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Quiz: What board game are you?

what board game are you?

Add up your points and learn more about yourself


What’s your favorite color?


a. Pink b. Gold c. Black d. Red


What is your dream job? a. Candy taste-tester b. Company CEO c. Detective d. Writer Everyone loves a good board game on a rainy day or to spend quality time with friends and family. Answer the following questions and find out what classic family friendly board game you align best with. Point System: A: 1 point B: 2 points C: 3 points D: 4 points

BY MALIA LAHEY results: If you got between 0-4 points you are:

How do you 2spend your free time? a. Eating food b. Lounge by the pool c. Solving mysteries d. Learn something new

candy land

If you are Candy Land you are very playful and positive. People love being around you because of your optimism. You are outgoing and often involved in many activities. You work well with others and many see you as a leader.

If you got between 5-10 points you are: monopoly If you are Monopoly you are a risk taker. You believe that the risk is worth the reward. You tend to make responsible decisions and are admired for your decisiveness.

On a rainy day what do you do? a. Watch movies b. Invest in stocks c. Read books d. Homework


If you got between 11-15 points you are: clue If you are Clue you are a very mysterious person, you often pay attention to little details and have amazing problem solving skills. You are sly and tend to get away with stuff. You’re a good friend to have but you question and second guess many things in your life.

What word would you use to describe yourself? a. Whimsical b. Sophisticated c. Mysterious 5 d. Inquisitive If you got between 16-20 points you are: scrabble If you are Scrabble you are a very busy person, you have a lot going on with extracurriculars and a booming social life. You are quick to come up with solutions to difficult problems but you tend to work better alone.

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