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Your First Choice for Classifieds! Place Your Ad Today!
by The Land
Livestock, Machinery, Farmland... you name it! People will buy it when they see it in The Land!
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DEADLINE: 7 days prior to publication. Plus! Look for your classified ad in the e-edition.
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Farm Equipment
Firestone Tires, 18.4 R42 Radial Duals. Heavy JD cast rims. Never Used! $2,600. 507-829-6688
FOR SALE: 2 IH sickle mowers, one MN sickle mower, $50 each. Must sell or going for scrap.
FOR SALE: Blue Jet 28% side dresser, 12R30”, wheel driven pump. Hector MN.
FOR SALE: Gleaner 20” poly row dividers, for a 20” corn header, all to go at $350. 320-894-4489
FOR SALE: 500 gallon ($950) S/S tank on trailer. 320-894-4489
FOR SALE: IH 4000 swather and 810 Dummy head.
Gehl FH84 chopper, $500; 2self loading wagons, $1,000 each; 30’ bale elevator, $400; 8x55 Snowco grain auger; 4R rear mounted cultivator, $500. 320-221-0816
Sell your farm equipment in The Land with a line ad.