WHO’S WHO OF TWU Q: What are your thoughts on the Dakota Access Pipeline?
Marilyn Mata
Junior Nursing Dallas, TX
“It’s not right. They’re taking away their culture and their homeland. I think that they should keep protesting... I think we can be so greedy and we’re trying to take advantage of people who are the most humble and the most hard working.”
Reyna Doe
Junior Social Work Krum, TX
“I see wrong in it, too. They’re already a minority as it is and, with everything going on right now, it’s kind of disintegrating who they are.”
Breanna Solari
Sophomore Nursing Houston, TX
“I just feel like events like that should be brought to our attention more because I didn’t know anything about it.”
Rebecca Doe
Junior Biology Allen, TX
“It’s not right. It’s causing violence between the protesters and the police when things are being done peacefully.”
Pablo Miranda
Junior Biology Richardson, TX
“I don’t think they should do a pipeline through that land.”