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Love Letter to The Lasso
from February 2019
by The Lasso
Dear John,
We first met back in elementary school. We were classmates for roughly 7 years and at one point I despised you. You seemed like such a know it all and I thought you had everything which in turn made me jealous and dislike you even more. Now I have everything by having you.
Finding you again after roughly 6years while in college has really turned things around for me. I’m happier, lighter. I’m just more at ease and comfortable with you. I swear we’re turning into some cheesy special on hallmark. I mean your mom joined us on our first outing, now if that doesn’t say romantic comedy I don’t know what does. And I know we’ve just got around to saying that terrifying L word, but I mean it. You’re just like a nice tamale on Christmas day, something I look forward to seeing all year, warm, and packaged beautifully. We cringe a little everytime we get all cheesy and I thought what’s cheesier than professing my love for you in a letter?
Te amo. Eres como una taza de café despues de un dia largo y frio. Un abrazo calido despues de un dia dificil. La sonriza que yo necesito para poner me las pilas. Ahor que te tengo en mi vida de nuevo no se si voy a poder dejarte ir otra vez, sera imposible para mi. Entonces eso significa que estas atrapado aqui con migo.
I love you. I’ve uttered those 3 words to past partners, but with you, I realize it was an infantile feeling. It doesn’t compare to what I feel for you and it definitely doesn’t hold the same emotion, the same passion.
I love you just the way you are, I think you’re perfect now and that you don’t need to change. Having said that I know you want to and I want you to know I support you. I want to help you. I understand that you just want to better yourself so I’ll be there for the ride.
I love you so much that it hurts me when you put yourself dowe or when you tell me about your injuries, it physically pains me and when it gets bad I want to cry. I don’t know how to help sometimes so I listen and I’ll listen as long as you want me to hear. I’ll offer my comfort and love and when we’re apart I’ll show you in different ways. I know I can’t fix anything either, but I hope that I can show you it’s okay to make mistakes and while everyone has room for improvement you’ll always be perfect in any stste.
Te amo tanto que no puedo parar de pensat en ti. Cada vez que trato de ser un trabajo solo puede pensar en tu sonriza, el tono de tu voz cuandome dices que me quieres, tu riza cuando sabes que solo yo te puede escuchar, la manera en que hablas cuando me cuentas de algo emocionanteque te ha pasado, como cambia el color de tu cara cuando confieso mi amor enfrente de todos. Apuesto que cuando lees esta carta hasta tu cuello se va poner el color de un tomate.
I love you, you big nerd.