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Mielke Market Weekly
2023 SEED SELECTION GUIDE New Soybean Hybrids

Anderson Seeds
A172E3 Relative Maturity: 1.7 Enlist E3 Soybean
Very good stress tolerance. High yield potential. Very nice season long appearance. Strong full package variety. A182E3 Relative Maturity: 1.8 Enlist E3 Soybean
Very versatile variety. Very good stress tolerance, with very good SDS tolerance. Great standability.
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AG005XF3 Relative Maturity: .05
Early maturing .05 RM soybean that handles heavy soils well with good tolerance to Phytophthora root rot. AG007XF3 Relative Maturity: .07
Medium-tall plant with good branching and excellent yield potential. Has shown very good tolerance to Phytophthora root rot. AG009XF3 Relative Maturity: .09
Tall and early-maturing .09 RM soybean with excellent yield potential. Offers good drought stress tolerance. AG01XF3 Relative Maturity: .1
Medium-tall, bushy plant with excellent yield potential. Offers protection from Phytophthora root rot. AG06XF3 Relative Maturity: .6
Medium to medium-tall plant with good standability. Offers resistance to soybean cyst nematode, very good Phytophthora protection, tolerance to white mold and average tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis. AG08XF3 Relative Maturity: .8
Average-height plant that stands well. Offers resistance to soybean cyst nematode, gene resistance and field tolerance to Phytophthora rot, and tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis and white mold. AG09XF3 Relative Maturity: .9
Good emergence and standability. Offers resistance to soybean cyst nematode and Phytophthora rot, and tolerance to white mold. Avoid placement on soils with a history of severe iron deficiency chlorosis. AG12XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.2
Good agronomic package with average disease resistance and excellent yield potential. Has shown potential to handle moderate iron deficiency chlorosis pressure and offers yield stability under stressed growing conditions. AG13XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.3
Medium-tall plant with good standability. Offers stacked Phytophthora genes for highlevel disease resistance, tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis, resistance to soybean cyst nematode and good tolerance to sudden death syndrom and brown stem rot. AG16XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.6
Strong emergence and good standability. Provides resistance to soybean cyst nematode and Phytophthora rot, tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis and very good tolerance to sudden death syndrome. AG19XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.9
Medium-tall plant that stands well. Offers very good tolerance to Phytophthora rot, soybean cyst nematode resistance and tolerance to sudden death syndrome, brown stem rot and iron deficiency chlorosis. AG21XF1 Relative Maturity: 2.1
Broad acre fit with good agronomics. Has shown very good tolerance to white mold, great tolerance to brown stem rot and protection for Phytophthora root rot. Treat with

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an ILEVO seed treatment to help with sudden death syndrome protection. AG22XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.2
Medium-tall plant with excellent emergence. Offers resistance to soybean cyst nematode, very good field tolerance to Phytophthora rot and excellent tolerance to brown stem rot. Average white mold and sudden death syndrome tolerance. AG23XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.3
Average plant height and good standability. Offers soybean cyst nematode resistance, good tolerance to sudden death syndrome and brown stem rot, and resistance to Phytophthora rot. Avoid soils with a history of severe iron deficiency chlorosis. AG25XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.5
Great agronomic package that performs well in high yield environments. Medium-tall plant with excellent standability. Very attractive line with an upright canopy. Avoid high pH soils. AG27XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.7
Amazing yield potential. Well adapted to lighter, variable and well-drained fields. Above-average tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis. A great fit for high pH soils. Belowaverage tolerance to sudden death syndrome — manage accordingly. AG29XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.9
Medium-tall plant with good standability and outstanding yield potential. Offers excellent emergence and very good tolerance to Phytophthora root rot. Below-average tolerance to sudden death syndrome — manage accordingly with placement on well-drained soils.
Beck’s Hybrids
BECK 1447XF Brand Relative Maturity: 1.4
This variety is the agronomic leader for the mid-Group I maturity. With fantastic SWM and SDS tolerance and a double stack of PRR genes, this is a must-plant soybean variety. BECK 1887XF Brand Relative Maturity: 1.8
This exciting soybean demonstrates the ability to move across soils with consistency. It is an excellent variety from the start of the season to the finish line with its strong emergence and harvest standability. BECK 2007XF Brand Relative Maturity: 2.0
This tall, robust plant style has the potential for improved yield potential in stressed conditions. This variety can travel across the tougher Minnesota acres. BECK 1440E3 Brand Relative Maturity: 1.4
This agronomic standout delivers a stacked Phytophthora package with consistent performance across different environments. The SDS, Phytophthora, and Soybean White Mold tolerances will allow for maximizing your return on investment. 7315XF Relative Maturity: 1.5 XtendFlex soybeans 7315XF is a medium tall variety that has excellent standability and field appearance. 7315XF has a solid overall disease and agronomic package. The iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance is average with excellent early vigor and stress tolerance. Yield performance vs. mid group 1 competitors is outstanding! 1317E3N Relative Maturity: 1.7 Enlist E3 soybeans 1317E3N has the PEKING soybean cyst nematode race resistance and is a mediumtall plant with excellent standability and good soybean white mold tolerance. 1317E3N exhibits solid overall agronomic and disease packages and excels on all soil types including variable soils. AE1930 Relative Maturity: 1.9 Enlist E3 soybeans
AE1930 is a medium tall plant with excellent emergence and sudden death syndrome tolerance plus good soybean white mold tolerance. AE1930 moves east to west very nicely adapting to most environments while exhibiting a very strong tolerance to stress.
Dahlman Seed
7301XF Relative Maturity: 0.1 XtendFlex soybeans 7301XF is a tall variety that stands tall at harvest time with excellent iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance. 7301XF is brown spot rot resistant and is a great choice for the variable soils of the Red River Valley. 7301XF is susceptible to soybean cyst nematode. 7304XF Relative Maturity: 0.4 XtendFlex soybeans 7304XF is a medium height variety that performs well on northern soils with iron deficiency chlorosis and Phytophthora root and stem rot history. Plus very high yield potential on the better soils. 7304XF has very good soybean white mold tolerance and excellent emergence and standability. 7308XF Relative Maturity: 0.8 XtendFlex soybeans 7308XF is a medium height variety with excellent stress tolerance that’s resistant to brown spot rot and stem canker. 7308XF stands tall and straight and hits top performance levels in the mid group 0 zone plus strong western performance movement.
Dairyland Seed
DSR-0220E Relative Maturity: 0.2
A new 0.2 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. High yield potential, with superb emergence and solid soybean cyst nematode protection for races 3 and 14. Solid agronomics with good Phytophthora root and stem rot field tolerance and the Rps1k gene DSR-0757E Relative Maturity: 0.7
A new 0.7 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. Excellent white mold tolerance and all-around good agronomics. Solid yield potential in a defensive bean for your tough acres. DSR-1121E Relative Maturity: 1.1
An exciting new 1.1 RM Enlist E3 soybean release with outstanding yield potential. Good white mold tolerance and respectable Phytophthora root and stem rot field tolerance. A medium-bush plant type with a medium-short height at harvest. DSR-1505E Relative Maturity: 1.5
A new 1.5 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. Excellent white mold and outstanding sudden death syndrome tolerance. A rugged soybean that excels at handling tough conditions. Shorter plant type with a medium canopy. DSR-1919E Relative Maturity: 1.9
A new 1.9 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. Strong yield potential in a Peking soybean cyst nematode line. Outstanding emergence allows this bean to get off to a good start. Great color, stature and standability. DSR-2023 Relative Maturity: 2.0
A new 2.0 RM conventional soybean with very good looks and standability. Salt excluder for chloride concerns. Rps1c and respectable Phytophthora root and stem rot field tolerance. Manage appropriately in known white mold areas. DSR-2188E Relative Maturity: 2.1
A new 2.1 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. Exceptional emergence for tough planting conditions. A Peking soybean cyst nematode line with very good yield potential and tremendous tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis. DSR-2562E Relative Maturity: 2.5
A new 2.5 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. Consistent top performance across the yield spectrum. Elite tolerance to sudden death syndrome, solid tolerance to white mold and awesome standability. This is a lead product across our geography. DSR-2502 Relative Maturity: 2.5
A new 2.5 RM conventional soybean with widely adaptable defensive genetics. Strong emergence, very good white mold tolerance and good sudden death syndrome and brown stem rot tolerance. A medium-short plant type with a medium canopy.


DSR-2717E Relative Maturity: 2.7 A new 2.7 RM, Next Gen Dairyland Seed brand Enlist E3 soybean. A Peking soybean cyst nematode line that is all about the yield potential. Good brown stem rot tolerance with great frogeye leaf spot defense.
Hefty Seeds
H10XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.0 XtendFlex Variety
Hefty Brand 10XF3 is a versatile soybean with broad acre placement potential. Solid all-around defense and very good yields, with great uniformity and good stress tolerance. H13XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.3 XtendFlex Variety
With great yield and agronomics, H13XF3 should be on just about everyone’s crop plan due to high yield potential and solid defense. Quick emergence and strong early vigor lead to great standability in this variety. H14XF3 Relative Maturity: 1.4 XtendFlex Variety
Hefty Brand 14XF3 brings forth diverse genetics that make it a great fit in historical white mold areas. Plus, its upright standability allows for easier management of weeds and diseases throughout the season. Z1603E Relative Maturity: 1.6 Enlist E3 Variety
This Zinesto soybean makes big yields, and its advanced white mold protection and standability make it a broad acre play. Z1603E also has great defensive characteristics with excellent stress tolerance, good iron deficiency chlorosis protection, and great Phytophthora root rot protection. H18E3 Relative Maturity: 1.8 Enlist E3 Variety
With dominating performance in variable soils, H18E3 is a whole field yield king that handles many stresses well, with Peking resistance to soybean cyst nematode, strong tolerance to iron deficiency chlorosis and phytophthora, and very good tolerance to frogeye. H20E3 Relative Maturity: 2.0 Enlist E3 Variety
This variety is as close to a complete package as you’re going to find at a 2.0 maturity. Very good defensive characteristics will allow you to place H20E3 anywhere on your farm, with Peking soybean cyst nematode resistance, Rps 1K phytophthora resistance, strong iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance, and above average tolerance to sudden death syndrome and frogeye, as well. H22XF3 Relative Maturity: 2.2 XtendFlex Variety
Hefty H22XF3 may be one of your favorite beans by harvest. It’s easy to raise, quick out of the ground, keeps great standability throughout the season, and finishes with big yields at harvest while handling tough stresses like brown stem rot, soybean cyst nematode, iron deficiency chlorosis, and even white mold! Z2303E Relative Maturity: 2.3 Enlist E3 Variety
This exciting new bean has an excellent combination of stress tolerance, standability and white mold protection. With stacked resistance genes for phytophthora and high yield performance, Zinesto 2303E is a great all-around bean for both offense and defense.
Legend Seeds
If high yield and great iron deficiency chlorosis protection is what you’re after, this is your bean. 13E245 Enlist E3 traited soybean is a salt excluder to help with iron deficiency chlorosis and also has great sudden death syndrome tolerance. On highly-productive soils, this a great yielder also.
17E335N Relative Maturity: 1.7
Brand: IMPACT — distributed by Legend Seeds
This New Enlist E3 bean brings it all! This variety high yield combined with good white mold and iron deficiency chlorosis protection and great sudden death syndrome tolerance. 20E343N Relative Maturity: 2.0 Brand: IMPACT — distributed by Legend Seeds 20E343N is a new high-yield contender with impressive emergence on no-till acres and very good sudden death syndrome tolerance. This Enlist E3 variety also has good iron deficiency chlorosis and white mold scores.
Renk Seed Co.
G0170E Relative Maturity: 0.1
A new 0.1 E3 soybean that features broad adaptability with strong iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance and excellent Phytophthora protection. G0570E Relative Maturity: 0.5
This new .5 RM E3 soybean variety brings together a combination of high yield potential and a strong disease package along with extremely strong stress tolerance. It features 1K and 3A for Phytophthora along with strong stem canker scores. G1070E Relative Maturity: 1.1
A new addition to the Renk lineup, this 1.1 RM, E3 soybean features strong stress tolerance along with excellent brown stem rot tolerance and high yield potential with above average white mold tolerance. G1750E Relative Maturity: 1.7
This new 1.7 RM E3 soybean brings a strong combination of yield and disease tolerance. It has the 3A gene for Phytophthora as well as great standability lending to overall great white mold tolerance. G1970E Relative Maturity: 1.9
This showy looking 1.9 RM, E3 soybean brings improved sudden death syndrome tolerance over previous products. It also has great yield stability and stress tolerance, making it a must have for 2023. G2270E Relative Maturity: 2.2 A new offering for Renk in the 2.2 RM, this E3 soybean brings solid sudden death syndrome and stress tolerance along with consistent high yields. It will work extremely well on most yield environments, but thrives especially well in lower yield environments. G2570E Relative Maturity: 2.5
An extremely attractive, new 2.5 RM offering for Renk Seed Company, this E3 soybean brings vastly improved sudden death syndrome tolerance along with consistent high yields. This larger bushy plant type lends well to 30-inch row applications. RS053NXF Relative Maturity: 0.5
This new .5 RM XtendFlex brings a step change in improved yield over previous products. Disease ratings are strong overall, providing broad adaptability across most yield environments. RS073NXF Relative Maturity: 0.7
A new .7 RM XtendFlex offering for Renk Seed, this is a strong standing product that will handle most yield robbers such as iron deficiency chlorosis and white mold. It is also very strong for brown stem rot and Phytophthora lending to high yield potential. RS153NXF Relative Maturity: 1.5
This new, attractive looking 1.5 RM XtendFlex variety is a broadly adaptable, stress tolerant soybean that will work on most yield environments. It also has acceptable white mold tolerance with strong brown stem rot coverage. RS183NXF Relative Maturity: 1.8
New for 2023, this 1.8 RM XtendFlex product provides improved yield over previous strong Xtend varieties, while bringing broad adaptability and strong disease tolerance to go anywhere. RS233NXF Relative Maturity: 2.3
This new 2.3 RM XtendFlex soybean is an attractive, bushy plant type that will work well across most yield environments. Strong Phytophthora and brown stem rot tolerances, enhance strong yield potential making this is a must use for 2023. RS253NXF Relative Maturity: 2.5
This showy 2.5 RM XtendFlex variety brings very good stress tolerance, white mold, brown stem rot and iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance to the table. Its broad adaptability provides for use across many different yield environments.