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Letter From The Editor

Hi Buckeyes,


I am incredibly thrilled to welcome our new and returning students this year! For those who are new to the Buckeye family, be prepared to experience all of what college has to offer. Ohio State really is a place full of endless opportunities and embodies everything one imagines as “the” college experience, as there is a place for everyone to thrive.


Issue Date: August 01, 2023

Published Annually

The Lantern

207 Journalism Building 242 West 18th Ave

Columbus, OH 43210


Free of Charge

Freshmen, take in these next four years as a sea of opportunities to fnd yourself and reinvent your life to be the life of your dreams. Make those connections with students and professors, join as many clubs as you can, go to all the football games, explore the city of Columbus and put all your energy into becoming the best version of yourself. Find where you ft in — there are plenty of organizations designated to certain hobbies, identities and career paths — fnd where your passion lies and surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Take advantage of the diversity around you and gain as many perspectives as you possibly can, keeping an open mind. While I encourage you to take full advan- tage of the “college experience,” recognize that it looks different for everyone, so fnd what that experience looks like for you. Be confdent in who you are and use college as a means to propel you into your best self.

As editor-in-chief of The Lantern, I promise to bring you only the most factual and trustworthy news as I lead my incredible team of writers and editors. College is where you are fnally able to make decisions for yourself, so you want to make sure that you are well-informed on what is happening in the world around you. We want The Lantern to be a resource that you can rely on and look forward to accessing during your time here. Wheth- er it’s catching up on the latest breaking news, sports stories or fguring out the best places to eat or see a concert, we are prepared to bring that information right to your fngertips. Thank you for trusting us as a news source, it is not a job that we take lightly.

You are going to do incredible things during your time at Ohio State, and as editor-in-chief, I am honored to be a part of it.


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