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Because of L&C’s 2+2 programs, people can get their
Blast from the Past By Jenna Shelton jshelton@lc.edu Since the start of Lewis & Clark Community College 50 years ago student challenged to continue to come up with ideas for events that are not redundant. Blast from the Past Blast from the Past: A Look at L&C Student Activities Over the Years engagement has been a priority. As That’s why there is such an important Student Activities President, I was exneed for fresh minds to be involved cited to see all of the great photos of with the planning process. That sounds previous activities held on campus easily enough, getting new people to when I started archiving past inforjoin our group, but it isn’t. Students mation for The Bridge. Obviously we have their classes and they have social cannot do some of the events from the lives, girlfriends or boyfriends, family past and looking at some of the photos, obligations and a job to worry about I am surprised they did some of these and joining a club isn’t always on their events at all. Like, who splits apples off list of priorities,” Hennings responded of students with a sword? when asked about challenges faced As times have changed there has been events. a drive to be more inclusive and diverse in our planning of events so that Unlike the early days of L&C, when more students participate, not only in student activities were less frequent the planning but, in the actual events. during the semester, Hennings tries to One thing that always piques a colschedule at least one thing every week Another exciting Hump Day entertainment including a lege students’ interest is the possibility to engage students. Previously there man cutting an apple in half with a sword! of free food. Jared Hennings, Student was only one planning body for stuActivities Coordinator for the last 15 dent engagement, the Student Governyears has come to recognize that poment and Senate. Perhaps it was the tential crowd pleaser. Hennings said, regular duties of policy and other re“Throughout the years I have really fosponsibilities that kept the group from cused on trying to make sure that we planning events as often. have some kind of free food to offer our students, whether a piece of fruit or Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Student pizza or something made by our excelActivities has tried to host events in a lent food service team.” virtual setting. Some have been insaneHennings knows that college life is a a hit or miss type of thing and at least busy and stressful time for students and we are attempting to have activities to wants to support students in whatever break up the time, whether we reach way possible. Seemingly always on 10 students or 200 students. the go, students can sometimes miss when planning the Student Activities ly successful while others were not. It’s a meal or be stressing about school, One thing that I am extremely excited Top and left: Stu work and life. A nice little break in the for is an upcoming virtual Murder Mysdents in line for a form of an event planned along with tery! We will have a Christmas in July delicious free meal students who make up the Student Acthemed “Zoom party” in which a “murprovided by L&C tivities club can reinvigorate students der” will occur. Who will be murdered Student Activities. who are tired. and who is the murderer? Look out for Free food has al further details on how to join in the ways been a great As proved from the interesting pictures whodunnit fun! For questions or comway to get student from the past, Student Activities are ments, please contact Jenna Shelton. interest.
