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Talent in the GreenSeam
If you would have asked me 11 plans as she did not have a family years ago — when I graduated farm to take over. She didn’t have from Truman High School — if I visibility to agricultural opportuniwould live in Mankato, my answer ties outside of owning or managing would have been absolutely not. a crop or livestock operation. Would I consider working in food/ agriculture? No thanks. “I stumbled upon agricultural engineering with a focus on animal pro-
Growing up, I worked on my duction systems on the internet one grandparent’s farm growing corn day and never looked back.” Klimesh and soybeans and raising beef cattle. During harvest in high school TALENT IN THE GREENSEAM then obtained a Master of Science in Agricultural and college, I found it fun to return By Garrett Lieffring Engineering from home and lend a hand to area Iowa State farmers. However, it was not my goal to be in a University. She said, “Anyone can be field, barn, or tractor for the rest of my life. involved in agriculture even if you The common perception of food and agriculture careers is that they are dirty, smelly, long hours, and hard work. You spend your time in a field, barn or tractor. don’t have a family farm to work on. The opportunities within agriculture are endless, everything from daily animal care to financial analytics to construction supervision.” Sydney Klimesh Two years ago, when I first met Sam Ziegler, Director of GreenSeam, he said, “there’s more to food and ag than cows, sows and plows.” Agriculture is math, business, technology, analytics, animal care, construction, and so much more!
Tell me more… Ben Radke, originally from Lafayette, Minn., is attending South Dakota State University to study
Sydney Klimesh, a reliability engineer at agriculture business and is interning this summer Christensen Farms, was heavily involved with with Wakefield Pork. Ben has always wanted a showing livestock through 4-H and FFA at an early career in agriculture because of his passion for aniage. However, agriculture was not in her college mals: working with them and seeing the results.
When asked about what he is looking for in an internship, he said, “an internship that covers as many aspects of the industry but also goes in depth into each section … and learning Ben Radke more about what it all takes to raise a pig from when they are farrowed all the way to the processing plant.”
Students are not only looking for opportunities and a fulfilling career, but different experiences in the daily operations of agricultural businesses. Organizational leaders — how are you creating an inclusive and engaging environment for students to thrive and consider a career within your organization and the broader industry?
For those considering agricultural engineering or technology, Klimesh recommends, “While technical knowledge is critical to your career, allot time to immerse yourself in the daily operation of agricultural businesses. Nothing is more valuable when implementing technology or innovation than having a deep understanding and appreciation of how it might affect the day-to-day work.”
For students considering an internship, Radke suggests, “Absolutely do it. The information that they provide is invaluable. I would also tell them don’t be afraid to do an internship that you’re not so sure about, better to find out about it now than later in life.”
When asked about a fun fact about food/agriculture, Klimesh shared, “Agriculture is the largest employer in the world and is absolutely essential to life, as well as pretty enjoyable considering all the meal choices we have on a daily basis! It feels good to know this industry is never going away; but also that there’s so many opportunities for improvement in the areas of sustainability and innovation. Agriculture can offer a diverse and rewarding career for anyone!”
Earlier this year, I attended the Southwest Minnesota State University Ag Bowl Scholarship Invitational where Brian Knochenmus, president and owner of Ralco Nutrition, delivered an opening address to nearly 1,000 high school students from across the state. What was his message? “There is a place for each of you in food and agriculture … there’s a place for everyone.”
Well said, Brian. As someone who had no intention of returning to the region, more less the agriculture industry, I couldn’t agree more. There is a place for everyone in food and agriculture.
It begins with cows, sows and plows — and ends with feeding the world.
Talent in the GreenSeam focuses on developing talent and promoting careers in agriculture and food. Garrett Lieffring can be reached via email at glieffring@greenseam.org. v

Matt Erickson Fertile, Minn. July 7
It’s fair time! The Land spoke with Matt Erickson on July 7 as he reported the Polk County fair is in full swing with daughters Catie and Sidney showing their 4-H cattle. Although the fair
“It’s been annoyingly busy.” The Land spoke with Leah Johnson on July 7 as she reported that all her soybean fields had been sprayed. has been a family tradition for the Ericksons, he has seen the number of fair attendees grow over the years. “It’s gotten to be really popular.” Taking a break from all the fair fun, Erickson likes what he sees in the fields. “I got all the sorghum and millet planted.” He also started cutting his first-crop hay last week. “It was a really good crop.” Erickson seeded alfalfa on June 14. Strong winds followed, so he was unsure how the crop would do. So far, though, it’s coming up and looking good. The cows are all out to pasture. “The pastures are just tremendous.” The grass is so long that it can be tough to see the 2022 calves. But Erickson is happy to see all that grass. On July 4, Erickson vaccinated around 175 calves with help from his son, Emery. “Corn looks really good.” It’s anywhere from knee-high to waist-high. The crop has grown quickly, which is a relief to Erickson as he planted two weeks later than usual. “It’s pretty miraculous.” Likewise, the soybeans are starting to fill the rows and doing just fine. “We just need to keep getting timely rains.” v FROM THE FIELDS Compiled by KRISTIN KVENO, The Land Staff Writer
Leah Johnson Evansville, Minn. July 7
The storm which hit Johnson’s farm on June 20 resulted in damaged grain bin roofs, but the crops seemed to have fared just fine. “In the last five days, even some of the toughest fields look good.” “The corn is past my chin,” Johnson said. Thankfully, the growth of corn has brought some relief. “It’s pretty marvelous what this crop can do. Optimism on the corn is sky-high.
The farm received half an inch to one and a half inches of rain on July 4 weekend.
“The beans have struggled with the timing of rain.” Johnson walked fields last weekend and had difficulty finding flowers in the later planted fields. “We’re going to have fields that are never going to canopy.” That is a problem when it comes to weed control. “We definitely won’t see fantastic yields.”
Comparing corn and beans, it’s a tale of two different yield potentials. “The corn looks so good; it makes the beans look less good.”
Johnson is closely monitoring the fields for signs of pesky plants. “We can’t let the weeds in.” v

Bob Roelofs Garden City, Minn. “Crops looks good. We could use some rain shortly.” The Land spoke with Bob July 1 Roelofs on July 1 as he reported the fields are flourishing. The corn is waist-high. “It really shot up. It really pulled moisture out of the ground.” The last substantial rain was three inches, which fell three weeks ago. There’s a chance for rain early next week, which would be great news for the crops.
Roelofs is starting to spray soybeans. He estimates that 50 percent of beans in the area have been sprayed.
He has hired two high school helpers and is hoping to hire one more by mid-summer. They will help with a variety of tasks, which includes assisting in some hog site remodeling.
Roelofs has been on the Mapleton police force for the past few weeks and the transition back
See ROELOFS, pg. 10
Scott Winslow Fountain, Minn. June 30
“We finally finished getting the old machine shed down.” The Land spoke with Scott Winslow on June 30 as he reported that the shed, damaged in a December 2021 storm, is now gone, making way for the new shed to be constructed in the next few weeks. While storms have stayed away from Winslow’s farm these past few weeks, misfortune has not. “No big storms, but we did have a disaster.” The co-op that sprays Winslow’s corn and soybeans forgot he planted conventional corn and sprayed the field on June 17. That resulted in 70 acres of dead corn. “We had to scramble to find some seed.” He found the earliest seed he could find, 91 and 92-day. Winslow was able to get the corn in the ground that day and finished planting on June 18.
There’s a significant difference between the corn planted in May and the crop grown just a few weeks ago. “I have corn that is a little over waist-high and a little over knee-high on a dog.”
See WINSLOW, pg. 10
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