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From My Farmhouse Kitchen
Summer days are filled the western outskirts of with gardening, chores, town in a brand new buildbuilding maintenance and ing. The architecture of the taking care of livestock and building is amazing. It is crops. But that’s not all … surrounded by a landscaped the calendar is filling up prairie park. These and with other things to do. windmill can be toured Some maybe even educa- throughout the year. tional events which are organized by agribusinesses or the Extension. The biggest draw is the Danish Windmill built in 1848. It’s not just the age
Or they may be festivals that makes it an authentic celebrating a country of windmill, but it was actualancestry — such as the ly constructed on Denmark Tulip Festival in Orange soil. Windmills there dot City, Iowa each May. This year the the countryside because back in the tulips were beautiful in color. The tem- day they were useful for grinding peratures were a bit a cool on grain. Horses and men do not like to Saturday; but so what? Snert — or travel far, so windmills were needed pea soup as we call it nowadays — every few miles. These historic structasted even better! tures are something like our old barns. The town of Elk Horn, Iowa hosted a two-day event which included a parade and folk dancing with a focus on Denmark. If you are of Danish They have served their purpose, are no longer needed and cost too much to maintain. Many of Denmark’s windmills are falling into great disrepair. descent, the Genealogy Center has all With each visit to Denmark, Harvey the information you probably will need Somsen of the Elk Horn/Kimballton to trace your roots. There is also a area became more convinced that a Museum of Danish America located on windmill was just the perfect souvenir
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Will eliminate the need to changeyour sweeps mid season. Which is Key in keeping the planter going in our short planting windows. Which in turn helps maximize your yield potential!
Fall Tillage Parts
Less downtime, less parts used!
See youatFarmfest August 2nd -August 4th Booth #3405 The Danish windmill in Elk Horn, Iowa.

to bring back to Iowa. So he did. He located the right windmill in Norre Snede. It was dismantled and crossed the ocean in probably more comfort than those first Danish immigrants.
Some of the massive timbers were too large to travel on our roads, so they were cut in half — making them unusable. New ones needed to be made. Obviously, relocating windmills was not an easy project. Nor could it have been when the mill was first constructed. It was a challenge even with our modern equipment. Imagine that originally, horses, pulleys and man-power were used to construct this 60-foot tall mill. Horses were really the work force on farms throughout the world.
A good reminder of horses’ place in history happens at the Murray County Classic Draft Horse Show in Slayton, Minn. The show does an excellent job of demonstrating how farmers and horses did the farm work. The competition between the 12 six-horse draft horse teams is amazing. These gentle giants are powerful equine. The sound of harness and hoof beats is like no other. At this event it’s as though you get two shows for the price of one. Who doesn’t like a good deal? This year, show dates are July 8, 9 and 10.
Then of course, there are the threshing shows. Granite and Albert City are two in Iowa that we have enjoyed. We always write Butterfield’s Steam and Gas Engine Show on the calendar (Aug. 19-21). Each show has similar yet different displays. Atwater Threshing Days (Sept. 10 and 11) has the unique display of Hot Air Technology — think Stirling Engines. There are many in the area, so we may just have to check out a new threshing show and revisit one as there is bound to have been something we missed.
I missed the Beef Expo in Marcus last night; but fully intend to attend the open house at the Marv and Kathy Shelling/Keith and Krystle Schelling dairy farm just a few miles down road. They are a family to be admired as they work hard and well together.
My parents first milked by hand, then the pipeline made milking easy enough that I could spend many mornings and afternoons milking 21 calls in my section of the barn, while my brothers milked 70 or more cows in an older part of the barn.

Farming visits days of yesteryear at any number of threshing shows taking place this summer.
Good days, as cows listened contently as I told them my dreams and concerns. They didn’t even mind my singing! I doubt that I ever imagined robots milking. Cleaning house? YES … but milking? If surgery can be accomplished by robots, surely milking cows with robots is a good used of technology.
Oh yes, for those of you who do the Dutch Bingo, one of my three sons (who came one at a time) married one of their triplets. I’m sure to check out what my daughter-in-law is wearing on June 15 before she leaves my house, as I still can’t tell the difference between her and her triplet sister.
Many churches are hosting Vacation Bible School, nights of gospel music, revivals and meetings. If the dates don’t get written on the calendar, I will never remember to go.
Some stores are open every day, then there are occasional stores such as Kanaranzi Creek which opens … well,