THE LAND ~ April 15, 2022 ~ Southern Edition

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PAGE 6 — “Where Farm and Family Meet”

THE LAND — APRIL 15/APRIL 22, 2022

Ag education experience is a rewarding one Editor’s note: This month’s “Talent pivotal point in my life. My passion TALENT IN THE GREENSEAM in the GreenSeam” column comes for education flourished in this By Anna Buckentine courtesy of Anna Buckentine. environment. I couldn’t believe I was able to come to work every day I never thought I wanted to be a and talk with visitors about Minnesota’s agriculteacher. A career as an agricultural education teachture, food systems, and natural resources. er was a fleeting thought during my sophomore year at the National FFA Convention. I was swept up in The following fall I was working part-time for my the passion at the Teach Ag booth and thought that college instructor on his vegetable farm, where his this was it. planted ideas came to fruition. When the world shut However, when I returned home and fell back into down in 2020, mine opened up. I decided that agriculture education was the career I needed to pursue a routine, the warm and fuzzy feelings retreated, and I found myself with a typical high schooler men- and that the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities tality. “Who would want to spend their entire career was going to support me. in a high school” was what I thought to myself. I began feeling that ag ed was my home. I spent my fall and spring semester between work at the My senior year was quickly approaching, and I Children’s Museum, classes, and field observations was faced with the same choice of every young perwith ag programs around the state. These schools son: what to do after graduation? I knew I was continued to strengthen my passion for agriculture, bound for more schooling, but didn’t know what or and I was beginning to see how the classroom was where. After a few scrappy ideas and a modest colan environment where I can thrive. lege tour, I was accepted and registered for my fall semester at South Dakota State University in purCome summer 2021, I was once again an intern, suit of a degree in Agribusiness. but this time for the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council, placed in Mankato, Two weeks into my semester, I knew that Brookings, S.D. was not my home; and I transferred to South Central College in North Mankato, Minn. I was lost, but I knew that I needed to keep moving forward. To my surprise, South Central College was the beacon of hope I so desperately needed. I fell back in love with American agriculture and learning — something I had not felt since my sophomore Olivia Spande year of high school. Uptown Minneapolis, Minn. Once again, my graduation was approaching, and I was faced with a choice: what next? I knew agriSchool: Minnesota State culture was where I needed to be; but didn’t believe University, Mankato that industry was for me. Thankfully, I was blessed Major: Family Consumer Science to have an instructor (who now is my inspiration with an emphasis in food and and role model as a teacher) plant a few ideas in my nutrition with a minor in mind early on. He knew I belonged in the classroom Agribusiness and Food Innovation. and continued to pester me about it. Just like in high school, I couldn’t imagine why anybody would Have you always wanted a want to be a teacher. career in Ag? Before I could graduate, I was required to comI always knew I wanted a plete an internship in agriculture. Rather than career in food since I was a child. working in the industry like my peers, I landed a I used to come home from eleposition as the Farmyard Intern for the Children’s mentary school and watch the food network. Some of my Museum of Southern Minnesota. This came to be a favorite memories are in the kitchen with my mom. When I

Intern in the




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came to MSU I knew that I wanted to study food and nutrition; but I didn’t find my Agribusiness minor until last year. This minor is the perfect counterpart to my degree because it’s the business behind food and it also has many creativity courses geared towards making you think outside of the box. What type of internship are you looking for? After I graduate from MSU, I’m charging full speed ahead into the culinary world. I plan to go to culinary school at Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts in Vancouver B.C to get my associates in culinary arts. I plan to use these degrees to establish myself as a freelance commercial food stylist. I searched for a food styling internship and was able to secure

Minn. I spent my summer with the newly resurrected Mankato ag program, and the Southern Agriculture Center of Excellence. These brief three months gave me my first taste of life as an ag teacher, and ever since I’ve been all in. January 2022 arrived, and I began student teaching at Dassel-Cokato High School. Currently, I have taken over two classes: Animal Science and Floriculture. By the end of my experience, I will have taught a full course load, survived SAE season, and experienced my first State FFA convention as an advisor. After years of frustration, doubt, and worry, I have finally found a home within agricultural education. Nevertheless, this journey is far from over, in fact, it has only just begun. Talent in the GreenSeam focuses on developing talent and promoting careers in agriculture and food. Dr. Shane Bowyer is the Director of AgriBusiness and Food Innovation in the College of Business at Minnesota State University, Mankato and is on the GreenSeam Talent Committee. He can be reached for comments or talent ideas at shane.bowyer@mnsu. edu. v one in Minneapolis with Amalia Moreno-Damgaard — a professional chef, food stylist, food editor, author and entrepreneur. What are you interested in learning more about you that have not learned in your classes? In this internship, I am excited to network and make connections with people in the food industry so that I have connections that I can come back to after culinary school that will hopefully offer up some amazing opportunities. What skills do you hope to develop? I hope to develop my public speaking skills and social media management skills. I will be doing some hands-on food styling projects which will expose me to how the food styling world operates. I will also be able to get a one-on-one lesson with a local food photographer so I can learn the basic principles of food photography and ultimately start taking pictures of the food I style so I can build a portfolio independently. What has surprised you about college? Something that has continued to surprise me throughout my college journey is how supportive and helpful my professors are. I came into college with a sort of “it’s me against the world” mindset. No one will hold your hand in college that’s true — it’s an independent journey. However, in my own personal experience here at MSU, my professors have offered me lots of advice and understanding I previously thought was unattainable. I urge anyone struggling to try MavPass or go to your professor’s office hours! What is your favorite animal? Longhair Siamese ragdoll kitties are so cute and sweet! What is your favorite food? I love Bao! Who is you favorite musical artist/band? My favorite band right now is Big Thief!

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