4 minute read


Thorsten Kosellek Icls

By Ron Prince

Selected Filmography (as gaffer/chief lighting technician):

Enzo Ferrari (2024)

Song For Marie (2023)

Bardo, False Chronicle Of A Handful Of Truths (2022)

Lisey’s Story (2021)

Hausen (2020)

Die Auferstehung (2019)

The Operative (2019)

Berlin, I Love You (2019) In The Aisles (2018)

My Brother Simple (2017)

Sanctuary (2015)

The Book Thief (2013)

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) (electrician)

What does the ICLS mean to you?

The moment I had the chance to join this amazing society, with all my colleagues and friends worldwide, it was, and still is, an honour. The ICLS is the first worldwide society for people in lighting, bringing us closer together and opening-up a table to talk, to ask questions, to have interesting and informative events, all in parallel with big conventions and trade shows. We can get in contact with each other more easily, share ideas, plans and solutions amongst our community. Through the ICLS we are getting a voice.

Believe in yourself

When did you discover you wanted to be a gaffer?

On-set, whilst I was learning from the great gaffers with whom I was working as an electrician. I liked working as an electrician, but the wish to have more influence on the creative part of the job pushed me to become a gaffer.

I like working closely with each DP, talking about the script, imagining situations, figuringout the emotions for the different moments and locations in the story, and planning how to achieve it all with lighting.

How did you get into lighting?

A twist of fate guided me to my first on-set experience and I fell in love with the idea of working on movies. The way into the lighting department was another twist of fate – a friend was stepping-up to become an electrician, so his position became free and I got that job!

Keeping up with new developments in lighting:

The speed of change and development is really fast. The ICLS is in close contact with the industry and we get a summary of each trade show, which is very helpful. If I am looking for more information, most of the manufactures have a contact link for us.

This year some very interesting, powerful lamps, like Fresnels, have come along, and I am looking forward to working with them. Overall, the quality of LED lighting is very good – it’s just in very low light level that it can be tricky. With an old-fashioned Tungsten light you know what you will get and it looks fabulous on the skin.

Future developments in lighting equipment:

I am keen to work with more robotics and moving lights. We can control everything from an iPad or a board, but to move a light we still have to bring in a ladder.

How important is it to be green/ environmentally-friendly?

That is a very good question. We can reduce the amount of power we might need just using LED lights. We can save on using plastic gels too using LEDs. I am trying to use more and more sustainable products to avoid polys.

If a production needs to be lit with Tungsten lights, you need bigger generators. But I am optimistic that the progress of new and better ways to create power, and to charge batteries, will continue and we will find solutions which will help towards sustainability.

Current favourite pieces of lighting equipment?

Vintage Charcoal fabrics – I love to block the sun and still have texture in the shadow.

What were the challenges on Bardo?

In the California Dancing Club scenes, the lighting needed to move and change with the passage of time and motion of the action. We installed thousands and thousands of lights in different areas of the venue to create pools of light, all linked back to GrandMA control console, where Lukas Hippe, my dimmer board operator, did the light mixing. The way the light changed and adjusted in tandem with the action was very impressive.

working in rental houses, or in companies which supply high-tech LED solutions for the set. The job is no longer just a tough muscle job, and me and my team are looking forward to more diversity in the future.

Advice for other people who want to work in lighting:

Do not stress yourself. Learn from the best and take your time, because there is a lot to discover and it is a job that comes with great responsibilities.

What are the key skills/talents you need to succeed as a gaffer?

Communication – with your team, the DP, the production department, the lighting vendors. Every job starts with a lot of chats, meetings and calls before you can dive into the creative part.

A more subtle example is the weather change in the intense kitchen scene at breakfast, between Silverio and his son Lorenzo, which was shot on-stage and mirrored the typical change that happens in Mexican weather from sunshine to rain. It starts as very sunny morning, but as they converse, the wind begins to blow, the light shifts a little, and the room gets colder and darker, before thunder and lightning come.

I used HMI’s for sun power, LED colour changes, a little backlight for the rain and the exposure in the kitchen. We collected Mole Beams from NYC, a Light-Technik Dark Vader mechanical dimmer shutter via ARRI Germany, and a precise metal flag shutter from my fantastic Mexican crew at Boxer Rigs & Grips. We worked on this set-up, with Mexican gaffer Andres Medina for two days before the shoot.

Keeping match-fit:

This job is my passion. I like to work, to travel and to make new friends around the world – that’s a big incentive every day!

Diversity in the lighting department:

If we all are open-minded and just living life with no homophobic, racist or patriarchal boundaries, then the moviemaking world will be a place for everybody with creative spirit. Everyday, more female electricians are

A creative mindset – you need to have the will and sense of fun to create a new world or visual style, so that you can help to achieve what is required from the technical side.

Being interested in art, film and fashion, etc.. Having an idea of the actual lighting styles used by the old masters or in epic movies is not mandatory, but it will help you find the visual language that the DP and director want to achieve.

Greatest achievement, so far?

Being part of the team that shot Bardo, False Chronicle Of A Handful Of Truths Working on this masterpiece was a special and interesting lifetime experience for me. And Darius Khondji AFC ASC was nominated for the 2023 Best Cinematography Oscar for this film.

The most important lesson your working life has taught you?

Believe in yourself. Do not fake it. Do it.

Your future career path? What’s next for you?

Each job comes with a fresh task and I learn something new every day. This year, the WGA strike is challenging the whole industry, and a lot of projects have been pushed or cancelled. So let’s see what will come next!

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