THE LAND ~ February 12, 2021 ~ Northern Edition

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THE LAND — FEBRUARY 5/FEBRUARY 12, 2021 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”


You’re in charge of USDA; where do you start? The impossibly improbable has Oh, and he started that clock two occurred and you’re now secretary of weeks ago. agriculture. What you think or say about Sure, that puts you under the gun; but farm and rural policy matters as much — if you really want to worry, consider that and, often more — than what other politno one really knows if carbon can be ical and farm “leaders” think or say. stored effectively in working farmland. So what do you think about U.S. So far, the evidence isn’t good. agriculture today? Right, that’s a problem. You’re entering office with major grain FARM & FOOD FILE Additionally, the ethanol industry has markets on a bull run. Indeed, corn, soybeen through four years of big talk, bad By Alan Guebert beans and wheat prices are above $5, faith and red ink. President Joe Biden, $13, and $6 per bushel respectively for however, thinks ethanol will be a key the first time in almost a decade. element in his carbon reduction But worries loom. scheme. Market seers suspect U.S. farmers will plant enorFine, but we’re going to need to see the math on mous acres of both corn and soybeans — 90 million- that. plus each — to send 2021-22 prices lower. It’s also been reported that the Biden Fall futures markets already reflect that concern. Administration’s carbon plan will tap some or all of New crop corn prices are a solid $1 per bushel lower the $30 billion credit line at the U.S. Department of than current cash prices and new crop soybean pric- Agriculture’s Commodity Credit Corp. — a sleepy es are $2 per bushel lower. Both remain profitable, agency awakened by the Trump White House to but each is poised to drop should record acres bring prop up farm income after its tariff war with China record crops. sent commodity prices deep into the red. So what do you do? And, equally important, not do Which sounds more like a way to change the CCC to keep prices high and government payments low? from its historical role of propping up farm markets and income into a $30 billion per year, White House And, yes, private prayer is permitted in public slush fund to underwrite more vote buying. offices; but what will you pray for: poor crops and good prices or good crops and poor prices? Worse, do you think this is still good policy if, like many in Congress have already suggested, its annuMeanwhile, your White House boss (who’s ridden al funding increases to $60 billion? the Amtrak more than a tractor) has given you 150 days to recommend a plan to make U.S. agriculture Speaking of China, recent news reports claim its carbon neutral by 2050. leaders are hotly pursuing a White House meeting


Century Farm applications open Minnesota families who have owned their farms for 100 years or more are invited to apply for the 2021 Century Farm Program. For family farms to be recognized as Century Farms the farm must be at least 100 years old (according to authentic land records); in continuous family ownership for at least 100 years (continuous residence on the farm is not required); and at least 50 acres in size and currently involved in agricultural production.

Applications are available online at; at; by calling the Minnesota State Fair at (651) 288-4400; or at statewide county Extension and county Farm Bureau offices. Previously recognized families should not reapply. The submission deadline is March 1. This article was submitted by the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation. v

Beef producer survey deadline extended The University of Minnesota and Minnesota Beef Council are collaborating on an overview study mapping the pathways Minnesota beef cattle travel from birth to finish. The survey was opened last fall, and the deadline has been extended to March 31. The study will provide a foundational overview by documenting and describing the farm-to-feedlot pathways currently being utilized by Minnesota beef producers. The survey is available online and should

take producers approximately 5-10 minutes to finish. Survey results and responses are completely voluntary and confidential. The survey is available at This article was submitted by University of Minnesota. v

“to ease the tensions” which grew between the world’s two leading economies during the previous administration. The Biden White House, though, has said it will only talk with China after it confers with its allies on how all will “jointly confront” China over its aggressive moves on the Pacific Rim. As ominous as that sounds, China is lighting up U.S. commodity markets with a buying spree not seen since 2017. As such, the very last thing any American farmer or rancher wants is a big stick confrontation with their best cash-and-carry customer, China. Will you as secretary firmly remind the White House that muscling China right now would slap the overall ag economy? Also, do you think you should order the Economic Research Service back to Washington, D.C. from Kansas City? Then, will you order hearings on how to fix the pandemic-exposed dysfunction in the nation’s livestock, poultry, dairy and meatpacking sectors? How about hearings on the ownership concentration of ag input suppliers, livestock and poultry slaughterers, and food processors? Also, how much longer must America wait before USDA effectively addresses racial and gender discrimination within the department and tackle immigrant labor reform? One final question: Do you still want this job? The Farm and Food File is published weekly through the United States and Canada. Past columns, events and contact information are posted at v

wants to hear from you! Letters to the editor are always welcome. Send your letters to: Editor, The Land P.O. Box 3169 Mankato, MN 56002 e-mail: All letters must be signed and accompanied by a phone number (not for publication) to verify authenticity.

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