Lawrentian THE
fall 2013
G Kristen Rainey ’93, Bhutan, 2006, Photograph.
Departments 2 From the Head Master 3 Editor’s Note 4 1,000 Words
F e at u r e s 18 Commencement 2013 On the Cover:
The Fifth Form heads out.
Sean Flynn ’60 by Sean Flynn.
24 Alumni Weekend 2013 Alumni head back.
30 F inding Flynn A new documentary about Sean Flynn chronicles the intrepid photographer’s life, legacy, and sudden disappearance.
A road (temporarily) less traveled.
6 News in Brief O’Connor visits campus, dancers find new footing, and a Big Red farm reaps what it sows.
10 Go Big Red! Dethlefs boats to Brazil.
12 On the Arts Artistic alumnae assemble.
14 Cover to Cover Little chronicles America’s most painted mountain.
16 Take This Job and Love It Brewster tows the line.
76 Caption This hink you’re funny? Prove it T and win a prize.
77 Student Shot England is in the pink.
A LUM N I W E E K E N D 2 0 1 3
30 Alumni 36 Alumni News
14 G David Little ’69, Katahdin, 2006, Oil on canvas.
37 Class Notes
9 From the Head Master
n April 2007, the Board of Trustees adopted Strategic Directions, a five-year plan to build on Lawrenceville’s core strengths and ensure that we prepare students to become responsible leaders in the 21st century. That plan solidified Lawrenceville’s position as a leading boarding school and developed our reputation as a school that educates students well by balancing many dichotomies – most notably, we’re both large and small, both challenging and supportive, and both traditional and modern. With the imminent completion of that plan, we launched a new strategic planning process during the winter and spring of 2012, which we called Strategic Directions II, to emphasize that the new plan is an extension of – not a significant departure from – our current priorities. Indeed, the guiding question that governed Strategic Directions I has also driven the current process: How do we continue to build on our core strengths and preserve our traditions while responding to emerging trends and new opportunities? We began the process with a review and re-adoption of our mission statement and with a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). Strengths and weaknesses represent the internal features of Lawrenceville, those aspects of the School we can control and manage. Opportunities and threats are external trends that affect the School. We can’t control them, because they’re external to the School, but we must decide how to respond to them in ways that make the most sense for Lawrenceville given our past history and traditions, our current strengths, and our future aspirations. The SWOT analysis confirmed the core strengths that we had identified in Strategic Directions I. Those features include our unique House system, our collaborative Harkness approach to teaching and learning, our abundant co-curricular programs and many opportunities for student leadership, our multicultural community, our commitment to faculty and staff professional development, our efforts to achieve financial sustainability, and our educational and environmental leadership. Through the SWOT analysis, we also identified five external trends that we believe will require our considered and intentional response in the coming years: globalization, specialization, the ubiquity of mobile technology, financial uncertainty, and economic inequality and political polarization. Below are the overall approaches that trustees, faculty, and other School constituents have advocated we take in responding to each trend. It is striking that the recommended responses balance key dichotomies, just as Strategic Directions I did: • W e aspire to prepare Lawrenceville students for the increasingly global world in which they will live and work, while reaffirming our identity as an American boarding school. • W e are committed to maintaining at our core a generalist philosophy, a strong sense of community, and students’ broad engagement in school life, while at the same time continuing to accommodate the increased pressure for students to specialize by deeply pursuing an area of interest to a high level of expertise and excellence. • W e aim to harness the power and ubiquity of information technology to enhance student learning, strengthen Harkness teaching, and foster strong relationships, while at the same time minimizing the downsides of technology by educating students, faculty, and staff to be responsible consumers and creators of digital content. • I n order to ensure our long-term financial health and fulfill our responsibility to be good stewards of all the School’s resources, we must maintain our financial discipline; extend our fundraising capacity; and balance our personnel, facility, and programmatic priorities, as well as our current and future needs. • W e seek to broaden and deepen the engagement of students, faculty, and staff in the community in order to cultivate positive, mutually beneficial relationships; inspire and prepare Lawrenceville students to be responsible leaders; strengthen our brand; and increase our institutional impact. Given the uncertainty and rapid pace of change that characterizes modern life, I’m encouraged that Strategic Directions II, like Strategic Directions I, represents a balanced approach to the future. Sincerely,
Elizabeth A. Duffy H’43 The Shelby Cullom Davis ’26 Head Master
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
Lawrentian THE
FALL 2013
Volume 77 Number 4
publisher Jennifer Szwalek editor Mike Allegra art director Phyllis Lerner proofreaders Rob Reinalda ’76 Linda Hlavacek Silver H’59 61 ’62 ’63 ’64 GP’06 ’08 Jean Stephens H’50 ’59 ’61 ’64 ’68 ’89 GP’06 contributors Jennifer brewster ace england ’15 Lisa M. Gillard Hanson Jacqueline Haun Nancy ruiter Selena Smith Paloma Torres Tim wojciechowicz ’78 p’06 ’10 ’12
The Lawrentian (USPS #306-700) is published quarterly (winter, spring, summer, and fall) by The Lawrenceville School, P.O. Box 6008, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, for alumni, parents, grandparents, and friends. Periodical postage paid at Trenton, NJ, and additional mailing offices.
The Lawrentian welcomes letters from readers. Please send all correspondence to or to the above address care of The Lawrentian Editor. Letters may be edited for publication. The Lawrentian welcomes submissions and suggestions for magazine departments. If you have an idea for a feature story, please query first to The Lawrentian Editor via email ( Visit us on the web at
From the Editor
’ve always been a big fan of swashbuckling epics, and the first and last word in swashed buckles is Errol Flynn. By the time I entered my teens, I had seen the bulk of the Flynn filmography and was always ready and eager to watch the dashing fellow brandish a sword and run someone through. A number of years ago, when first I learned that Errol Flynn’s son was a Lawrenceville alumnus, however, my first instinct was to shrug. I had plenty of practice with this shrug; I used it when I also learned that Charlie Chaplin’s son and Woodrow Wilson’s brother-in-law went here. I’m sure they were fine fellows, but none of these people were going to get me excited from an editorial standpoint. Oh, what an ignoramus I was. My shrug was much, much too hasty. Sean Flynn ’60 was a swashbuckler of the first order. Armed with a camera instead of a rapier, the younger Flynn journeyed to Southeast Asia to chronicle the horrors of the Vietnam War on film. Not one to shy away from the action, he was known to speed into disputed areas behind the wheel of a bright red, rented G Swashbuckler and son. motorcycle. Unfortunately, in 1970 he was captured in Cambodia and was never heard from again. Now Flynn is about to get some well-deserved recognition as Mythic Films is producing a documentary about the Lawrentian. The film’s objective is twofold. First and foremost the filmmakers are on the hunt to discover what happened to Flynn after he disappeared into a Cambodian jungle. Second, and perhaps more intriguingly, the filmmakers want to get a sense of who Sean Flynn really was. That’s where Lawrenceville comes in. Angela Krass, a producer of the film, spent many days perusing our archives to get a sense of the “real” Sean Flynn, a man many knew but few knew well, one who spent most of his life both running from and reaping the benefits of his father’s fame. In this issue’s cover story, “Finding Flynn” (page 30), Lawrenceville’s crackerjack archivist, Jacqueline Haun, chronicles both the documentary and the life of this amazing fellow. It’s a great story. Or, to put it another way, my shrugging days are over.
Please send address corrections to: The Lawrentian The Lawrenceville School P.O. Box 6008 Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 ©The Lawrenceville School Lawrenceville, New Jersey
Warmest wishes, Mike Allegra Editor
All rights reserved.
Oops… In the spring issue’s “Board Bits” column, Darrell Fitzgerald’s class year was incorrect. He graduated in 1968. The editor regrets the error.
9 1000 Words
Digging In Over the summer, the School embarked on the sixth and final stage of an ambitious steam line replacement project, temporarily turning the street in front of Abbott Dining Hall into a dirt road.
Photograph by Michael Branscom
9 News in Brief D O'Connor at her 1981 confirmation hearing.
Here’s Comes the Judge!
here could scarcely be a more fitting way to close out Lawrenceville’s Coeducation Celebration, and everyone in the Kirby Arts Center knew it. The place was abuzz with anticipation. Special agents scanned the building for (nonexistent) security lapses as students, faculty, staff, and invited guests kept pouring into the auditorium until they were shoulder to shoulder. As the activity swirled around her, Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, frail but formidable, took it all in. The first female U.S. Supreme Court justice, O’Connor, appointed in 1981 by Ronald Reagan, earned a reputation as a fair-minded swing voter – one who shied away from making sweeping judgments from the bench. Although she usually sided with the conservative branch of the court, she also demonstrated time and again that she was not beholden to a rigid political philosophy, often leaning left on issues such as affirmative action and abortion rights. When she retired from the court in 2005, it was taken for granted that her narrow and balanced decisions would be sorely missed. Her visit was arranged by Bert Getz ’55 H’56 P’85, a close friend of O’Connor’s and the School’s trustee
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
president during the historic 1985 vote that transformed Lawrenceville into a coed school. He felt – and the School agreed – that an appearance by the justice would be an ideal finale to the yearlong series of events that marked the 25th anniversary of School’s first coeducational graduating class. After brief introductions by Head Master Liz Duffy H’43 and Getz, O’Connor
wasted little time getting down to brass tacks, demonstrating through her own life experiences just how far women had come. “It’s almost impossible to find the ‘first woman’ in anything these days,” O’Connor observed. “More and more women are distinguishing themselves as people, not as women, and that is a great source of pride and joy for me.” Nevertheless, she pointed out, “It’s
worth remembering that not so long court, O’Connor’s career included jobs ago, it was radically different.” By way in all three branches of state governof example, O’Connor recounted a 1955 ment; she worked as the Assistant Atspeech by Adali Stevenson. Speaking at torney General of Arizona, was elected Smith College, the presidential hopeful to the State Senate (becoming the state’s outlined his views for a woman’s place first female majority leader), and was a in society, one that revolved around “the judge in the Arizona State Court of Aphumble role of housewife.” In that role peals. While working in the Court of Ap“women, especially educated women, peals, Ronald Reagan, making good on a have a unique opportunity to influence presidential campaign promise to nominate a woman to the Supreme Court, us, man and boy.” “Now, how about that?” O’Connor ex- asked O’Connor to succeed Justice Potclaimed over a robust round of student ter Stewart, who was about to retire. groans. “No one today would dare suggest that women should influence public “More and more women are distinguishaffairs through their husbands and sons.” Then she added, “I failed to take Mr. ing themselves as people, not as women, and that is a great source of pride and Stevenson’s advice.” Because she was a woman, O’Connor joy for me.” – Sandra Day O’Connor had difficulty finding her first job as a lawyer, initially working for no pay at the San Mateo, CA, district attorney’s office. O’Connor’s speech for the students A short time thereafter, she set up a mod- garnered a standing ovation, but it was the Q&A that followed that brought down est law practice in a shopping mall. “I quickly rose to the bottom of the the house. She exhibited her signature totem pole,” she quipped, “but I always charm, along with a dash of bluntness. did the best I could in every job I had, At one point she objected to a stuno matter how insignificant that job may dent’s assertion that the Supreme Court has grown “more politicized” in recent have seemed.” Before long, the jobs O’Connor held years. “I don’t believe it has,” she noted, did not seem insignificant anymore. creating a buzz in the room among the Unlike her contemporaries on the high many who thought otherwise.
Her toughest case? “If I told you the details of it, you’d be bored to tears.” Does she have any regrets? “Sure I do,” she replied, “but I’m not going to sit here and tell you what they are!” The dialogue between O’Connor and Lawrenceville students continued the next morning, but this time the conversation took place in the more intimate setting of The Heely Room. Sitting in on History Master Jason Robinson’s H’09 P’15 ’16 government class, the justice had the opportunity to discuss law in a Harkness-style setting. Here the judicial process was discussed in more detail as O’Connor explained how the Supreme Court decides which cases to hear. The students, a number of whom plan to pursue law as a career, also plied O’Connor for information about what a Supreme Court justice looks for in a law clerk. O’Connor’s succinct answer? “Brains.” By the end of the discussion, the justice was impressed with both what she heard from the students and the manner in which the discussion was held. “You are lucky to have classes this way, around a table like this,” she said, referring to the Harkness in front of her. “This is the same way the Supreme Court discusses cases.”
Big Red Farm Reaps What it Sows
The farm’s small stock of laying hens have also been putting in a good day’s work as their eggs have been selling as fast as they can be plucked from nests.
awrenceville’s Big Red Farm showed off the fruits (or, rather, veggies) of its labor this past summer, offering up a wide variety of home-grown produce including basil, beets, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, radishes, shelling peas, summer squash, tomatoes, and many other tasty comestibles. The farm’s small stock of laying hens have also been putting in a good day’s work as their eggs have been selling as fast as they can be plucked from nests. The half-dozen sheep on the farm property, on the other hand, aren’t working nearly as hard, and are content to just fertilize the soil and look adorable. The Big Red Farm is managed by Emma Morrow and Latin Master Jake Morrow, who have turned a small patch of land adjacent to the Law-
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
renceville solar farm into a bustling School business with the goal of paying for itself in the near future. The majority of Big Red farm stand sales are through a Farm Share program, where people pay a lump sum up front and that account is debited each time they take produce home. The Big Red Farm also makes sales to local restaurants, notably Chambers Walk and the Wildflour Bakery. The primary wholesale customer, buying up approximately 40 percent of Big Red Farm produce each week, however, is Sustainable Fare, which provides all food and dining services at the School. The Big Red Farm also supports the School’s mission of sustainability and serves as an educational tool for Lawrenceville’s students, who occasionally can be found cultivating the soil.
To get updates on weekly harvest lists or to get some inspired recipe ideas, check out the farm blog at http://
Dancers Get New Springs in Their Steps
aw r e n c e v i l l e dance students are soaring ever higher thanks to renovations to the School’s dance studio, located in the Kirby Arts Center. A sprung floor, which absorbs shock to reduce injury and enhance performance, has been installed, along with a new sound system and mirrors. Funding was provided by the family of Allan P. Kirby 1913 H’63 and the F.M. Kirby Foundation. The modifications were crucial, said Director of Dance Derrick Wilder, to provide dancers with the proper equipment and space to
G Head Master Liz Duffy cuts the ribbon for the new floor as Dance Master Derrick Wilder looks on.
do their work. The new floor, for example, allows Wilder to safely expand his teaching of high impact petit and grand allegro movements. “There were several things I was leaving out of my curriculum for fear of injury,” he explained. “There are things you just can’t do
without a sprung floor that we now can. Now I wish I had a two-hour class!” Dance has become so popular at the School that rehearsal and performance spaces are at a premium. Drama, music, and fine art students have the expansive resources of Lawrence-
ville’s Kirby Arts Center, Clark Music Center, and Gruss Center of Visual Arts (respectively), and Wilder hopes his dancers will someday have a similar, dedicated pavilion space. “The renovated studio is a wonderful start, and I couldn’t be happier,” he said.
Lawrenceville Welcomes New Board Members Lawrenceville is pleased to announce the election of Joon Mo Kwon P’15, Kathleen W. McMahon ’92 and Steffen Parratt P’09 ’14 to the School’s Board of Trustees. Joon Mo Kwon, an innovator in the field of apps and games for iPhones and other smartphones, is the CEO of 4:33 Creative Lab, a company that creates apps and games that can be downloaded from the iTunes App Store, or equivalent stores in South Korea. The movie rights to one of these games, a mystery/thriller iPhone adventure called Secret of Chateau de Moreau, has been optioned by EK Films. Another popular new app, Secret Box, involves unearthing virtual boxes
buried around a city, discovering the pictures and messages lying therein (left by fellow gamers), and making online connections. Prior to 4:33 Creative Lab, Kwon was the CEO of Nexon and Nexon Mobile. After graduating from Lawrenceville in 1992, Kathleen W. McMahon returned to the School in 1997 to teach history and coach girls’ soccer and lacrosse. She later moved to Japan to found Westport Communications Inc., a Tokyobased company selling wireless internet access and, in so doing, earned the distinction of being the first Western woman to launch a technology company in that country. Now living in Northern Califor-
nia, McMahon is vice president of sales and marketing at Soundhound. McMahon’s ties to Lawrenceville have always been strong; when she was living in London, McMahon was president of The Lawrenceville Club of Europe and was an inaugural volunteer for The Crescent Coast-to-Coast celebrations. She also serves as the founder and director of Lawrenceville’s Northern Ireland Scholarship Program. Steffen Parratt is an entrepreneur with extensive strategic experience in the financial field. He recently founded Organization Simplification Inc. (OSI), a private software services company located in Princeton. The company
provides software that enables companies to assess their management organizations. Before OSI, Parratt was the special assistant to the CEO of Citigroup. His previous assignments included leading Citi’s Planning, Analysis and Capital Allocation Division; head of strategy and planning for its Corporate & Investment Bank; global head of planning and analysis for Citigroup International; and director of strategy and business development. Over the years Parratt has demonstrated his commitment to Lawrenceville through his volunteerism and support as a co-chair of The Lawrenceville Parents Fund.
9 Go Big Red
Rowing to
Tom Dethlefs ’08 looks to the future. 2016 to be exact.
om Dethlefs ’08 saw his first crew meet when he was 12 years old and it was very much a Lawrenceville affair; he was with his father, former Director of Academic Support David Dethlefs P’08, to watch the rowing skills of Jesse Oberst ’00, the son of Director of Educational Support Marti Richmond P’99 ’00. What he saw left quite an impression. Fast forward a dozen years. Dethlefs’ life now follows a familiar pattern. Six days a week he gets up early and heads to a training facility in Princeton to row on an erg machine. Under the supervision of a team of crack coaches and trainers, he rows for two hours in the morning. In the afternoon he rows for another three. Then, when six o’clock rolls around, he gets in another two hours before heading home under evening skies. This is the workday of a Senior National Team member who is serious about earning a seat on the boat for the 2016 Olympics in Rio, which Dethlefs most certainly is. Whether he gets on that rowing team or not, Dethlefs has come a long, long way from his early days at Lawrenceville. He
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
tried out for crew as a freshman and, though he made the team, Dethlefs qualifies this fact with a “just barely.” Fortunately, his coach, Math Master Ben Wright P’10, turned out to be a major influence. “He’s fantastic for high school-level
rowing, because he knows how to take boys and turn them into real athletes,” Dethlefs asserts. “He understands the psychological side of the sport and helps athletes to push their limits.” By the time Dethlefs’ junior year rolled
around, Wright had helped the young rower to find his stride, so to speak. His skills had improved so dramatically that upon graduation, Dethlefs was accepted as a member of the Junior National Team. In his first international meet, he did his country proud by winning a bronze medal. “It was amazing. I was 18 years old and able to race for my country. It was really exciting to have that chance.” In addition to rowing for his college, Yale, Dethlefs was accepted to the Under 23 Team where he started attracting attention, earning a silver medal in 2010 and back-to-back golds at World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam (2011) and in Lithuania (2012). Dethlefs is still adding to his trophy case. Last year, in his first World Cup competition on the Senior National Team, the American squad picked up a silver medal. In July, the Men’s Eight nabbed the gold in Lucerne, Switzerland. More races are on the horizon, of course. Many more. In between races, Dethlefs trains. After all, 2016 is just around the corner. When it arrives, Dethlefs will be ready.
9 On the Arts
Alumnae Artists assemble in
Artists Rebecca Blackwell ’93 Cydney Chase ’02 Julia Choe ’93 Elsa Fridman ’06 Franziska Fugger ’97 Ariele Goldman ’97 Jane Hamill ’99 Claire Hirschberg ’11 Liluye Jhala ’97 Cassie Jones ’97 Karen Kang ’97 Tiernan Kiefer ’07 Whitney Kreb ’95 Clara Labadie ’08 Tracey Langfitt ’01 Mary MacGill ’06 Laura Preston ’09 Kristen Rainey ’93 Marielle Rousseau ’05 Diana Sanderson ’01 Laetitia Stanfield ’00 Selina Stanfield ’04 Gaia von Meister ’08
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of Lawrenceville’s first coeducational graduating class, the Gruss Center of Visual Arts played host to a wideranging exhibition of alumnae art. Twenty-three artists were represented in the show, which featured work that included paintings, sculpture, photography, beaded scarves, jewelry, and a short animated film. In addition to the many works on display, the gallery walls contained several printed statements by the artists themselves. “In all my favorite memories of Lawrenceville, I am surrounded by creative people engaged in play,” wrote Diana Sanderson ’01. “Now, as an art educator for students of all ages, I focus on creating environments and opportunities for others to engage in creative play. I draw inspiration from the sense of freedom I felt wandering around the Lawrenceville campus with peers who taught me how to explore and imagine.”
Liluye Jhala '97, Dancing Horses, Digital.
Whitney Kreb '95, Town Harbor, Oil on panel.
Jane Hamill '99, Pirate Jenny, Oil on canvas.
s u mm e r
9 Cover to Cover
A Mountain
David Little ’69 shows how a Maine mountain spawned a centuries-long artistic movement.
R. Scott Baltz, The Great One, 2003, Oil on linen.
ount Katahdin has been described as perhaps the most painted mountain on record. Though the statement cannot be definitively confirmed, David Little’s ’69 illustrated history, Art of Katahdin, proves that it has served as inspiration for some of America’s finest artists. Over the past century and a half, notables such as Frederic Church, Marsden Hartley, and John Marin produced spectacular work there. For another artist, Maurice Day, the Katahdin region became the unofficial setting for Disney’s Bambi. Writers from the celebrated Henry David Thoreau to the long-forgotten scribes of juvenile adventure novels set their stories in this expansive wilderness. Each work, in its own way, encouraged
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
the work of succeeding generations. “Many artists have been inspired by writings about the area,” Little says. “Artists read Thoreau’s travel-narrative trilogy, In the Maine Woods, and said, ‘I have to go there and see for myself!’ Then the artists brought home sketches that opened people’s eyes. These private studies, like those of Frederic Church, became souvenirs of
“Many artists have been inspired by writings about the area. Artists read Thoreau’s travel-narrative trilogy, In the Maine Woods, and said, ‘I have to go there and see for myself!’”
exotic places beyond civilization, and inspired a movement of tourists to the area that would then attract more artists.” When they arrived, what those artists found, as Church and others had, was a mountain that looked different from every point on the compass and had multiple profiles, each more exciting than the last. “If you look at the mountain from the south it looks like a huge wall in front of you,” Little explains. “If you look at the mountain from Katahdin Lake on the east, you see these incredible basins. And there are so many places you can get to by car, canoe, on foot, and by float plane to set up your easel and work. I’ve done lots of exploring there and found many, many beautiful scenes to paint.” Art of Katahdin is chock full of many
such beautiful scenes. The book showcases 250 works from dozens of diverse artists over the past two centuries that range in expression from photorealistic renderings to bold conceptual paintings that seek to mimic the emotional reactions the mountain evokes. The genesis for Art of Katahdin began in 2006 when Little, along with 18 other artists, was asked to paint views from Katahdin Lake to be auctioned off as part of a Trust for Public Land fundraiser to protect the region from developers. After the money was raised and the purchased land was donated to Baxter State Park, Little decided to reassemble the Katahdin Lake artists for a 2008 gallery exhibition at Bates College in Lewiston. The exhibition, titled “Taking Different Trails: The Artist’s Journey to Katahdin Lake,” curated by Little, was accompanied by original documents that provided historical con-
text and highlighted the artistic tradition and significance of the region. “My goal was to put the contemporary work on display in a historical context,” the author explains. “Before I knew it, it was developing into a large research project, and it made me realize I had to learn a lot in a short period of time.” In fact, his research uncovered so much interesting material that it lent itself naturally to a book. Little, however, was not a natural writer and, after the book proposal was approved by Maine’s own Down East Books, his brother, Carl, a celebrated Maine author of 15 art books, provided assistance as editor. “I couldn’t have asked for a better person to help me,” Little asserts. Early buzz – including a glowing review from the Boston Globe – has been universally positive and has spurred discussions at Down East about whether Little would like to get started on another book. His answer is a “probably,” – but not right away. “I need to get back out of doors and paint,” Little explains. “I haven’t painted seriously in two years. I’ve done nothing but work on this book!”
Frederic E. Church, Mt. Katahdin from Upper Togue Lake, ca. 1878-79, Oil on academy board.
9 Take This Job & Love It
From Surf to
“I took the road less traveled as far as Lawrentians go,” Chris Brewster ’71 says with a laugh. Indeed he has. Working one week on, one week off behind the wheel of a tugboat, he assists tankers, automobile carriers, and bulkships navigate the tight squeeze of Rhode Island’s bustling Narragansett Bay. It’s heavy lifting with a delicate touch. Ships are connected by thick lines in choppy, uncooperative waters. The cargo on the larger vessels is always of great value (and, in the case of the many gasoline tankers that come into port, explosive). Maneuvering such behemoths into the narrow berths always comes down to inches. One false move can result in property damage, injury, or even death. “It can be hairy,” Brewster admits. “You have to make sure you’re in control at all times.” So the work is not for the impulsive or faint-hearted. Piloting a tug requires patience, attention to detail, and professionalism – attributes that more than describe the work habits of Brewster, a man who has spent nearly four decades on the water. As well suited as he is to the work, however, Brewster needed time to discover his calling. His original plan upon graduating from Lawrenceville was to take a gap year, after which he would go the traditional university route. So, while many of his classmates spent the fall adjusting to college life, Brewster worked at what was to become a “series of menial jobs” – including a stint as a laborer in a sheet metal factory. The work wasn’t particularly rewarding, he notes, but it suited him more than
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
Tugboat captain Chris Brewster ’71 gets the ships to shore.
the prospect of college. It wasn’t long before Brewster’s gap year soon became gap years and then became a way of life. If Brewster’s decision to forgo college was a source of some consternation for Chris’s father, longtime Lawrenceville Classics Master Lewis Brewster P’71, the elder Brewster never showed it. “My father was very supportive, even though I didn’t have that much direction in my life,” he recalls. “He wished bigger things for me, I think. Unfortunately he didn’t live to see that.” Lewis Brewster passed away in 1974, so Brewster, who still lived with his parents on Lawrenceville’s campus, moved to Massachusetts. It was his relocation there, near the sea, which provided the direction that had so persistently eluded him in New Jersey. Before long Brewster was a deckhand on a fishing boat. “It was tough. It was a sort of a boot camp experience. The physical demands of the job and the harshness of the environment were very intense.” The hours were long as well. At sea for a week at a time, the crew would regularly put in 20-hour days working with crab pots. Baiting them. Setting them. Hauling them. Over and over and over again without a break. The moment one line of traps was lowered into the sea, the boat would set sail to haul in the traps that were set somewhere else. “It was repetitive, but I enjoyed it immensely,” Brewster explains. When asked to clarify what about the work was so enjoyable, he replies, “Being on the water…” And Brewster trails off as if no more explanation is required – and perhaps
none is. Over the years, Brewster moved up the ranks, from deckhand to captain – but disillusion eventually began to set in. “The job wasn’t as financially rewarding as it had been,” he says. “We worked strictly on a share basis, so what I would earn at the end of the week was always uncertain.” When the hauls were smaller than expected, which, in the overfished waters of New England, soon became the rule rather than the exception, Brewster was forced to supplement his income with landscaping work. This was quite a burden for a fellow who had just wrapped up a 140-hour workweek. “I was getting to be around 50 years old and, as tough as I like to think I am, the life began to wear on me.” So in 2000, Brewster gave it up to work on a tugboat. “Once I got into the tugboat industry it was as if a weight had been lifted,” he says. “Here was a company that offered me a regular salary, paid my health insurance, gave me a 401(k) – none of the things I got on a fishing boat. It was a good change.” Piloting a tugboat takes a different set of maritime skills from that of a fishing boat, so Brewster had to begin as a deckhand once again. It wasn’t long, however, before he accumulated the hours and experience needed to get his captain’s license – which he received in 2006. Now working for McAllister Towing and Transportation of Narragansett Bay, Brewster can’t imagine doing anything else. The water is, and always will be, his life.
Photograph by Michael Branscom
Photograph by Steve Anderson
Photograph by Jennifer Brewster
2013 C o m m e n c e m e n t
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
college matriculation Fifteen to
Princeton University
Twelve to New York University
Eleven to Georgetown University Ten to University of Virginia Eight to Colgate University Seven to Dartmouth College • Stanford University • University of Chicago • University of Pennsylvania • Yale University
Four to
Five to Brown
Six to
Cornell University
University • Bucknell University • Davidson College • Johns Hopkins University
Boston College • Columbia University • Duke University • Trinity College • Washington University – St. Louis
Three to
Carnegie Mellon University • George Washington University • Hamilton College • Harvard University
• Middlebury College • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute • Tufts University • Vanderbilt University • Wake Forest University • Williams College
Two to Babson College
• Bowdoin College • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Northeastern University • Rutgers University • UNC – Chapel Hill • University of Miami • University of Michigan • University of Notre Dame • University of Southern California • University of St. Andrews • United States Military Academy • Villanova University • Washington & Lee University
One Each to
American University • Amherst College
• Auburn University • Bates College • Bentley University • Brandeis University • Case Western Reserve University • Claremont McKenna College • College of William and Mary • Connecticut College • Haverford College • Hobart & William Smith College • Lehigh University • Macalester College • McGill University • Northwestern University • Polytechnic Institute of NYU • Rochester Institute of Technology • School of the Art Institute of Chicago • Smith College • Southern Methodist University • Universidad Iberoamericana • University of Denver • University of Georgia • University of Massachusetts – Amherst • University of the Pacific • University of Rhode Island • University of Rochester • University of Tampa • Vassar College
Fifth Form Prizes Trustees’ Cup Nick Fenton The Edward Sutliffe Brainard Prize Kristin Tsuo Valedictorian Shubham Chattopadhyay Parents at Lawrenceville Community Service Award Justin Kim The Max Maxwell H’74 ’81 Award Flora Morgan The Kathleen Wallace Award Lucy Dugan Abe Meisel
The Elizabeth Louise Gray ’90 Prize Eliza Rockefeller
The Phi Beta Kappa Award Zach Izzo
The Catherine Boczkowski H’80 Award Helen Chen Dara Ferguson
The Aurellian Honor Society Award Julia Bretz
The Masters’ Prize Tina Liu
The Robert Mammano Frezza ’88 Memorial Scholarship Jonathan Tang
The John R. Thompson Jr. Prize Alistair Berven
The Directors’ Award Callie Zacks
The Andrew T. Goodyear ’83 Award Kerry Jenkins
The Deans’ Award Kit Gardner The Megna-Schonheiter Award Tlaloc Ayala
s u mm e r
Underform Awards Semans Family Merit Scholarship Shubhankar Chhokra ’14 Tresa Joseph ’14 Michael Klotz ’14 The Rutgers University Book Award Tresa Joseph ’14 Wellesley Club of Central Jersey Marina Hyson ’14 Dartmouth Club of Princeton Book Award David Lee ’14
The Williams College Book Award Manik Bhatia '12 Harvard Club of Boston Prize Book Award Shubhankar Chhokra ’14 The Yale Club Book Award Peter Beer ’14 The Brown University Alumni Book Award Program Libby Cunningham ’14
tia 22 22 t h e tl a hw e rle n aw rne n t i a n
The Beverly Whiting Anderson Prize Inayah Bashir ’16 Eric Hyson ’16 The Marcus D. French Memorial Prize Andrew Damian ’16 Wade Maloney ’16 Sarah Milby ’16
The Katherine W. Dresdner Cup Stanley House The Foresman Trophy Hamill House
Bequests Simple & Revocable
Like many people, Brian Breuel’s ’62 wealth will increase at the time of his death – life insurance policies mature, real estate becomes liquid, capital gains taxes are eliminated, etc. He has concerns about recent trends in the stock market and the need to reinvest in his business and preserve assets for lifetime financial security and gifts to his children. Substantial gifts to charity now don't fit his needs.
“My belief in Lawrenceville and what it does for its community of students, faculty, staff, and alumni has created a powerful desire to give something meaningful back. It drives my participation in the Alumni Association and in The Lawrenceville Fund. But I want to leave a major gift to the School as well. With a growing financial planning firm, much of my discretionary income is being reinvested in the business. And while I hope to be able to fund a major gift during my lifetime, my current estate plan includes that gift at the death of the survivor of my wife and me. Lawrenceville deserves my estate gift – for all it has afforded me and for all it will offer future generations. The School and the education it provides to tomorrow’s leaders has never been better nor more essential.” Brian Breuel ’62 Wealth Strategies, Lawrenceville, NJ Former President, Executive Committee, Lawrenceville Alumni Association
For more information on leaving a bequest to Lawrenceville or for other planned giving opportunities, or if you’ve included Lawrenceville in your will but not yet informed the School, please contact the Lawrenceville Office of Planned Giving, at 609-620-6064, or go to
a l u m n i
w e e k e n d
Meritorious Service Awards
New Honorary Alumni/ae
Presented annually by the Alumni Association of The Lawrenceville School, this award acknowledges and recognizes extraordinary volunteerism and/or service to the Lawrenceville community. Candidates may be alumni, honorary class members, faculty and family, or School employees and family.
The Class of 1948
Charles M. Dickson ’58 Stephen H. Lockton ’58 P’84 ’87 Allen K. Shenk Jr. ’58
A Andrea Schweidel H’48 The Class of 1963
A Edward J. Poreda H’61 ’63 ’70 ’89 P’77 GP’07 ’08 A Linda Hlavacek Silver H’59 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 GP ’06 ’08 The Class of 1968
A Theodore K. Graham H’66 ’68 ’72 P’85 A John J. Reydel H’60 ’62 ’65 ’68 ’06
HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal ’63 P’94 ’07
The Class of 1978
Albert H. Hunker Jr. ’63 P’96
A Alvin M. Philpet Jr. H’78
Frederick R. McCord ’63 P’92 ’93 ’95
A Carolyn Wojciechowicz H’78 P’06 ’10 ’12
Robert R. McGrath Jr. ’63 Ronald S. Rolfe ’63
The Class of 1983
Raymond G. Viault ’63 P’96
A Benjamin C. “Champ” Atlee ’62 H’79 ’83 P’92
Gregg Maloberti H’67 P’06 ’09
A W. Graham Cole Jr. H’77 ’83 ’87 P’91 ’95
Henry Jingoli
Admirable Achievement Award Inspired by the over 40 years of exceptional service, achievement, and demonstrated affection for Lawrenceville provided by Arthur Hailand Jr. H’34 P’69 ’70, this award is presented by the Alumni Association to a non-alumnus. Candidates for this award must have long term dedication to the School and have a substantial history of significant volunteer efforts over many years. A Judith-Ann Corrente H’01 P’98 ’01
New Alumni Selectors A Elizabeth M. Gough ’03 A John C. Hover II ’61 P'91
The Class of 1988
John “Marty” Doggett H’82 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’92 ’98 P’00 Shannon M. Duffy H’88 Armond G. Hill ’72 H’88 Linda (Self) McCall H’88
A James Zimmerman H’88 ’90 The Class of 1993
A Martha Gracey H’92 ’93 ’07 A John Shilts H’93 ’13 The Class of 1998
A J. Regan Kerney H’49 ’95 ’98 ’03 The Class of 2003
A Thomas M. Cangiano H’00 ’03 ’06 A Jason Larson H’03 The Class of 2008
A Peter W.E. Becker H’08 A Sandra B. Rabin H’08 P’00 The Class of 2013
A Joel Greenberg H’77 ’13 P’93 A John Shilts H’93 ’13
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
Williams Named Distinguished Alumnus
ver Alumni Weekend, Brooke N. Williams ’63 P’90 ’93 ’95 was honored with the Distinguished Alumnus Award. Presented annually by the School’s Alumni Association, the award is given to an alumus who has “contributed significantly to the welfare of Lawrenceville and who has exemplified the highest standards of the School.” Having entered Lawrenceville in 1958 as a first former, Williams lived in Thomas House (where he served as president), Woodhull, and Upper. He was a member of The Lawrence, Glee Club, Chapel Board, and the Open Door Society, and served as a cheerleader. He was also elected president of his class. Upon graduation, he spent a year at Saint Lawrence College in England as an English Speaking Union Scholar before earning a BA from the University of North Carolina in 1968. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and served as a first lieutenant from 1969‑71, receiving a Bronze Star for his service in Vietnam. Following his discharge, he joined Johnson & Higgins, a privately owned insurance and financial services firm. He was named a David A. Rockefeller Fellow in 1990-91. He retired in 2007. Over the years Williams has been an active alumni volunteer. He was an alumni trustee, and a member of the Alumni Association Executive Committee, The Lawrenceville Fund Advisory Committee, and the Reunion Committee. He also was a long-serving class secretary for the Class of 1963. His classmates have described him as the prototypical class agent and class secretary; he knew everyone in the class and reached out to them often on behalf of the annual fund and to secure class notes, motivated by his affection for his class and school. Williams passed away in September 2012. His wife, Nonie Williams P’90 ’93 ’95 accepted the Distinguished Alumnus Award on his behalf.
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
Hall of Famers Honored
ive alumni athletes – four of whom are siblings – were inducted into the Lawrenceville School’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Scottie King ’88 (the only inductee not related to the others) was a member of Lawrenceville’s historic first coeducational graduating class. On the playing field she was a force to be reckoned with. In the words of classmate Jennifer Rose Savino ’88, “You couldn’t play…with Scottie and not play your best because you knew she was always playing hers.” King was a threesport athlete and she captained all of them: field hockey, ice hockey, and lacrosse. After graduation she went to the University of New Hampshire where she played field hockey and lacrosse. She later transfered to Colby College where she played three seasons of ice hockey, captaining the team in her senior season, and receiving the Norman R. White Award for “inspirational leadership and sportsmanship.” At Lawrenceville, Ryan Goldman ’94 was a two sport athlete who excelled in ice hockey and lacrosse. In lacrosse he was awarded the Christian Prince Award, presented to that player who has made a significant contribution to the team without asking for or expecting major recognition. As a Big Red ice hockey player, he played varsity for three years, captained the team in his senior year, and was an All New Jersey Prep selection. At Middlebury College, Ryan was a four-year ice hockey player, team cap-
tain, All American, and an All NESCAC. His teams won national championships all four years. Following in his brother’s footsteps, Curt Goldman ’96 also played ice hockey and lacrosse at Lawrenceville. He captained both teams in his se-
lacrosse and captained the team to a national championship his senior year. Curt capped off his college career by earning the A. Bayard Russ ’66 Memorial Athletic Award at graduation. Scott Goldman ’97 also excelled in ice hockey and
Europe for a year before pursuing a career in business. Billie Goldman Buck ’98 was a standout in Big Red field hockey and lacrosse. She captained the field hockey team in her senior year and earned the prestigious Melissa Magee Award at graduation as
nior year and earned All New Jersey Prep honors in lacrosse. Other athletic honors include the Christian Prince Lacrosse Award and the Adam Violich Award, given annually to the male athlete who attains the highest standards of athletic performance, leadership, and academic achievement. Following Ryan to Middlebury College, Curt was captain and All American in ice hockey and, as a senior, was named the NESCAC player of the year. His teams won two national championships. He was also an All American in
lacrosse for Big Red and captained both teams his senior year. Also going to Middlebury College, Scott, of course, joined the ice hockey and lacrosse squads. He captained the ice hockey team in his senior year and earned All American honors. During his time on the ice, the team won two national championships and was twice named NESCAC champions. Scott’s last two lacrosse teams also won national championships and a senior year NESCAC championship. Scott went on to play professional ice hockey in
the top female athlete in her class. She went to Middlebury, too, where she played on the varsity field hockey team as a freshmen when Middlebury won the national championship. She captained the team her senior year. In her four years at Middlebury, the field hockey team had a win/loss record of 42-21. She played 59 career games, with seven goals and nine assists for 23 points. Billie was named to a national level All Academic team, capping off an impressive athletic career.
On April 6, 1970, War Correspondent Sean Flynn ’60 wheeled his rented motorcycle toward the Cambodian front lines in search of a story. He was never seen again.
he grainy black-and-white footage shows an abandoned car about 100 yards in the distance. The vehicle is spun sideways so as to block the narrow Cambodian highway. Its hood stands open, and its body is riddled with bullet holes. An off-camera voice speaking in French explains that the car is believed to have contained three journalists, now missing. The men behind the camera, a French news crew, are attempting to investigate the disappearance, but as the voice off camera explains, they are hesitant to examine the car more closely as they, too, might be in danger. As the team debates whether to proceed, a dark-haired young man on a motorcycle enters the scene. The man, immediately recognized as a fellow war correspondent, engages the news crew in conversation, gesturing as he explains in fluent French that Viet Cong troops are everywhere. As this discouraging information is relayed, the camera pans among the young man, the French reporter to whom he is speaking, and the isolated white car. Briefly emboldened by this new presence, the Frenchmen decide to venture closer to the car in an attempt to see if there are any clues. The mission, however, is aborted once the crew spots a large group of crouching figures running through some nearby bushes. Perhaps, they decide, it is best to err on the side of caution. As the French newsmen hastily depart the scene, the handheld camera’s jittery eye again focuses on the lone journalist straddling his motorcycle. The young man revs the engine, makes a U-turn close to the abandoned car, and takes off down the narrow road, escorting the news van to the relative safety of the nearby village of Chi Pou. The man on the motorcycle was photojournalist Sean Flynn ’60. This footage, recently discovered, is the last known sighting of the 28-year-old. On April 6, 1970, Flynn and photojournalist Dana Stone of CBS News left the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh on motorcycles, heading toward Chi Pou, reputedly to search for the front lines and enemy combatants. There is some speculation that the two photographers were trying to show the war from 32
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
G Sean Flynn’s Olla Pod photo.
a perspective that had never been seen before – from that of the Communist forces – or perhaps to document rumored American bombings in Cambodia that the United States government was then vigorously denying were taking place. The two must have found the troops they were looking for, but the details of that encounter as well as the ultimate fate of the photojournalists have remained a mystery. It is taken for granted that Flynn and Stone were captured, although who their captors were – Viet Cong or Khmer Rouge or some other combination of Communist rebels – has never been established. Several years of official government inquiry and repeated private searches have given remaining friends and family periodic hope that the two – or at least their remains – might be located, but nothing conclusive has ever been found. Flynn’s mother had him declared legally dead in 1984, and though there were rumors in the early years that Flynn and Stone may have survived as prisoners, it is now believed that they were either executed or died after a short time. As the anniversary of their disappearance nears the 45-year mark, and as those who might have first-hand knowledge of what happened age and die, Angela Krass, a film producer for Mythic Films Inc. in Los Angeles, has made it her mission to complete the film One of the Missing before those witnesses are gone. Several years ago, Ralph Hemecker, owner of Mythic Films and the director of Krass’s film project, had purchased the film rights to Two of the Missing, Perry Deane Young’s 1975 memoir about his colleagues Flynn and Stone.
Hemecker had written a screenplay based on the book with the intention of making a dramatic feature film, but Krass realized in the process of conducting research that there was a documentary story “aching to be told.” With Hemecker’s support, she set out to do just that. Challenged with putting together the pieces of the puzzle of what happened to Flynn and Stone, Krass began to contact surviving participants in the events surrounding their disappearance, including newsman Peter Arnett and photographer Tim Page. Because so much of the information about Flynn and Stone’s situation involved intelligence and diplomatic information gathered during the war, many people had been reluc-
tant to speak openly about what they knew. However, just as the passage of time has made it more difficult to find eyewitnesses, it has also given Krass an advantage, as many of those who remain have begun to realize that if they don’t share what they know, that knowledge might die with them. Krass and Hemecker have also benefitted from the declassification of numerous CIA documents that have given them new insight into what happened. Krauss’ search began as a focus on finding out what happened to the two photojournalists. As she began to delve into her research, however, Krass became intrigued by an even deeper mystery: Who was Sean Flynn?
G Above and top: photographs by Sean Flynn. F ALL
Everyone she spoke with seemed to have a different – and often dramatically conflicting – view of the young adventurer. “A wild man,” said one friend. “A thoughtful, spiritual guy,” said another. The only definitive conclusion Krass was able to reach was that Flynn was a very guarded person whose true personality would have been known to only a few. “Sean
only let people in to very specific sections of his life. No one ever got the full picture,” she says. As the son of actor Errol Flynn, Sean Flynn had good reason to be cautious about who was in his inner circle. Errol, wildly popular for his roles in such adventure films of the 1930s as The Adventures of Robin Hood and Captain Blood, was notorious for his hedonistic life-
Before Flynn found his calling as a photojournalist he dabbled in both fashion photography and film acting.
style, especially in regard to his relationships with women. Sean Flynn’s mother, actress Lili Damita, had divorced his hard-living father in 1942 when Sean was only a year old, and over the course of his life, Flynn reportedly saw his father only 15 times. But even though the father and son were not personally close, Errol Flynn’s popularity and reputation were impossible to escape. Well into his adulthood, Sean Flynn was identified as “Errol Flynn’s son” everywhere he went. Even while at Lawrenceville from 1957 to 1960, Sean Flynn was unable to entirely ignore the drama surrounding his father. In October 1959, when he was a senior living in Upper, Errol Flynn suffered a heart attack while on his yacht with a 15-year-old girlfriend named Beverly Aadland – a girl whom Sean Flynn himself had dated and brought to tea dances at Lawrenceville. Woodhull Housemaster Larry Hlavacek H’55 ’61 had escorted his former House member to the funeral in New York, and assisted the young man in dealing with the media circus surrounding his father’s death. Shortly afterward, Errol Flynn’s autobiography, My Wicked, Wicked Ways, was published posthumously, and the younger Flynn, as a consequence, had to cope with the publicity surrounding a scandalous tell-all book. Researching this early stage of Sean Flynn’s life brought Krass to Lawrenceville, and she states that what she found here proved pivotal in shaping her understanding of who Sean Flynn was. Not only was she able to interview various people who knew Flynn during those formative years, such as former House Mother Linda Hlavacek Silver H’59 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 and roommate Bill Chapin ’60, but in the Stephan Archives, she found a unique perspective that had been missing until that point: Flynn’s letters to his mother, including some written just before his disappearance. For Krass, the letters were a revelation. The producer had determined that Flynn and his mother had been close, and it was in his letters that she felt she finally began to see the “Real Sean.” “If you can’t be real with your mother,” Krass explained, “who can you be real with? The letters finally gave us Flynn’s own voice rather than only others’ perspectives on him.” Krass believes she found the key to Flynn’s personality in his struggles to emerge from the shadow of his father’s fame. Following his career at Lawrenceville, Flynn spent six months at Duke University, only to withFT his pamphlet, produced by the American Committee to Free Journalists held in Southeast Asia, was printed to increase awareness of the 17 journalists who disappeared in the Cambodian war theater.
draw and pursue a series of adventures. He began by following in his father’s footsteps by acting, playing the lead role at age 19 in Son of Captain Blood, a sequel to one of his father’s most popular movies, as well as appearing in several spaghetti Westerns. Although Flynn sought to overcome his father’s legacy, he was not above using it as a tool to achieve his own goals. According to Krass, the younger Flynn’s pursuit of acting was a means to an end; he wasn’t particularly interested in the field, but he knew he could make money on the basis of his father’s name. He intended to use that money to do the things he really wanted to do. What those things were, at first, was unclear. In addition to acting, he tried his hand at singing, cutting a 45 (“Stay in My Heart,” b/w “Secret Love”) that is now a rare collectors’ item. He spent time as a game warden in Africa, as a matador in Spain, and finally as a fashion photographer in Paris, where his mother was then living. All of these were edgy, risky ventures that suited Flynn’s curiosity and his daring nature, but it wasn’t until he discovered photography that he finally found his passion in life. And what better way to combine his love of photography with his desire for exciting adventure than to become a photojournalist? In January 1966, he went to South Vietnam to cover the war as a freelance photographer for the French magazine Paris-Match. Before long, he went to work for Time-Life and then United Press International (UPI), and his striking photos began to draw global attention. Thus, while covering the Vietnam War, Flynn finally began to make a name for himself as himself rather than as his father’s son, and he did it by being a photographer who was willing to put himself at risk to document major events, even going into combat personally. Flynn was wounded twice on assignment, and yet he always insisted on going to where the danger was. Though Krass feels she has gained insight into the mystery of Flynn’s character, she is continuing to put together the pieces of the puzzles concerning his fate. One of the most intriguing pieces is the newly found film footage of Flynn and that bullet-riddled car. For many decades, the last known sighting of Sean Flynn and Dana Stone was an iconic photo, taken by ABC cameraman Terry Khoo, of the two men mounted on their motorbikes as they prepare to leave Phnom Penh on their mission. This film, however, appears to have been recorded later that same day and is now the last known image of the missing journalist.
Krass discovered the new footage accidently in the summer of 2012, while searching for French news coverage of Flynn and Stone’s disappearance on the archives website of the Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (ORTF), the French public television service from 1964-1974. Since making the discovery, Krass has determined that the car in the footage was one that had contained three other journalists, all of whom were captured earlier that day. Throughout the war, a total of 17 journalists would disappear just as Flynn
and Stone had. Fewer than half ever returned home. Krass believes she has identified the French news correspondent speaking with Flynn in the piece, but the journalist has been reluctant to speak about what he may have seen that day. The footage, while providing new avenues to explore, also raises new questions. Only Flynn is seen in the film. Where is Dana Stone? Could he have already been captured? A mysterious figure – or is it merely a trick of the light? – is glimpsed for a mere moment, appearing to run into the trees just beyond the wrecked automobile. Who is that person? Most surprisingly, Flynn is last seen leading the French camera crew back to Chi Pou. (The footage is shot from inside the French van as the two vehicles drive down the road.) What happened that prevented Flynn’s safe return to the village? Krass has a theory about what really happened to Flynn, but she is reluctant to share it at this time. Though many on the documentary team are very eager to solve the mystery once and for all, Krass takes a slightly more metaphysical view. “I’m not a fan of disturbing people’s graves,” she admits. “I think Sean and Dana should be allowed to rest in peace. But I do hope we can bring some closure to the story and present Sean as he really was.”
G What was thought to be the last known image of Sean Flynn and Dana Stone. F ALL
9 Alumni News Dear Lawrentians, Fall greetings from Lawrenceville! The year is well underway here on campus and the Class of 2017 has joined our community. Did you know that these young men and women will be the last Lawrentians born in the 20th century? That’s right; most of next year’s incoming second formers will have been born in the year 2000. On behalf of the Alumni Association, I offer my thanks to Sally Fitzpatrick H’85
The Alumni Association
P’99 ’04, who served as interim dean of admissions this past school year. We had a great admissions season, with over 1,700 applications received and about
Executive Committee
20 percent of applicants admitted. It was also a great year for legacy applicants;
about 70 percent of those young men and women who applied were accepted. While it is true that the campus has changed a great deal since my graduation in
Michael T. Wojciechowicz ’78 P’06 ’10 ’12 Vice President
Jennifer Ridley Staikos ’91
1978 (and even more so since my dad, Alex ’57, graduated), I am proud to state that many of our campus traditions hold true. Harkness teaching and the House system remain key facets of life at Lawrenceville, shaping our students intellectually and socially to serve as leaders in an ever-changing world.
Vice President
Ian Rice ’95
But for Lawrenceville to continue to thrive, there are ways in which it must grow
Executive Committee
and change. Students have their choice of a wide variety of classes, which stretch
Catherine Bramhall ’88
their thinking in new and novel ways. (Some examples from the 2013-2014 year
Charlie Keller ’95
are “From Freud to the Void” and “Statistical Reasoning in Sports.”) They can
Scott Belair ’65 P’08 ’09 David Stephens ’78 P’06 Cahill Zoeller ’00 J. Gregg Miller ’62 Alumni Trustees
Greg W. Hausler ’81
choose to take part in more than 100 clubs (such as Environmental Service Club and Model UN) and more than 30 varsity sports. Additionally, our students are learning to handle new technology in order to advance their academic pursuits – for example, a new “green screen” installed in the newly renovated Pop Hall allows film students virtually unlimited creativity in their projects.
Hyman J. Brody ’75 P’07 ’08 ’11 Joseph B. Frumkin ’76 P’11
If you haven’t been back to campus lately, there is no better time to visit. Why
Kathleen W. McMahon ’92
don’t you join us for this year’s Hill Game on November 9? It promises to be an
exciting game – as it is every year!
Charles M. Fleischman ’76 Shannon Halleran McIntosh ’93
My next letter will follow in the spring. In the meantime, please feel free to contact
Paul T. Sweeney ’82
me if you have any suggestions or questions.
Meghan Hall Donaldson ’90 Elizabeth M. Gough ’03 John C. Hover II ’61 P’91
faculty liaison
Tim Wojciechowicz ’78 P’06 ’10 ’12
Timothy C. Doyle ’69 H’79 P’99
President, Alumni Association
t h e l aw r e n t i a n
Think you’re funny? Then this department is for you. “Caption This” allows you to put your comedy writing skills to good use. The Lawrentian who writes the best humorous caption for the image at right (as determined by a secret panel of judges) will be credited in the next issue of The Lawrentian, earn a valuable piece of Lawrentiana, and, of course, be the envy of his friends and frenemies.
Rules: 1. Amuse us. Note: Captions do NOT need to be Lawrencevillecentric. Send entries to and please enter “Banquet” in the subject line. Good luck!
We are delighted to report that the last issue’s “Caption This” photo prompted a plethora of excellent responses. And the winner is: Peter Gerbron ’02!
Congratulations Gerbron!
Be sure to check your mailbox for a well-earned piece of Lawrentiana. G “I really thought more people would show up for graduation.”
Student Shot
Alexander CAPTION England ’15 “While I was wandering through the Philadelphia Zoo last summer with a group of student photographers, admiring all the animals and snapping a few photographs here and there, an open field with multitudes of bright flamingos caught my attention. I scanned groups of the pink birds, but I held my sights on one flamingo, its beautiful color contrasting with the shade behind.”
Lawrentian THE
usps no. 306-700 the Lawrenceville School Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648 Parents of alumni: If this magazine is addressed to a son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please email us at with his or her new address. Thank you!