Lantern 05.04.10

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Wednesday May 5, 2010 year: 130 No. 102 the student voice of

The Ohio State University ELECTION RESULTS as of 11:30 p.m. Tuesday

STATE ISSUE 1: THIRD FRONTIER Yes: 122,841 No: 50,626

thelantern OSU: No charges Lantern photographer won’t face criminal trespass, will still be reviewed by university


Yes: 145,985 No: 32,329

Read about Issue 1 on 3A


Top prospect awaiting call-up


arts & life

Ohio State will not press criminal trespass charges against Lantern photographer Alex Kotran, according to a university statement. Early Tuesday evening, Vernon Baisden, OSU assistant vice president and director of public safety, issued an e-mail statement that said the “university does not believe that the situation warrants the ÿling of criminal charges.” OSU Police still plan to meet with Kotran. Baisden and the police said they hope to make the “meeting a learning experience and help him (Kotran) understand why his actions put him in harm’s way and caused danger to others,” the statement said. Kotran said he was relieved after reading the statement but realized he is not out of the woods yet. “I’m glad they dropped the clearly absurd charge, but I am still concerned with the actions being taken by the Judiciary Committee,” he said. Although Kotran does not face criminal

Media groups offer legal support to photographer JACK MOORE Lantern reporter

charges, the statement said the OSU Ofÿce of Student Life, which houses a student judiciary committee, will review the photographer’s actions. Because the Ofÿce of Student Life has the ability to expel a student, Kotran plans to retain a lawyer for the duration of the committee review, he said. Collin Binkley, The Lantern’s editor-inchief, echoed Kotran’s sentiments. “We at The Lantern applaud the university for making the wise decision not to press charges against Kotran, but he isn’t clear yet,” Binkley said. “We still want to make sure he doesn’t get punished by the university’s Judicial Affairs Ofÿce.” Late Tuesday evening, Kotran’s parents received a call from Martha Garland, vice president of the Ofÿce of Student Life. Kotran said that during the call, Garland apologized numerous times for “the whole situation.” He said she acknowledged that he was being a good journalist and should not have been singled out among other photographers and bystanders. OSU’s statement was sent to The Columbus Dispatch, but not to The Lantern or Kotran.

Alex Kotran, The Lantern photographer who was detained and handcuffed by Ohio State police while photographing two escaped cows, said he will still retain a lawyer even after an OSU ofÿcial announced that he will not be charged, and that he has a number of options available to him. Kotran has been scrambling to ÿnd legal counsel, and a number of organizations have offered help. Even after ÿnding out that he will not be charged, Kotran will still retain a lawyer to deal with a review of his actions by the Ofÿce of Student Life’s Judiciary Committee. OSU police still plan to meet with him. Kotran met with two attorneys yesterday at a time when many students were meeting with professors to discuss midterm exams. Because the charges that until late yesterday were pending against Kotran were for a criminal offense, Lantern adviser Tom O’Hara was adamant that he needed a criminal attorney to advise him. He also said there are “very important First Amendment and journalistic issues at stake here.” “I would imagine that part of his defense would be that he was doing journalism,” O’Hara said Tuesday morning. “He was out there as a Lantern photographer recording a very signiÿcant news event. That’s his obligation to do that.” One of the lawyers Kotran met with is a local criminal defense attorney recommended by a law professor in the Moritz College of Law. The other specializes in First Amendment and media rights cases.

continued as Kotran on 3A

‘It was war on campus. And war is hell’ The Lantern looks back 40 years to a spring of student riot and protest LAUREN HALLOW Lantern reporter


Feed Ohio’s Future

Five campus organizations will collaborate to bring the Feed Ohio’s Future benefit concert to the Union Thursday.


Gee’s address to faculty



continued as 40 on 2A

On April 30, 1970, having been elected on a promise to end the con˜ ict in Vietnam, President Richard Nixon announced to the American people a plan to expand military operations into neighboring Cambodia.


72/52 sunny 81/48 t-storms 55/39 few showers 60/42 mostly sunny

Photo courtesy of The University Archives

Top: Police throw canisters of tear gas at a mob of students on Neil Avenue. Bottom: Students rallying on the Oval faced armed members of the National Guard.

Photos courtesy of Forrest Brandt

1970 protests erupted across Ohio, became deadly at Kent KYLE KNOX Lantern reporter

high 82 low 54


It might be tough to imagine a spring day on the Oval as anything but picturesque. But 40 years ago today, Ohio State’s Oval wasn’t a place for sunbathers, morning joggers or students taking their dogs for a walk. Instead, two armies occupied it: The Ohio National Guard armed with loaded ri˜ es and students armed with angry words and a few stones. Forty years ago at Kent State University, four students and nine others were wounded in a clash between protesters and the Ohio National Guard. Here at OSU, similar conditions resulted in violence, but no deaths. In the spring of 1970, women were demanding equal rights, blacks were pressing for equal representation, and young people were calling for an end to the Vietnam War. Put these issues on a college campus and combine them with an overwhelmed OSU administration, confused by the wants of a younger generation, and you’ve got yourself a riot. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the riots and rallies

Many protests erupted on campuses across the state, including Kent State University in northeast Ohio. The evening of May 1, a crowd of 120 students protested in the streets of downtown Kent, throwing beer bottles and damaging storefronts. The following morning, Kent Mayor Leroy Satrom declared a state of emergency and requested assistance from Gov. James Rhodes.

Ohio National Guard troops were dispatched and arrived that evening to ÿnd the campus Reserve Ofÿcer Training Corps building on ÿre. As ÿreÿghters attempted to extinguish the ˜ ames, protesters threw rocks and cut ÿre hoses. The city spent the next day under 24-hour curfew. Helicopters could be heard overhead, tanks were spotted on campus, and troops were posted on the streets.

On May 4, National Guard troops were ordered to disperse a demonstration of about 2,000 protestors and students in the area. The exact course of events remains disputed, but at 12:24 p.m., National Guard troops ÿred on the students, killing four and wounding nine. Kent State commemorated the 40th anniversary of the shootings May 4.

Students, alumni reach agreement on ticket reallocation JACK MOORE Lantern reporter The Athletic Council voted last night to approve a proposal for how football tickets should be allocated after the university switches to semesters in 2012. But it wasn’t the proposal recommended by the

chair of the Finance and Facilities subcommittee at the April meeting, which was expected to be voted on last night. Instead, after several parliamentary maneuvers, the full council voted to accept an amended compromise plan proposed by the alumni representatives. Some members of the council were surprised that there were multiple proposals. Terry Miller, a

faculty member, said he thought that there would only be the proposal recommended by Karen Mancl, the chair of the subcommittee. Instead there were four. The alumni plan was proposed at Monday’s subcommittee meeting, said Holly Cush, an alumni representative. She said it was a way to increase

continued as Tickets on 3A 1A

campus Riots from 1A


ushered in a ‘new era’ for Ohio State that occurred on campus, The Lantern is telling the story of that spring. The following information comes from a combination of eyewitness accounts, the June 1970 edition of The Ohio State University Monthly and April and May editions of The Lantern.

JOHN MOUNT Tension on campus OSU was much different in 1970 than it is today. Women who lived in the dorms had to be in by 10:30 p.m. and needed parental permission to stay overnight somewhere. There was also no student representation on university committees. Late Winter quarter that year, two black students were charged with violating the school’s Group Disruption Rule after a March 13 demonstration at the Administration Building (now Bricker Hall). Once Spring quarter began, many black students began campaigning for the charges to be dropped and new tensions arose on campus. On April 20, about 100 students from the School of Social Work walked out of their classes, protesting their lack of representation in school decisions. The next day, a rally was held on the Oval to protest on-campus military recruiters and research with companies involved with the war. The protesters eventually moved to the Ohio Union and marched through a career fair. When university ofÿcials asked the protesters to leave, some became unruly. Ofÿcials called OSU Police, and six students were arrested for trespassing. A few days later, student leaders from different organizations gathered to establish one large group to speak for all of them. Former student Mary Webster was a reporter for the Lantern then. She participated in the formation of the Ad-Hoc Committee for Student Rights. “We (the student groups) all talked and shared what we were doing and what our concerns were,” Webster told The Lantern in a phone interview, “and decided that we had enough going on to do more than what had ever been done, and we could get the attention of the administration to get them to actually listen.” The Ad-Hoc Committee then presented the administration with a list of demands. On April 24, they staged a rally and announced a campus-wide boycott of classes to begin on the 29th. Novice Fawcett, then president of the university, issued a statement on April 27: “From my own point of view, (the demands) appear to be drafted in such a manner as to elicit negative responses … These statements strike at the very heart of the university


and attack institutional policies cooperatively developed over the years.” The night of April 28, the Student Assembly passed a resolution supporting the Committee’s proposal for a student strike until the administration communicated with students about their demands. The administration refused to negotiate, and the students began to set in motion the school’s ÿrstever student strike. ‘And then they tear gassed us’ To prepare for the rally and strike, University ofÿcials asked the State Highway Patrol to remain on standby off campus. John Mount, vice president for Student Affairs, released a statement that morning addressing the strike and the Committee demands — he said the university will issue a formal response to the demands in a week to 10 days, but he asked the students to understand that it’s difÿcult to communicate in “highly emotional settings.” “My position was to listen,” Mount said, standing by his resolution today. “The problem was, the emotional protesters at that time would not listen to anybody.” He said at that time, OSU had actually already taken “constructive action” toward more rights for blacks and women, but the students weren’t listening, they wanted their demands met right away. The morning started out peacefully. Some students picketed outside classroom buildings. Others gathered on the Oval to hear speeches. The crowd was estimated to be at about 2,000 people. In the afternoon the rally died down, and some restless students decided to take action. Some students went to the wrought-iron gates which were then-present at 11th and Neil Avenues to block the entrance and protest the presence of Columbus Police, who were parked outside the gates. What happened next is unclear. Some reports say students closed the gates; others say plainclothed ofÿcers posing as students closed the gates so that police would have justiÿcation to come on campus. Either way, cops and students began to

brawl. The Highway Patrol was called to impose order. When they got to the scene, the crowd had grown to an estimated 3,000 people. The Patrol asked the students three times to unblock the entrance. They refused, and some began throwing rocks, bricks and bottles. Webster, who ran to the scene from the Oval after she heard of the commotion, described what happened next. The police “started charging in, in full riot gear,” she said. “And then they tear gassed us.” The students ran. On the Oval, angry students surrounded the Administration Building and threw rocks and bricks through the windows. About 500 students gathered at the gates at 15th Avenue and High Street. Authorities used tear gas to halt the students. Students broke into smaller groups, some roamed High Street and damaged local business’ windows. The chaos continued on into the night. By the day’s end, more than 300 people had been arrested, and more than 70 people were taken to area hospitals, with at least seven reporting gunshot wounds. When students arrived on campus the next day, they weren’t greeted by an administration willing to talk, as they had originally hoped. They were greeted by the presence of the Ohio National Guard. The aftermath For the next several days, campus continued to be a place of unrest and students continued to boycott classes and hold rallies on the Oval, with some now harassing the National Guard. President Fawcett said in a statement that he regretted the incident had occurred, and that he would have “no hesitancy in summoning and retaining sufÿcient security forces to preserve order,” proven by the Ohio National Guard now patrolling campus. An editorial in April 30’s The Lantern said the high numbers of police and the aggressive students were both to blame for the violence that escalated from the originally peaceful protests. Some protests continued to become violent. On the 30th, The National Guard used tear gas to disperse a crowd of 4,000 on the Oval, claiming the crowd size was too much to handle without tear gas. But amid the violence, student leaders attempted to restart conversation with the administration through numerous meetings. Not until May 4 did the administrators acknowledge they were listening. That day, Vice President Mount announced the hiring of Professor Howard C. Williams, a black faculty member from the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, to help the university in recruitment efforts toward economically and educationally disadvantaged students. That same day, James Robinson, vice president for Academic Affairs, announced that $170,000 had been approved for the 1970-71 school year

to establish a Black Studies program, which had actually been approved in October 1969. But the violence continued By 11 a.m. on May 4, the university had received 28 calls of reported ÿres, 16 of which ended up being false alarms. About 1,500 people gathered on the Oval for a rally. The students faced the Ohio National Guard, who were standing in front of the Administration Building. Forrest Brandt, a Lantern photographer and student at the time, noticed the crowd on his way to his 8 a.m. class. He decided to ditch class to photograph the rally. He said students began to react when the Guard eventually received orders to advance their position and drive students off the Oval. As the Guard moved forward, with ri˜ es out and bayonets pointed, students shouted insults and threw rocks and clumps of dirt. The Guard responded with tear gas, but because of the Oval’s openness and the breeze that day, Brandt said the gas had little effect on the students. Brandt moved in between the students and the Guard to take pictures and noticed the Guard was armed, which he said the students most likely did not realize. “I don’t think they had any idea of just how dangerous the situation was,” Brandt told The Lantern in a recent interview. Overwhelmed by the danger, Brandt left campus. At home, he said to his wife, “I can’t believe this is really going on … somebody is going to get upset, and they’re going to pull a trigger.” Two hours later, Brandt heard the news from Kent State. But the tragedy at Kent State seemed to do nothing to dampen the protests. On May 6, students protested in front of President Fawcett’s house, and the Guard dispersed the students with tear gas. Then the students then ran to the Administration Building and threw rocks. An hour later, President Fawcett, with the urging of the Ohio governor, closed OSU. The university didn’t resume classes until nearly two weeks later, on May 19. The results So why is this relevant today? Because these protests ushered in a new era for the university. In the months after the protests, student representatives joined the Board of Trustees and the Faculty Council and self-defense classes for women and an Ofÿce of Minority Affairs were established. Through the violence and chaos, the voice of the students was heard. Looking back, Mount said he hopes by retelling this story, people will remember the importance of dialogue if a situation like this were to arise on campus again.


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Wednesday May 5, 2010

lanternstaff Editor:

Collin Binkley

Managing Editor, content:

Krista Henneck

Rick Schanz Zack Meisel

Corrections will be printed E-mail letters to: on page 3.

Lindsey Swanson

Copy Chief:

Leah Wynalek

Campus Editor:

Sports Editor:

Asst. Sports

Allyson Kraemer

Arts & Life Editor:

Ryan Book

Asst. Arts & Life Editor:

Correction Letters to the Submissions editor Thesubmit Lantern corrects any sigTo a letter to the niÿcanteither error mail brought to the editor, or e-mail attention theyour staff. It you it. Pleaseofput name, think a correction is needed, address, phone number and please address e-mail Collin Binkley e-mail on the letter. If at binkley.44@buckeyemail. the editor decides to publish it, he or she will contact you to conÿrm your identity.

Managing Editor, design:


Danielle Hartman

Mail letters to: The Lantern Letters to the editor Journalism Building 242 W. 18th Ave. Columbus, OH 43210

Student Voice Editor:

Collin Binkley

Graphics Editor:

Molly Gray

Photo Editor:

Zach Tuggle

Asst. Photo Editor:

Joe Podelco

Multimedia Editor:

Andy Gottesman

Asst. Multimedia Editors:

Sam Johnson

Karissa Lam

Correction Submissions The Lantern corrects any signiÿcant error brought to the attention of the staff. If you think a correction is needed, please e-mail Collin Binkley at binkley.44@buckeyemail. Corrections will be printed in this space.

General Manager:

John Milliken

News Adviser:

Tom O’Hara 614.247.7030

Multimedia Adviser:

Leonardo Carrizo

Kotran from 1A

Photographer relying on media orgs, family support The First Amendment lawyer will work pro bono, Kotran said Monday, but “it looks like I’m going to have to end up paying out of my own pocket for the criminal attorney.” However, news of Kotran’s legal woes with the university published Tuesday on an in˜ uential website run by Jim Romenesko have solicited calls of support and donations from professional journalists. John Sullivan, an investigative reporter for The Philadelphia Inquirer, said he found out about the case on the website and e-mailed Lantern Editor-inChief Collin Binkley to offer support. “I think anybody who’s a journalist who reads this has concerns,” Sullivan said. He also said the editor of the Inquirer, Bill Marimow, a two-time Pulitzer Prize Winner, “is supportive of the student photographer’s right to take newsworthy photos and he is happy to make a contribution to his defense.” Kotran said he hasn’t even had a chance to talk prices with lawyers and said he doesn’t know if that is necessary yet. The Society of Professional Journalists, a national journalism trade organization, operates a fund to provide legal assistance to journalists. Clint Brewer, chair of the Legal Defense Fund committee, said he had spoken with Kotran about the case. “We’re gathering information,” he said, “but based on the information we do have, we encouraged him to apply.” Six members of the committee will vote on whether to approve the request after the organization’s legal team has processed it. Brewer said he believes Kotran is in the process of completing the formal request, and that it usually takes a couple days. The fund has been used for public records lawsuits and to challenge subpoenas as well as to pay for criminal defenses. And Brewer said requests for criminal defense are “unfortunately not as rare” as they once were. Still, Kotran said he is not counting on the legal defense fund “too much.”

“You know, I haven’t had much luck with committees it seems like,” he said. On Thursday The Lantern Publications Committee rejected a proposal to have the School of Communication pay Kotran’s legal fees. In addition, a Lantern article Tuesday reported that Jim Lynch, director of Media Relations, said the university could not generally provide legal help for criminal cases. The SPJ Legal Defense Fund “seems like … one of the few (options) I have left,” unless a criminal defense attorney will agree to take his case for free, Kotran said. The media lawyer was recommended by Lucy Dalglish, the executive director of the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press. O’Hara said he reached out to Dalglish when it became apparent that neither The Lantern nor the university would offer legal support. The Reporters Committee on Freedom of the Press is a nonproÿt organization that provides legal assistance to journalists. Dalglish said her organization has a “stable of First Amendment lawyers” that can go to work at a moment’s notice. But ÿnding an experienced criminal defense attorney to work pro bono could take weeks, she said. Dalglish also said the First Amendment issues remain unclear. The police “can treat journalists no better and certainly no worse than other people,” she said. If Kotran can prove the authorities “targeted him because he was a reporter, then that’s a problem,” she said. In addition to national media organizations, Kotran said he is also relying on family support. “My parents are deÿnitely going to be paying for anything that I need right now,” he said. But he said he is “disappointed” that the Publications Committee “didn’t actually come through in supporting” him. Meanwhile, Kotran said he still wants to work on the newspaper and is still taking photo assignments; but he had to reschedule one because he was meeting with his attorneys yesterday. “My qualm really isn’t with the newspaper so much as with the administrative people … the higher-ups,” he said. “They seem to be the people that are giving me trouble. Because Tom (O’Hara) and the rest of The Lantern staff have really been supportive.” 614.292.8634

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Tickets from 1A

Eric Luebke

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The Lantern is an interdisciplinary laboratory student publication which is part of the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, with four printed daily editions Monday through Thursday and one online edition on Friday. The Lantern is staffed by student editors, writers, photographers, graphic designers and multimedia producers. The Lantern’s daily operations are funded through advertising and its academic pursuits are supported by the School of Communication. Advertising in the paper is sold largely by student account executives. Students also service the classified department and handle front office duties. The School of Communication is committed to the highest professional standards for the newspaper in order to guarantee the fullest educational benefits from The Lantern experience. Enjoy one issue of The Lantern for free. Additional copies are 50¢


Ticket plan alumni presence without pitting groups against each other. The alumni proposal, amended on the spot by alumni member Bob Weiler, would increase the number of tickets for students at the early non-conference games from about 13,000 to about 15,500. But the proposal would slightly reduce the number of student tickets for the Big Ten games from 30,000 to about 28,000.

Though the change might seem small, one of the students’ main goals was maintaining 30,000 seats at Big Ten games. Danelle Wilbraham, a student member on the council, said it was “a give and take” because students had advocated for both more early non-conference games and maintaining Big Ten student ticket numbers. None of the four plans discussed would have changed allocation numbers for any of the groups or reduced revenue, according to Athletic Department ofÿcials at the meeting. In the end, the vote to accept

the alumni compromise was 13-0 with faculty member T.K. Daniel abstaining. Peter Koltak, a student council member, originally voted against debating the alumni plan because he was confused by it. But before the ÿnal vote, Koltak decided to vote for it and thanked alumni members for pushing a “compromise” plan. Wilbraham said the alumni plan would mostly beneÿt alumni by spreading their tickets out over the season, but remained fair to students and faculty and staff. Much of the preliminary

discussion was contentious, with football game attendance rates and Athletic Department revenue brought into the argument. “If we had proposed something that was going to create a ÿnancial disaster for the Athletic Department, I think we would have heard,” said Sharon West, chair of the Athletic Council. “So to raise the notion that we should be increasing revenue from this allocation plan is disingenuous.”

Third Frontier Program passed RICHARD OVIATT Lantern reporter With a 72,000 vote edge late Tuesday night, Issue 1 passed, meaning a $700 million dollar continuation of the Third Frontier Program, and likely millions of dollars for Ohio State. Started by the Taft administration in 2002 and embraced by current Gov. Ted Strickland, the Third Frontier Program was a 10-year, $1.4 billion program designed to expand Ohio’s technological research, development and commercialization. OSU has received $177 million from the program so far. In the months leading up to Tuesday’s vote, Gov. Strickland and President E. Gordon Gee championed the program’s success and campaigned for its continuation.

“All Ohio registered voters have the opportunity to help secure a brighter future for our state and our university system,” Gee said in an e-mail to students and faculty last week. Gee cited an independent study by SRI International, a nonproÿt research and development organization, headquartered in California, that says the program has generated 48,000 new jobs and 571 new companies since 2002. Additionally, approximately 3,000 internships have been granted to college students through the Third Frontier Internship program. In a conference call with The Lantern, Strickland emphasized how important the issue was to the state, which has lost 400,000 jobs in the past three years. “It’s important not just to the state’s future, but to the future of students,” he said. “We believe it is the most effective economic development and job creation tool available.”

Though the issue enjoyed largely bipartisan support, with just 13 out of 99 house members opposing it, there were still some vocal critics who called it “corporate welfare.” With Ohio facing an estimated $8 billion budget shortfall next year, the opposition felt $700 million more in government spending was irresponsible. Though taxes will not increase with its passage, Issue 1 is estimated to cost $217.6 million in interest payments. But after Ohioans cast their votes Tuesday, the opposition was again in the minority. With around $400 million left in the original funds, and now $700 million more on the way, the Third Frontier Program will continue funding technological research in the state, and at OSU. “It has proven effectiveness,” Strickland said. “And it is so important to our university communities.”

President Gee gives out faculty awards at Ohio Union SAMANTHA HECKATHORN Lantern reporter President E. Gordon Gee gave his semiannual address to the faculty and presented the 2010 Faculty Awards on Tuesday in the Ohio Union Performance Hall. “Ladies and gentlemen, on this extraordinary spring afternoon, in this most remarkable new facility, and standing before hundreds of gifted, accomplished colleagues, I am ÿlled with unparalleled optimism,” Gee said. “For our university’s future, the lives of the students we teach and nurture, our partners and friends, our communities, our state and our nation.”





PLEASE CALL TOLL-FREE (866) 739-8546 Wednesday May 5, 2010

Gee’s address, “Building a Vibrant University,” expressed the progress Ohio State is making and his concern with the impact the nation’s ÿnancial crisis is having on universities. The California State University System turned away 30,000 students this spring because of inadequate funding. Florida and Arizona also face devastating budget decisions, Gee said. His new mantra, partner or perish, means that partnerships with businesses, governments, parents and communities will keep OSU in good health. “I believe the unrelenting pursuit of deeper partnerships will be the deÿning characteristic of those institutions and organizations that thrive in the coming century,” Gee said. In the midst of dangerous cynicism and bias surrounding the entire political spectrum, Gee said OSU must step into the role of creating a national dialogue for multifaceted discussion. “We cannot allow the diatribe and venom to shackle our nation’s progress,” he said. “Our university was founded to enlarge individual opportunity, improve our communities and sustain democracy through expanded understanding.” Following Gee’s address, the ˜ oor was opened up for questions. Only one question was asked: “What is Ohio State’s single greatest challenge?” “(Ohio State’s) single greatest challenge is complacency,” Gee said. “This is a great university, but we need to continue to wake up everyday, pushing ourselves and pushing others.” Tim Gerber, chairman of the Faculty Council and a professor in the School of Music, said this address was different from previous years. “It’s different to hear him talk about where we need to go in the

future,” said Gerber, who introduced Gee before his address. “For him to call for this ‘true dialogue’ is very encouraging. If we don’t do it, who will?” Nineteen faculty members were honored for three different awards: 10 were honored for the Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, based on superior teaching; six were honored for the Distinguished Scholar Award, based on substantial research by senior professors; and three were honored for the Faculty Award for Distinguished University Service, based on contributions to the implementation of university policies. James H. Dial, an associate professor in the Department of Management and Human Resources, was an honoree for the Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching. Dial said it was a huge surprise when “Dr. Gee’s entourage” showed up to inform him of being a recipient for the award. His wife kept it a secret from him for two weeks. “It’s nice to be honored, but I ÿnd that teaching is its own reward,” Dial said. “Every day that I show up for class, I feel rewarded.” At the reception following the award ceremony, members of the OSU Percussion Ensemble provided lively vibraphone melodies while faculty talked with family members and colleagues. But Gee’s closing statement likely resonated among those who attended the speech. “At the end of each day and each week, we must ask ourselves what we have done to advance the university’s great possibilities,” he said. “And in so doing, we will create, together, the university of the American future.”

9A 3A XX

student voice

Lantern editorial board backs photographer Staff members commend Kotran, ask school to provide legal counsel for journalists, urge police not to press charges Editorial

First proposal to committee

The front page of The Lantern today is, in many ways, a tribute to free speech. Adorning our retrospective on the 1970 campus riots are striking photos of a chaotic campus, taken by courageous photojournalists who got between armed guards and hostile students to get the shot and tell the story. Alongside that article, we publish an story documenting the overwhelming support that the journalistic community and others have given to Lantern photographer Alex Kotran. Thanks to that support, along with university officials who were willing to make the right decision, he will not face criminal charges. Kotran’s saga began April 21 when he was handcuffed and detained while taking photographs of a pair of cows that escaped on campus and ran amok for hours. Police said he put himself in harm’s way and threatened to charge him with criminal trespass, even though he obeyed the police each time they told him to move. Although he won’t face charges, a statement from a university official said his behavior will be reviewed by the Office of Student Life, which houses the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. He could still face a panel that has the power to expell him. We are confident, though, that university officials will find no wrongdoing on Kotran’s part. Voices of sound authority across the country have spoken out to support Kotran, including former Washington Post editor Leonard Downie and Frank LoMante, executive director of the Student Press Law Center. Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner and editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer Bill Marimow offered to donate to Kotran’s defense. One of the strongest of Kotran’s defenders has been the Lantern’s adviser, Tom O’Hara, a veteran journalist who served as managing editor of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland. At a meeting of the OSU School of Communication’s Publication Committee last week, O’Hara proposed resolutions to commend Kotran, to recommend that the school offer legal counsel to Lantern staff members, and to urge police not to charge Kotran or subject him to disciplinary action. Although none of the resolutions passed, The Lantern editorial board has unanimously agreed to support Kotran and all three proposals. It’s disheartening for young journalists to see their colleagues barred from doing their jobs. It is vital to the future of the press to encourage reporters and photographers to pursue important information and take advantage of their rights. That’s why The Lantern staff has thrown its support fully behind Kotran and the rights of journalists across the country.

The committee commends the behavior of Lantern photographer Alex Kotran on April 21. Kotran displayed initiative when he learned that cows were running loose on the athletic fields next to Lincoln Tower. He went to his dorm, got his photography equipment and went to the scene to get photographs for the newspaper. He kept a safe distance from the cows and did not endanger himself or the people who were trying to capture the cows. When confronted by a woman from the College of Agriculture who told him he could not take photographs, he correctly informed her that he was on public property and was within his rights to shoot photos of the efforts to capture the cows. When confronted by OSU Police Officer William Linton at the same location, Kotran again explained that he was on public property and should be allowed to take photographs. When Linton ordered Kotran to leave the location, Kotran complied and moved to another site where he continued to take photographs for the newspaper. Kotran continued to demonstrate initiative by going to a second scene outside Vivian Hall. While keeping a safe distance from the cow and the officials who were trying to capture her, Kotran again began taking photos. When told by another police officer to move from that site, Kotran again complied. When Linton detained and handcuffed Kotran, he remained calm and civil and cooperated with the officer. After he was released, Kotran went to another location and continued to take photographs for the newspaper. The committee commends him for his initiative, doggedness, civility and maturity under difficult circumstances.

Second proposal to committee

The Publications Committee recommends that the School of Communication institute a policy of providing legal representation to Lantern staffers when needed. In the course of gathering and presenting news, journalists often need legal help. Public officials illegally refuse to provide public records or access to public meetings. Judges illegally close court proceedings. Authorities illegally block journalists from news scenes, confiscate their equipment, detain or even arrest them while they are trying to do their work. It is not uncommon.

The subjects of stories or photographs file civil suits against news organizations when they are not happy with the coverage. In all of these cases, the journalists need skilled legal help. The committee urges the School of Communications to establish procedures that will enable Lantern editors to get such help when needed.

Support for Kotran

I can understand the budget issues involved. But budget issues aside, in every other way, the school should be fully supportive of the student journalist.

Third proposal to committee The Lantern’s Publications Committee urges Ohio State University Police Chief Paul Denton not to file any criminal charge against Lantern photographer Alex Kotran for his conduct on the afternoon of April 21. Further, the Publications Committee urges Denton not to refer Kotran to any disciplinary unit at Ohio State. On the afternoon of April 21, Kotran learned that cows were running loose on the athletic fields next to Lincoln Tower. He went to the scene to get photographs for the newspaper. He kept a safe distance from the cows and did not endanger himself or the people who were trying to capture the cows. When confronted by a woman from the College of Agriculture who told him he could not take photographs, he correctly informed her that he was on public property and was within his rights to shoot photos of the efforts to capture the cows. When confronted by OSU Police Officer William Linton at the same location, Kotran again explained that he was on public property and should be allowed to take photographs. When Linton ordered Kotran to leave the location, Kotran complied and moved to another site where he continued to take photographs for the newspaper. Kotran next went to the scene outside Vivian Hall. While keeping a safe distance from the cow and the officials who were trying to capture her, Kotran again began taking photos. When told by another police officer to move from that site, Kotran again complied. When Linton detained and handcuffed Kotran, he cooperated with Officer Linton. At no time did Kotran endanger himself or others nor did he hinder university staff who where trying to capture the cows. He complied both times University Police ordered him to move from where he was shooting photographs.

Leonard Downie Jr. former executive editor of The Washington Post

My strong prediction would be that someone higher up in the university will recognize that this was a terrible mistake by the police and work to make it right.

Frank LoMante

executive director of the Student Press Law Center

Editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer and twotime Pulitzer Prize-winner Bill Marimow “is supportive of the student photographer’s right to take newsworthy photos and he is happy to make a contribution to his defense.” John Sullivan staff writer, Philadelphia Inquirer

We stand with you, Alex Kotran, cow photographer. The Ohio State University police should know: the world is watching (you shoot at cows).

” Since when does cheating solve marriage problems?

New York City-based media blog

Columbus website encourages spouses to have an affair; creator says cheating can make spouses ‘better partners’ LANTERN Columnist

In 2000, the Kinsey Institute found that 11 percent of people cohabitating or married cheated. Furthermore, the divorce rate in 2007 was almost 40 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. See, I want to think that there are people in the world, like me, who naively believe in love. Who believe that two people can be together and be partners if they want to. Unfortunately, normal EVERDEEN MASON dating has gone by the wayside, sleeping around is common, and cheating, which used to be unthinkable, is coming to be the norm. Cheating is made super easy by a Columbus-based dating website. “Life is short. Have an affair,” is the motto of Columbus website, People can meet others who want to have an affair anonymously. According to Steph Davidson, a spokesman for the site, about 30 percent of people on dating websites are in relationships. Creator of Noel Biderman saw dollar signs. “I am an entrepreneur; my role is to fill a market demand. does exactly that,” he said in an e-mail. The promotional e-mail from says there is a market for it, especially from women. Apparently, many a lonely

housewife or career woman is lacking affection from her cold, unresponsive husband. She must satisfy her passions elsewhere. Sounds like the plot from a low-budget porno to me. Why not just break up with that person and start anew? Would that be too logical? Biderman says cheating can actually save relationships. “For those people in sexless marriages (who did not sign up for that), then yes, having the cathartic outlet of a lover can and will make them better partners, parents, bosses, employees, etc. by removing the major stress in their lives – NO SEX.” So … people should deal with a ruined marriage by ruining it more? Why not address the real problem: that people don’t think things through before they get committed. Biderman brings up good points — that there are a lot of factors in breaking up that make it hard to leave. It’s hard to leave someone or your family and financial situations, and overall there is going to be a lot of pain involved. But cheating is just a selfish way of satisfying yourself and not caring about the others involved. has gotten many responses, from thank you notes to actual threats of violence. Biderman tries to respond to these personally. He said he doesn’t want people to lash out at his site because “failing to be accountable for your own life will truly not get you where you want to be.” Huh. That’s funny, coming from a person who advocates infidelity as a way to escape from dealing with the issues of a bad marriage. Tell me what you think. I want someone to explain to me the point of cheating, because I just don’t get it.

Illustration courtesy of MCT

Fear of U.S. decline is exaggeration of small problems LANTERN Columnist DAVID DAWSON

“Whether we like it or not,” the president remarked at his recent nuclear proliferation conference, “we remain a dominant military superpower.” His phrasing suggests weariness, almost like the status is all too much. Why fight to hold on to our supremacy, when all it leads to is war, terrorism and recession? Most people seem to think it’s not something we’ll have to worry about for much longer anyway. The popular sentiment is that the era of American superpower is coming to a close. Liberals like the president will

say “good riddance.” Conservatives will wonder what the world will do without America’s guiding light. Both will be wrong. I find it hard to believe that our country is in decline. The American economy represents about 30 percent of the world’s wealth, an incredible number considering we’re less than 5 percent of the world population. No nation in history has ever enjoyed the military superiority of the U.S. We have control of every ocean and airspace. Our soldiers are the best trained and most technologically advanced by

miles. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan drain morale, but is our hegemony changed by them? But most importantly, now and in the future, the iron laws of demographics are on our side. By 2050, America will add 100 million new people. Some will be born here (at a rate exceeding most other powerful countries, including China) and many will immigrate here by choice. Our population will be young, wealthy and highly educated, eager to shape the world, and to do so profitably. Meanwhile, Europe and

Russia will have lost population, and will have gotten older. China and India will have gotten richer but will struggle to apply that wealth to their massive poverty problems. The Middle East will be much more powerful, but it’s not certain it can make the needed political and societal changes to become a real force to contend with. American power is increasing, not the other way around. No matter what kind of president or Congress is elected, the American Empire is going to stay involved in world affairs,

not by choice, but by geopolitical necessity. In war, technology, culture, entrepreneurship and even morality, the world will continue to follow our lead. But the pessimism about our future will not abate either. It will always be beneficial to overstate relatively small problems, insisting on immediate action. Americans are greatly excited about short-term issues but have difficulty conceptualizing the long-term. People will always expect the sky to begin falling, when in reality the good times are on their way.

Do you think American power is waning? Comment at



Wednesday May 5, 2010


Wednesday May 5, 2010

thelantern concert schedule WEDNESDAY Adult Swim Presents: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Live 7 pm @ The LC Pavilion Tim Be Told 7 pm @ Bar of Modern Art

THURSDAY Trevor Hall 7 pm @ Newport Music Hall

FRIDAY Rockstar Energy Drink Presents The AP Tour 6 pm @ Newport Music Hall Machine Gun Kelly 6 pm @ Alrosa Villa


event combines artwork and wine

Aqualung 8 pm @ The Basement One Eye Theory 9 pm @ Ravari Room

SATURDAY DF Spring Showcase 5 pm @ A&R Music Bar Robbing Zombie 6 pm @ Alrosa Villa Whitey Morgan and the 78’s 9 pm @ The Summit Peter Serkin plays Brahms 8 pm @ Ohio Theatre

SUNDAY Gold Motel featuring Greta from The Hush Sound and members of This is Me Smiling and Family of the Year 7 pm @ The Basement Winterpills 9 pm @ The Summit Peter Serkin plays Brahms 3 pm @ Ohio Thatre

Photo courtesy of the Columbus Museum of Art

JaMI JUrICH Lantern reporter Visitors to the Columbus Museum of Art will get a taste of art Thursday evening during Uncorked! Uncorked!, a monthly social event, features food and wine selections inspired by an artist or piece of art. One of the museum’s curators will provide a brief background for the art as part of the event. This month’s presentation will feature the painting “New York Series” by American modernist artist John Marin, who is known for his paintings of New York landscapes. “New York Series” was recently acquired by the museum. The featured artwork each month is chosen by the curator giving the presentation. The museum is rotating the curators each month to add variety, said Pam Edwards, a director at the Columbus Museum of Art. The curators choose the art based on what they think the audience will appreciate, Edwards said.

Along with the curator’s presentation on the painting, the night will feature food and drink selections inspired by New York in the 1920s, keeping in theme with the painting, Edwards said. Edwards said the wines include a Buehler Cabernet Sauvignon, Laurel Glen ZaZin and Von Buhl “Jazz” Reisling, which was named after the Maria Schneider Jazz Orchestra in New York City. The food includes selections such as oysters Rockefeller, crimini mushroom strudel, a Caprese salad and Kona-crusted flank steak with bleu cheese, Edwards said. The event is open to people of all ages, but Edwards suggested that attendees be at least 21 years old so they can fully enjoy the wine part of the program. “You could come if you’re not 21, but you couldn’t drink, so it wouldn’t be much fun,” Edwards said. This month, the event will also feature pianist Mark Lugge, whose music will tie into the 1920s New York City theme, Edwards said in an e-mail. Edwards, who plans all the special events at the museum, said she got the

continued as Uncorked on 6A

The Schott gets big acts for Fall Quarter ZaCH aSMan Lantern reporter Next fall, the Schottenstein Center will feature a variety of the old and the new with two big-name concerts. October will feature the rare sight of Roger Waters of Pink Floyd performing his 30th anniversary tour for the band’s landmark album, “The Wall.” Later, in November, English band Muse will come to Columbus to perform. “We try to go after anything that’s out there touring,” said Leslie Lane, director of marketing for the Schottenstein Center. “We try to bring a variety of events, so those were both tours that were out there.” At the Waters show, he will be performing the famous Pink Floyd album, one that has been performed live in its entirety only 31 times. “The music of the 70s and 80s is often rediscovered,” Lane said. “If you are into the old Pink Floyd and that sound, he’s the author of that album, which was extremely famous, then you would want to come check it out.”

Waters revealed that the show would take on a lot of updated similarities to the old Pink Floyd shows. One of the show’s focal points will be a 240-by-35-foot wall on the main stage. Throughout the show, the wall is gradually knocked down until it is gone. The show will be co-promoted by Live Nation. Tickets will go on sale Monday. After its release in 1979, “The Wall” went on to top the 1980 Billboard 200, going platinum 23 times. The album took home a Grammy in 1980 and was adapted into a film in 1982. While Waters certainly adds a feeling of nostalgia to the venue’s lineup, Muse comes in as a hot band reaching a new level of popularity. “Muse is kind of catching on in the states,” Lane said. “It’s kind of at a little turning point where they’re becoming more popular.” Muse was nominated at the 2009 MTV Europe Music Award for Best Alternative Act. In addition, it was also nominated for an NME Award for Best Live Band. As for a stage show, Lane said there will be one, but she is not certain about the specifics.

continued as Schott on 6A

Ohio State students teach middle schoolers art of film JaCoB BroWnInG Lantern reporter Thirty Rosemore Middle School students stay behind after the school day is over. They are enrolled in an after school program where they are helped with homework and team-building exercises. Their latest project is to create their own feature film. For months, these students have been working on a film titled “Did You Hear?” The young adults have been in charge of almost the entire production. Acting, writing, producing and everything short of dealing with the filming equipment have been done by these young filmmakers. The program in charge of this task is called KIDSConnect VIVARAP. Michaela Taylor, the project manager who has been with the group for seven years, said the experience has been beneficial. “It empowers them,” Taylor said. “They see they can create something from a simple idea to a huge project like this, and know they’ve been a part of it throughout the entire process.” Two groups from Ohio State helped the middle school students. Reel Buckeye and The Film & Video Society are two film-tech savvy groups of OSU students who assisted in filming and editing “Did You Hear?” Four OSU students were involved in the project. They met with the young adults days before filming to get acquainted. Jarred Kaiser, who helped shoot and is the president of Reel Buckeye, said he enjoyed working with the kids. This was his second time helping KIDSConnect with their film project.

“The kids are awesome,” Kaiser said. “They’re great to work with and they’re really professional. Some of the kids were really good actors and surprised me a lot.” During breaks from filming, the middle school students learned some basics about filming, such as novice camera skills. Later in the process, when credits were being worked on, the Rosemore students were taken to OSU. They saw the studios OSU filmmakers use and how certain scenes can be edited. At the beginning of the program process, Rosemore students brainstormed for the theme of their film. Taylor said the film focuses on social responsibilities, incorporating topics of teen relationships and the effect a mentor can have in their lives. She also mentioned how the filming process itself, has helped the students in a similar fashion. “They’re working with a diverse group of peers,” Taylor said. “They’re working with each other from different cultures, and they really have to learn how to accept each other, work with each other and respect each other. That’s really important for students today and in this age group.” “Did You Hear?” will be shown in the Gateway Film Center in South Campus. When the movie is shown in the theater, a red carpet will be laid out past the lobby for the young stars to have their pictures taken. The event is free for the public, and students from the KIDSConnect program who are from schools not involved with the film will also be invited. Jennifer Kam, assistant professor at OSU’s School of Communication, will lead a question-andanswer session. On the discussion panel will be both Rosemore and OSU students involved with the film. The event will take place at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

Photo courtesy of KIDSConnect VIVAWRAP

ohio State students from the reel Buckeye and the Film & video Society organizations worked with KIDSConnect vIv araP to help local middle schoolers with creating their own feature fi lm.


arts&life Local musicians uniting at Union for Hunger Alliance Mallor y trelea ven Lantern reporter Five organizations on campus will collaborate to help fight hunger through the Feed Ohio’s Future benefit concert. The event will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Union’s Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom. All proceeds will be donated to The Children’s Hunger Alliance of Ohio. The concert will include performances from Theophilus London, CJ Townsend and P. Blackk, Stretch Lefty and Bassel. Alpha Kappa Psi and Alpha Phi Omega, a helped plan the event by handling the business and service aspect of the project. Responsibility for the music and production side of the show was shared by Music Entertainment Student Associates,

Musicians Collective and Young Musicians Charity Organization. Project coordinator for the event Bassel Al-Madani said the entire group met every Sunday to prepare for the show. “Last year was our start-up year,” Al-Madani said. “We have way more student resources this year.” One of those resources is university funds. Al-Madani said with all the funds accounted for, it left more time open for planning rather than fundraising. But the event faced some obstacles. “We have had to switch the event date, location, and almost lost our artists,” Al-Madani said. But that only made those involved care more, he said. The biggest of these obstacles was securing the Ohio Union, Al-Madani said. He said there was a lot of competition for the venue.

“Despite the hundreds of events the Union does every day, when it came down to it, they supported us to make sure we have a successful event,” Al-Madani said. Al-Madani emphasized that everyone involved has a passion for the cause. “This year, the bands really have a vested interest in the benefit,” Al-Madani said. Organizers for the event considered many charities. Al-Madani said going with a smaller charity offered the group a better opportunity for a larger impact. Al-Mandani praised the selection of musicians who will perform at the show. “All of the groups are extremely versatile,” Al-Madani said. “They can get any type of crowd excited.” The concert will open with Bassel. Bassel has an indie-folk style, Al-Mandani said.

“The rest of the show has mostly MCs or DJs,” Al-Madani said. The goal in choosing artists was to bring in groups who have a good following and can also perform well in the ballroom, Al-Madani said. There will be merchandise for sale. Al-Madani also said he is hoping a speaker from The Children’s Hunger Alliance will come and say a few words to kick off the event. With a fundraising goal of $5,000 to $7,000, Al-Madani said he is certain the event will have a large impact on The Children’s Hunger Alliance. The project does not stop after the concert. The members of each of the five sponsoring organizations will be going to the West Side Boys and Girls Club to help with any repairs to the facility. Al-Mandani said, “It’s really important to see the direct impact that you’re making through the money you raise.”

Uncorked from 5A


event at Art Museum offers art and hors d’oeurves idea for Uncorked! because visitors to the museum enjoy the food at such events. “I just know how much people love to eat and drink, so I thought this would add to the art,” Edwards said. “Folks that might not come for the art on their own might be enticed to come because of the food and the wine, so it’s a way to get people to come enjoy the art.” This month’s Uncorked! will be the second in the monthly series. Edwards said the first event, held last month, was very popular. She thinks everyone enjoyed the food, wine and presentation. Uncorked! events are currently scheduled through December, but Edwards said if the event remains popular, the museum will continue the event into next year. Uncorked! takes place at the Columbus Museum of Art from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month. It is open to the public, and tickets cost $20 for Columbus Museum of Art members and $25 per person for nonmembers.

Schott from 5A

English rock

band is one of several big acts visiting Schottenstein Center in fall. “I do know there is an interesting stage setup but I can’t really give you anymore detail on that without making that up,” Lane said. Tickets for the Muse concert went on sale last week. The concert is being co-promoted with Frank Productions. As for other concerts at the venue this upcoming fall, Lane said they are still looking to add some shows to the lineup. “We’re always adding shows,” Lane said. “We do expect to make some other announcements here shortly.” In addition to the two concerts, the Schottenstein Center will also host a pre-season basketball game featuring the Cleveland Cavaliers against the Milwaukee Bucks. This will be the third-consecutive year the Cavaliers come to Columbus.

Not really a big Muse fan, huh? What musical acts do you want OUAB and the Schott to try to get? Weigh in at 6A

Wednesday May 5, 2010


Wednesday May 5, 2010

thelantern upcoming WEDNESDAY

Home run surge powers Clippers to win

Baseball v. Louisville 2:05pm @ OSU

THURSDAY Women’s Golf: Round 1 NCAA West Regional 9am @ Stanford, Calif. Men’s Volleyball: vs. Stanford NCAA Championships Semifinals 11pm @ Stanford, Calif. Women’s Lacrosse v. Penn State ALC Tournament 3pm @ OSU

FRIDAY Women’s Golf: Round 2 NCAA West Regional 1:25pm @ Stanford, Calif. Men’s Track and Field: Billy Hayes Meet TBA @ Bloomington, Ind. Baseball v. Illinois 6:35pm @ OSU Women’s Lacrosse v. TBA ALC Tournament 3pm @ OSU

SATURDAY Women’s Golf: Round 3 NCAA West Regional TBA @ Stanford, Calif. Men’s Volleyball: vs. TBA NCAA Championships Finals 7pm @ Stanford, Calif. Men’s Lacrosse v. North Carolina 12pm @ Chapel Hill, N.C. Baseball v. Illinois 1:05pm @ OSU Women’s Lacrosse v. TBA ALC Tournament 2pm @ OSU Softball v. Penn State 2pm @ University Park, Pa.

SUNDAY Baseball v. Illinois 1:05pm @ OSU Softball v. Penn State 1pm @ University Park, Pa.

Buckeye Briefs ALLY KRAEMER Assistant sports editor The Ohio State-Purdue football game is set for 12 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3 in Ohio Stadium and is the 2010 Homecoming game for OSU. The Buckeyes will seek revenge after falling to the Boilermakers last season 26-18. Men’s volleyball senior Ted Schoenfeldt was named the Sports Imports/AVCA Division I-II National Player of the Week for the second time in his career and was named Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association Offensive Player of the Week. Schoenfeldt added three kills in the ÿfth set of the MIVA Tournament to secure the victory over Loyola-Chicago, giving the Buckeyes an automatic bid to the NCAA Championship semiÿnals. Schoenfeldt recorded a career-high 12 blocks in the same match. Mik Berzins was named the Midwestern Intercollegiate Volleyball Association Defensive Player of the Week for the third time this season. Berzins recorded a .985 serve receptions percentage in the MIVA Tournament. The No. 4 men’s tennis team will face Western Michigan in the ÿrst round of the NCAA tournament May 14-16. The American Lacrosse Conference named Annie Carruthers Goalie of the Year Tuesday. Carruthers’ 22 saves against Northwestern ranks her in second-most career saves of any NCAA goalie in 2010. Carruthers and Kelly Haggerty were named All-ALC First Team, and Alayna Markwordt earned second-team honors.

Columbus 7

Syracuse 5

TRAVIS KOZEK Lantern reporter The Columbus Clippers ended their 10-game homestand on a high note Tuesday afternoon with a 7-5 win over the Syracuse Chiefs. Failing to hit any home runs in their previous four games, the Clippers put that trend to rest, generating all seven of their runs via the long ball. “You can’t always rely on the long ball, but when it does happen it’s nice,” said Clippers manager Mike Sarbaugh. After a late scratch of Columbus ace Carlos

Carrasco per the Cleveland Indians’ request, reliever Mike Gosling was thrust into the rotation last minute to man the mound for the Clippers. Despite the abrupt change in plans, the move did not seem to rattle the Clippers, and Sarbaugh was pleased with the job Gosling was able to do on such short notice. “He was huge,” Sarbaugh said. “We needed some length out of him and he was able to give us four (innings) — that’s the longest he has gone all year. That was really big for us.” After allowing a run in a shaky top of the ÿrst, the Clippers bats responded with four runs of their own in the bottom half of the inning courtesy of two 2-run home runs from Shelley Duncan and Chris Gimenez. “For them to get one early and then for us to come back and get that big inning in the ÿrst, it got us momentum,” Sarbaugh said. “Anytime you can get that early lead it’s always beneÿcial.” For Duncan, his home run in the ÿrst was just the beginning of what would prove to be a career day for the designated hitter. Syracuse clawed back to tie the game at four thanks to a string of sixth-inning singles. However, its share of the lead would be short-lived because the next inning, Duncan was at it again.

Following a Trevor Crowe double and a Carlos Santana walk, Duncan stepped to the plate and drove the ball over the left ÿeld fence for his second homer of the afternoon and a 7-4 Clippers advantage. “I saw the ball well,” Duncan said. “The one thing I have been really trying to focus on is keeping my head on the ball and see the barrel hit it.” That’s exactly what Duncan did all afternoon, going 4-for-4 with two home runs and 5 RBIs. Duncan’s seventh-inning blast proved to be the difference as the Clippers’ bullpen was able to close out the ÿnal two innings, allowing just one run to take the game and the series. Following its ÿrst day off tomorrow in nearly a month, the team will pack its bags and hit the road to play 16 of its next 20 contests away from Huntington Park. “It’s part of the game. Wherever you’re playing, you come in, strap it on and keep working hard,” Sarbaugh said. “It’s nice to be at home but its just part of it and the players have to adjust.” The Clippers will start their road trip in Lehigh Valley at 7:05 p.m. Thursday night when they take on the Iron Pigs.

The waiting game Carlos Santana, the top prospect in the Cleveland Indians’ organization, continues to hit while awaiting a call-up KIRK MCELROY Lantern reporter The Cleveland Indians have had a rough start to the 2010 season with a 10-14 record, and many fans are ready to see if some of the top prospects from the Class AAA Columbus Clippers can make a difference. The player who many are eager to see in an Indians uniform is Columbus Clippers catcher Carlos Santana. In 2008, Santana was acquired along with pitcher Jon Meloan in a trade with the Los Angeles Dodgers for Casey Blake. Santana, a switch-hitter, has proven to be valuable on offense and defense for the Clippers and is considered the top prospect in the Indians’ organization. Offensively, Santana has started off the 2010 season with a .324 batting average, ÿve home runs, and 22 RBIs. “I think he has a really great bat,” Clippers inÿelder Brian Bixler said. “He’s a great player. He has a plan when he’s at the plate and you can see that.” Santana leads the team in walks, home runs, RBIs and on-base percentage, and was the International League Player of the Week in his ÿrst week with the Clippers. “Right now, I’m happy to be thought of as a top prospect,” Santana said. “I’m continuing to put in the hard work especially on the defensive end.” Last year, Santana played for the Class AA Akron Aeros, for which he hit .290 with 23 home runs and 97 RBIs. Santana was named the MVP of the Eastern League in 2009, becoming only the third Aero to earn the award along with Jordan Brown and Victor Martinez. This was his second-straight league MVP award as he earned

ANDY GOTTESMAN / Lantern photographer

Clippers catcher Carlos Santana walks off the field after tagging out a runner at the plate during Sunday’s win over Syracuse.

Cleveland Indians top prospects (as ranked by Baseball America) rlos 1. Ca na, C t n Sa a

2. Lon Chisennie hall, 3 B

3. Nick Hagadone, P

4. Jas Knapp on ,P

ael 5. Mich y, OF Brantle

6. Nick Weglarz, OF

r 7. Hecto, P Rondon

8. Carlo Carrasc s o, P

9. Alex P White,

10. Jaso Kipnis, 2 n B/OF

continued as Santana on 2B

Senior infielder on the upswing after subpar season in ‘09 JOSHUA A. DAVIDSON Lantern reporter On April 25, third baseman Cory Rupert belted a pitch off Penn State pitcher Ryan Ignas over the leftÿeld wall for a home run. Rupert’s long ball was one of six runs the Buckeyes scored in the loss, but it was also a snapshot of how Rupert does everything in his power to help his team win. Rupert, one of eight seniors on this year’s baseball team, is putting together his best campaign in his fouryear career for the Scarlet and Gray. However, Rupert’s track has not always been easy, as he has weathered many highs and lows while playing for the Buckeyes.

As a freshman, the Mansÿeld, Ohio, native instantly earned playing time at shortstop for the Buckeyes. Starting for a perennial Big Ten power would be nerve racking for any freshman, much less Rupert, who came from a high school with an enrollment of about 800. “It was exciting and nerve racking at the same time, coming here as a freshman and being put at short,” Rupert said. “I just went out there and tried to help the team out as best I could.” Rupert handled the pressure well and had a great freshman season, which led to increased playing time during his sophomore campaign. In his second year in the program, he moved to third, where he made 39 starts for the Buckeyes. As a sophomore, Rupert was one of the Buckeyes’ most productive offensive players. However, as a

Cory Rupert, No. 10 Senior, infielder Avg.










junior, he was, in a sense, demoted, as his starts were reduced from 48 the previous year to 33. As the

continued as Rupert on 2B 1B

sports Santana from 1B

No timetable

for catcher’s promotion to MLB MVP of the California League in 2008. While he spent the ÿnal six weeks of the 2008 season with the Class A Kinston Indians in the Carolina League, he ÿnished second in the California League with a .323 batting average. He also had 96 RBIs, 69 walks and a .431 on-base percentage. The Indians hope that Santana can step in and produce as they try to replace departed catchers Victor Martinez and Kelly Shoppach. Martinez was traded last July for pitching prospects Justin Masterson, Nick Hagadone and Bryan Price. Martinez, who played for the Indians for eight seasons, consistently hit for power and a strong batting average. Shoppach was traded to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays after

Rupert from 1B


saved best season for last season wore on, his playing time continued to diminish, and his offense struggled accordingly. “It was deÿnitely hard on me,” Rupert said. “I started the ÿrst 20-some games and after that I was pretty much a role guy from the dugout. It took a while getting used to. I’m not going to say I liked it. It was really tough. But when I got in there I tried to do the best I could.” Like any competitive athlete, Rupert wanted to be on the ÿeld helping his team but accepted his role and helped his team as much as possible from the sidelines when he wasn’t playing. His teammates and coaches describe him as a great team player and a high-quality character. Those traits allowed Rupert to stay positive and ÿll in wherever needed.

the 2009 season for pitchers Saul Rivera and Mitch Talbot. Shoppach showed some promise for the Indians, batting .261 with 21 home runs in 2008. The Indians have featured two catchers this season, Lou Marson and Mike Redmond. Marson has received the majority of the playing time and has a .224 batting average, with no home runs or RBIs in 16 games played. Redmond has a .233 batting average with two RBIs and no home runs in nine games. Although Santana has only played catcher for three years, he has proven to have the talent and arm strength to contribute from the position. He previously had played third base and outÿeld. “It’s a great feeling as a pitcher to have somebody back there with a really good arm, and knowing that you have somebody behind the plate that will give you a good chance of throwing a runner out if you

make a bad pitch,” Clippers relief pitcher Jess Todd said. In spring training with the Indians, Santana batted .250 in eight games, but was sent to the Clippers for the start of the season to improve his defense. “I think I’m having a good season,” Santana said. “I’m just working with the pitchers and trying to improve at gamecalling. After playing with the Indians in spring training, I feel comfortable with their pitchers. I know what kind of arms they have and some of their pitches so I would be comfortable with them.” There has been no word of a possible call-up to the Indians at this point in the season, even given the struggles of Marson and Redmond. For now, Clippers fans have an opportunity to watch one of baseball’s top prospects in a minor league uniform, Clippers manager Mike Sarbaugh said. “He’s here until further notice.”

“Wherever the coaches want me to play, that’s ÿne with me. As long as I’m playing, I’m happy,” Rupert said. “I’m just out there to help the team. If I’m not playing that day I’ll be in the dugout cheering on my teammates.” Rupert returned for his senior season with a renewed vigor and has found himself back in the starting lineup for OSU. This season, the right-hander’s role has been reversed. He has developed into the everyday third baseman for the Buckeyes and has started all 12 conference games. Coach Bob Todd believes Rupert’s experience played a big role in his development. “One of the things for Cory Rupert is he really started to mature,” Todd said. “I think that there have been a lot of things he needed to do to kind of understand how to play the game a little better.” Rupert has certainly learned, as this season is by far his best at the

plate. He has the highest on-base percentage on the team and the team’s second highest batting average. The third baseman credits his consistent playing time with his offensive explosion. “Last year I wasn’t in the lineup everyday,” Rupert said. “It’s kind of tough to get on a roll when you’re not playing everyday. And it’s my fourth year. Being a senior, I know what to expect now. Being in the lineup everyday and having the experience deÿnitely helps.” If Rupert continues to be as productive as he has been this season, there’s no question he will be a mainstay for the Buckeyes at third base. He has reached base in all 25 of his starts this season and will look to continue that streak this week against foes Marshall and Michigan. “I’m glad to be back in the lineup everyday,” Rupert said. “I just go out there and do the best I can and hopefully I can stay in the lineup the rest of the year.”


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Wednesday May 5, 2010

diversions Crossword Los Angeles Times, Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Sudoku by The Mepham Group ©2009

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Doodle-a-day we started it, so how will you finish it?

ACROSS 1 Final Four org. 5 Bedouin homes 10 Bed board 14 The enemy 15 Saved on supper, one would hope 16 Hot spot connection 17 Bondman 18 Mule or burro 20 Relief provider 22 Place with trails and trams 23 B&O et al. 25 Cousin of -trix 26 Where to see racquets 32 “Aladdin” prince 35 Ilsa __, Bergman’s “Casablanca” role 36 Game ender, at times 37 Put on, as cargo 39 “Ouch!” 41 Backstabber 42 A-list 43 Use, as a cot 44 Dart through the air 46 Island rings 47 Financial statement abbr. 48 Daring diamond device 51 “Turandot” slave girl 52 Arthur Godfrey played it 53 Earlier today, say

59 And the following, in a bibliog. 63 Impromptu jazz performance 65 South African Peace Nobelist 66 “Rent-__”: Reynolds/Minnelli film 67 Parishioner’s pledge 68 Poet Pound 69 Katharine of “The Graduate” 70 Flippant 71 Bassoon, e.g. DOWN 1 Airline investigative org. 2 “Moonstruck” Oscar winner 3 Sleek, for short 4 Feature of a new car 5 Beer source 6 Flight data, briefly 7 Post-Thanksgiving soup starter 8 “Kon-__” 9 Trapper 10 Deli platter cheese 11 One might pick you up at an airport 12 Way off 13 Lean 19 Get cozy 21 RN workplaces 24 Reaction to a library volume? 26 With cunning 27 Ring used in a horseshoelike

game 28 Single 29 Greek vacation isle 30 Papal vestment 31 Set free 32 “Farewell, mon ami” 33 Grant entrée to 34 In other words, to Brutus 38 Completely recovered 40 Store, as fodder 45 Shih __: Tibetan dog 49 Pursuits 50 Struggle to make, with “out” 51 Struggles with sibilants 53 When it’s __: answer to an old riddle about a door 54 City SSW of Dallas 55 Managed care gps. 56 __ Minor 57 Skedaddles 58 July 4th sounds 60 Financial advisor Orman 61 French 101 verb 62 One of a four in a nursery 64 Marshal at Waterloo

Horoscopes by Nancy Black and Stephanie Clements, ©2010 Tribune Media Services Inc. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY This year, your desire for independence could create problems where group efforts are concerned. However, you have a delightful communication style that convinces others that you have their needs in mind. Love given will be returned in unique ways. To get the advantage, check the day’s rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. ARIES March 21 – April 19 Today is a 6 -- If you’re willing to talk about your personal resources, someone will share insights to help solve a problem. Get agreement from everyone in the group.

ix ure m ult Re C

2 wntown

Do e c n a


MAY 7 – 8, 2010 8pm

Riffe Center’s Capit 77 South High St. ol Theatre in Columbus, Ohio

VIRGO Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 Today is a 5 -- To succeed independently, first solidify relationships within your peer group. You’ll get twice as far with your friends behind you.

Tickets $20 General Admission $10 Seniors, Student ID, BuckID, children under 12

LIBRA Sept. 23–Oct. 22 Today is a 5 -- You want to find the perfect gift for someone you haven’t seen recently. It’s hard to know what this person might need, so pick something you might like yourself.

CAPA: (614) 469-0939 OSU Theatre Box Office: (614) 292-2295 or visit

SCORPIO Oct. 23 – Nov. 21 Today is a 5 -- Associates take two approaches to solve one problem. You may want to keep an eye on the spending.

TAURUS April 20 – May 20 Today is a 7 -- You’re all too aware of your independent ambitions. Now, however, apply that enthusiasm to the basics. First do the homework, then take on the world.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 – Dec. 21 Today is a 7 -- A stubborn person challenges you to redirect your thinking. Although you don’t want to, you may discover that tweaking your message brings everyone into agreement.

GEMINI May 21 – June 21 Today is a 6 -- Bring your running shoes with you. There’s no sitting around in the office today. In fact, you may need to travel.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 Today is a 5 -- Challenge yourself to produce practical results today. You have all the materials you need and the approval of co-workers. Get it done!

CANCER June 22 – July 22 Today is a 5 -- There’s at least one stubborn person who doesn’t want to go along with your plan. When you offer to pay, suddenly agreement comes easier.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20 – Feb. 18 Today is a 6 -- Household matters require your skills and attention. Don’t let anything distract you when using sharp tools. Beauty, harmony and balance results.

LEO July 23 – Aug. 22 Today is a 6 -- You’re in the spotlight. There’s no way you can escape publicity, but you can choose just the right words to thank supporters.

Ohio State Dance presents

with generous support from...

photo credit: Stephanie Matthews dancers l to r: Chafin Seymour and Daniel R. Holt

PISCES Feb. 19 – March 20 Today is a 5 -- Imaginative realizations fire up your conversations with co-workers. Listen and applaud. You don’t need to take action.

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! by Tim Rickard

Wednesday May 5, 2010



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Furnished 3 Bedroom

Unfurnished 1 Bedroom

1bdrm for summer sublease in furnished 2bdrm apt. 33 E Frambes Ave. June9 thru Sept20. other roommate male. 475/month inc water,gas,electricity. Call 614‑377‑ 9041

Huge three bedroom apartment. Low utility bills, hardwood floors, big living room and dinning room, on first floor apartment. off‑street parking, laundry, deck and private fenced area in rear, near medical, west of high, one block north of King, 72 McMillan, no pets $550+deposit. 614‑766‑ 6453.

$620. 222 King Av. near Neil, includes parking, utilities, hardwood, high ceilings, private porch. Available 9/5, also 5/1, 371‑5690.

All Ohio Reptile Show and Sale, May 8, 2010 9‑3, Adults $4, under 10, $1. NEW LOCATION‑ Moose Lodge 11, 1500 Demorest Rd, Columbus, OH 43228. 614/457‑4433

Furnished 4 Bedroom

1 BDRM Apt. East 13th & N. 4th water included $450/mo., A/C, disposal, Off street parking, Pets Negotiable, $450. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑ 5577

1 BDRM Apts. 15th & N. 4th Gas, Electric & Water included in Rent! Off street parking, Pets Negotiable. Sunrise Properties, 3/4 Bedroom 1 Bath 1/2 dou- Inc. $560 to $580/mo. 846‑5577 ble at 2475 Indianola. Everything New less than 1 year 1 Bdroom Condo for rent. ago. New included entire bath Close to Campus and Cota & Kitchen, Windows, Air, heat, lines. $550 a month and this Floors, fixtures etc... Offstreet covers everything but electric parking, backyard, front porch and cable. Call 282‑9641 & washer/dryer. $1200.00 p/m, 614‑ 1565 Highland Ave available 457‑6545 Fall. One bedroom apartments just steps from south Campus, medical schools. Excellent for graduate students. Full kitchens and baths, A/C, laundry room, parking in rear, $425‑$495, (614) 371‑2650, Rick $300/month per person. Remodeled Campus Rentals for 1615 Highland Ave., Big Summer and Fall! North Cam- 1bd, Gas Included! pus Rentals 614.354.8870 $490‑$525/mo. Commercial One 324‑6717 Available Fall Quarter and now 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 bed- 1897 North 4th. 1 bedroom. room units. Super locations, Off‑street parking, updated Parking, Air conditioning, dish- kitchen and bath, dishwasher. washers, washer and dryer. $425/month. 614‑989‑1524 273‑7775. www.osuapartments.- com 2425 N High St.‑ 1 bdrm flats available now or fall, 1 or avail. for fall. N. campus, on 2 bedroom, North Campus, the bus line between Maynard 15th, or Woodruff, Parking. 296‑ and Blake. Lndry nearby, 8353. blinds,gas& water pd. Electric pd in some units Call 263‑2665 OSU half double and 2BDR Apts, appliances, AC. Various locations (614) 457‑1749 or (614) 327‑4120

Unfurnished Rentals

STUDENTS!! Rent 3 rooms of furniture for as little as $99.00 per month. No credit checks if you have a credit card. Please visit Students.Cort.Com to order online. Please call 614‑ 985‑7368 or visit us at 8600 Sancus Blvd., Columbus, OH 43240.

Summer Sublet 86 W Lane Ave 1 bdrm, furnished, off St parking, gas & water provided, $375 dep., $375 rent, NO PETS call 614‑306‑0053

Furnished Efficiency/Studio

Unfurnished Efficiency/Studio

Furnished 1 Bedroom

#Available apartment. Super convenient location, 1‑2 bedroom apartments, 38 E. 17th Ave, just off of High Street, laundry, offstreet parking. Available Summer and/or Fall and onward. $350‑$400.00/month. Call 296‑6304, 263‑ 1193. North OSU ‑ Riverview Drive ‑ Remodeled Unit ‑ New Windows ‑ New Gas Furnace ‑ A/C ‑ Hardwood Floors ‑ Tile in Kitchen & Bath ‑ Completely Furnished in Living Room ‑ Kitchen ‑ Bedroom ‑ Walk‑In Closet ‑ Ideal For Graduate Student ‑ Laundry On Site ‑ Off Street Parking Free ‑ Now and Fall 2010 ‑ Call 5715109

Furnished 2 Bedroom

2 Bedroom Apt ‑ Furnished Riverwatch Tower Rent: $915/month Available: Jun 14 ‑ Aug 31 Independent leases available If interested call: Michael Jewitt 330‑256‑6726 Tim Scalley 216‑255‑1148

Furnished 2 Bedroom

JUST STEPS to Campus! 106 E. 13th Avenue. $460/month. Newly remodeled large studio with full bath and kitchen, A/C, and laundry facility. Heat, water and high speed internet included! Inquire about Fall 2010 Rentals! Call Myers Real Estate 614‑486‑2933 or visit

Unfurnished 1 Bedroom #1, AFFORDABLE, spacious and updated, large 1 br apts on North, South and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, starting @ $425. 614‑294‑7067. $550/month, as early as mid‑ June move‑in, all utilities included, quiet building, on north campus busline, A/C, laundry facilities, off‑street parking and extra storage. 614‑440‑6214. Tom. 1 BDRM Apt. 15th & N. 4th $465/mo. Water included. Large, Laundry, Pets Negotiable. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑5577

Furnished 2 Bedroom

NOW LEASING FOR FALL 2010 OHIO STATER STUDENT HOUSING GREAT LOCATION! 2060 N. HIGH ST (AT WOODRUFF) Newly furnished efficiencies Full size beds with full size refridgerators and microwaves ALL utilities included FREE high speed internet FREE basic cable! Laundry and Fitness center on-site! Covered secure PARKING! Sign a lease for Fall 2010 before June 15th 2010 and receive $300 off first month’s rent (valid only with this coupon) CALL TODAY TO SET UP AN APPOINTMENT OR STOP BY (614) 294-5381


$749‑895, 1430 Neil, Victorian Village, W/D, hardwood, deck, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 Affordable 2 Bedrooms. Visit our website at 1st Place Realty $749‑899, 85 W 3rd, Victorian 429‑0960 Village, W/D, carpet/hardwood, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 At University Gardens. $850, 108 W Tompkins, Tuttle Beautiful 2 bedroom condos. Park, modernized, bay win- Completely renovated and furdows, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑ nished, new washer, dryer, 4110 stove, refrigerator and dishwasher, free wi‑fi. Separate 102 W. 8th‑2 bdrm flats avail laundry room in each unit. for fall. Modern Bldg. w/security Quiet complex, free parking, system, ceramic tile flrs.,DW, $520/month. 614‑778‑9875. A/C newer crpt, updated appl, Website options are offcampus.ceiling fans, blinds. Off St. pkg or universitygardenCall 263‑2665 www.gasproper- Considered to be one of the best values in OSU off campus student and 133 W. Oakland & Neil Ave‑2 faculty housing. bdrm TH avail for fall. Modern Bldg on N. campus close to Buss. School, corner of Neil Av. newer crpt, tile flr, A/C Off Available Fall 2326 IndiSt. pkg blinds. Call 263‑2665 anola 2 BR w/hardwood floors, ceiling fans, Lg Kit. & BA & LR, A/C, off‑street parking, near 1885 N 4th St. Large 2bd. busline UTILITIES PAID W/D Included, Off Street Park- $880/mo No Pets. Call Lisa ing $610/mo. Commercial One 614‑353‑4808 or tripleeproper324‑6717 1890 N. 4th St. Convenient to OSU and Downtown! Application Fee Waived! Large modern units are 910 sq. ft. Quiet building, off street parking, laundry facility, A/C, gas heat, dishwasher, on bus line. $495/month. No application fee! Inquire about Fall 2010 Rentals! Call Myers Real Estate 614‑486‑2933 or visit 1901 N. 4th and 18th, 2BR townhouse. Spacious, W/D, remodeled kitchen. $750/mo, 614‑989‑1524 194 KING Ave., 2 bedroom, all utilities included, Off street parking, central a/c, laundry. Phone Steve 614‑208‑3111.

2 BDRM 87 West Maynard. Walk to campus! Newly upadated bathroom, kitchen with dishwasher, washer/ dryer. Basement walkout, hardwood floors, New gas furnace, A/C, Garage. Move in September 1,2010 Rent $700/ month. No pets. Affordable 1 Bedrooms. Landlord who cares. Call 614 Visit our website at www.my1st- 784 8255 or email 1st Place Realty com. 429‑0960 2 BDRM Apt. 13th & N. 4th Water included. $505/mo., A/C, Application fee Waived! Off street parking, Pets Nego1900 N. 4th St. Studio and 1 tiable, Sunrise Properties, Inc. bedroom apartment with full 846‑5577 bath and kitchen, on site laundry, off street parking. 2 BDRM Apt. 15th & N. 4th Wa$395/month. Flexible lease ter included, A/C, dishwasher, terms. Call Myers Real Estate Disposal, carpet, Pets Nego614‑486‑2933 or visit tiable, laundry, of street ing, $555/mo. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑5577. Av. Fall‑ one block off campus‑ great location‑ safe, quiet‑ 2 bdrm on Duncan. Xtra perfect for grad or med stu- clean, laminate floors, eat‑in dent. Large unit, carpet, park- kitchen, off‑street parking. CENing, appliances, electricity pd. TRAL AIR. All electric ‑ NO $445, 12 month lease, deposit, GAS BILL! Responsive Mom‑ no pets, cosigner 614‑395‑4891 and‑pop landlords. 614‑390‑ 0197. North OSU ‑ Riverview Drive ‑ Remodeled Unit ‑ New Win- 2 BDRM TOWNHOUSE 13th & dows ‑ New Gas Furnace ‑ A/C 4th Water included. A/C, dis‑ Hardwood Floors ‑ Tile in posal, off street parking, Pets Kitchen & Bath ‑ Completely Negotiable, $560/mo. Sunrise Furnished in Living Room ‑ Properties, Inc. 846‑5577 Kitchen ‑ Bedroom ‑ Walk‑In Closet ‑ Ideal For Graduate Stu- 2 BDRM TOWNHOUSE 13th & dent ‑ Laundry On Site ‑ Off N. 4th Water included. A/C, disStreet Parking Free ‑ Now and posal, off street parking, Pets Fall 2010 ‑ Call 5715109 Negotiable, $525/mo. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑5577 Ranch 1 Bedroom. Clean, quite, 15 mins. to campus. 2 bedroom 1 bath townCooke & 71., off st. parking. house on 115 East Tompkins, AC, disposal, appliances, Hardwood, ceiling fans, granite blinds, water pd. No smok- counters, all new everything 3 ing/pets. $410.00. 397‑7040 years ago, Great Location, off street parking, Washer/dryer. New central air, New windows, heat, front porch. $850.00 p/m, 614‑ 457‑6545 40 Chittenden Ave. 1bd. Efficiency, Gas Included, W/D Included, Off Street Parking. $475‑$535/mo. Commercial One 324‑6717


Clintonville/North Campus. 2 bedroom apartment with new cabinets, granite countertops, and new carpet. Off‑street parking, AC, no pets, $550/month. 95 W Hudson. 614‑582‑1672

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

kenny/henderson Road, 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, townhouse apartment. Ideal for graduate students, near busline. A/C, finished basement with W/D hookup, end unit, $635/month, 614‑519‑ 2044.

South Campus Deluxe $550 +DEPST. Spacious, Upstairs, 2 bdrm/2 full bath, 1 blk N. of King Ave. 2nd full bath has Jacuzzi. Laundry room, off‑ street parking, very low utility bill. All appliances +w/d. Well lighted, quiet street. No pets. 72 1/2 McMillen. Available Now or Fall 2010. 614‑766‑6453

NORTH CAMPUS 2 bd twhs, 2517 Neil Ave. Carpet, basement with W/D hookups, back deck/yard. Good for Grad Student. $600.00/mo No. Pets. 614‑846‑7545

South Campus, West of High. Near Medical Center. Spacious first floor 2 bdrm. $550 +DEPST. Apt. hardwood floors throughout, tile kitchen and bath, off‑street parking. All appliances +W/D and dshwr, low utility bill, covered front porch, quiet neighbors. No pets. 80 McMillen. Available OSU NORTH Riverview Dr. 2 Now or Fall 2010. 614‑766‑ BR‑ Living Room ‑ Kitchen 6453 Bath‑ Gas Heat ‑ A/C ‑ Laundry ‑ Off‑Street Parking ‑ H20 paid. Close to Riverside Hospital ‑ Now and Fall. David 571‑5109

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

Roomy first floor apartment, right across from gateway garage, behind Wendy’s on 9th and high. Kitchen appliances, off‑street parking, modest utility bills, dishwasher, full basement, W/D, available in June. $550+ deposit, no pets. 614‑766‑6453.

SE CORNER of King and Neil, 2 bedroom, central A/C, Off street parking and water included. Coin Opr Laundry. Available summer or fall quarter. Phone Steve: 614‑208‑ 3111.

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Clintonville/North Campus. Spacious townhouse with finished basement in quiet location just steps from bike path and bus lines. Off‑street parking, 1 1/2 baths, W/D hook‑up, AC, no pets. $720/month. 109 W. Duncan. 614‑582‑1672

GREAT LOCATION!! KENNY/HENDERSON ROAD, $875 quiet neighborhood. 1300 sq ft duplex. 2 bedroom plus finished bonus room, basement, w/d hookups, new appliances, dishwasher, garage, massive deck. Open immediately!! Brad 499‑6744

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

$300pp starting rents, 1‑3 bedroom apartments, 12th near high, South OSU Gateway High near Indianola, 194 E. 11th near High, 7th near High. Available for fall, newly‑ remodeled, hardwood floors, large bedrooms, low utilities, d/w, w/d hook‑up, free off‑ street parking, a/c, www.home$1,050 ($350/each) Patterson or 291‑2600. Ave, North Campus. Large (over 1,300 sq.ft. plus full Basement) 3 Bedroom ½ double recently redone & gorgeous! 28’ $345 per person. 222 King LR/DR, huge newer Kitchen Avenue, near Neil, includes w/Range, Refrigerator, Dish- parking, utilities, hardwood, washer, built‑in Microwave, re- high ceilings, private porch, 9/5, 371‑5690. cessed spotlights on dimmers available and more! New full Bath! Full basement with Washer & Dryer included! New furnace, A‑C and thermopane windows = lower bills! Great tree shaded $795‑895, 1430 Neil, Victorian yard, front porch! Great street, Village, W/D, hardwood, balnice neighbors! $1,050/month. cony, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑ Available September 2010. No 4110 Pets. 614‑410‑1826 John Kost RE/MAX Premier Choice. #1‑13th Avenue‑3BR/2BA‑ townhome‑huge br’s‑dishwasher‑AC‑hardwood floors‑off street parking‑$350/person 614‑ 923‑9627.

$1,100, 427 E 14th, ½ house, backyard, new carpeting, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 #1, AFFORDABLE spacious and updated, large 3br apts on North, South and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑streeting parking, dishwasher, W/D $1,300, 2014 N 4th, W/D, A/C, hookups, decks, Jacuzzi tubs, hardwood, basement, backstarting at $375. 614‑294‑7067. yard, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑ www.osupropertymanagement.- 4110 com

$1,100, 2155 N 4th, townhouse, Iuka ravine, A/C, dishwasher, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

$975/mo. South Campus Gateway Area. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath double, all hardwood floors, beautiful oak woodwork, free washer and dryer, very spacious, updated kitchen, renovated front and covered rear sitting porch, fenced in back yard, off street parking, Call Steve at 291‑8207.

105 W. Maynard. FALL move‑ in single family house w/3 bedrooms, living‑room, dining‑ room, kitchen and 1 1/2 baths. $1,300, 2549 Indianola, totally Hdwd floors, dishwasher, A/C, renovated, hardwood, stain- W/D hook‑up and off street less, W/D, NorthSteppe Realty parking. Showings call Dunkel 299‑4110 Company at 614‑291‑7373. Web

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom


Units still available! Call today! 614-294-3502 Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished Rentals

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

# 1 2 BR AVAILABLE NOW AND FALL! Beautiful remodeled Townhouses and Apartments located close to campus. Features include large bedrooms with ceiling fans, air conditioning, insulated windows, cable/internet, washers & dryers, and FREE off‑street parking! Call North Campus Rentals today! (614)354‑8870 #1, AFFORDABLE spacious and updated large 2BR apts on North, South, and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑streeting parking, dishwasher, on‑ site laundry starting at $335. 614‑294‑7067.

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

2 BD, 1 BA spacious,$555/mo., recently renovated, 5 min from campus; Fitness Center, well maintained, 24 hr emer. maintenance, courtesy officer, on‑site laundry; no app fee, $200 deposit; 276‑7118

OSU/GRANDVIEW, King Ave., 1&2 bdrm garden apts. AC, gas heat and water, laundry facilities, off‑street parking. 294‑0083

92 E.11th Ave. Very clean, neat, cozy. A/C, parking available, short term ok! $435/mo. (614)457‑8409, (614)361‑ 150 E. 13th available Fall, 2282. Large modern studio apartments just steps from campus. Secure building, new appliances, A/C, laundry room, full kitchen & bath, Gas paid. $425, (614) 371‑2650, Rick

Unfurnished 2 Bedroom

2 BR 15th and Summit, AC, Large, Carpet, Laundry, parking, dishwasher. 273‑7775. 212 Tompkins – 2 BR Townhouses available Summer and Fall. Spacious bedrooms, central air, lots of storage space, FREE off‑street parking. North Campus Rentals 614.354.8870 220 E. Lane & Indianola 2 bdrm flats avail for fall corner of Indianola and Lane. Modern Bldg on N. campus. Spacious w/newer crpt, huge bdrms, on site lndry, A/C. blinds,Off St. pkg. Courtyard area. Call 263‑ 2665

$1099, 1350 Neil, Victorian Village, massive, hardwood, A/C, 2383 Williams St. 2bd DouNorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 ble. Remodeled, Dishwasher. $700/mo. Commercial One 324‑ 6717 $645/month, 1698 N4th St, 2 bed with bsmnt, refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, washer/dryer, CA, Parking, well insulated, $0 Deposit, Pine Rental Services LLC (614) 735‑5111 or $699‑795, 270 E 12th, W/D, courtyard, A/C, dishwasher, spacious, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110

274‑ 284 E. Lane‑2 bdrm TH avail for fall. N. campus at Indianola and Lane, very spacious w/lndry hkups in bsmt. Ceiling fans, dining Rm, blinds, newer crpt, frnt porch, yard area.Off St. pkg.Call 263‑

344 E. 20th Unit D, 2 bedroom flats, 1 bath, remodeled, central air, large kitchens, off street parking, NO dogs, $495.00. Call Pat 457‑4039 or e‑mail $740. 246 E. 13th townhouse includes washer/dryer, water, Available FALL. hardwood, big basement, newer kitchen. Available 9/5, 345 E. 20th available Fall. 371‑5690. ohiostate rentals.- Large 2 bedroom flats, new wincom dows, carpeting, updated appliances, dishwasher, on‑site $749‑849, 111 Hudson, Tuttle laundry, central air, ceramic Ridge, W/D, dishwasher, bal- floors, courtyard, lots of parkconies, NorthSteppe Realty ing, on bus line. $550‑625. 299‑4110 (614) 371‑2650, Rick

Wednesday May 5, 2010

classifieds Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

Unfurnished 3 Bedroom

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

1901 N. 4th and 18th, 3BR townhouse. Spacious, W/D, remodeled kitchen. $750/mo, 614‑989‑1524

Large North Campus apartment with finished basement. Twin single, 3 off‑street parking spaces, 2 baths, DW, ceiling fan, W/D hook‑up, AC, no pets. $1000/month. 55 W. Hudson. 614‑582‑1672

312 E. 16th. 4 bedroom house, newly remodeled, OS parking, $1000/mo. Leasing for Fall of 2010. 614‑885‑1855, 614‑578‑ 6920, 614‑578‑6720 Rod or George.

One block from High 72 W Maynard 4 bedroom Half House 1.5 baths remodeled, washer/dryer, finished attic skylights, Hardwood floors off street parking. $1350 554 1346

2207 Indiana Ave. 3bd Double, A/C, Security System, Parking. $975/mo Commercial PATTERSON AND High, 3 One 324‑6747 www.c1realty.- bedroom townhouse, $975., com water included, laundry. Phone Steve: 614 208 3111. 228 E Northwood Ave. Large 3bd. House 2 baths, w/d included, Off Street Parking $1200/mo. Commercial One 324‑6717

Unfurnished 4 Bedroom

2520 Neil Ave, 2 1/2 bath, A/C, appliances, 2 car garage, Free W/D, available fall #1, AFFORDABLE spacious $1200/mo. Call 275‑0298. and updated, large 4br apts on North, South, and Central campus. Gas heat, A/C, off‑street parking, dishwasher, W/D 3 BDRM Apts. 168 Chittenden hookups, decks, Jacuzzi tubs, and 328 1/2 E.15th Gas, Elec- starting at $375. 614‑294‑7067 tric & Water included in Rent www.osupropertymanagement.Off street parking, Pets Nego- com tiable $1290/mo. Sunrise Properties, Inc. 846‑5577 3 Bdrms 405 W. 8th Ave. Across from OSU hospital. 1 off street parking space. Large living, family and dining rooms. A/C, new furnace, dishwasher, basement w/ washer and dryer. Great location for medical, dental, or nursing students. $1125.00/month. No pets. 889‑ 5533

$1,600, 49 W Blake, refinished townhouse, 3 baths, W/D, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110

361 E. 20th. Large 4 bedroom Sunroom, 1 1/2 Bath A/C, washer/dryer, off‑street parking $895/month 614‑371‑2650 4 bdrm House. 52 W. Norwich Ave. 1 blk from campus. 2 full baths, new kitchen w/ laundry room, includes washer and dryer. New windows and furnace. Off street parking. $1500/month. No pets. 889‑ 5533 4 Bdrm townhouse. 119 Chittenden Ave. half block from Gateway. Two full baths, off‑ street parking, A/C, $1100/month. 614‑205‑4343.

Large Clean 3 bedroom apt./(2nd & 3rd floor) between Neil & High. 1&1/2 bath. High efficiency furnace and A/C. Available for Fall 2010. $995 per month plus utilities. Ph # 614‑ 216‑1560.

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

N.Campus/Clintonville 4 bedrooms Hardwood floors, updated kitchen & baths granite countertops marble floors washer/dryer New furnace & windows garage, fenced yard. Attic room has another FULL bath! 554 1346 $1420

Help Wanted General Camp Counselors, male and female, needed for great overnight camps in the mountains of PA. Have a fun summer while working with children in the outdoors. Teach/assist with A&C, media, music, outdoor rec, tennis, aquatics, and much more. Office, Nanny, & Kitchen positions also available. Apply on‑line at

5 Bedroom 2 full bath House. North Campus. Very nice, recently remodeled house. Front porch, bedroom balcony, fenced back yard, eat in kitchen with appliances and D/W, stylish bathrooms, 2 living areas, 1st floor laundry. New porch, windows, roof, and much more. Avail for fall. Only $1600/month. Call Pat (614)323‑4906 or email Dancers/Entertainers needed for newly remodeled downtown gentlemen’s club. Experience helpful but not necessary as we are willing to 5 Bedroom Half double. 125 train. Flexible hours available. Chittenden. 2 Baths. Over Call Steve at 614‑935‑9921 or 2500 square feet. Parking. 614‑557‑6943 #1, AFFORDABLE spacious $1375. (614)205‑4343 and updated, large 5BR apts on North Campus. Gas heat, Driving Instructors P.T. A/C, off‑street parking, dishMon.‑ Sat. Various Hours Availwasher, W/D hookups, decks, able. Paid Training. Good Drivfireplaces, Jacuzzi tubs. Start- 5 Bedroom Half double. 123 ing Record. Neat & Clean Aping at $398. 614‑294‑7067. Chittenden. 2 Baths. Over pearance. $11.00/hour 436‑ www.osupropertymanagement.- 2500 square feet. Parking. 3838 com $1375. (614)205‑4343.

Unfurnished 5+ Bedroom

$2,400 316 W 7th, 5 BR, Victorian Village, W/D, NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath. Super Nice Townhouse located at E. 13th Ave. Just right for 4 girls/boys that want low utilities & a very nice place to live & $300pp starting rents, 4‑5 study! Call Bob Langhirt for an BR townhomes on OSU South appointment to view 1‑614‑206‑ Gateway High/Indianola, 414 0175, 1‑740‑666‑0967. Slow Whittier German Village, 80 Eudown when you leave your clid near High Street, newly‑rephone #. modeled, spacious living areas, hardwood floors, newer kitchens with d/w, w/d hook‑up, a/c, lower utilities, off‑street 4 person, Huge, new parking, www.hometeamproperkitchens, D/W, w/d, carpet, or 291‑2600. parking, basement, very nice. 273‑7775.

$1600, 92 E. Northwood Ave, north campus, spacious 4 bdrm home with 3 levels plus basement, new kitchen with dishwasher and microwave, central air, washer/dryer, hardwood floors/tile/carpeting, two car garage, large porch, and full 3 bdrms. 50 W. Maynard yard. No pets. For Fall. Call Ave. Large living rooms and 560‑6292 for a showing. kitchen. Hardwood floors. New windows, furnace, basement w/washer and dryer. Off street parking. $850/month. No pets. $2,600, 1054 Highland, Upper 889‑5533 Arlington, W/D, garage, A/C, 48 and 46 W. Blake Ave. 4 NorthSteppe Realty 299‑4110 bedrooms, 2 baths, new A/C furnace, Washer/Dryer, washer. $1,200.00 month call Debbie 937‑763‑0008 3 Bedroom, 1 bath duplex on East Tompkins. Hardwood, granite counters, totally redone 1871 n 4th St. 4 bedrooms. 3 years ago, it got new every- Nice/clean. Available now, off‑ thing. New Central air, heat, street parking, $680 and up. 4BR, 1/2 double, new kitchens, D/W, W/D, carpet, basement, windows, bath & kitchens & ap- 668‑9778. Free Parking! 273‑7775. www.pliances. Great location with off street parking, front porches, Large backyard, Washer & Dryer in unit. $1125.00, www.- 1891 North 4th & 18th Ave., 614‑457‑ 4 BR, 2 bath, for Fall. W/D, cenEuclid Avenue ‑ 6545 tral air, D/W, parking, just reno- 84 $1200/mo. south Campus Gatevated. $1100/month. way Area. 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 614‑989‑1524. brick double. Hardwood floors, beautiful fireplaces, spacious, 3 person, Huge 1/2 double, free washer and dryer, full D/W, carpet, parking, w/d, basement, air conditioned, new basement. 273‑7775. osuafurnace and appliances, 200 E. 15th Ave. 4 Bedrooms, garage and security system available. Call Steve at 291‑ 1 1/2 bath, bargain rent. 614‑ 8207. www.euclidproperties.759‑9952 or 614‑357‑0724 com 39 W 10 Ave. 3bd townhouse, A/C, W/D Hkup, Off Street Parking. $1050/mo. Commercial One 324‑6747 www.c1re- 2157 Tuller St. 4bd. Double, Affordable 4 Bedrooms. w/d Included, Front Porch. $1480/mo. Commercial One Visit our website at 1st Place Realty 324‑6717 429‑0960 3BR, 1/2 double, D/W, carpet, parking. W/D, basement. 273‑ 7775. 217 E Oakland Ave. 4bd House. For Fall, south campus, A/C, Spacious, $1300/mo. huge house, spacious bedCommercial One 324‑6717 rooms, 1 1/2 BA, large kitchen, with W/D, hardwood floors, low Affordable 3 Bedrooms. utility bills, C/A. 1K/mo + dep, Visit our website at www.my1stno pets. 84 McMillan. 614‑766‑ 1st Place Realty 429‑0960 2209 Indiana Ave. 4bd Dou- 6453 ble, A/C, Spacious, Parking. $1200/mo Commercial One 324‑6717 Horse Farm. Entire house Clintonville/North Camfor rent. Can also rent stalls. 28 pus. Spacious townhouse minutes to OSU. $1200/mo. overlooking river view, walkout 614‑805‑4448. patio from finished basement to backyard, low traffic, quiet area, off‑street parking, 1 1/2 baths, W/D hook‑up, AC, no Large & Lovely 4 Bedroom 3 pets. Steps to bike path and bath half‑double. Remodeled bus lines. $820/month. 101 W less than 1 year ago. Huge Duncan. 614‑582‑1672 beautiful Kitchens with granite & stainless. New floors & refinished hardwood. All New Baths & Air Conditioning. Front Porch Indianola at Blake 3 Bed& Back Decks. Must see these room Half‑Double, remodeled at 2429 N. 4th. $1600.00 p/m, bathroom marble flooring,, 614‑ Granite Kitchen, Huge Back 457‑6545 Deck, Off Street Parking, New AC/Heat/ Windows, Washer/Dryer $1150 554‑1346

Unfurnished 5+ Bedroom

Help Wanted General

39 W. Maynard Ave.

40 Chittenden Ave. 5bd 2 Balconies, A/C, $2000 Commercial One 324‑6747

5 Awesome bedrooms, 15th & Summit. W/D, Huge! Best porch on Campus! 273‑7775.

5 BEDROOM 83 West Maynard, Walk to class! Huge rooms, 2 full baths, three floors with basement suite walkout, rear deck, carport, dishwasher, W/D hookups. Move in September 1, 2010. Rent is $2,000/mo. No pets. Landlord who cares! Call 614‑784‑8255 or email

Furnished Rentals Furnished Rentals

#1 Piano, Voice and Guitar teachers needed to teach in students’ homes. Continuing education provided. Excellent pay. 614‑847‑1212.

Females needed for immediate video work, not experience necessary open‑minded must! $100/hr in cash. Please email to: or call 614‑3028847 Field staff needed for community outreach. Working America, AFL‑CIO, is building political pressure in central Ohio. “More Jobs for Main Street, Not Money for Wall St!” If you are passionate and motivated by economic justice this is the job for you. Gain valuable experience and make a difference. Our staff work FT‑M‑F 1:30pm‑10pm. Pay is $11.00/hr+bens. Call 614‑223‑2194, email, visit Healthy Pets of Lewis Center. Needs part‑time vet assistant/kennel worker. Evenings and weekends. Apply in person. 8025 Orange Center Drive. Healthy Volunteers Needed for Testing Program DIRAmed LLC is developing a painless glucose meter for diabetics Non‑invasive test coupled with invasive finger stick. Compensation available. Contact DIRAmed LLC, 487‑ 3660, 8 to 5 M‑F, or West Campus location

Job Opening: Part‑time Development and Volunteer Coor$10/HOUR. YARD Work. Bex- dinator. 20 hours/week, some ley Area. Flexible Hours. Must evenings/weekends. B.A. or B.S. Experience preferred. Works Like Dogs. Call 805‑5672 directly with Board and staff on volunteer activities and development projects. Send resume to Mardi Ciriaco, Gladden Community House, 183 Hawkes Av***MUSIC TEACHERS*** enue, Columbus, Ohio 43223, Needed for all instruments & fax (614) 227‑1648, mardicirivoice! Bachelors in music, mu- EOE. sic education, education or music therapy required. Visit and Lifeguard at University Vilclick on “employment” for appli- lage this Summer! Must be cercation information. tified by May 15th. $8.50/hr. Work in a fun environment & enjoy perks like FREE Happy Hours. If interested please send resume or experience *PROMOTIONS* Seeking info to dgrove@universityvilmotivated individuals to help rapidly expanding Columbus company. F/Tor P/T Training provided. Contact: Travis 614 Like taking photos? Check 503‑4874 out for a fun and easy way to earn some extra money! 400 COUNSELOR/INSTRUCTOR JOBS! Coed Summer Camps in Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Top Salary. Travel Paid. Call 908‑470‑ 2984,

A1! Bartending Up To $300/ Day. No Experience Necessary. Training Provided. 800‑ 965‑6520 ext 124.

Local painting contractor in need of workers. painting /construction /carpentry experience a plus. $10‑15/hr to start. Call Dave 614‑804‑7902 MODELS WANTED Respectable business is looking for female models, at least 18 years of age, to model a few t‑shirts,robes,and hats. This is a fully clothed shoot and will not take more than an hour. Pay is Negotiable and will be discussed. Interested women should send an email to Please send sample photographs and any infomation you can provide, including contact information. Possibility of future shoots. Thank you.

ABA Therapist needed for 14yr. old high functioning non‑ aggressive autistic boy in Dublin. 2 shifts/wk, NO WEEKENDS ‑ includes tutoring, self‑ help, social skills and outings. Parent will train ‑ students preferred. Have fun, earn money. Need someone to supervise/mentor 15 YR old boy with Call Carol 761‑8874 Asperger’s Syndrome in Groveport during summer. He is very high functioning. Male preferred. Social work, education or similar discipline a plus. Allstar Cheer Coach/ Leave message at 614‑836‑ Jazz & Hip Hop Coach/ Tum- 2964. bling Instructors Needed (Columbus) Part‑time Summer Job Growing Columbus area Openings! Looking for self‑moticheer facility looking for quali- vated individuals to assist with fied allstar cheer coaches, our growing health & wellness dance as well as Cheer Tum- business. We are hiring 4‑6 asbling Coaches. Must have sistants to help with the good spotting skills, be self‑ scheduling demands, papermotivated and have a passion work and follow up. Work from for the cheer/gymnastics in- home, any hours, any city, 3‑9 dustry. hours/week, earn $12‑$15 per hour. Please email your profes- Please contact (419) 618‑4962 sional resume, as well as or coaching cheer/dance/gymnastics experience. Setting up interviews next week. RESIDENT MGR for Fall 2010, Location is 200 W. Norwich. hague0922@AOL.COM Phone Steve for information 614 208 3111. ANIMAL PERSON? Set your own schedule! Detail‑oriented self‑starter needed for 5 ‑ 15 flexible hours per week. Office tasks, errands, phone calls, and projects. Veterinary experience helpful. Fax resume and references to (614) 457‑9861 or email

BARTENDERS NEEDED Earn up to $250 per day, NO EXP. REQ. Will Train FT/PT. Call Now 740‑205‑6432 x900

COLLEGE PRO is now hiring painters all across the state to work outdoors w/other students. Earn $3k‑5k. Advancement opportunities + internships. 1‑888‑277‑9787 or

Wednesday May 5, 2010

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT Individual to join a team facilitating mouse model generation at NCRI tasks including general molecular biology, genotyping, transgenic mouse production, advanced animal husbandry, embryonic stem cell culture and colony management including some after hours and weekend work. Applicants must be able to follow standard operating procedures, keep excellent records and interact professionally with clients. Position will require extensive training and only applicants committed for a longer term should apply. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1.Master of Science degree with at least one year of laboratory research experience or Bachelor of Science degree with appropriate laboratory research experience or proven aptitude. 2.Must be able to contribute to complex position papers and reports, and produce data of quality suitable for formal reports research grant proposals and scientific publications. For additional information or to apply please visit:

Easter Seals is seeking PT direct care staff to work with individuals with disabilities. Assist with daily living skills, some Affordable 5 Bedrooms. lifting required. Applicants must Visit our website at www.my1st- have a HS diploma or GED, be 1st Place Realty 18 years or older, possess a 429‑0960 valid driver’s license and pass a criminal background check. Please call (614) 345‑9190 or WANTED AT COSI. COSI is looking for outstanding candifax (614) 228‑8249 dates to join our Team on a Part‑Time or Temporary basis Five Bedroom, 15th & Summit. W/D, Huge! Best porch on Female Dancers. Guaran- as an Associate Faculty Leader Camps; Camp COSI Campus! 273‑7775. www.osua- teed $100/night for new hires. for Teacher; Experience Programs No nudity. Upscale gentle- Teacher; or Guest & Safety men’s club looking for slim at- Services Associate. Visit www.tractive females. No experi- for a list of current ence necessary. Will train. openings, full job descriptions, Work part time hours and earn how to apply, and to download school money. Flexible hours. an application! Work around school schedule. 614‑475‑8911.

$350 per person, 7 bedroom half‑double house, central campus, between 16th and 17th avenues, 1843‑1847 N. 4th St., recently renovated, large rooms, 2 living rooms, 2 1/2 baths, new kitchen cabinets and appliances, new insulated windows, dishwasher, FREE W/D, central A/C, FREE off‑ street parking, George Kanellopoulos,, 299‑9940. 6 bedroom house, 190 E. Northwood Ave., steps to High street, very spacious, beautiful northeast campus location, re104 W Maynard, 5 bed, two full cently renovated, cable and inbath, AC, front porch, laundry ternet hardwired for every and dishwasher included! room, central A/C, 2 full baths, Please call Mike at 614‑496‑ new kitchen cabinets and appliances, ceramic tile kitchen and 7782! bath floors, FREE W/D, dishwasher, basement, FREE off‑ street parking, $450 per person, George Kanellopoulos, 2 bedroom 1 bath town-, 299‑ house on 115 East Tompkins, 9940. Hardwood, ceiling fans, granite counters, all new everything 3 years ago, Great Location, off street parking, Washer/dryer. New central air, New windows, heat, front porch. $850.00 p/m, 614‑ 457‑6545

Huge 6‑7 bdrm house, off Neil, walk to campus, this is a FABULOUS, completely renovated house. New everything!! 2 bath, Granite countertops, central air, hdwd floors, security system, comm. fire alarm system. Avail. Fall 2010 $3100 Call (614)206‑5855 or (614)850‑9473. Visit for lots of pictures.

Help Wanted General Paid Survey Takers needed in Columbus 100% free to join. Click on surveys. Summer internships. Learn entrepreneurship and earn money by helping launch new energy drink. Set your own schedule ‑ the harder you work, the more you earn. 614‑ 888‑7502 or SUMMER WORK. College Pro Painters Now Hiring. Full Time Work with Students Outdoors. Earn 3‑5K. 1.800.32 PAINT The Supreme Part – Time Job $10 ‑ $15 Per Hour. Make Great Money. Build Your Resume. Work with Friends. No manual labor. Fun atmosphere. Heart Land Construction. 614‑ 543‑0494

Help Wanted Sales/Marketing

Resumé Services

Stanley Steemer National Writing from Customer Sales and Service Resume Call Center. Now accepting ap- scratch. $50.00 per page. 614‑ 440‑7416. plications for our Columbus location. Base plus commission to $18.00 hour. Please contact us at to learn more about this exciting opportunity.

Typing Services

Help Wanted Landscape/ Lawn Care

EMERGENCY TYPING!!! Last minute!! Overnight emergency available. 614‑440‑7416.

Lawn Associate: FT/PT, mowing & spring clean ups, hours vary M‑Sat, $9+(based on exp)/hr. For details: 614.760.0911.

MANUSCRIPTS. BOOKS. Theses. Dissertations. Papers. Medical dictation. Legal documents for attorneys. 614‑440‑ 7416.

Tutoring Services

For Sale Automotive aaron buys Cars! Ca$h today! Dead or alive. FREE Tow! Local Buyer 268‑CARS (2277).

For Sale Miscellaneous

A Math tutor. All levels. Also Physics, Statistics and Business College Math. Teaching/tutoring since 1965. Checks okay. Call anytime, Clark 294‑ 0607.

Free accounting tutorials!

A RUMMAGE Sale. King Ave Methodist Church (corner King & Neil). Friday, May 7, 9 AM to 4 PM. Saturday, May 8, 10 AM to 2 PM. Collectables, Jewelry, Household items, Furniture, Electronics, Baked goods, Clothing, Plants, Toys, White Super Lock Serger (top of the $$$$$ Increase your enline) Clean, All accessories in- ergy, become healthy, and lose cluded. $125.00 & much more. weight with our products. You can make money doing this as well! Free to join! People are Sterling Silver. Bride’s making $1,000’s per month now! Call 440‑477‑9548 for deA CHILD NEEDS LOVING complete set for eight. 59 tails today! CARETAKER ‑ Job share with piece, only used twice. $1400. flexible hours 2‑3 days or full‑ 231‑7724 time 5 days a week. Early Childhood Education or Nursing student/graduate wanted Build a great business for infant care in UA home. by learning how to make Email interest to dmartin@opticommissions everytime you pay your cell phone and internet bills. Someone else is making the commissions now ‑ and it CARE PROVIDERS and ABA should be you. Build Therapists are waned to work Harrison West ‑ Classic 2 residual income and make with children/young adults with Story 3 BD Brick Home. Info at bonuses on referrals. Call disabilities in a family home set- Mrs. Derry 740‑277‑ ting or supported living setting. 9447. Leave you name Extensive training is provided. and the best time for an This job is meaningful, allows OWNER WILL FINANCE appointment. you to learn intensively and Brick Double Gross rent can accommodate your class $26,400 year. $210,000, Loschedule. Those in all related cated at 20th and North 4th. fields, with ABA interest, or One side has 4 bed 1.5 bath who have a heart for these mis- the other 4 bed 2 bath Do Not sions please apply. Competi- Disturb Tenants Happy to Graduating? No job? Start tive wages and benefits. For Show Major Improvements Ac- your own biz! Just rub two more information call L.I.F.E. complished 3% Realtor Coop $20’s together and you’re in! Inc. at (614) 475‑5305 or visit Call Bruce 614 286 8707 us at www.LIFE‑INC.NET EOE Ready to Deal, change in family situation. Investment Properties Available Commercial One Call CHILD CARE: Summer child care in our Dublin home for 8 VACANCIES? VACANCIES? Jay 324‑6712 and 5 yr old. Experience and re- VACANCIES? Let our leasing liable transportation needed. services pay for themselves. Please email experience to: For your leasing, property management, or sales needs call Join the newest Social 1st Place Realty 429‑0960. work and receive income by just inviting people. Go to // CHILDCARE CENTER in Westerville seeks full time infant/toddler teachers, part‑time floaters, and full time summer Property Management teachers. Send resume to Available Commercial One Call phunley@brooksedgedaycare.Jay 324‑6712 com or call 614‑890‑9024

Business Opportunities

Help Wanted Child Care

For Sale Real Estate

General Services

Wonderful part‑time job for fall! A German Village family is seeking a responsible and reliable person to care for their twins starting on November 1, 2010. Care is needed 3 days a week, 8 a.m. ‑ 4:30 p.m. Previous experience, references and personal transportation required. or 614‑ 668‑5630.

Help Wanted Restaurant/ Food Service Bonjour OSU! La Chatelaine French Bakery & Bistro is looking for outstanding servers, prep cooks and line personnel.Our three locations in Columbus are hiring servers with serving experience, prep cooks with restaurant kitchen experience and line personnel with customer service/serving experience. We are looking for dynamic, outstanding students. Please inquire at La Chatelaine Upper Arlington 614.488.1911 La Chatelaine Worthington 614.848.6711 La Chatelaine Dublin 614.763.7151 Merci!

Catering company and cafe located in Grandview seeks energetic and personable employees. Fast paced and exciting work environment. Multiple positions and flexible hours available. Please call Ted at 614‑832‑ 2404. Looking for leaders. Visit us at for more information. Now Hiring Host/Hostess/Servers/Floor Staff . Casual, upbeat, and professional bar/restaurant. Lunch and part time weekends available. Located in the Crosswoods at 23N and 270. 3 Monkeys Bar and Grill. Apply in person Mon. and Wed. 4pm ‑ 10pm

Help Wanted Sales/Marketing CertaPro Marketing Earn $20 per hour handing out fliers or commission whichever is greater. Must have good communication skills and Transportation. Great part time job with flexible hours. Can Earn Full time $ or turn into an internship. Immed. openings for spring and summer. Bring a friend and earn a $50 bonus. Contact Include Resume or contact information. the ultimate Part‑Time Job. $10‑$15 per hour. Make great money. Build your resume. Work with friends. Fun atmosphere. Larmco Windows & Siding, Inc. Please call to find out more about this job opportunity 614‑367‑7113

Giftwrapping Services. Christmas. Wedding. Birthday. Executive. Graduation. Baby. Mother’s Day. 614‑440‑7416. Have a night in with the girls & pick up a surprise for the bedroom!! Light Sewing repairs. Buttons. Seams. Pockets. Socks. 614‑440‑7416. Rock Doctor ‑ Fun and Cool Online Music Lessons Rock Doctor online music lessons, perfect for the beginner or to just brush up on your rock skills! Learn with animations and cartoons.

Announcements/ Notice BUSINESS CHINESE Learn Business Chinese (8 credits) or Chinese in Chinese Business Law (5 credits) Summer Program in Beijing www.studyabroad‑ SE Ohio Sustainable Technology community. Homeworksteads, Commons for independence, cooperation. Organizational weekends for skills matching, discussions.

Guitar School open, Bass and Drum schools coming soon.

Rooms WRITING FAMILY histories. Military histories. Business histories. Autobiographies. Family reunion reportage. 614‑440‑ 7416.

Automotive Services Aaron’s recycle ALL. WE BUY ALL CARS! CA$H! Junk, Wrecked, New, Old. 614‑268‑CARS (2277) Tom & Jerry’s Auto Service. Brakes, exhaust, shocks, & towing. 1701 Kenny Rd. 488‑ 8507. or visit:

0 utilities, furnished rooms, flexible lease periods, super convenient location, 38 E. 17th Ave. Laundry, off‑street parking, $200‑$400/month. 296‑ 6304, 263‑1193. Available now 14th Ave. Kitchen, laundry, parking, average $270/mo. Paid utilities, 296‑8353 or 299‑4521

Roommate Wanted

2 or 3 Room mates wanted for Fall Semester. In 4 Bedroom, 2 bath, washer/dryer, dishwasher. $1,200.00 month 48 W. Blake Ave. Call Debbie 937‑763‑0008.

Legal Services


Student Rates. Free initial consultation. Attorney Andrew Cosslett. Alcohol/Drug, Traffic/DUI, Landlord/Tenant, Immigration. 614‑725‑5352.

2 Bdrm, May thru August, A/C, W/D, off street parking, on campus bus line 650.00/Mo. Tom 614‑440‑6214

Help Wanted General

Help Wanted General


If you want to:

Work from home Make your own schedule Make up to $5,000 a week

NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED For more info, visit: 5B


Wednesday May 5, 2010

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