1 minute read
USDA announced details this week of additional assistance for dairy producers, including a second round of payments through the Pandemic Market Volatility Assistance Program (PMVAP) and a new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP). “The update to PMVAP and the new ODMAP will enable USDA to better support small-and mediumsized operations who weathered the pandemic and now face other challenges,” according to a USDA press release.
The National Milk Producers Federation praised the announcement stating, “While losses due to the combination of unforeseen market circumstances and an inadequate Class I pricing system have not been fully remedied, USDA and congressional efforts will aid thousands of dairy producers who otherwise would have absorbed losses created by policies that didn’t work for them.”
Lee Mielke is a syndicated columnist who resides in Everson, Wash. His weekly column is featured in newspapers across the country and he may be reached at lkmielke@juno.com. v