Rain continues throughout the day, with high winds. Wear your coats for lows of 39˚
On March 26-30 student-wide voting will begin for positions within the Student Government Association. Those interested in running for student office will need to attend a candidate interest meeting Jan 30 or 31 at 12:20 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.
pg 7 Thursday │ January 26, 2012 │ Vol. 98, No. 16
TWU Spotlight Features Next to the Dance and Gymnastics Laboratory on Bell Avenue sits an entrance that originally served as a pedestrian tunnel for students. Locked for years, it now serves as an entrance point to the many steam and utility pipes that cross our campus. This tunnel entrance, built in 1941, gave students access to the former Student Union (now the DGL) and the original Physical Fitness center. ..........p. 4
Online piracy views at TWU
The TWU Lasso polled a onr percent sample of the Denton campus to get a picture of students’ views on online piracy and legislation against it. In online and paper surveys, 46 percent of students polled said they never engage in online piracy, 35 percent occasionally partake, and 8 percent never participate. 78 percent of students polled had heard of SOPA, and 22 percent had not. The graphic below depicts these and other responses to The Lasso survey.
Opinions The price of a cupcake is comparable to going for a cup of ice cream, but it’s better. Traveling to four bakeries in different areas of the Metroplex left us feeling a little sick, but well-equipped to give the cupcake rundown. ..........p. 8
Have you heard of SOPA?
22 people were neutral and 51 unsure
Two people voted for and 79 against
How often do you engage in online piracy? often
never The line to see the gymnastics team compete Jan. 21 was long and waiting took some time, but the attraction of seeing four ranked colleges compete was enough to draw the largest TWU gymnastics audience in history. ..........p. 7
Occasionally See Online Piracy on pg 5
Inside this issue News
Special Section
Scholarships......................3 Online piracy......................5
Basketball player....................7 Cupcake wars.......................8
Arts & Entertainment
Achin’ for clay......................10
Have questions or comments about the Lasso?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Lasso
Weekly Roundup
Local Weather
Photo of the week
High 54˚ Low 39˚
High 59˚ Low 48˚
High 53˚ Low 41˚
High 67˚ Low 39˚
High 67˚ Low 49˚
Friday High 67˚ Low 41˚
High 53˚ Low 34˚
High 63˚ Low 42˚ Partly Cloudy
Sunny Sunday High 59˚ Low 41˚
High 54˚ Low 35˚ Sunny
Sunday High 62˚ Low 52˚
Sunday High 59˚ Low 43˚
Police Report Possible Domestic
DUI Minor
911 Hang Up
A possible domestic disturbance
A DUI of a minor was reported at
A 911 hang up was reported at
was reported at 600 Texas St.
300 E. University Dr. Thursday,
the 1700 block of N. Bell Ave
Tuesday, Jan. 17.
Jan. 19. It is unclear whether an
Saturday, Jan. 21. An arrest was
arrest was made,
Theft less than $500 Photography by Jeni Berry
Sophomore Courtney Cochefski competed on bars as the TWU gymnastics team opened its 2012 season with a victory against Air Force Jan. 13.
Lasso staff Editor-in-Chief
Aaron Claycomb • Managing Editor
Erin Marissa Russell • Assigning Editor
Ginger Renee Hughes • Copy Editor
Amber Mitchell • News Editor
Drew Maggs • Features Editor
Dennis Barbee • Opinions Editor
Morgan Griffin • Arts and Entertainment Editor
Stanton Brasher • Staff Writers
Laura Hilton • Marygail Lakner • Stephanie Terrell • Katherine Braun • Graphic Design
Cliff Caster • Photo Editor
Jeni Berry • Business Manager
Yeleinne Rayo • Business Assistants
Alisha Sarfani • Leah Walker • Advisor
Bo Carter •
A report of theft greater than $50
Vehicle Damage
and less than $500 was made at
A report of a disturbance was
A report of vehicle damage
the TWU Golf Course Clubhouse
made at Smith Carroll Hall at 1606
was made at the 400 block of
Thursday, Jan. 19. No arrests
Lowry Woods Thursday, Jan. 19.
University Dr. Sunday, Jan. 22. No
Email Website
Mail Letters from Readers The Lasso Stoddard Hall Rm 311
In the Jan. 19 publication of the The Lasso, the front page story “Presbyterian Center campus closes doors” reported parking was free to students and faculty. Students and faculty must have a TWU decal to park in the new Dallas Center parking garage.
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arrests were made,
were made.
LETTERS AND VIEWPOINTS POLICY We value reader submissions. As a university newspaper we have certain criteria that limit what we will place inside our newspaper. Please limit letters to 300 words. Columns submitted should be no longer than 600 words. Please include your name, address, phone, and email address. Your contact information will not be published. Unsigned submissions will not be published. All submission are also edited for length and clarity. Submissions become property of The Lasso.
This is a part of the daily activity log produced by the University Police Department. To report a criminal incident on campus, please call 940-898-2911
TWU Calendar
Denton Saturday Jan. 28 Pioneer Honor Choir Concert in Margo Jones Performance Hall @ 5 p.m. Monday Jan. 30 Campus Activities Board volunteer meeting in Student Union 113 @ 4 p.m. Tuesday Jan. 31 Panel discussion and reception in the Visual Arts building East & West Galleries from 4-6 p.m. Photographic artwork by Susan Burnstine and Kelli Connell. Discussion on “Publish Your Photography Book” by Mary Virginia Swanson with Burnstine and Connell. Wednesday Feb. 1 Got Democracy? Register to vote: Denton campus in the Student Union. Wednesday Feb. 1 Screening of “Just A Little Heart Attack” with Heart Health Panel in Student Union 207 from noon-1 p.m. Free lunch for the first 30 participants. Wednesday Feb. 1 Last day to sign up for TWU Fitness and Recreation Center’s Intramural Basketball League and Badminton League.
Houston Saturday Feb. 4 Open House at TWU’s Institute of Health Sciences — Houston Center @ 8 a.m.
Dallas Monday Jan. 30 Perfectionism presented by Student Life in Room 3620 from noon-1 p.m.
1421 OAKLAND ST Behind the TWU library parking lot
The Lasso
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuition & Scholarships: It’s all about the Benjamins The best advice Dr. Richard Nicholas can give current and new students is to apply for scholarships.
With the start of the spring semester, academic scholarship application deadlines are approaching for current and incoming students.The deadline for Fall 2012 applications is March 15. Aaron Claycomb Editor-in-Cheif Dr. Richard Nicholas, vice president of Student Life, said TWU strongly encourages all students to apply for scholarships both inside and outside the university. “Don’t wait until the last minute to apply,” Nicholas said. “Once you apply, your credentials are reviewed on an ongoing basis.” The deadline is March 15, but if students apply the day before, their credentials may only be reviewed once. Currently, about 5,000 new and current students have applied for scholarships. Nicholas stated the scholarship
committee has been awarding scholarships since early December. In order to be eligible, students must be enrolled fulltime with the university and be in good academic standing. The TWU Financial Aid website stated, “Scholarships are generally awarded on the basis of academic achievement.” In a letter to alumni and friends of TWU, Chancellor and President Dr. Ann Stuart stated currently “74 percent of TWU’s total student population is dependent upon some sort of financial aid.” Stuart wrote that nearly 60 percent of TWU’s graduates are first-generation college students who require and rely on scholarship funds to attend school. TWU’s scholarships are broadly based, Nicholas said, and “freshmen coming out of high school tend to underestimate their own eligibility for a scholarship.” One of the problems he noted was that every year, students who are qualified often don’t apply or wait until the last minute. Nicholas said most departmental scholarships are reserved for current TWU students. Students who have succeeded since attending TWU may receive a departmental scholarship, he explained, because departmental scholarships are based on proven performance. According to the 2012-2013 Student Guide, TWU offers
Photo Illustration by Jeni Berry
TWU academic scholarship applications are due March 15. Students can apply via Pioneer Portal. almost $9 million annually in scholarships to students. 2010-2011 was the first time affordability became the No. 1 criteria students used to choose a college, Nicholas said. For
the first time ever, affordability surpassed the academic record of universities nationally in the selection process. Texas has defunded several scholarships available to students, he noted.
historical locations. Heros’ Square in Budapest, Bratislava Castle in Old Town Slovakia, Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Charles Bridge in Prague, Zwinger Palace in Dresden, and Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin are a few of the historical sites students visited. “I think it’s important to
Junior honors scholar Ann Truong said the trip was a great experience. However, she said, the only downside to such a packed schedule was narrowing down what to do during free time. “We ended up missing a few places that would have also provided us with a better knowledge of the city and country,” she said. “Nevertheless, our fearless leaders got us there and back in one piece, and now we have great stories to tell our folks back home.” Honors students are given first priority for the trip, but there are also opportunities for non-honors students to attend by signing up for a waiting list. Alumni, family of honors students, friends of honors students, and other non-honors TWU students can sign up for a waiting list in case there are available spots. Each year, the students who sign up for the trip are given the opportunity to make new friendships, experience new cultures and see a world they may have never been able to see before. In January 2013 a new group of students will be off to see Paris, France, up close and personal.
More than ever, scholarships help students decide what to do for college. “A scholarship can literally be a part of the decision whether a student goes to college at all — or if they really
want TWU, it may help them decide if they can afford it,” Nicholas said.
See Scholarships page 3
Honors students trek across Europe Now we know our Stephanie Terrell Staff Writer
Each year students in TWU’s Honors Scholar Program vote on a location in Europe to host their annual travel abroad study trip. For January 2012, students chose the Central Europe package from Education First Tours. The trip included travel to the countries of Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany with a total of seven cities. The honors students and professors from TWU and North Central Texas College traveled in all five countries for 10 days as part of a world literature course.
Students spent approximately two days in each country. They toured with local guides, visited memorials and locations in each city, experienced the culture of each country, and supplemented the historical and cultural knowledge they learned in class before venturing overseas. The
“I think it’s important to take opportunities like this.because it is a pretty powerful experience to see how important historical sites from the past are still alive and relevant in the — Emily Bryan, senior honor scholar
class is taught by Honors Scholar Program director Dr. Alfred Litton and professor emeritus Dr. Hugh Burns. The fall course integrated literary works from the countries students would tour, allowing students to familiarize themselves with each place’s history, values and customs before going on the trip. In the five countries, students visited the cities of Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Prague, Dresden, and Berlin and were able to view and tour many
take opportunities like this,” senior honors student Emily Bryan said, “because it is a pretty powerful experience to see how important historical sites from the past are still alive and relevant in the present.” Along with walking and bus tours of the cities, students were allowed free time to further experience the city’s personal culture by venturing out to museums and other attractions, going on cruises, shopping for souvenirs, or experiencing the nightlife.
Photography by Stephanie Terrell
During free time in Vienna Jan. 11, some students chose to go to Spanische Hofreitschule, the Spanish Court Riding-School. The TWU Honors Scholar Program took over 50 students on a tour of five countries in Central Europe in January for 10 days. This trip is part of a travel abroad world literature class co-taught by Dr. Alfred Litton and professor emeritus Dr. Hugh Burns. Students said seeing the places they traveled helped them envision everything they learned about in the course. Next year the program will travel to Paris.
ACBSPs: School of Management accreditation Stephanie Terrell Staff Writer TWU’s School of Management recently received recognition and accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs for its bachelor’s and graduate degree programs meeting the criteria and standards as set by the ACBSP. Initial accreditation from the ACBSP was decided in November 2011 to include recommendations for improvement in the standards of leadership, measurement and analysis of student learning and performance and faculty and staff focus. “ACBSP accreditation is achieved via a team effort,” associate professor for the School of Management Dr. John Nugent explained. “The TWU team worked very diligently, closely and collectively to achieve this outstanding recognition for our university, school, its students, and alumni.” The criteria programs must meet in order to become accredited include: leadership standards, strategic planning, student and stakeholder focus, measurement and analysis of student learning and performance, faculty and staff focus, and educational and
business process management. Standards are set by the ACBSP for each category, and these high expectations are to ensure high-quality business programs receive recognition through its accreditation. “Accreditation by the ACBSP is a validation of the quality and comprehensiveness of the SOM’s business program, staff, faculty and students,” Nugent explained. “It further signifies that the SOM’s offerings, faculty, staff, students, programs, processes, and TWU’s administrative officers and functions meet the very stringent requirements established by this leading accrediting body.” With ACBSP’s value for continuous improvement and organizational learning, having a few opportunities for improvement does not diminish the value or honor of the accreditation, as almost any accredited program will always have areas in need of attention, according to ACBSP. “The emphasis on quality is part of the culture of ACBSP,” according to ASBCP’s website. “Quality comes from recognizing what has been successfully achieved while acknowledging
See Accreditation page 7
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Lasso
Forgotten tunnels, forgotten history Unnoticed by most and forgotten by time, a small, red-roofed building houses an entrance to a tunnel system long ago abandoned. Most
tunnels serve as steam and plumbing channels and are dangerous to enter. Dennis Barbee Features Editor These tunnels were built, some as long as 80 years ago, for the primary purpose of
providing steam and utility services to the buildings on campus -- with one exception. Next to the Dance and Gymnastics Laboratory on Bell Avenue sits an entrance that originally served as a pedestrian tunnel for students. Locked for years, it now serves as an entrance point to the many steam and utility pipes that
cross our campus. This tunnel entrance, built in 1941, gave students access to the former
Student Union (now the DGL) and the original Physical Fitness center.
When we got to the campus, we would go down to the basement, pass the swimming pool, and take the tunnel leading under Bell Avenue, then a busy twolane street, and come up to the street level by the old Crocker and Bowie dorms. —Mary Cresson, longtime Denton resident
According to an article from the Dec. 3, 1940, Denton Record-Chronicle, the tunnel was part of a $1.5 million project, primarily Work Projects Administration funded, that would allow students access to the Student Union and fitness center during bad weather. Mary Cresson said she remembers the tunnels when they were still safe and in use. “My older sister and I used to walk from then North Ward (Stonewall Jackson) Elementary School to our grandparents’ house on Grove Street,” she recalled. “When we got to the campus, we would go down to the basement, pass the swimming pool, and take the tunnel leading under Bell Avenue, then a busy two-lane street, and come up to the street level by the old Crocker and Bowie dorms.” Laura Douglas said she also remembers a time when the
Photography by Jeni Berry
Old blueprints outline where the TWU tunnels were located in 1948. Students used these tunnels to travel from building to building on campus and were primarily funded by the Work Projects Administration.
Professor Spotlight: Dr. Kate Landdeck Dennis Barbee Features Editor Dr. Katherine “Kate” Landdeck, associate professor of history and director of Oral History at TWU, has accomplished many things. Landdeck has been with TWU since fall of 2002 and came here primarily because of the Women Airforce Service Pilots archives housed in the library. Landdeck earned a bachelor’s degree in history and political science from University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 1992 and was a NCAA Division I soccer player. In 1993, Landdeck was introduced to Carol Bailey Boscoe, a WASP who flew B24s during WWII and in 1951 was a national aerobatic champion. It was that meeting that played a huge role in influencing the direction Landdeck’s studies followed. In 1995, Landdeck began attending the University of Tennessee graduate school with the intention of writing about WASP. Her master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation were on this group of women. In 2000, Dr. Landdeck was a Guggenheim Fellow at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
Landdeck has had numerous appearances on National Public Radio and is writing a book about WASP. She credits WASP for all of her academic success. Landdeck said her opportunities have not been about what she has done, but about the women whose experiences she has shared., “I hope that I have been able to present it clearly,” she added. Landdeck also offered poignant advice for those selecting a career or life path. “In any field, pick a topic you are passionate about, and it will take you far,” Landdeck said. “Life is short, do something you enjoy. You don’t want to spend half your life miserable.” Oral History will play a big part in the history department’s pursuit of Public History Certification, Landdeck said. Certification will prepare individuals for careers in archives, museums, historical interpretation, historic preservation and other activities. All of which play a role in history and historical sites. A tidbit of information Landdeck has for students is to follow directions. “Do this, and you will learn,” she said. “A key to success is to follow the directions and you will succeed.”
In any field, pick a topic you are passionate about, and it will take you far. Life is short, do something you enjoy. You don’t want to spend half your life miserable. —Dr. Katherine “Kate” Landdeck, associate professor of history and director of Oral History at TWU
tunnels were in use. She would enter at an opening on Oakland street and connect to what she said looked like a maintenance tunnel. “We followed it quite a while and I think it came up near the CFO,” she said. “There were branches off of the tunnel we were in. I have read, but of course I can’t remember where, that the bridge over Bell was built to replace the tunnel under Bell.” Although the bridge was built to replace the tunnel, students seemed to disregard both options. In 1975, in the Denton Record-Chronicle, a disgruntled Denton citizen wrote in an editorial: “The students have an expensive overpass and underpass (tunnel) that they don’t use. The city has installed a light and the students don’t even use that.” Ron Tarbutton, director of the TWU Physical Plant, said the tunnels’ current purpose is as maintenance shafts for utilities. “The tunnels themselves are very dangerous places to be,” he explained. “Some are not in the best shape. There is hot steam that can burn. It is not a place people should be.” In order to gain access to any of the tunnels, a confined space entry permit and team are required. Most of the tunnels are nothing more than small maintenance shafts.
The tunnels themselves are very dangerous places to be, some are not in the best shape. There is hot steam that can burn. —Ron Tarbutton, director of the TWU Physical Plant
Dive into TWU’s new scuba course
Laura Hilton Features Writer
Students searching for a unique elective to fill their schedule may want to consider one of TWU’s newest courses, scuba diving. University Scuba International and TWU have been working together since the spring of 2010, offering students a course and certification in scuba diving. USI works with universities to allow students the opportunity to receive certifications through multiple organizations, including the National Association of Underwater Instructors. USI was founded in 1988 by Chas Walts. He realized students did not have the money to buy gear and decided to start a company to be the liaison
between the program and the schools. This spring Megan Ridley, assistant program manager and staff instructor, will teach the course. She was certified as a scuba instructor in 2002 and has been teaching since 2006. Ridley said there are many universities in Texas that have scuba programs, and its popularity continues to grow. What is unique about this program is while most scuba diving courses only last around six weeks, USI has the opportunity to run the course for an entire semester. Because the course is extended, students are able to learn more material and get more comfortable in the water. That way, when they go out to the lake, they do not have to think about what they are doing,
Ridley explained. “It has become second nature, and we find that we have less anxiety and less accidents,” she said. One thing that causes a lot of anxiety, Ridley said, is when students have to take their mask off, put it back on and exhale through their nose, all underwater. If lack of experience in the water is a worrying factor for students, Ridley said she is confident there is no problem. She has been able to help students who do not know how to swim receive their certification. Another dimension may be added because of the level of student interest, Dr. Charlotte Sanborn, chair and professor in the department of kinesiology, explained. The kinesiology department is looking to expand the scuba program and offer
an advanced course for scuba diving. “A lot of our students want to work with people with disabilities,” she said. If there is an advanced course, students will be able to receive the applicable certification. Sanborn also said the course is comprised of several sections. One is a lecture in which students learn about the physics and physiology of diving. After the lecture, the students participate in lab, where their learned skills are put into practice. Once the course is complete, students have the opportunity to go diving in an exotic location such as Bonaire, Hawai’i or Guam. For more information, students can visit A course description and syllabus are also provided for a closer look.
Illustration/Cliff Caster
CONT. from pg. 3 Scholarships Scholarships for TWU come from every source the university can possibly tap, he
noted. Last year, TWU received a federal grant that produced over $900,000 for scholarships for students in the health
profession. Nicholas said, “We went after that opportunity to get money for our students, and we do that all the time.” Scholarships are a university-wide function. Nicholas said scholarships are given for two reasons: to help students financially and to reward merit.
For further information regarding scholarships, students can visit TWU’s Financial Aid website at http://www.twu. edu/finaid/scholarships.asp. Scholarship applications may be completed through the Pioneer Portal by selecting “STARS” under Financial Information.
The Lasso
Online Piracy Legislation
Battle of the Acronyms: Decoding SOPA, PIPA, OPEN, ACTA A guide to understanding the Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act, as well as the new Online Protection & Enforcement of Digital Trade Act and the AntiCounterfeiting Trade Agreement Erin Marissa Russell Managing Editor Students visiting Wikipedia, Google, Reddit, and more than 7,000 other online destinations Jan. 18 found these websites “blacked out” in protest of SOPA and PIPA, H.R. 3261 and S. 968. Some sites could not be used during their protest, while others continued to operate but used the blackout as a brief visual effect to spread awareness. SOPA and PIPA are intended to protect the rights of artists and apply due process to judge infringement claims. The next day, the chief sponsor of SOPA, Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas’ 21st district, pulled the bill from consideration. Friday morning, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided to postpone voting on PIPA. Prior to that, the acts had been scheduled for a vote Jan. 24. “I have heard from the critics and I take seriously their concerns regarding proposed legislation to address the problem of online piracy,” Lamar said in a statement. “It is clear that we need to revisit the
If SOPA/PIPA/ACTA passes we will wage a relentless war against the corporate internet, destroying dozens upon dozens of government and company websites. — Anonymous, activist hacker group
approach on how best to address the problem of foreign thieves that steal and sell American inventions and products.” The statement highlighted the financial consequences of intellectual property theft, which Lamar said costs the nation’s economy more than $100 billion each year. “The online theft of American intellectual property is no different than the theft of products from a store,” the statement continued. “It is illegal and the law should be enforced both in the store and online.” By the end of the day Jan. 18, however, a new bill had been introduced: The Online Protection & Enforcement of Digital Trade Act. The OPEN Act has a list of bipartisan Senate supporters, viewable at The full text of the proposed act is visible on the site, as well as the notice, “We need your ideas: sign up, comment and collaborate to build a better bill.” Community suggestions and comments are visible to visitors as well as logged-in site members. According to the act’s website, some of the ways OPEN differs from SOPA and PIPA include protecting access to social media and legitimate websites, ensuring intellectual property experts resolve cases, remaining consistent with American calls for open
internet, and targeting what the site called “actual criminals: foreign rogue websites.” SOPA and PIPA would place the responsibility for seeking court orders to shut down websites accused of piracy on the U.S. Attorney General. Once a website was accused, under SOPA and PIPA, U.S. Companies would cease to do business with it, remove links from websites (including search engines) and stop processing payments. The OPEN Act would put this responsibility on the International Trade Commission. If a website were accused under OPEN, it would receive notification, and if the claim were found legitimate by the ITC, U.S. advertisers and payment companies would cease to do business with the website. However, OPEN would not impact the actions of search engines. OPEN also targets only sites with a limited purpose unrelated to piracy. ACTA, on the other hand, was developed beginning in 2007 by the European Union and other World Trade Organization members. It was negotiated from 2008 until November 2010, and according to a European Commission website, “the negotiating parties are now fulfilling their internal ratification procedures. In the case of the European Union, this means the agreement must be approved by the Council of
Ministers and the European Parliament.” Parties negotiating ACTA include Australia, Canada, the EU, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, and the U.S. The EU website stated, “Although ACTA is now being negotiated amongst likeminded countries, it is hoped that major countries facing the same counterfeiting and piracy problems will eventually accede to it.” ACTA focuses on international cooperation, enforcement practices and legal framework. Activist hacker group Anonymous has rallied against these acts, using Twitter to spread its opinions and announce actions. Monday, Anonymous hacked the U.S. government security website OnGuard Online, which distributed tips from the government on internet security and fraud protection. Anonymous replaced the website with the email addresses of 17 Federal Trade Commission employees and a long message. Part of the message read, “If SOPA/PIPA/ACTA passes we will wage a relentless war against the corporate internet, destroying dozens upon dozens of government and company websites.” The message has been removed, and visitors to the site received error messages at the time of printing. Tuesday, hundreds protested against ACTA in Warsaw, Poland. The Washington Post reported Poland’s minister of administration and digitization, Michael Boni, said ACTA would not affect Internet usage and Poland would sign the treaty today as planned.
Thursday, January 26, 2012 5
What SOPA would mean for students Amber Mitchell Copy Editor Gather black clothes and prepare a shipment of flowers. We must face a real possibility in the next couple of months: the internet may die. The Stop Online Piracy Act has started a domino effect in the online community. SOPA has evolved from a piece of barely-glancedover proposed legislation to the worst fear of sites like YouTube, Google and Grooveshark. It is easy to dismiss SOPA if one is unaware of the realworld consequences that will accompany the act if it passes, which is becoming more likely. CNN reported Google’s director of public policy said Friday if a law like SOPA was passed, YouTube would cease to function. All the videos of cute little kids singing songs and dancing, gone. No permission from the record company to use said song in video, no video. SOPA is masquerading as a law to help American consumers when in reality it would destroy the technological base we thrive on. Corruption is already prevalent in our “sophisticated” society, so where will the line be drawn when it comes down to whether a website violates the law? Another bill that could replace SOPA is the Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act. OPEN requires a third party to decide whether websites are breaking the law and infringing upon someone else’s copyright. In a society unable to control the police forces designed to help humans, how is deciding the fate of something as impersonal as a screen going to be regulated? The reason Americans have engaged in online piracy so freely — and let’s be honest, we all have — is because of how removed we are from the effects.
We do not see a company going under and people losing their jobs after bills cannot be paid, we see the newest blockbuster streaming online for free. The issue with this is the money we save is money from someone else’s pocket. Newton’s First Law: matter cannot be created or destroyed. Because SOPA and OPEN would make posting copyrighted material without permission from the owners illegal, Blogger and Typepad would be next on the government’s “hit list.” Dare to post a still from a favorite movie? Blog gone. Not only that, but Blogger could be found guilty for not monitoring what is posted via their site, according to The Economic Times. Tech companies such as Google and Mozilla are protesting the act because of potential revenue loss if they are forced to remove pirate-friendly sites from search databases. Type the word free into Google, and the first thing that pops up is free online games, many of which we can thank our fellow pirates for making available. Beyond that, when Google takes a hit to its pocket, we will all feel it as well. How many people have a Gmail account? Will Google still be able to offer free services? Some may see SOPA and OPEN as physical karmic retribution for the decreasing morality of Americans and people in general, while others may see them as more akin to SOFA, a Stop Online Fun Act, than legislation to be taken seriously. Either way, these pieces of legislation are going to force passive consumers to become more active by engaging in discussions with big-name labels to obtain copyright permissions or effectively stunt the growth of the internet — and by extension the technological advancement of America.
Editorial cartoon by Aaron Claycomb
Thursday, January 26, 2011
CONT. from pg. 3 ACBSP Accreditation potential for improvement. The accreditation process is one of continuous improvement. From the time a business school enters candidacy for ACBSP accreditation, opportunities for improvement are frequently shared. This feedback continues throughout the period of accreditation through quality assurance reports filed on a biennial basis.” Programs approved for accreditation include TWU’s Master of Business Administration, Executive Master of Business Administration, Master of Health Systems Management, Master of Business Administration & Master of Health System Management dual degree, Master of
Science in Food Systems Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Business with teaching certification, and Bachelor of Applied Science. “Specialty accreditation from a Council for Higher Education Accreditation approved accrediting body such as the ACBSP recognizes and rewards TWU’s, and its College of Arts and Science’s Administration,” Nugent said, “and the SOM’s leadership, staff, faculty, and students for their efforts in championing and delivering quality educational programs and continuous improvement endeavors in the field of business education.” Accreditation benefits are numerous and apply to the
Campus institution, business programs, community and students. According to ACBSP’s website, benefits include greater visibility for TWU and its business programs, continuous processes for departmental improvement, keeping business programs curriculum current, providing faculty and staff with opportunities to keep current quality procedures by attending seminars including Baldrige training, ensuring students are focusing on quality performance within their program, honorary societies available for students by invitation and application, and many other opportunities. “Accreditation by a leading accrediting body such as the
ACBSP indicates to both TWU’s internal and external communities that TWU and the SOM foster quality, comprehensiveness and continuous improvement in the educational domain and are willing to be professionally and publicly measured against the most stringent requirements in this regard,” Nugent said. “Such accreditation validates to the outside world that a TWU business degree is one that has met well-established quality standards.” For more information about ACBSP, honor societies and other benefits, students can visit http://
Such accreditation validates to the outside world that a TWU business degree is one that has met well-established quality standards...
—Dr. John Nugent, associate professor for the School of Management
Gymnastics draws record crowd One tenth does not seem like much, but if all the athletes concentrate on that, it can make a drastic difference. —John Nilson, gymnastics assistant coach
Dennis Barbee Features Editor A packed house of 1,229 fans gathered to watch gymnasts from four colleges compete in Kitty Magee Arena. The line to see the gymnastics team compete Jan. 21 was long and waiting took some time, but the attraction of seeing four ranked colleges compete was enough to draw the largest TWU gymnastics audience in history. Centenary College, Oklahoma (ranked No. 10 in NCAA Division I) and Utah State gymnasts rotated through the floor, beam, bars, and vault. Oklahoma was judged to have a the strongest performances and walked away with a victory. Notables for TWU on vault were Marcella Fallon and Kayla Jones, who both scored 9.750. TWU had high scores from its team on other events as well. Sophomore Courtney Cochefski pulled a 9.800 on bars and freshman Stephanie Repp led on the beams with 9.750. Spencer Jones hauled in a 9.850 for her floor routine. The Pioneers posted a 192.425 team score, placing them second to OU, which took
home a 197.450. Utah State and Centenary rounded out the bottom with a 192.325 and 191.400, respectively. Expectations for the gymnastics team are high this season and the coaches hope to see individual scores increase by one tenth per meet, which equates to two points for the team. “As a gymnast, you expect perfection,” John Nilson, TWU gymnastics assistant coach, said. “One tenth does not seem like much, but if all the athletes concentrate on that, it can make a drastic difference.” “The girls are all focusing on doing that one thing, and all the girls have bought into Bowerman’s program of perfecting one thing every meet,” Nilson stated. “Our goals as a staff coming up in Michigan are to count no falls. We counted two falls in the last meet and our goal is to not count any on this trip.” TWU will go on the road next week with two meets scheduled in three days. The first competition will be Friday at Eastern and Central Michigan. The second meet will be Sunday at Central Michigan. The team is gearing up for the 2012 MIC Championships in Chicago, March 24 and USAG Collegiate National
Photography by Jeni Berry
Senior Chaynade Knowles competes on the bars in TWU gymnastics meet against No. 10 Oklahoma, Utah State, and Centenary.
Championships in Bridgeport, Conn. which will begin April 12. Head coach Lisa Bowerman and her husband, Jeff Bowerman,
welcomed a son, Austin Thomas Bowerman, four days before a season-opening win over Air Force.
A bounce back to childhood Remember the elementary school days of whistle-blowing and perfectly round, stinging, red marks? Well, line the bright red balls up on center court, because dodgeball is back — on a college level — with the same schoolyard rules, but all new competition.
Drew Maggs News Editor On March 26-30 studentwide voting will begin for positions within the Student Government Association. Those interested in running for student office will need to attend a candidate interest meeting Jan 30 or 31 at 12:20 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. SGA vice president Adriana Blanco said she feels participation in student government is beneficial because of the ways it can better the lives of students. “I went to a conference last July where many students were astounded by how our SGA is designed and built here at TWU,” Blanco said. “We have direct control over our budgets, access to so many resources, and we have the ability to directly impact students’ lives.” Students can run for positions in the Senate, House of Representatives, Residence Hall Association, or Campus Activities Board. Each branch of
student government deals with a specific part of student life. “Senate mainly handles academic matters through their forums of each college, but they also respond to different concerns students may have on campus,” Blanco explained. “For example, it was through Senate that SGA recommended a law be passed to restrict smoking to certain areas around campus. The House of Representatives handles all of the recognized student organizations such as academic honor societies, religious groups and even sororities and fraternities. The Residence Hall Association handles students that live in each of the residence halls and handles their concerns over housing. RHA also has Hall Councils that students can be a part of each semester. The Campus Activities Board always strives to create fun events for students to enjoy throughout each semester.” Students can log into their Pioneer Portal accounts to vote on March 26-30.
—Adriana Blanco, SGA vice president
Clockwise starting from the left: TWU gymnasts Sara Grunert, Rashonda Cannie, Courtney Cochefski, Bethany Larimer, head coach Lisa Bowerman, Kristin Edwards, and Stephanie Repp.
“Dodgeball is just a fun way to hang out in a group and exert oneself while still having fun,” freshman participant Caitlin Frazier said. The infamous game of military-esque takedown strategies will commence 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Fitness and Recreation Center. Last chance registration for a six-person coed team ends tomorrow at the front desk in the Fitness Center.
SGA elections set for March 26-30
I went to a conference last July where many students were astounded by how our SGA is designed and built here at TWU.
Photography by Jeni Berry
Amber Mitchell Copy Editor
The Lasso
According to the Intramural Sports website, teams must register together; there is no free-agent registration. The dodgeball tournament is also a great way to get back in touch with one’s childhood, Frazier added. “It takes me back to the days of simple life and the elation of winning,” she said. “It is nice to get a taste of that again when we are all supposed to be adults now.”
The league is free to TWU students and Fitness and Recreation members. To find out more about Intramural Sports or for a complete listing of the dodgeball tournament’s rules, students can go to www. Any questions pertaining to the dodgeball tournament can be sent to Asia Lewis at
Raquel Cuffie added to Pioneer roster Aaron Claycomb Editor-in-Chief Raquel Cuffie darts between the blocks on the court. She has her feet spread and is hunkered down, waiting for the ball to land in her palms. A Pioneer guard has the ball and dribbles down the court. She passes to Cuffie. Cuffie feels the ball sting her palms, pivots, dribbles once, and goes for a layup. The crowd cheers at the retreating No. 30 on her back. Beth Jillson, Pioneer basketball head coach, added Cuffie, the 5-10 post, to the roster over winter break. During the University of West Florida Holiday Classic Dec. 30-31 in Pensacola, Fla., Cuffie made her first appearance with the team. She started practicing with the Pioneers during winter break. Cuffie started the season by scoring seven points right off the bench when the Pioneers defeated Harding 62-50 at the UWF Holiday Classic. She is starting a new position with the Pioneers. “I played guard in the past, and now I’m playing post,” Cuffie said. “My teammates and coaches have been patient with me while I learn the new system.” Cuffie transferred as a junior from University of North Texas to TWU following the Fall 2011
Photo courtesy of TWU Athletics
semester. Although it’s a different university, Cuffie said, the “competition is different, but it’s still basketball.” While Cuffie was playing at UNT, she competed under the Division I Sun Belt conference. TWU falls under the Division II Lone Star Conference. She played two seasons at UNT, appearing in 27 games during her last season. Cuffie averaged 2.1 points and 2.3 rebounds in 12.1 minutes per game during her career as a guard with UNT. “Our focus is to win every game [at TWU],” Cuffie stated. She said they are focusing on winning one game at a time. Cuffie played in AAU and NY Elite during her high school career. She scored over 1,500 points and led the team to a U-15 national championship.
My teammates and coaches have been patient with me while I learn the new system. —Raquel Cuffie, TWU basketball post
8 Thursday, January 26, 2012
Battle of the Burgers Contestant 7: The Libertine Bar Morgan Ashton Griffin Opinions Editor After a long day of cupcakes, I didn’t even have to open the Libertine Bar’s cork-material menu to know what I wanted. I was dying for a burger. Lasso managing editor Erin Marissa Russell had been gushing about the Libertine burger for months, going on about how it was the best burger in Dallas and I had to try it. She loved the Libertine burger so much she used to eat it once or twice a week. The burger had a lot of living up to do. Sitting in a booth with highbacked benches set so low that the tabletop came to right below my bosom, I looked around the bar. It was typical — tin signs of beer companies and their slogans adorned the walls. There was a mural to my left. The place was nearly deserted because we were the first customers of the day. The waitress was friendly and quick to answer Erin’s questions about the fish of the day, despite how ridiculous they sounded: “Does it come with the scales and everything still on, or not?” After placing my order, I waited in anticipation and hunger for this built-up burger. When it was finally in front of me, I looked at the ½ lb. beef burger with American cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and onion. The not-quite-circular patty hung over the edge of the bun, the cheese continuing to melt from the heat of the fresh meat, and the bacon lay crisp and ready to crunch with my impending consumption. Erin looked at me expectantly.
After my first bite, I took another before the first was even completely chewed, looking down at my food with what only could be described as the most loving look food has ever been given. The patty was so moist there was no need for ketchup or mayo. It dripped pure deliciousness down my fingers and onto my plate, so thick it was hard to even notice the taste of the bacon. The buns were simple bakery buns: warm, buttery and fresh. Although the lettuce was a bit wilted and the onions were all concentrated on one side of the burger, I couldn’t resist taking larger and larger bites. Better than the burger were the fries. So thin they were almost shoestring potatoes, the fries were crisp enough not to flop when dipped in ketchup, yet not crunchy. They were thin and light. Even after I was full, I found my fingers going back to the leftover fries from the generous mound provided. Lightly salted and peppered, the fries were simple, yet absolutely perfect. Maybe it was the fact I had a wonderful day, or that I was with one of my favorite people, or that after eating eight cupcakes I was in dire need of real food, but the Libertine was the best burger I have had this far in my burger journey.
The Lasso
Cupcake Wars Yes, we ate nine cupcakes in three hours. Morgan Ashton Griffin & Erin Marissa Russell Opinions Editor & Managing Editor After a recent on-awhim cupcake expedition uncovered an underlying addiction, Lasso opinions editor Morgan Ashton Griffin and managing editor Erin Marissa Russell decided to explore cupcake options for Denton residents as well as commuting students. Cupcakes are reasonablypriced treats for a study break or afternoon excursion between classes. The price is comparable to going for a cup of ice cream, but it’s better. Traveling to four bakeries in different areas of the Metroplex left us feeling a little sick, but wellequipped to give the cupcake rundown. Afterward, there was only one question: what kind of person orders the icing shots several bakeries offered? Confetti’s Cupcakes 2340 S. IH-35E #136, Denton
Confetti’s featured a selection of regular and miniature cupcakes, cake balls and icing shots. A sign also advertised cupcakes decorated with TWU’s logo. The service was polite but a little halfhearted, and the variety of flavors was not as mind-boggling as in other stores. Lemon: The cupcake was tasty but not anything special. It tasted like a garden-variety lemon cupcake that could be whipped up in 35 minutes in a home kitchen. Carrot Cake: This one was moist and nutty with
raisins and plenty of spice. The carrots, however, were difficult to detect, flavorwise. The cupcake was topped with cream cheese icing. Overall, it was very good, just not great. Flour Shop Bakery 1401 Shoal Creek Ste. D, 150, Highland Village, Texas
This was the bakery that started it all. After sampling plenty of others, Flour Shop Bakery was still top on the list. It’s about 30 minutes from campus but close to several commuting areas, and it makes a nice short adventure between classes. Flavors rotate and
Photography by Morgan Ashton Griffin
The cupcake was filled with decadent chocolate ganache. The salty crackers and slight chewiness of the marshmallows offset the rich chocolate filling perfectly — this was one of the best cupcakes we had all day. Butterfinger: This cupcake was exactly what one would infer from the title: a cupcake made to taste like a Butterfinger. It consisted of chocolate cake, a Butterfinger-flavored ganache, whipped cream icing and topped with crumbled Butterfinger bits. Unlike the classic candy bar, this cupcake didn’t leave bits melded to your teeth, making it a great way to enjoy the delicious treat without the uncomfortable aftermath.
Cupcakes are reasonably-priced treats for a study break or afternoon excursion between classes. The price is comparable to going for a cup of ice cream, but it’s better. include creative treats such as banana split, salted caramel, tiramisu, quatro leches, and peanut butter & chocolate cupcakes. The Flour Shop offered great customer service, from friendly employees to the chef and owner, who is often present to discuss her love of cupcakes with customers. S’more Please: Flametoasted marshmallows topped a graham cracker cupcake baked inside a graham cracker crust.
The Cupcakery 6975 Lebanon Rd. Ste 306, Frisco, Texas
was easy to overlook. The staff was preoccupied with other matters and less than helpful. However, a sign did indicate The Cupcakery’s frostings were made up of allnatural ingredients. These cupcakes were more pricey than the others we tried. Kir Royale: This was one of our favorite cupcakes of the day: raspberry cake with champagne icing. The icing was topped with edible silver glitter, winning points for showmanship. The cake had a light, fluffy, moist texture, and the flavors were mild but balanced. Peanut Butter & Jelly: Although the prospect of a favorite snack being made into a cupcake was exciting, the PB&J cupcake was disappointing. The cake itself was a little on the overly rich side. The cupcake, which had to be refrigerated due to the jam inside, had an awkward texture that did not please the palate. The biggest issue with this cupcake was there was barely any jam inside — less than the size of a quarter, a poor attempt at a proper PB&J ratio. Sprinkles 4020 Villanova Dallas
The Cupcakery was small inside, and offered no indoor seating. The bakery, which is located on the corner of a building,
Sprinkles was nice and clean but crowded with people. The atmosphere of the bakery seemed a bit too upscale and posh for the average college student. Cinnamon Sugar: This cupcake was extremely light and a great way to end the adventure. There was no icing, just cinnamon sugar topping. The cupcake was reminiscent of a Snickerdoodle cookie, but the texture was a little dense. Ginger Lemon: The flavor of this cupcake was excellent, with plenty of ginger spice. The cream cheese icing was incredibly rich but complemented the spice of the cake well.
Photography by Morgan Ashton Griffin
Morgan loves eating cupcakes and letting grease from burgers drip through her fingers. The feeling reminds her of sand squishing between her toes on the beach. She hopes her readers dream of Batman tonight. Photography by Morgan Ashton Griffin
For Aaron Claycomb Editor-in-Chief How can we balance the rights of the individual against the government’s right to protect (or intrude)? When rights have the probability of causing harm or action against other individuals without intent, I waive those rights. Nationwide Mutual Insurance reported on their website, “Driving while distracted is a factor in 25 percent of police-reported crashes.” I believe most people have a Superman complex when it comes to driving. They believe bad things won’t ever happen to them, only to those poor individuals they read about in the newspaper, watch on television, or see when driving by an accident. Now, if you believe this doesn’t characterize you, think about it. If you are texting and driving, there is a higher probability of causing or
falling victim to an accident. The idea texting and driving could be banned nationwide is difficult because of the rights people believe they have. But what about the belief that you and I are not perfect? The purpose of a texting and driving ban is not to censor or control a group of people, it is to protect us from causing harm to others and ourselves. Protection from harm should be the concern of every individual considering and evaluating such a ban. In 2009, CBS reported, “The average U.S. mobile teen now sends or receives an average of 2,899 text messages per month.” The right to drive is a right that can be taken away from us. And currently, throughout the state of Texas, several cities have created ordinances and bans against texting and driving. Why would Texas allow cities to control this decision? When driving down I-35E I pass several cities. I do not know which cities have the texting ban and which don’t. Anyone could be breaking the law at anytime. Is it worth it to risk harming
someone just to text and drive? Texting and driving isn’t a right to begin with. It is just a mistake waiting to happen. I guess the person who thinks they can text and drive just won’t figure it out until they end up dazed and confused, only to find out they are pressed up against a light pole, or their car has ended up in a ditch.
Against Dennis Barbee Features Editor I am not proposing people should text and drive. However, I also do not want any government
agency micromanaging my life. Texas is one of 35 states that have enacted laws to curb texting or cell phone usage while driving in school zones. With laws on the agenda to make it a statewide ban, I have to ask: where does this micromanagement of my life end? Will I be able to adjust my radio while driving? Texting in a school zone is now classified as a primary offense, meaning police can pull drivers over just for the appearance of texting in these zones. However, many politicians are attempting to make this ban cover any street in any town. The data showing that these laws are effective simply does not exist. Several data sources prove these laws are not having the desired effect and should be scrapped. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration points to the fact distracted drivers comprised 16 percent of all accidents in 2009. However, the NHTSA considers distractions to include the following: other occupants in the car, eating, drinking, smoking, adjusting radio, adjusting environmental control, reaching for objects in the car, and using a cell
phone. All of these distractions are included in the NHTSA’s distracted driving percentages. In 2009 in the U.S. there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers. Of those, 995 were considered to have been killed by drivers distracted by cell phones. There were over 10 million accidents on our streets and highways in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In order to put this in perspective, over 55,000 people were killed in drunk driving incidents and 35,000 people lost their lives in speeding-related incidents. These numbers seem high, but worth mentioning is the fact that the NHTSA reports traffic fatalities at the lowest point they have been in the last 60 years. Cell phone use and texting while driving is a horrible idea and you shouldn’t do it. There are enough distractions driving around in Denton to make it worse by using your cell phone. However, the data doesn’t end there. Any distraction can cause an accident. We should not allow the legislature to enact laws that govern all aspects of our lives.
The Lasso
Arts & Entertainment
Achin’ for clay Stanton Brasher A&E Editor A visual artist’s hands often take the place of their eyes and their work as a symbol of perception. This can ring even more true for artists who do not have a medium, such as a brush or knife, between their hands and their art. Such is the case for ceramic artists in TWU’s student organization Clay Underground. The student organization was officially recognized Nov. 24, 1997. Its continuing mission is to promote ceramic arts while encouraging professional development, leadership skills and community involvement. According to the group’s Facebook page, it raises money through biannual ceramic sales that take place on campus. Liz Fischer, president of Clay Underground, said she feels it is important for the organization to offer support to
Clay Underground is always looking for a few good students that are interested in ceramics, learning the skills and participating in our events —Liz Fischer, Clay Underground president
incoming students as well as outgoing. “Clay Underground holds at least two sales per year, sometimes more,” Fischer said. She added that the group contributes funds to the Ceramic Legacy Scholarship, sponsors guest speakers or workshops for the ceramic department, and funds students interested in attending workshops if space is available. “We also try to contribute a small amount of scholarship monies to students attending the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts held in various
Photography by Jeni Berry
Do the twist: TWU ceramic artists put a spin on the world of pottery.
parts of the U.S. yearly,” she said. The group’s sales events include a chili bowl sale in the fall and Mother’s Day sale in the spring. Fischer also said Clay Underground has been known to host throw-athons, in which students donate random pieces for an impromptu sale. These sales are held at the entrance of the Fine Arts Building. Some people view art as strictly decorative, but Clay Underground artists try to work in a balance between decoration and function. Bowls, cups, plates, cookware, and ashtrays are what ceramic artists refer to as functional art. In the world of ceramics, these pieces are microwavable and oven-safe. The same cannot be said for other artistic endeavors, such as oil painting or sculpting. This, of course, is because ceramic pieces are created in high temperature environments. “The process can vary from piece to piece, but basically an individual creates an object,” Fischer said. “The object dries thoroughly, is fired to bisque, then glazed and fired many times at higher temperatures.” Ceramic artists don’t just make dishes and cookware. Many of TWU’s graduates have gone to work professionally in art history, education, studio freelancing, or fine art fields. Fischer said she feels like the most important parts of the art are the fun and the creative expression. “Clay Underground is always looking for a few good students that are interested in ceramics, learning the skills and participating in our events,” Fischer said. “Our group has a lot of fun in promoting our organization, and in another week we will have a blind throwing relay. I have no idea how that will work out, but it should be fun to watch.” For more information about the Clay Underground, students can visit its Facebook page or contact Liz Fischer at lfisch49@yahoo. com.
Alum, artist show work in galleries Marygail Isobel Lakner A&E Writer The East & West Galleries in the Fine Arts Building will be adorned by photographs Jan. 17-Feb. 15. The photographs are the work of Susan Burnstine and Kelli Connell. Connell, currently teaching at Columbia College Chicago, is a TWU alumna, having received her master’s degree in 2003. Burnstine is currently based in Los Angeles and has won several awards for photography. Both artists have been published in books and magazines, and their works have been displayed in a wide range of exhibits. “Double Life” is the title of Connell’s exhibit. She attested to using Adobe Photoshop to create her images. “Using the computer as a tool to create a believable situation is not that different from accepting any photograph as an object of truth,” Connell wrote on her website. “These photographs reconstruct the private relationships that I have experienced personally, witnessed in public, or watched on television,” she added. “By digitally creating a photograph that is a composite of multiple negatives of the same model in one setting, the self is exposed as not a solidified being in reality, but as a representation of social and interior investigations that happen within the mind." Burstine said she agrees with Connell about drawing inspiration from real life. Her personal experiences and obstacles have remained a constant influence in her art, as she explained in the press release for her “Within the Shadows” exhibit.
“As a child, I suffered vivid nightmares that stayed with me for days,” Burnstine noted. “Often, I would walk around not sure if I was dreaming or awake, as the lines between the two remained blurred. Existing within the shadows of the unconscious made life a curious synthesis of magic and reality. Portals to the unknown emerged, offering me pathways that seemed to bridge the gap between real and unreal, life and death. Though the intensity of my dreams did not lessen as an adult, my response transformed. Initially, I was lost within the haze of my dreams. But now it is through my dreams that I truly see.” The discussion “Publish Your Photography Book” will be held 4-5 p.m.
Portals to the unknown emerged, offering me pathways that seemed to bridge the gap between real and unreal,life and death. —Susan Burnstine, photographer
Tuesday with a reception to end at 6 p.m. The discussion will be given by Burnstine and Connell alongside Mary Virginia Swanson, a consultant, author and teacher. Swanson, who received her master’s degree from Arizona State University after getting involved with photography in high school, has experience guiding artists on marketing and reaching out to audiences. “I have been a professional colleague
of Professor Grant since our participation as volunteers at the Annual Society for Photographic Education during our college days,” Swanson said. “Today, we continue to collaborate on an annual seminar to today's volunteers and scholarship recipients at our national conference, which is indeed an honor … I have long admired the department she has shaped, watching her students enter into and move our field forward. Professor Grant and her students are a force in our industry. Talented, ethical and community-minded, all. ” Upcoming works for Swanson have her excited as she plans revisions to her book, which was self-published in 2007. Her changes will accommodate the technological advancements associated with her artistic field. Burnstine, Connell and Swanson have websites where their work can be viewed, books can be purchased, and contact can be made. Burnstine can be found at http://, Connell at and Swanson at Admission to the exhibit, discussion and reception are free. “Publish Your Photography Book” and the reception afterward are both culture card events. The East and West Galleries are open 9 a.m.-4 p.m. MondayFriday and Saturdays by appointment. For more information, students can visit the Visual Arts Homepage at, where the calendar of events and additional contact information can be found.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
TWU Honor Choir’s annual concert Marygail Isobel Lakner A&E Writer It can be hard for students from a small school to gain the experience someone from a larger school does. This could be for many reasons, such as finances, resources or school population. Whatever the reason, it was the driving force for Vicki Baker, assistant professor and coordinator of music education, when she began the TWU Pioneer Honor Choir last year. The University will host the second annual TWU Pioneer Honor Choir Clinic and Concert, designed to give high school students from smallscale schools the chance to sing in choirs with 100 or more members, as well as present them with challenging vocal pieces. “These students are very talented, but need the appropriate venue in which to display their abilities,” Baker said. The inaugural Pioneer Honor Choir took place after Baker, the facilitator of the event, contacted directors of small choral programs within the North Texas area to see if they would be interested in such a project. Baker had a guest conductor, Laura Farnell, who composed music for the singers, giving these students the additional experience of working with a living female composer. “The response was far beyond what we had expected,“ she stated. “We had 99 singers in the choir. The feedback from the participating directors was so positive that we decided to do it for a second year. I will never forget sitting in Margo Jones the morning of their first rehearsal and having directors coming to me with tears in their eyes
In living color: Susan Burnstine and Kelli Connell’s artwork will be displayed in the East & West galleries at TWU’s Fine Arts Building starting Jan. 31.
thanking me for making this amazing experience possible for their students.” The increase in interest after the success of last year gave the opportunity for two choirs, instead of one mixed choir, which combined male and female voices. A treble choir, which contains femaleonly voices, and a tenor-bass choir, which contains male-only voices, will grace the stage, after which the choirs will combine to perform two pieces. The singers are chosen after an audition process in front of members of the TWU vocal faculty, and leave with Honor Choir T-shirts and an Honor Choir patch to add to high school letter jackets. “They are not only taking a musical memory that will last a lifetime from this place, they are also taking the TWU name back to their school and wearing it regularly, which is great advertisement for our university,” Baker said. Singers aren’t the only ones who can participate in such an event. March 30-31 will be the third annual Pioneer Honor Band for band members from small schools. Students who are interested in participating in TWU choirs are welcome, even if they are not students of the college of music. “The philosophy of the department is one of taking students where they are and helping them to achieve their full potential. The learning atmosphere is nurturing and encouraging,” Baker explained. The TWU Honor Choir Concert takes place 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 28 in the Margo Jones Performance Hall. Admission is free. For additional information, students can visit http://www.twu. edu/music/ or contact the music department at
Images courtesy of the TWU music department
Left to right: Denton High School head choir director Mark Baker will be directing the tenorbass choir, and TWU associate professor and coordinator of choral activities Joni Jensen will be directing the treble choir.
So, you think you can dance? Marygail Isobel Lakner A&E Writer
Photography by Jeni Berry
TWU dance department and Lifelong Learning come together each spring and fall semester to offer dance classes to students and community members, with classes available for people of all ages and experience levels. Some students are intermediate or advanced, but most have very little experience, Christianne Price, Lifelong Learning program coordinator, said. Those in charge of the program respond to requests from interested parties. “This time people requested country and western and swing dancing. Some [classes] are there every time,” Price said. The list of dance styles offered goes on and on, with classes such as creative movement, swing, tap, varying levels of ballet, hip-hop, jazz, ballroom, and others. Community dance classes show TWU is committed to bringing quality programs to the community, Price said, and “it provides affordable ways for community members to have a fun workout on
weeknights.” Price’s office handles registration, payment, medical waivers, and transferring revenue to the dance department. Associate dance professor Gladys Keeton handles content of classes. The dance department brings in guest lecturers, and many of the instructors are graduate students of the department itself. “It’s worth coming to the first class,” Price said. “All kinds of experience levels attend. If it doesn’t click, we can talk about what to do. I haven’t had any bad evaluations.” The classes run Jan. 23-April 5, with the final day for late registration set as Jan. 30. Classes are $80 after the Early-Bird Registration. Anyone can register for these classes online at http:// information, class descriptions, and a full list of classes offered are there as well. For questions about registration, contact the Lifelong Learning department at 940-8983408 or Price at cprice3@twu. edu. For questions about class content, students can contact Keeton at