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Students can work at the school, such as for The Bridge
Traditions Traditions Family Traditions at L&C Nursing Program By Jenna Shelton jshelton@lc.edu Lewis and Clark Community College has become widely recognized as a strong development path for those interested in the nursing field. Nursing is a time honored profession that is taught at L&C by nurses who have the experience of only someone who has performed and perfected the skills needed to be an excellent nurse. With a proven track record supplying many local community hospitals with properly educated, newly-graduated nurses since the 1970s.
Over the course of the last 50 years, give or take a few, the L&C Nursing program has become the milestone to many families in our region as a household member’s profession. In many cases, multiple generations in a family have successfully taken this journey. One example of this would be my family, starting with my two aunts, Dollie and Betty, who graduated in 1983 and 1985 respectively. Since their graduation, four of my cousins and two of their children have participated in this nursing program.
Professionals in the medical field, especially those with the hands-on, physically demanding positions like nursing are often overlooked, shorthanded and overworked. The demand for properly educated, skilled nurses is high, especially with the Covid-19 pandemic drawing attention to the essential workers that have been on the front line during this time.
L&C continues to advance their program with new and improved techniques and knowledge-share to their students as well as investing in the state of art nursing building, supplies and training materials. The health career programs available to choose from include Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN); Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), which can participate in the ADNLPN Track to move from an LPN to an RN (Registered Nurse); or another option would include Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA). The ADN program is accredited by the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission and approved by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations.
March 2, 1977, The Bridge honors the L&C nursing program.
The most recent announcement for L&C nursing candidates is they have now teamed with the University of Illinois College (UIC) of Nursing to offer a dual-admissions pathway from a L&C ADN program to UIC’s online RN to BSN degree completion program.
The importance of this program being extended through Southern Illinois communities to meet the expected continued shortage of nurses for their communities cannot be overstated. This program will allow the continued growth of high-paying jobs to our regions while allowing the students an easier path to achieve all their academic levels at L&C versus having to go to other areas for their BSN degrees.