4 minute read
The Bookworm Sez
Give the gentleman a doesn›t it? Nope, authors Petras and hand. Petras don›t go that far in their storyHe did a good job, and he deserves it. Seriously, someone gave him a leg-up, he jumped in with both feet, and shortly after he put his nose to the grindstone, he found himself rubbing Take, for instance, an there’s no telling. Here, you›ll get an outline in each short-to-read account; but one with enough particulars to make you feel smarter. Most tales are kept relatively bloodless in detail. In fact, some of them don›t involve detachment at all. elbows with influential peo- anonymous woman’s hand, need for a That lack of violence leaves plenty of ple. He shouldered some stenciled on the side of a Holy pilgrim- room for enjoyment of these tiny, esoresponsibility, kept his ear cave in Australia some age; if you teric — but impactful — bits of histoto the ground, and look 30,000 years ago. It was art want a Holy ry, science, and sociology. Bonus: there where he’s been. So give him a hand, but, since scientists know that ancient relic, you can sim- are lots of sidebars with even more and read “A History of the World Aboriginal people could recognize oth- ply buy one online. fun-to-know info. Through Body Parts” by Kathryn Petras and Ross Petras. It all begins with Cleopatra’s nose. Mathematician Blase Pascal seemed fascinated by it, not because it stood out (though it did), but because Julius Caesar and Marc Antony were both ers by their handprints, it could’ve also been a message. That shows a rather sophisticated form of early communication. According to legend, St. Cuthbert’s hair and fingernails continued to grow after his death — to the point where The conqueror Tamerlane might have used “a very distinctive limp” to build his fearsome reputation. A “religious epiphany” came to Martin Luther in an unusual place, all because of his bowels. Henry VIII is said to have kept Anne Boleyn’s heart. Readers of unique history will devour this book, but it›s also a great way to get someone interested in a narrower version of a broader subject. Just beware: «A History of the World Through Body Parts» might make you lose your head. smitten with it and their obsessions the deceased saint had his own stylist And Charles II of Spain’s jaw proved Look for the reviewed book at a changed the world. That got Petras and manicurist. St. Cuthbert, and that “keeping things all in the family” bookstore or a library near you. You and Petras thinking how other bodily other Catholic saints, were a part of was really not a good idea... may also find the book at online book bits might have affected history. Can “zeroing in on a body part” help make sense of our world? the Church’s “big business” — selling and procuring relics in the 8th through the 16th century. Today, No doubt, you know by now that life is full of things that make you say, «huh.» You probably come across them retailers. The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading quite often. «A History of the World since she was 3 years old and never Through Body Parts» offers you a goes anywhere without a book. She whole book full of more. lives in Wisconsin with three dogs and And yet, that title sounds gory, 10,000 books. v
THE BOOKWORM SEZ By Terri Schlichenmeyer
“A History of the World Through Body Parts” by Kathryn Petras and Ross Petras c.2022, Chronicle Books $22.95 255 pages Clarion newest cold-hardy grape
• Choose from many great Non-GMO
Soybean Varieties • Excellent premiums paid over the CBOT
For more information, contact:
Craig Tomera, Identity Preserved Crop Specialist Office: 952.983.1289 | Cell: 507.279.4496 | craigtomera@grainmillers.com
ST. PAUL — Grape growers and wine lovers take note: The University of Minnesota is releasing its sixth coldhardy wine grape, Clarion.
At the University’s Horticultural Research Center, researchers discovered Clarion grapes continually produce high-quality, dry white wines with fruity attributes of citrus, pear, melon, apricot and chamomile. Some evaluators describe the wine as being similar to southern hemisphere Sauvignon blanc.
With a less vigorous growth habit than other cold-hardy varieties, Clarion is easier for growers to manage in the vineyard. Its grape bunches are loose, which can contribute to reduced disease and insect pressure for conventional production methods. Clarion has known resistance to downy mildew, a major pest in the eastern United States due to humid and rainy summers.
U of M researchers have been growing Clarion grape vines under the research name MN1220 for more than 20 years to test the hybrid vines’ coldhardiness, disease resistance and other attributes for commercial and backyard cultivation. Test plots have been in evaluation for over 10 years with nurseries and university and Extension partners across the United States.
Although marginally hardy in Zone 4, this selection tested well in Iowa and Wisconsin (Zone 5) as part of a national variety testing program. Limited vines will be available beginning in 2023 for vineyards.
Additional information about Clarion can be found at mnhardy.umn.edu/ clarion. Interested state wine grower’s organizations should contact Matt Clark (clark776@umn.edu) for tasting opportunities.
This article was submitted by University of Minnesota. v