Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Indiana RFRA shines light on bigotry In 2015, discrimination is not dead as recently amended bill demonstrates in the Hoosier state Alex Ancira Managing Editor aancira@twu.edu My name is Alex Ancira. I am gray-asexual (primarily nonsexual, but at times this is not the case). I am panromantic and attracted to all kinds of people. Many of my friends are bisexual, transgender, genderqueer or homosexual. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act would most certainly affect how businesses might interact with me and my loved ones, at least before the state of Indiana changed the language yesterday to protect LGBTQ individuals from being refused service.
SB101 buckling under backlash from notable activists and public figures is only the first step toward equality, not the last. And the law was not without it’s positive effects: bigotry has never been more in the limelight than right now in 2015. It can at times be easy to forget that people exist in America that would refuse to interact in any way with people from the LGBTQ community — especially while in college with many young people more accepting of different lifestyles. In the South, opinions such as those from businesses in support of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act
come as less than suprising. The Midwest is very similar to the South and legislators in the Midwest represent the interests of business owners in that area of the U.S., whether it is right or wrong. Believe me, it is wrong to deny anyone the common courtesy of standard business. Whether we know it or not, people everywhere at all times may be discriminating against us for any number of reasons. It isn’t just LGBTQ reasons in 2015; Americans do not live in a post-racial society. Sexism is not over. While no one should be able to discriminate for any reason, sometimes a litmus test can be useful to determine, as consumers,
who we should refuse to give business. Take for example Memories Pizza in Indiana. The question of whether a business should be able to decline taking part in the private sector of business by catering a same-sex wedding is a debatable point. But as a member of the community, I believe that boycotting their business is a fair stance to take. Do I have any reason to believe that they can privately disdain my lifestyle while also giving me the same service they give anyone else? It seems a bit naive or idealistic to assume that only in a private sphere would they treat me with a differently than any other patron.
Business is a twoway road. Just as much as they can give me subpar service or refuse to cater my potential wedding, I can simply refuse to give their business my money or drop a negative yelp review on their page for their business practices. People refuse to go to WalMart because of ethical business practice concerns — I can choose to do the same with places such as Memories Pizza for questions of equality. Death threats and threats of burning down the business’ building are going over the line, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to know which businesses are riddled with hate. Every now and then,
it can be good to see who I should avoid. It is a relief to know that the Governor of Indiana would stand against discrimination and go on record as supporting LGBTQ Hoosiers. It is also good to see that the bill has been amended to protect LGBTQ interests in the public business sector. Progress is made up of small steps, though, and this is a victory that we should hold high. For a moment, the voices of the oppressed and disenfranchised drowned out those that might mistreat them. But every now and then, it can be good to see who hates me so I can give them the cold shoulder.
The tip system leaves everyone unhappy Reporter Brian Chetoni reveals the horrors of tipping, suggests a better system for future endeavors Brian Chetoni Reporter bchetoni@twu.edu As a server of three years, I have worked in three different restaurants, and at all of these businesses I made my money from customers’ tips. Very few restaurants do not use the tipping system. However, some restaurants break that norm and get rid of this ridiculous practice anyway. As a restaurant patron, I get to see both sides to tipping, and I always leave good tips, even though people who stiff most likely have more money than me since I’m a working college student. I get the uncomfortable nature of trying to decide how much to leave and the hurt of spending additional money. I also get the
anxiety of being stiffed and the hatred for humanity it makes you feel. With that being said, in my opinion, tipping is an outdated and discomforting system for our society that makes restaurant dining a bad experience. As I mentioned before I’ve worked at three restaurants. The first restaurant I ever worked at was called Mel’s Coney Island and it was a small, family owned business. I started serving there when I was 15 because the owner was a family friend. I went through the training, and I found the basic things that you should do and shouldn’t do, but I’m not going into my style of waiting. I started working on my own and making some tips. The money here wasn’t terrible, but I was younger, and people could
Image courtesy of Caliber Magazine
have taken that into consideration. I still got stiffed, and I still remember the first time as a 15 year-old. It hurt. Honestly, I did not see anything wrong with my performance, and I just could not understand why someone would be so rude. The second job I had was at Babe’s Chicken Dinner House in Frisco.
This is where I lost all hope and became the pesimistic human I am today. I made some money here after getting the inevitable stiff, but the things I had to do other than just serve were ridiculous. I had danced to “Boot Scoot Boogey” and did the Hokey Pokey more times than I can remember for others’ entertainment.
I ponder why it takes additions to the atmosphere to realize servers are people and need to eat too. Movie Tavern serves as my latest job. I make very little here. People often don’t tip because they don’t see the necessity, but I’m a college student with bills. Believe me: there is a necessity. I know I could
just not work there, but I’m good at serving and the problem has consistently stayed the same. Tipping began in late 1890s in America after adopting the practice from Europe with the idea that it just showed you were of higher class. Times have changed, and I really don’t think that’s what someone has in mind when they leave me two dollars. What some restaurants have started doing is adding 20 percent increase to the prices or just adding a service charge to the bill. This change is really nice; while everything is just slightly more expensive, ruining your server’s day doesn’t have to factor into your decision. When the family is done eating, they can just pay and leave without worrying if someone will steal the cash they left. But for the time being, be prepared to make those decisions on how much to leave or to be rude.
Guest Column
Reader response: ‘Library fees unfair’ Amanda Hall Guest Writer ahall20@twu.edu Recently The Lasso published an article titled “Library fees unfair.” Being a frequent patron of the Denton Public Library, I wanted to say a few words on behalf of the library. One of the greatest benefits of this
institution is the free library cards given to TWU and UNT student residents. To receive a library card, one simply needs to provide a proof of residency, which can be obtained from the University Housing Department at no cost. Denton Public Library also offers free cards to any resident or temporary resident of Denton with a proof of residency. The proof can
consist of an official rent receipt, rental agreement, contract or lease. In other words, almost any person living in the City of Denton can receive a card free of charge. When interviewed about the reason of fees for a library card, the director of libraries, Terri Gibbs, said that the only income the library receives is from the
The Lasso editorial staff Editor-in-Chief
Shelby Baker • sbaker3@twu.edu
Toi Ferguson • lferguson2@twu.edu
Managing Editor
Designer Intern
Page Editors
Alexander Ancira • aancira@twu.edu Brian Chetoni • bchetoni@twu.edu Jabari Hendricks • jhendricks@twu.edu Matt Olson • molson3@twu.edu
Tammi Paul • tpaul1@twu.edu Sierra Taylor • staylor40@twu.edu
Carla Benitez Davila • cbenitezdavila@twu.edu
taxpayers of Denton. If someone were to come from another city and want a card, they would have to pay a standard fee of $50. This fee is only fair since all the other residents of the city also have to pay for the library with their taxes. Gibbs also said that less than 1 percent of books that are on the shelves used in circulation were donated. In other words, 99
All rights reserved. The Lasso is a weekly student publication of Texas Woman’s University, written and produced by students and printed at DFW Printing. Editors develop their own editorial and news policies.The presentation of news and editorials and the personal opinions expressed in The Lasso are those of Lasso staff and writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, staff, students, administration or the Regents of Texas Woman’s University.
percent of books in the library are purchased using their only source of income: taxes and library card fees. As a library user, I am very pleased with the services the library offers, and I think they are more than fair when they charge fees for library cards.
This week’s issue Vol. 102 No. 9
Letters from Readers The Lasso Stoddard Hall Rm 311
Email lasso@twu.edu Website twulasso.com
Nadiyah Suleiman • nsuleiman@twu.edu
Copy Editors
Tiffany Lam • tlam6@twu.edu
Rhonda Ross• rross7@twu.edu
Correction: In last week’s issue of The Lasso, the story titled “Founders Award” contained incorrect information. A corrected story can be found on page 1 of this issue. The Lasso staff apologizes for these errors.
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