THE LAND ~ July 5, 2019 ~ Northern Edition

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“Since 1976, Where Farm and Family Meet”

© 2019

P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 • (800) 657-4665 • theland@TheLandOnline.

June 28, 2019 July 5, 2019

Summer is here!

The latest reports From The Fields Dick Hagen takes in the AgriGrowth legislative luncheon Area schools use grants to aid pollinators


The Land is releasing cookbook number 4! Send in your favorite recipes now!

PAGE 2 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Back by popular demand

P.O. Box 3169 418 South Second St. Mankato, MN 56002 (800) 657-4665 Vol. XXXVIII ❖ No. 13 28 pages, 1 section plus supplements

Cover photo submitted

COLUMNS Opinion Farm and Food File Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos Calendar of Events Table Talk The Bookworm Sez Mielke Market Weekly Swine & U From The Fields Marketing Auctions/Classifieds Advertiser Listing Back Roads

2-4 3 4 4 5 6 10 12 15 19-20 22-27 27 28


Publisher: Steve Jameson: General Manager: Deb Petterson: Managing Editor: Paul Malchow: Staff Writer: Kristin Kveno: Staff Writer Emeritus: Dick Hagen: Advertising Representatives: James McRae: Ryan Landherr: Office/Advertising Assistants: Joan Compart: Deb Lawrence: For Customer Service Concerns: (507) 345-4523, (800) 657-4665, Fax: (507) 345-1027 For Editorial Concerns or Story Ideas: (507) 344-6342, (800) 657-4665, Because of the nature of articles appearing in The Land, product or business names may be included to provide clarity. This does not constitute an endorsement of any product or business. Opinions and viewpoints expressed in editorials or by news sources are not necessarily those of the management. The Publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The Publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Classified Advertising: $19.99 for seven (7) lines for a private classified, each additional line is $1.40; $24.90 for business classifieds, each additional line is $1.40. Classified ads accepted by mail or by phone with VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. Classified ads can also be sent by e-mail to Mail classified ads to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002. Please include credit card number, expiration date and your postal address with ads sent on either mail version. Classified ads may also be called into (800) 657-4665. Deadline for classified ads is 5 pm on the Friday prior to publication date, with holiday exceptions. Distributed to farmers in all Minnesota counties and northern Iowa, as well as on The Land’s website. Each classified ad is separately copyrighted by The Land. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Subscription and Distribution: Free to farmers and agribusinesses in Minnesota and northern Iowa. $29 per year for non-farmers and people outside the service area. The Land (USPS 392470) Copyright © 2019 by The Free Press Media is published biweekly by The Free Press, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Business and Editorial Offices: 418 S. 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727, Accounting and Circulation Offices: Steve Jameson, 418 S 2nd Street, Mankato, MN 56001-3727. Call (507) 345-4523 to subscribe. Periodicals postage paid at Mankato, MN. Postmaster and Change of Address: Send address changes to The Land, P.O. Box 3169, Mankato MN 56002-3169 or e-mail to theland@

I’m a cookbook junkie. I admit it with easier to submit a recipe as you can now glee as I think one can never ever have do it online. The information on how to enough cookbooks. I have cookbooks from do that will be found below this column. the latest and greatest chefs from the You can also submit your recipe via mail Food Network which are filled with beauas well if that’s more your style. tiful photos of delicious-looking food. The Each person can submit up to 10 recirecipes are usually exotic and not in my pes, so grab that old recipe box and start typical cooking arsenal. I love looking at thumbing through for something delithe photos and dreaming of what those cious that you can share. We hope these LAND MINDS dishes taste like. pages will be filled with the classics, the As much as I love those kind of cookunique and the simply tasty recipes that By Kristin Kveno books, my heart is in all the church we can all try. cookbooks, the town celebration cookThe deadline for recipe submission is books and my favorite of them all is Aug. 9. The Land cookbooks. I have all The The cookbooks will be ready in November, just in Land cookbooks and I use the recipes in them often. time for Christmas shopping. Buying The Land Years ago I submitted my mother’s Artichoke Dip Cookbook Volume IV is one less gift you have to and my mother-in-law’s find during the hectic holiKickin’ Ribs recipes for The day season. Land’s Volume II Cookbook Recipes are so often back in 2006. I bought each passed down from one genof them a copy for eration to the next, they Christmas that year. It was are traditions and are so a fun gift to give and they important to who we are. were surprised and honored We hope that you’ll take to see their recipes in print. the opportunity to submit a My mom’s artichoke dip recipe and in doing so keep is a quick three ingredients; that beloved recipe going but it’s so good you’ll think for a long time to come. there’s many more. My To submit a recipe online mother-in-law’s ribs use Coca-Cola as she believes it log on to Do not create a new will rid the ribs of grease. I love quirky recipes like account, just log in using this information: userthat — using ingredients you wouldn’t normally name: theland2019 password: season360 associate with that dish. Her ribs are amazing, so After the log-in, follow the prompts. You can only whatever that Coke is doing, it’s making the meat edit your recipe while you are logged in. If you want taste incredible. to make a change after you log out, you’ll have to I enjoy reading recipes from our readers and seeing call The Land at (507) 345-4523 for assistance. Your the variety of recipes you all send in. So many of name, city and state will appear in the cookbook by them are recipes I’ve never heard of, but are full of your recipe. If you prefer to submit your recipe by ingredients that all sound so good. I’ve made many a mail, please use the form on page 6 and type or meal off of what I’ve found in those tried and true print. Only one recipe per form, please. cookbooks. Kristin Kveno is the staff writer of The Land and I’m thrilled that The Land has decided to do anoth- compiles the monthly “Cooking With Kristin” coler cookbook this year and I for one can’t wait to get umn. She may be reached at kkveno@ my hands on a copy. I’m sure the pages will be filled v with delicious delights. This year we’ve made it even



7 — Tamera Nelsen takes over as Agrigrowth executive director 11 — Grants enable schools to develop pollinator programs 14 — Biostimulants aid plants in absorbing soil nutrients

THERE’S EVEN MORE ONLINE... @ • “Nuts and Bolts” — News and new products from the ag industry • “Calendar of Events” — Check out The Land’s complete events listing • “E-Edition” — Archives of past issues of The Land

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Ag has bigger problems than weather, trade, bailouts… When you’ve been in the ag journalism “Coastal elites? It might surprise those game for almost 40 years, few things surfarmers that the majority of the folks on prise you. Floods, droughts, market crackthe coasts don’t live in penthouses and ups, political crockery, price fixing — make millions a year. I don’t pretend to none of it is shocking anymore. know what it takes to be a farmer. Please don’t assume you know what it’s like to And, yet, on June 21, the Washington live in a city on either coast.” Post published a farm-based story that made even this graybeard marvel how “I’m kinda wondering where the heck tone deaf and superior-sounding rural they think the rest of food comes from, FARM & FOOD FILE politics has become to much of the nonlike food that isn’t corn, wheat or soyBy Alan Guebert farming nation. beans.” Even more startling was the reader “These poor (expletive deleted) reaction to that growing tone-deafness. states need us and not the other way Within four days of the piece being around ... I hope every last one of published, nearly 5,000 readers posted online comthem loses their farm…” ments. Almost all were soaked with contempt and In contrast, the number of farmer-defending comsarcasm for the featured farmers who farm 15,000 ments were too few to count. When one does appear, acres in South Dakota; and by association, rural responding readers pummel the defender and the America in general. argument. In fairness, the farmers and others quoted in the So what’s going on here? story only related what almost every farmer and Part of it is simply piling on. Angry, Trumprancher has thought or said this troubled year: it’s bashing non-farmers see a chance to vent against getting tough out here. How they said it, though, undermined almost every ounce of empathy readers “rich” farmers and they willingly join the rising chorus. might have had for that message. The bigger part, though, is more troubling: It began with one farmer noting “This trade thing” American farmers and ranchers have a growing (Mexico, in this instance) “is going to kill us.” Next, more tough-minded, toughly-worded quotes tumbled problem with today’s younger, better educated, more out as the farmers and their rural neighbors listed their worries and explained their views: The latest farmer bailout package, estimated at a staggering $16 billion, “is like putting a Band-Aid on a bleeding artery. It’s not going to save anybody.” “Trump’s going to do right by us… and get this straightened out.” “I always say the West Coast and East Coast can each be a country and the rest of us will be just fine.” “Here in flyover country, we have everything we need — food, oil…” Then came the swift and searing replies. Here’s a sampling of the more printable comments: “They disdain the coastal elites who pay their bills. They hate socialism that they rely on. They complain about taxes they barely pay. The sheer ignorance of thinking they feed us (when) it’s us feeding them.”


Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

influential generation of eaters who are unafraid to challenge Big Ag’s views on GMOs, trade, politics, global warming, and the scornful pats on the head (rather than real answers) they receive to their serious questions about quality, cost and consequences of today’s farm and food policies. As such, the almost automatic, guaranteed political support farmers and ranchers once received from the public is quickly draining. Political divisions, now steeped in today’s unbridled rhetoric, have split most of the remaining support along widening rural/urban lines. Farmers and ranchers are, of course, free to reject the Post story as liberal or elitist and its reader comments as biased or uninformed. What can’t be dismissed, however, is that almost 5,000 people reacted angrily to a story told through the voice of rural America. If that means anything, it means that American agriculture has a bigger problem than either weather or trade, and this one won’t be solved by turning inward or telling others to butt out. The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at v

PAGE 4 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Life on the Farm: Readers’ Photos

Van and Marcia Johnson took this picture of a male rose-breasted grosbeak at their farm in Jackson County, Minn.

Once a common sight, red-headed woodpeckers are now a rare treat for birdwatchers. Al Batt of Hartland, Minn. captured this one in his This is a sight no one wants to see. Rose Wurtzberger of New Ulm, Minn. back yard a few weeks ago. sent this photo of a field near Lake Hanska damaged by hail on June 21.

E-mail your Life on the Farm photos to


26-29 GAUGE

Standard all around durability


26-29 GAUGE

Standing seam architecture look for half the price


26-29 GAUGE

Residential and round roof applications



Commercial and wide Perlin applications

Calendar of Events Visit to view our complete calendar & enter your own events, or send an e-mail with your event’s details to July 9 — Summer Beef Tour — Morris, Minn. — Visit some of the state’s most innovative beef and dairy farming operations for the 2019 MSCA Summer Beef Tour. — Contact Jenny Zeltwanger at (320) 2870796 July 9 — Meeker County Master Gardeners’ Garden Tour — Litchfield, Minn. — Tour will feature a number of gardening strategies: ponds, wildflowers, perennials, berries, hostas, roses and daisies. Final tour location is Anderson Gardens. Contact Karen Johnson at (320) 484-4303 July 10 — The Lamb and Wood Management: Sheep for Profit School — Pipestone, Minn. — The Sheep for Profit School is the professional management and business school of the sheep industry. Improve your sheep management skills; increase the profitability of your sheep operation and form relationships in your business. The school will be intense and combine lecture, group discussion and visits to Pipestone area sheep operations. — Contact Philip Berg at or (507) 825-6799 July 10 — Navigating Conflict and Tough Conversations in Agriculture — St. Cloud, Minn. — Stressful times in agriculture can trigger bad news and difficult conversations. Learn ways to prepare yourself for smoother interactions that will lead to bet-

ter outcomes for everyone. — Contact Larry Schumacher at or (651) 2016629 July 16-18 — Dairy Experience Forum — St. Paul, Minn. — This forum will facilitate conversation and learning opportunities among farmers, dairy experts and partners as they discuss useful insights and ideas in their ongoing work to help ensure a successful future for dairy. — Contact Stephanie Cundith at or (651) 488-0261 July 17 — Dairy Risk Management Series — Morris, Minn. — Workshop will analyze how the new Dairy Margin Coverage compares with the old Margin Protection Program. Dairy Revenue Protection Program will be compared with Dairy Livestock Gross Margin. Pros and cons of each program will be highlighted. — Contact Nathan Hulinsky at July 18 — Women in Ag Network Summer Tour — New London, Minn. — Tour includes stops at Lettuce Abound Farms, Rustic Designs Flower Farms, Goat Ridge Brewing Company. — Contact Megan Roberts at (507) 389-6722 July 22 — Supporting Farm Youth through Understanding and Intervention — Willmar, Minn. — Workshop provides an overview of the stressors unique to growing up on a farm and equips attendees to support adolescents in stress. — Contact Meg Moynihan at or (651) 201-6616

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Rain, rain go away: Questions of spring planting 2019 A person didn’t have to ing spring hand-to-hand wander far from the farm combat with her as farmers this past spring to overhear worked so tirelessly to plant conversations about wettheir year’s income. Here ness. are a few: And I’m not talking about “How much rain did you the kind you spray away or get?” even the kind of wetness “Let’s see … where did we you have to change out of. put that snorkel gear?” TABLE TALK I’m talking about the wet “Do you suppose the boat By Karen Schwaller conditions for planting we could pull the planter?” all got to enjoy this spring. “Should I plant an earlier Many have compared it to corn/bean?” the spring of 2018, and when that year left us we all felt the pure joy of “How much rain did you get?” kicking it in the backside and telling “What’s the forecast for tomorrow?” it not to let the door hit it in the fanny “Did you get started planting yet?” on its way out. “How much did you get planted?” And now it’s back. Like long-lost relatives at the reading of the will. “Can you run to get a part?” While there were many statements “How much rain did you get?” made about the fire hose that would “Can you come and pull me out?” not shut off as well as the overall “When you come with supper, can demeanor of Mother Nature as she you bring a log chain with you?” went about her business, I found the questions I overheard fascinating dur- (Disclaimer: this question may or may

Prevented plant crop deadline extended to July 15 The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency is extending the prevented plant crop reporting deadline for Minnesota producers affected by spring flooding and excessive moisture. Producers in many counties now have until July 15 to report acres they intended to plant this spring but could not due to weather conditions. Counties include Becker, Clay, Crow Wing/Cass, Aitkin/Itasca, Beltrami, Benton/Mille Lacs, Big Stone, Blue Earth/Nicollet, Brown, Carver, Chippewa, Clearwater, Cottonwood, Chisago/Isanti, Dakota/ Scott/Washington, Dodge, Douglas, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Grant, Jackson, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Lac qui Parle, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, McLeod, Mahnomen, Martin, Meeker,

Morrison, Murray, Nobles, Norman, Olmsted, Pipestone, Pope, Renville, Redwood, Rice, Rock, Sherburne/ Anoka/Hennepin, Sibley, Stearns, Steele/Waseca, Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Watonwan, Wright, and Yellow Medicine. Producers are encouraged to contact their local FSA office as soon as possible to make an appointment to report prevented plant acres and submit their spring crop acreage report. To locate your local FSA office, visit service-locator. For information regarding RMA crop insurance, contact your approved insurance provider. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

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not implicate me and my ability to cook a meal that requires the use of a log chain.) “Are the beans too big for the roller?” “Can you watch the water tank fill?” “Did you remember to put a life jacket in the tractor?” “I wonder how soon we’ll need to start cutting hay…?” “How much rain did you get?” “Are you taking Preventive Planting on any of your acres?” “I wonder how long these tariffs are going to go on…?” “Did you see the corn market today?” “How much rain did you get?” “Is that field dry enough to work the ground?” “Did you see So-and-Such’s field?” “Do you think we can plant there yet?” “Is there water in the basement?” “Can you bring the sump pump hose out?”

“Can you pack a lunch and a supper? I’m going to plant until it rains, and I don’t want to stop to eat.” “How much rain did you get?” “Hail? What the……..?” “How much rain did you get?” “Is the rice paddy ready to plant yet?” “What the hell is going on with these markets today?” “See where I had to plant all crooked there to avoid the wet holes?” “Can you take some seed back?” “Won’t harvest be interesting this year based on some of these planter lines?” “How much rain did you get?” “Can you make sure to get some whiskey today? Please?” Karen Schwaller brings “Table Talk” to The Land from her home near Milford, Iowa. She can be reached at v

PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

We want your recipe for our new cookbook!

TEOTWAWKI: Read all about it “Apocalypse Any Day Now: Deep Underground with America’s Doomsday Preppers” by Tea Krulos c.2019, Chicago Review Press $16.99 / $22.99 Canada 240 pages

Recipes from THE LAND, Volume IV due out in November

Submit your recipe online by going to Do not create a new account, just log in using this information: User Name: theland2019 Password: season360 After you log in follow the prompts. You can only edit your recipe while you are logged in. If you want to make a change after you log out, you will have to call The Land at 507-345-4523 for assistance. Your name, city and state will appear in the cookbook by your recipe. If you prefer to submit your recipe by mail, please use the form below and type or print. Only one recipe per page. Recommended abbreviations: c., tsp., Tbsp., pt., qt., gal., oz., lb., doz., pkg., env., ctn., reg., lg., med., sm.



Submitted by: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone:

Mail to: THE LAND - Recipes PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 Recipes must reach us by August 9, 2019. Submission does not guarantee publication.

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019


Three. Two. One. By Terri Schlichenmeyer Boom, and the world still exists. There was no cataclysm, no complete grid failure, no total world anarchy — at least not yet, but are you prepared? You know — and as you’ll see in “Apocalypse Any Day Now” by Tea Krulos — anything can happen. Or not. For centuries, Doomsday stories have circulated through human cultures and they pop up with regularity even now, as Krulos points out. Our first End-of-World prediction was made shortly after America became a country, and the latest one to make news isn’t likely the last one. Knowing that, and knowing “TEOTWAWKI” (The End of the World as We Know It) might be nigh, Krulos decided to learn what to do when it actually happened. Starting near his Wisconsin hometown, he talked with preppers who explained that planning is the key to survival in the worst of times. It also helps to have a garden and the support of your loved ones. So what if zombies attack? Be aware that you shouldn’t follow advice from your favorite movie. Nor should you rejoice if you find a space pod to shuttle you to another planet. Remember, Krulos says, aliens might come here first. He spoke with a human-like robot that can evade questions while having a conversation. In talking with her creator, Krulos learned robots have been known to develop and share their own language with one another, but not with scientists — and that maybe there aren’t enough roadblocks to keep that from happening again. Krulos took a disaster-related survival course and learned to live off the land, and he looked at bug-out bags for sale at conferences and seminars. He toured a pricey underground condo, also learning that surviving the Apocalypse in style ain’t cheap. And

he studied TEOTWAWKI predictions, noting that we really could witness The End — if we could just manage to survive long enough. The Bible says we know not the day, nor the hour. The Doomsday Clock says we’re dangerously close to worldwide destruction. In “Apocalypse Any Day Now,” Krulos finds everything in between, and it’s scary-fun to read about. And yet, despite its obvious tonguein-cheekiness, what you’ll learn inside this book is serious stuff. Armageddon doesn’t happen every day, for example; but natural disasters do, and preparation could make the difference between surviving and dying. You might not spend hours thinking about total devastation, but what goes on behind scientific doors and in government offices surely gives plenty of people plenty of sleepless nights. Yes, some of what Krulos finds is silly, and its practitioners plainly seem to know that. The followers of other survival ideas, though? Keep reading, and let’s just say that you might start looking for an old backpack… Astute readers will notice, overall, that one word keeps floating to the top of this highly-entertaining, highlyinformative book: hope. It’s what preppers want, what survivalists take on bug-outs, and what “Apocalypse Any Day Now” leaves readers with. And really, isn’t that all you really want in… three, two, one….? Look for the reviewed book at a bookstore or a library near you. You may also find the book at online book retailers. The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and 10,000 books. v

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Director Nelsen is learning the ropes at AgriGrowth By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Growing up in the Winthrop area, Tamara Nelsen has a good feel for farming and the agricultural community that supports farmers. But she’s still a ‘rookie’ in her new role as executive director of AgriGrowth. Nelsen assumed her position on Feb. 1. Her previous work was Director of Commodities for the Illinois Farm Bureau for 20 years at their Bloomington headquarters. She also racked up 11 years in Washington D.C. working in agricultural policy and public trade. Nelsen admitted she is excited about

her new work. “Agricultural marketing has been particularly astounding the past 20 years. And yes, it’s been a roller coaster experience,” she reflected. So a logical question for this veteran is what’s ahead? Nelson reported recent conversations with farmers. “Some are excited because prices are bumping up with the expectation that it will be a short harvest. But some also told me they were 80 percent planted for this season. Even with wet soils and cool temperatures, they think that with these new genetically-advanced hybrids, they’re going to be okay this fall. So it depends upon where you are in this entire corn belt … eastern end still struggling with excessive rains and

little planting; western areas much better shape it seems,” summed up Nelsen. So if the President moves with tariffs on any or all imports of Mexican purchases, will U.S. agriculture feel the bite? “Yes, that intended move I think is a huge mistake — especially since that USMC agreement was virtually ready for signatures. Mexico is such a good neighbor when it comes to trade. Continuing to use tariffs as a hammer on things such as immigration issues I think is a real negative aimed right at the heart of farmers. I think that action will backfire,” said Nelsen. Her thoughts on future trade with China? She calls it a tit-for-tat exercise; but she thinks a strong future is

possible simply because China’s economy is so big. “Plus, they have a growing middle class with better incomes and stronger demands in the food chain.” Nelsen has been to China twice with Illinois farmers. “In both trips, we visualized China was going to be a fantastic partner with United States. But we also agreed China is going to be a very difficult trading partner. They lack enforcement of trade agreements. China is quite guilty of skirting around the edges of trade deals. Also, China isn’t bashful about ownership of technologies — especially U.S. technologies that they seem to acquire ‘on good faith agreements.’ I think settling these

billion spending bill. “Anybody who thinks we’re going to come through this process with everyone singing “Kumbaya” is living in a fantasy land,” said Chamberlain. “Mentally, the Legislature has been stuck for almost 20 years at a $1 billion

bonding bill,” said DFL-South St. Paul House Member Rick Hansen. “I’m hopeful that as we move into the 21st century that if the needs exist we will make effort to actually fund them.” v

See NELSEN, pg. 8

Director Kay’s final thoughts on AgriGrowth experience By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus With just three days remaining in his work with AgriGrowth, Director of Government and Member Relations Gary Kay shared a few thoughts on his immediate past and his new venture with Cargill which starts June 10. The location of our discussion was the June 4 AgriGrowth legislative wrap up luncheon next door to the State Capital. “With Cargill, I’ll be working on the grain side of their agricultural supply chain. I’ll be working out of their Wayzata corporate headquarters. My new job will have me traveling the upper Midwest calling on various Cargill grain-handling clientele. My years with AgriGrowth have prepared me well,” said Kay. Working in the Cargill supply chain, his duties will involve getting grains to various markets on time. Kay said he’s very much aware of farmer thoughts in view of current uncertainties in the marketing of commodities. ”Getting the USMC (United State-Mexico-Canada) trade agreement passed will be a big step and keeping most tariffs off the table would be a helpful measure also. The President’s trade team is at the Capital today trying to calm some nerves.” He sees two roles for AgriGrowth: Being a public policy advocate at the State Capital; and a convener of the community of agriculture and food community (such as today’s luncheon with various state legislative mem-

bers). Another biggie is the Nov. 7 Ag and Food Summit at the Minneapolis Convention Center. “Playing this dual role is how AgriGrowth is an important voice,” Kay stated. “We have a growing population of people — including elected officials — who have no background in agriculture. AgriGrowth sees this as an increasing challenge.” Kay is well-acquainted in public policy having worked for three years in the Minnesota State House on tax policy. He also worked two House candidate campaigns; some Capitol Hill experience working in D. C.; and back in Minnesota with AgriGrowth Council as a director, member and government relations. Still a young man, Kay already has good ‘trench experiences’. Some of that experience was displayed by the four Legislative members who addressed dozens of agriculture and food systems industry officials at the luncheon. The panel, two Democrats and two Republicans, agreed a heftier bonding bill of $1 billion plus is very likely a high priority in the 2020 Legislative session. “But we need to be concerned about two things: the stability of our revenue system and where do we get the revenue,” said Republican Senate Tax Committee Chair Roger Chamberlain of Lino Lakes. “We either need to grow the labor force or increase productivity to grow the economy.” The panel said legislative leaders had good intentions on bringing transparency to the process of writing a $48

Cover Crop Seed and Logistics

Popular seeds offered: Grasses: Annual Ryegrass, Cereal Rye, Oats, Winter Tritical, Sudans Brassicas: Kale, Radish, Turnips, Rapeseed Clovers: Crimson, Red, Berseem and more Many more seeds available. We will help design a mix for you and have the ability to custom mix on site. We have relationships with applicators with drills, spreaders, seeders, and airplanes. We’ll help you with logistics. Call for prices and availability: Andy Linder - Easton, MN 507-525-3942 Fritz Jensen - Clarks Grove, MN 507-473-0156 Tom Cotter - Austin, MN 507-438-2147 Keith Hartmann - Gibbon, MN 507-276-0573 Bob Sommers - Faribault, MN 507-491-1339 Visit for more information

PAGE 8 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

AgriGrowth committed to building better ag relations NELSEN, from pg. 7 intellectual property issues right now is smart rather than delay until their economy is so expanded that we wouldn’t be able to tackle them.” Nelsen graduated from Stanford University in International Trade with emphases on agricultural marketing. She worked in Washington D.C. for several years working with clients needing expertise in foreign marketing until she and her husband decided it was time to return to Minnesota. Nelsen’s husband is now a third generation farmer. Nelsen and her brother were the first family members wanting to go to college. “So we applied at every Ivy League school — including Harvard. We didn’t apply at the University of Minnesota because I think

we both wanted to get away from the Minnesota weather,” winked Nelsen. Reflecting on that Stanford choice, Nelsen said it was a great decision. “From an agriculture, food marketing and trade point of view, it was a great place for me to go.” Her take on the primary role of AgriGrowth? “Today (at the luncheon) we obviously want to provide a good venue for the legislators; but also for our own members so their ambitions are realized by the entire agricultural industry: farmers, processors, marketers, and especially the food buyers … yes the housewives of Minnesota,” summed up Nelsen. “I feel my role is to continue to build bridges for better understanding and relationships across the entire broad spectrum of agri food. We dialogue with

our legislators. We also dialog with our consumers in rural areas and urban areas so all better understand the importance of the tremendous agri food system in our entire state.” For Nelsen, that includes staying tuned in to both the organic food chain and the conventional providers. “We have members in AgriGrowth who do nonGMO farming. We want to have areas of choice for all consumers. We also need to explain and educate some of the consequences that come with those choices. So, in essence, continuing the dialog to find better ways to meet all three objectives: consumer choices, sustainability and the long-term profitability of our entire agricultural sector is the heart and soul of the AgriGrowth organization.” v

Report addresses the question, ‘when do cover crops pay?’ Farmers around the country are planting cover crops on millions of acres to protect and improve the soil. “Cover Crop Economics,” a new report published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, looks at the economics of cover crops. The key, says North Dakota farmer Justin Zahradka, who has been planting cover crops since 2011, is to “look at cover crops as an investment rather than a cost.” Based primarily on yield and economic data gathered through five years of national cover crop surveys, The report addresses the kinds of economic returns which can be expected from cover crops — both under various management scenarios and as cover crops improve soil health over time. The report is timely, as the latest Census of Agriculture revealed that national cover crop acreage increased by 50 percent from 2012 to 2017. It’s also timely due to the interest in cover crops for planting on fields that were flooded or otherwise unplanted (prevent plant situations) this spring, in order to suppress weeds while protecting and improving the soil. “The five years of national cover crop surveys showed us that cover crops do improve commodity yields over time as farmers gain experience with cover crops and the soil is improved,” says lead author Rob Myers of the University of Missouri and North Central SARE. “We saw this pattern in all five years of the survey for both corn and soybeans.” “Cover Crop Economics” explores seven common management situations for commodity farmers that can affect how quickly they receive a positive net return from cover crops. Prime examples of fast returns include when drought occurs and herbicide-resistant weeds are a challenge, or when cover crops are grazed. Other management situations include when a farmer is dealing with compacted soils or is transitioning to no-till, or when cover crops are contributing to a commodity crop’s nutrient needs. Also, receiving federal

or state incentive payments while transitioning to cover crop use can make a major contribution to a quick economic return. The report includes a number of key findings. When herbicide-resistant weeds are a significant problem, cover crops can be profitable in the first year of use. When cover crops are grazed, they can provide a profit in the first year of use if fencing and water are already available When soil compaction occurs, cover crops can provide a profit by the second year of use The findings are based on an analysis of five years of data from the National Cover Crop Survey, conducted by the Conservation Technology Information Center and SARE in the 2012-2016 growing seasons. About 500 farmers providing yield data in most years of the survey. For this report, the authors used $25 per acre as the cost of cover crop seed and $12 per acre as the cost of seeding (when hired), for a total of $37 per acre to establish cover crops. These figures are based on median data from the surveys. One large Iowa farmer grows his own cereal rye seed and plants a bushel of rye per acre as a cover, according to Myers. He finds his cost for seed is $9 per acre and his cost of seeding is $5 per acre by using a high capacity fertilizer spreader to broadcast the rye seed, making a total of $14 per acre for seed and seeding. Others may keep the cost of seeding to a minimum by seeding cover crops with a vertical tillage tool they would be operating in any case. Some farmers have termination costs for cover crops, but many do not, as they are already applying a spring burn down herbicide. Alan Weber, an ag economist who has used cover crops on his own farm and who co-authored “Cover Crop Economics” says, “One of our key takeaways from the review we did of data and farmer approaches is that when farmers start to adopt cover crops, they frequently start to determine other ways to make their cropping system more economically effi-

cient, finding they can save costs in certain areas such as fertility or weed control. For some farmers those cost savings from cover crops can be significant, particularly in certain situations with herbicide-resistant weeds. In other cases, those cost savings will be more minor, but the input savings generally increase over time. Some aspects of soil health respond quickly to cover crops, such as more earthworms and mycorrhiza, while other soil changes take longer.” In the longer term, as aggregate soil structure starts to improve, cover crops in combination with no-till can allow farmers to get into the field a little earlier for planting or harvest in wet years. Several years of cover crop use can gradually start to improve soil organic matter, which can improve soil waterholding capacity and help improve the inherent fertility of the soil. As a bottom line, Myers says, “Thousands of farmers are finding the profitability benefits of cover crops on their farm do improve over time. It’s not unlike how applying ag lime can take 2-3 years to pay, or buying a new piece of equipment can take a few years to cash flow. However, if producers use cover crops to address problems specific to their farm, such as weeds, fertility, erosion, or compaction, they can quickly gain cost efficiencies with their commodity cash crops. The cover crops also provide a management tool to make soils more resilient to excessively dry or wet weather while building towards long-term improvements in profit.” Download or order your free print copy of “Cover Crop Economics: Opportunities to Improve Your Bottom Line in Row Crops” at or by calling (301) 779-1007. Print copies will be shipped in early July. Copies are available in quantity for free to educators for use in educational workshops, classes or tours. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. v

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Smaller dairies could continue to disappear without help By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Nine years as President of the Minnesota Milk Producers Association, and now into his third year as Chairman of AgriGrowth, Pat Lunemann is always a good interview — regardless the topic. At the June 4 AgriGrowth Legislative Wrap Up Luncheon next door to the Minnesota State Capital, Pat agreed to a few minutes with The Land. The first question was obvious: When is there going to be some profits back in this business of milking cows? Lunemann’s 800-cow operation is Twin Eagle Dairy at Clarissa, Minn. He responded, “It’s been a tough road now for about five years. 2014 was great and every year since we’ve been struggling. It’s to the point where good friends in the dairy business who are really good farmers are calling it quits or they’re talking about it. And adding to this frustration is that we’re not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. “The other issue making it even more difficult is they just can’t find help anymore to work with them. So struggling to run a dairy farm without help gets to be extremely frustrating. We need to fix the problem … and fix it soon.” So is the dairy industry guilty of overproducing for the consumer market? Or is milk and other dairy products declining in terms of per capita consumption? Lunemann hopped on that one quickly. “Consumers are somewhat misaligned. The fluid milk sector has been declining for decades — the last 20-25 years for certain. Yes, other beverages are the culprit. It’s not just the almond or oat products, but other products as well. We need to figure out how to counter that trend. Also, part of the dilemma is we’re really good at what we do. “Farmers in the United States are just fantastic at production — even if we don’t expand the number of cows. We have fewer cows than last year, but the cows are milking more. Dairy genetics keeps improving and farmers keep getting better at taking care of their dairy cows.” Lunemann is very much aware of the economic fact that smaller family farm dairy operations keep declining and

Perhaps a bit of a bonus was the recent announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency that E15 is now approved as a year-round nationwide. “We use distillers’ California leads in cow numbers fuel grains in our cows’ rations,” he said. with 1,730,000 in 2018. “We’re much aware ethanol has had a Wisconsin is second with tough go the past couple years because of a wavier that had been permitting 1,271,000 in 2018. the oil industry to bypass the use of Minnesota is number-six with ethanol as a fuel extender. In fact, the 450,000 cows in 2018, a decline ethanol plant in our area, which had been the regular source of our DDG’s of 10,000 from 2017. feed, has been shut down for a number Overall income of U.S. dairy of months. farmers was 35.2 billion dollars “I would say this, however: The typiin 2018. cal upper Midwest livestock producer Average price for a gallon of will do better in an environment where we have better corn and other commodmilk was $2.85 in 2018. ity prices. Even though we purchase Milk per cow was 17,763 much of our feed needs, if you look at pounds in 1999; 23,173 pounds in history, higher feed prices do stimulate higher milk prices!” 2018. Despite the President’s ambitions of a level trading field for agriculture, consolidation continues. “I watch my Lunemann thinks agriculture is being friends and neighbors disappear and used as a pawn with this latest threat wonder. ‘am I next?’ Yes, we can con- of a 5 percent tariff on all agricultural tinue for a while, but if the price patterns of the last five years continue, we’ll likely soon be gone too.” Lunemann says $16 per hundredweight would be average price for his operation the past few months. “Prices are getting a bit better so far into 2019. So this fall looks like an improvement, but it won’t heal the wounds inflicted over the last few years.” By trying to cut costs by producing the bulk of their feeds on their own farm, Lunemann says they have somewhat victimized themselves. Why? Because corn commodity prices are now so low buying it rather than growing it is a better deal. “Yet our traditional model is we grow our feed; then we feed the cows and the cows nourish the land,” Lunemann admitted. “I’m a third-generation farmer. My grandfather and two uncles came from Germany in 1925. On my mother’s side, it’s a little farther back — dating back to Norway and Sweden in the late 1800s.” But Lunemann faces the reality that he may be the last dairy farmer in his clan. He and his wife have five sons and one daughter. “They’re all adults, but no one has committed to wanting to be a dairy farmer.”

Some current data on the world dairy industry:

purchases of U. S. farm goods by Mexico with this tariff increasing 5 percent each month until the 25 percent tariff is reached. “Unfortunately, this likely kills the USMC trade agreement which is merely waiting for Congress to approve. I find this unfortunate that U.S. farmers are being victimized. That shouldn’t happen to the industry that has been a leader for our country for exporting and bringing dollars into our country.” So can AgriGrowth have some muscle in this market scenario? Lunemann explains the network of AgriGrowth is agribusinesses across Minnesota — including heavy hitters in the grain merchandising industry plus all commodity groups. “Our job is to pull everyone together and have a unified message that includes letters to members of Congress, White House staffers and foreign trade advocates all strongly supporting the USMC trade agreement.” v

PAGE 10 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Cheese sees notable surge in demand in Asia and Mexico This column was written for the mar$1.50 under. Cheese producers are mainketing week ending June 28. taining a somewhat busy schedule, with some at a seven-day work week, expected U.S. cheese consumption is doing well to last into July. as evidenced in current prices and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest Interest for cheese is steady to increasCold Storage report. Total stocks on May ing throughout the west, with a noticeable 31 amounted to 1.386 billion pounds. surge in demand from southern Asia and This is down an attention-grabbing 12.8 Mexico. Mexico cheese demand is back million pounds or 1 percent from April due to the tariff reductions. The uptick in MIELKE MARKET and were only fractionally above those in South Asia purchases is quite surprising WEEKLY May 2018. to contacts as they mentioned EU prices By Lee Mielke are lower than those of the United States. The Daily Dairy Report says this is the Current lower EU stocks may signify first time since 2012 and only the they can’t satisfy all international fourth time in history that U.S. demand, and explains the jump in cheese inventories declined from interest for U.S. cheese. Cheese outApril to May — a time typically used for inventory building. Furthermore, the Daily Dairy Report says put is steady, but a few manufacturers are considerthis is the largest April to May drawdown on record. ing a reduction due to “pricy milk.” n Breaking it down, American stocks totaled 784.8 million pounds, up 2.2 million pounds or 0.3 percent Cash butter closed June 28 at $2.41 per pound, 2 from April; but 19.3 million or 2.4 percent below a cents above the previous week and 14.5 cents above year ago. a year ago. Fifty-one cars traded hands on the week at the market of last resort, 115 on the month, up Stocks in the other cheese category slipped to 576.5 million pounds, down 11.5 million pounds or 2 from 79 cars in May. percent from April but were up 27.1 million or 4.9 Butter makers are bidding for cream, says Dairy percent from a year ago. Market News, but most say prices are moving “out of their fiscal reach.” Some plant managers report May butter stocks climbed to just under 314 milbutter production is generally slower this year. lion pounds, up 23.2 million pounds or 8 percent Others report steady production, but say their from April; but were 24.5 million or 7.2 percent inventories are more diverse than in previous years. below those a year ago. Contacts have mixed expectations of butter markets Dairy traders viewed the data as supportive; but in the second half. Some expect increasing imports there wasn’t a lot for the market to feed on this to keep domestic markets steady while others week with respect to USDA reports. There was more expect bullish movements as year-over-year inventoin the way of economic news and, of course, the ries are lower and demand remains healthy. G-20 summit in Japan where President Trump was Western cream supplies are tight and butter makexpected to have sideline talks with China’s ers report that spot loads within their price range President Xi Jinping. are hard to come by. Churns are as active as supn plies of cream allow, but a lot is getting pulled into Class II and ice cream manufacturing. Butter Chicago Mercantile Exchange-traded block cheddar closed June Dairy Month at $1.8575 per pound. demand is steady and inventories have not grown This is the highest price since Nov. 23, 2016, up 3.25 as much as some expected. cents on the week, the sixth week of gain, and 30.25 Spot Grade A nonfat dry milk saw the week end cents above a year ago. The cheddar barrels shot up at $1.05 per pound. This is up a half-cent and 30.25 to $1.79, the highest since Nov. 9, 2016, up 5.25 cents above a year ago, with seven carloads finding cents on the week, 40 cents above a year ago, and a new homes on the week and 25 on the month, down closer-to-normal 6.75 cents below the blocks. from 59 in May. Twenty-four cars of block traded hands on the week, Dry whey closed June 28 at 33.5 cents per pound, 71 on the month, up from 67 in May. Thirty-seven down three-quarter cents on the week and 7.25 cents cars of barrel sold on the week, 159 on the month, below a year ago. Fourteen sales were reported on up from 135 in May. the week and 31 on the month, up from 25 in May. Cheese market tones in the Midwest continue to n firm, reports Dairy Market News, though demand reports were mixed this week. Some suggest Class III futures have seen some nice gains. The improved market prices have buyers a little more University of Wisconsin’s Dr. Mark Stephenson and enticed to enter the fray; but some specialty cheese- Dr. Bob Cropp, in their June Dairy Situation and makers relay a slowdown week-over-week. Milk Outlook podcast, talked of U.S. milk production slipavailability is mixed. Upper Midwestern states are ping, and said that $18 milk is not out of the quesseeing some spot availability. Moving east, it begins tion. But they cautioned regarding the feed crop sitto lighten. Spot milk prices ranged from Class to uation and hay availability. They also pointed out,


while U.S. milk output may be down some, milk components, butterfat and protein have been high. They credited farmers’ selective breeding and said the resulting increased components gave better yields in the cheese vat. Weather and poor quality forages down the road, however, could turn that around. Dairy and Food Market Analyst editor Matt Gould echoed the positive sentiment on milk prices; but he also sees higher feed prices ahead, due to the rains affecting crops and plantings in the Midwest. Speaking in the July 1 Dairy Radio Now broadcast, Gould said, “It starts with supply,” and cited the May Milk Production report being down 0.4 percent — specifically in the Midwest and the east. The slowdown, especially in the Midwest, has resulted in lower cheese and butter output and thus the higher prices. He also credited “decent” domestic demand. “While not extraordinary,” Gould said, “we have pretty solid growth in retail cheese sales” and butter sales were good. “So when you have a decent demand environment and constrained supply, you end up with elevated prices.” When asked about the rain’s impact on crop plantings, yields and quality, Gould said his economic model shows average feed costs in the United States to be up about $1 per hundredweight year-over-year. While it will be a factor, he does not see it as being “catastrophic.” “It’s just one of many things at play,” he concluded. n Checking trade news, the June 21 DFMA reports that the U.S. progressing on a free trade agreement with Japan. “Last week, Japan proposed reducing agricultural tariffs to levels comparable to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership. If that happened, a study conducted by the U.S. Dairy Export Council earlier this year indicated it would be a boon for USA dairy; the USA’s share of Japan’s dairy market could grow from 13 percent in 2017 to 24 percent by 2027 and cheese exports could increase more than three-fold.” Meanwhile, Mexico is the first to approve the USMCA and Canada has introduced an implementation bill in their Parliament, according to the DFMA. But officials have expressed a desire to approve the deal at roughly the same time as the United States. HighGround Dairy reports that China’s skim milk powder imports in May continued at an impressive pace, marking record high volumes for the month and the ninth consecutive month of double-digit year-over-year percentage gains. “Unsurprisingly, whey and lactose imports continued to struggle,” according to HighGround Dairy, See MIELKE, pg. 13

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Grants provide opportunities for pollinator development By KRISTIN KVENO about pollinators in our society,” Sorum The Land Staff Writer said. He would like this message spread to the general public as well. For Sorum, Creating an environment where polli“I’m just enjoying the challenge of doing nators can flourish is vital everywhere. something different.” For 10 schools in Minnesota, students are doing their part to help ensure pollinaGrowing plants is nothing new for tors have a chance to thrive. These 10 Buffalo high school agriculture education schools all received a grant to be used to teacher Gary Wirkus. “We actually have establish a habitat for insect pollinators. a school garden. We grow produce for our high school cafeteria,” Wirkus said. “We The grants were awarded by Enel want to increase the pollinators in the Green Power North America, Inc. and garden.” Sand County Foundation. There were certain criteria that the schools needed to Wirkus received the seed plugs from meet to be considered for the grant. The Minnesota Native Landscapes and the schools needed to have a greenhouse or students transferred them into bigger an indoor place for the almost 600 seedpots two weeks ago. Once they are ready lings to grow and have a place to later to be planted outside, Wirkus plans on transplant those plants outdoors that putting them around the school’s high Photos submitted would be conducive for growth. tunnel greenhouse in raised beds. Central High School students in Norwood-Young America installed pollinator Each school received native wildflower plants near the high school in 2018. This will be the second year the school This summer, Buffalo high school FFA seedlings that included wild bergamot, received a pollinator grant. members will be tending the plants. “We milkweed and prairie blazing star. The want to get more students involved in schools took part in training and each was awarded the green industry, the plant industry,” Wirkus said. $1,000 to be used on any expenses incurred with the For Jim Mesik, agriculture teacher at Central High project. School in Norwood Young America, this is the second The schools which received the grants had their year the school received the pollinator grant. Mesik own reasons for being involved in this project; but it wanted his students to be part of this experience was the desire for the students to have hands-on again, as the first year was a great opportunity to experience raising pollinator plants that they all had learn more about the role that pollinators play in our in common. world. “I tell them not to overlook the insects.” For New Richland, Hartland, Ellendale and Geneva The Central students get to better understand polschools, agriculture teacher and FFA advisor Dan linators while getting their hands a little dirty in the Sorum said this pollinator habitat opportunity was a process. “They like the hands-on aspect to it.” For great way to bring more awareness. “Pollinator Mesik, he likes that the students can take what they health is pretty important to me.” started last year and expand on it. “I hope they value the role the different wildlife play.” Once selected for the grant, the participating schools had to take part in some training before the Grace Figueroa-Ghent, an advisor at the DREAM plants arrived. “We had to do an online webinar to Technical Academy charter school in Wilmar, discovlearn about the plant care,” Sorum said. ered this grant opportunity from a fellow staff memSeedlings for Central High School’s pollinator project “The goal, of course, is to educate them (students) were started indoors and transplanted at the site. See POLLINATORS, pg. 13

Do Some Corn Hybrids Need More or Less Nitrogen Fertilizer Than Others? a way to tailor management practices to individual corn hybrids?

ZACH FORE Field Agronomist Mentor, MN Nitrogen (N) ef ficiency has improved tremendously in the past decade. While modern hybrids require more N on average, application rates have stayed relatively steady. Ef forts to improve ef ficiency have focused on application timing and varying application rates based on crop needs, but we often wonder if there is

G e n e t i c d i f f e r e n c e s i n N u p ta ke a n d u ti l iza ti o n u n d o u bte d l y ex i s t . Seed companies and dealers even provide nitrogen response ratings and m anagem ent recomm endations for individual hybrids. However, the most pertinent question for growers is whether differences described by these ratings are actually large and consistent enough to justify hybrid-specific N management. Unfortunately, the significant investment required to test hybrids at multiple N

Insights for helping growers increase yields through better crop management

PIONEER® AGRONOMY NEWS a p p l icati o n rates a c ros s n u m e ro us sites and years limits the practicality of routinely testing commercial hybrids. Testing the overall response to N is easier and involves testing only two application rates: a high, maximum yield rate and a low or zero N rate. University studies have explored possible hybrid by N rate interactions among current commercial hybrids. Results did not support categorizing the hybrids as either more or less responsive to N. Pioneer has also conducted extensive studies on hybrid N response. When

y i e l d s w e r e a v e ra g e d a c ro s s t h e environments and hybrids, there was a statistically significant yield response to N. The effect of environment was highly significant due to variation in growing conditions, as was the environment by N rate interaction. This suggests that the response to N varied depending on the environment, but not by hybrid. In the end, the accumulated body of research has not provided a sufficient b asis to d ri ve hy b ri d-s p e cif i c N management into common practice for most growers. The frequent variability

The foregoing is provided for informational use only. |

in results calls into question the general practicality of using field experiments as a basis for hybrid-specific N management recommendations. For more information, contact your local Pioneer sales representative or visit Pioneer ® agronomy at agronomy. Sign up to receive the latest agronomy updates for your geography from Pioneer at

TM ® SM Trademarks and service marks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2019 Corteva. 3083

PAGE 12 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Project shows solar energy can cool pigs, aid in production


Editor’s note: This report was compiled by West Central Research and Outreach Center Professor of Swine Nutrition and Management and Director of Operations Lee Johnston. His energy research team UniversityofMinnesota is made up of Graduate Student Brigit Lozinski, EXTENSION WCROC Director of Renewable Energy Michael Reese, WCROC Renewable Energy Scientist Eric was designed to investigate a Buchanan, WCROC Associate Professor Yuzhi Li, different — and hopefully Assistant Swine Scientist Adrienne Hilbrands, more effective — approach to University of Minnesota Department of Biosystems cooling sows. and Biological Engineering Professor Kevin Janni, U of M Researcher Brian Hetchler, and U of M For this project, we used Assistant Professor Erin Cortus. two mirror-image, farrowing rooms equipped with 16 farFood retailers and consumers worldwide are presSWINE & U rowing stalls each. Each farsuring food producers (farmers) to reduce the use of rowing stall in the COOL By Diane DeWitte fossil fuels and lower the carbon footprint of their room was equipped with a production systems. Over the last couple years, cooled flooring insert under the sow and a single researchers at the West Central Research and nipple drinker which delivered chilled drinking Outreach Center in Morris, Minn. have been water to the sow. A water-source heat pump cooled involved in a project entitled “Greening of water (60-65 F) which was circulated in a closed Agriculture.” This project focuses on methods to loop under the floors sows laid on. The heat pump reduce the use of fossil fuels in production agriculalso cooled water (55-60 F) which was supplied to ture. Currently, as part of this project, we have nipple drinkers for sows in a continuously circulatresearch studies underway in the areas of agronoing loop. Heat captured from the under-floor sow my, dairy production and swine production. The cooling loop was transferred to warm water (110overarching objective of these studies is to help 119 F) which circulated through pads in the piglet farmers respond to market demands in a way that creep area. The heat pump and all circulating will reduce environmental impacts and maintain pumps were powered by a 20 kW photovoltaic solar the economic viability of their production systems. array. As part of the Greening of Ag project, we are The CONTROL room was nearly identical to the investigating the use of solar-generated electricity COOL room except there was as a way to reduce heat stress no cooling of floor inserts or of sows during summer and drinking water and suppleimprove sow performance. mental heat for piglets was During summer in Minnesota, provided by one 125-watt heat lactating sows often experilamp per farrowing stall ence heat stress which leads (Group 1) or an electric heatto reduced feed intake, ing pad (Hog Hearth, increased sow weight loss and Innovative Heating poorer post-weaning breeding Technologies; Group 2). performance of sows. This Twenty-eight CONTROL sows suboptimal breeding perforand 28 COOL sows were studmance makes it difficult for ied during summer months producers to hit their breeding and room heaters were operattargets which compromises ed to keep rooms above 75 F the biological and economic to ensure sows were heat efficiency of their farrowing stressed. operation. Electric consumption for all There are several approachsystems (ventilation, piglet es to help sows cope with heat heating, lights and cooling sysstress such as reformulation of tem) was measured and perdiets fed to sows during sumformance of sows and piglets mer, installing drip cooling were recorded over lactation. and/or cool cells in the barn, Our goal was to determine if and changing management the renewable electricity genapproaches to encourage higherated by the solar panels er feed intake by sows. These would be enough to operate mitigation strategies are helpthe sow cooling system and if ful, but not entirely effective Photo by Esther Jordan this cooling system would and many have specific draw- Cooled flooring (foreground) installed in a improve the performance of backs. So the current project sow farrowing stall. sows and piglets.

After two farrowing groups completed the study, we learned that the COOL room consistently used more electricity than the CONTROL room

Total energy use by room and total energy produced per day for Group 1.

Total energy use by room and total energy produced per day for Group 2. For Group 1, the COOL room used 93.0 kW per day while the CONTROL room used 35.3 kW per day. Similarly, in Group 2, the COOL and CONTROL rooms required 71.5 and 19.7 kW per day, respectively. Production of electricity from the solar panels totaled 95.3 and 86.7 kW per day during Groups 1 and 2, respectively. Sows housed in the COOL room were more comfortable as indicated by a lower respiration rate (64.4 vs. 96.8 breaths per minute); higher voluntary feed intake (11.39 vs. 9.25 pounds per day); and reduced lactation body weight loss (35.1 vs. 54.2 pounds) compared with sows housed in the CONTROL room. But, this enhanced sow comfort in the COOL room had no effect on litter See SWINE & U, pg. 13

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Students like ‘hands-on’ aspect of projects POLLINATORS, from pg. 11 ber and decided to apply. The DREAM Academy is located on the MinnWest campus where’s there a community greenhouse which is housing the pollinator plants until they are ready to be planted outside. Figueroa-Ghent estimates that will happen in the next few weeks.

This is a comprehensive project for the students. Figueroa-Ghent has taken the students shopping to buy fertilizer and other supplies needed for growing the pollinator plants. “I think they are genuinely enjoying it,” she said. When the students signed up for this project, they knew that they had to commit to helping tend the plants in the summer as well.

When the plants are planted outside, beehives will be located close by so the DREAM students will see the pollinators in action. This has been a great opportunity for the students to have first-hand knowledge of the importance of pollinators in the ecosystem. The commitment that the students are taking on is proof that they are excited about what this project entails and are

proud of their contribution in creating a pollinator habitat. The schools which received the grants have committed to be beacons for the pollinators. Creating spaces for the plants to flourish and giving pollinators the environment they need are all integral to better understanding the role pollinators play in our communities and beyond. v

Renewable energy systems is focus of July 10 conference SWINE & U, from pg. 12 size at birth and weaning or weaning weight of pigs compared to the CONTROL room. The cooling systems (cooled floor and cooled drinking water) and piglet heating systems studied, effectively reduced heat stress of lactating sows; but did not enhance sow or pig performance. Furthermore, these cooling systems required over 2.5 times more total electrical energy than a traditional lactation housing system without sow cooling. So we satisfied our objective of cooling sows with renewablyproduced electricity, but we were not able to improve reproductive performance of sows and litters. The focus on use of renewable energy in agricultural production systems will be on display at the Midwest Farm Energy Conference which takes place at the WCROC in Morris on July 10

Tours will wrap up the agenda on July 11. Tours include the WCROC dairy barn which uses renewable energy technologies and solar panels used as shade for grazing cows. Also on display will be the WCROC swine facilities equipped with solar PV system to cool sows. Finally, participants can tour the WCROC renewable hydrogen and ammonia pilot plant and see an ammonia-fueled tractor demonstration. (More details on the pilot plant can be found in the May 31/June 7 issue of The Land.) Photo by Lee Johnston Registration for the conference is Solar PV panels installed at WCROC for the sow cooling project. open at We appreciate the financial support and 11. Midwest cropping systems and how it for these projects provided by the can impact the bottom line. The conference will highlight enerState of Minnesota through the gy-optimized systems for dairy producOn the second day, energy conserva- Minnesota Environment and Natural tion — including solar shading for tion and generation in swine facilities Resources Trust Fund and the grazing cows. Nobel Peace Prize featuring our solar sow cooling project Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Laureate Dr. Jerry Hatfield will presand piglet heating systems will be pre- Station. v ent on achieving climate resiliency in sented.

China seeking dairy supplies from other countries MIELKE, from pg. 10 “sharply impacted by African swine fever that continues to ravage the Chinese pig herd and cut demand for whey products used in animal feed. It was the steepest year-over-year decline in whey product imports on record.” “HighGround Dairy continues to be concerned about lower Chinese demand for U.S. dairy. U.S. dairy imports remain more expensive due to tariffs, leading China to purposefully diversify purchases to a variety of new countries. In the long term, this is negative for U.S. prospects to increase exports to the key Asian nation, as even if/when the China/U.S. trade war de-escalates and tariffs are reduced, China will be well accustomed to pur-

chasing products from a variety of other countries which will limit the demand resurgence for U.S. product,” HighGround Dairy warned. But, “HighGround Dairy continues to view ASF as long-term bullish for Chinese dairy imports. The country is importing record levels of meat to fulfill protein demand and likely culling dairy cows as well. The lower domestic milk production coupled with non-meat protein needs (like dairy goods) should keep Chinese dairy imports strong moving forward.” Hopefully, some will come from the United States. n The May milk feed price ratio inched fractionally lower again, according to the USDA’s latest Ag Prices report.

The May ratio was 2.10, down from 2.11 in April, but up from the 1.90 in May 2018. The index is based on the current milk price in relationship to feed prices for a dairy ration consisting of 51 percent corn, 8 percent soybeans and 41 percent alfalfa hay. The U.S. All-Milk price averaged $18 per hundredweight, up 30 cents from April and $1.80 above May 2018. The national average corn price averaged $3.63 per bushel, up 11 cents from April, but 5 cents per bushel below May 2018. Soybeans averaged $8.02 per bushel, down 26 cents from April and $1.82 per bushel below a year ago. Alfalfa hay averaged $204 per ton, up $5 from April and $15 per

ton above a year ago. May cull price for beef and dairy combined averaged $65.60 per cwt. This is up $4.30 from April, 60 cents below May 2018, and $6 below the 2011 base average of $71.60 per cwt. The May milk-over-feed margin increased 18 cents, climbing to $9.00 per cwt. under the USDA’s Dairy Margin Coverage program — the highest this year so far. Payments are possible on a milk margin of $9.50 or less, depending on the level of coverage chosen by the dairy producer. Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at v

PAGE 14 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Many factors contribute to biostimulants’ effectiveness By TIM KING The Land Correspondent ST. PAUL — A paper published last December by University of Minnesota Soil Scientist Paulo Pagliari and Anne M. Nelson, assistant Extension educator at the U of M, concluded, “research at the University of Minnesota has shown Paulo Pagliari that, in most cases, those products (biostimulants) are ineffective and do not live up to the expectation.” The conclusions of Pagliari and Nelson’s paper, entitled “Biostimulants: What are they and do they work?” seems to have been largely based on trials

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conducted by Paglieri at the Lamberton Research Center over a period of two to three years. Paglieri serves as an assistant professor based at the University’s Southwestern Minnesota Lamberton Research Center. Funding for the research was provided, in part, by the Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council. Pagliari and Nelson list biostimulants as including humic and fulvic acids, seaweed extracts, proprietary ingredients used in liquid manure composting, and beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Biostimulants have been shown to increase many factors that affect plant growth including: root growth, root diameter, soil water holding capacity, and increased microbial activity leading to increased nutrient availability. They define biostimulants as a substance, that when they are applied to a plant or the soil in the plants’ root zone, will “stimulate natural processes to benefit nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality.” Abiotic stress includes high winds, drought or high temperatures. Pagliari and Nelson are careful to point out these products are not fertilizers and do not provide fertility to plants. The authors do not claim the products are totally ineffective, however. “Biostimulants have been shown to increase many factors that affect plant growth including: root growth, root diameter, soil water holding capacity, increased microbial activity leading to increased nutrient availability and many more,” they write in their paper. In a separate interview, Anne Nelson explained what some of the products are and what they do. “Humic and fulvic acids are substances formed from the breakdown of organic matter,” she said. “They have the ability to hold seven times their volume in water — a greater water holding capacity than clay soils.” Nelson points out that humates, which are often marketed as a biostimulant, are a processed and are a dried form of humic acid. “Regarding beneficial bacteria and fungi, companies will isolate bacteria they find that are beneficial to the plant. These bacteria are thought to help the plant take up nutrients or break down nutrients that are in the soil. So, in theory, since these bacteria are transforming nutrients into a more useable form, the plant is able to take up more nutrients and grow faster,” she said. “Seaweed extracts have been said to have a high availability of plant growth regulators that are

released into the soil — so the plant is able to take them up,” Nelson said. “They’ve also been said to help with aeration of the soil which gives plant roots more space to explore.” “Liquid manure compositing is made by mixing manure water and a blend of proprietary materials thought to feed specific bacteria in the manure,” Nelson continued. “This provides adequate conditions for microbial growth which in turn increases the nutrient availability of the manure.” Nelson and Pagliari don’t say that claims for the products aren’t accurate or true. They simply say that they didn’t work in their trials. “For example, the products thought to increase enzyme activity rarely did — compared with plots that did not receive the treatment,” they write in their paper. “Products thought to provide better overall growing conditions and increase grain yield also do not show any improvements when compared to untreated.” The authors say these products may work if conditions are just right. But, they say, there are so many variables in a field of corn, soybeans or wheat that it is very difficult to predict if they’ll work for you. “Responses are highly variable,” they write. “It depends on weather, soil type, organic matter content, tillage system, and the type of crop rotation.” Nelson points out, for example, that humic acids may not necessarily be useful in soils that are already high in organic matter. Soils which have seen corn-on-corn for several years may be unlikely to respond to the products. Additionally, she says soils which are extensively tilled may be unresponsive. While pointing out that Pagliari didn’t have positive results from biostimulants in his trials, the authors acknowledge that another farmer, with a different set of variables, could see benefits from them. “When thinking about using these products, we recommend doing a replicated strip trial before integrating them into your entire operation,” they write. They also recommend talking with an Extension educator to set up a trial. “We recommend doing a strip trial with only one factor changed at a time. So you want to do a trial with the same management strategies, but with one treatment having a biostimulant product and one not having a product,” Nelson said. “We recommend doing at least three strips of each.” For a resource to take an in-depth look at how to do your own on-farm research trials, go to extension. and search for “How to do research on your farm.” “Sometimes these things work, but most of the time it’s questionable. So instead of writing them off, the idea of a field trial is probably the best route to see if they actually work and, if they did increase yield, did they actually pay for themselves,” Nelson said. v

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Corn is coming on strong, soybeans are lagging Brandon Fast, Mountain Lake, Minn. – June 21

Nancy Rys, Rock Creek, Minn. – June 27

Rain fell this morning on the Rys farm, but they missed the hail and strong winds that went through parts of Minnesota. The Land spoke to Rys on June 27 as she reported that three-fourths of an inch of rain had fallen that day. The first pass of nitrogen was sprayed on the corn yesterday. The crop looks good, but it’s behind by a month. The fields without replant have a lot of uneven stand. In the fields with some replant corn, there’s corn that’s knee high and corn that’s two-inches tall. Rys is hoping the crops this year end up as well as the 2004 crops. That year, the crops were planted on time but the cool summer slowed down growth. They didn’t get a frost until well into October and the crops ended up doing well. It’s finally warming up with temperatures in the 80s all next week. “Bring on the heat,” Rys said. This weekend will feature temperatures in the 90s which will be just the key to get the corn to really take off. Overall, the crops look good — just behind — on the Rys farm. “Things could turn out to be OK, I just don’t know yet.”

“The weather’s been decent.” The Land spoke with Brandon Fast on June 21 as he reported he started side dressing and has finished 400 acres of earlier planted corn. With the weather warming a bit, the crops are starting to slowly catch up. Fast’s corn looks good, it’s just behind. “That later planted corn really needs to catch up. The stand is pretty even on everything.” Fast did have to do some replant of corn last week in spots that were a little thin in the field. “The beans look pretty good except they’re slow,” Fast said. “A lot of the beans we ended up planting were sitting in dry dirt.” Fast needed rain on the newly-planted soybeans and he got it. “They’re slowly coming.” While some beans have emerged, there are big areas in the fields that haven’t popped up yet. “The beans are really inconsistent.” Fast plans on spraying beans in another 10 days. Rain is in the forecast today, but thankfully no severe weather is expected. Next week’s temperatures are forecasted in the 80s. It will finally feel like summer has arrived. “I think we’ll be alright as long as we can keep getting heat,” Fast said.

From the Fields

John Haarstad, Rothsay, Minn. – June 28 “We’ve gotten a few nice showers since last we spoke.” The Land caught up with John Haarstad on June 28 as some timely rains were welcomed on the farm. The forecast calls for warm temperatures. “We’re going to stretch some corn leaves this week.” The corn is looking good. “Our 30-inch corn is very close to canopy,” Haarstad said. The warmer weather has meant the crop is catching up. Haarstad believes that the corn is probably average height for this time of

year. The soybean crop is doing well. Haarstad just finished spraying the first pass of post-emerge on the bean fields. Haarstad estimates that the beans are one to two weeks behind. “I’m sure we’ll have some more spraying to do,” Haarstad said. He’s plans on top dressing some corn with urea next week. In the next few weeks, Haarstad will continue helping his brother out with his excavating business. “The corn has changed tremendously.” That kind of progress is exactly what Haarstad was hoping to see at this time in the growing season. “At this point we kind of done everything we can do.” It’s time for some heat and a little rain to do the rest.


For Sale Price: $11,500

Dale Bissen, Adams, Minn. – June 21

The Land caught up with Dale Bissen on June 21 as he was in the midst of tucking grapevines into the wire in his vineyard. This is done so that the vines don’t break off. Bissen reported that the vines seem so brittle this year. “I spray a fungicide out here every week.” He has another week of tucking the vines in left to do. Growing grapes is definitely labor intensive as Bissen has found out. Bissen planted corn on beans this year and is seeing a good crop come out of the ground. “We’re pretty happy, it looks pretty good.” The corn is sprayed, but Bissen needs to spray nitrogen on it next week. “We’re behind; we must be two weeks behind.” It’s been too cool to get the corn to really take off. “We can’t even breakout of the 70s.” The soybeans had struggled to emerge. Bissen has clay in the soil and it can make emergence tougher — especially with the rain. Now that the beans have emerged, they have a good stand. “The no-till looks the best.” Bissen sprayed the no-till fields and will spray the rest at the end of next week. “I think the spot we’re in, we’re definitely luckier than other places in the U.S.” Though Bissen knows there are still obstacles in the growing season for his crops. “Our yields are going to suffer.” The lack of heat and the late planting has made this growing season a challenge for Bissen but he’s grateful he got a crop in the ground.

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For Sale Price: $24,000

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All Aluminum Wheels; Tandem Axle; Aluminum Composition; 78 in Inside Height; STANDARD HOPPER Model; 2 Hoppers; 11R 22.5 Tires; SS front, front comers, and rear, alum rear subframe, ladder + catwalks, dump valve, load guage, tires at 50-60%, brakes and drums are 90%.

For Sale Price: $16,250


Roll up Door; All Steel Wheels; Single Axle; Wood Floor; 7311P-X Model; LP 22.5 Tires; roll up door, aluminum roof, wood floor, plywood lined walls, no rust, very clean, tires at 70%, brakes and drums at 70% Model: 7311P-X. 28' x 102" spring ride

For Sale Price: $7,250


38’; All Steel Wheels; Steel Composition; Wood Floor; Tires at 80%; Electric over hyd. Disk brakes;Very clean; Triple 21” wide ramps; Spring assist up and down; 16R Tires.

For Sale Price: $13,900

PAGE 16 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

Tariffs to Mexico could critically hurt U.S. pork producers By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Visiting with Minnesota Pork Producers Association CEO Dave Preisler at the June 4 AgriGrowth luncheon in St. Paul, I led our visit with this question: “Because of the ravages of African Swine Fever in China when will China run out of pigs?” Preisler respnded, “I don’t think we’re anywhere close to the end of this disaster in China. And now it’s spreading to other Asian countries … Vietnam, Cambodia. And we would not be surprised if it shows up in other countries in Southeast Asia. We appreciate that the Vietnamese seem very honest about what’s happening in their country. But we’re far away from suggesting that it will burn itself out at this point.” And don’t count on a vaccine for African swine fever. “The scientists that we are in contact with say a vaccine is likely years away. It’s a very large, complicated virus with a lot of proteins. That makes it a very difficult candidate. But you never know if or when a technology might emerge.” So will there be a shortage of pigs for world markets; or are we already there? Recognizing the incredible ability of American pork producers to rapidly ramp up production, Preisler said the U.S. swine industry already has an increase in production this year compared with 2018. “That’s because of relatively good prices — perhaps built on expectations of what might be coming from China or other markets. Apparently China is committing to more purchases of U.S. swine. But China producers were being smart also. They were selling their own swine earlier — prior to them getting African swine fever. A lot of that product went into cold storage, so they have to work through that first. But without a doubt, this disease is creating a hole in the supply chain. Right now, it’s just a question of when that comes … and who gets to fill it.” Who is most obvious to fill this hole? Preisler said it most likely would be Canadian producers and the European Union because they don’t have any tariff issues to deal with. “We still have a 62 percent tariff on U.S. pork products going into China. But if Canada and the EU start sending a lot of their pork to China and other southeast Asia countries fighting African swine fever, then just maybe our U.S. producers will start picking up some of this demand. Perhaps the bigger uncertainty is how long does this 62 percent U. S. tariff stay in place.” Preisler also noted that if President Trump initiates this new tariff threat against Mexico, the U.S. could rapidly lose a major buyer of U.S. pork products — especially ham. “When we lifted the steel and aluminum tariffs, we were hopeful that we were on the way to agreement on this USMC agreement which would be tremendous for U.S. agriculture — especially our pork industry. But this latest tariff talk is absolutely frustrating. Nearly 50 percent of all the ham we produce in America is purchased by Mexico! It’s a tremendous market, but now it might be fur-

ther splintered.” One encouraging comment from Preisler is there is very little organic pork in the U.S. marketplace; so fraudulent pork isn’t an issue like it is with beef and chicken products. “We’re producing for the marketplace, so I would note that there is increasing demand for antibiotic free meats which aren’t nec-

essarily organic. We’re keeping track of consumer trends. If organic pork becomes a reality with the American housewife, our producers will shift as needed to meet that demand. They still appreciate two key factors: taste and cost. Thankfully, the American pork producer continues to meet that demand!” v

The ‘Big River’ still too big! By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus If you’re still waiting for several tons of fertilizer products coming upstream or several thousand bushels of your corn or soybeans being shipped downstream, you might as well keep twiddling your thumbs. That ‘Mighty Mississippi’ continues with record crests from the Twin City terminals all the way to New Orleans. In fact, in view of seasonal weather expectations, this could be the longest high water condition of the big river in recorded history. Laurie Siever, senior vice president, External Partnership, Saint Paul Port Authority, shared a brief visit with The Land at the June 4 AgriGrowth luncheon in St. Paul. When asked how long will it take for the river to get back within its channel, she responded, “Wish I could give a definite answer; but this time we can’t. This continues a most disconcert-

ing situation for the Port Authority and the entire barge traffic industry. There continues to be flooding in cities along the entire river corridor. And we know this is impacting thousands of acres of cropland. We keep hearing from farmers that already this season is going to be a total disaster for them.” She reports not hearing of any structural damage at any of the locks and dams in the river corridor. “Early this spring we had a good neighborhood meeting with all the tenants in the River View Industrial Park along the St. Paul terminal. The purpose was to help them with any navigating issues they were likely to face with the melting of the huge snow volumes encompassing this entire corridor area. We explained what to do if they have damage to any of their properties occupying spaces within the terminal. Filing for FEMA financial assistance would be part of this special help.” v USDA options for expiring CRP contracts Farmers and ranchers with expiring Conservation Reserve Program contracts may now re-enroll in certain CRP continuous signup practices; or, if eligible, select a one-year contract extension. USDA’s Farm Service Agency is also accepting offers from those who want to enroll for the first. FSA’s 52nd signup for CRP runs from June 3 to August 23. This year’s CRP continuous signup includes such practices as grass waterways, filter strips, riparian buffers, wetland restoration and others. Continuous signup enrollment contracts last for 10 to 15 years. Soil rental rates are set at 90 percent of 2018 rates. Incentive payments are not offered for these practices. Letters are in the mail to all producers with expiring CRP contracts, describing possible options. A one-year extension is being offered to existing CRP participants with expiring CRP contracts of 14 years or less that have practices not eligible for reenrollment under this CRP signup. Alternatively, producers with expiring contracts may have the option to enroll in the Transition Incentives Program, which provides two additional annual rental payments on the condition the land is

sold or rented to a beginning farmer or rancher or a member of a socially disadvantaged group. CRP continuous CREP signup also enables producers to sign up under existing Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program agreements. CREP is part of CRP and targets high-priority conservation concerns identified by a state, and federal funds are supplemented with non-federal funds to address those concerns. FSA is still planning a CRP general signup in December 2019, with a CRP Grasslands signup to follow. Those that extend their contracts may be eligible for one of these signup types or another continuous signup in the future. Producers interested in applying for CRP continuous practices, including those under existing CREP agreements, or who want to extend their contract, should contact their USDA service center by August 23. To locate your local FSA office, visit gov. More information on CRP can be found at www. This article was submitted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. v

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


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PAGE 18 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

‘Lean and mean’ reduces fuel costs with cover crops By DICK HAGEN The Land Staff Writer Emeritus Now launching their fifth year of strip till farming, Brian Ryberg says he’s still learning — perhaps rightly so! Back in 2014, he hitched up to a tillage machine called the Soil Warrior. With a 530-horsepower John Deere providing the power, Ryberg fall-tilled all 3,500 acres of his corn, soybean and sugar beet crop land with that Warrior which also was applying potassium and phosphorous for his 2015 crops. In that same process, the Warrior left an 8-inch ‘tilled strip’ for seed drop the following spring. All of this to fit their 22-inch row width planting system. Ryberg reflects, “Five years ago we had the discussion of how to change our farming methods on our Sibley County farm home.” He admits they were a bit uncomfortable in those first talks since this was indeed a complete transition. “We started doing some serious looking at what we were doing to soil structure on our farmland. Five years of continuous corn was our history lesson.” They were running a Wishek disc after a chopping corn head followed by a ripper. Then, before planting, a field cultivator prepared a smooth, level seed bed. Yes, lots of field trips and lots of equipment needed. So was it time for a change? Yes, indeed!

Brian Ryberg, Chris Leske and Jason Anderson.

Photos by Dick Hagen

Brian Ryberg added a Soil Warrior tillage machine to reduce field hours from 430 hours with two four-wheel drive tractors down to 210 hours with one tractor. Data tells the story: Total field hours went from 430 hours with two, fourwheel drive tractors down to 210 hours with one, four-wheel drive power unit for the Soil Warrior. When ‘conventional farming’ with upwards of five passes on each acre, gasoline consumption was almost five gallons per acre in the fall. With the Soil Warrior, diesel fuel consumption dropped to six-tenths of a gallon per acre. This question-and-answer session came from an afternoon stop at Ryberg Farms on May 29. The Land: Like most farmers, you’ve still got corn and soybeans to plant. Is prevent planting likely to capture some of your acres too? Ryberg: It hasn’t been any fun. We’re struggling to get through. We’re about 80 percent done on corn; did get our beet crop planted; but nothing yet on soybeans. I’m trying to understand what prevent planting is. We’ve never been down this road before. I’m glad it’s there. It’s a tool we’ve never used before and I don’t intend to use it this year. I much prefer to put the seeds in the ground. The market is starting to react to all these weather delays across the farm belt. Plus, the on-going tit-for-tat chatter of our political voices. But I, like all other farmers, keep reminding myself that it’s bushels times price. And right now price bumps seem favorable for this year’s crop. We’ll just wait and see. The Land: So because of your system were you able to planting earlier? Ryberg: Yes, we could get on striptilled fields earlier. Plus, we don’t worry about compaction because we’re planting where there has been no wheel traffic. Yes, tiling certainly makes a difference too. About one-third of our crop-

that issue. We’ve got a ways to go, but we see our numbers climbing. I was required to take the Haney test for our CSP program. We’ve been taking fall soil samples, but some tell us sampling in the spring is better. So we’re taking a few samples now just to compare our fall and spring numbers. Minnesota Valley Testing Labs is where we send our samples; but I might send the samples to a couple labs this spring to see if there are differences. I keep hearing that if we are involved in a cover crop we can cut back on our P and K because increased biological activity is increasing the mineralization action. However, I’m ‘old school’ and still want to see some numbers that tell me where we’re at. The Land: You’re reading my mind. I was about to ask what cover crops are you using? Ryberg: Still some learning to do here too. We haven’t cut back on P and K, but thought cover crops would let you do that. That’s the next piece we need to figure out. If we do some prevent planting, we’ll do some cover crop on those acres. Then we might see impact on P and K. But we’re told there’s some nitrogen production from particular cover crops. It’s challenges

land is pattern tiled and that was the first planted. But our strip-tilled fields without pattern tiling also got us in a day or two earlier. And I’ve measured up to 5 degrees warmer soil temps in those eight-inch tilled swaths. The Land: A maturity change on your acres yet to plant? Ryberg: Yes. We used 102-105 day corn so far, but now 90 to 92-day maturities for what we have left … assuming we’re planting by the end of this week (that would be May 30-June 1 dates). On our soybeans, we’re with 1.7-1.4 relative maturities; but we’re likely going to earlier beans to get finished. I don’t want to go earlier than a 0.9 See RYBERG, pg. 21 because you’re giving up too much yield. The Land: After four years with the Soil Warrior, what has it done to your soil health — and your own mental health? Ryberg (chuckling): Mentally, I’m a lot more comfortable than where I was four years ago. We haven’t given anything away on yield. We think the water infiltration is definitely better. The soil’s carrying capacity is so much better. It’s firmer because you haven’t loosened up that whole soil profile. Whether its fall traffic from beet trucks or grain trucks, we just don’t have the wheel tracks that we used to have. In the spring, no compaction concerns either … we just go in and plant. The Land: It seems everyone is chattering about biological activity in our soils these days. What’s your read? Ryberg: Still a lot of learn. We’re using the Haney test which gives you a soil health reading. But you need to know how to interpret what that means. I was just on the phone this The Soil Warrior leaves an 8-inch tilled morning talking with a consultant on strip for next spring’s planting.

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”



Grain Outlook Corn acre report tumbles market

Cash Grain Markets

corn/change* soybeans/change* St. Cloud $3.69 -.31 $7.85 -.39 Madison $3.93 -.22 $7.89 -.35 Redwood Falls $3.88 -.28 $8.00 -.38 Fergus Falls $3.66 -.27 $7.65 -.32 The following marketing analysis is for the week Morris $3.77 -.27 $7.75 -.28 ending June 28. Tracy $4.04 -.26 $7.95 -.34 CORN — Corn went into consolidation mode lead- Average: $3.83 $7.85 ing up to the June 28 U.S. Department of Agriculture Planted Acreage and Grain Stocks reports. There Year Ago Average: $3.08 $8.09 weren’t any major headlines to trade, and traders Grain prices are effective cash close on July 2. were reluctant to add new positions with so much *Cash grain price change represents a two-week period. uncertainty surrounding the reports. Buying was subdued — despite the corn rating falling 3 percent to 56 percent good/excellent as of June 23. Corn emergence was 89 percent vs. 99 percent on average. Weather conditions were seen as improving for crop development, but no one was sure how many acres got planted to benefit from the warmer, drier condi- PHYLLIS NYSTROM Over the last month or more, in some cases, the tions. Funds continued to hold CHS Hedging Inc. livestock markets have been under pressure. Every their net long position into report St. Paul aspect of the cattle and hog markets continue to find day. Grower sales were slow and pressure due to several factors which have continbasis levels improved across the ued to keep these markets on the defensive. country to entice movement into the pipeline. A major problem for the liveThen came the USDA reports! In shocking action, stock is the slowing of export the USDA pegged U.S. corn acreage at a huge 91.7 sales as well as domestic sales million acres! This was bigger than the highest pre- over this period. Another related report estimate. The average guess was 86.66 million problem has been the weather acres. The 91.7 million number is only down 1.1 mil- which has hampered weights — lion acres from the March intentions 92.8 million particularly in the cattle sector acreage forecast, but is up 1.9 million acres from the from the winter and cool damp June 11 World Agricultural Supply and Demand spring months. Supply and Estimate’s 89.8-million-acre outlook. demand will set the tone for the JOE TEALE To give the updated prediction more perspective, it livestock markets as we move Broker suggests U.S. farmers are planting 2.6 million more into the summertime and into Great Plains Commodity corn acres this year vs. last year. The market the fall. Afton, Minn. responded to the release by locking down the 25-cent Cattle have seemed like there daily trading limit for a time before finding buyers. was two different markets lately as futures have On report day, September corn dropped 21 cents and remained a deep discount to the cash trade. This December corn collapsed 19.5 cents. For the week, situation has influenced hedgers to take advantage September corn was down 22.75 cents at $4.24.75, of the larger-than-normal basis to sell inventory and December corn tumbled 22 cents to $4.31.5, but cash in on the wide basis which has kept the packer December 2020 corn was up a quarter-cent at well supplied with inventory. Therefore, the packers $4.15.75 per bushel. did not have to become aggressive in trying to The June 28 Grain Stocks (as of June 1) report was acquire animals which in turn kept the cash price on largely ignored in favor of the acreage report. Grain a decline during the past several weeks. stocks were 5.2 billion bushels compared to 5.33 bilOn June 21 the U.S. Department of Agriculture lion estimated. Last year, we had 5.3 billion corn released the monthly Cattle on Feed report which stocks as well. On-farm corn stocks were a record. indicated on-feed numbers, placements and market The USDA says corn may be planted as a cover inventory was slightly greater than the trade had crop on prevent plant acres. Essentially this means, anticipated. Considering the decline in the market

Livestock Angles Packers are well supplied

See NYSTROM, pg. 20

See TEALE, pg. 20

Grain Angles The game never stops As the father of three teenage daughters who play a lot of softball, there’s a saying I’ve heard coaches tell players that’s stuck with me: “the game never stops.” It’s often said when young players on the field shift their focus to the umpire after a close play to see what the call was, all while offensive players are still running around the bases. Stopping to see what is going on isn’t always a bad thing, but there are times when you need to keep intense focus on playing the game, because the game never stops. Grain production has some similarities. There are times you can relax; but you need to be cognizant of where you’re at, where your business is headed and the plans in place to reach your goals. You can’t take your eyes off the DUSTY WALKER game for too long. Tracking your Compeer Crop crop insurance, which helps to Insurance Officer manage cash flow, secure loans, back forward grain sales and more, is a critical component in safeguarding a farm’s annual income. There are several ways to track your crop insurance policy performance throughout the year. First, find a method or tool to track the current year’s performance. This can be as simple as a handwritten record in a notebook, a spreadsheet on your home computer, or using Compeer Financial’s free margin manager tool. Use the tool that works best for you. Next, be sure to update your anticipated yields and harvest prices based on a revenue policy. These projections will likely change throughout the growing season, but that’s to be expected. As harvest gets closer, your predictions should be a closer reflection of what’s to come. If your tracking tool allows you to easily change crop insurance coverage levels, adjust them to see how different levels of coverage can impact various outcomes. During this step of the process as numbers in the tracking system change, you may recognize you’re going to have great yields with good prices and won’t need to use your crop insurance policy. Speaking from personal experience, you might wish you selected a different level of coverage or even a different crop insurance product. Recognize how different crop insurance coverage levels impact cash flows and potentially your working capital if you get into a challenging production year. If things don’t look promising, or you have concerns, consider a discussion with See WALKER, pg. 21

Information in the above columns is the writer’s opinion. It is no way guaranteed and should not be interpreted as buy/sell advice. Futures trading always involves a certain degree of risk.

PAGE 20 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

USDA acreage report shows drop in soybean planting NYSTROM, from pg. 19 to my understanding, that you can plant corn as a cover crop on prevent plant acres and cut as silage after Sept. 1 for feed use. Check with your local authorities for confirmation and more details. Weekly export sales were on the lower end of expectations at 11.6 million bushels for old crop and 4.3 million bushels for new crop. Old crop commitments of 1.9 billion bushels are 15 percent behind last year compared to the USDA’s forecast for exports to be down 10 percent this year. We need to sell 23 million bushels per week to hit the USDA’s 2.2-billion-bushel export projection. There are 242 million bushels of unshipped grain on the books vs. 536 million bushels last year. U.S. corn is currently a 30-40 cent per bushel premium to South American origin. New crop sales stand at 125 million bushels compared to 168.8 million bushels last year. Weekly ethanol production fell 9,000 barrels per day to 1.072 million bpd. Ethanol stocks were unchanged at 21.6 million barrels. Net margins were unchanged for the week at a negative 3 cents per gallon. The International Grains Council cut their world corn production estimate 23 million metric tons to 1.095 billion tons. This was mainly due to the problems in the United States. China reported they have found fall armyworms in 19 provinces affecting 815,000 acres of crops. Outlook: Now that the crop reports are behind, everyone will second-guess the results. Attention will focus on nearby weather and crop ratings, and then fall prospects for an early frost. The “easy” money may be behind us and it could be a grind until more is known about the crop, which may not be until August.

MARKETING Markets will close early on July 3, then not reopen until 8:30 a.m. CT on July 5 in observance of Fourth of July celebrations. Joe Lardy, CHS Hedging Research, will be filling in for the next several weeks. I hope you enjoy his perspectives. SOYBEANS — Soybeans experienced a setback this week as growers continued to plant soybeans and forecasts called for better conditions for the newly planted crop. Soybeans traded to their lowest level in two weeks ahead of the much-anticipated USDA reports. As in corn, there didn’t seem to be a glaring headline to move the market. The 54 percent good/excellent crop rating as of June 23 (the worst in the last 25 years) did little to inspire additional buying. Soybean planting was 85 percent complete by that date vs. 97 percent on average. Emergence was 71 percent vs. 91 percent average. Without food for the bull, setbacks were expected. Funds maintained their small net short position in soybeans into the crop reports. The USDA June 28 acreage report was as surprising for soybeans as it was for corn — only in the opposite direction. Soybean acres were reported at 80 million acres, down 9.2 million acres from last year. The USDA’s number was lower than the smallest pre-report trade estimate. The trade was anticipating acreage to be little changed from the June 11 WASDE reports 84.355 million acres. Grain stocks were slightly friendly on their face. Stocks on June 1 were 1.79 billion bushels vs. 1.86 billion estimated and 1.2 billion bushels last year. President Trump meets with Chinese President Xi at the G20 summit in Japan on June 28-29. In a sur-

Weak exports cloud hog market TEALE, from pg. 19 in advance of the release, and the discount of futures to cash, very little reaction to the report is expected. The current market is approaching an oversold condition and near recent lows, so short covering in futures may surface in the next week or so. Demand for beef will be the catalyst which will likely assist the market to rebound in the weeks ahead. Producers are suggested to monitor these conditions as well as any changes regarding the export market and act accordingly in their marketing scheme. The hog market has been under pressure for the past several months as exports of pork to the Asian continent have decreased — due primarily to the tariffs placed on China and the slowing of domestic demand in the United States. These situations have cast a negative cloud over the market during the past couple of months. Surprisingly, the latest USDA Cold Storage report

indicated pork stocks were lower than a year ago which could help attitudes toward the market — considering the recent pressure on the market. On a positive note, China’s African swine fever is still an important consideration. China and the other Asian countries’ need for protein could eventually support the hog market in the next few months as world-wide supplies of pork decline. Domestic demand appears to be hampered somewhat by the weather here in the United States. The grilling season has been hampered by the cooler temperatures and rainy conditions. If the weather becomes more amenable in the weeks ahead, this may help increase the demand domestically. There are many question marks about the price direction for hogs in the near future which will affect the direction of the price paid for live inventory. Therefore, producers should keep monitoring market conditions and protect inventories as needed. v

prising, and not coincidentally I believe, China bought 544,000 metric tons of old crop U.S. soybeans the day ahead of the G20 summit meeting with President Trump. This may squash chatter that China won’t take all the unshipped purchased soybeans they currently have on with the United States. This may also set a softer tone for the meeting. The most anyone is hoping for is for an agreement to continue to talk and delay any new tariffs that have been threatened by the United States. China’s May soybean imports were 7.36 mmt, down 24 percent from last year. Brazil origin accounted for 86 percent of the total while the United States only captured 13 percent of the business. Weekly export sales were disappointing at 6.2 million bushels for old crop and the third lowest for the marketing year. New crop sales were 11.7 million bushels. Old crop total commitments at 1.75 billion bushels are more than the USDA’s 1.7-billion-bushel prediction. China still has 5.6 mmt of unshipped purchases on the books (not including the new 544 tmt purchase) vs. 1.1 mmt last year. Normally, we end up rolling a portion of old crop sales into new crop or cancelling some. What that number is this year will determine if we can stay above the 1.7 billion bushel forecast. Total commitments are down 16 percent vs. last year when the USDA is anticipating a 20 percent decline in year-on-year exports. Total new crop commitments are just 85 million bushels compared to 276.4 million bushels last year. African swine fever continues to spread in China. The Chinese government announced plans to do more to provide incentives for hog production — including preferential loan treatment and allowances to areas to help control the spread of the disease. In Brazil, the U.S. attaché is pegging this year’s soybean crop at 116 mmt vs. the USDA at 117 mmt. For 2019-20, the attaché is using 124 mmt. — very close to the USDA’s 123 mmt forecast. The expectation is the Brazilian farmer will increase acreage 800,000 hectares to 37 million hectares, the equivalent of 91.4 million acres. Outlook: Soybeans have been trending sideways, lower for the last two weeks, but that was reversed in post-report trading. The market will continue to focus on U.S. weather and crop development. In the coming months, frost and South American planting intentions will gain in focus. For the week, August soybeans were down 4 cents at $9.04.5, November was 4.5 cents lower at $9.23, but November 2020 soybeans were 5.25 cents higher at $9.51.5 per bushel. Nystrom’s Notes: Contract changes for the week ended June 28: Minneapolis September wheat rallied 10.25 cents at $5.54.25, Chicago fell 3.5 cents at $5.27.25, and Kansas City was 3 cents lower at $4.61.5 per bushel. Crude oil jumped $1.04 to $58.47, ULSD was 1.75 cents higher, RBOB gained 8 cents, and natural gas was 14 cents higher. v

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Growing season impacts cover crop performance RYBERG, from pg. 18 like this that keeps stoking our interest. We do our P and K in the fall with the Warrior which has two good-sized fertilizer tanks — so fertilizing and tillage is a one-trip deal. In the spring, 20 gallons of 32 percent liquid urea is applied when planting. If it’s cornon-corn and needs a heavier load of nitrogen, we use 32 percent urea as a carrier with our pre-emerge herbicide which we broadcast for better coverage of the herbicide. And if more nitrogen is needed, we side dress at the same time we interseed our cover crop. The Land: Do you variable rate your nitrogen? Ryberg: Our fields are all mapped and we collect yield data on a field-by-field basis. So we sort of ‘spoon feed’ our corn — especially those fields that are continuous corn where they get upwards of 180 pounds of actual nitrogen. We’ve proven we can raise 225 to 230-bushel yields, so we try to feed according to appetite, so to speak. But weather is still the final determiner. On soybean ground, we’ve pulled back to about 160 pounds of nitrogen. The Land: So any particular issue that keeps challenging you and your crew? Ryberg: The cover crop syndrome. We know what it does for soil structure and soil health; but it’s that fertility issue still raising questions. I’m asking lots of questions of our fertility people and cover crop seed providers. If we’re going to spend $15-$20 per acre on cover crop seed, we need a measurable return to justify — especially in today’s tight economy. So learning the fertility value of cover crops is still the question. The Land: Has a particular cover crop emerged as best for you? Ryberg: We’re still working with the mix. In our 22-inch rows, if we have a lush canopy from our corn

crop, we seem to starve out that cover crop. We’ve had good success getting our cover crop established in our June seeding, but sometimes when we get into harvest we find little or no cover crop. In other fields, the cover crop is very excellent … and we don’t know why. Last year wasn’t a great growing season so our poorest corn crop — which didn’t have the lush canopy — produced the best cover crop. However, where we got into some 230-bushel yields, the cover crop was barely noticeable. Yet the year before, with 220-230-bushel yields across the board, we also had great over crop. So just like the corn yield, the growing season apparently has much to do with cover crops too. The Land: So is cereal rye your choice of cover crop? Ryberg: We really like the cereal rye but can’t interseed it because it doesn’t survive the summer heat and shade. I’ve friends who use the self-propelled Hagie drop-down broadcast system in August and get

good results with cereal rye. Our goal is a cereal rye cover crop surviving through the winter and giving you a green cover crop growing in the spring. We keep some radish and turnips in the mix too. Without being a brand endorser, Ryberg said there are now several different equipment manufacturers offering strip till choices. Because the Soil Warrior has performed so well in the Ryberg Farm’s farming system, he simply said, “We think it’s King; but learning how to make any system work to build healthier soils is the goal — regardless of the brand. But choices are fewer for those wanting to work in 22-inch rows.” Here’s the bottom line: Ryberg said over the past four years they’re averaging $75 to $90 per acre reductions in total production costs! That’s good evidence ‘Lean and Mean’ works for Ryberg Farms. v

Spokespersons wanted for state fair College students with an interest in serving as spokespersons for animal agriculture are urged to apply as a Minnesota State Fair 4-H animal science “Speaking Up for Animal Agriculture” peer mentor. Six positions are available. Persons in these positions will serve as mentors to selected 4-H State Fair livestock exhibitors in all species (beef, dairy, sheep, swine, goats, poultry and rabbits) to encourage, model and role-play positive interactions with State Fair visitors to livestock displays. The program will include a one-day orientation and training session. Participants will study community relations, written materials for review, and coaching and daily support by staff during the state fair.

Applicants must be available the five days of the 4-H livestock weekend, Aug. 21-25. Compensation is $450-$500 based on experience. Fair entry tickets, 4-H meal tickets and lodging will be provided. To apply, applicants must submit a resume, transcript and statement describing why they are interested in this position and detail industry knowledge, communication and leadership skills. Application deadline is July 10. Send completed materials to: Juanita Reed-Boniface, Project Manager, 2462 Lake George Dr. N.W. Cedar, MN 55011; or e-mail This article was submitted by the Minnesota Farm Bureau. v

Apply this year’s data to next year’s crop insurance needs WALKER, from pg. 19 your trusted partners and advisors if the year appears to be challenging because of low yields or poor prices. Don’t be afraid to start making projections for next year — even before the current year has ended. Using your tracking tool, apply the information you are currently learning to the next crop year. This can be very difficult because conditions are always changing, but use the best information you have. This could include cost projection, yields, prices and the current crop insurance program. When doing this, I find the next crop year’s level of insurance coverage is impacted by what I’ve most recently experienced. For example, in August of 2018 I was at a point on my own farm when we appeared to be setting up for a good harvest. Because of that, my initial perspective of the 2019 growing season was influenced by what I experienced in 2018. My 2019 crop insurance projections used a lower level of coverage than what I ultimately ended up selecting for the 2019 growing

year. My personal bias at the time was that a good crop doesn’t need a high level of crop insurance. But I recognized I had been wrong. I chose to raise my 2019 coverage from my initial intentions. And after the spring we’ve had, I’m sure glad I did. Utilizing tracking tools, I recognized in February how my perspective in August was molding my view of the next crop year. Several things can be learned by spending some time looking forward: Will the current crop insurance levels I can purchase provide the protection I need — based on what I know today? Assuming crop insurance doesn’t change, and I have that added layer of security for a future crop year, how does it impact me at this point in time? Can I forward market some of next year’s crop? Can I make a needed capital improvements like tile or grain storage? Can I adequately protect next year’s revenue? To summarize, this process can be as simple or as complex as you make it. By knowing where you’re at and having a plan to get where you want to be is a

huge step in accomplishing your goals. Every operation is continually evolving. Whether it is short or long-term decisions, the game never stops. Be sure you don’t take your eye off the ball. Dusty Walker is a Crop Insurance Officer with Compeer Financial. For additional insights from the Compeer team, visit v


Real Estate — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


Bins & Buildings

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 TH

Farm Equipment

Sell your land or real estate in FOR SALE: Steel container 3,250 bushel Brock hopper 40’ & 45’ Batco Belt Con30 days for 0% commission. 48’ long x 102” wide x 9 1/2’ bottom tank, 15’ diameter, veyors, 28” Fan & Burner, Call Ray 507-339-1272 high, in excellent condition. taken down, safety cage, 18’ grain bins- some w/ air (Larry) 507-327-6663 roof top cage, 507-317-4692 floors, Bobcat walk-behind Trencher, PJ 26’ gooseneck Real Estate SILO DOORS trailer, 8”x31’ & 10”x71’ Wanted Wood or steel doors shipped Feed Seed Hay grain augers, 9’ & 10’ AG promptly to your farm baggers, 3PT, 2R JD Corn WANTED: Land & farms. I stainless fasteners Planter, MF 1190 4x4. Call have clients looking for ALFALFA, mixed hay, grass hardware available. 320-760-1634 hay & feed grade wheat dairy, & cash grain opera(800)222-5726 straw, medium square or tions, as well as bare land FOR SALE: Fantini chopping Landwood Sales LLC round bales, delivery parcels from 40-1000 acres. 8R & 12R CH; 70’ Elmer available. Both for relocation & investStormor Bins & EZ-Drys. drag, Merritt alum hopper Thief River Falls, MN. Call ments. If you have even 100% financing w/no liens or grain trailers; 24R30” JD pl or text LeRoy Ose: thought about selling conred tape, call Steve at Fair- on Kinze bar; Big A floater; 218-689-6675 tact: Paul Krueger, Farm & fax Ag for an appointment. 175 Michigan ldr; IH 964 Land Specialist, Edina Re888-830-7757 CH; White 706 & 708 CH & alty, 138 Main St. W., New parts; White plows & parts; Prague, MN 55372. Classified line ads work! 54’ 4300 IH field cultivator; Farm Equipment JD 44’ field cult; 3300 HiniCall 507-345-4523 (612)328-4506 ker field cult; header trailer. 15’ Bushhog flail mower; 30’ 507-380-5324 machinery mover; Tebben FOR SALE: Tile Pro tile plow, 8R30” folding cult w/ shield, built in Morgan, MN; tile rear mount; 16R30” hoodtrailer. 515-538-0569 ed spray bander, 3pt, 300 gal tank; Int’l 710 5 bottom Harms Mfg. Land Rollers, MACHINERY: DMI 730B Ecolo-Tiger Ripper, Rebuilt in 2016, New Disk on moldboard plow; Int’l 7000 Brand New, 12’-$6,800; Front, Used on 500 Acres; Tigermate 2 Case IH Digger, 46’ Rolling Buckets; 8 bottom moldboard onland 14’-$7,000; 16’-$8,000; 24’DMI 527 Ripper - Rear Disk Levelers; JD 2 Bottom Pull Type Plow; JD 3 plow. 507-859-2766 $14,800; 32’-$17,500; 42’Bottom Mounted 813 Plow ; 8’ JD Digger CA Pull Type Field Cultivator; $21,500. Others from 8’-62’. MityMac Rear Tine Tiller; 13’ Allis Chalmers Tandem Disk; Min- nesota 6 Ton (2) 385 JM gravity wagons, Running Gear; 40’ Layco Stainless Steel Conveyor; JD 6 Row 30” Cultivator; 715-234-1993 1 red & 1 green, nice cond; 13” Brush Auger; 28’ Melroe Drag; 10’ Minneapolis Moline Drill; 14’ Stan Vermeer 840 Disc Pro mow- New Idea 4845 4x5 round balHoist Stalk Chopper; JD 7000 8 Row Corn Planter; 19’ Melroe Chisel Plow; er/conditioner, exc cond. 507- er, twine & net wrap, very 6 Row Stalk Chopper; Int 820 Bean Head 20’; White 598 5 Bottom Vari w/ 317-1392 Plow; Loftness 15’ Stalk Chopper; IH 480 20’ Disk; M & W Earthmaster 5 good shape, can send pics, Shank Disk Ripper; Westendorf Loader Bale Spear TRACTORS: JD 1959 730 $4,800. 651-380-5723 Diesel Electric Start, WF VEHICLES: 2008 Chevrolet Crew Cab 1500 LT, 4 x 4, AT, 126,500 Miles; 2002 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE Pickup, 85,000 Miles, Ext Cab, 6.5’ box - 4x4, AT, Full Power; 1988 Ford F150 4 x 4, 170,280 mi; 1993 Park 24’ x 4’ Dovetail Gooseneck Trailer 7999 lb Axels; Flad Bed Trailer 5 1/2’ x 8’; Triple Axle Flat Bed Trailer; 5’ x 8’ 2 Wheel Trailer w/ Rear Ramp; 79’ Chevy Pickup, Box w/ Hoist, Tandem / Hitch; 25’ Head Moving Trailer GRAVITY WAGONS: (2) J & M 250 Bu Gravity Wagons; 300 Bu Farm King Gravity Box; (2) Parker 2500 Gravity Wagons; (2) EZ Flow Gravity Wagons LIVESTOCK: New Holland Manure Spreader w/ Slop Gate; New Idea No. 8 Ground Driven Manure Spreader; Hog Nursery Gating; Feed Cart; Hog Oiler; Mix Mill Mixer Grinder; Tapered Feed Bin w/ Stand, Galvanized; 2 Wheel Crop Sprayer HAY EQUIPMENT: 268 New Holland Hayliner Square Baler; 3pt 5 Wheel Hay Rake; New Idea Haybine; IH No 7 Mower; IH No 9 Mower MISCELLANEOUS: (2) Black Tanks; 4 x 4 Treated Posts; Large Oak Parts Cabinet; Large Apple Press; 1 x 5’ Incline Conveyor; 42 Bags Mr. 101 Day Seed Corn; 96 Bags LP 101 Day Seed Corn 40,000 Kernac Bags; 16’ Incline Conveyor; 11’ Incline Conveyor; Misc Grain Leg Parts; 40’ Roll Tarp; 2 - 5” x 12” x 23’ I Beams; Barn Cupulas, Pincor Generator; Hausen 350 Amp Arc Welder; Grain Screaner Setral; 500 Gal Water Tank w/ Pump on Trailer; Hiniker Snow Blower; Loftus Snow Blower

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To Consign Call: Rob VeerKamp (507)822-4246 Tom VeerKamp (507)227-2352 Doug Kerkhoff (507)829-6859 Zac Kerkhoff (507)829-3924


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FOR SALE: 2000 JD 9550 combine, 4000 eng hrs, 3100 sep hrs, single point header hookup, Contour Master, alFOR SALE: ’06 JD 512 5-shank ways shedded, nice shape, ripper, 12’ 6”, exc cond, al- $42,500. 507-276-8830 ways shedded, $9,950; JD Model 85 12R cultivator, FOR SALE: JD 912 Pick up $900; JD 724 soil finisher, 24’ head for late model com5-bar harrow, $5,800. 507- bine, Single point hookup. 317-3396 715-352-2080 or 715-316-2380

Tillage Equip

Planting Equip

Grain Handling Equipment

JD 7000 Corn Planter, 2 Row, RETIRING: Used Westfield 3PT $1,800, Fert. Avail. $350/ MK100-61 swing hopper auRow. 715-234-1993 ger, no flat tires on hopper, serial #126935, purchased in RETIRING! JD 7000 12R front 2000, $3,500. 507-381-7097 fold planter, flat fold markers, hopper exts, JD soyWanted Please support the advertisers you see here. bean meters, JD 200 moniTell them you saw their ad in The Land! tor; MN 10T running gear w/ 250 bu gravity box, divider, 1909-1945 Ford Cars & Parts. hyd brush auger, elec con- Also, Old Tin, Porcelain & trol; 1000 digger, 34’, knock Neon Signs, Old Gas Pumps on shovels, new drag tines; & Globes, Old Advertising, Wil-Rich 28’ digger. All in Old Oil Cans & Old Coin Opgood cond. Best Offer. 507- erated Machines. Call John 947-3859 or 507-381-6576 651-398-4465



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All kinds of New & Used farm equipment - disc chisels, field cults, planters, soil finishers, cornheads, feed mills, discs, FOR SALE: Redball sprayer, balers, haybines, etc. 5071600 gal, 90’ boom, 3 way 438-9782 nozzles, 14.9x46 tires, JD control, $11,400. 641-495-6387 WANTED: 630F 2007 or newer low rock beanhead; 12-22 cornhead; 30’ header trailHay & Forage er; all must be in good cond. Equipment 320-760-1169 FOR SALE: 1412 NH discbine, 10.4” cut, finger conditioner, WANTED: ‘88 Oliver tractor, field ready, $10,500. 218-639- any condition. 701-799-5567 1405 Please recycle this magazine.

Spraying Equip

THE LAND — JUNE 28 /JULY 5, 2019

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• 5/8” drum roller wall thickness • 42” drum diameter wall thickness • 4”x8” frame tubing 3/8” thick • Auto fold



GREENWALD FARM CENTER Greenwald, MN • 320-987-3177

14 miles So. of Sauk Centre 592 hrs new COMBINES mp, ‘13 Drago 6R, 30” chopping for JD ger, ’13 JD S660, 892/1180 CM, chopper combine ........................................................$25,000 duals ............................................................$135,000 per, ‘09 Drago 6R, 30” chopping fits JD ....................$19,000 ’04 JD 9760, 2268/3460 CM, chopper 583duals ..............................................................$54,000 ‘06 Drago 8R, 30” chopping fits Case/IH Flagship.........................................................$14,500 ’01 JD 9650 STS, 3014/4325 CM, chopper, duals ..............................................................$39,000 ‘13 Case/IH 3408 8R, 30” for Flagship ................$19,500 550 ’00 JD 9650 STS, 2645/3623 chopper, ‘08 Case/IH 2408 8R, 30” fits Flagship ................$11,500 duals ..............................................................$42,000 ‘02 Case/IH 2208 8R, 30” fits 1400-2000 100 series combines ............................................$11,000 der ’01 JD 9750 STS, 3013/4156 CM, chopper, duals ..............................................................$42,000 al- ’15 Case/IH 6140, 685/810, Tracker, Rt, TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES ape, chopper .......................................................$155,000 ‘12 JD 710K, 4x4 cab 2424 hrs ...........................$79,000 ’14 Case/IH 5130, 660/926, Tracker, Rt, ‘11 JD 410J, 4x4 cab 4599 hrs Xhoe..................$48,000 chopper .......................................................$132,000 ‘11 Case 580N, 4x4 cab 2540 hrs .......................$42,000 up ’11 Case/IH 8120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, WHEEL LOADERS chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 om‘12 CAT 924K, 3355 hrs cab, quick coupler, ’11 Case/IH 7120, 1610/2200 Tracker, Rt, kup. 2.75 yd bucket ..............................................$89,000 chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 380 ’10 Case/IH 7120, 1650/2250 Tracker, Rt, ‘13 JD 724K, 9015 hrs, loaded, quick coupler, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,500 4.75 yd bucket, aux. hyd. .............................$92,000 ’89 Case/IH 7088, 1275/1807 Tracker, Rt, ‘11 JD 624K, 4450 hrs quick coupler, chopper, duals ..............................................$92,000 3.5 yd bucket ................................................$92,000



field ’12 JD 9360R, 1970 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$150,000 auper, ’11 NH T9390, 705 hrs, ps duals ....................$120,000 ’14 Case/IH 370 HD, 7065 hrs, 1000 PTO d in duals ..............................................................$78,000 ’90 Ford 876, 8523 hrs duals ..............................$24,500 ’15’ Case/lH 370 HD, 895 hrs, 1000 PTO, full guidance, 4850 tires and duals ..................$172,000

rts. n & mps ng, Opohn


’12 JD 8235, 2WD, 1235 hrs, ps, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$109,000 ’13 Case/IH 290, 1400 hrs, 1000 PTO duals ............................................................$109,000 ’12 Case/IH 260, 1784 hrs, loaded, 1000 PTO duals ..............................................................$98,000 ’11 Versatile 305, 690 hrs 1000 PTO duals ..............................................................$95,000 ’11 Challenger MT665C, 2703 hrs, loaded, duals ..............................................................$79,500

arm TRACK TRACTORS field ‘15 Case/IH 370 Rowtrac, 918 hrs, 16” ers, belts, 80” spacing, 1000 PTO, ...................$159,000 scs, ‘14 Case/IH 350 Rowtrac, 1865 hrs, 18” belts, 120” spacing, 1000 PTO, .................$152,000 507-


ew- ‘13 Drago 6R, 30” chopping for JD combine ........................................................$25,000 2-22 ailnd.

tor, 7

‘10 Kawasaki 65 ZV-2, 6510 hrs with 2.5 yd bucket ................................................$54,000 ‘08 Kawasaki 80 ZV, 5775 hrs, 4 yd bucket, loadrite scale .................................................$55,000 ‘12 Volvo 50F, 5785 hrs, QC, 2 yd bucket ..........$65,000 ‘13 Volvo 110G, 9452 hrs QC, 4.5 yd bucket, scale ..............................................................$79,000 ‘13 Case 821F, 6485 hrs, quick coupler, 4.5 yd bucket, aux. hyd. ...............................$77,000 ‘13 Cat 924K, 4834 hrs, 3 yd bucket quick coupler.................................................$79,000


‘12 JD 120D, 3460 hrs, hyd thumb 24” bucket .....................................................$75,000 ‘12 JD 135D, 2760 hrs, hyd thumb 36” bucket .....................................................$77,500 ‘11 JD 290GLC, 3347 hrs, 12’6” stick, 42” bucket ...................................................$120,000 ‘11 Case CX300C, 2658 hrs, 12’ stick, 54” bucket ...................................................$117,000


‘17 Case CX57C, cab & air, 333 hrs rubber tracks .............................................................$53,000 ‘11 Bobcat E45EM, cab & air, 2965 hrs, rubber tracks .............................................................$33,000


‘08 CAT 12M VHP, 3568 hrs, 14’ blade ..............$100,000 ‘10 JD 870G, 4533 hrs, 14’ blade, ripper ...........................................................$125,000 ‘06 Volvo G960, 6740 hrs, 14’, ripper ..................$65,000

LARSON IMPLEMENTS 5 miles east of Cambridge, MN on Hwy. 95 763-689-1179

Look at our website for pictures & more listings:

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2006 YAMAHA VINO 125 scooter. Blue, 85mpg, 55mph, 5000 miles. Good condition, $800. 2008 Yamaha Vino 125 scooter. Blue, 85mpg, 55mph, 5000 miles, $950. Located in southern Minnesota. Call or text 507382-1277. (MCN)

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PAGE 24 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

Steffes Auction Calendar 2019

For more info, call: 1-800-726-8609 or visit our website: Opening July 5 & Closing July 10 Online Steffes Auction – 7/10 Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 5 & Closing July 12 George & Phillip Aalgaard Farm Retirement Auction, Ada, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 8 & Closing July 16 Osakis Creamery NH3 Equipment Auction, Osakis, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 9 at 8AM & Closing July 9 at 12PM Barnes County, ND 629+ Acres Land Timed Online Auction, Oriska, ND. Wednesday, July 10 at 10 AM Don Hanson Farm Retirement Auction, Hillsboro, ND. Opening July 10 & Closing July 17 Len Mar Farms Equipment Auction, Danvers, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 12 & Closing July 18 Holland Harvesting Estate & Friends Auction, Steffes Group Facility Litchfield, MN, Timed Online Auction. Tuesday, July 16 at 12 PM Quality Tested Hay Auction, Steffes Group Facility, Litchfield, MN. Opening July 16 at 8AM & Closing July 16 at 12PM Portland, ND Commercial Real Estate Auction, Portland, ND, Timed Online Auction. Wednesday, July 17 at 10AM Jerry Matter Farm Retirement Auction, Callaway, MN. Thursday, July 18 at 10 AM Larry & Gloria Gunderson Farm Retirement Auction, Olivia, MN. Opening July 18 & Closing July 25 Marvin Sand Antique Tractor & Parts Collection Auction, Clifford, MN, Timed Online Auction Opening July 19 & Closing July 24 Online Steffes Auction – 7/24 Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 22 & Closing July 29 Dwaine & Geraldine Jenson Farm Auction, Erskine, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 22 & Closing July 30 Secured Lender Equipment Auction, Steffes Group Facility West Fargo, Timed Online Auction. Opening July 30 & Closing August 6 Boman Farms Inc. Retirement Auction, Twin Valley, MN, Timed Online Auction. Wednesday, July 31 at 9 AM Aglron West Fargo Event, Red River Valley Fairgrounds, West Fargo, ND. Opening July 31 & Closing August 7 Chris & Sandy Mjelde Farm Retirement Auction, Beltrami, MN, Timed Online Auction. Opening August 12 & Closing August 20 Manure Pumping & Handling Auction, Upper Midwest Locations, Timed Online Auctions. Opening August 13 & Closing August 22 Wallace “Wally” Vorweck Antique Tractor & Equipment Auction, Gibbon, MN, Timed Online Auction. Thursday, August 22 at 9AM AgIron Mt. Pleasant Event, Steffes Group Facility, Mt. Pleasant, IA


THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 TH Dairy



FOR SALE: Black Angus FOR SALE: Holstein bulls, 2 Limousin bulls, low birth FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampbulls also Hamp, York, & yrs old, red or black, deliv- wgt, Red or Black, 2 yr olds shire, Duroc & Hamp/Duroc Hamp/Duroc boars & gilts. ery available. 507-923-8452 & yearlings. John Goelz, boars, also gilts. Excellent 320-598-3790 Franklin, MN 507-215-0309 selection. Raised outside. Many fancy & spring heifers Exc herd health. No PRSS. for sale. All are AI sired. Polled Hereford bulls. Big Delivery avail. 320-760-0365 growthy yearlings, and 1 Bred 7 to 8 months. Please Dairy leave a message 608-214- calving ease 2 year old. Se- Spot, Duroc, Chester White, men tested, delivery avail- Boars & Gilts available. Custom Heifer raiser has 3798 able. Jones Farms Le Sueur Monthly PRRS and PEDV. openings to raise your HeifMN 507-317-5996 Delivery available. Steve ers, we offer free stall faCattle Resler. 507-456-7746 cilities all TMR fed, $2.35 a Simmental SimAngus 1 Year day from weened through Old. 7 Black Simmental and pre-fresh. Call Ben for more ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE SimAngus Bulls, Calving Yearling & 2 year olds, Ease AI sires, Bismarck, details 715-495-0481 Your ad breeding soundness exam, Double 8 herringbone milking Tschanz Farms U.S. Hwy 53. American Classic, Schiefelcould be here! bein Effective and Allied, parlor, milking pump 3 yrs 715-538-3123 Long yearlings and 2 year old, 16 Boumatic take offs 507-345-4523 2000, air gates & pushbar, FOR SALE: Purebred Short- olds, $1,700. (612)860-8216 horn Bull. Call 608-526-4195 $5,000/OBO. 507-643-6094

Consignment Auction

Tuesday, July 16th - 9 a.m. Mages Auction Site 55780 St Hwy 19, Winthrop, MN 1/4 mi W of Hwy 19 & 15 intersection This is a live auction with online & absentee bidding available see for details. Farm Machinery & Equip: J D 7520 4WD, 8370 hr s, engine over haul at 7902 hr s; J D 6600 combine, 4738 hr s, diesel; J D 218 bean head; JD 443, 4-row corn head; JD dummy head w/ Melroe pickup; Move Master head trailer; Tyler Patriot II self-propelled sprayer, JD Engine, 60’ boom, 500 gal tank; JD 569 baler w/ 540 pro moniter, wrap or twine; JD 7200 planter, 12 x 30” row w/ liquid nitro & JD 200 monitor; White 5100 planter, 12 rw, 30”; ’05 NH 1475 hydro swing haybine; JD 800 self-propelled swather w/ conditioner; Massey model 20 swather w/ 4 cyl Wisconsin motor; NH Super Hayliner 68 baler; JD 1000 field cultivator w/ 3-bar harrow; JD 3600, 6 bt plow; IH 720, 5-bottom plow; JD 4-bottom plow; White 435 disk ripper; Loftness 180bp stalk chopper; Loftness 6-row stalk chopper; NI 3618 spreader; NI 217 spreader, wood apron; 500 gal PT sprayer, 30’ boom; Farm King 960 snowblower; JD 37 sickle mower; Demco ATV sprayer w/ 6’ boom; Parker 325 bu gravity box on JD 12-ton gear; Demco 325 bu gravity box on JD 12-ton gear; Minnesota 260 gravity wagon on 10-ton gear; DMI 275 bu center-dump gravity box on 10-ton gear; Dakon gravity box on JD 1065 gear; Killbros 350 gravity box on Kasten model 60 gear; Online Only Items: JD 610 chisel plow; JD 960 field cultivators; White 508 4-bottom plow; New Holland 352 grinder mixer; JD 336 baler; Feterl auger; 5-section spring tooth drag; Nu-Bilt gravity box on 10-ton gear; Nu-Bilt gravity box on JD gear; 700 gal tank w/ B&S Intek 206, 5.5HP pump on trailer; 150 gal fuel tank w/ 12v electric pump; 2-14’ & 1-16’ cattle gates; Vehicles, ATV’s, Camper & Boat: ’88 Chevy Camaro, 71575 mi, V-6; ’97 Ford F-250 diesel, 169903 mi; ’70 Chevy C/50 grain truck, 77000 mi, tandem axle, 600 bu, roll top tarp; ’67 Chevy C50 grain truck, 40841 mi, steel box; ‘03 Keystone Cougar, 32’ fifthwheel RV camper, slide-out, 3 bunk-style beds, 1 large dbl bedroom, flat screen TV, entertainment center & kitchen area; ’90 Ranger 680T boat w/ ’98 60HP Mercury o/b motor, 2-24v Motorguide trolling motors & trailer; ‘87 Sea Sprite 15’ boat w/ Yamaha V115 o/b motor & EZ Loader trailer; ’73 Crestliner 15’ boat w/ Johnson Stinger 75 o/b motor & Spartan trailer; Cobia 188 Sport boat & trailer; ’02 Ski-Doo MX-Z 700 snowmobile; ’00 Ski-Doo Summit 700 snowmobile; ‘11 Polaris Sportsman 500 ATV; Polaris Magnum 500 ATV; Arctic Cat 250 ATV; Honda 250 ATV; Moose County Plow ATV blade; E-Z Go golf cart, electric; Triton Lite 10 snowmobile trailer; 2 – car tow dollies w/ straps; Lawn, Garden, Shop & Tools: Simplicity riding mower; Lincoln 225 Lincwelder, DC arc welder on trailer; Cub Cadet 524swe snowblower; Toro snow blower w/ cab; MTD push mower; Powermate 5000 w generator on cart; Magna Force 5HP air compressor; Coleman Powermate 5HP air compressor; Powermate 10 gal air tank; Plasplugs Master Tiler diamond wheel 7" wet saw; Husqvarna 137 chain saw; B&S 800 series tiller; Troy-Bilt tiller; Montgomery Ward tiller; Yard Machines 3.5HP 9” edger; Craftsman toolboxes; Kleerflo Cleanmaster Model 140 parts washer; Antiques & Collectibles: Fir e tr uck pedal car w/ hose r eel & bell; J D 8400 pedal tr actor w/ loader ; J D HST pedal tr actor ; 100+ pc toy tractor collection; 100+ pc comic book collection; Montgomery Ward wringer washer; Maytag wringer washer; Co-op Feed Animal Health sign; Purina Chows signs; collective plates; 29ac of Blue Earth Co Land: 29 acr es, Appr ox. 19.12 acr es tillable. Pr oductivity Index: 98.9, PID:, No Buyer’s Premium on the land. For Full Terms and information, go to More Farm Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Household, Toys & More!

Area Neighbors

Auctioneer: Matt Mages, 507-276-7002 Lic: 08-19-001

Clerk: Mages Land Co. & Auction Ser vice, LLC. Terms: 10% Buyer s Pr emium, Sales tax, license & r egistr ation fees may apply on some items. Fire arms buyers must have valid drivers license. Pistol buyers must have valid “permit to purchase” permit. Not Responsible for Accidents.

THE LAND — JUNE 28 /JULY 5, 2019



2002 John Deere 9520T track tractor, 3,834 hrs. 2007 John Deere 8130 MFWD, 3,219 hrs. 1947 IHC H Schwartz adj. wide front

Sell your livestock in The Land with a line ad. 507-345-4523

Pets & Supplies


2001 John Deere 9650 combine, 1,829 sep. hrs., 3,246 engine hrs. 2014 John Deere 630F flex head 2002 John Deere 893 corn head

FOR SALE: Border collie/ Blueheel puppies, 7 months old, $100/each. 507-383-6701

Industrial & Construction


Westfield MK130-91 auger Westfield auger, 61’x6” Westfield auger, 31’x10” Westfield roof auger, 30’x6” Westfield jumper auger, 9’x10” Hutchinson auger, 33’x6” Hutchinson 50 Mass-ter Mover paddle conveyor, 60’ Incline auger, 10” Auger, 30’x8” OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT FARM SUPPORT ITEMS MISC. ITEMS

Steffes Group, Inc. | 24400 MN Hwy 22 S, Litchfield, MN | 320.693.9371

Brian ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer


, MN


, MN

Having sold my farm the following described property will be sold at 855 40th Ave SW Benson, MN 71/2 miles south of Benson MN Hwy # 29 then 3 miles west on Swift Co. Rd #6 and 1/2 north on 40th Ave SW or 20 miles east of Appleton MN on Swift Co. Rd #6 and 1/2 mile NW then 40th Ave SW

Saturday, July 20th • 10:00 AM TRACTORS MACHINERY TRACTORS & MACHINERY 1997 White 6175 Workhorse Diesel Tractor Massey Ferguson 620 20 Ft Tandem Disc Folding (For Parts, Repair or Scrap Iron) Sound Guard Cab MFWD 3 Pt, Rock Box, 18.4x42 Wings, Kewanee 1010 20 Ft Tandem Disk, Wilrich 28 MF 2805 Tractor, MF 1100 Diesel Tractor, Cab Wide Good Rear Rubber, 85R30 Good Front Rubber, Ft Pull Type Field Cultivator W/ 5 Bar Mulcher, White Front Loader, 3-MF 2775 Diesel Tractors W/ Duals, MF Hub Duals, 4600 Hrs. Massey Ferguson 285 256 22 Ft Tandem Cushion Gang Tandem Disk, MF 2805 Diesel Tractor Bad Engine, Hesston 30A Stack Diesel Tractor Wide Front, 3 Pt, 18.4x34 Good 6x18 PlowW/ Coulters And OnLand Hitch, Tebben 5 Hand, Versatile Swather, Int #540 Spreader, Behlen Rear Rubber W/ Loader (Needs Clutch) Massey Shank Pull Type Chisel Plow, Tebben 9 Shank Chisel Batch Dryer, 3-Hesston Stack Hands, Hapto 200 TM Ferguson 1135 Diesel Tractors, Cab, 3 Pt 18.4x38 Plow, Blumhardt Trail Master II Sprayer 500 Gallon Backhoe Attachment W/ Gas Engine, 2- lnternational Good Rear Rubber. Massey Ferguson 1135 Diesel Tank 60 Ft Booms Hydraulic Pumps, Gehl 2412 4500 Vibra Shanks, Wilson 40 Ft Bottom Dump Semi Tractor Cab, Wide Front, 3 Pt, Front Weights, Swing Tongue Disk Bine, New Holland Model 1790 Trailer, Hesston 60A Stacker, 1973 GMC Grain Truck W/ 18.4x38 Good Rear Rubber, Massey Ferguson Tandem Axle Manure Spreader W/ Poly Floor, JD 4 16 Ft Metal Box & Hoist, 2 JD 200 Stack Movers, 1962 Multi Power Super 90 Diesel Tractor Cab Wide Row Front Mount Cultivator, JD #5 Tractor Mower, C-60 Chevrolet Truck, 1968 Chevrolet C-60 Grain Truck Front 3 Pt 18.4x34 Rear Rubber JD #200 Stack Mover, Case IH8312 12 Ft Disc V-8 4 Speed W/ 14 Ft Metal Box & Hoist Bine Swing Tongue, 2-Massey Roll-A-Bar Rakes, 6 FORAGE BOXES Ton Running Gear, 10 Ton Running Gear W/ 21 Ft Badger 16 Ft Front Unloading Forage Box W 10 Ton Flatbed, Brillion 4 Row Stalk Chopper Pull Type, Feterl Badger Running Gear, New Holland 16 Ft Front Unloading 8”x55’ PTO, Forage Box W/ 12 Ton MN Running Gear, New Holland Allis Chalmers 14 Ft Off Set Tandem Disk, Hesston 16 Ft Front Unloading Forage Box W/ Mn 10 Ton Running 60A Stack Mover, Several Drag Sections COMBINES - HEAD Case/International 1680 Axial-Flow Combine Cummins Diesel Engine, Rear Wheel Assist, 4200 Hrs, Case International 1083 8 Row 30” Corn Head, Case IA 1020 25 Ft Beanhead W/ New Sickle, Massey Ferguson 850 Diesel Combine W/ 1163 6 Row 30” Corn Head, Melroe 378 6 Belt Grain Pickup

For Full Listing go to:

FARM MISC 1000 Gallon Water Tank, 23-6”x20”x28 Ft Bridge Stringers, 2- Rolls 8” Drain Tile, Cement Mixer On Cart, 2- 1000 Gallon Fuel Barrels W/ Electric Pumps, 3 Pt Bale Spear, 2- Trailer Loads Used Dimensional Lumber, 1700 Gallon Horizontal Poly Water Tank, 3 Pt PTO Post Hole Auger, 19- 3”x12’ Bridge Plank, Misc Tools, 30- 3”x20’ & 22’ Bridge Plank Many more items too numerous to list.

Mr. John Norby, Owner Not responsible for accidents Lunch on grounds Number system used or, click on Ziemer Find Ziemer Auctioneers on Facebook!

Usual Auction Terms (Cash or Approved Check Day of Sale).

No Items Removed Until Settled For. Everything Sold As Is. Ziemer Auction Service, 3176 198th Ave. NW New London, MN 56273


For information contact Larry 320.212.1245

or Eric Gabrielson (MN47-006) at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.238.2570

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer.



LOCATION: 775 70th Ave SW, Danvers, MN 56231



Mark ZIEMER New London, MN (320) 979-4044 Auctioneer


1984 White Volvo, 777,993 miles GPS EQUIPMENT PLANTER 1972 IHC Loadstar 1700 John Deere Starfire ITC 2004 John Deere 1770NT globe, SF1 TILLAGE EQUIPMENT single axle grain truck w/tag, John Deere Starfire 3000 2011 John Deere 2210 field 198,953 miles globe, SF1 TRAILERS cultivator, 1,000 acres each year John Deere 2600 display, SF1 2011 John Deere 2700 disc 2009 Timpte hopper bottom John Deere brown box w/ trailer ripper mobile processor, SFI 2001 Cornhusker 800 Ultra John Deere 845 row crop John Deere brown box Lite hopper bottom trailer cultivator, 12x30” 1984 Monon van trailer Summers coil packer, 42’ SPRAYERS 2014 Ag Systems AG1250 Plow 1995 Tyler Patriot Wide Trax self-propelled sprayer, John Deere 400 rotary hoe, 30’ tandem axle bumper hitch Brady chisel plow, 16’ fertilizer/water tender trailer 4,237 hrs. Lindseth Spray Pup Unverferth HT30 header TRUCKS pull-type sprayer 2002 Freightliner Columbia trailer day cab, 389,560 miles

Ford NH backhoe B95C, 360 hrs, $69,000. 507-964-2297

GRAIN TRUCK 1979 Chevrolet C-70 Grain Truck Gas Engine, 5 Speed/2 Speed, Rear End w/ Swinging End Gate, 20 Ft Metal Grain Box, Lift Tag Axle, 2 Post Hoist

From Olivia, MN 3 miles west on US Hwy 212. From Danube, MN, 1.25 miles east on US Hwy 212. 30238 US Hwy 212, Olivia, MN 56277

AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Larry & Gloria have farmed for 43 years and have decided to retire. Major equipment is shedded. Registration, terms, & details at

Meat Goats For Sale: Nannies w/kids, bred nannies, most are Boar cross. 507-3171392

Mark Ziemer, Lic. 34-46 New London, 320-354-4312 Cell: 320-979-4044 Brian Ziemer, New London 320-354-5308


Farm Retirement


mp-WANTED: Dorset Ewes. If roc you are retiring from raisent ing sheep, I am looking for ide. some good Dorset Ewes. If SS. you have some extra ewes, Brian 701-371-3972. 65 call Felton, MN ite, ble. DV. Goats eve

Find what you’re looking for in THE LAND



Sheep — “Where Farm and Family Meet”




2012 Massey Ferguson 7620, 3,208 hrs. Versatile 400 self-propelled swather 2012 Massey Ferguson 8690 MFWD, DRILL 2,673 hrs. Case-IH 5400 MT drill 2013 Massey Ferguson 7622 MFWD, 3,752 hrs. PLANTER ANTIQUE TRACTOR White 8722 vacuum planter IHC B, 2WD TILLAGE EQUIPMENT



Parker 710 grain cart 1997 Mack MR688S tandem axle cabover, 83,362 miles 1997 Mack MR688S tandem axle GRAIN HANDLING cabover, 569,077 miles 1985 Peterbilt 362 cabover, 990,936 EQUIPMENT miles


2009 Maurer tandem axle hopper COMBINE 2012 John Deere 2700 disc ripper bottom trailer Sunflower 6333 land finisher 2010 John Deere 9670 combine, 2001 Maurer hopper bottom trailer Summers Super Harrow Plus 1,240 sep. hrs., 1,778 engine hrs. Shop-Built tri-axle gooseneck John Deere 680 chisel plow trailer HEADS Flexi-Coil 75 rolling packer Shop-Built single axle gooseneck 2009 John Deere 612C Stalkmaster hay trailer TRUCKS chopping corn head Unverferth HT-25 header trailer 2007 John Deere 635 HydraFlex head 2000 IHC 9100I tandem axle day cab, Unverferth HT30 header trailer 374,330 miles John Deere 212 pickup head



Steffes Group, Inc., 24400 MN Hwy 22 South, Litchfield, MN 55355 | 320.693.9371 For information contact Kevin 320.808.3875 or Justin Ruth at Steffes Group, 320.693.9371 or 701.630.5583


TERMS: Complete terms, lot listings and photos at / Justin Ruth MN14-041

PAGE 26 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


SALE DATE: THURSDAY, JULY 11TH @ 10:00 AM—LOCATION: 78799 335th St, Madelia, MN


AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This equipment is in excellent condition. All pieces were stored inside and purchased new. Major equipment begins selling at 11:00 AM. Live online bidding available on major equipment. Registration, terms, & details at LOCATION: 19168 300th St, Callaway, MN 56578. From the intersection of Becker County Rd 14 & MN Hwy. 59 one-half mile north of Callaway, MN, 3-1/4 miles west on County Rd. 14, 1 mile north on County Rd. 159, 3/4 mile west on 300th Street, north side of road.

2014 Case-IH 8230

Trucks & Trailers

Callaway, MN


2014 Case-IH 550

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019 TH

INCLUDES: Tractors, Combines, Flex Heads, Grain Cart, Air Drill, SelfPropelled Sprayer, Tillage Equipment, Trucks, Trailers, Grain Handling Equipment, Rockpicker & Scraper, Other Equipment, ATVS & UTV, Tanks, Shop Equipment & Farm Support Items

SteffesGroup. com

From St. James, MN take Hwy 60 East 5 mi, then N on 790th Ave for 1.5 mi, then Left on Co Hwy 16. TRACTORS: JD 9200, 4wd Tractor, 5,245 hrs., 24 sd trans, 52085R42 tires w/factory duals, rock box, 4 hyd. Remotes, #RW9200H001026; JD 8100 2WD TRACTOR, 3,650 hrs., 48080R42 rear tires w/factory duals, 3 pt w/quick hitch, 3 hyd. Outlets, rear rubber exc. #005302, Delux cab; JD 3010 TRACTOR, Diesel, 6,933 hrs., 700 hrs. on complete engine OH, JD wide front, fender, #11T44185; AC C TRACTOR, Engine OH, new paint, w/L59 Woods Mower COMBINE: JD 9650 STS COMBINE, 1,901 sep hrs, Contour Master, chopper, Yield Monitor, Green Star Ready, $11,000 spent after ‘18 season, #701693; JD 930 F FULL FINGER, 30’ Flex Platform; JD 643 6-30 CORNHEAD, oil drive, converted to all poly COLLECTOR CARS: 1980 L-2 CORVETTE, 350 4 barrel, 89,000 mi, leather interior; 1958 CHEV BEL AIR 2 DOOR SPORT COUPE, 283 V8, 350 auto trans *Both are show ready & immaculate! TRUCKS: 1986 FORD L8000 TWIN SCREW DIESEL, 19 1/2’ Crysteel box & hoist, Diesel, 15 sd, 266,800 miles; 1976 CHEV C60 SINGLE AXLE TRUCK, 16’ Crysteel box & hoist, V-8 gas engine, 5&2 trans, bought new, 14,000 miles on new engine; 1974 IH LOADSTAR 1800 TWIN SCREW, 20’ Scott box & hoist, 345 V-8 gas, 5&3 trans, 81,000 actual mi, bought new, roll tarp; TRUCK EQUIP: Tip Tops; Sweet Corn Endgate; Complete air tag *All three trucks are exceptional and very clean! MACHINERY: JD 1760 12 -30 CONSERVATION PLANTER, monitor; JD 980 35’ FIELD CULT; JD 856 12-30 HYD. FOLD CULT; ARTS WAY 240B STALK CUTTER, pull-type; KILLBROS 350 GRAVITY WAGON, w/brush auger; JD 260 DISC MOWER; (2) WESTFIELD MK100-61 AUGERS, w/swing hoppers; SUDENGA 61’ x 8” AUGER & HOPPERS TOYS: Many Toys include: JD Ertl, Tonka & Nylint GOLF CART: EZ GO Golf Cart TOOLS & MISC: 2000 gal diesel tank; Portable oil cart w/(2) 65 gal tanks & elec pump; Raven Radar Unit; 18.4-38 Duals 9 bolt JD hubs; 1500 Water Tank; Some Farmstead Antiques; Fishing Equip; Elec Motors; Tools, Farm Misc & Many Other Items; Approx. 45 min of Toys & Misc. CONSIGNED ITEMS: JD 5020

Chuck & Peggy Bowers - Owners 507-642-8913 or 507-317-6500

JERRY MATTER / 218.849.2678

Kahlers, Hartung, Wedel, Pike & Hall Auctioneers 507-920-8060 • 507-238-4318 (O)

or Brad Olstad at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.238.0240 or Tadd Skaurud at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.729.3644

TERMS: All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Brad Olstad MN14-70

To submit your classified ad use one of the following options: Phone: 507-345-4523 or 1-800-657-4665 Mail to: The Land Classifieds Place P.O. Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56002 d Fax to: 507-345-1027 Your A Email: Today! Online at:

DEADLINE: Friday at 5:00 p.m. for the following Friday edition. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.

RETIRING: 1991 IH8100 grain truck, Cummins LTA10, 9-speed, white cab, blue scott box w/tarp, steerable 3rd axle, solid, clean, good tires, drives nice, DOT, $28,000. 507-381-7097

Recreational Vehicles 2004 Jayco Granite Ridge Class C RV, 74,600 m, 28’, 2 slides. Ford Chassis V10, newer tires, Onan generator, leather chairs. Power awning. Sleeps 6. Clean, well maintained. 507-665-6893

DIESEL, Row crop, Wheatland Fenders, 6,046 hrs showing, #SMT323R014008R; FAST 90’ WHEEL BOOM SPRAYER, 1000 gal AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Exceptional clean & well-maintained line. Chuck has always kept equip spotless. Must see to appreciate this line. INSPECTION: Sat., July 7th thru sale day. ONLINE BIDDING at Visit or for more pictures!

Steffes Group, Inc. | 2000 Main Ave E, West Fargo, ND

FOR SALE: ‘79 C70 Chevrolet grain/livestock truck, 20’ box, no rust, 6 year old engine. 507-859-2766

Miscellaneous Barn and Quonset Roofing and Straightening. Also polebarn repair and giving more head room. Kelling Silo. 1-800-3552598 Looking for something special? Put a line ad in The Land and find it! Call 507-345-4523

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THE LAND — JUNE 28 /JULY 5, 2019 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

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vro-PARMA DRAINAGE PUMPS 20’ New pumps & parts on hand. en- Call Minnesota’s largest distributor HJ Olson & Company rain320-974-8990 Cell - 320-212-5336 A10, blue REINKE IRRIGATION able Sales & Service ood New & Used OT, For your irrigation needs 888-830-7757 or 507-276-2073 WANTED FREON R12. We pay CA$H. R12 R500 R11. Convenient. Certified professionals. 312-291-9169

dge 28’, V10, erawer wellWinpower Sales & Service Reliable Power Solutions Since 1925 PTO & automatic Emergency Electric Generators. New & Used Rich Opsata-Distributor 800-343-9376 and

arn ead 355-

Beck's Hybrids ................................................................... 1 Courtland Waste Handling .................................................. 3 Greenwald Farm Center .................................................... 23


Henslin Auctions .............................................................. 25


New NH Hay Tools - ON HAND


New NH E26C mini excavator ....................... On New NH track & wheeled skidsteers............. On New NH L228/L220/L232 wheeled units ....... On New NH C227/C237 track units .................... On

Hand Hand Hand Hand


‘15 Gleaner S88 ............................................... Coming ‘12 Gleaner S77 ............................................... Coming Gleaner R65 .................................................. $105,000 ‘12 Gleaner S77............................................ $205,000 ‘03 Gleaner R65 ............................................... Coming ‘98 Gleaner R62 .............................................. $79,500 ‘98 Gleaner R62 ...................................................... Call TILLAGE 14’ Sunflower 4412-05.....................................$32,500 Gleaner 3308 chopping corn heads ...................... Call 10’ Sunflower 4412-07 .................................... $31,000 NEW Fantini chopping cornhead ........................... Call Geringhoff parts & heads available ‘95 JD 726, 30’ ................................................ $21,500 10’ Wilrich QX2 37’ w/basket.......................... $38,500 MISCELLANEOUS Wilrich QX 55’5 w/bskt............................................ Call NEW Salford RTS Units .......................................... Call CIH 730b cush. w/leads ................................. $19,500 NEW Salford Plows................................................. Call ‘03 NH ST250 40’FC w/Bskt ........................... $34,500 NEW Unverferth Seed Tenders .............................. Call

NEW White Planters ....................................Let’s White 8182 12-30 w/liq ................................Let’s ‘12 White 8186, 16-30 w/liq. fert. .................Let’s ‘11 White 8516 CFS, Loaded .......................Let’s ‘15 White 9816FS 16-30 w/Agleader ...........Let’s ‘06 White 8516 cfs .......................................Let’s JD 7200 8-30 w/dry fert ...............................Let’s White 6122 w/bean unit ..............................Let’s

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‘03 Versatile 2310, PS ..................................... $82,000 ‘12 Buhler 280...............................................$109,000 NEW NH T4.75, T4.90, T4.120 w/loader.. ...... On Hand NEW NH Workmaster 60, 50, 35’s/loaders ... On Hand NH T8.275, 495 hrs ....................................... $145,000 ‘08 NH 8010 .................................................. $110,000 ‘96 White 6175 FWA....................................... $49,500 New Massey 4710 w/cab and loader ............ On Hand New Massey 4710 rops/loader...................... On Hand New Massey 6713 w/cab and loader ............ On Hand New Massey 1735 w/cab and loader ............ On Hand 09 Versatile 435 3000 hrs .................................Just In 95’ Agco Allis 9670 fwa .................................. $39,750 08’ Agco RT 155A ........................................... $92,500



Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal Deal

NEW Westfield Augers ........................................... Call NEW REM VRX Vacs. .............................................. Call NEW Hardi Sprayers............................................... Call NEW Riteway Rollers .............................................. Call NEW Lorenz Snowblowers ..................................... Call NEW Batco Conveyors ........................................... Call NEW Brent Wagons & Grain Carts ......................... Call NEW E-Z Trail Seed Wagons .................................. Call NEW Rock Buckets & Pallet Forks ......................... Call REM 2700, Rental ................................................... Call Pre-Owned Grain Cart ................................... On Hand New Horsch Jokers ....................................... On Hand

All Equipment available with Low Rate Financing

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(507) 234-5191 (507) 625-8649 Hwy. 14, 3 miles West of Janesville, MN

Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00 • Sat. 7:30-Noon

507-345-4523 • 800-657-4665 PO Box 3169, Mankato, MN 56001

PAGE 28 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — JUNE 28/JULY 5, 2019

This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Correspondent Tim King. Photos by Jan King.

Celebrate a centennial milestone


ount Tom in Minnesota’s Sibley State Park is 1,358 feet high. That doesn’t sound like much, but you better be in pretty good shape if you want to take the fairly long hiking trail from Lake Andrew through the forest to the towering WPA-era stone observatory at the summit. The trail is steep and physically challenging. For the less athletically inclined, the narrow paved road through the thick oak forest will get you within 500 feet of the summit. The climb on the paved path from the parking lot is steep, but not particularly challenging. There is a bench half-way up which can be used as a place to catch your breath. You can also take in the incredible beauty of a central Minnesota hardwood forest and to listen to bird species such as the Great Crested Flycatcher and the Eastern Wood Pee Wee. If

you do sit on that bench however, beware of the poison ivy curling around one side of it. They say Henry Hastings Sibley, the Minnesota governor the 100-year-old park is named for, came to the area around Mount Tom to hunt elk. It’s hard to imagine elk in Minnesota, but the governor may have found them on the oak savannah which was typical of the area when European settlers arrived. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

Kandiyohi County

has attempted to recreate the open feel of prairie interspersed with tough barked and fire-resistant oaks near the summit. For a flat lander, the thinning of the forest exposes the steep sides of the hill as they fall away in a cascade of greens. Those exposed hillsides can cause a giddy sense of vertigo. The feeling increases when one reaches the summit and decides to go even higher by climbing the weathered but sturdy steps to the top of the observatory. The observatory’s summer view, in all directions, is like one of those aerial photos of the Amazon forest — an endless and verdant sea of green. Some humans have to reach the absolutely highest point available. Visitors of that need, in 2013, inscribed the rafters of the observatory’s roof. To do this, someone had to get on the shoulders of a partner and, wind whipping in their face, make their high altitude mark.

Sibley State Park is celebrating its centennial this summer. Its walking and bicycle trails, interesting visitor center, picnic grounds, camp grounds and, of course, Mount Tom are well worth a visit. A number of special events have been scheduled throughout the summer — including day-long festivities with music and activities on July 27 and Aug. 24. For a complete listing of events at the park, visit parks/events.html or contact Kelsey Olson at (320) 354-2002 or by email at v

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June 28/July 5, 2019

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