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Back Roads
FOR SALE: Suffolk, Suffolk cross rams & Polypay rams, lots of muscle. Suffolk cross ewe lambs & speckle faced ewe lambs. 507-445-3317 (leave message) or 507-822- 3398
FOR SALE: Dorset & Suffolk rams and ewes. Arndt Acres
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FOR SALE: Dorset ram, 1 1/2 yr old, $275. Zimmerman,
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Horses & Tack
Team of 4 yr old blonde geldings, kid broke, been on wagon train. 6 yr old blonde gelding broke to drive. Team of 3 & 4 yr olds brown & white geldings draft cross, broke to drive & ride, full brothers. 507-521-2560 Registered Border Collie puppies, very good cattle dogs, born July 12, 2020. Vernon
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This week’s Back Roads is the work of The Land Managing Editor Paul Malchow.

A Superior site L ike bees to honey, the summer travelers come from all over the country. Cars in the parking area have license plates from Arizona, Nebraska and Colorado. To practice social distancing, the line of customers waits to enter Russ Kendall’s Smoke House — a main attraction in Knife River, Minn. Among the scattering of modest houses, the town features a candy store, yarn shop, church, post office and a resort. Kendall’s Smoke House sits on the “outskirts” of Knife River. Two large neon fish signs hang in the store’s front plate glass windows. One says “smoked” and the other “fresh.” When the “fresh” sign is lit, Kendall’s has fresh fish. There is also a recreation center which
Knife River is a quiet village located a few serves as the town’s meeting hall. But the miles north of Duluth. While motorists whiz jewel of Knife River is the marina. by on the four lane highway a couple of blocks away, Knife River languishes on the shore of Lake Superior. Even at the height of the summer tourist season, the atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. Naturally sheltered from the turbulence of Lake Superior, the Knife River marina is packed with sailboats. A few larger boats are dry-docked as well. Amicus Adventure Sailing is a red charter sailboat which books
Like many towns along the north shore, daily cruises out of the marina. Adjacent to Knife River got its start in the 1850s. But the marina is a parking area and access to a the area had already gained notoriety long quiet beach on the lake. Agate hunters can before. The first recorded American totalbe found combing the beach along with chilloss shipwreck on Lake dren collecting their private treaSuperior occurred at the mouth sures. of the Knife River in 1838. The village began as a copper mining settlement. Because of the low grade of ore, industry switched to logging and the railroad came through town. When logging died out, the village turned to commercial fishing. Knife River today has an interesting mixture of the old days with the more modern look favored by tourists. A classic example is the newly-refurbished train depot which will serve as the town’s heritage and cultural center. Almost as a reminder of the depot’s previous condiKnife River, Minn. But Lake Superior isn’t the only water feature worth exploring. The Knife River winds through town before emptying into the lake and features a waterfall area accessible by a short (1.4 mile) hiking trail. There is a spacious campground for tents and RVs located across the railroad tracks from the marina and walking distance to the lakeshore. Actually, pretty much everything in Knife River is in walking distance — allowing visitors a leisurely pace to take it all in. v tion sits its time-worn neighboring structure.

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