1 minute read
Lament of a Cat Before Breakfast
Woe to Mother!
Mother has made a wretch of me!
I feel the thousand daggers of hunger pierce my tender, tufted flesh. And it is Mother who drives them so!
Jail to Mother!
St. Miette I beseech thee! Deliver me from this loathsome existence to a promised land. For Mother has denied me!
Hark! Mother awakens!
She arises like first dawn over distant horizons!
Lo! Mother provides! Her benevolent love knows no bounds!
Eleanor Forestell (she/her)
The Mud
The last I saw the light of day, My eyes were struck with fear–The sky above, a brilliant hue Of fiery, orange smears.
I thought myself a man of steel, A bearer of the flag: The flame inside my heart was truth–My name reduced to tags.
And now, the world before my eyes, A grey and empty tomb–“Hello?” a voice calls out to me, But I do not respond.
The man without a face, just eyes; He calls himself the mud–
The roots of trees we walk upon: The veins that pump his blood.
“I want to leave.” I tell the mud, But he stares at the ground. He shakes his head and sheds a tear, But doesn’t make a sound.
The room still cavernous and dark, I wept. And gave up hope–Placed upon my shoulder I feel A cool and earthy paw.
By now the worms have set up shop, tunneling through our skin. The grubs and critters crawl about; A new life born within
In darkness I can feel his warmth, My livelihood now gone–We share our arms and legs and mind And things to which we’re drawn.
The truths that I once held, defunct, My name but rusted crud–It doesn’t have much use to me; I call myself the mud.
Sit With Me
Developing Scoliosis
Fifty-five people in this classroom
But somehow my name out of your mouth
Feels so imminent.
Chin touches chest.
If I can just get low enough
I’ll squirm into the crevice between desk and time.
If my spine will just form a perfect convex
You’ll feel enough pity to spare me
From the icy stares of classmates
From the burn of a constricting throat.
As I yearn for space from you
My vertebrae gain distance from themselves. My face forms a parallel
With the panicked rushed black ink scrawl.
Now in addition to my grade, I fear
Developing scoliosis.