1 minute read
From Fear to Hope
The Rev. Michael Awe, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, South Sioux City, Neb., holds Fatmata’s hand as she undergoes treatment at the LCMS Mercy Medical Team clinic in Yardu, Sierra Leone, in May.
Expect what you cannot anticipate. For those whom God leads to serve on one of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Mercy Medical Teams (MMT), anticipation and fear compete with anxiety and hope for prominence.
The journey from America to West Africa is long. The struggle begins in trying to stave off jet lag on the flight. Arrival in Africa ushers in culture shock on top of exhaustion.
For the seven-person team that traveled to Sierra Leone in May for the Synod’s first MMT there, work and challenges were ahead. It was, as one team member said, “mercy for those who know no mercy.” By God’s grace, their efforts helped people, and they hoped the effect might be eternal.