD 9600, '95, 4375 hrs....................................................$39,900 JD 9600, '90, 2620 hrs....................................................$34,500 JD 9500, '89, 4520 hrs....................................................$37,950 JD 9400, '91, 4720 hrs....................................................$35,950 JD 6620, '80, 3385 hrs......................................................$9,500 NH TR97, '95, 3955 hrs ..................................................$29,500 NH TR86, '89, 3860 hrs ..................................................$18,500 NH TR86, '85, 3245 hrs ....................................................$9,900 NH 970, '03, 2020 hrs ..................................................$139,000
BEAN/CORNHEADS Financing as low as 0% available for up to 60 months on select used Combine Heads! CIH 3020, 35' Beanhead ..................................................$34,250 (3) CIH 2062, 36' Beanhead ..........................starting at $43,000 (4) CIH 2020, 35' Beanhead ..........................starting at $27,500 (4) CIH 2020, 30' Beanhead ..........................starting at $26,500 (3) CIH 2020, 25' Beanhead ..........................starting at $18,900 CIH 2020, 20' Beanhead ..................................................$24,000 (17) CIH 1020, 30' Beanhead ..........................starting at $5,900 (27) CIH 1020, 25' Beanhead ..........................starting at $5,500 CIH 1020, 22.5' Beanhead ..............................................$10,500 (6) CIH 1020, 20' Beanhead ............................starting at $4,900
BEAN/CORNHEADS Continued CIH 1020, 17.5' Beanhead ................................................$5,500 Deutz All 320 Beanhead ....................................................$3,500 (3) JD 930F, 30' Beanhead ..............................starting at $8,999 (2) JD 930, 30' Beanhead ................................starting at $3,900 JD 925, 25' Beanhead........................................................$6,500 JD 920, 20' Beanhead........................................................$5,900 (3) JD 635F, 35' Beanhead ............................starting at $32,000 JD 630F, 30' Beanhead ....................................................$26,500 MacDon FD70, 40' Beanhead ..........................................$55,000 MacDon FD70, 35' Beanhead ..........................................$47,000 (3) CIH 2612 Cornhead ..................................starting at $81,500 CIH 2212 Cornhead ........................................................$43,000 (5) CIH 2208 Cornhead ..................................starting at $26,500 (2) CIH 2206 Cornhead ..................................starting at $24,500 CIH 1222 Cornhead ........................................................$13,900 CIH 9R22 Cornhead ..........................................................$9,500 (2) CIH 8R22 Cornhead ....................................starting at $5,500 (15) CIH 1083 Cornhead ..................................starting at $7,500 (8) CIH 1063 Cornhead ....................................starting at $8,500 IH 1000, 12R22 Cornhead ..............................................$12,500 IH 983, 9R22 Cornhead ..................................................$10,500 (2) IH 963, 6R30 Cornhead ..............................starting at $4,800 (2) Clarke 1820, 18R20 Cornhead ..................starting at $49,900 Drago 12R30 Cornhead ..................................................$53,000 Drago 12R22 Cornhead ..................................................$74,950 (2) Drago 12R20 Cornhead ............................................$84,500 Drago 10R22 Cornhead ..................................................$60,000 (4) Drago 8R30 Cornhead ..............................starting at $29,000 (3) Drago 8R22 Cornhead ..............................starting at $39,500 Drago 6R30 Cornhead ....................................................$52,500 Fantini 8R30 Cornhead ....................................................$34,000 Geringhoff 12R30 Cornhead ............................................$89,750 Geringhoff 12R22 Cornhead ............................................$72,100 (2) Geringhoff 8R30 Cornhead ......................starting at $29,900 Geringhoff GD1600B Cornhead ......................................$98,900 Geringhoff RD1200B Cornhead ......................................$66,900 (3) Geringhoff Roto Disc ................................starting at $29,900 Gleaner Hugger Cornhead..................................................$8,950 (4) Harvestec 8R30 Cornhead ........................starting at $25,000 Harvestec 6R30 Cornhead ..............................................$15,900 JD 1293, 12R30 Cornhead ..............................................$45,500 JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ..............................................$36,000 JD 1290, 12R20 Cornhead ..............................................$49,950 (2) JD 893, 8R30 Cornhead............................starting at $15,900 (4) JD 843, 8R30 Cornhead..............................starting at $5,750 (6) JD 643, 6R30 Cornhead..............................starting at $5,000 Lexion C512R30 Cornhead ..............................................$38,000
0% interest financing available on select used fall tillage CIH 870, 18' DL Subsoiler ..............................................$49,000 CIH MRX690, '07, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$28,500 CIH MRX690, '04, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$22,000 CIH MRX690, '03, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$23,900 CIH MRX690, '02, 7 Shank Subsoiler..............................$20,900 (8) CIH 9300, 22.5' Subsoiler ........................starting at $24,500 CIH 6800, '03, 18' Subsoiler ..........................................$13,500 (8) CIH 730B Subsoiler ..................................starting at $12,000 (5) CIH 730C Subsoiler ..................................starting at $31,900 CIH 530C, '06, 12.5' Subsoiler ........................................$31,000 DMI 9300, '05, 22.5' Subsoiler........................................$40,000 DMI 2500, 7 Shank Subsoiler............................................$8,500 (9) DMI 730B, 17.5' Subsoiler........................starting at $14,500 (6) DMI 730, 17.5' Subsoiler........................ starting at $11,900 (2) DMI 530, 5 Shank Subsoiler ....................starting at $12,900 DMI 527, 5 Shank Subsoiler............................................$12,500 (3) DMI Tiger II Subsoiler ................................starting at $2,500 Brent CPC2007 Subsoiler ................................................$11,000 Brillion LCS7-2, '03 Subsoiler ........................................$11,500 JD 2700, '06, 9S30 Subsoiler..........................................$29,900 (3) JD 2700, '08, 9S24 Subsoiler ..................starting at $35,300 JD 2700, '06, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$29,900 (2) JD 2700, '05, 9S24 Subsoiler ..................starting at $25,900 JD 2700, '04, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$36,500 JD 2700, '01, 9S24 Subsoiler..........................................$23,900 JD 2700, '09, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$32,500 JD 2700, '06, 7S30 Subsoiler..........................................$26,500 (3) JD 2700, '04, 7S30 Subsoiler ..................starting at $25,400 (2) JD 2700, '03, 7S30 Subsoiler ..................starting at $21,500 JD 2700, '07, 7S24 Subsoiler..........................................$28,500 JD 2700, '04, 7S24 Subsoiler..........................................$27,000 JD 512, '10, 9S30 Subsoiler............................................$49,500 JD 512, '09, 9S30 Subsoiler............................................$43,500 JD 512, '08, 9S30 Subsoiler............................................$40,000
JD 512, '04, 7 Shank Subsoiler ............................ JD 512, '02, 7 Shank Subsoiler ............................ JD 512, '01, 7 Shank Subsoiler ............................ Krause 4850, '08, 18' Subsoiler ............................ Landoll 2320, '96, 9S24 Subsoiler ........................ M & W 1875, '00, 17.5' Subsoiler ........................ M & W 1875, 9S24 Subsoiler................................ (2) M & W 1860, 9 Shank Subsoiler ................star M & W 1465, 7 Shank Subsoiler .......................... M & W 1465, 5 Shank Subsoiler .......................... Wilrich 6600, '88, 5 Shank Subsoiler .................... (6) Wilrich V957DDR Subsoiler ......................start JD 1710A Chisel Plow .......................................... JD 1610, 36' Chisel Plow ...................................... Tebben 7140, 7 Shank Chisel Plow........................ Case 800 MB Plow ................................................ IH 800, 11x18 MB Plow ........................................ IH 730, 5 Bottom MB Plow.................................... JD 3710, 10 Bottom MB Plow .............................. JD 3710, 7 Bottom MB Plow ................................ JD 724, 44 Shank Combo Mulch .......................... CIH 110, 45' Crumbler ..........................................
Chase Groskreutz, East - (320) 24 Randy Olmscheid, West - (320) 58
Claas 980, '10, 655 hrs.......................................... Claas 980, '10, 915 hrs.......................................... Claas 980, '09, 1135 hrs........................................ Claas 980, '08........................................................ Claas 970, '08, 1040 hrs........................................ Claas 900, '09, 1625 hrs........................................ Claas 900, '07, 1935 hrs........................................ Claas 900, '07, 2430 hrs........................................ Claas 900, '02, 3995 hrs........................................ Claas 890, '02, 2555 hrs........................................ Claas 870 GE, '06, 2590 hrs .................................. Claas 870, '03, 2790 hrs........................................ Claas 860, '00, 1435 hrs........................................ Claas 860, '95, 4120 hrs........................................ JD 7800, '05, 3870 hrs.......................................... JD 6950, '00, 1650 hrs.......................................... JD 6810, '96, 4590 hrs.......................................... NH FX60, '03, 1970 hrs ........................................ NH FX28, '01, 320 hrs .......................................... NH 1900, '89, 1740 hrs ........................................ Gehl CB1265 PT Forg Harv.................................... Gehl CB1085 PT Forg Harv.................................... Gehl 1075 PT Forg Harv ........................................ NH 790H PT Forg Harv .......................................... NH FP240 PT Forg Harv ........................................ NH FP230 PT Forg Harv ........................................ (5) Claas PU380HD Hayhead ..........................start Claas PU380 Pro Hayhead .................................... (7) Claas PU380 Hayhead ..............................start (2) Claas PU300 Hayhead ................................star JD 640B Hayhead .................................................. NH 3500 Hayhead.................................................. NH 355W Hayhead ................................................ (2) NH 340W Hayhead......................................star NH 3R30 Hayhead ................................................ (4) Claas Orbis 900 Cornhead ......................startin (2) Claas Orbis 750 Cornhead ........................start Claas Orbis 600 Cornhead .................................... (12) Claas RU600, 8R30 Cornhead ................start (2) Claas RU450XTRA Cornhead ....................start (8) Claas RU450 Cornhead ............................start Claas 4R30 Cornhead ............................................ (2) JD 678, 8R30 Cornhead............................start Kemper 6008 Cornhead ........................................ Kemper 3000 Cornhead ........................................ NH 3PN Cornhead.................................................. (2) NH R1600 Cornhead ................................start NH R1450 Cornhead..............................................
CIH 8830, '88, 2535 hrs ........................................ CIH DHX181 Draper Head...................................... CIH MDX81 Disc Mower........................................ Kuhn GMD600HD Disc Mower .............................. NH H6730 Disc Mower .......................................... NH HM235, 6' Disc Mower.................................... Landpride AFM4211 Rotary Mower ...................... H & S TWM9 Wind Merg ...................................... Kuhn 300 Wind Merg ............................................ Millerpro 310, 30' Wind Merg .............................. (4) Millerpro 14-16 Wind Merg ......................start Oxbo 14-16 Wnd Merg .......................................... H & S 14HC Rake .................................................. Kuhn GA8521 Rake................................................ Kuhn GA7301 Rake................................................
(2) CIH RBX562 Rnd Baler ............................start CIH RBX561 Rnd Baler .......................................... CIH 8460, 5x6 Rnd Baler ...................................... CIH 3650, 5x6 Rnd Baler ...................................... (2) Claas 280RC Rnd Baler ..........................startin
..........$23,750 ..........$24,500 ..........$18,500 ..........$43,500 ..........$12,900 ..........$12,900 ..........$14,500 rting at $8,900 ............$8,500 ............$6,500 ............$5,800 ting at $23,500 ............$3,500 ............$5,750 ............$7,450 ..........$10,300 ............$6,950 ............$3,000 ..........$49,500 ..........$33,950 ..........$15,500 ............$8,900
Sales: • Bob Pfingston • Nate Scharmer • Brian Lingle • Christy Hoff • Bob Lindahl • Tim Hansen • Jeff Ruprecht
ST. MARTIN, MN • 320-548-3285 Sales: • Dan Hoffman • Erik Mueller • Randy Olmscheid • Jamie Pelzer
ALDEN, MN • 507-874-3400
Sales: • Brad Wermedal • Tim Wiersma • Tim Engebretson • Bob Joubert BALERS Continued
Hesston 540, 4x4 Rnd Baler ..............................................$6,500 JD 567, 5x6 Rnd Baler ....................................................$19,500 NH 855 Rnd Baler..............................................................$3,500 NH 850, 5x6 Rnd Baler ......................................................$3,250 NH BR780A Rnd Baler ....................................................$17,800 NH BR780 Rnd Baler ......................................................$15,900 NH 664, 5x6 Rnd Baler ......................................................$8,500 New Idea 4865, 5x6 Rnd Baler ..........................................$9,500 CIH LBX432 Rec Baler ....................................................$64,500 (2) CIH 8575 Rec Baler ..................................starting at $27,500 CIH 8530 Rec Baler ..........................................................$4,900 JD 327 Rec Baler ..............................................................$4,950 (2) NH BB940A Rec Baler ..............................starting at $49,500 NH 315 Rec Baler ..............................................................$3,500
Cat 236B, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$23,500 Gehl 7800, '01, 6395 hrs ................................................$18,500 Gehl 7810 Turbo, '04, 3350 hrs ......................................$34,500 Gehl 5240E, '10, 380 hrs ................................................$27,500 Gehl 4840, '05, 5730 hrs ................................................$12,700 Gehl 4825SX, '98, 5640 hrs ..............................................$8,500 Gehl 4640, '05, 3295 hrs ................................................$18,000 Gehl 4625SX, '98 ............................................................$10,500 Gehl 4625SX, 425 hrs........................................................$9,950 Gehl 3825, '99, 2520 hrs ..................................................$9,500 JD 328, '05, 5180 hrs......................................................$19,500 JD 320, 2210 hrs ............................................................$19,900 Mustang 320, 1465 hrs ....................................................$2,900 NH 175, '11, 525 hrs ......................................................$26,900 Case 580M, '06, 4400 hrs ..............................................$41,500 Kubota KX91-2, '97 ........................................................$14,500
SPRAYERS - SELF-PROPELLED Rudy Lusk - (507) 227-4119
SPRING TILLAGE (3) CIH TM 200, 60.5' Fld Cult ......................starting at $67,500 (7) CIH TM 200, 50.5' Fld Cult ......................starting at $50,900 CIH TMII, 54.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$35,500 CIH TMII, 50.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$42,500 CIH TMII, 49.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$29,000 (2) CIH TMII, 48.5' Fld Cult ............................starting at $44,000 (2) CIH TMII, 46.5' Fld Cult ............................starting at $38,500 CIH TMII, 44.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$34,500 CIH TMII, 30.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$27,900 CIH 4900, 53' Fld Cult ......................................................$5,500 CIH 4900, 44.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$5,900 CIH 4900, 30.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$9,200 CIH 4900 Fld Cult ..............................................................$5,500 CIH 4800, 32.5' Fld Cult ....................................................$8,400 CIH 4800, 32' Fld Cult ......................................................$7,500 CIH 4300, 35' Fld Cult ....................................................$12,500 CIH 4300, 22.5' Fld Cult ..................................................$12,750
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MISCELLANEOUS (3) Alloway 20' Shredder..................................starting at $5,500 Alloway 15' Shredder ......................................................$11,500 Balzer 5205M, 30' Shredder ..............................................$7,400 (2) Balzer 2000, 20' Shredder ..........................starting at $5,500 Hiniker 1700, 20' Shredder..............................................$11,500 (4) JD 220, 20' Shredder..................................starting at $6,950 JD 120, 20' Shredder ......................................................$12,500 Loftness 360BS Shredder................................................$10,000 Loftness 264, 22' Shredder ............................................$15,900 (2) Loftness 240, 20' Shredder ......................starting at $13,500 Loftness 180BP-556 Shredder ..........................................$8,500 Loftness 22' Shredder ......................................................$7,900 (2) Loftness 20' Shredder ................................starting at $3,500 Wilrich 22' Shredder........................................................$12,900 Woods 522CD, 22' Shredder ..........................................$15,500 Woods S20CD Shredder ..................................................$15,900 (2) Woods 22' Shredder ..................................starting at $5,500 Woods 20' Shredder........................................................$10,900 Woods 15' Shredder........................................................$10,500 Gehl 970, 14' Forage Box ..................................................$5,500 Millerpro 9015 Forage Box ..............................................$42,000 NH 816 Forage Box............................................................$8,000 CIH 600 Forage Blower......................................................$4,500 Hesston PK5, 60" Forage Blower ......................................$3,800 Millerpro 1060 II Forage Blower ........................................$7,500 NH 679 Manure Spreader ..................................................$3,195 NH 514, 180 bu Manure Spreader ....................................$2,950 CIH 1360 Grinder Mixer ....................................................$9,500 Lorenz 100 Grinder Mixer..................................................$3,500 Brandt 1060 SWD Auger ..................................................$5,500 GSI 10x31E Auger ............................................................$3,300 Thielen 3918FL Auger ..............................................call for price Westfield W130-61 Auger..................................................$5,500 Farmhand F235 Loader......................................................$3,500 JD 148 Loader ..................................................................$3,500 Lindsay Bale Transport ........................................................$850 DMI 400, 400 bu Grav Box ................................................$3,500 EZ Flow 300 bu Grav Box ..................................................$2,500 (3) J & M 250-7 Grav Box ................................starting at $1,500 Killbros 350, 250 bu Grav Box ..........................................$1,650 Minnesota 350BA Grav Box ..............................................$2,650 (2) Parker 6250, 600 bu Grav Box..................starting at $13,500 (3) Parker 2600 Grav Box ................................starting at $4,500 Parker 2500, 300 bu Grav Box ..........................................$1,850 (2) Parker 2000, 250 bu Grav Box....................starting at $2,000 (2) Parker 505, 550 bu Grav Box....................starting at $14,900 Year Round 550 Grav Box ................................................$5,900 A & L F500, 500 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$8,995 Balzer 1250 Grain Cart ....................................................$57,000 Brent 1194 Grain Cart......................................................$41,500 Brent 976, 1000 bu Grain Cart ........................................$25,000 Brent 876, 1000 bu Grain Cart ........................................$28,500 Brent 876, 800 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$26,500 Brent GC572 Grain Cart ..................................................$15,900 JD 1210A, 450 bu Grain Cart ............................................$3,950 J & M 1326-22 Grain Cart ..............................................$50,900 Kinze 1050 Grain Cart......................................................$82,750 Parker 882, 850 bu Grain Cart ........................................$39,000 Parker 700, 700 bu Grain Cart ..........................................$7,000 Unverferth5000 Grain Cart ..............................................$16,500 Leon 3000 Rockpicker ......................................................$3,900
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
CIH 4260, 98, 4270 hrs ..................................................$79,900 JD 4930, '11 ..................................................................$279,000 Miller 4365, '10, 1075 hrs ............................................$269,000 Miller 4275, '11, 525 hrs ..............................................$259,000 Miller 4275, '09, 1400 hrs ............................................$199,000 Miller 4240, '08, 610 hrs ..............................................$169,000 Miller 4240, '08, 615 hrs ..............................................$179,000 48-3733 Miller 2200TSS, '04, 4400 hrs ........................................$84,900 83-6014 Miller 2200TSS, '02 ......................................................$102,500 ........$335,000 Redball Raptor, '05, 1250 hrs..........................................$86,500 ........$295,000 SPRAYERS - PULL-TYPE ........$275,000 ........$275,000 Ag Chem 1000 ................................................................$13,500 ........$279,000 Blumhardt 60' ....................................................................$3,350 ........$242,000 Century 750, 60' ................................................................$4,900 ........$175,000 Demco Conquest ............................................................$19,500 ........$180,000 Fast 9500, 2400 Gal ........................................................$45,000 ........$130,000 Fast 7446, 2400 Gal ........................................................$29,900 ........$147,000 Hardi Commander............................................................$59,500 ........$184,500 Hardi 6600, 180 Gal ........................................................$69,000 ........$162,000 Hardi CM6600..................................................................$66,000 ..........$89,500 Hardi NAV1000 ..................................................................$4,250 ..........$78,500 Hardi NP1100, 60' ..........................................................$12,500 ........$155,000 Redball 690, 2000 Gal ....................................................$29,500 ..........$88,500 Redball 670, 1200 Gal ....................................................$21,500 ..........$59,500 Redball 670, 90' ............................................................$20,000 ........$115,000 Redball 565......................................................................$15,500 ..........$58,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$39,500 ..........$28,000 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$41,000 ............$7,500 Top Air 1600R90, '11 ......................................................$42,500 ..........$12,500 Top Air 1600, 120' ..........................................................$40,000 ............$9,500 Top Air TA1100, 60' ........................................................$18,500 ............$6,500 SKID LOADERS/EXCAVATORS ..........$23,000 ..........$16,500 ting at $13,500 ..........$24,500 ting at $11,500 rting at $8,500 ..........$11,500 ............$6,500 ............$8,500 rting at $5,000 ............$6,500 ng at $110,000 ting at $78,000 ..........$68,000 ting at $24,500 ting at $42,000 ting at $29,000 ..........$11,500 ting at $43,000 ..........$51,500 ..........$22,000 ............$8,500 Case SR250, '12, 2 hrs....................................................$42,500 ting at $39,500 Case SR200, '11, 945 hrs................................................$32,500 ..........$25,000 Case 1845C, '97, 5085 hrs ..............................................$12,600 Case 1845C, '94 ..............................................................$12,900 Case 1845C, '92, 3975 hrs ..............................................$11,500 ..........$17,500 Case 1840, '95, 4395 hrs ................................................$10,500 ..........$20,000 Case 1840, '91, 6355 hrs ..................................................$9,850 ............$5,800 Case 1840, '89, 2600 hrs ................................................$10,900 ............$6,000 Case 1840, '89, 3350 hrs ..................................................$9,900 ............$7,750 Case 1840, 5695 hrs..........................................................$8,500 ............$5,750 Case 1825, '89, 4000 hrs ..................................................$5,500 ..........$12,500 Case 450CT, '08, 1570 hrs ..............................................$41,500 ..........$26,500 Case 445, '06, 1975 hrs ..................................................$30,500 ..........$23,000 Case 440, '08, 3360 hrs ..................................................$32,500 ..........$72,000 Case 440, '07, 2330 hrs ..................................................$22,500 ting at $26,500 Case 435, '07, 1050 hrs ..................................................$20,900 ..........$48,000 Case 430, '09, 1500 hrs ..................................................$27,500 ............$7,500 Case 430, '09, 2560 hrs ..................................................$21,500 ..........$23,500 Case 430, '08, 400 hrs ....................................................$27,500 ..........$14,500 Case 430, '07, 4750 hrs ..................................................$16,900 Case 430, '06, 2105 hrs ..................................................$17,900 Case 430, '06, 3905 hrs ..................................................$22,000 Bobcat S-250, '05, 4615 hrs............................................$24,500 ting at $12,500 Bobcat S-185, '07, 3100 hrs............................................$21,500 ............$9,500 Bobcat S-185, 5500 hrs ..................................................$13,900 ............$5,750 Bobcat T250, '04, 4820 hrs ............................................$17,800 ............$6,995 ng at $19,500
Stop in at Arnold’s today to learn about our 0% FINANCING SPECIALS on select used equipment
17 B
WILLMAR, MN • 320-235-4898
Tillage Equip
18 B
Tillage Equip
JD 630 disk, new blades, 26' Machinery Wanted 5”, $18,000. 515-230-2244
ABSOLUTE DEALER AUCTION Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 9:30 A.M.
Ag Equipment Inventory • Lawn & Garden Inventory NOTICE: As Frontier Ag & Turf has sold their West Salem and Westby locations to Tractor Central they will liquidate the following inventory of Ag & Consumer Products An assortment of new & used parts, attachments and vehicles.
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Live online bidding available - www.gehlinglive.com
Selling Tractors including: ‘10 JD 8345R, MFWD, 944 hrs., IVT, ILS, Premium 480/85R50 & 420/85R34 w/duals • ‘11 8285R, MFWD, 906 hrs. • ‘06 9620T, 2574 hrs., 36” belts W.S. drawbar, Deluxe Comfort, auto trak ready • ‘09 5105, MFWD, 393 hrs. w/new 563 loader • ‘09 6230, 2-whl., Premium, 2680 hrs. • 6140, MFWD, P.Q. w/640 loader • 2940, 2-wl. • 2940, MFWD • 2440 w/146 loader • 4430 Quad • 4020D, PS • 3020 gas • 2020 Ulitity • 3010 gas • 1010 Ulitity • 520 • ‘06 CIH STX430, 2368 hrs., PS, D.L., 42” w/duals • 5488 • 784-D, 2-whl. • 574 gas • 606 Ulility • 806 gas • ‘08 Kubota M125X, MFWD, 539 hrs., PS w/LA 160 loader • Ford NH 9482, 42” w/duals • 800 8N • AC 7000, PS • B • White 2-105 • 4-150 – Combines: ‘07 JD 9660STS, 767 sep., CM, chopper, touch control • 9650 Walker, 2000 sep. • 9550 sidehill • 9500 sidehill, 2578 sep., CM, 30.5x32 • 9550,2765 sep., 20.5x32 • 7720 • 7700 – Heads: 925 Flex • 920 Flex • 915 Flex • 1290 • (2) 893 • 444 – Planters: ‘07 JD 1770NT, 16R30”, CCS, liquid fert., single disk, PS drive, Dawn combos • 7000, 12R30”, liquid fert • 7000, 4-row, dry, no till coulters, air drills • 1850, 30’, no till, 10” spacing w/787 cart • CIH 8600, 30’, 71/2” spacing – Drills: JD 1530 • 8200, 12’ • IH 5400, 15’ • Great Plains 15’ no till w/G.S. – Hay & Forage: NH HW340 windrower w/15.5” disc head • HW300 windrower w/14’ platform – Mower Conditioners: 1442 • 499 • 492 • Vermeer MC1030 • JD 956 • 945 • 935 • 535 – Balers: JD 582 SS w/cover edge • 568 w/net • 567 • 566 • 556 • 457 • 466 • 435 • (2) 535 • 510 • 327 • CIH 8460 • NH 853 • NH 310 – Choppers: (2) JD 3970 • 3950 – Heads: JD 640B • (2) 630A, 7’, 2RW • H&S 30’ merger • H&S 9’ merger • H&S BF 14-wheel rake – Skid Loaders: ‘10 JD CT322D, 225 hrs. • (2) 315 • (3) 325 • CT332 • CT322 • 328 • SP350010 • Bobcat S205 • S185 • 742 • NH L170 – Miscellaneous Equipment: ‘07 JD 244J wheel loader, 2600 hrs. • ‘05 110TLB, 665 hrs. • Tractor/Loader/Backhoe • JD 520 & 115 stalk shredders • Kinze 800 & Brent 674 grain carts • Miller Pro 1250 sprayer • Plus spreaders and all other types of miscellaneous equipment • An assortment of Ag and Lawn & Garden equipment • New and used parts & attachments • Plus, Service & Sales Vehicles including (2) 2002 Chevrolet 1500 • (2) 2001 • 2004, 4x4 1999 • 2000 Chevrolet 3500 • 2000 Dodge 2500 • 1999 Ford F250, dsl. • 1994 350 • 1996 Chevrolet straight truck • 2004 H&S Loadmaster tandem axle utility trailer • 1999 Metal Works tandem axle trailer • Plus approx. 135 Lawn & Garden Items. For a complete listing more information or photos go to www.gehlingauction.com email: gehling@gehlingauction.com, or call any Frontier Ag & Turf location, or Gehling Auction Co. 1-800-770-0347 Terms: JD Financing & Programs Available to qualified buyers on qualified items. All other items Cash or Good Check day of sale
JD BWA 18' tandem disk, All kinds of New & Used EHIBI, SN: 024185B; Bush farm equipment – disc chisHog 10' chisel plow, SN: els, field cults, planters, D713253, both always shedsoil finishers, cornheads, ded. 507-822-2297 feed mills, discs, balers, haybines, etc. 507-438-9782 M&W #1700 5 or 7 Shank Earthmasters, Demo Unit Disc chisels: JD 714 & 712, (Heavy Duty Model) Has Glencoe 7400; Field Cults WARRANTY (Reduced under 30': JD 980, small Price) Other Sizes. We grain carts & gravity boxes Trade/Del Anywhere. Deal300-400 bu. Finishers under 20', clean 4 & 6R stalk choper. LOTS of M&W Earthpers; Nice JD 215 & 216 master Parts. 319-347-6282 flex heads; JD 643 cornReconditioned IH 800 9-13 heads Must be clean; JD bottom auto reset plows for corn planters, 4-6-8 row. sale. Call 507-830-2115 715-299-4338
Frontier Ag & Turf • W 3807 C.T.H.-C West Salem, Wisconsin
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
IH 720, 4-18” AR plow, very WANTED TO BUY: DMI or Case IH 527 ripper. 320-352good cond., always stored 3878 inside, $2,900. 507-272-4678
NEW Versatile 435, 4WD ................................CALL NEW Versatile 305, FWA ................................CALL NEW NH TD5050, FWA, w/cab ......................CALL NH T8 330 ........................................................CALL NEW Massey 8670, FWA ................................CALL NEW Massey 5450, FWA, cab, loader............CALL ‘08 NH 6070 w/cab, 2WD ............................$69,000 NH 8870 ......................................................$69,000 NH 8870, SS ..............................................COMING ‘90 Ford 7710II, cab, 2WD ..........................$25,000 Ford 5000, diesel, w/cab ..........................COMING ‘06 IH 560, WF ..............................................$5,200 IH 806, gas, w/Allied loader ..........................$7,850 ‘66 Allis 190, gas............................................$6,000 Allis 7060........................................................$6,950 Allis 7045 ....................................................COMING ALLIS 5020 ......................................................CALL ‘54 Farmall 300 w/loader ..............................$2,550
JD 985, 54.5 field cult. w/3 bar ......................CALL M&W 9-shank, 24” w/leveler ......................$14,500 Salford RTS, 32’ ..............................................CALL Brillion HC 32’ ..............................................$13,950 DMI Chisel Champ, 11-shank ......................$2,500 JD 960, 36’ w/3-bar ......................................$6,950 ‘05 JD 2700, 9-24 shank..............................$27,000 White 588, 4-bottom......................................$1,800 CIH 800, 9-bottom ....................................COMING Wilrich 3400, 50.5’ w/4 bar..........................$14,900
NEW NH skidsteers on hand ..........................CALL
‘06 NH L170 ................................................$17,500 Westendorf WL40 w/IH mts ..........................$2,600
NEW White planters ........................................CALL White 6222, 12-30 front fold ..........................CALL
‘94 Gleaner R72 w/new engine ..................$58,000 ‘90 Gleaner R60 w/duals ..........................COMING ‘08 Fantini 12-30 chopping cornhead ........$68,000 Gleaner N6 ....................................................$6,750 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ..................CALL
New Hesston & NH Hay Tools On Hand
NEW Salford RTS units ..................................CALL NEW Unverferth seed tenders ................ON HAND NEW Westfield augers ..........................AVAILABLE NEW Rem 2700 vac ........................................CALL NEW Century HD1000, 60’ sprayers ..............CALL NEW Riteway rollers........................................CALL NEW Lorenz snowblowers ..............................CALL NEW Batco conveyors ....................................CALL NEW Brent wagons & grain carts ..................CALL NEW E-Z Trail seed wagons ..........................CALL NEW rock buckets & pallet forks .................. CALL NEW Hardi sprayers ........................................CALL REM 2700, Rental............................................CALL Unverferth 8000 grain cart ..........................$19,000 Kinze 1050 w/duals ....................................$48,500 (DMI Parts Available)
SMITHS MILL IMPLEMENT Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN
Phone (507) 234-5191 or (507) 625-8649 Mon. - Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 7:30-Noon www.smithsmillimp.com
Machinery Wanted
19 B
WANTED TO BUY: IH 720 4x16 plow. 320-352-3878
WANTED: 3pt 5 shank subsoiler, need not have coulters, 651-564-0606 WANTED: 720 or newer 618 On-land. No junk! (320) 384-6743 WANTED: 8R20” chopping cornhead, also wanted, grass interseeder. 320-3332742 WANTED: IH Hydro 656 or 70, must be good. Have 656 for sale or trade, very good, standard transmission. Phone (320) 839-3338 WANTED: JD 7000 4R corn planter, 16A flail chopper, also vacuum pumps. Any above, any condition. (320) 630-8131 WANTED: JD 7200 8RN planter w/ wing fold; Pair of 28Lx26 combine tires in good condition; 8' snow bucket for IH 2350 loader. 320-275-2596 WANTED: Landoll 12' soil finisher & 4 row stalk chopper. (608)634-3860 WANTED: Vandale or Automatic corn sileage processor. (715) 495-2124 Wanted
WANTED: IH or Glencoe chisel plow, 11 shank w/ disks in front, in good condition. 952-955-1181 Feed Seed Hay
Clean wheat straw for feeding or bedding. Delivered by truckload. Good year round supply. Call Wes at Red River Forage, 1-866575-7562 Dairy Quality Alfalfa Tested big squares & round bales, delivered from South Dakota John Haensel (605) 351-5760
6 miles East of
CAMBRIDGE, MN 763-689-1179 We Ship Daily
Visa and MasterCard Accepted
No small items • Please be on time.
Paul & Denise Grafenberg • 30499 Dairyland Drive, Winonna, MN Location: From Interstate 90 take Exit 252, go south to stop sign, go east 1 mile then south. Watch for auction arrows.
Live online bidding available - www.gehlinglive.com Tractors: ‘04 JD 7520, MFWD, 3960 hrs., IVT, 4 remotes, 540/1000 PTO, 520/85R38, 1-owner • ‘05 JD 7420, MFWD, 1882 hrs., PQ, 480/80R38 • IH 1486, 10 hrs. on OH, 18.4x38 w/duals, 1066 open station • 806 dsl., low time on OH, 18.4x38, very straight, M w/clam shell fenders • Case 2294, MFWD, 5911 hrs., 18.4x38 – Hay Equipment: NH FP230 chopper w/Metal Alert III, tandem axles, 12 knife, has done approx. 1200 total acres • NH 27P hay head • NH 1431 discbine, very nice • Vermeer R2300 rake, has done approx. 800 acres • NH 256 rake • (2) H&S Power Box 48, 18’ rear unload chopper boxes on H&S 15-ton gears w/16.5x16.1 tires • NH 660 baler – Tillage Equipment: DMI 9-shank Coulter Champ II, 13shank chisel • IH 48, 24’ disk • Farmhand-Glencoe 24’ field cultivator w/harrow & new shovels this spring – Livestock Equipment: Patz V620 TMR w/scale • NH 195 spreader, new top beater • Gehl MS1322 scavenger spreader • Edge SF 96” silage facer • Several other skid loader attachments and buckets • (3) SI 20’ metal feed bunks • 20’ calf huts (4) – Future Products: • (3) DMC 2speed barn fans – Miscellaneous Equipment: (4) Steel kicker racks • (3) Tandem gears • JD GT262 lawn tractor w/deck • Gas power log splitter on trailer • Assortment of new and used gates. For a complete listing and photos go to www.gehlingauction.com email: gehling@gehlingauction.com, or call Paul - 507-452-4476, or Gehling Auction Co. 1-800-770-0347 Terms: Cash or Good Check day of sale
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Good selection of tractor parts - New & Used All kinds of hay equipment, haybines, balers, choppers parted out. New combine belts for all makes. Swather canvases, round baler belting, used & new tires.
Thursday, October 25, 2012 - 10:30 A.M.
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
WANTED: Cozy cab for a 318 JD lawn & garden. In good cond, glass intact. (608)695-5745 7am - 7pm.
20 B
Balzer Express Tank
• 1/4” Uni-body Construction • 5” and 6” Solid Steel Spindles in Sleeves • Long Tongue and PTO • 5,000, 6,000 and 6,750 gallon sizes available
New Tanks & Pumps: Any Size Available Other
- Doda 13’ vertical pump - Clay 12’ vertical pump - N Tech vari width vertical manure pump - ‘09 Doda 10’ vertical pump - Balzer V-6, 8‘ pump - Balzer Doda 6’ Super 150 vertical pump - Balzer 314 agitator - 8”x30’ wheeled load stand - Balzer 38’ lagoon pump - ‘06 Hydro Engineering, 16 shank, 30’ folding injector bar
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
Express Lagoon Pump
• Up to 4000 gallons per minute The most durable and dependable high capacity pump available.
Used Tanks:
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
• Balzer 10,000 gal. 5th wheel slurry • Balzer 7400 gal. disc wheel slurry w/5 unit injector • Houle 6000 gal. slurry w/4 unit disk injector • Balzer 6000 gal. magnum slurry tank • Balzer 4200 gal. slurry w/5 unit spring shank injector • Balzer 3750 w/4-shank injector • Better Bilt 1500 vac tank • Better Bilt 1100 gal. vac tank • Badger 800 gal. single axle vacuum tank
- Top Air TA116, 1600 gal., 80’ boom, Raven 440 - Spray Specialites XLRD 1500 gal., 80’ boom sprayer - Top Air 1100 gal., 88’ boom, Raven 450 monitor - Top Air 1100 gal., 60’ boom - Blumhardt tandem axles, 1000 gal., 90’ boom w/foamer - Century HD 1000 gal., 60’ boom - Demco Conquest 1000 gal, 60’ boom, Raven 440 - Ag Chem 750 gal., 60’ X-fold boom - Walsh 500 gal., 45’ boom - New Hardi 150 gal., 32’ PTO sprayer - Parker Model 5500 gravity wagon - Brent 1080 grain cart - Brent 420 grain cart - JD 1210A, 400 bu. grain cart - PFM hydraulic rock picker - Krause Model 8200, 36’ disk - C-IH MRX690, 17.5’ ripper - IH 706, gas, WF - JD Model 2700, 7 shank chisel plow - JD 980, 26.5’ field cultivator - JD 960, 32.5’ field cultivator w/3 bar harrow - New Balzer Model 2000 & Model 1500 pull type stalk choppers - Brady 14’ stalk chopper - JD 9620T w/2165 hrs. - JD 7720 w/1750 hrs. - ’97 JD 7810, MFWD, w/2330 hrs. - JD 4830, 4WD, 3 pt., 9150 hrs. - Duetz 100-06, 6962 hrs. - C-IH Puma 165, MFWD, 14.9x46 rears, 535 hrs. - JD 8130, MFWD, 1326 hrs. - C-IH 7120, MFWD, 2942 hrs. - Loftness 8’ sgl. auger 2-stage snowblower - Tox-o-Wic 370 PTO drive grain dryer - Vermeer WR22 10 wheel rake - JD 210, 16’ disk - JD 7000 corn planter - Roose 16’ hyd. hog cart
E-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS 710 Bu. - On Hand ............................$18,795 510 Bu. - On Hand..........Starting at $10,995 GRAVITY WAGONS 500 E-Z Trail - On Hand ........$7,995-$9,020 400 E-Z Trail............................$6,895-$7,250 HARVEST INTERNATIONAL/AUGERS T10-32 - 52 Truck Auger ........$3,500-$4,950 H10-62 - 82 Swing Hopper ....$8,500-$9,750 H13-62 - 92 Swing Hopper $13,500-$18,500 12 Volt Auger Mover ..........................$1,995 Hyd. Auger Mover ..............................$1,350 HITCH DOC SEED TENDERS 2 Box Tandem - On Hand ..................$9,850 4 Box Tandem - On Hand ................$15,950 6 Box Gooseneck..............................$25,000
NEW KOYKER LOADERS 510 Loader - On Hand............Call for Quote Koyker 210 Auger Vac ......................$23,500 Koyker Stor-Mor Grain Baggers & Bag Unloaders ..............................In Stock COMBINE HEAD MOVERS E-Z Trail 4-wheel 21’-30’ ....................................$2,750-$3,520 NEW ROUND BALE RACKS 10’x23’ - On Hand ..............................$1,995 NEW WHEEL RAKES 14 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,995 12 Wheel, high capacity ....................$8,495 10 Wheel, V Rake - On Hand..............$3,750 5 Wheel, 3 pt. Rake - On Hand ..........$1,325 Land Levelers, 10’ & 12’ ..............On Hand SNOWBLOWERS All Sizes ..........................................On Hand
Parker 525, Like New..........................$8,000
Maurer gooseneck grain trailer ..........$8,500 ‘89 Skytrak 6036 telescoping forklift ............Was $14,000 - Now $10,500 ‘96 Skytrak 6036 telescoping forklift..............................................$16,000 H&S 12 wheel V-rake ..........................$2,750 Walco 12’ Land leveler ......................$2,900 Feterl 10”x36’ truck auger, electric ....$2,150 Westfield 10”x71’ swing hopper w/right
Woodford Ag 507-430-5144
37666 300th St. • Redwood Falls, MN WWW.WOODFORDAG.COM
Feed Seed Hay
21 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
Dairy quality western alfalfa, big squares or small squares, delivered in semi loads. Clint Haensel (605) 310-6653 FOR SALE: 300 bales of first cut alfalfa, no rain, stored inside, $4.50/bale. 507-530-1433 FOR SALE: 4x5 grass round bales, nice; Wind Mill & Tower, Baker Mfg Co, Evansville WI; also, small square alfalfa, very nice. 320-266-5216 FOR SALE: All types of hay & straw in round bales & lg squares, tested separately, net & twine wrapped, delivered in semi loads. Tim 320-221-2085
FARM SYSTEMS 3695 HWY 14 WEST Owatonna, MN 55060 800-385-3911 • 507-451-3131 www.northlandfarmsystems.com
FOR SALE: Timothy grass hay for sale. No rain. 218242-7917 Good Crops Start w/ Good Seed. Wisconsin Certified seed. Exc quality Kaskaskia soft red winter wheat seed. 98% germination. We can deliver! Wymore Seed & Farm Supply, Glen Flora, WI (715) 322-5636 Hay for sale. Available by Semi. Leroy Ose, Thief River Falls, MN. 218-689-6675
WANTED & FOR SALE ALL TYPES of hay & straw. Also buying corn, wheat & oats. Western Hay available. Fox Valley Alfalfa Mill. 920-853-3554 WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL TYPES of hay & straw. Also buying corn, wheat & oats. Western Hay available Fox Valley Alfalfa Mill. 920-853-3554 Dairy
FOR SALE: 2500 gal Mueller milk tank, 5 & 3 hp Mueller milk compressors, Mueller model D free heater 120 gal all S/S. Complete milking parlor system. 36” & 48” fans,14 stall Germania parlor 36” spacing, auto takeoffs w/ De Laval claws & shells, Germania crowd gate & controls air 20', For more complete details please call 507-391-0098 or 507-874-3424
Midwest Ag Equip Farm Equipment For Sale (2) ‘12 Challenger 665D, Brand New, Loaded ................................................CALL ‘08 Cat 965B, 1300 hrs ..............$196,500 ‘04 Cat 855, 3000 hrs. ................$185,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 800 hrs., loaded w/all options ................................$170,000 ‘07 Cat MT755B, 2100 hrs. ........$150,000 ‘89 Versatile 846, 4000 hrs., (So. MN tractor) ............................$40,000 ‘08 Lexion 595R, 650 hrs. ..........$245,000 ‘08 Krause Dominator, 18’ ..........$38,000 ‘04 DMI Tiger Mate II, (50.5’) ......$37,500 ‘96 Terragator 1844, 1800 gal., 3900 hrs. ........................................$45,000 ‘03 Wilrich 957 VDR, nice shape $12,000
Financing Available
Emerson Kalis Easton, MN 56025 • 507-381-9675
Gehl RS6-XR42, 42’ lift height, w/forks, 1500 hrs., SN: 3533 ..$38,800 Gehl RS8-42, 42’ lift height, w/forks, 2300 hrs., SN: 5594 ......$39,700 ‘99 Terex TH528 w/forks, Cummins eng., 28’ boom ................$19,000
International 706, 540 PTO, 70 hp, 2 WD, loader bucket & pallet forks, SN: 16469 ........................................................................$7,900 ‘10 Cub Cadet EX450 Yanmar, full cab, 4WD, backhoe, CL400........................................................................................$28,500 Ford 1000, 540 PTO, 2WD, 2563 hrs, SN: 0212 ..........................$3,900
Gehl 170 mixer mill, 540 PTO, 170 bu., Weigh-Tronix 700E scale, SN: 8632 ....................................................................................$8,900 ‘05 Artsway PM25, 105 bu., Weigh-Tronix scale Model 615 ....$13,900 Pent 6720HD, 540 PTO, EZ View 2000 scale, 8” rubber ext., magnets, SS dual discharge conveyor, SN: 0701 ..................$27,000 Schuler 6110 TMR vertical ........................................................$11,900
‘08 Loewen 2500 Honey Vac V-valley scraper, twin vac pumps, - $28,500
Knight Mfg. 5185, twin vertical mixer, w/’07 Peterbilt..............JUST IN ‘06 Kuhn Knight 3160, 600 cu. ft. capacity, commercial reel, SN: C0042 ................................................................................$28,500 Patz, SN:33520717 ....................................................................JUST IN Gehl 7335, 540 PTO, Digi Star EZ 210 scale, 300 cu. ft. capacity, SN: 9865 ....................................................................................$4,500 Kelly Ryan 4x12 Feed R Wagon, 540 PTO, 4x12 capacity, WeighTronix 715 Model scale, SN: 11658 ..........................................$4,100
‘92 Redi Haul trailer, skid loader trailer, SN: 77691 ....................$2,400 Mensch M1100 sawdust shooter, SN: 2562 ................................$2,200 HLA saw dust bucket, 72”............................................................$2,950 Woodchuck sawdust bucket, 78” ................................................$3,750 NI 517 snowblower, 7’ W, 2-stage, dbl. auger, 540 PTO, SN: 1612 ....................................................................................$1,395 MDS bale hugger, round bale hugger attachment for skid loaders, excellent condition - Demo Unit, Universal attachment, handles 4’-6’ bales ..................................................................................$2,450
Knight Mfg. 8032, 3200 gal. capacity, SN: 0054........................$17,200 Balzer 4200, top fill slurry tank ..................................................$15,500 Badger BN338, slurry manure tank, 3350 gal., SN: 25561 ........$3,500 H&S 430W spreader, 2 spd, upper beater, SN: 209730 ............$11,750 ‘05 Knight MFG 8132 slinger, SN: BO337..................................$23,500 Knight 8014, front splash, wood rails, tandem flotation tires ....$8,100 N-Tech manure pump, 3 pt. 6”x8’, impeller, 1000 RPM..............$5,250 Kuhn Knight 8132 slinger, SN: BO306 ......................................$23,500 Kuhn Knight 8132 slinger, SN: BO237 ..........................................CALL Kuhn Knight 8118 slinger, 540 RPM, truck tires, SN: BO442 ..$16,200 Knight 8014, SN: 0065 ..................................................................$7,500 ‘04 Kuhn Knight 8124 Pro Twin slinger, 1000 PTO, SN: B0013 $18,000 NuHawk 240 spreader ..................................................................$3,750 NH 195 box spreader, 540 PTO, hyd. endgate, upper beater, SN: 224561 ..............................................................................$10,900 ‘12 Balzer 5250, 1 3/8”, 1000 PTO, rental unit, SN: 285STB ........CALL
‘05 JD 956, 13⁄8 PTO, 14’6” cut, rubber rolls, SN: 0763..............$21,500 Gehl 960, 16’ forage box, 540 PTO, running gear, SN: 2837......$1,500 Case 600, 540 PTO, 60” blower bin, SN: 6034............................$2,750 Val-Metal 5600, 540 PTO, hyd. spout rotator, hyd. tub drive, hyd. deflector, Demo Unit........................................................$21,900 JD 1209, 540 PTO, 9’ cut, 2 rubber rollers, SN: 6045 ................$3,300 Gehl 2170, 540 PTO, 9’ cut, clevis hitch, SN: 1917 ......................CALL Kuhn FC353RGC mower conditioner, 11’6” cut, SN: C0016 ....$17,900 Lundell shredder, 2-row ..................................................................$995 Artex VC1004SP bedding machine, 540 PTO, capacity 5 yards, SN: 2102 ....................................................................................$8,250 JD 1209 mower conditioner, 9’ cut ..............................................$3,500 Gehl 1090 haybine, 540 PTO, 9’ cut ............................................$1,900 Gehl 1580 forage blower ..............................................................$3,495 Gehl 940, 16’, tandem gear, forage box ......................................$2,695 NH 27 forage blower........................................................................$700 ‘92 Gehl 970 forage box, Gehl tandem running gear, 16’ ..........$4,500 ‘08 H&S BW1000 bale wrapper, Honda engine, light kit, remote start & steer, SN: 1685 ............................................................$21,500 ‘10 Tonutti 12TCR, 12 wheel rake ................................................$4,850 Gehl 1210 hay head ......................................................................$1,350 H&S CR10 (10 whl V rake) ............................................................$3,750 ‘03 Knight Mfg. 8032, 13⁄8 1000 PTO, SN: 0033..........................$20,500 Agco 3732, 540 PTO, endgate, hyd. variable spd. drives, SN: 262, Sold As Is....................................................................................$4,000 Doda AFI, 540 PTO, manure pump..............................................$3,495
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Reg. Jersey Bulls-1 to 2 years old. Many to choose from. Dams & Grand dams 25,000 to 35,000 lbs of Milk. High test & type. Mother #3 Jersey cow in Nation for milk production. Princess #3183ET. One Bull polled. Pedigrees on most. Some big enough for Holstein Heifers. Sires: Musketeer, Sultan, Louie, Spark, Jamacia, Excitation, Legal, Headline, Ecilipes, Zuma, Merchant, Keynote, Golda. Priced $800-$1,000 each. Delivery Available. Verona, WI. (608)845-9502 or (608) 516-5137
ANYWHERE We buy damaged corn and grain any condition - wet or dry TOP DOLLAR We have vacs and trucks
USED SKIDLOADERS ‘96 Gehl 5625SX, Hand/T-bar, single speed, 1950 hrs., SN:0887 ....................................................................................$13,000 ‘11 Gehl 5640E, T-bar Gehl controls, 2-spd., cab, heat, 3300 hrs., SN: 2975 ..................................................................................$22,750 Gehl 6635DXT, Gehl T-bar control, single spd., 7420 hrs, SN: 0059 ....................................................................................$9,950 ‘79 Gehl 4500, Gehl T-bar ............................................................$4,750 Gehl 6640, SN: 605594 ..............................................................$24,900 Gehl 5640, T-bar, single spd., 4000 hrs., SN: 4046 ..................$14,500 Gehl 5240, Gehl controls, cab, heat, single spd., 3050 hrs. ....$20,900 Gehl 5635DXT II, Gehl T-bar, single speed, SN: 1128 ..............$11,500 ‘98 Gehl 3825, T-bar, single speed, side windows, SN: 12364 ..$8,500 ‘94 Gehl 5625SX, T-bar, single speed, 2950 hrs., SN: 0958 ....$12,400 ‘83 Gehl 3310, Gehl controls, single spd., w/bucket & manure bucket ........................................................................................$3,995 Gehl 4840, 3900 hrs., Gehl T-bar................................................$16,900 Gehl 3510, 55” width, Ford gas engine ......................................$5,750 ‘83 Gehl 3310, Gehl controls, 1425 hrs., SN: 1215 ....................$4,700 ‘05 Mustang 2109, H/F controls, CAH, 2 spd, 1401 hrs, SN:2250 ....................................................................................$28,900 ‘09 Mustang 2076, JS controls, cab, heat, 2-spd., 740 hrs. ....$27,900 Mustang 2700V, DL foot controls, 2 spd., 550 hrs., SN: 1016..$28,900 ‘07 Mustang 2086, H/F controls, cab, heat, 2 spd., 1431 hrs. $24,500 Mustang 2060, T-bar controls/foot pedal, S spd. ....................$10,800 Mustang 2066, H/F controls, S spd., SN:4811 ..............................CALL ‘08 Mustang 2041, H/F controls, head, S spd., 1150 hrs., SN: 1337 ..................................................................................$13,900 ‘92 Mustang 911, H/F controls, SN: 0144....................................$3,600 Mustang 2050, 2950 hrs., dual/lever foot, SN:0805..................$11,500 Mustang 2076, dual lever/foot, cab, heat, 3900 hrs., SN: 3969 ..................................................................................$18,500 ‘06 Mustang 2076, hand/foot controls, cab, heat, single spd. $21,900 Mustang 2056, joy stick case, C&H, 2-spd., PQ-tach, radio, B U alarm, block heater, susp. seat, 522 hrs., SN: 2506 ......$26,950 Mustang 2066, Gehl controls, 2177 hrs., SN: 5356 ..................$20,900 ‘02 Mustang 2044, single pin, 3800 hrs. ....................................$12,200 ‘09 Mustang 2044, T-bar, S-single, 1100 hrs., SN: 6671 ..........$20,500 Mustang 921, T-bar, SN: 0137 ......................................................$5,300 ‘03 Case 70XT, Case controls, cab, heat, single spd., 2006 hrs. ..................................................................................$18,900 ‘06 New Holland LS180B, hand foot controls, cab, heat, 2-spd..CALL NH LS170, H/F controls, cab, heat, single spd, 3584 hrs., SN: 4287 ..................................................................................$13,900 ASV Posi-Trak RC100, Pilot CTL, cab, heat, air, 2 spd., 2169 hrs., SN: 0652 ..................................................................................$27,900
‘11 Kuhn Knight 8132 manure spreader Call For Price
‘10 Gehl 5640E, T-bar, single spd, 399 hrs $26,995
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
NETWRAP FOR SALE: Made heavier for cornstalks. Use less wraps and save. Use 2-3 wraps on stalks. All sizes available. Can ship. 507-360-0251
Mustang 2076, H/F controls, cab, heat, single spd - $19,700
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
22 B
• 320-598-7604 •
Madison, MN From Hwy. 75 & 212 Jct., 3.5 mi. W., 2.5 mi. S.
‘11 CIH 5088 combine, duals, 160 hrs., loaded ..........................................$195,000 (2) CIH 2020 30’ flex head ......................Call CIH 2208 8RN cornhead ..................$19,000 CIH 8010, RWA, loaded, inspected $110,000 IH 2020 35’ flex head ......................$25,000 IH 2020 35’ flex head ......................$17,500 IH 1020 25’/30’ flex heads ......................Call IH 2208, 8RN cornhead (off 2388) ..$20,000 JD 8R20” cornhead, IH adapter..........$2,400 JD 444 4RW cornhead ......................$1,500 JD 443 4RN cornhead ........................$2,250 ‘78 JD 6600 D, hydro combine..........$2,500 JD 218 flex head......................................Call JD 920 flex head......................................Call IH 300, nice tires................................$1,750 IH 384 utility, WF, 3 pt. ......................$5,000 IH 1256 ..............................................$7,500 IH 1086, 4600 hrs.............................Coming JD 2510, gas, nice..............................$6,500 ‘70 JD 3020, gas, late ........................$6,500 ‘72 JD 3020, diesel, syncro ............$10,500 JD 2355, utility, diesel, 2200 hrs. ....$11,500 JD 4020 D, new clutch, synchro ......$6,750 JD 4250, PS, FWA............................$28,500 JD 4250, PS, 3000 hrs.....................$35,000 JD 4250, 2WD, Quad ......................$24,500 JD 4450, PS, FWA............................$32,500 JD 4450, PS, FWA/JD 740 ldr. ........$41,000 JD 4255, Quad, new engine ............$37,500 NH BR 780A baler, net wrap ............$15,500 NH BR 780 baler ................................$8,500 JD 556 round baler ............................$7,500
JD 568 baler ....................................$22,000 JD 843 loader, Like New ..................$12,500 JD 840 loader, JD 8000 mts...............$9,500 JD 720 loader ....................................$5,500 (2) JD 725 loaders ................$6,500/$7,500 JD 740 loader, self leveling ................$8,500 JD 260 loader, grapple........................$4,000 JD 741 loader, Sharp, hardly used ..$11,500 (2) JD 158, (2) JD 148 loaders ............................................$2,500/$4,500 JD 145 loader ....................................$2,500 (2) IH 2350 loaders ..............$3,000/$3,250 CIH 520 loader....................................$3,750 Dual 345, (off IH 856)........................$1,250 (2) K5 loaders ........................$1,500/$2,250 Farmhand F358 loader, (IH mts.) ......$3,250 Miller PL-4 loader ..............................$3,500 Miller PL-3, grapple, JD mts. ............$6,500 New Box Scrapers, 10’/12’....$1,750/$1,850 New & Used Skidsteer Attachments......Call Pallet Forks, Grapples, Rock Buckets ..Call New & Used Batco & Conveyall belt conveyors ............................................Call 8”, 10”, 13” Augers, various sizes........Call (4) Gravity Boxes ......................$750/$4,000 Bobcat T300 skidsteer......................$27,500 Leon 1030, 10’ dozer blade, 4-way....$2,500 Balzer 8RN 20’ shredder, Red............$5,500 JD 24’ chisel plow, walking tandem ..$3,750 JD 15’ chisel plow, walking tandem ..$2,750 JD chisel plow shanks, light, hvy., True Depth ............................................Call
Hundreds more at www.zieglercat.com/used ‘98 MT 865C Challenger 1243 hours, powershift, 16 speeds, hyd, 59 GPM, 5 valves, radar, weights, full front fenders, HID lights, nightbreak, 30 gen, AP belts 85%
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
20 open Brown Swiss, short Too Many Cows! 10 cows & 2 springer heifers for sale. horn & cross bred heifers. All young cows, low scc, 500-800 lbs. Will trade for just fresh. Some springers, other cattle. (608)788-6258 $1,000 - $1,300. Mostly Holor (608) 792-4223 steins & few cross cows. Entire herd of 19 cows, free Call 715-313-0625 or 715-289stall trained, stanchion 4423 milk, all vet check & vaccinated. Owner retiring. 715- WANTED TO BUY! USED BULK MILK COOLER 579-7200 ALL SIZES. 920-867-3048 FOR SALE: Late model used tanks. 2000, 2500, 3000, WANTED TO BUY: Dairy 4000, 5000 & 6000 gallon caheifers and cows. 320-235pacity. (920)-397-0448 2664
WHITE Goodhue, MN 55027
(651) 923-4441 Lodermeiers.net
056 Cattle
23 B
‘10 JD 6115, MFWD, , 118 hp, 18.4x38, 2 hyds, 128 hrs ..$39,900
• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter • 4”x8” frame tubing 1/4” thick • Auto fold
Twine Net Wrap & Bale Tubes
CIH 8920, Magnum, FWA, 18.4x42, 4700 hrs......................................................$69,500 CIH 8920, FWA, 2500 hrs ........................Coming In ‘02 CIH MX240, FWA, 20.8-46 & duals, 4300 hrs......................................................$85,000 IH 966, New Motor, New TA ..........................$13,000 CIH 7210, Magnum, FWA, 8700 hrs, ............$42,000 CIH 7110, Magnum, FWA, 7400 hrs ..............$49,000 CIH 5240, 2WD, 4000 hrs. ............................$42,000 CIH 140 Pro, FWA, 1100 hrs. ........................$72,000 CIH 3294, Case 7700H, FWA ........................$25,000 MX120, MFD, 4200 hrs., 18.4x42 ................$54,000 CIH 7220, 2WD, 4500 hrs. ............................$55,000 IH 1086, 7800 hrs.........................................$13,500 IH Farmall C, NF ............................................$2,200
HD 10-16.5 & HD 12-16.5
NH 166, inverter..............................................$3,500 CIH 600 blower ..............................................$4,500 H&S 7 & 4, 16’ box ........................................$5,500 Krause 9 shank disc chisel ............................$9,200 Krause 20’......................................................$9,200 CIH 3950 disc w/mulcher, cushion gang, 24’ $26,000 CIH 496 w/mulcher, 24’, cushion gang..........$14,500 CIH 496 w/mulcher, cushion ........................$14,500 DMI 527B w/spike tooth drag ......................$15,500 DMI 527 w/disc leveler ................................$13,500 Demco 650 gravity box ................................$12,900 (6) Demco 365 boxes ..............From $5,500-$6,500 Demco used gravity boxes, all sizes available......Call Gehl 125 mixers ..............................Choice $12,500 Gehl 125 ......................................................$18,500 Gehl 170 mixer ............................................$18,500 NH 166 hay inverter, New................................$5,500 New Mandako Land Rollers in stock ..................Call H&S 12-wheel rake, 1 yr. old ..........................$4,800 DMI Tigermate II, 27’ ..................................$22,000
New Sitrex Rakes Available
Many New & Used Rakes Available
‘07 GERINGHOFF 1222, 12R22, CHOP ..........................................................$62,500 ‘83 JD 443, 4R30, STEEL SNOUTS ..................................................................$3,450 ‘10 JD 612C, 12R22, CHOP, ROW SENSE ......................................................$94,000 (2) JD 612C, 12R20..............................................................................FROM $62,500 (2) JD 612C, 12R30, CHOP, ROW SENSE............................................FROM $91,900 ‘79 JD 643, 6R30, LOW TIN ..............................................................................$6,500 (3) JD 643, 6R30 ..................................................................................FROM $4,250 JD 643, 6R30, STEEL SNOUTS ........................................................................$6,900 ‘80 JD 843, 8R30, LOW TIN ..............................................................................$8,900 ‘03 JD 893, 8R30, KNIFE ROLLS ....................................................................$24,900 JD 8R22, 8R22, POLY DIVIDERS ..................................................................$7,900 ‘08 HARVESTER, 8R30, HEADSIGHT ............................................................$42,500
‘07 JD 7930, MFWD, 180 hp, 380-50 duals, 4 hyds, 4125 hrs........... ......................$130,500
‘11 JD 8225R, MFWD, 380-90R54, duals, IVT, 5 hyds, 1270 hrs .......... ......................$173,000
‘98 CS/IH 1020, 30', POLY SKIDS ..................................................................$12,000 JD 220, 20', DAM ..............................................................................................$3,800 ‘04 (6) JD 630F, 30'..............................................................................FROM $24,900 ‘06 JD 635F, 35', POLY SKIDS ........................................................................$27,900 (3) JD 930, 30'........................................................................................FROM $6,750 (5) JD 930F, 30’ ....................................................................................FROM $11,900 ‘90 NH 973, 22', POLY SKIDS ..........................................................................$3,900
‘06 JD 8330, MFWD, 225 hp, 380-90R50, duals, 4 hyds, 3131 hrs ......................$160,000
‘05 JD 2410, CHISEL PLOW, 57 BOTTOM, ACCUDEPT................................$59,900 JD 2700s, MULCH RIPPERS - 7- & 9-SHANK UNITS IN STOCK! ....................CALL ‘09 JD 3710, PLOW, 10 BTM, COULTER ........................................................$44,500 ‘10 JD 3710, PLOW, 6 BTM ............................................................................$27,500 ‘00 JD 512, DISK RIPPER, 7'6", 7 SHANK ......................................................$18,250 ‘94 JD 635, DISK, 32', HYD WINGS, HARROW ..............................................$20,900 ‘04 KRAUSE DISK, 34' ,FOLDING, HARROW ................................................$22,500 ‘09 SALFORD RTS22, RESIDUE TILLAGE SPECIALIST, 22' ..........................$34,500
‘09 KILLBROS 110, GRAIN CART, 1100 BU ..................................................$41,500 ‘00 KILLBROS 690, GRAIN CART, 600BU ......................................................$13,900 ‘93 CS/IH 9400, GRAIN TRUCK, 22'BOX ........................................................$40,000 BRENT GRAIN CART, 450 BU ..........................................................................$10,900 PARKER GRAVITY BOX, 500 BU ........................................................................$6,750 ’93 8X55, AUGER, 8X55, 540 PTO ....................................................................$2,750 ‘00 FARMKING 13X85, AUGER, 13X85 ............................................................$8,900
‘06 JD 9620, 4WD, 500 hp, 800-38, 4 hyd, 3154 hrs ........$189,500
‘94 NH 488, MOCO ............................................................................................$8,950 ‘97 CS/IH 8312, MOCO ......................................................................................$8,950 NH 489, MOCO ..................................................................................................$3,000 ‘06 JD 567, 9650 HRS, RD BALER..................................................................$24,950 ‘06 NH BR740A, 7600 HRS, RD BALER..........................................................$22,000 ‘98 NH 664, RD BALER......................................................................................$8,900 ‘09 PATZ MIXER ..............................................................................................$52,800
‘11 JD 9630, 4WD, 530 hp, Tractor NA Ri, 255 hrs ........................CALL
GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177
14 miles So. of Sauk Centre • www.greenwaldfarmcenter.com
Neil G
Neil C
Visit Us Online At: www.haugimp.com
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
CIH 4800, 28’ & 26’ field cultivators ..............$9,500 CIH 4800 field cult. w/mulch, 24’ & 22’ ..........$8,500 CIH 4800 field cult., 30’, Like New ................$10,500 IH SMTA, WF ..................................................$4,500
‘93 NH TR96, 6208 HRS, CONTOUR MASTER ..............................................$23,500 ‘98 CS/IH 2388, 2996 HRS, 2092 SEP, 18.4X42 ............................................$89,000 ‘92 JD 9500, 3950 HRS, 2695 SEP, 30.5-32 ..................................................$41,900 (2) JD 9600, TWO ON HAND................................................................FROM $46,500 ‘99 JD 9610, 2312 SEP, AWD, 18.4X38 ..........................................................$86,000 (4) JD 9650STS,FOUR SOLID MACHINES!..........................................FROM $95,000 ‘02 JD 9750STS, 1382 SEP, 20.8X42 ............................................................$132,500 ‘07 JD 9760STS, 1658 HRS, 1163 SEP, AWD, 20.8X42 ......................................CALL ‘10 JD 9770STS, 685 HRS, 566 SEP, 520-42 ..............................................$247,000 ‘07 JD 9860STS, 1755 HRS, 1222 SEP, PRWD, 20.8X42 ............................$215,000 AMS GREAT SELECTION OF NEW & USED AMS ................................................CALL!
‘10 JD 7130, MFWD, 125 hp, 18.4x38, ldr, 3 hyds, 323 hrs ..$97,000
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘01 CS/IH MX180,5990 HRS, DELUXE CAB ....................................................$59,500 ‘69 FORD 5000, 2WD, 62 HP, 15.5X38 ............................................................$6,500 ‘68 JD 3020, 2809 HRS, 2WD, 15.5X38, SYNCRO ........................................$11,900 ‘08 JD 4120, 354 HRS, MFWD, 43 HP, 44X18-20, LDR ................................$29,000 ‘75 JD 4430,9128 HRS, 2 WD, 125 HP, 10X16 ..............................................$16,500 ‘89 JD 4555, 7000 HRS, 2WD, 157 HP, 18.4X46............................................$34,950 ‘76 JD 4630, 1596 HRS, 2WD, 150 HP, 18.4X38............................................$14,900 ‘11 JD 5085M, 25 HRS, MFWD, 85 HP, 18.4R30 ................................................CALL ‘05 JD 7820, 4335 HRS, MFWD, 155 HP, 18.4R42 ........................................$89,500 ‘05 JD 7920, 1398 HRS, MFWD, 170 HP, 380-90R50 ..................................$129,900 ‘08 JD 7930, 1827 HRS, MFWD 180HP 710-70R38 ................................$134,000 ‘12 JD 8310R, 1 HR, 310HP ................................................................................CALL ‘10 JD 8345R, 1000 HRS, MFWD, 345HP, 380 85R38 ................................$249,000 ‘96 JD 8770, 7904 HRS, 4WD, 20.8X42, 24 SPD ..........................................$65,000 ‘07 JD 9220, 1900 HRS, 4WD, 480-80R46 ..................................................$152,000 ‘08 JD 9230, 1785 HRS, 4WD, 325 HP, 380-54 ..........................................$179,000 ‘07 JD 9330, 2050 HRS, 4WD, 18.4X46 ......................................................$208,000 ‘04 JD 9620, 3155 HRS, 4WD, 800-80R38 ..................................................$185,000 (5) JD 9630, 4WD, 530HP, 800-70R38..............................................FROM $246,000 ‘10 JD 9630T, 1524 HRS., 36" TRACKS ........................................................$290,000 ‘11 KUBOTA L3540, 56 HRS, 4WD, 35 HP, CAB/LDR/BKT ............................$32,900
37 Bred Red Angus heifers. Cross bred show steers & heifers, AI sired, vaccinatBred by Red Angus Mulbered, broke to tie. Tim Weiss ry bull. Contact Bill, (715) 715-533-0505 926-6482, evenings. (715) 495-3452 anytime FOR SALE: 10 Registered Angus bred females. FOR SALE OR LEASE Mixed ages, excellent REGISTERED BLACK group. TJS Angus (608) ANGUS Bulls, 2 year old & 745-1719. tjsangus.com click yearlings; bred heifers, on For Sale. calving ease, club calves & balance performance. Al 2 Pinzgauer sired. In herd improvement FOR SALE: bulls. 1 a 2yr old, 1 a yearprogram. J.W. Riverview ling. Can be registered & Angus Farm Glencoe, MN yearling bull is polled. 55336 Conklin Dealer 320Lester Wyckoff, (715) 837864-4625 1469
24 B
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
FOR SALE: 30 young blk & bwf summer calving pairs, 9/1 delivery. Can keep longer at buyers expense, $1,750. 605-832-2076
w/harrow • DMI 730B, 7-30 • Tebben 5-30 deep till • IH 800 10-bottom plow • Wilrich Quad X, 55’, rolling basket • JD 985, 55’, harrow • JD 980, 44’, harrow • JD 45’ crumbler • CIH TII, 45’, harrow USED EQUIPMENT • Hardi Com. 1500, 132’ • Tebben 45’ Land Roller • Hardi Com. 1200, 90’ • Pickett thinner, 24-22 • Hardi Nav. 1100, 88’ • Alloway 22’ shredder • Hardi Nav. 1000, 88’ • Alloway 20’ shredder • Hardi Nav. 950, 88’, (2) • Alloway 15’ shredder • Hardi Nav. 1000, 66’ • Killbros 1810 cart, tracks • Amity 11’, 12-22 • Brent 410 grain cart • ‘05 Amity, 12-22 • Westfield MK 10x91 • Amity 8-22, (3) • Sheyenne 1410, 10x66 • ‘11 Artsway 6812, 12-22 hopper • Artsway 898, 8-22 • Feterl 12x72 hopper • Artsway 692, 8-22 • Feterl 8x51 hopper • ‘10 Amity 12-22 topper • Batco 1835 belt conveyor • Alloway 12-22 topper St. • REM 2100 grain vac. Ft. (3) • JD 2700, 7-30 • Alloway 9-22 topper • Agco-Challenger • Hardi Sprayers • REM Grain Vac • Woods Mowers • J&M Grain Carts • Westfield Augers • Sunflower Tillage • White Planters • Wilrich Tillage
FOR SALE: Bred heifers, 6 Polled Black Simmentals, AI bred, Black Angus, Red Angus & Black Simmental for ease of calving, by the pound. Also, bred cows. AI sired by Mister NLC upgrade, (6) polled solid black bulls & (4) heifers, 40 yrs of Simmental breeding. Riverside Simmentals Gerald Polzin, Cokato MN 320-286-5805 Holstein Steers 20 approx 300 lbs, 68 approx 225 lbs, 100 approx 200 lbs., 30 approx 500-900 lbs, de-horned, nice cut, implanted, complete vac. program. 715-6132072 Polled Hereford breeding stock. Bred cows, open heifers, herd bull prospects. Fully vaccinated. (715) 597-2036
Clara City, MN 56222 320-847-3218 www.wearda.com
Lime Spreading
“Have you checked your soil PH lately”
Beefy Dexter cows, red/black, polled/horned. Manitowoc. (920) 684-1776
Since 1967
Frost, MN 56033 • 1-800-788-6464 Dan Klinkner • 507-525-0911
Since 1967
www.westbrookagpower.com Hwy. 30 West • WESTBROOK, MN • Ph. (507) 274-6101 USED EQUIPMENT TRACTORS
‘97 NH 9482, 3800 hrs ..........................................$72,500 ‘96 NH 9682, 4400 hrs ..........................................$66,900 ‘10 NH T8040, 700 hrs ........................................$179,900 ‘10 NH T8040, 1300 hrs ......................................$169,900 ‘95 NH 8970, FWA, 7500 hrs. ................................$52,900 Ford 8830, FWA, 3335 hrs. ....................................$34,900 ‘02 NH TM165, 2WD, 1600 hrs. ............................$54,900 ‘05 NH TV145, bi-directional, 1600 hrs. ................$84,900 ‘98 NH 1530, Boomer, hydro., 1800 hrs...................$9,900 IH 186, hydro w/wl-42 ..........................................$18,900 ‘09 Versatile 435, 1800 hrs ................................$159,900 ‘06 Versatile 485, 1800 hrs. ................................$162,900 ‘05 Case 425STX, 1800 hrs. ..............................Coming In ‘07 Genesis 2160, SS, PS, 5150 hrs. ....................$87,900 JD 2955, FWA, 4100 hrs........................................$26,900 NH TC 45DA, loader, 1250 hrs. ..............................$19,900 IH 706, gas, w/blower..............................................$4,000 Farmall M w/loader..................................................$1,500
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘12 Mandako 42’ roller 36”, Demo Unit ................$33,900 ‘09 JD 200, 42’ crumbler ......................................$11,900 Killbros 690 cart ....................................................$11,900 Demco 650 wagon, fenders, tarp ..........................$12,500 ‘07 Wilrich 20’ shredder ........................................$16,900 Artsway 20’ shredder ..............................................$5,900 Miller P-12 loader....................................................$5,250 Rem 2700 vac. ......................................................$15,900 Bradco 609 SSL backhoe ........................................$6,250
‘08 NH L-175, 3750 hrs., cab, heat........................$18,900 Gehl 4840, 2600 hrs., cab & heat ..........................$16,900 Bobcat 553, 2200 hrs. ..........................................$11,500 Case 1845C, 4800 hrs ............................................$9,500 ‘94 Case 1825, 3100 hrs ........................................$4,500
‘09 NH 99C, 8R30..................................................$59,900 ‘08 NH 99C, 8R30..................................................$54,900 ‘09 NH 98D, 8R30 ................................................$38,900 ‘08 NH 98C, 8R30..................................................$31,000 NH 974, 6R30..........................................................$3,500
‘10 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary air ..................................$34,900 ‘07 NH 74C, 35’ w/Crary........................................$32,900 ‘08 NH 74C, 30’ w/Crary air ..................................$29,900 ‘03 NH 74C, 30’ ....................................................$17,500 ‘98 NH 973, 25’ ......................................................$4,000 ‘02 Gleaner 800, 30’ w/Crary air ..........................$17,900 JD 930F w/Crary ....................................................$9,900
‘08 Wilrich 957, 7-30 ............................................$32,900 ‘04 Wilrich 957, 7-30 ............................................$24,900 JD 2700, 7-24 ......................................................$27,900 ‘09 Kraus Dominator 18, 11-shank........................$46,900 M&W 2200 Earthmaster ........................................$29,900 Wilrich 357, 7-24 w/levelers..................................$11,900 Wilrich Quad X2, 60’ w/basket ..............................$59,900 Wilrich Quad X, 47.5’, 4-bar ..................................$29,900 Wilrich Quad X, 37.5’, 4-bar ..................................$22,900 JD 985, 50’, 3-bar ................................................$21,900 COMBINES ‘09 NH CR9060, 600 hrs. ....................................$229,000 Allis 1400 F.C., 34.5’................................................$3,900 ‘07 NH CR9060, 775 hrs......................................$199,000 DRILLS & PLANTING ‘00 NH TR-99, 1612 hrs. ......................................$84,900 Kinze 3600, 16/31 ................................................$74,900 ‘00 NH TR-99, RWA, 2255 hrs. ..............................$69,900 Kinze 3600, 16/31 ................................................$64,900 ‘92 NH TR-96, 4000 hrs.........................................$19,900 Kinze 2600, 16/31 ................................................$39,900 ‘97 Kinze 2600, twin row 12/24 ............................$41,900 SKIDLOADERS ‘12 NH L-220, E-H, 140 hrs ..................................$31,900 ‘97 Kinze 2600, 12/23 ..........................................$39,900 ’06 NH L-190, 1650 hrs.........................................$26,900 JD 520 drill, 10” spacing ........................................$4,900
Advantages we offer: • We unload directly from the trucks to a floater (Terra Gator) without stockpiling material. This gives us a more uniform spread with no foliage to plug up the spreader. • With direct loading there is no stockpile, no wasted lime or mess in your field. • We use a floater (Terra Gator) to spread so we have less compaction. • We are equipped to spread variable rate using GPS mapping. • We service Minnesota and northern Iowa. Why apply Aglime: • A soil ph level of 5.5 nitrogen efficiency is only 77 percent. • A soil ph level of 6.0 nitrogen efficiency still is only 89 percent. • At a soil ph level of 7.0 fertilizer efficiency is 100 percent. for questions or prices please call
R & E Enterprises of Mankato, Inc.
• 9000 Gal. TEAMCO Manure Tank, Quad axle with 3 steerable axles, many nice features, top of the line tires.
NEW Teamco 6340 Tri Axle We Now NEW Teamco 9000 Quad Axles Handle NEW Husky 6750 Slurry H&H Skid Loader Better Bilt 1110 Gal. Vacuum Attachments! Better Bilt 1500 Gal. Vacuum Badger 1500 Gal. Vacuum More Better Bilt 2100 Gal. Vacuum Tanks Better Bilt 2100 Gal. Vacuum w/New Tank Arriving Better Bilt 2600 Gal. Vacuum w/New Tank Soon Bazler 3350 Gal. Vacuum Calumet 3750 Gal. Vacuum Balzer 4500 Gal. Vacuum w/Top Hatch on tracks Balzer 4800 Gal. Slurry w/Disc Inj. Houle 4800 Gal. Slurry w/Disc Inj. Proud To Balzer 6350 Gal. Slurry Announce We Balzer 7500 Gal. Slurry – MAKE OFFER Now Handle Doda 6”x6’ Pump Husky Manure Equipment & Doda 6”x8’ Pump Special Pricing Teamco Doda 6”x10’ Pump on Doda Pumps! Manure Doda AFI Pump Equipment! Bazler V6 Pump, 6”x10’ Pump Balzer 8”x30’ Load Stand
Your Dealer for Doda Manure Pumps Balzer/Better Bilt Sales Parts & Service And Service Available on Other Lines
YOUR HARVEST HEADQUARTERS (B) Belle Plaine, MN • 1051 Old Hwy. 169 Blvd.
(952) 873-2224
Purebred black Angus bull 18 mos old $1,400. (7) Heifer black Angus calves, approx 250 - 350 lbs. $1.40 per lb. Will deliver within 75 miles. 715-637-3280
(H) Hollandale, MN • W. Hwy. 251
(O) Owatonna, MN • 3555 SW 18th St.
‘12 JD 7330, 441 hrs, IVT, duals ........................$119,900
‘01 JD 9400T, 4427 hrs, 30” tracks ........................$119,500
(507) 889-4221
(507) 451-4054
Registered Texas Longhorn breeding stock, cows, heifers or roping stock, top blood lines. 507-235-3467 WANT TO BUY: Butcher cows, bulls, fats & walkable cripples; also horses, sheep & goats. 320-235-2664 WANTED: Breeding Heifers, summer or fall calving cows, or cow/calf pairs, to dry lot for summer mons & beyond, can A.I. & calf out, some grazing & ref. avail upon request. 605-832-2076 Horse
ARABIANS: Going to Auction in Nov. unless sold, chestnuts: weanling filly, yearling colt, mare. Others: sell, lease, trade (ear corn, rake, cremello colt). (608) 297-2021 Foundation bred AQHA broodmare, $600. Breeding stock paint gelding, rides & drives, $750. (920) 987-5634 060
The 38th annual North Star Bred Ewe Sale will be held Saturday, October 27th, 2012 at the Pipestone County Fair Grounds in Pipestone, MN. We will be selling 140 head of ewes, including Suffolks, Hampshires, Dorsets, Rambouillets, Katahdins & Southdowns. The sale begins at 7 pm. For sale catalog or information, contact Angie DeGroot @ 507-8254211, or e-mail at adegroot@pipevet.com
‘98 JD 9510, 1930 sep. hrs., 18.4x38’s ....................$75,000
(O)’01 JD 9550, 3060 hrs., PRWD ..........................................$99,500 (O)’01 JD 9650, 2932 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$99,500 (H)’98 JD 9510, 1930 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$75,000 (H)’97 JD 9500, 2383 sep. hrs. ..............................................$54,500 (H)’96 JD 9500, 1850 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$55,500 (O)CIH 1660, 3800 hrs ............................................................$36,500 (B)’90 JD 9600, 3934 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$32,900 (B)’82 JD 8820, 5571 hrs, duals..............................................$13,900 (B)’79 JD 6620 ........................................................................$15,900 (B)’84 JD 7720, 5105 hrs, PRWD............................................$15,900 (O)’84 JD 7720, 4806 hrs........................................................$14,500 (H)’80 JD 7220, 4365 hrs. ......................................................$11,900 (H)’79 JD 7720 ........................................................................$11,900 (O)’81 JD 7720, 3927 hrs. ......................................................$10,500 (B)CIH 535 Quadtrac, 2262 hrs ............................................$249,500 (B)’81 JD 7720, 4590 hrs. ........................................................$9,900 (H)’09 JD 8345RT, 1037 hrs, IVT ..........................................$245,000 (B)’07 JD 9620T, 2283 hrs. ..................................................$209,900 (O)’05 JD 9320T, 3500 hrs, 3 pt, PTO ..................................$184,900 (O)’04 JD 635 ..........................................................................$25,900 (O)’01 JD 9400T, 4427 hrs` ..................................................$119,500 (B)’10 Agco 8235R, flex ..........................................................$24,900 (O)’05 JD 625F ........................................................................$24,900 (O)’06 JD 630 ..........................................................................$21,900 (O)’11 JD 8310R, 356 hrs. ....................................................$219,900 (O)’05 JD 630 ..........................................................................$21,900 (O)’12 JD 7330, 441 hrs, IVT ................................................$119,900 (B)’04 JD 635 ..........................................................................$19,900 (O)’11 JD 7330, auto quad, 237 hrs. ....................................$117,500 (O)’01 JD 930, full finger ........................................................$14,900 (B)’97 JD 8400, 7317 hrs. ......................................................$79,900 (O)’02 JD 930, full finger ........................................................$13,500 (B)’89 JD 4755, 9781 hrs. ......................................................$49,900 (O)’01 JD 930 ..........................................................................$13,500 (B)’98 JD 6410, 4575 hrs., power quad ..................................$37,900 (B)’03 JD 930, full finger ........................................................$12,900 (B) ‘01 NH TM165, 10,136 hrs., MFWD ..................................$37,900 (O)Case IH 1020 ......................................................................$11,000 (B)’78 JD 4440, 4592 hrs, power shift ....................................$27,900 (H)’95 IH 1020, 25’....................................................................$9,900 (O)JD 2840, 6870 hrs, 148 loader ..........................................$13,500 (H)JD 925 ..................................................................................$7,950 (O)’67 JD 2510, gas, 2 SCV ......................................................$7,800 (H)’99 JD 920 ............................................................................$7,950 (H)’72 JD 4620, cab ..................................................................$7,500 (H)JD 930 ..................................................................................$7,900 (O)IH 560, loader, diesel ............................................................$5,495 (H)’98 JD 925 ............................................................................$6,950 (B)’65 David Brown 990, 1 owner ............................................$4,900 (B)’97 JD 930 ............................................................................$6,900 (B)IH 3616, loader, backhoe ......................................................$3,450 (H)’95 JD 925 ............................................................................$6,500 (O)’94 JD 925 ............................................................................$5,000 (O)’10 JD 9870, 295 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$325,000 (B)JD 922 ..................................................................................$4,900 (O)’11 JD 9870, 261 sep. hrs. ..............................................$297,500 (H)JD 920 ..................................................................................$3,595 (O)’11 JD 9770, 213 sep. hrs., PRWD ..................................$284,900 (O)’90 JD 925 ............................................................................$2,950 (B)’10 JD 9770, 262 sep hrs, PRWD ....................................$279,900 (O)JD 920 ..................................................................................$2,395 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..............................................$279,900 (O)’11 JD 9630, Lease Return ..............................................$279,900 (B)’11 JD 9630, 285 hrs., Lease Return ................................$279,900 (B)’08 JD 9630, 454 hrs. ......................................................$269,900 (B)’10 JD 9630, 920 hrs., Extended Warranty ......................$255,900 (H)’11 JD 9330, 475 hrs. ......................................................$245,000 (O)’04 JD 9620, 2854 hrs., 710/70R42’s ..............................$184,900 (H)’96 JD 8870, 4850 hrs. ......................................................$72,500 (H)’94 JD 8970, 7338 hrs. ......................................................$69,900 (H)’90 JD 8760, 7462 hrs. ......................................................$45,000 (O)Versatile 895, 6550 hrs., 20.8x38’s ....................................$29,900
(O)’11 JD 2410, 52’ chisel plow ..............................................$60,000 (B)’10 JD 512, 7-shank ripper ................................................$37,900 (B)’08 JD 2700, 7-shank ripper ..............................................$37,900 (H)’10 JD 2410, 33’ chisel plow ..............................................$36,900 (O)Krause 4850, 5-shank ripper ..............................................$29,900 (B)’00 JD 680, 27’ chisel plow ................................................$29,900 (B)’02 JD 2700, ripper ............................................................$29,900 (H)’90 JD 630, 30’ disk............................................................$27,500 (H)’02 JD 2400, 24’ chisel plow ..............................................$26,900 (H)’02 JD 2700, 7-shank, folding ............................................$20,900 (H)Case 730B, 7-shank............................................................$18,500 (B)DMI 530, 5-shank ..............................................................$15,500 (B)’00 JD 115, 15’ ..................................................................$10,900 (O)JD 610, 15’ chisel plow ........................................................$8,900 (H)DMI Tiger II, 5-shanks ..........................................................$7,995 (H)DMI Tiger II, 5-shank............................................................$7,950 (B)JD 712, 9-shank mulch tiller ................................................$4,900 (O)Brady 1680, 15’ ....................................................................$3,250 (O) IH 720, 5-bottom ................................................................$3,000 (B)White 588, 5-bottom plow ....................................................$2,900 (B)White 588, 5-bottom, spring reset........................................$2,000 (B)Ford 152, 4-bottom plow ......................................................$1,795 (O)IH 710, 5-bottom ..................................................................$1,750 (B)Wilrich 183, 17’ chisel plow..................................................$1,350
(O)’10 JD 4930, 1010 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$235,900 (O)’09 JD 4930, 2213 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$199,750 (O)’09 JD 4930, 1619 hrs., 90’ boom....................................$189,500 (O)’09 JD 4730, 850 hrs., 90’ boom......................................$185,900 (O)’06 JD 4720, 1261 hrs., 120’ boom..................................$170,000 (O)’11 JD 612, 12R20”, chopping ..........................................$99,500 (O)’07 AgChem 1074, 1700 hrs., 100’ boom ........................$142,900 (O)’10 JD 612, 12R30” ............................................................$76,900 (O)’97 Willmar 8400, 3221 hrs., 120’ boom............................$71,900 (B)’08 JD 612, 12R30” ............................................................$74,900 (B)’05 Geringhoff, RD1800, 18R22” ........................................$59,900 (B)’11 NH BC5070, 2000 bales, ejector ..................................$24,900 (H)’08 JD 612, 12R20” ............................................................$67,500 (O)’07 JD 568, surface wrap....................................................$24,900 (H)’10 JD 608 8R30”, chopping ..............................................$53,900 (B)’07 JD 468S, surface wrap..................................................$23,900 (B)’11 Harvest Tec, 8R30”, chopping ......................................$49,900 (B)’05 JD 946, 13’ MoCo ........................................................$23,900 (H)’06 Geringhoff, RD830, 8R30”............................................$49,900 (O)’00 JD 466, 10,000 bales....................................................$21,900 (B)’07 Geringhoff, RD830, 8R30” ............................................$49,900 (B)’08 NH BR7090, twine only ................................................$19,900 (B)’05 Calmers, 18R20” ..........................................................$39,900 (B)’02 JD 457, surface wrap....................................................$19,400 (O)’06 Geringhoff, RD830, 8R30”............................................$49,500 (B)’03 JD 467, cover edge ......................................................$16,500 (O)’06 Geringhoff, 8R30” ........................................................$48,500 (O)’94 JD 535, surface wrap....................................................$14,900 (B)’07 Cat 1822, 18R22” ........................................................$32,900 (B)’92 JD 1600, 12’ MoCo ........................................................$5,900 (O)’02 JD 1293, 12R30” ..........................................................$29,900 (B)JD 1219, 9’ MoCo ................................................................$2,500 (O)’06 JD 893 ..........................................................................$27,900 (O)’97 JD 893, knife rolls ........................................................$19,500 (B)JD 410 round baler ..............................................................$1,995
Your Southern Minnesota & Western Wisconsin John Deere Commercial Sprayer Center
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
(H)’10 JD 9870, 559 sep. hrs. ..............................................$259,900 (B)’10 JD 9670, 275 sep hrs, PRWD ....................................$259,900 (H)’09 JD 9870, 490 sep. hrs. ..............................................$257,900 (O)’11 JD 9670, 470 sep. hrs. ..............................................$244,900 (O)’10 JD 9570, 419 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$206,000 (B)’10 Gleaner A76, 382 sep. hrs. ........................................$199,900 (H)’08 JD 9570, 475 sep. hrs., duals ....................................$198,900 (B)’08 JD 9770, 1011 sep. hrs. ............................................$188,000 (O)’04 JD 9760, 1121 sep. hrs ..............................................$173,500 (B)’06 JD 9760, 1618 sep. hrs., PRWD ................................$168,900 (H)’06 JD 9760, 1410 sep. hrs., 20.8x42’s............................$167,500 (H)’07 JD 9760, 1556 sep hrs, duals ....................................$159,900 (O)’06 JD 9660, 1214 sep hrs ..............................................$162,900 (H)’04 JD 9560, 1200 sep. hrs., duals ..................................$153,900 (B)’04 JD 9560SH, walker, 1525 sep. hrs. ............................$139,900 (H)’00 JD 9650STS, 2000 sep hrs, duals ..............................$119,000 (O)’00 JD 9650STS, 1567 sep. hrs., 30.5x32’s........................$99,900
(H)’97 JD 893 ..........................................................................$18,900 (O)’95 JD 893, knife rolls ........................................................$17,900 (B)’98 JD 893, knife rolls ........................................................$16,900 (B)Case 1063, 6R30”, poly ......................................................$15,900 (O)’82 JD 843 ..........................................................................$10,900 (B)JD 1222, 12R22”, poly ........................................................$9,500 (O)JD 643, low tin ....................................................................$6,900 (O)JD 643, 6R30” ......................................................................$4,900 (H)JD 643, 6R30” ......................................................................$3,850
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘10 Gleaner A76, 382 sep. hrs., 520/85R42’s......$199,900
25 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
FOR SALE: Shorthorn beef breeding bulls, born March – April 2012. 218-924-2337
26 B
060 Sheep
SALE: Fall born Flock Dispersal: Baby doll FOR Horned Dorset ram, 3 yrs, Southdown, ewes & rams. RR, $150. Zimmerman 763Romadale ewes & 2 guard 856-2950 donkeys, Jenny's, 2 yrs old. Also Angora goats. (218) FOR SALE: Suffolk, Suffolk328-5740 or (218)244-1640 Hamp rams-all ages; Suffolk-Polypay ram lambs. 507-445-3317 Leave Message
The Affordable Way To Tile Your Fields Building Quality Tile Plows Since 1983
Your Harvest Time Headquarters
Available in 3 Point Hitch And Pull Type Models
We Service & Sell
HARVEST SPECIALS 18-24 Month Interest Free Financing COMBINES
Titan Machinery
77847 - 209th St Albert Lea, MN 56007 507-373-9114 Toll Free 877-267-0392 www.titanmachinery.com
O’Connell Farm Drainage Plows, Inc. Earlville, IA • Potosi, WI 53820
(563) 920-6304
United Farmers Cooperative United Farmers Cooperative
Main Office: Ag Service Center 840 Pioneer Avenue P.O. Box 4 Lafayette, MN 56054-0004
USED DRYERS & AUGERS Good Selection of Used Dryers - Call! Sheynne-Westco 10x91 swing, 1 year old ....CALL GSI 1226, FF 190, GSI 260, GSI 1218 ............CALL Westfield MK 13”x91’, MK 13”x71’ ................CALL Feterl 10x66 swing ........................................$4,495 Sudenga 8”x51’, electric ..............................$3,990 Feterl 10”x34’, electric ..................................$3,495 Feterl 10”x34’, electric ..................................$2,495 Sudenga 8”x66’, electric ..............................$3,495 Feterl 12”x72’, swing drive ..........................$7,495
Bobcat S750, heat ......................................$38,800 Bobcat S650, 2-spd. ..................................$32,900 Bobcat S300, heat/AC, 2-spd.....................$28,500 Bobcat S175, 2-spd. ..................................$22,500 Bobcat T190, heat ......................................$20,600 ‘11 Bobcat S205, heat/AC, 2-spd...............$29,450 Bobcat S130, heat ......................................$15,600 (3) Bobcat S130, heat..................................$15,600 Gehl 4240E ..................................................$15,600 Bobcat S130, heat ......................................$15,600 Bobcat 773T, heat ......................................$16,500 Gehl 4240E, heat, 2007 ..............................$17,400 NH 175, 2-spd., hi flow ..............................$31,500 NH 170, w/heat ............................................$25,600
507-228-8224 or 800-642-4104 www.ufcmn.com LeSueur • 800-252-5993
(2) Krause 18’ ripper....................................$44,800 (3) Wilrich 957, 7 shank ....................From $22,600 (2) DMI 730 ripper ..............................................Call Wilrich 357, 5 shank, 3 pt ............................$6,250 Great Plains Turbo Till, 24’..........................$39,800 Sunflower 5055, 50’, 4 bar ..........................$43,900 JD 980, 44.5’, 3 bar ....................................$19,600 JD 960, 31.5’..................................................$7,450 JD 3 pt. plow, 5 bottom ................................$2,850 Flexi Coil 31’, 4 bar ....................................$11,700
Fast 1000 gal., 90’ boom ..............................$9,900 Fast 1000 gal., 60’ boom ..............................$7,850 Redball 580, 80’, 1600 gal...........................$18,900 L&D 1000 gal., 60’ boom ............................$11,900 Century 1300 gal., 90’ boom, Big Wheel ..$17,500 Hardi 6600 Commander, 132’ boom ..........$65,900
DMI 530, 5-shank ..........................................$14,800 JD 2700, 7-shank ..........................................$27,900 Demco grain cart, 750 bu. ............................$17,500 Brent 420 cart ..................................................$8,400 Used grain legs ....................................................Call H & S 430 spreader, hyd drive ........................$9,900 NI 3739 spreader..............................................$7,950 Gehl 1410 spreader..........................................$8,250 NH 514 spreader, end gate..............................$4,250 TILLAGE Woods Batwing mower, 15’ ............................$8,475 Wishek 862NT, 26’, 3 bar ............................$45,900 Top Air 30’ belt conv., elec ..............................$3,150 (3) Krause, 18’ ....................................From $37,800 Used Snowblowers ..............................................Call
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
• Our Design Pulls Straight Through the Soil for Better Grade Control and Easier Pulling • Laser or GPS Receiver Mounts Standard on all Units • Installs Up To 8” Tile Up To 5 1/2 Ft. Deep
• ‘06 MF 9690, duals, 429 hrs. • ‘07 MF 9790, duals, 1034 hrs. • ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2063 hrs. • ‘98 Gleaner 800, 25’ flexhead • ‘86 MF 8560 • ‘85 MF 9720, 3292 hrs. • MF 9118 bean table • MF 1858 bean table, 18’
• ‘12 MF 8660, MFD, cab, 225 PTO hp. • ‘12 MF 7619, MFD, 140 PTO hp. • ‘11 MF 8690, MFD, cab, 280 PTO hp. • ‘07 MF 7495, MFD, 155 PTO hp., 2625 hrs. • MF 5460, MFD, cab, 95 PTO hp. • MF 1529 Compact, 29 hp., loader, hydro • MF 1652 Compact, 42 hp., loader, cab, hydro • MF 1652 Compact, 52 hp., 12x12 Power Shuttle • ‘05 MF 451, 45 PTO hp., 400 hrs. • ‘07 MF 3645, MFD, 75 PTO hp., cab, ldr • ‘78 MF 1085, cab, 83 hp., 365 hrs. • ‘74 MF 1155, 150 hp • JD 430 compact dsl, 22 hp, cab, 60” mower, snowblower • IH 70 Hydro w/F11 Farmhand loader • Case 2590
• ‘08 Geringhoff 1622, RD • ‘09 Geringhoff 1230, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 1230, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 1222, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘05 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 1220, RD • ‘08 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘04 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘03 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘01 Geringhoff 830, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 820, RD • ‘07 Geringhoff 630, RD • ‘00 Geringhoff 630, RD • ‘97 Geringhoff 630, RD • ‘99 NH 996, 12R20” • JD 822 • JD 843, steel • CIH 2208, 8R22” • ‘90 CIH 1083, GVL, poly
• ‘88 JD 643, steel • ‘02 CIH 2208, 8R30” • ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”
• Brandt 7500 hp. grain vac. • Brandt 5200 EX grain vac. • Brandt 4500 EX grain vac. • Brandt GBU-10, bagger • Brandt GBL-10, unloader • Brandt drive over grain deck • Brandt 1070, 1080, 1390 swing hopper augers • Brandt 1515 LP, 1535, 1545, 1575, 1585 belt conveyors • Brandt 10x35 auger • Brandt 8x45 auger, 18 hp, Briggs • EZ Flow 220 bu. gravity box w/auger, tarp • Hutchinson 10x61 auger
• JD sickle mower • JD 275 disc mower, 9’ • IH 5-bar rake • CIH 8480 round baler • Kodiak 60”, 72”, 84” 3 pt. rotary cutters • MF 1375 disc mower conditioner, 15’ • MF 1328 & 1329 3 pt. disc mowers • MF 200 SP windrower, cab • NI 528 disc mower, 6-disc • ‘11 NH H6750, 3 pt disc mower, 110” • Sitrex DM5 disc mower • Sitrex RP2 or RP5 3 pt. wheel rake • Sitrex MK 14 wheel rake • Sitrex 10 & 12 wheel rakes on cart • Sitrex TR 9 wheel rake • Westendorf 3 pt. bale spear • H&S 16’ bale wagon • Chandler 22’ & 26’, litter spreader • Meyer 620 forage box
• Sunflower 5055-62 field cult., 5-section, 62’ • Sunflower 4610-9 disc ripper • Sunflower 4412-07 disc ripper • Sunflower 4530-19 disc chisel • Sunflower 1444-36 disc • Sunflower 4511-11 disc chisel • ‘08 JD 520 stalk chopper • Loftness 30’ stalk chopper, SM • Niemeyer 15’ soil finisher • Maurer 28’-42’ header trailers • ‘12 Degelman LR7645 land roller • ‘12 Degelman 6000 HD rock picker • Woods 8400, 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ • Everest 3 pt. finish mower, 7’ • ‘11 SB Select snowblowers, 97” & 108”, 3 pt. • Lucke 8’ snowblower, 3 pt.
WILLMAR FARM CENTER a division of aemsco 3867 East Highway 12, Willmar, MN • Phone 320-235-8123
060 Swine
Mostly Saanen & LaMan- AKC Basset Hound puppies, cha. Milking equipment great hunters or pets. will also be available for (715)382-4601 sale. (715) 827-0470 FOR SALE: AKC Registered English Cockers, male & FOR SALE: 100 dairy goats, female, started dogs & due last of October, call pups, all shots given except (608) 343-3093 rabies for pups. 320-986-2003 Swine 065 Livestock Equip 075 Compart's total program features superior boars & (22) Automatic, manual, hydraulic squeeze chutes, open gilts documented by $2,035 & up. (12) Crowding BLUP technology. Duroc, tubs, portable & stationary York, Landrace & F1 lines. (displayed) $1,885 & up. Terminal boars offer leanHundreds of gates, panels, ness, muscle, growth. Maternal gilts & boars are free standing panels, rubproductive, lean, durable. ber bottom bunks, bale All are stress free & PRRS feeders (all in stock). free. Semen also available Stenberg Supply 218-352-6598 through Elite Genes A.I. Make 'em Grow! Comparts FOR RENT: 3600 head tunnel barn for hogs. Ceylon, Boar Store, INC. Toll Free: MN 507-230-0990 877-441-2627
Plow Right In and-
THE LAND 1-800-657-4665
— 6 convenient locations —
(M) ‘05 Challenger MT295B, cab, 2 SCV, 800 hrs. ........................................................................$19,500 ‘98 CIH 8930, 4SCV, 420/46, 3317 hrs. ..........$75,000 ‘03 CIH MXM190, PS, LX172 ldr., 2700 hrs. ..$72,500 ‘11 JD 5075M, open station, JD 563 ldr., 120 hrs. ........................................................................$47,500 ‘99 JD 6210, open station, SCV, 640 ldr. ........$27,500 ‘99 JD 5510, cab, JD 542 ldr., 3268 hrs. ........$33,500 ‘90 JD 4955, 20.8-42 duals, 3840 hrs. ..........$54,000 ‘98 JD 8100, 3 SCV, 14.9-46 duals, 6180 hrs.$65,000 ‘97 JD 8100, 3 SCV, 380/90R46, 7500 hrs. ....$63,500 ‘07 JD 8230, 5 SCV, 18.4-46, 2400 hrs. ......$147,500 ‘03 JD 8520, ILS, 480/80R50, 4590 hrs. ......$139,500 ‘03 JD 8520T, WS, Xenon, 18” tracks, 3136 hrs. ......................................................................$137,500 ‘10 JD 8320R, IVT, ILS, 480/50, 4 SCV, 410 hrs. ......................................................................$245,000 ‘11 JD 8335R, IVT, ILS, 480/80R50, warranty, 485 hrs. ........................................................$249,500 ‘10 JD 8345RT, 4 SCV, 25” tracks, 1250 hrs. ......................................................................$239,000
(2) JD 4020, dsl., WF, SRT....................Choice $8,900 ‘73 JD 4030, cab, QRT, 2 SCV, 16.9-38 ..........$15,000
‘75 JD 4430, PS, 18.4-38, JD 725 ldr., 6030 hrs. ........................................................................$28,500 ‘11 JD 6430, std. cab, PQ, 18.4-34, 425 hrs...$52,500 ‘92 CIH 7120, 18.4-42 w/dls., w/ldr., 7620 hrs. ........................................................................$37,500
‘03 JD 2210, hydro, 62” deck, 928 hrs.............$9,750 ‘01 JD 240, skid, hand controls, 72” bkt. ......$14,500 ‘98 Case 85XT, Grouser tracks, 72” bkt., 2575 hrs. ........................................................................$15,900 ‘03 Mustang MTL25, cab, tracks, 1300 hrs. ..$29,500 ‘07 JD CT332, cab/air, 84” bkt., 1574 hrs. ....$35,000
‘94 CIH 1688, 3561/2361, 18.4-38, TPR ........$35,000 ‘05 JD 9660, 1421/962, CM, 20.8-38 duals $145,000 ‘08 JD 9770, 1530/1210, CM, 20.8-42 duals, TPR ..............................................................$185,000 ‘10 JD 9770, 477/350, CM, 20.8-42 w/duals ......................................................................$245,000 ‘09 JD 9870, 1479/1031, CM, 650’s, PRWD $219,500 ‘10 JD 9870, 852/562, CM, 650’s, PRWD ....$255,000 ‘05 JD 630F, F/finger, air system ....................$27,500 ‘10 JD 635F, F/finger, Crary wing system ......$35,000 ‘09 JD 635F, F/finger, 1500 acres ..................$17,000
‘11 JD 3710, 7-btm., spring reset, coulters ..$35,000 ‘05 JD 3710, 8-btm., spring reset, coulters ..$16,900 ‘10 JD 3710, 9-btm., spring reset, coulters ..$38,500 ‘11 JD 512, R/ripper, 9/30, 1500 acres ..........$52,500 ‘07 JD 2410 C/plow, 33’, 12” spacing ............$29,500 ‘11 JD 2410, 33’, 16” spacing, anhydrous kit $47,000 ‘10 JD 2410, 50’, 12” spacing, new stnd. ......$59,500 ‘07 JD 2410 C/plow, 61’, 30” spacing ............$42,000 ‘10 JD 2510H, hi speed bar, 16R30, mtd. ......$52,500
New ‘11 Fast 9518, 1850 gal., 120’, Norac ..$72,500
‘96 JD 1760, 12R30, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners........$34,500 ‘97 JD 1760 Flex Frame, 12R30, 3 bu., liq. fert. ........................................................................$33,500 ‘03 JD 1720, 16R30, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners........$49,900 ‘97 JD 1780, 24R20, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners........$45,000 ‘01 JD 1780, 24R20, 3.0 bu., R/cleaners, field ready ........................................................................$47,500 ‘97 Kinze 2600, 16R30, (3) interplant units, 1.6 bu. ............................................................$45,000 ‘05 JD 1770, 24R30, CCS, liquid fert., R/cleaners ........................................................................$92,500 ‘05 JD 1790, CCS, 24R20, Mech. Dr., liquid fert. ........................................................................$74,500
New Set of 380/80R38 Firestone front duals ....$6,000 ‘08 JD 520 Flail, mtd., 4-wheels ....................$17,500 ‘08 JD 568 baler, Megawide, surface wrap ....$26,500 ‘01 JD 240 skid, hand controls, 72” bucket ..$14,500 ‘07 Brent 1084 cart, 1000 bu., 18.4-42 w/tandem, tarp ................................................................$42,500 ‘07 Parker 938, 36” tracks, 1000 bu. ............$56,000 ‘05 Frontier 1107 grain cart, 750 bu., 30.5x32 ........................................................................$19,500 Meridian 375 Tender, (3) axle, tarp, scale ......$15,500 ‘98 JD 720, MoCo, 9’9”, 540 PTO ....................$6,500 (19) Stalk Choppers - Hiniker, Loftness, Woods ............................................Call and make an offer!
John Deere Crop Insurance Available at Our Locations
Contact: Kory Bundy (507) 327-1084
Hardi 1000, pull type, 1000 gal., 90’ ..............$19,500 ‘00 AgChem 1254, 2468 hrs., 90’ boom, Raven ........................................................................$89,500 ‘01 JD 4710, 2780 hrs., 80’ boom, Norac ....$120,000 ‘07 JD 4720, 7150 hrs., 90’ boom, 320/90R45, AT..................................................................$157,000
Check Out Our New Website
Potter Implement
Hwy. 22 South • Mankato, MN • www.mankatoimplement.com
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Erlandson Implement
214 East State St. • Kiester, MN
Hwy. 22 South • Minnesota Lake, MN
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(507) 294-3244
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‘04 Freightliner, CL12042ST Century Class, 350K, 350 Mercedes, 10-spd., 3.70 ratio, SX......................................$17,500 or w/Twin Screw ..............$22,500 ‘03 Kenworth T800, 380/410 Caterpiller, 13-spd., 3.70 ratio, AR, Walk-In Sleeper ..........$22,500 ‘74 Ford LN800 Implement Truck, 391 V8, gas, 5+2 trans., 26’ steel bed, hyd. winch, hyd. tip down, sgl. axle, clean, exc. cond. ..$6,500 ‘02 Freightliner, CL12064ST, 410 hp. Cummins, 10-spd., 800K, 3.90 ratio, 230” WB, new rods & main, new recaps, 48” flattop ....$18,500
‘74 Fontaine, 40’....................$4,750 ‘99 Transcraft, 48/102, AL Combo............................$9,250 ‘02 Transcraft, 48/102, SA/AR ............................................$9,900 ‘80 Monon, 42/96, Clean, Excellent for Beets..............................$6,500 ‘94 Fontaine, 48/96, SPX/AR..$7,000 ‘93 Fontaine AL Combo, 48/96, SPX/AR ................................$7,000
‘99 Dorsey, 48/102, SPX/AR, 50% tires, 80% brakes........$9,500 ‘00 Wabash, 48/102, Conestoga, New Tarp, AL Wheels Outside, Winches & Chain Tiedowns, SPR......................................$9,500 Custom Haysides & Extensions Standard ................................$1,250 NEW Tip-In Tip-Out ................$1,750 Extensions ................................$350
‘07 Fontaine 48/102, Brand New Never Pulled......................$28,500
Good Selection (over 30) of Van Trailers ‘95-’01, 48/102-53/102, great for water storage or over the road hauling ....$3,500-$7,500 48’ & 53’ Van Trailers to rent. ..........$135.00 per month plus tax. ....$2.00/mile for pickup & delivery
Axles, Suspensions For Trailers ..........$1,000 AR/Axle ..................................$500 SR/Axle Rims - 22.5 & 24.5 steel & aluminum ........................$60/steel ..........................................$175/AL ‘94 Ford Van Truck, 7.3L dsl., auto., 14’ AL body, 96” wide, roll-up door ........................$2,900 Kubota Tractor L2950, 3,079 hrs., 3 cyl. dsl., 4WD, live PTO, RollOver Protection ..................$8,500 Tires: (4) 385 Super Singles w/polished AL rims; 2 new, 1 @ 50%, 1@ 40% ........$2,000/set of 4 Tires: (2) 445 Super Singles w/AL rims................................$1,000 pr. Pre-Hung Interior Doors: Oak, Cherry, Maple, Pine & Painted. Sizes from 18x30-36x80. LH/RH openings. Styles from 2 panel to 6 panel. Over 50 doors to choose from ......................Call For Details We can also convert flatbed trailers to be used as a bridge. See our website.
• All Trailers DOTable •
Will Consider Trades!
Call 320-212-5220 or 320-392-5361
CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE!!! www.DuncanTrailersInc.com Delivery Available!
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
Mankato Implement
‘99 Timpte, 42’ AL hopper, 78” sides, roll tarp ..................$17,500 ‘90 Timpte, 42’ AL hopper, 78” sides, roll tarp ..................$15,000 15’ Steel Box & Hoist, 54” sides ............................................$2,500 ‘10 Timpte hopper, AR, 20” hopper height, new brakes, roll tarp ..........................................$28,500 ‘07 Timpte hopper, 40’ Ag hopper, AR, new brakes, 50% tires$25,000 Lift Kits for your existing hopper. Our Lift Kits will help you achieve a 20” hopper height..........Kit $650 ............................Installed $1,350 Engineered Beavertail for Drop Deck ..........Installed $5,500 ......................................Kit $3,500
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
‘93 JD 8970, 24-spd., 20.8-42, 6743 hrs. ......$67,500 ‘04 JD 9220, PS, 710/70R38, d/lock, 3162 hrs. ......................................................................$145,000 ‘01 JD 9300T, 24-spd., 30” tracks, 3225 hrs. ......................................................................$124,500 ‘11 JD 9530T, 36” tracks, fact. warr., 398 hrs. ......................................................................$315,000 ‘02 JD 9520T, 36’ tracks, at ready, 6783 hrs. ......................................................................$109,500 ‘04 JD 9620T, 30” tracks 80%, 4 SCV, 6500 hrs. ......................................................................$147,500 ‘09 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, 4 SCV, 1307 hrs...$275,000 ‘11 JD 9630T, 36” tracks, leather, Xenon, fact. warr., 785 hrs. ........................................................$295,000 ‘11 JD 9630, 800/70R30, fact. warr., 478 hrs. ......................................................................$290,000
27 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
Reg. Suffolk ewe lambs, Dec-Mar PB Hamp boars & $100-$135. Rams, $150. open gilts, starting $200. (608) 269-2383 Del. avail. Ron Warrick 515-352-3749 Goats 062 Pets & Supplies 070 Dairy Goat Herd for sale. 60 2 UKC Coon Hounds, Very milking, 25 bred doelings & Good. 715-299-6886 30 ready to breed doelings.
28 B
USED 4WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘11 CIH 535 Quad, 2017 hrs., Lux. cab, HID lights, big hyd. pump ..............$250,000 Cat 75C, w/3 pt. & PTO, 6500 hrs. ......................................................................$59,000 ‘12 CIH 600Q, Lux. cab, HID lights, Pro 700 steering, 218 hrs., Loaded ..COMING IN ‘12 CIH Steiger 450 Quad, 450 hrs., Lux. cab, big hyd. pump, HID lightsCOMING IN STX and STEIGER PTO, TOW CABLE & 3 PT. KITS ON HAND!!!
‘10 CIH Puma 180, CVT, 712 hrs., Luxury cab, w/L760 loader ......................................$125,000
‘08 Maxxum 120 Pro, 367 hrs., loader, 14.9x46 tires & duals ........................................$74,800
‘10 CIH Puma 155, PS, 579 hrs., w/loader. ......................$114,900
‘12 Farmall 50B, MFD, hydro, w/loader..........................$27,500
‘11 CIH 9120, Tracks, RWA, 290 hrs. ........................$359,000
‘11 CIH 7120, 168 eng./ 123 sep. hrs. ................$267,000
‘11 CIH Magnum 275, 432 hrs., Loaded ..........................$174,800
‘95 CIH 7220, 2WD, 4400 hrs. ........................................$49,500
Bobcat 5600 Toolcat ....$26,900 60” SB200 snowblower ....$4,500
‘94 Cat 75C, 3 pt, PTO, 6500 hrs.. ........................................$59,000
‘08 CIH 1250, 24R30”, liq. fert., 3 pt. mount, bulk fill ....$108,900
‘93 CIH 8600, 30’ air drill, 48 openers........................$8,900
USED 2WD TRACTORS Up To One Year Interest Free ••• Call For Details ••• ‘12 CIH Farmall 50B, MFD, hydro, w/loader......................................................$27,500 ‘10 CIH Puma 180, CVT, 712 hrs., Luxury cab, w/L760 loader ......................$125,000 ‘10 CIH Puma 140, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 457 hrs. ....................$103,000 ‘10 CIH Puma 155, PS, suspension axle, L760 loader, 579 hrs. ....................$114,900 ‘11 CIH Magnum 275, Full Pro 600 Auto Guide, 360 HID lights, 432 hrs. ....$174,800 ‘11 CIH Magnum 225, CVT, 334 hrs., Luxury cab ..........................................$139,900 ‘10 CIH Magnum 335, NEW 520x46 tires, Lux cab, big pump/drawbar, 1502 hrs. ............................................................................................................$189,000 ‘95 CIH Magnum 7220, 4400 hrs. ......................................................................$49,500 ‘12 Farmall 95, MFD, cab, w/L735 loader ..........................................................$49,000
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
USED PLANTERS ‘08 CIH 1250, 24R30”, liq. fert., 3 pt. mount, bulk fill ......................................$108,900
USED SKIDLOADERS ‘12 Bobcat S175, 2-spd. hydro., cab w/heat, 53 hrs. ........................................$26,900 ‘03 Bobcat 5600 Toolcat, 605 hrs. ....................................................................$26,900 ‘05 Bobcat 5600 Toolcat, 2000 hrs. ..................................................................$19,900 ‘09 Bobcat E-32, Dlx. seat, cab w/air, hyd. X-Change, 24” trenching bucket $36,900 Bobcat 642 ......................................................................................................COMING IN Bobcat 185, 3800 hrs. ....................................................................................COMING IN
USED COMBINES Interest Waiver or Low Rate Financing Available ••• Call For Details
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
‘11 CIH 9120, track drive, RWA, 290 eng./248 sep. hrs., hyd. folding hopper, leather, loaded ..................................................................................................$359,000 ‘11 CIH 7120, 168 eng./123 sep. hrs. ..............................................................$267,000 ‘11 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..........................................................$64,500 ‘11 CIH 2608, 8R30” chopping cornhead ..........................................................$64,500 ‘09 CIH 2162, 40’ draper platform ......................................................................$49,900 ‘11 CIH 3020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ........................................................$42,900 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ........................................................$34,900 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ platform w/Crary air reel ........................................................$29,000 ‘03 CIH 1020, 30’ platform, 11⁄2” knife, tracker....................................................$14,900 ‘92 CIH 1020, 20’ platform, 3” knife ......................................................................$6,500
I-35 & Highway 60 West • Faribault, MN • 507-334-2233
CNH Capital’s Commercial Revolving Account provides financial assistance for parts and service when you need it, keeping your equipment running as its best with the quality parts and service you’ve come to expect from Case IH. Contact your local dealer or visit www.cnhcapital.com today for details. ©2012 CNH Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. CNH Capital and Case IH are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC. Printed in the USA.
Livestock Equip
Cars & Pickups
Challenger MT655B, 1500 hrs. ..................$129,500 ‘08 Challenger 665B, 2400 hrs. ..................$129,500 ‘White 6175, 2WD, 5100 hrs ........................$39,500 ‘04 Agco RT150 CV, 2700 hrs ......................$84,500 ‘03 Agco DT180, 2500 hrs, auto guide ........$82,500 ‘02 Agco DT200, 3000 hrs. ..........................$82,500 AC 170, gas, cab ..............................................CALL ‘95 NH 9680, 4WD, 4600 hrs, new rubber ..$69,500
FOR SALE: Ford 7.3 dsl engines, transmission & parts, new & used. Greg's Diesel 320-583-0881 Industrial & Const.
FOR SALE: JD 500C back hoe, 4 cyl dsl, 8spd power shift trans, roll cage, good working order, $7,800/OBO. 507-947-3735 Trucks & Trailers
'73 Chev C60, 2 spd, 15' grain box w/40” sides and 12” extensions, no rust, heavy duty hitch, white w/blue trim, $3,950. 952-442-4259 '81 Chevrolet Tandem truck, Detroit dsl, 13spd, twin screw, 18' box & hoist, 43,000 miles. (715) 772-4463 or (715)-308-3835
SWINGAWAY DELUX 13575, 10”x71’ MAYRATH 1350 BPH SWINGAWAY MC 690, 1 Ph. BEHLEN 380, 1 Ph. 8”X57’ KEWANEE PTO
12”x71’ MAYRATH HOPPER TANKS BEHLEN, 1600 bu. SWINGAWAY We carry a full line of Behlen & Delux dryer parts; Mayrath and Hutch augers parts. Large inventory of Welda sprockets, hubs, bearings, chain & pulleys.
'99 Timpte 40', 72” sides, great condition, $19,900; '91 IH 9200 daycab, Cat 400 hp, 10 spd., runs & drives great, $9,500. 507-920-7862
1409 Silver Street E. Mapleton, MN 56065 507-524-3726 massopelectric.com
FOR SALE: 22' Hawk single axle grain trailer, very nice condition, never used in the winter, always shedded, $7,000. 507-381-3298 New 36' grain trailer; many sizes storage trailers; 53' trailer w/flat aluminum floor & rollup door. Containers. www.rydelltrailers.com 701-474-5780 Ready for Fall - 42' semi trailer, repainted, ag hoppers, good tarp, $12,750/OBO. 515-408-3122 Wilson, Pace Setter, W&W aluminum & steel stock trailers. H&H utility & tilt bed flatbeds, aluminum & steel. A.B.U. Dump, flatbed trailers, gooseneck & bumper. (150 in stock). Your No Hassle Dealer. Stenberg's Supply 218-352-6598 Miscellaneous
Kasco saw IIB saw mill, 18' rail, 16HP Briggs & Stratton engine, saws 24" logs. $12,000. (715)384-9939
Notch Equipment:
• Rock Buckets • Grapple Forks • Manure Forks • Bale Spears • Hi-Volume Buckets & Pallet Forks • Bale Transports & Feeder Wagons, 16’-34’ • Adult & Young Stock Feeders & Bale Feeders • Land Levelers
Smidley Equipment:
• Steer Stuffers • Hog Feeders • Hog Huts • Calf Creep Feeders • Lamb & Sheep Feeders • Cattle & Hog Waterers • Mini Scaler
Sioux Equipment:
• Gates • Calving Pens • Haymax Bale Feeders • Cattle Panels • Feeders Panels • Head Gates • Hog Feeders • Squeeze Chutes & Tubs • Port-A-Hut Shelters (Many Sizes) • Bergman Cattle Feeders • Lorenz & Farm King Snowblowers • Mandako Land Rollers, 12’-60’ • GT (Tox-O-Wic) Grain Dryers, 350-800 bu. • Sheep & Calf Feeders • Livestock Equipment by Vern’s Mfg. • Powder River Crowding Tub & Alley • Mister Squeeze Cattle Chutes & Hd. Gates • Garfield Earth Scrapers • Peck Grain Augers, 8” - 10” - 12” • Special Price • MDS Buckets for Loaders & Skidloaders • Powder River Livestock & Horse Equipment • Tire Scrapers for Skidsteers, 6’-9’
• Jari Sickle Mowers • Grasshopper Lawn Mowers - Special Price Now! • “Tire” feeders & waterers • MDS Roto King Round Bale Processor for skidsteers, tractors, loaders or telehandlers • Good Stock of parts for GT Tox-O-Wic Grain Dryers, Also, Some Used Parts • Sitrex Wheel Rakes - MX Model In Stock • Brillion Alfalfa & Grass Seeders • Bale Baskets • SI Feeders & Bunks • (Hayhopper) Bale Feeders • Enduraplas Bale Feeders, Panels & Tanks • E-Z Trail Wagons, Boxes & Grain Carts • Calftel Hutches & Animal Barns • R&C Poly Bale Feeders • Farm King Augers and Mowers • Corral Panels & Horse Stalls • EZ-Trail Head Movers & Bale Racks • Roda Mini-Spreaders • Amish Built Oak bunk feeders & bale racks • Walco log splitter • Goat & Sheep feeders
DR® POWER EQUIPMENT • Field & Brush Mowers • Roto-Hog Power Tillers • Stump Grinders • Log Splitters • Chippers • Power Graders • Power Wagons • Leaf & Lawn Vacuums • Versa-trailers
• Formost 125 squeeze chute w/450 headgate, palp cage • GT (Tox-O-Wic) 580 PTO grain dryer, rebuilt • Brady 5600 stalk chopper or windrower • Toro Z-Master zero-turn mower, 72” deck, dsl., • (2) Apron spreaders, 125-225 bu. • 15’ Hiniker stalk shredder, exc. shape w/end transp. • Hesston 30A Stakhand, very good • 250-300 bu. gravity boxes • Bush Hog 48” P.T. brush cutter, 13 hp. eng.
• IHC 500 plow disk, 12’ w/new front notch blades • Steer Stuffer & Hog Feeders • IHC #60 Stalk Chopper • Grasshopper 723 Zero turn mower w/52” power fold deck, DEMO unit, 27 hrs. • Smidley hog scale, 400 lb. capacity • (2) EZ-Flow 300 bu. gravity boxes w/10-ton EZ-Trail wagons • JD BWA disc, 20’ • Vermeer 206 stump chipper
Office Location - 305 Bluff Street Hutchinson, MN 55350
320-587-2162, Ask for Larry
‘03 MF 8000, 25’ w/Crary air reel ................$24,900 ‘09 Challenger or Gleaner 30’ flex w/air reel $29,900 ‘95 Gleaner 530 flex........................................$8,900 (5) Gleaner 8R30 huggers ..............$11,900-$39,900 (6) Gleaner 6R30 huggers ................$9,950-$15,900 ‘93 Gleaner 8R36 hugger..............................$11,900 ‘90 Gleaner, 4R36 hugger ..............................$4,950 ‘87 Gleaner R630 cornhead ............................$3,950 JD 843 cornhead, 10R22, Gleaner or JD ........$7,950 JD 843 cornhead, 8R30, Gleaner or MF..........$9,950 Clark Machine 12R22 cornhead ....................$19,500 ‘99 Gleaner 830C, SCH ................................$15,900 ‘80 Gleaner LM538A cornhead ..........................$995 ‘78 Gleaner L2 hydro ......................................$4,950 (15) Used Flexheads ............................................Call Fieldstar II yield monitor for GL, MF, CH ........$3,950
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT ‘12 White 8816, 16R30, CFS, 1500 acres ....$89,500 ‘09 White 8516, 16R30, CFS, low acres ......$79,500 ‘02 White 8500, 12R30, 2 bu. ......................$34,500 ‘05 White 8722, 16R22 ................................$39,500 ‘08 White 8186, 16R30, 3 bu........................$59,500 ‘09 White 8186, 16R30, 3 bu, LF..................$64,500 White 6900, 11R30 splitter ............................$8,950 White 5100, 8R30, VF ....................................$3,950 CIH 900, 16R30, rear fold ............................$11,900 Wilrich Quad X, 55’, 4 bar harrow ................$34,500 White 6100, 8R36, VF, trash whippers............$6,950 White 5100, 8R36, VF ....................................$3,950 DA 385, 8R30 ................................................$2,495 CIH 4800, 32’..................................................$9,950 Bush Hog 12R30 cult.........................................$795 ‘05 Krause 7300, 27’ rock flex disc ..............$29,900 Case IH 4300, 27’ ........................................$12,900 Sunflower 4511, 15’ disc chisel....................$34,900 Wishek 862NT, 26’ disc ................................$44,500 JD 510, 7x30 disc rippper ..............................$9,950 WilRich Quad X 50’ w/baskets ....................$47,500 ‘11 WilRich 513, 9x24 Soil Pro ....................$44,500 ‘06 WilRich V957, 5x30 ................................$24,900 WilRich V957, 7x30 ......................................$24,900 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ......................................$34,900 ‘05 Wilrich V957, 7x30 ................................$17,900 ‘03 JD 2400, 25’ chisel plow ........................$26,900 Wilrich Excel, 32’ ..........................................$21,500
Hesston 1091 haybine ....................................$1,295 Hesston 5800, 5x6 baler ................................$2,950 ‘11 MF 1326 disc mower ................................$6,500 IH 1100, 7’ sickle mower ..................................$995 Woods U306 mower, “C” Farmall mtg. ..............$795 Balzer 2000 shredder, semi-mounted ............$5,950 Brady 15’ windrow shredder ..........................$2,950 ‘09 Parker 739 grain cart ..............................$22,900 ‘02 Parker 737 grain cart, duals....................$18,900 Unverferth GC5000 grain cart ......................$11,900 Killbros 490 grain cart ....................................$8,950 Brandt 4500 EX grain vac ..............................$6,950 Parker 510 grain cart ......................................$9,950 ‘07 Feterl 12x72 CSW ....................................$9,950 Feterl 10x55 Red TD auger ................................$995 Feterl 10x60 HF w/hopper ..............................$2,950 Westgo 10x71 w/hopper ................................$1,950 ‘06 Feterl 14x116, CSW ................................$19,900 ‘06 Feterl 12x122, CWS ................................$12,900 ‘04 Feterl 10x62 GSW auger ..........................$5,450 ‘11 Peck 12x43, PTO ......................................$4,950 Feterl 8x46 PTO auger ....................................$2,950 Feterl 8x60 PTO auger ....................................$1,995 White 588, 4x18..............................................$2,495 Schweiss 6’ snowblower, 2 auger ..................$1,995 Loftness 8’ snowblower, single auger ............$2,995 ‘10 Farm King Y840, 84” snowblower ............$2,950
JUST IN ‘06 Wishek 862NT, 26’ ..................................$39,500 ‘98 Balzer 2000 shredder ................................$3,950 ‘89 Gleaner R60, 3200 eng. hrs. ..................$22,900 ‘00 Gleaner 830 flex head w/air reel..............$24,900 Sunflower 1434, 23’ disc, harrow ................$27,900 Sunflower 1433, 25’ disc ..............................$23,900 White 2-135, 3100 hrs., Sharp! ..................$13,900 White 185, FWA, 2500 hrs., Sharp! ..............$39,900 ‘08 Harvest Tech 6rR30 ................................$29,900 M&W 1865, 9x24 Earthmaster ......................$9,950 Demco 365 wagon..........................................$4,450 CIH 4900, 30’..................................................$6,950 Deutz DX90, 2WD, cab ..................................$8,950
Loftness 240 shredder....................................$3,950 JD 27 shredder ..............................................$3,450 Tebben 5x30 deep-till......................................$3,450 ‘81 Gleaner N5 w/20’ ......................................$5,950 AC 7020 DP, 4500 hrs.....................................$9,950 Artsway 240, 20’ shredder..............................$4,450 ‘05 Gleaner 3000, 8R38 cornhead ................$29,500 ‘97 NH 9682, 4WD, 2600 hrs. ......................$89,500 AC 8050, FWD ..............................................$27,500 ‘08 White 8524, 24x30, CFS ........................$89,500 AC 180D w/loader ..........................................$7,950 ‘86 Gleaner R-7, 2700 hrs. ..........................$14,900 J&M 500 grain cart ........................................$5,950
We Rent Brandt Grain Vacs
We Rent and Sell Wishek Discs
Midway Farm Equipment
507-427-3414 or 800-657-3249
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
One deer hunter needs a place to hunt deer & turkey, sometimes with daughter. Responsible, considerate, law abiding hunter. Area 200, zones 291, 292, 230, prefer 299. In the counties of Blue Earth, Nicollet, Le Sueur, Brown, & Watonwan. I just bow & black powder hunt; shotgun if nobody on property at same time. Call 507-3804167, or email me at goldwing040@yahoo.com Dan
USED COMBINES & HEADS ‘03 Gleaner R-75’s, 1100 hrs. ....................$139,500 ‘02 Gleaner R72, duals, 1100 hrs. ..............$129,500 ‘93 Gleaner R72, 2800 hrs............................$59,500 ‘08 Gleaner R65, 600 hrs............................$189,500 ‘09 Gleaner R66, 397 hrs............................$219,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1300 hrs ..............$109,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 900 hrs ................$109,500 ‘01 Gleaner R62, duals, 1500 hrs ................$99,500 ‘98 Gleaner R62, 1200 hrs............................$69,500 ‘92 Gleaner R62, 2300 hrs. ..........................$39,500 ‘98 Gleaner R52, duals, 1700 hrs ................$69,500 ‘08 Gleaner 8200, 25’ R series......................$24,900 ‘04 NH CR970, 1000 hrs.............................$149,500 ‘89 Gleaner R50, 3400 hrs. ..........................$14,900 ‘05 Gleaner R75, 1000 hrs..........................$159,500 ‘81 Gleaner N5 ................................................$5,950 ‘99 MF 8780, Smart track, 1800 hrs. ............$79,500
29 B
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FOR SALE: '89 Ford dump truck 35,000 GVW, 71,586 mi, 7 yd box, air brakes, Cat V8 dsl, good rubber, 5+2 spd diff, clean, nice looking, $7,800/OBO. 507-947-3735 FOR SALE: '95 Cornhusker, Air Ride, alum trailer, $16,000. 507-475-7021
‘81 Deutz DX160, FWD, duals ......................$14,950 ‘10 MF 8650, 500 hrs., all options..............$149,500 MF 8280, 2800 hrs. ......................................$87,500 ‘10 C-IH 105U Farmall, cab, loader, 300 hrs.$54,900 ‘08 MF 1552 w/loader, 120 hrs. ....................$19,900 AC 170 w/loader ............................................$4,950 Ford 876, 4WD, 6000 hrs., good rubber ......$29,500
New Oak big bale, fence, silage bunks and flat beds. Feed boxes. 715-269-5258
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
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THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012 30 B
31 B
‘11 JD 8235R, MFWD, 1050 hrs., IVT, ILS, 380/90R50’s, 320/80R42’s, duals frt. & rear, 60 gal. pump w/5-remotes ..............$184,500 ‘12 JD 9460R, 4WD, 130 hrs., Michelin 710/70R42’s w/duals, weight pkg., 5-remotes w/high flow capacity, leather tirm....$264,500 ‘11 JD 9630, 4WD, 288 hrs., FS 800/70R38’s w/duals, diff-locks, Premier lighting, HID lights rear, wgt. pkg. ........................$264,500 ‘10 JD 9770STS, 430 hrs., Pro-Drives, CM w/hi-torque rev., 20.8x42’s w/duals, Maurer ext., chopper ....................................$234,500 ‘09 JD 9770STS, 543 hrs., Premier cab, CM w/hi-torque rev., 20.8x42’s w/duals, JD ext., chopper ............................................$214,500 ‘07 JD 9760STS, 1592 hrs., Premier cab, CM w/hi-torque rev., 20.8x42’s w/duals, bin ext., chopper ............................................$134,500
Financing Available!
4WD & TRACK TRACTORS ‘06 JD 630F, fore & aft, single point,
• 320-894-6560
KIESTER IMPLEMENT, INC. 110 S. Main, P.O. Box 249 • Kiester, MN
‘10 JD 8335R tractor, IVT, 1500 front axle, 480/80R50 duals, front duals, wgts., 4550 hrs. ......................................................................$155,000 ‘06 JD 6403 tractor, 2WD, no cab, 542 loader, 350 hrs. ..........................................................$22,500 ‘08 JD 520, 20’ shredder, 3 pt. hitch, mounted $5,800 ‘09 NH T8040, MFWD, Supersteer, 480/80R50 duals, 380/80R38 front duals, 19-spd. trans., 540/1000 PTO, 950 hrs. ................................$139,000 ‘03 JD 8520T, 24” tracks, narrow stance, 5043 hrs. ........................................................................$89,000 ‘02 JD 9520T, 36” tracks, wide swing drawbar, 5500 hrs. ......................................................$119,000 ‘08 Challenger MT765B, ultra wide gauge, 16” tracks, 2320 hrs., front wgts., 3 pt. w/quick hitch, nice tractor w/excellent tracks ..........$141,500 ‘06 NH W130 wheel loader, cab, air, 5350 hrs.$52,500 ‘10 JD 635F flexible platform..........................$24,500 ‘09 JD 608C non-chopping cornhead, knife rolls ........................................................................$37,000
Keith Bode Fairfax, MN 55332 507-381-1291
‘95 JD 8970, 6443 hrs., 12-spd. synchro, 4 hyd., Ezee steer, 20.8x42 tires & duals ..................................................$60,000 ‘05 NH TJ425, 3080 hrs., power shift, 4 hyd., Trimble auto steer, 800x38 tires & duals ............................$138,000 ‘10 JD 9530T, 595 hrs., Deluxe cab, 36” Durabuilt tracks, 4 hyd., front wgts. ................................................$248,000 ‘11 JD 8360RT, 698 hrs., Deluxe cab, 5 hyd., 3 pt., 1000 PTO, 25” tracks, Warranty ..................................$239,500 CIH 9280, 7526 hrs., power shift w/skip shift, 4 hyds., 20.8x42 tires & duals ..................................................$48,000
low DAM ....................................$19,500 ‘06 JD 635 flex, fore & aft............$19,000 JD 693, 6R30” cornhead..............$12,500 ‘08 CIH 2020, 35’ flex head ........$19,500 JD 643, 6R30”, low tin w/knife rolls ....................................................$8,000 JD 843, 8R30”, low tin, w/poly, all new chains & sprockets ......................$10,500
‘07 JD 7830, MFWD, 4510 hrs., 4V, 710x38, JD 746 loader ............$105,000 ‘09 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1080 hrs., 3 pt, 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, 20.8x4 tires........................$92,000 ‘08 NH T7030, MFWD, cab, 1325 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader COMBINES w/joystick, 20.8x42 rear tires ....$88,000 ‘10 Cat 585R w/tracks, 625 eng/383 sep ‘07 NH T7040, MFWD, cab, 3056 hrs., hrs, 4WD, well equipped..........$200,000 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, NH 860TL loader, ‘10 JD 9670, 4x4, Premier cab, 499 18.4x42 tires..............................$78,000 sep./799 eng. hrs., chopper, power tail board, Contour Master, extended wear, smart feed, 18.4x42 duals ......$192,000 ‘08 JD 9670,Premier cab, 81 sep./1175 www.larsonimplements.com eng. hrs, Contour Master, 20.8x42 tires
LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95
763-689-1179 Look at our Web site for pictures & more listings Free delivery on combines in MN, Eastern ND & SD
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
JD 4050, MFD ............................................$32,900 JD 4240, PS ................................................$19,900 JD 4440, Quad ............................................$22,900 (2) IH 1026, hydro ..............................From $12,900 IH 1256 ..............................................Coming Soon IH 1456 ..............................................Coming Soon JD 4650, 2WD ............................................$29,900 CIH MX270 ..................................................$69,900 JD 4630, PS ................................................$16,900 IH 460, 560, 560D ..........................................CALL JD loaders, many to choose, ....Starting at $2,495 New Koyker loaders ......................................CALL Gehl 4635 skid loader ................................$12,900 CIH 4800, 30’ field cult. ..................$9,900 or B.O. IH 826, German diesel ......................Coming Soon CIH 5120, MFD ................................Coming Soon JD 4030..............................................Coming Soon Cub Cadet HDS 3225, 280 hrs. ....................$2,995 Cub Cadet 782 ..............................................$1,695 IH Super MTA ....................................Coming Soon IH 856D..........................................................$8,900 IH 756, gas ....................................................$7,900 IH 810 oat head w/pickup ..............................CALL JD Loaders - Special: 46, 48, 148, 158, 640 CALL New Koyker 510 loader ..................................CALL
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‘11 CIH Magnum 275, MFWD, 850 hrs., 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 4 hyd., HD drawbar, 18 front wgts., 380x54 duals, 380x38 front duals ..................$149,000 ‘07 NH TJ275, MFWD, power shift, 2100 hrs., 3 pt., 5 hyd., Super Steer, 380x50 tires & duals, front wgts. ................................................$115,000 ‘01 JD 8110, 2WD, 4818 hrs., cab, 3V, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 20.8-42 duals ..................................................$65,000 ‘95 JD 8100, 2WD, cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt., 3 hyd., 9426 hrs., 18.4x46 tires & duals ..............................$42,500 ‘94 JD 7800, 2WD, cab, air, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 9760 hrs., 14.9x46 duals, duals, front wgts. ............$39,500 ‘98 JD 6410, cab, air, MFWD, 16 spd. pwr quad, w/reverse, 8795 hrs., 18.4x38 tires ..............................$31,000 ‘89 JD 4755, 2WD, 9500 hrs., 3 pt., 3 hyd., PS, 1000 PTO, 18.4x42 tires & duals ......................................$31,000
& duals, chopper, extended wear, Auto Trac ready ................................$155,000 ‘09 JD 9870, x4, 533 sep./763 eng. hrs., Premuim cab, Contour Master, chopper, 5-spd. feederhouse, 520x38 tires & duals ....................................$192,000 ‘10 JD 9670, 529 eng. hrs., Contour Master, chopper, 520x42 duals$190,000 ‘10 JD 9670, 613 sep./800 eng. hrs., Premium cab, Contour Master, chopper, 18.4x42 duals ..........................$180,000 ‘05 JD 9660, 1777 eng./1282 sep. hrs., Contour Master, chopper, 20.8x38 duals ........................................$119,000 ‘98 JD 9610, 3578 eng/2379 sep hrs, chopper, dial-a-matic, fore & aft, bin ext., 20.8x42” tires & duals ......$55,000 ‘94 CIH 1688, 3734 eng. hrs., rock trap, chopper, auto header, thru shop ..................................................$34,500 ‘90 JD 9600, 5100 eng./3651 sep. hrs., 18.4x42 tires & duals, chopper, Dial-A-Matic ..............................$32,000
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32 B THE LAND, OCTOBER 12, 2012
..................................................................................$7,900 TRACTORS-4WD ‘09 CIH 535QT, 1620 HRS., PTO, 36” TRACKS ........$289,750 BL DMI COULTER CHAMP, 11-SHANK, 4” TWISTED SHOVELS ....................................................................$4,950 ‘00 JD 9400T, GOOD TRACKS, NICE TRACTOR..........$99,750 ‘94 CIH 9230, 3675 HRS., 3-PT., PS ....................COMING IN BL TEBBEN 7-SHANK MOUNTED RIPPER ........................$3,500 ‘86 VERSATILE 836, 5750 HRS., PTO........................$32,000 PLOWS BL ‘75 MELROE 903-818, 8-BOTTOM ON LAND..............$5,975 TRACTORS-MFD ‘11 CIH MAGNUM 340, 950 HRS., SS CAB AXLE ....$205,000 SE IH 710, 4-BOTTOM......................................................$1,200 Bingham Lake Location Selling Salford Plows ‘09 CIH MAGNUM 305, 1300 HRS. ........................$173,500 8 Bottom - On Hand ‘11 CIH MAXXUM 140 PRO, 572 HRS., LOADER ......$86,500 ‘06 CIH MXU 130, 3000 HRS., CAB, 2 REMOTES......$49,950 STALK CHOPPERS ‘10 CIH FARMALL 95, 358 HRS., CAB, DUAL PTO ....$35,500 BL ‘06 WOODS, 20’ MOUNTED, GAUGE WHEELS ..........$12,500 ‘86 CIH 3394, 7377 HRS., 18.4X42 DUALS ..............$28,500 BL ‘06 WOODS, 20’ MOUNTED, GAUGE WHEELS ..........$11,950 ‘00 CIH CX100, 8385 HRS., CAB HEAT/AC................$23,900 SE ‘06 WOODS, 15’ PULL TYPE......................................$13,750 ‘94 ALLIS 6690, 3764 HRS., LOADER, 3 REMOTES ..$19,950 BL ALLOWAY, 20’ MOUNTED, 4-GAUGE WHEELS ............$8,950 BL LOFTNESS 240, 20’ MOUNTED, 2-CASTER WHEELS ..$5,875 TRACTORS-2WD
BL ‘08 CIH JX1075C, 890 HRS., CAB, HEAT, AC ............$31,875 SE ‘07 CIH JX70, 912 HRS., LOADER W/JOYSTICK ........$25,500 SL ‘81 IH 5088, 8935 HRS., 18.4X38 DUALS, 2 REMOTES ................................................................................$18,000 BL ‘77 IH 1586, 7368 HRS., 20.8X38 ............................$14,950 SE ‘79 IH 1086, 7889 HRS., 18.4X38 ............................$11,850 BL ‘69 IH 856, 4800 HRS., MILLER LOADER..................$11,500 BL ‘77 IH 674, LOADER..................................................$10,950 BL ‘81 ALLIS 7020, 7232 HRS., 18.4X38 DUALS ............$9,250 SE HINIKER 1466, CAB, 18.4X38 DUALS ........................$8,950 SE ‘71 OLIVER 1855, CAB, 2 REMOTES, FF......................$7,500 SL ‘69 JD 2020, LOADER ................................................$6,500 BL ‘66 IH 806, DUAL PTO, 18.4X34..................................$6,350 SE ‘63 IH F806, LOADER, CAB ........................................$3,500
<< www.TheLandOnline.com >>
CASE SKID-LOADERS ‘06 CASE 440, 1915 HRS., CAB, H&A, 2-SPD. ..........$28,850 ‘10 CASE 420, S3, 750 HRS., 2-SPD. ......................$27,900 ‘10 CASE 430, S3, 2469 HRS., CAB, HEAT & AC, 2-SPD. ......................................................................$26,500 ‘06 CASE 410, 2345 HRS., NEW REMAN ENGINE ....$22,500 ‘07 CASE 430, 2005 HRS. ........................................$21,750 ‘07 CASE 420, 1825 HRS. ........................................$18,850 ‘05 CASE 420, 3846 HRS., CAB & HEAT ..................$17,650 BOBCAT SKID-LOADERS ‘07 BOBCAT S300, 4500 HRS., CAB, HEAT, 2-SPD. ..$26,500 ‘08 BOBCAT S205, 2740 HRS., CAB, HEAT, AC, 2-SPD. PBT ..............................................................$24,500 ‘08 BOBCAT S205, 1100 HRS., CAB, HEAT, AC, 2-SPD. ............................................................................COMING IN ‘04 BOBCAT S185, 4900 HRS., CAB, HEAT, AC..........$17,500 ‘05 BOBCAT S205, 3418 HRS., CAB, HEAT ..............$17,500 ‘03 GEHL SL5635, 2453 HRS. ..................................$15,800 ‘00 BOBCAT 773, 3413 HRS. ....................................$12,500 ‘78 BOBCAT 632 ........................................................$5,000 OWATONNA MUSTANG 345, 6918 HRS.......................$6,250 ‘09 SB200, 72” SNOWBLOWER..................................$4,750
SE ‘09 CIH 9120, 840 ENG. HRS., TRACKS, RWA, LOADED ..................................................................$309,900 BL ‘11 CIH 7088, 380 ENG. HRS., LOADED, RWA ........$287,900 SE ‘09 CIH 9120, 1100 ENG. HRS., TRACKS, RWA, LOADED ..................................................................$279,900 BL ‘10 CIH 7088, 455 ENG. HRS., RWA, LOADED ........$269,900 SL ‘08 CIH 7010, 808 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS......$217,500 SE ‘07 CIH 8010, 1668 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS, RWA........................................................................$206,500 BL ‘04 CIH 8010, 2451 ENG. HRS., 20.8X42 DUALS, HID LIGHTS....................................................................$179,950 BL ‘81 IH 1440, 3881 ENG. HRS., CHOPPER....................$9,950
“Where Farm and Family Meet”
SE = Sleepy Eye BL = Bingham Lake SL = Slayton
• (507) 831-1106 • (507) 836-8571 www.millersellner.com
(507) 794-2131
SE SL SE SE SL SL BL SL SL BL BL FALL TILLAGE ‘10 CIH 870, 11-SHANK, DISK LEVER ..................COMING IN SE ‘10 CIH 870, 9-SHANK, DISK LEVER W/BASKET ......$58,900 ‘10 CIH 870, 9-SHANK, DISK LEVER ........................$48,500 SE ‘08 KRAUSE 4850-18, 11-SHANK W/BASKET ..........$42,500 SE ‘09 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, 24” SPACING ......................$38,850 SE ‘07 JD 2700, 5-SHANK ............................................$27,500 ‘03 JD 2700, 9-SHANK, CUSHION BLADES, COVING SE BOARDS....................................................................$27,900 ‘06 CIH 730B, LEAD SHANKS ..................................$24,900 ‘05 CIH 730B, LEAD SHANKS ..................................$25,500 ‘04 JD 2700, 7-SHANK, 30” SPACING ......................$24,500 SL ‘99 CIH 730B, INDIVIDUAL CUSHION GANG, (NO LEADS) ................................................................................$23,795 BL ‘01 WILRICH 957, 7-SHANK, BIG COIL TINE LEVER ..$22,950 ‘00 DMI 730B, BLUE, LEADS & MAINS ....................$19,900 SE ‘02 CIH 730B ............................................................$19,850 BL ‘05 CIH 730B, (NO LEAD SHANKS) ..........................$21,750 JD 510, 7-SHANK, DISC RIPPER ..............................$13,900 ‘98 DMI 730B, (NO LEAD SHANKS) ..........................$15,000 ‘96 DMI 527..............................................................$10,000 ‘93 DMI 527, 7-SHANK ..............................................$9,500 ‘96 DMI 730................................................................$9,500 ‘95 DMI 730................................................................$9,500 ‘95 DMI 730................................................................$9,500 ‘05 WILRICH 357, 7-SHANK, 3 PT. MOUNTED RIPPER
‘05 CIH 2020, 30’, CRARY AIR REEL, 3” ..................$27,900 ‘09 CIH 2020, 30’3”, FT............................................$27,000 ‘05 JD F630, 11⁄2” HEAD SIGHT ................................$25,900 ‘04 CIH 2020, 30’ ....................................................$19,900 ‘06 CIH 1020, 25’ FULL FINGER AUGER....................$18,900 ‘04 CIH 1020, 30’, FT, 11⁄2” SICKLE............................$18,500 ‘96 CIH 1020, 25’ ....................................................$10,500 ‘96 CIH 1020, 20’, 11⁄2” ..............................................$9,500 ‘97 CIH 1020, 30’, 3” SICKLE, ROCK GUARD ..............$9,000 ‘90 CIH 1020, 25’, 3” CRARY SICKLE, ROCK GUARD ..$9,000 ‘95 CIH 1020, 25’, 11⁄2” ..............................................$8,900 ‘90 JD 930F, 3” SICKLE ..............................................$8,850 ‘97 CIH 1020, 30’ FIELD TRACKER ............................$8,500 ‘88 CIH 1020, 30’, 1.5” SICKLE, JOHNSON ROCK GUARD ..................................................................................$6,000 ‘87 CIH 1020, 25’, 1.5” SICKLE, ROCK GUARD ..........$5,750 ‘87 CIH 1020, 30’, 3” SICKLE, HYD. FORE & AFT........$4,950 ‘91 CIH 1020, 30’, FT, HYD. FORE & AFT ....................$4,250 ‘09 CIH 2608, 8R30”, FT & AHHC, HYD. DECK PLATES ................................................................................$62,000 ‘10 CIH 2608, 8R30”, FT, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ..$64,500 ‘07 CIH 2412, 12R30”, FT, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES $58,500 ‘08 GH RD830, 8X30, HEAD SIGHT ..........................$54,500 ‘08 GH RD830, 8X30, HEAD SIGHT ..........................$54,500 ‘05 GH RD830, 8X30 ................................................$50,500 ‘05 GH RD830, 8X30 ................................................$49,000 ‘08 GH RD630, 6X30 ................................................$46,500 ‘07 GH 1860, 6X30, POLY CHOPPING HEAD ............$43,500 ‘04 GH RD830, 8X30 ................................................$42,500 ‘07 CIH 2606, 6X30, POLY CHOPPING HEAD ............$42,850 ‘07 CIH 2208, 8R30” ................................................$38,000 ‘05 CLARK 12X22” POLY ..........................................$36,500 ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$34,500 ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30", HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$32,900 ‘05 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$32,850 ‘01 GH RD830 ..........................................................$29,900 ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$28,500 ‘04 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$28,500 ‘03 CIH 2208, 8R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES, AHHC ................................................................................$29,975 ‘06 CIH 2206, 6R30”, HYD. STRIPER. PLATES..........$28,500 ‘00 GH RDD630 ........................................................$28,500 ‘04 CIH 2206, 6R30”, HYD. STRIPPER PLATES ........$25,500 ‘00 CIH 1083, 8R30”, POLY, TALL CORN SHIELD ......$18,000 ‘98 CIH 1083, 8X30 ..................................................$15,800 ‘98 CIH 1083, 8X30 ..................................................$15,200 ‘91 CIH 1083 ............................................................$11,500 ‘97 CIH 1083 ............................................................$10,900 ‘96 CIH 1083 ............................................................$10,500 ‘91 CIH........................................................................$9,950 CIH 1083 ....................................................................$8,950 ‘91 IH 963 ..................................................................$5,000
NEW PRO 600, TAKE OFF ..............................................CALL NEW PRO 600, TAKE OFF ..............................................CALL NEW PRO 700, TAKE OFF W/ARM REST MOUNT FOR TIER 4............................................................................CALL NEW PRO 700, TAKE OFF W/ARM REST MOUNT FOR TIER 4............................................................................CALL
22 GPM PTO PUMPS, TAKE OFFS – CALL ‘08 CIH 1250, 24X30, BULK FILL ............................$122,500 ‘07 CIH 1250, 24X30, ON ROW HOPPERS, PRO 600 ................................................................................$81,995 ‘02 KINZE, 16X31, INTERPLANT ..............................$64,850 ‘96 CIH 950, 12X30”, LIQUID FERT., EARLY RISER MONITOR ..................................................................$16,500 ‘96 CIH 950, 12X30, SEMI MOUNT, EARLY RISER MONITOR ..................................................................$13,500 ‘92 CIH 900, 12X30, PULL TYPE ..............................$13,900 ‘91 CIH 900, 12X30, TRASH W, EARLY RISER MONITOR ................................................................................$12,000 ‘90 CIH 900, 12X30 ....................................................$8,989 CIH 900, 8R30”, PULL TYPE, LIQUID FERT. ................$6,900 CIH 800, 6R30”, PULL TYPE, NICE ..............................$3,900