Special Edition Orientation 2015
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Monday, June 15, 2015
Lasso editorial staff
Frequently Asked Questions Q: How do I buy a bus pass? A: You can buy discounted bus passes or a University Pass DCTA train ticket in the Student Union, Room 209.
Q: What do I do if I lose my Pioneer card?
Managing Editor
A: If your Pioneer Card is lost or stolen report it to ID Services right away at 940-898-3565.
Katie Olson • molson4@twu.edu Sierra Taylor staylor@twu.edu
Q: How do I get a parking permit?
Page Editor
A: Our Texas Woman’s University Department of Public Safety issues our parking permits and they offer this service in their office or online at www.twu.edu/dps or use the search bar on the TWU home page.
Matt Olson • molson3@twu.edu Nadiyah Suleiman • nsuleiman@twu.edu
Jabari Hendricks • jhendricks@twu.edu
Position available for a design student for 2015-16
Q: What if I get a parking citation?
A: To appeal a citation or to pay your fine online go to the DPS website.
Tabitha Gray• tgray@twu.edu
Rhonda Ross • rross7@twu.edu All Rights reserved. The Lasso is a weekly student publication of Texas Woman’s University, written and produced by students and printed at DFW Printing. Editors develop their own editorial and news policies. The presentation of news and editorials and the personal opinions expressed in The Lasso are those of Lasso staff and writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, staff, students, administration or the Regents of Texas Woman’s University.
We value reader submissions. As a university newspaper we have certain criteria that limit what we will place inside our newspaper. Please limit letters to 300 words. Columns submitted should be no longer than 600 words. Please include your name, address, phone, and email address. Your contact information will not be published. Unsigned submissions will not be published. All submission are also edited for length and clarity. Submissions become property of The Lasso.
How to reach us Mail Letters from Readers The Lasso Stoddard Hall Rm 311
Email lasso@twu.edu Website twulasso.com
Letter from the Editor
Hello. My name is Katie Olson and I’m your student Editor-in-Chief for the 2015-2016 academic year. I am currently beginning my last year here at Texas Woman’s University earning my degree in English. I am ecstatic not only to be working for The Lasso, but for the opportunity to serve as a representative voice of the student body. As a transfer student. I understand how difficult it can be to become in tune with an unfamiliar campus. I remember feeling intimidated by the new environment. After my last experience at a university, I fretted that I wouldn’t make any friends or be able to navigate through the new chapter of life at TWU. However, I have found from trial and error that the best way to alleviate this struggle is to become involved. Socialize with your classmates. Apply for jobs on campus, or at places nearby. Join student organizations. Take advantage of the services we offer here on campus. Check out local venues for live music, art galleries or poetry readings. Be proactive. Stay connected. College can be a life-changing experience, but it’s all in how you decide to live that experience. With that being said, don’t forget to read your student newspaper for updates not just around the campus, but in the community as well. The staff is here to serve you along with the rest of the Denton, Dallas and Houston campuses and we want to hear your voices. Even if you don’t decide to become a writer for The Lasso there are still ways for you to become involved with us. If you have any ideas for a story, shoot us an e-mail. Have a disagreeing opinion about an article an editor wrote? Send in a letter explaining your point of view. Enjoy creative writing? Submit your best works to our literary journal The Daedalion. Connect with us. Become involved with student life here at TWU. First-year and transfer students should also anticipate the new changes we are making this fall here at the newspaper. We want to engage more of our students through social media, so if you’re internet savvy please shoot us a like or follow whether it be over Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to stay up-todate on the news here on campus as it unfolds. Another exciting development for The Lasso is the presence of more online content on our website. We will be posting more stories online, along with our weekly publication, in order to bring you a fresh perspective of TWU whether it be on campus, here in Denton or at our Dallas or Houston Campuses. And finally, we have changed our publishing schedule for the upcoming year to keep pace with evolving technology. We will be in print format three out of four weeks, and the fourth week will be solely dedicated to publishing online. So if you don’t see any newspapers at our newsstands that means you should check us out at twulasso. com. We want you to stay connected with us whether it be through our print paper, the website, or social media. As the new Editor-in-Chief of The Lasso I welcome you to our campus. Not only is TWU rich in history and traditions, it’s buildings and sidewalks are filled with some of the most brilliant and kind-hearted professors, students and friends that I have been privileged to meet. Whether you are a first-year or transfer student, I hope your beginning here at TWU is an experience that allows you to not only grow as an individual, but becomes a memorable part of your college experience.
Stay Connected
Monday, JuneMarch 15, 2015 Wednesday, 26, 2014
Spotlight on Student Success Resources By: Katie Olson
Texas Woman’s University Denton Campus provides services to both first-year and transfer students. No matter what your academic or social needs may be, TWU is equipped to assist students in becoming successful individuals. These are a few of the facilities and student organizations campus has to offer: TWU’s Blagg-Huey Library offers different services including free access to computers, printing, scanning, the research datebase and reservations for study rooms. Located on the second floor of the library in Suite 220 the Pioneer Center for Student Excellence provides collaborating programs and services to help students achieve their academic and career goals. At the Pioneer Center, students search internships, attend academic coaching sessions, participate in workshops, and learn about study abroad opportuni-
ties, which are some of the many services offered. Executive Director of the Pioneer Center for Student Excellence Dr. Joshua Adams states that the facility is here to serve students and keep them connected to all resources they need in order to be academically successful. “It is important for firstyear students, whether freshman or transfer, to connect early in the academic career in order to maximize opportunity. It is never too early to begin thinking about an internship, where to study abroad, or brush up on academic skills,” Adams said. University Dining offers a wide selection of food categories to choose from the Garden Room, to the Underground to various quick stops such as Chick-Fil-A and Which Which. They also provide different meal plans for a busy student’s schedule. Student Health Services caters to the medical needs of students with affordable rates. They offer differ-
ent appointments ranging from Well Woman’s Exams, STD testing and treatment, routine physicals to injury and illness care and also offers the Meningitis shot for students accepted into TWU. The Counseling Center located in West Jones Hall gives free therapy sessions to students needing individual help, couples counseling, crisis intervention or group therapy. The staff at the counseling center embraces diversity and encourage a safe environment for students. Veteran students who attend TWU can take advantage of the Veteran and Military Center. Located in Jones Hall rooms 106 and 107, the Veteran and Military Center at TWU is a dedicated facility for former veterans to study or relax. TWU is dedicated to honoring those who have previously served in all branches of the military. To find out where exciting events
are taking place on campus check out CAB (Campus Activities Board). CAB sponsors various events for all students of all backgrounds. Become more involved with campus life by checking out SGA (Student Government Association). “Student Government Association is the liaison between the student body and administration,” SGA President Rebecca Montoya said. “Any concerns, improvements, or changes, that the students would like to be seen done can be brought up to the executive board so they can accomplish the goal.” Meanwhile, reporter Matt Olson has also looked into other avenues for student involvement along with other academic and special services offered to all students here at TWU.
meets. Fitness and Recreation offers students, staff and faculty the opportunity to become engaged with their own physical fitness. The facilities are comprised of a comprehensive fitness center, an indoor swimming pool, a rock climbing wall, a golf course and game courts for basketball, tennis and volleyball. Over the summer, Fitness and Recreation is playing host to the new Summer Group Exercise Schedule, a free class enabling students and members to stay physically active with a fitness regimen. Fitness and Recreation also allows students, staff and faculty to participate in various intramural sports programs, including basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, tennis and weightlifting, among other activities and games. The Write Site is available to help students with writing assignments. Students can schedule meetings through the Write Site’s website to receive instruction and assistance. The Write Site also provides work-
shops and seminars to help develop writing skills. The Write Site is located in CFO 129. Over the summer, the Write Site is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm and on Friday from 9 am to 1 pm. Similar to the Write Site, TWU offers the Mathematics and Technology Success Center to help students with math courses and statistical software. Students can receive private instruction from a tutor, either individually or in a group. The Mathematics and Technology Success Center is located in MCL 307. Over the summer, the center is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am to 5 pm and on Friday from 8 am to 2 pm. Additionally, the Science Learning Resource Center offers various services to students in science courses. Students can find in-depth information on the subjects they study, and they can receive access to additional learning materials. The SLRC is not open during the summer semester. TWU offers Disability Support Services for the differently abled por-
tion of its population, including testing accommodations, sign language interpreters and Communication Access Real-Time Translation writers. DSS Director Jo Ann Nunnelly stressed the need for students who need services to contact the organization: “The big difference between K through 12 and higher education is that DSS in higher education requires the students themselves to contact us if they want services.” Information about DSS is provided in every class syllabus. Nunnelly continued: “There is a myth that still continues to be alive on college campuses that some people think they have to register within the first two weeks of the semester or they will be unable to receive services, and this is untrue. Some colleges have used a statement like that in the past to encourage students to register, but it is not a requirement.” She added that DSS is open year-round, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
For more information visit www.twu.edu and type your inquiry in the search bar.
Campus Connections Students Need to Know By: Matt Olson
TWU has an active Greek Life component on campus. Students can join various sororities and fraternities to engage with the campus and community while building relationships to develop and advance their professional careers. Greek organizations on campus include Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi and Sigma Sigma Sigma of the College Panhellenic Council; Kappa Sigma of the Interfraternity Council; Phi Beta Sigma, Zeta Phi Beta, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Gamma Rho and Alpha Kappa Alpha of the National Panhellenic Council; and Sigma Lambda Alpha and Sigma Lambda Gamma of the Multicultural Greek Council. TWU Athletics boasts a significant number of talented athletes. The Pioneers are represented on the basketball and volleyball courts, on the soccer and softball fields and on the gymnastics bar. The softball and volleyball teams received numerous accolades over the past season. Get involved with TWU athletics and show your support by attending games and
Campus Treasures
Monday, June 15, 2015 Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Photography by Emily Nickles
Enchanted Spaces & Secluded Spots
By Emily Nickles
Photography by Maura Teague
Photography by Emily Nickles
Photography by Maura Teague
When you first arrived on campus for a college visit one of the TWU Ambassadors may have given you a tour around our beautiful campus and now you will be calling these surroundings your home throughout your college experience. At first you may be going from dorm to classroom following a map tattered from overuse and being stuffed in your backpack. Even after you know your way around there may be some hidden treasures on campus that you walked right past. We invite you to linger a while and experience a few of our many enchanted campus spots. The Little Chapel-in-theWoods is one of these gems that most have heard of, but perhaps not paid attention to. Completed in 1939, it was the vision of former TWU President L.H. Hubbard that it would be a place for students to meditate and find peace as they pursued their individual faith. It was designed by renowned architect O’Neil Ford and A.B. Swank, but students created the stained glass windows, candelabras,
This article originally appeared March 26, 2104 and pews as part of the graduate art program and earned their degree through hands-on work. The result is a serene, low-lit environment, creating a majestic awe that requires respect and stillness. As feet slide softly on the stone floors, a swirling metal staircase leads to second-story pews where singing voices are carried along the high ceiling, and the symmetry of the pendant light fixtures and mosaics draw aesthetic shapes. Not more than two or three steps away from the Little Chapelin-the-Woods is the Botanical Garden. Known to most as the “rock” garden, it was first created in 1930 to be used as an outdoor laboratory for Biology students and for the recreational use of students. The garden is a maze of trees, brush, and seasonal flowers. Woodbine sandstone steps and terraces, which were added in 1932, lead the way to areas of peaceful relaxation. Stone benches made of the native sandstone show the signs of age and many seasons; names scrawled into the faces of stone and dirt paths made by many
feet beg you to trod on them and explore. Across the street, nearing the Lowry Woods Community, is the greenhouse. Typical to greenhouses, its structure is curved with acrylic plastic panels lining the walls. Two 20th century lanterns light the doorway at night, giving it a historical aura, as if one were just strolling down the street, umbrella and coin purse in hand. Although native shrubs are the only greenery in sight, the inside of the building reveals round metal tables and chairs perfect for a tea party. Currently, the greenhouse is only used for small luncheons and receptions during the summer and spring seasons. Take time to explore your new home and discover which hidden treasure on campus becomes your favorite place to go.
There may be a time over the new few months when you find yourself burning the candle at both ends, getting up early to get to class and staying up late studying. Maybe you need a cup or two of coffee to get your blood pumping or perhaps you’re just looking for a place to hang out and talk with all the new friends you’ve made since coming to TWU. Luckily, Denton is home to a number of diverse coffee hangouts so you should have no trouble finding a place to call your own. Artistic flare mixed with a bohemian atmosphere makes West Oak Coffee Bar the perfect location for studying or de-stressing. Try a perfectly prepared cup of your favorite expresso or if you’re in the mood for something a little different try the chocolate cold brew, a West Oak specialty made with cold brew coffee blended with chocolate milk. Not for the faint of heart this cold brew packs a major caffeine punch. The Lasso has yet to confirm life on Mars, but we’ve definitely confirmed life on Jupiter; as in Jupiter House Coffee located on the N. Locust Street side of the Denton square. Voted best coffee in Denton for 4 years in a row for a reason the coffee comes with an atmosphere that invites you to sit down and discuss the meaning of life with your fellow Pioneers. Any coffee house that has a quote from Ernest Hemingway on their website earns kudos from us coffee swigging writers. Located just a short walk from campus is Loco Café, a breakfast favorite for students and Dentonites alike. If you’re feeling a major hunger attack coming on and you think you can handle it try the “Overachiever” breakfast item which includes two eggs, tomatoes, chives, bacon, country potatoes, cheddar cheese and sour cream. For a lighter breakfast order the “Bees Knees” with granola, warm milk, honey and fruit offering the perfect start to your day.
Day in Denton If a cup of tea is more your style most of the cafes in town offer a variety of teas and no one has more tea blends to offer than The Chestnut Tree Teahouse and Bistro. With more than 30 varieties of teas to choose from you can try a different one every day until you find your perfect blend. A special favorite here at The Lasso is the Happy tea, yes you heard us correctly, and a steaming pot of Happy always makes us, well, happy. The menu of tasty delights will make you happy too and on Saturdays you can revel in a delightful brunch while listening to live music. Located two blocks away from Downtown Denton, on E. McKinney Avenue is Zera Coffee Co. With its vintage look and spiritual atmosphere, Zera is the perfect place to congregate, study, or simply meditate. Zera is actually a funding ministry run completely by volunteers that supports the Denton Freedom House so you know that great cup of coffee you are sipping helps others and it doesn’t get any better than that. If you are on campus when the urge for a hot cup of wakeup hits you don’t forget the Baker’s Dozen in the Student Union where they are always serving up the Starbucks.
Wednesday, March Monday, June26, 15,2014 2015
6 Monday, Wednesday, March 26, 2014 June 15, 2015
Day in Denton
When you’re looking for a place to eat and want to try something offcampus Denton is packed with great restaurants. To help you find your way here are just a few of our favorites at The Lasso, all within walking distance of TWU. You might not think of Cajun food when you first think of Denton but one visit to Hoochies and we guarantee you’ll change your mind. Try a fingerlicking good shrimp Po’boy with some red beans and rice on the side. Hoochies is known for serving up tasty seafood whether you want your meal grilled, boiled or fried. The chefs at Hoochies can do it all and they also serve up a raw bar loaded with fresh, schucked-to-order oysters from the Gulf. Even the bread at Hoochies is baked in house. Their own website calls them zany and fun and with their location just off the square on West Hickory you can easily walk there from the TWU campus. If you can’t get to Hoochies in person you can get your Cajun fix delivered for a small fee by ordering online and using an easy app called Greedi. Head to Hoochies website at www.hoochiesdenton.com for more information on this Denton hotspot.
Sure, you can walk down the block from campus to several fast food joints and order yourself a cheese burger or you can head down to LSA Burger Co. for a gourmet burger at a price that doesn’t hurt your piggy bank. Located right on the Denton square, LSA also has a great rooftop where you listen to local live music several nights a week while you dine.
If you’re looking for a plate full of sweet, spicy BBQ look no further than Denton staple, Rooster’s Roadhouse on Industrial Avenue. Rooster’s is also known for their juicy burgers and you might want to start your meal off with an order of the bean and chopped brisket queso with a smoky flavored pico that will make your mouth water. Part of the fun at Rooster’s is just gazing at all the eclectic décor that completely covers the walls and even the ceiling. Check them out at www.roosters-roadhouse. com and then walk that way.
Literally just down the sidewalk from Rooster’s you’ll find Fuzzy’s Taco Shop. Whether you’re stopping in for a delicious breakfast taco or you’re bringing your appetite for a jumbo burrito Fuzzy’s has got you covered. Try the Tempura Shrimp jumbo burrito for a new take on Mexican flavor and add a side of the cilantro-lime rice. For the vegetarians the grilled veggies is a mix of grilled veggies, salad and fixings to die for. Don’t worry, you’ll walk off any calories coming back to campus. It will be worth it. Feeling blue after a long week of homework, projects and exams? Swing over to Mellow Mushroom where they’ve been keeping it groovy since 1974. If you’re a Beatles fan try the Magical Mystery Tour pizza topped with mozzarella and two kinds of mushrooms, spinach, feta, and jalapenos. Try it out, you’ll be glad you did.
So you had your burrito, pizza, BBQ, Cajun, burger, or maybe all of the above; we don’t judge. Now it’s time for dessert. Drop by Beth Marie’s Ice Cream on the square for some homemade deliciousness or walk a bit further to Hypnotic Donuts for the donut of your dreams. The Expresso Yo Self is a chocolate donut covered in homemade coffee icing, a dribble of salted caramel and a light dusting of coffee beans. Remember, you’re a TWU Pioneer now so get out there and explore your new territory.
Day in Denton
Denton’s nightlife is comprised of an eclectic music scene that you can easily stumble upon at various venues. Even if you aren’t twenty-one, you can still experience the twilight melodies that you may not experience in any other college town quite like you can in the “Littld d.” Whether you’re a hardcore music junkie, or just curious to see what different venue have to offer, these local joints can handle all your entertainment needs.
LSA | Not only does LSA provide delicious burgers, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday you can hear live music on their second floor patio. Many local Denton artists are regular performers at LSA and if you want to try your hand at performing check out Open Mic Night on Mondays. Giving you the best in food and entertainment, LSA is an establishment for all ages. EAST SIDE | Just off the square on Hickory is a classy diamond patterned building with a huge patio that is always filled to capacity. Bordering East Side’s grassy patio is Denton’s Austin St. Truck Stop where you can dine from a plethora of fun, food trucks. J J’s Pizza | Looking for a delicious slice of pizza with a kick of live music? Stop by J&J’s Pizza on the Square. Within the brick walls people sit down and enjoy dinner and conversation with a slice of guitars, drums and vocals from one of Denton’s local bands wafting up from the basement. For the over 21 crowd Denton has an limitless number of venues like Abbey Underground, Dan’s Silver leaf, Haileys, and Andys, just to name a few.
Wednesday, March Monday, June 26, 15, 2014 2015 7
Your Denton Retail Adventure
To truly appreciate the Denton experience, it is a must to pay a visit (or several) to Recycled Books Records and CDS. Boasting its wares since 1983, the iconic opera house building serves as home to almost every book from every genre you can imagine. You can spend hours browsing each section and as a result carry an armful of books to the cash register. For music bugs, there are rows upon rows of CDs along with a section dedicated to Denton’s local bands. The bookstore also buys used books and records from customers (excluding textbooks). You can always find something intriquing inside Recycled Books for those seeking to kill some time thorough exploration.
For a more high-end splurge, La Di Da and its extension store Shoe Fly carries some eye-catching pieces for the fashionista student. In the window, the store mannequins show off their wares, including colorful dresses and pairs upon pairs of shoes that would make the Kardashians jealous. Inside, the sun pours into the store creating a naturally welcoming atmosphere for those who choose to walk in and browse. Customers can also select unique gifts and accessories ranging from various brands that all tailor to the La Di Da shopping experience. For students with a bit more freedom in their fashion budget, La Di Da is a go-to place for students with chic tastes.
Styled as an old-fashioned novelty store, Atomic Candy has been satisfying the sweet tooth of college students and Dentonites alike since 2011. Inside the sweet aroma of the multitude of candies invades your senses and invites you to choose from the almost overwhelming selection of vintage and modern-day favorites. Atomic Candy also carries a number of vintage sodas for you to tempt your tastebuds. Full of novelty items too, Atomic Candy delivers.
Behind a large glass window lays a treasure trove of vintage records, CDs, t-shirts and buttons that comprise the depths of Mad World Records. Consider yourself a music junkie? You can’t go wrong taking a peek inside and checking out the collection of genres from indie to disco to punk rock. The employees of Mad World Record are passionate and eager to talk with you about their knowledge of music. A must stop place for the hardcore music fan.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014 86 | Monday, June 15, 2015
More Hot Spots to Stop and Shop By: Katie Olson
Your shopping adventure can take you to stores that range rom the chic to the odd variety but all of them give Denton the unique blend of history and modern college life. Whether you’re looking for the newest Marvel comic or an antique lamp to decorate your dorm room these hot shopping spots are just a snapshot of the many options to choose from within a short distance of campus. Encompassing not just one, but two large spaces on the Square the Downtown Mini Mall is a paradise for the thrifty shopper or knick-knack hunter. Walking in you can find just about any type of item from old army equipment, Legends of Zelda cosplay shields to typewriters, antique furniture and even a selection of clothing. The staff are always willing to answer any questions and wthere you want to browse through the various oddities
or find a new treasure to adorn your dorm room you’ll find everything at a reasonable price at the Downtown Mini Mall. Not to mention a great experience to write home about. Whether you identify as a Dungeons and Dragons player, a Whovian, or just read comic books for leisure More Fun Comics and Games has the fix for all your nerd fandom needs. Located next to Atomic Candy, More Fun Comics and Games seems like a small little shopping venue. Don’t let appearances fool you though; it’s bigger on the inside. Shelves are lined with everything from various games such as Cards Against Humanity and Magic: The Gathering, to comics and mangas to figurines of beloved characters from various shows including “Game of Thrones”, “Doctor Who”, “The Walking Dead”, and more. And every year, More Fun Comics and
Games takes part in celebrating Free Comic Book Day, which as the name implies, is a celebration of comic books and involves a grand giveaway of comic books from various genres. On the corner of Elm Street sits a rose, turquois and purple trimmed building decorated by large lizards and butterflies. Sleeping Lizards accentuates the vibrant atmosphere that characterizes Denton and its wares do not disappoint. Inside patrons find handmade jewelry, paintings, bags and vibrant clothing. However, patrons can also find handmade gifts in a variety of colors or unique cards for every occasion. The store also sports the “Only In Denton” logo merchandise. With all it’s chic style and lively atmosphere it’s easy to see that Sleeping Lizards is another staple that can only be found in “Little d” A few blocks away on Sycamore
Street stands a house converted into a welcoming landmark called Juliet’s Jewels. The interior entices you with incense and the storeowner radiates a peaceful, almost spiritual presence. Items are handpicked from various countries including India, Thailand and Indonesia, or handmade by the owner herself. With much exploration you can find everything unique, from jewelry, scarves and bags to tapestries and other décor. The store even contains a meditation room. Stepping inside, you cannot help but appreciate the culture that Juliet’s Jewels bring to the Denton Scene.
Please join the TWU Pioneer Family on October 2-4, 2015 for Family Weekend.
Events at Family Weekend include:
Welcome & Campus Tours H Traditions Talks Luncheon H TWU Athletic Events H Weekend Tailgate Shuttles to Downtown Denton H Arts & Crafts Station We would love to see you and your guests join us for this year’s Family Weekend! For registration, costs, program details, and more information, Please refer to www.twufamilyweekend.com.