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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 2017 | VOL 104, NO. 1

Campus Involvement pg 4

Dining in Denton pg 5

Pioneer Volleyball pg 6

Welcome back Pioneers Photo courtesy of TWU’s Chancellor Office

Letter from Dr. Feyten Dear Texas Woman’s Students,   Welcome to a new academic year. I am very proud that you have chosen Texas Woman’s if you are a first-time student and especially happy to welcome you back if you are a returning student. For those of you who are beginning your fourth year here, as I am, perhaps I will see some of you on the graduation stage this December or next spring. Nothing would please me more.   At this time of the year, an issue very much on the minds of faculty, staff, and the administration is how will we continually strengthen the university’s ability to meet the needs of all of our students.To make that a reality, this year on the Denton campus you will see the start of a wonderful new student housing complex, a new and greatly expanded student center, a new science building and a parking garage. There are also plans in the works for reimagined spaces on the Dallas and Houston campuses as well. When the university completes these facilities, we know that our students will be better served and supported. But of course, the flip side of all these enhancements is that there are always challenges with this much change; so the increased building activity will cause some disruptions and require all of us to be more mindful of the construction traffic.   Another new initiative I want to mention is that this year the Texas legislature and governor provided resources to make Texas Woman’s the home for a new Center for Women’s Leadership in Business, Politics, and Public Policy. While we are just beginning the planning for this center, it will soon become an important opportunity for students interested in business and public sector career opportunities and research. We envision new academic offerings coming from the center along with many community-based internships. These could become very important enhancements to your education here.   The TWU administration, faculty, and staff work hard to anticipate the challenges that inevitably come your way as you start or continue your college life. If you confront a challenge and need some assistance, it is here—all you have to do is engage it. We want you to succeed and to love your time here at Texas Woman’s!   Lastly, at Texas Woman’s we don’t want to tell you what to do or what to think. We want to equip you with the tools and give you the support you need to ‘think’ and ‘do’ for yourself. So here is one last reminder: as you plan out your schedule, I hope you will commit time for self-care, healthy eating, exercising, socializing, and resting. Moving these up on your priorities list can make a real difference in your ability to achieve your goals— and thrive—not only at TWU but in your life overall.   I send my very best wishes for a productive and successful semester! Sincerely, Carine M. Feyten, Ph.D. Chancellor and President

Tabitha Gray / The Lasso

Sierra Taylor / The Lasso



Wednesday, August 30, 2017 twulasso.com

The Lasso Editorial Staff

Voices | Letter from the Editor

Welcome to Texas Woman’s


Johnna Headley jheadley@twu.edu

Managing Editor Libby Gibson lgibson1@twu.edu

Page Editor

Jenna Gibson jgibson13@twu.edu

Page Editor

Jennie Posadas jposadas@twu.edu

Copy Editor

Krista Simpson ksimpson9@twu.edu


Tiernan Shaw tshaw5@twu.edu


Timothy Barber tbarber@twu.edu


Lacey Cutburth lcutburth1@twu.edu

Contributing Writer Morgan Villavaso mvillavaso@twu.edu

Sierra Taylor / The Lasso

By JOHNNA HEADLEY Hello everyone, I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Lasso for the upcoming school year. I have been a part of your student newspaper going on three years now and it has been one of the most rewarding things I have been a part of during my time at TWU. We have quite a few new faces here at The Lasso this year, and I am looking forward to working with them to produce the best newspaper for our audience, the students of TWU. We are accessible online and in print for you to read up on the latest events on campus, learn about

your fellow Pioneers and connect with our wonderful TWU community. The Lasso is always available online at twulasso. com, however, this year we will have an online presence. The physical copy of The Lasso will be available at our stands all around campus every other week, instead of weekly. We will also be active on our social media accounts for even easier access to articles published in The Lasso. I have set many goals for The Lasso and my fellow staff members, with our number one priority to be a resource for all students in any form – from connecting you to the TWU community to letting your voice be heard. Article suggestions or letters to the editor are highly encouraged for students to participate in and can be sent to my email, jheadley@twu.edu. This is, by no means, limited to TWU’s Denton community, but welcome to all students on our Dallas and Houston campuses, as well. By increasing our coverage on the Dallas and Houston campuses, I aim to connect all of our students – regardless of geographical location – and share all of the interesting and important work TWU students are doing

to enrich their education and benefit their communities. As I reflect on my past two years at TWU, I want to encourage all of you first-year students as you begin a new and important chapter in your lives. You have definitely picked an absolutely wonderful campus (okay, I may be a bit biased) and I hope you have felt welcomed and reassured of your decision to attend the nation’s largest university primarily for women. Texas Woman’s has a unique atmosphere comprised of warm and helpful faculty and staff members, active student organizations (several of which have philanthropic efforts), and a small community vibe that you can’t help but feel at home in. The best advice I can offer you is to have fun and be open to new things that you may not have had the opportunity to do before. Even if you find that a few of the organizations you had an interest in aren’t exactly for you, try again until you find one. These organizations – whether they are academic, religious, or volunteer oriented – play a vital role in becoming connected in your community and enrich your time at a university.

Contributing Writer Alejandro Garcia agarcia50@twu.edu


Sierra Taylor staylor40@twu.edu


Rhonda Ross rross7@twu.edu


TWU Lasso



How to reach us... Mail Letters from Readers The Lasso Stoddard Hall Rm 311 Email lasso@twu.edu Website twulasso.com

ACROSS 1. Q-tips 6. *”Straight Outta Comton” Cube 9. Twirled 13. Betty Page or Grable 14. Motion of approval 15. Speak up 16. Red-headed orphan 17. Rudolph’s Clarice, e.g. 18. 4:1, e.g. 19. *What Groot and Rocket were guarding 21. *”____ ____: Fury Road” 23. Like some martinis 24. Ditto 25. Perfect summer sand wich? 28. Lover’s strike 30. Dickens’ “The Pickwick ____” 35. Plural of lira

37. Zeal or elegance 39. Reduce pressure 40. Maple, to a botanist 41. Paisleys in paisley fabric, e.g. 43. Deceptive maneuver 44. Committee head 46. Tallest volcano in Europe 47. ____ en scene 48. Bean-shaped organ 50. Chows down 52. Ground cover 53. Movie-____ 55. Mont Blanc, e.g. 57. *Maverick and Goose movie 60. *Sigourney Weav er’s 1986 sequel 63. Isabel Allende’s “Portrait in _____” 64. Driver’s aid 66. Sweater style 68. Fill with optimism

We value reader submissions. As a university newspaper we have certain criteria that limit what we will place inside our newspaper. Please limit letters to 300 words. Columns submitted should be no longer than 600 words. Please include your name, address, phone and email.Your contact information will not be published. Unsigned submissions will not be published. All submissions are also edited for length and clarity. Submissions become property of The Lasso.

69. Make mistakes 70. Follow 71. USSR to USA dur ing WWII 72. Actor Liotta 73. Shabby and tatty

DOWN 1. Health resort 2. POTUS’ West one 3. Tolstoy’s Karenina 4. ____-a-Bear Work shop 5. Britney of “Baby One More Time” fame 6. *Dr. Jones, to his friends 7. Make a pigeon sound 8. a.k.a. dropsy 9. Canned meat 10. Hummus holder 11. Windows alterna tive 12. Opposite of paleo15. Trying experience 20. Vascular tissue in plants 22. Unit of electric cur rent 24. Cover with drops 25. *B in “MIB” 26. Chinese fruit 27. Do it lightly? 29. Sunburn soother 31. Make waves 32. Tiny purses 33. *Actress Rene in “Lethal Weapon 3” and 4 34. *Keanu Reeves’ 1994 ac tion thriller 36. Sportscaster An- drews 38. Fashion house found er Ricci 42. Bringing death 45. Bob Marley’s music 49. Texter’s u 51. Woodworker’s woe 54. *Bruce Lee’s “____ the Dragon” 56. Type of feather 57. “____ it like it is” 58. October stone 59. Feel for 60. Bald eagle’s home 61. #60 Down 62. Hare’s tail 63. *Black Pearl’s do main 65. Baseball stat 67. Anthem author

Voices | Study methods

Old fashion notetaking promotes better studies By JENNA GIBSON

As a new semester begins, college students face many important choices. One decision that could make or break your success in school revolves around notetaking. For quite some time, academics have debated whether hand writing notes or typing them is a better method. If you visit a typical class, you will discover that more students pick typing as their notetaking choice. The days when lecture halls were filled with spiral notebooks overflowing with handwritten notes are long gone. Nowadays, there is a significant shift in the preferred notetaking method. All we see in lecture halls are glowing screens from laptops to other electronic devices. But are our classmates making a huge mistake? According to writing implement retailer National Pen, “Writing is linked to improved creativity, critical thinking and problem- solving.” Not only that, but the company also reports that when students hand write their notes, they retain more knowledge and comprehend information better. Although typing is much faster than hand writing - and much more convenient - taking notes on a laptop offers endless opportunities for distractions. I’m sure you’ve seen those people watching “Gilmore Girls” on Netflix instead of paying attention to the professor. Certainly, you or I would never do that-but you must admit computer usage is practically an invitation to check your social media accounts when the lecture gets boring. The paper modality is far less distracting and allows for various highlighters, pens and pencils to use when notetaking. Plus, when taking notes on paper, you can sketch and draw pictures and diagrams to help you understand the information better. Although typing notes allows you to get the lecture down verbatim, when hand writing you are more selective with the information you write down, thus forcing you to process the information more deeply.

Clearly, I believe that handwriting notes is a far superior approach than typing, but I am here to discuss what matters most. The truth is, it does not matter what method you use - what truly matters is the pen you’re using. I know some of you might disagree, but the type of pen you use makes a massive difference in the way your notes are taken. In fact, when it comes to academic success, what matters most is choosing the proper pen. Let us delve into the world of pens and their rankings. You have your BICS, which, frankly depending on what style you get, are just garbage. These typical ‘back to school’ pens from childhood can be found in a pack of eight at any store. They claim to be ‘made to last’ but, from my experience, when taking notes, the pen almost always sticks to my paper and the ink dries up far too quickly. A close second is the Papermate brand with a wide array of options to choose from. Papermate fills you with a sense of excitement when purchasing back to school supplies, but later that promising pen will leave you filled with disappointment and regret as it bleeds ink all over your first day of lecture notes. You see how a poorly-planned pen purchase can destroy an academic career. Also, in any instance of notetaking, one must consider not only how the pen allows you to write, but its doodling capabilities. That is where the Sharpie pen comes in. These pens come in various point sizes, as well as colors and never bleed, which allows for prime notetaking - whether that means bullet points of what your professor is saying or making an elaborate doodle of that morning’s lecture. After all, you’re going to have to look over these notes when you study—with the right pen you can leave the future you an inspiring work of art. I could go on and on about good and bad pens, but suffice it to say that a solid pen really does make a difference. So, remember to take notes in class, leave your laptop in its case during lectures and start your semester off right - buy a nice set of pens.

Find the crossword and sudoku solutions online @ twulasso.com!

All rights reserved. The Lasso is a weekly student publication of Texas Woman’s University, written and produced by students and printed at DFW Printing. Editors develop their own editorial and news policies. The presentation of news and editorials and the personal opinions expressed in The Lasso are those of Lasso staff and writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, staff, students, administration or the Regents of Texas Woman’s University.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017 twulasso.com


Campus | Dallas

Opportunities for active Dallas students By LIBBY GIBSON

WHO’S WHO OF TWU Q: What is some advice you would give incoming first-year students? Denton, TX Senior Mathematics

Tatiana Barron

A: “Live your life. College is all about who you are, who you want to be, and who you are going to become in the future. Make sure you live it up here.”

Jahmel Odam

Brooklyn, NY Senior Business Management

that cater to non-traditional students. “Our Family Student organizations and Weekend, held in October, activities are skyrocketing focuses on welcoming both on the Texas Woman’s parents and children of our University Dallas Campus. students,” Dukes said.   The The campus has seen a 50 weekend has everything percent growth in the number from Halloween food trucks of student organizations in and photo booths to campus the past two years, according tours and a movie night.  to Taylor Dukes, Dallas Dukes said she encourages Center student life program Dallas students to fill out the coordinator. “With a more interest form on the TWU non-traditional student Dallas campus website. “This population, we strive to make interest form is especially our programming and available designed to benefit our activities fit the needs of our weekend and evening students students and their extremely who may otherwise not see busy schedules,” Dukes said.  our student organizations on The campus holds a variety a regular basis,” Dukes said.  of family-centered events The majority of student

organizations on the Dallas campus are “directly related back to health care and students’ fields of interest,” according to Dukes. Student Life also provides a vast array of opportunities for students to get involved, whether they are joining an organization or attending events hosted by the Career Connections Consultant, such as resume and career development workshops. Counseling and Psychological Services also provides a variety of workshops and “leads a lot of stress-reduction programming in conjunction with Student Health promotion,” Dukes said.

A: “Have a goal of what you want to accomplish. Everyday you need to live and maintain that goal.” Garland, TX Junior Biochemisty

Jennifer Pham

A: “Get organized, get a planner, and know all your due dates.”

Denton, TX Graduate Student Denton, TX

Carolyn Ball

A: “‘Get involved in research and volunteering really early, even if it is not related to your major. Explore everything, it’s okay to change your major.”

Joniqua Wilburn

Campus | Houston

Dallas, TX Junior Nursing

Campus in largest medical center By ALEJANDRO GARCIA

On any given day 2.2 million people flood the busy streets of Houston, TX working diligently to create a better future in what has become a thriving metropolis centered around gas, oil and cutting-edge healthcare. Of these 2.2 million, a humble 1300+ individuals belong to our very own Pioneer family and can be found at the Texas Woman’s University Institute of Health Sciences - Houston Center. Although the TWU Houston Center has been a part of the Houston skyline since 1960, the current single 10-story building replaced the original campus in 2006. Embedded within the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest center of its kind, which houses 21 stateof-the-art hospitals containing a variety of medical specialty personnel, public health

A: “Skip that Tuesday party, because you know you have a test of Wednesday and it is not worth organizations, advance health ensure this, the TWU Houston it.”

science schools, and several research institutions; it truly is no surprise that the TWU Houston Center has become home to highly ranked health science programs in physical and occupational therapy, as well as an outstanding health care administration program. Although the TWU Houston center is 291 miles from the main TWU campus the Houston center, much like the Dallas center, constantly reaches new heights of academic excellence through the continued support of TWU students. Because of the distance from the central TWU campus in Denton, many people might assume that there is a disconnect between the two campuses; however, through the use of student resources the students at the TWU Houston center can be assured that their needs, both personal and professional, will be met. To

Office of Student Life, found on the second floor, maintains a strong presence in the TWU Houston Center ensuring that students “grow and develop in ways that will enhance [their] skill set, and encourage a fuller sense of being.” Along with the TWU Student Life presence, TWU Houston also offers a campus fitness center and counseling services all conveniently located in close proximity to the Student Life office, found on the second floor. The TWU Houston center also offers health services to students via the University of Texas Health Services found in the neighboring Texas Medical Center; an on-site career consultant can also be found on the first floor of Campus Management Student Services.

Photo Courtesy of TWU Marketing and Communication

Texas Woman’s University

Career Connections Center

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Experience working with children is a plus! • Hours are 2:15-6:30 pm Monday-Friday. • If interested, please call


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Wednesday, August 30, 2017 twulasso.com

Campus | Student involvement

Student Life opportunities are abundant at TWU By KRISTA SIMPSON  The end of August has come and students are making the transition from summer days to college life.   Many students dread coming back to school, but college is not just about earning As and late-night studying. College is about being involved and gaining new experiences, so what better way to do that than to participate in student life activities? There are many organizations on campus that students can become a part of to spruce up their college days.   The Fit and Rec is always open to students who need to let off a little steam or de-stress from a long day of classes. Fit and Rec is free to all students, so there’s no need to worry about paying to go to the gym. The student recreation center features a variety of classes that are available to students throughout the

Photo Courtesy of TWU Leadership Institute

A sand volleyball court is used in the spring by Fit and Rec.

week – from yoga to kickboxing, Fit and Rec has a class for it. There are also treadmills and weight sets for students who want to get in a good workout. For students who are looking for a fun way to spend some free time, there is a rockclimbing wall that’s completely cost-free.

zations for students who can’t get enough of learning and doing.   The Leadership Institute is a great organization for those who want to have experience in being a progressive figure in society. The Leadership Institute propels students to make the best of their college ca-

reer and prepares them for the real world after graduation.   There are also on-campus for students with religious affiliations. The most popular college ministry for both UNT and TWU is the Overflow student group from First Baptist Denton. Overflow meets every

Tuesday and holds many events for students to have some fun.   No matter what type of organization a student is looking for, TWU is bound to have it. Student Life is fun and exciting, and there are limitless amounts of memories that can be made within.

more than able to provide that help as well. Students can go to the Write Site, located in CFO 129, for assistance in their academic writing. If you need a little bit of extra help in math, the Math and Technology Success Center, located in MCL 307, can provide it. Assistance in Science courses can be found at the Science Learning Resource Center, located in ASSC 365.   Success at TWU is as much about personal wellness as it is academic success. The Mary Eleanor Brackenridge Student Union, more commonly referred to as simply the Student Union, is home to many resources to aid in both student enrichment and wellness. Inside is the TWU bookstore, a cafeteria garden room and a game room. The Student Union houses the Student Life Office and the Center for Student Development.   Student Life (SU 206) is the home for a number of resources for TWU students. Students

with disabilities can register and receive accommodation through Disability Services for Students, located in CFO 106. Students struggling with their transition TWU or just the everyday problems that every human being experiences can receive counseling through Counseling and Psychological Services, located in West Jones Hall, which provides individual, marriage and group counseling for every student.   Non-traditional and commuting students can take advantage of the resources provided by the Campus Alliance for Resource Education (CARE), located in SU 209. CARE provides information on childcare, off-campus housing and unique scholarships for non-traditional students. Non-traditional students with families are also encouraged to take advantage of on-campus family housing. Family housing is available to any married student or students with children. Information on family housing

can be found at the Housing Office, located on the third floor of Jones Hall. For those who have served, Veterans and Military Resources, located in ACT 127, provides additional unique opportunities and resources to enrich your experience at TWU and honor your service.   Perhaps the greatest resource available to students at TWU is its outstanding faculty. Each professor holds office hours and is available to speak with students individual by appointment. In every department and for every major there are designated academic advisors, and these advisors are there to help students achieve their academic goals.   You do not have to figure out everything out on your own. TWU is excited to help you fulfill your goals, and what’s more, nearly every service available is free. They are built into the cost of attendance. You’re already paying for it; you might as well take advantage of it.

Not really the fitness type? Don’t worry; there are still a ton of options for non-athletic seeking students to get involved in the student life on campus. TWU has sororities and fraternities for students who are eager to be involved in Greek life. There are also academic organi-

Diverse resources aid students in all areas

TWU provides a uniquely diverse learning environment. Each and every student at TWU will experience a myriad of challenges in pursuit of their academic goals, and TWU is ready to help.   The Denton campus is littered with resources to equip each student with the ability to meet these challenges, and taking advantage of them is often little more than a mouse-click away.   Above all, TWU is an institution of learning, and many of the resources it provides are geared toward helping you

Photo Courtesy of TWU Fit and Rec

There are three National Panhellenic Conference sororities at TWU.

Campus | Student resources


Photo by Tammi Paul

The Leadership Institute increases opportunities to engage student leaders.

achieve academic success. There are over 700 computers in labs spread out across the campus. There are also several labs with advanced software that is unique to specific degree plans. Within the student services website is a comprehensive list of each lab and where they can be located. Among the locations for several of these computers is the Blagg-Huey Library, where students can also checkout laptops, Chromebooks, and adapters that will allow students to integrate their own technology with TWU’s for presentations and classwork. The Blagg-Huey Library is also the home of an

extensive research collection, and its website houses an extensive research database to further aid in student research. Additionally, for the many students that do own their own technology, TWU provides services for the maintenance of that technology. The Student Technology Assistants and Resources program (STAR) is a service that employs qualified student trainers to help students with any software or hardware difficulties they encounter with their own technology.   Sometimes, a little extra help is all that is needed to achieve academic success, and TWU is


Connections Center All Pioneers are invited to take advantage of the following services: Career Advising Workshops & Seminars Choose a major and connect academics to a career path. Learn more about resume preparation, how to choose a Learn about your values, interest, personality, and skills. major, interview techniques, how to prepare for career fairs, and more. Career Fairs Meet potential employers from a variety of industries Presentations who are recruiting for internship and job opportunities. Invite us to present to your organization. There are a Practice your networking skills. Make sure to dress variety of topics to choose from. Presentations are even professionally! available in the evenings or on weekends with advance notice – just ask! Employer Connection Events Hear directly from industry representatives about career Resume, Interview, and Job Search Assistance paths. Explore new opportunities. Gain insight into the Bring your resume and get feedback. Schedule a practice recruitment process. interview. Learn how to conduct a targeted job or internship search. TWU Connect (powered by Handshake) View and apply for internships, part-time, and full-time Online Tools jobs. Learn about on and off-campus career events. You Get help 24/7. Visit our website to utilize Optimal Resume, already have an account – just log in and get started. an online resume builder and mock interview tool, view career videos, and more.

Connect with us and design your plan for career success today! Questions? Website: www.twu.edu/career-services/ 940.898.2950. Phone: careers@twu.edu Email:


Wednesday, August 30, 2017 twulasso.com


Lifestyle | Enertainment venues

Local hangouts provide excellent food, atmosphere By TIMOTHY BARBER

a full bar – everything you need to melt away your scholarly stresses. Bands perform every week including Star Party, John Tipton and more.

Looking for more live music? Check out Dan’s SilverLeaf which features a wide range of performing artists, a full bar and a back porch.   Wanting something more mellow? Visit Harvest House located on Hickory. With a wide range

Looking for something to do in Denton once you’ve finished your studying? A place to go that will get you far away from your heavy books? Listed below are several entertainment venues and festivals in Denton that we think may be the cure.  The Abbey Underground, located on Walnut in Denton’s historic Courthouse Square, features a menu with new and old English recipes and Harvest House located a few blocks from the Denton Square.

of beers from cider and meads to blondes and pale ales, Harvest House has everything you’re looking for. If you bring your dog, they will even provide a water bowl while you browse their teas and coffees.   Hungry and craving carbs, but you also want to tune your ears to something other than a lecture? No problem! We’ve got you covered. Head on down to LSA Burger Co., located on Hickory for anything from burgers to queso, LSA Burger Co. also features live music on their rooftop patio.   Not in the mood for a burger or queso? How about a hot steaming pizza? If that sounds yummy to you, swing by J and J’s Pizza conveniently located on the square. Music shows are a regular in their lobby.   Need to shake your legs and get your blood flowing from all that sitting? Bring your dancing boots, because Rocking Rodeo, located on Ave C, is the

place to be. With live music and a dance floor, be prepared to dance all your academic problems away.   No interest in a venue? Listed below are some upcoming festivals you can set your sights on for this semester.   On Sept. 16, the Denton

Blues Festival, located at Quakertown Park, will begin its exceptional two-day blues acts. It’s a family-oriented event – a great opportunity to invite

your family and friends to come down and visit you!   Dogs Day of Denton will take place on Oct. 7 at the North Texas State Fair grounds. Dogs Day is a great place for your canine pal to socialize and show off with others.   This year’s Denton Turkey Roll Bicycle Rally will be on Nov. 18. Located at Immaculate Con ception Catholic Church, this is a unique festival for those who love to ride their bikes. There are plenty of routes for the novice to the advanced rider.

Lifestyle | Home

Decorating on a dime By MORGAN VILLAVASO

More often than not, backto-school season and moving season come hand-in-hand for students. Spending money on furnishing a new dorm or apartment is typically the last thing we want to do after paying rent, deposits and utilities. Decorate on a dime with this localized guide to second hand apps, thrift shops and department stores.   The first thing a new living space needs is furniture, and the first place to look is second hand apps. Since apps like 5miles and OfferUp are often used to sell furniture and other household items as quickly as possible, they are usually home to extremely low prices. For example, I once paid just $5 for a brand new desk chair - in quarters.   These apps also allow users to narrow their search by location and price range, making them very compatible with busy schedules and tight budgets.   Houseware and kitckenware are another must when putting together a new place. For those who love vintage and retro looks, local thrift stores are one of the best options. To testify, I once bought all the

All photos by Sierra Taylor / The Lasso

Lifestyle | Denton eats

Getting down in Denton By LACEY CUTBURTH

glassware, silverware, plates and bowls I needed for my apartment from a local trading post. In total, I spent about $40.   In Denton, the Downtown Mini Mall on the courthouse square and Ruth’s Room are certainly worth checking out, and bear in mind that every purchase from Ruth’s benefits Habitat for Humanity of Denton County.   For those with more modern taste, IKEA is another affordable option for everyday items. Think cutting boards, kitchen knives, place mats, fruit bowls. When it comes to these sorts of items, this store’s prices make it well worth the 30-minute drive to Frisco.  For example, I recently bought a toilet brush from IKEA for $0.69. Clearly, this is

Morgan Villavaso / The Lasso

not the most glamorous product to reference in print, but why spend $3 to $6 on similar items at Walmart or Target when you could quite literally pay cents?   IKEA does come with its disclaimers, however. While its furniture can also be quite affordable, it is typically very flimsy and is simply not built to last.   Furthermore, IKEA is not for the weak. Its showroom is full of items that no one knows they “need” until spotted in a bedroom display that is somehow aesthetically pleasing on a downright obnoxious level. Example: Did I need a $30 faux sheepskin rug to drape over my $5 5miles chair? No. Does it look adorable in my living room right now? Heck yes it does.

Whether you’re sitting on campus or out and about with friends, hunger can strike at any moment.You could visit the

sphere is laid back with a nice patio for those who enjoy sitting outside. Cool Beans offers some interesting burgers like the pineapple sriracha burger, pineapples may not belong on pizzas but

Tabitha Gray / The Lasso

same old chain restaurants or you could venture out into Den same old chain restaurants or you could venture out into  of the restaurants that are special and held close to the hearts of Denton citizens.   If you find yourself hungry early in the morning, but cannot get out of bed, check out Breckies. Breckies is a breakfast/ brunch restaurant that only delivers. Serving up delicious deep fried french toast and healthy vegan options like vigas tacos, Breckies is hard to resist with such a variety on the menu.   Maybe you’re in the mood for some tasty tacos but are trying to save money, check out Fry Street Tavern – their tacos are under $5 and are amazing. Chicken, beef, and pork are all on the menu but you have the option to customize and add whatever your stomach desires.  Another great cheap option is Cool Beans. The atmo-

they do taste great on burgers!   If you aren’t into hamburgers, chicken sandwiches and taco baskets are also offered along with vegetarian options. If your sweet tooth is talking

simpler time as soon as you walk through the door. Beth Marie’s is a landmark in the heart of Denton, first opened in 1998 and has been serving delicious ice cream since. There are over 100 flavors of ice cream and when the seasons change certain flavors come onto the menu. Not only do they serve amazing ice cream but they also serve lunch items until 4 p.m., such as sandwiches and soups. So, if it’s a hot summer day stop in and grab some ice cream or if it’s a cold winter day drop by and grab some soup and hot cobbler, Beth Marie’s is where it’s at.   If you really just want a fast bite to eat Denton offers a variety of food trucks around town. Beware of Dog off of N. Austin street offers up gourmet hot dogs on the fly. Hoagieslingers can get you a yummy sandwich in just a few minutes and they even have wraps, tacos and a menu for the kids.   Denton is unique and with

Sierra Taylor / The Lasso

and you’re craving something sweet check out Beth Marie’s Old Fashioned Ice Cream where their ice cream machine is from 1927 and takes you back to a

a little adventure you are sure to find the perfect place to stop in and grab a bite to eat!



Wednesday, August 30, 2017 twulasso.com

Sports | Volleyball

Pioneers hit the court with new coaches, new captains, new culture By MORGAN VILLAVASO   This season marks the start of a new chapter in Pioneer volleyball.   Head Coach Jeff Huebner and Assistant Coach Laura Farney are bringing new training techniques and newfound excitement to the team.   In his first season, Huebner is making strides towards more concentrated training methods. “I think that we’re going to play a faster style offense,” said Huebner, “I think that you’ll see the team be a little more athletic on the whole.”

Senior Middle Blocker/Outside Hitter and Captain Haley Collins said, “Training is more focused, and the training we do on the court is very fast paced… It’s very mentally demanding, and it’s making us a better team.”  According to Sophomore Setter and Captain Katy Ranes, the team has also begun training with the Volleyball Performance Index test.   “[VPI] is more volleyballbased testing…as compared to what we did last year, which was like push-ups, sit-ups and a couple of running tests,” said Ranes, “[VPI] will test your vertical jump, how hard you hit the ball, and…it will actually show results that could help us win.”   Collins said that working with Huebner and Farney has been “extremely productive.” Collins: “We’ve been able to identify things that need to be worked on, identify things that we’re good at, and… fine tune fundamental skills - whether on or off the court that need attention.” According to Collins, the coaches’ effect on the team goes much deeper than training techniques. She said, “Our culture is going to change a lot from what it has been in the past because of Jeff and Laura.” To put it simply, Collins describes that culture as “a hunger for improvement, for knowledge, and a desire to be more connected

with the people that you’re around.” Huebner is ecstatic to be working with the team. He said, “We have had great chemistry between coaching staff and players, and their commitment to hard work I think is going to result in pretty good pay off this fall.”   Huebner also expressed his excitement about working with Farney this season. “Laura comes with a wealth of experience,” he said, “She’s really developed into a coach who cares so passionately about our players and how they develop and grow as young women.And then she gets to couple that with really highlevel playing experience and really high-level coaching experience.”   The coaches and captains alike have a lot to look forward to this season. Huebner said, “I’m looking forward to opening home weekend. We get Tarleton and Angelo State, which finished one and two in conference last year…That’s going to be a really good opening weekend test where we get to find out

exactly where we are, where we need to be, and hopefully surprise a few people.”   The Pioneers kick off the Lone Star Conference with Tarleton State on Friday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. and Angelo State on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 2 p.m. in the Kitty Magee Arena.  The first matches of the season take place in

Golden, Colorado.   On Friday, Sept. 1, the Pioneers play Northern State at 12 p.m. and Colorado School of Mines at 4:30 p.m.    TWU will be back on the court Saturday, Sept. 2 to play Colorado Mesa at 12 p.m. and Regis at 8:30 p.m.

Sierra Taylor / The Lasso

TWU 2017


Soccer @ TWU Soccer Field GAME 1 vs. Colorado School of Mines FRI 9/1

7 p.m.


vs. Texas-Permian Basin

FRI 10/6

7 p.m.

GAME 2 vs. Regis

SUN 9/3

7 p.m.


vs. Angelo State

SUN 10/8

2 p.m.

GAME 3 vs. Colorado School-Pueblo

SUN 9/10

2 p.m.


vs. Texas A&M Commerce

WED 10/11 7 p.m.

GAME 4 vs. Southern Nazarene

THUR 9/14 7 p.m.


vs. Eastern New Mexico

FRI 10/20

GAME 5 vs. Midwestern State

FRI 9/29

7 p.m.

GAME 10 vs. West Texas A&M

7 p.m.

SUN 10/22 2 p.m.

Volleyball @ Kitty Magee Arena GAME 1 vs. Tarleton State

FRI 9/15

7 p.m.

GAME 7 vs. Texas A&M-Kingsville

FRI 10/27

7 p.m.

GAME 2 vs. Angelo State

SAT 9/16

2 p.m.


SAT 10/28

2 p.m.

GAME 3 vs. Texas A&M Commerce

TUE 9/19 7 p.m.

SAT 10/28

5 p.m.

GAME 4 vs. Western New Mexico

FRI 10/6

2:30 p.m.

GAME 5 vs. Eastern New Mexico

SAT 10/7

GAME 6 vs. Cameron

vs. Southeastern Oklahoma State

GAME 9 vs. Arkansas-Monticello GAME 10

vs. Midwestern State

TUE 10/31

7 p.m.

2 p.m.


vs. West Texas A&M

FRI 11/10

7 p.m.

TUE 10/17 7 p.m.


vs. Texas-Permian Basin

SAT 11/11

2 p.m.

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