1 minute read
Grain marketing for dummies
LAND MINDS, from pg. 2
Along with his teaching and speaking engagements, Usset manages “Commodity Challenge,” an online marketing education game which uses real-time cash and futures data. Along with my copy of “Commodities for Dummies,” I’m ready to check it out.
Paul Malchow is the managing editor of The Land. He may be reached at editor@TheLandOnline.com. v
In the same way, there is nothing I can do to earn the love of Christ. It is because of his finished work on the cross; because he died and rose againdefeating hell, death, and the grave; that I am counted worthy. The only
Whitney Nesse is a sixth-generation livestock farmer who is deeply rooted in her faith and family. She writes from her central Minnesota farm. v
“2022 Financial & Profitability Trends with a look to the future”
Southwest MN Farm Business Management Association
Garen Paulson, SWMFBMA Fieldman; Extension Educator, Ag Business Management University of MN
Garen will review the financial results of the Southwest Farm Business Management Association using real on farm research of this group of farms from throughout southern Minnesota .
Email gthillen@umn.edu to receive a direct link to the presentation or check swfm.umn.edu after March 27th
“Taking Charge of YOUR Finances: How
Learning Objectives:
Understand components and use of Balance Sheet (including related key ratios).
Understand components and use of Income Statement (including related key ratios).
Understand components and use of Cash Flow (including related key ratios).
Organize and utilize Farm Financial Records
Greater understanding of financial tools to make better internal management and financing decisions.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
U of MN Southwest Research & Outreach Center, Lamberton 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Register today!