THELEAVEN.ORG | VOL. 41, NO. 4 | AUGUST 16, 2019
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 10 tips for a lasting marriage 1. Let the Golden Rule reign supreme. Treat your spouse as you would like to be treated. Express gratitude, pay compliments and do an act of conscious kindness every day. 2. Know that happiness is not constant, but it’s always around the corner. “Happily ever after” is the goal in marriage, but life ebbs and flows. Have realistic expectations and trust that perseverance through difficulties will be rewarded. 3. Communicate in both directions. Go beyond assuming you know your partner’s thoughts and feelings. Communicate by giving equal time to talking and listening. 4. Don’t leave pet peeves on the back burner. Small annoyances can grow into big problems if they’re not addressed. Let your partner know right away if something bothers you.
Teresa and Sam Mentesana, on the deck of the home they share with the youngest of their five children, were married 80 years ago this month.
Ascension parishioners celebrate 80 years of spoiling each other By Jill Ragar Esfeld
VERLAND PARK — When asked about their long marriage, Church of the Ascension parishioners Sam and Teresa Mentesana confess that in their earlier years, they argued frequently. “We’d just fight every day and make up every night,” said Sam. Five children, 22 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren later, they’re still together. In fact, Teresa and Sam will have been married for 80 years this month. In October, they’ll celebrate that anniversary along with Teresa’s 99th and Sam’s 100th birthdays. What’s their formula for staying together so many years? “I don’t know,” said Teresa. “I guess we just loved each other.”
Fire and ice The couple now lives with their youngest son Leo, who is also their
main caregiver. And he attributes their peppery relationship to their heritage. “She’s Italian,” he said. “And he’s Sicilian. “It’s that fire and ice.” Even when they met during high school in northeast Kansas City, Missouri, it wasn’t love at first sight. Teresa remembers seeing Sam walking home and telling her girlfriends, “Let’s cross to the other side. I don’t want to walk with that old crazy Sam.” “She didn’t like my reputation,” Sam confessed. But Sam was smitten by the pretty girl who went out of her way to steer clear of his charm. One day when he was driving to a friend’s house, he spotted Teresa leaving her father’s store. She didn’t look well. “So, I asked her, ‘Can I take you home?’” he recalled. “She really was sick, and she said, ‘Well, if you take me straight home.’ “I told her I would take her straight home and so she got in the >> See “COUPLE” on page 10
5. Know that arguments don’t have to be won. Sometimes your partner just wants to be heard and understood. Being objective and open to compromise is more important than being right. 6. Nurture a spiritual connection. Pray for your spouse and your relationship every day. Beyond attending Mass together, find time to share prayers, a Bible study or devotional readings. 7. Develop common interests to create lasting bonds. Dance, cook gourmet meals together, play a sport, volunteer — connect by sharing something that makes your relationship more personal and special. 8. Make dating a part of your marriage. Plan special nights with your spouse that exclude all distractions, including your phones. In the course of the evening, try to learn something new about each other 9. Remember that you are each other’s long-term caregivers. Take care of yourself for the sake of your spouse. Maintain your health and your physical fitness so you can care for one another in your golden years.
When asked the secret to their 80-year marriage, Teresa Mentesana said, “I guess we just loved each other.”
10. Believe that marriage is sacred. Have faith in the sanctity of marriage and your vow of commitment. Work every day at making yourself and your marriage better for the glory of God.
ARCHBISHOP NAUMANN Aug. 15 Solemnity of the Assumption – Holy day Aug. 17 Installation of Father Oswaldo Sandoval — Cathedral of St. Peter, Kansas City, Kansas Aug. 18 Installation of Father Mathew Francis — St. Patrick, Corning Aug. 19 “Shepherd’s Voice” recording Aug. 20-21 Jesus Caritas — Salina CNS PHOTO/JESSICA ABLE, THE RECORD
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, celebrates Mass at the Cathedral of the Assumption in Louisville, Kentucky, Aug. 5.
Pro-life leaders urged to persevere, continue to teach truth ‘with love’ By Jessica Able Catholic News Service
OUISVILLE, Ky. (CNS) — Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, told diocesan prolife leaders gathered here Aug. 5-7 that they are part of the “most important human rights effort of our time and our age.” Eighty-five directors of pro-life ministry from 63 dioceses around the country gathered for the Diocesan Pro-Life Leadership Conference, sponsored by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The theme of the conference was “Christ, Our Hope.” Archbishop Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, delivered the conference’s opening keynote address Aug. 5. In the talk — titled “Life Will Be Victorious,” which also is his episcopal motto — he thanked the diocesan pro-life leaders for helping their bishops and dioceses “build a culture of life in this particular moment in time when the church is wounded by the clerical sexual abuse scandal; at a time of pro-life promise with the current composition of the U.S. Supreme Court; and a time when supporters of legalized abortion are incredibly motivated and energized.” “This is a moment of great opportunity as well as a moment of great peril for our culture and society,” Archbishop Naumann said. During the three-day conference, participants attended a variety of break-out sessions led by experts in law and medicine, diocesan leaders and parish priests. Sessions addressed topics related to overturning Roe v. Wade, ministry to people after abortion, hospice and palliative care, and assisted suicide. During his keynote address,
Archbishop Naumann acknowledged the pain and anger caused by the clergy sexual abuse crisis and encouraged his listeners to persevere as leaders in the church. He noted that a 2019 book by Auxiliary Bishop Robert E. Barron of Los Angeles — titled “Letter to a Suffering Church: A Bishop Speaks Out on the Sexual Crisis” — describes the scandal as a “diabolical masterpiece” that has “corroded Catholic credibility” on a variety of fronts. The pro-life effort was affected, too, Archbishop Naumann said. “It cannot be denied that it has impaired the voice of the church in speaking to our culture about the great moral evils of our time,” he said. This does not “absolve us of speaking boldly and strongly at the same time with humility. But, we must continue to teach the truth and speak it with love.” He noted that Bishop Barron’s book addresses the question: “Why remain Catholic in these difficult times?” The archbishop added, “For you, I think the question becomes even more powerful: ‘Why remain
a leader within the church who has these problems?’ “The church is an ‘earthen vessel’ but holds a great, great treasure,” he said. He went on to list three reasons to remain Catholic and continue to be a leader in the church. First, the church speaks of God in an age when “we see a growing atheism and a growing return to a paganism,” he said. “There is a God. But not just that there’s a God, but to know of a God of revelation, of a God that has pursued us, that sent his Son into the world to share our humanity so that we could share in his life,” he continued. “That is the privilege of all of us as Catholics, but especially as Catholic leaders, to share with our world.” Another reason to persevere is the saints, he said. “There would be no scandals in the church if its members, particularly we the clergy, faithfully followed our moral teaching,” Archbishop Naumann said. “Many saints were previously great sinners, yet we do not venerate them for their sin but the transformation of their lives by God’s grace.” Quoting Pope Benedict XVI, he said the saints were motivated to live “heroic lives of virtue” for the chance to encounter the person of Jesus Christ. “Catholicism affords us many opportunities to experience encounters with Jesus,” he said. The third reason to persevere, the archbishop said, is the magisterium. The magisterium is the church’s authority to give authentic interpretation of the word of God. “The magisterium is a great gift even though it’s entrusted to weak individuals,” he said. “But it’s through this gift the Holy Spirit remains with the church and keeps us constant in our teachings.”
Aug. 22 Donnelly College convocation — Cathedral CFNEK Holy Land pilgrimage Mass and dinner — Savior Pastoral Center Aug. 24 Installation of Father Matthew Nagle — St. Mary, Hartford Aug. 25 Ministry of Acolyte for the third deacon cohort — Savior Pastoral Center Aug. 26 Finance Council meeting Aug. 27 Pregnancy centers luncheon — Chancery CFNEK board meeting
Sisters of Charity Marillac Center offers directed retreats this fall
EAVENWORTH — Marillac Center here, the retreat and spirituality center of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, will offer directed retreats — six to eight days of each retreatant’s choosing from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2. The retreat begins at 7 p.m. on the first night and ends the morning of the last day. Retreat directors include Sisters Karen Guth, SCL; Mary Pat Johnson, SCL; Marilyn Peot, CSJ; and Kathleen Wood, SCL; and Father David Simpson, O.Carm. When registering, retreatants can indicate their first, second and third choices of retreat directors. Marillac Center assigns directors on a first-come basis. The retreat fee, room and board is $70 per day, totaling $560 for an eight-day retreat or $420 for a six-day retreat. A $50 nonrefundable deposit is requested and will be credited to the total fee. Online registration is available on the Marillac Center website at: www. Or persons can contact Sister Susan Chase, SCL, by email at: or by calling (913) 6802342. Marillac Center is located at 4200 S. 4th St., Leavenworth, on the campus of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth.
Local delegates prep for October’s historic convocation By Joe Bollig
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Don’t let the languid pace of parish life in the summertime fool you. Something really big is on its way, and parishioners all over the archdiocese are getting ready for it. Pastors and representatives from every parish in the archdiocese have been preparing for an event that promises to have a huge impact on the lives of all archdiocesan Catholics. The event, called “Enflame Our Hearts: Be Disciples, Make Disciples,” will be an archdiocesan-wide convocation to be held from Oct. 3-5 at the Overland Park Convention Center. It is expected to be the largest gathering of Catholic leadership in the history of the local church. At this working meeting of volunteers, almost 1500 delegates from more than 100 parishes and parish clusters, religious orders and Catholic agencies will work, pray and plan. And try to set the world on fire.
Calling all disciples The gathering was inspired by a national effort of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which held a convocation of diocesan representatives from around the country in 2017. The impetus for that meeting, said Deacon Dana Nearmyer, which representatives from the archdiocese attended, came both from St. John Paul II’s new evangelization and Pope Francis’ 2013 apostolic exhortation, “Joy of the Gospel.” Now, said the archdiocesan director of evangelization, it is hoped that the local convocation can take it a step further. “The [archdiocesan] convocation is designed to be a catalytic event for parishes and organizations to launch a wave of missionary disciples,” said Deacon Nearmyer. Not only will it spur locally what was initiated nationally, but the emphasis on training missionary disciples dovetails nicely with Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann’s own 10-year mutually shared vision, with its five pastoral priorities. The five include conversion, evangelization, all forms of Catholic education, outreach to those in need and stewardship. The convocation will focus on three areas, which are also the three key initiative goals of the mutually shared vision: creating a culture of evangelization (Enflame Our Hearts), strengthening marriage and family life (Enflame Our Homes), and encouraging engagement in the corporal and spiritual works of mercy (Enflame Our Communities). “We believe this will go into a threeyear outflow into the archdiocese —
Father Oswaldo Sandoval, pastor of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Kansas City, Kansas, gives a presentation at the archdiocesan convocation Oct. 13, 2017, at Savior Pastoral Center in Kansas City, Kansas, which was a follow-up to a nationwide convocation that July. This October, the archdiocese will host its own convocation in which representatives from each parish in the archdiocese will help plot the future course of the church in northeast Kansas. that each year, for the next three years, our motto and mission is to Enflame Our Hearts, Homes and Communities, and each parish will decide how they want to do that in their own, unique way,” said Deacon Nearmyer.
Don’t forget your homework The delegates have a lot to do, however, before the start of the convocation, said Deacon Nearmyer. The delegates will be reading Scripture, praying and studying assigned material on their own. They are expected to arrive at the convocation with a personal plan for evangelization. But the delegates are also supposed to meet at least three times with their entire delegation to formulate the parish’s or organization’s plan based on three meeting agendas provided to them as templates. “I feel the convocation is going to be a time to bring all our parishes together, and the delegates together, to unite in prayer and seek what the Holy Spirit has for each of us individually as a parish,” said Susan Stallbaumer, co-leader of the 18-member delegation from Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Seneca. “Hopefully, the outcome will be the delegate who comes with an open heart and mind . . . ready to do what God is preparing us to do in our parishes,” she said. St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Leawood already has a pretty good parish evangelization plan but they are eager to improve it, said Chris Talarico, one of the parish’s 32 delegates. “At St. Michael’s, we have a little advantage because we’ve been trying to do evangelization for some time now,” President
Most Rev. Joseph F. Naumann
Publication No. (ISSN0194-9799)
Editor Rev. Mark Goldasich, stl
he said. “A lot of what we’re talking about, we’ve fine-tuned already. “[Pastor] Father Brian Schieber has done a fantastic job over the past couple of years talking about how important evangelization is, ever since the archbishop rolled his 10-year plan out five years ago.” The biggest challenge they’ve faced so far is time, said Talarico. It’s difficult to get people together at one place and time for meetings. Still, the process has produced “fruits.” The delegates have a clearer idea of what they need to do. “The biggest fruit is that people are starting to understand that evangelization is not something we do,” said Talarico. “It is something we live. We’ve got to change our hearts — not just check off a box and say, ‘I evangelized today so I don’t have to do any more.’ “It’s a way of life.” Chuck Jansen is a member of the archdiocesan planning committee for Enflame and has been a member of his parish’s evangelization team for three years. He’s also a member of Ascension Parish in Overland Park’s 30-delegate Enflame delegation. To assist the delegates, the archdiocesan evangelization office has provided them with a variety of planning materials. The key resource has been the “Convocation 2019 Leader’s Guide.” “We are trying to implement the plan the archdiocese put out in order to properly prepare people for the Enflame convocation,” said Jansen. “We’re following [it] pretty closely. The archdiocese told us it’s like a large tool kit. We can take whatever tools are appropriate for our parish.” So far, the planning has been productive. “We came up with the common denominators for evangelization,” he said. “We came up with nine points.
Managing Editor Anita McSorley
Senior Reporter Joe Bollig
Reporter Olivia Martin
Production Manager Todd Habiger
Advertising Coordinator Beth Blankenship
Social Media Editor Moira Cullings
We talked a lot about the makeup of our parish [demographics]. We talked a lot about preparing them, asking them to read the manual and identify their faith journey, own their faith journey and share their faith journey. “You don’t have to be a theologian or a scholar,” said Jansen, “but you do have to know, own and share your faith journey.” Ascension Parish has had an evangelization plan for three years, and the Enflame convocation planning process is a great opportunity to improve that plan. “We want our delegates to be a part of the parish plan,” said Jansen. “We have a parish plan in place but we want them to prune, and add, and delete and help shape it.”
‘Winning . . . by listening’ The convocation is not meant to be an end in itself. Rather, it is supposed to be a beginning. The delegates will return to their parishes and organizations with two goals: first, to make missionary disciples, and then to build a culture of evangelization in the archdiocese. In their work as missionary disciples, Catholics will embed themselves in the lives of the people they serve, and do “deep listening,” said Deacon Nearmyer. “The real entry point to all of this is to authentically listen to God through prayer and Scripture and ask God what we should say to that person, and how to listen to them very lovingly,” he said. “We win people’s trust by listening, so we have to invest in people,” he said. “And the number one way of investing in people is by listening to them.”
Published weekly September through May, excepting the Friday the week after Thanksgiving, and the Friday after Christmas; biweekly June through August. Address communications to: The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. Phone: (913) 721-1570; fax: (913) 721-5276; or e-mail at: Postmaster: Send address changes to The Leaven, 12615 Parallel Pkwy., Kansas City, KS 66109. For change of address, provide old and new address and parish. Subscriptions $21/year. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, KS 66109.
Sister Sarah Rosie leads students in fourth and fifth grades in reciting the Burmese alphabet during morning lessons at the former Holy Family School in Kansas City, Kansas.
Summer sessions connect Burmese children to their heritage
By Ellie Melero @eleanor_melero
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Sisters Rosie Judith, Rose Susie and Sarah Rosie were running a little late one Tuesday morning when they were surprised by a loud chorus of “Minglaba!” when they entered the classroom. “Minglaba” is Burmese for “good morning.” The greeting proved that these three Sisters from Myanmar (Burma) — in the archdiocese to teach Burmese and religion to the Burmese children who belong to Holy Family and St. Patrick parishes in Kansas City, Kansas — were getting the job done. The Sisters were two weeks into their three-week stay — and they were delighted by the proof of what the kids were learning. “Now, after two weeks, they are improving, and they are starting to speak,” Sister Rose Susie said. This is the second summer Sisters from the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier came to teach Burmese and religion at Holy Family and St. Patrick. Father Michael Van Lian, the head of Burmese ministry in the archdiocese, invited the Sisters to teach the children about the language and culture of their parents. The Myanmar Catholic Community established itself in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas about 10 years ago, and many of these families came to the United States as refugees. Their children have grown up in the U.S., and most of them don’t speak Burmese, which is the common language in Myanmar.
“THE PARENTS DO NOT SPEAK ENGLISH, BUT THE CHILDREN DO NOT SPEAK BURMESE. SO MY FIRST IDEA WAS TO TEACH THEM THE BURMESE LANGUAGE BECAUSE BY LEARNING BURMESE THEY CAN HAVE MORE FAMILIAR CONTACT WITH THEIR PARENTS. Father Van Lian said he wanted to help the children communicate with their parents better, and he also wants them to follow along better at the weekly Mass in Burmese. “The parents do not speak English, but the children do not speak Burmese,” said Father Van Lian. “So my first idea was to teach them the Burmese language because by learning Burmese they can have more familiar contact with their parents, and then also grandparents. “For better worship, also, is why we teach the children our Burmese language and, at the same time, catechism classes.” The Sisters taught at Holy Family from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday starting June 10. Tuesday through Friday, they would finish up at Holy Family only to go to St. Patrick to teach until 4 p.m. At Holy Family, they taught 42
students from kindergarten through high school; at St. Patrick, they taught 63 students. The students were split into four classes by age. The Sisters taught the students the Burmese alphabet and numbers, some basic prayers in Burmese and some basic conversation, like “minglaba.” They also taught catechism. Stanislaus Ling, a second-grader from Resurrection Catholic School in Kansas City, Kansas, was in Sister Rosie Judith’s class. “My favorite part is playing soccer, and having tests is, too,” Ling said. “There were three tests and I got all 10 of the questions [right].” Ling was in the youngest age group, and Sister Rosie Judith said all five of the children she taught last summer who were still in that age group did well. “For me, when I see last year and this year, they had improved a lot,” said Sister Rosie Judith. “I hope next year they can go another step.” Like any second language, learning Burmese is hard, but many of the students embraced the challenge. In Sister Rose Susie’s class, Kua Paw, a senior at Bishop Miege High School in Roeland, said he was grateful to learn more about his culture. “It’s a humble feeling, just learning about cultures and language,” Paw said. “There’s not a lot of kids that come from here that have these types of opportunities that we have. Usually, when they come here to live, they just speak English and forget their language and forget their culture, so it’s a blessing just to have this type of opportunity.” Paw was not the only one excited to have the Sisters come teach. James Khung Min Thang is a leader in the Catholic Myanmar
Community, and he has a daughter who was in Sister Rosie Judith’s class. Min Thang said the community raised the money for the Sisters’ plane tickets to Kansas City because it was important to them that their children have these classes. “I’m so excited for these religious classes because in my country we do not have the opportunity to go to a religious school,” Min Thang said. “Here, we have an opportunity for all of our children to go. I’m so proud and so happy.” The Sisters said they were happy to teach the classes. One of the “charisms” — or spiritual gifts of their order — is to teach, but in Myanmar they aren’t allowed to teach in schools. The Sisters teach catechism to children who stay in their boarding houses. During the summer, they go from village to village to teach preparation classes for sacraments like marriage and first Communion. For the past few years, they have been in Jacksonville, Florida, ministering to the sick in hospitals, and all of them said they were happy to teach children again for a little bit. “For me, I feel that I can fulfill something according to our charism,” said Sister Rosie Judith. “I am very happy and very blessed.” All three expressed gratitude to Sister Marie Kathleen Daugherty, who helped them with the children and helped house them, and to the Myanmar community at Holy Family and St. Patrick for inviting them. On June 28, they started a oneweek retreat before returning to Florida, but not before Father Van Lian invited them to return next year for a third summer.
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, with archdiocesan social justice consultant and show producer Bill Scholl, record another show of “The Shepherd’s Voice.”
Archbishop becomes radio active on ‘Shepherd’s Voice’ By Joe Bollig
ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Any given Sunday will find Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann preaching to hundreds of people from the pulpit of the cathedral or a parish church. But he also preaches to thousands more from an “invisible” pulpit: his weekly radio show and podcast, “The Shepherd’s Voice.” “Radio allows him to have contact with people in ways that might not otherwise be possible. Certainly, he preaches every weekend publicly, but not everyone can go and have a chance to hear him,” said Bill Scholl, lead consultant for the archdiocesan office for social justice. The show goes out to Catholics and non-Catholics alike across the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and beyond. In July, stations broadcasted the archbishop’s 500th show. The 30-minute show has been running on local Catholic radio stations since Feb. 14, 2010, said Jim O’Laughlin, president of the Catholic Radio Network, which owns KEXS and other translator stations. “Our listening area for 1090 AM is 2.4 million people,” said O’Laughlin. “Of those who listen, 50 percent are non-Catholic.” Interestingly, even former Catholics listen to “The Shepherd’s Voice.” As the name implies, “The Shepherd’s Voice” provides an opportunity for Archbishop Naumann to speak. His voice, however, is not the only voice heard on the show.
Where to listen Listeners can hear the show by tuning into KEXS AM 1090 or translator station 92.9 FM for the premiere broadcast at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, or the encore show on both stations at 11:30 a.m. on Mondays. Past shows are archived on the archdiocesan website at: archkck. org; click on the button “Archbishop’s Radio Show” near the top of the home page. To locate specific guest interviews or topics, enter the name of the guest or the topic in the search box at the top right of the page.
“‘The Shepherd’s Voice’ is a radio show and a podcast in which the archbishop dialogues with ordinary Catholics doing extraordinary things,” said Scholl. “[It’s] a media vehicle the archbishop can use to highlight some of the great work ordinary Catholics are doing for the church.” The show’s format is simple. After the show opens, Scholl (who is also the show’s producer) introduces the topic and that show’s guest. Next, he poses a question to Archbishop Naumann, who offers his own thoughts and then begins to interview the guest. Recent show guests have included Pat Castle, founder and executive director of LIFE Runners; archdiocesan report investigator Jan Saylor and victim assistance coordinator Linda Slater-Trimble; and deacon candidate Ken Billinger and his wife Patty.
A wide variety of guests have been featured on the show over the years, including visiting bishops, authors, speakers visiting the archdiocese, directors of archdiocesan and parish ministries, and others. The archbishop and Scholl meet regularly to develop a list of show topics and guests, and Scholl will conduct a brief preshow interview with the guest to prepare them and provide talking points for the archbishop. The archbishop doesn’t actually need much show preparation. “The best shows are where the conversation goes where it goes,” said Scholl. “The archbishop is a really good interviewer and he really knows his stuff. The guests know their stuff, too. It’s a natural discussion. [The shows] aren’t scripted. We have a list of suggested questions, but the [interviews] aren’t limited in any way.” The range of topics discussed on the show is as broad as the range of guests. “I learn so much during these shows,” said Scholl. “They’re really a great way to round out your catechism because there are so many different topics, approaches and spiritualities. “He talks about so many different things, it’s fascinating. And it’s great because [the shows] give people a chance to relate to the archbishop.” In turn, it gives Archbishop Naumann a way to reach a more general audience. But it is a special opportunity for Catholics of the archdiocese. “The average parishioner may not have an opportunity in a 10-year period to meet the archbishop,” said O’Laughlin, “but they listen to him speak what’s on his mind every week thanks to ‘The Shepherd’s Voice.’”
In case you missed it: Five recommendations Bishop Robert Barron Archbishop Naumann interviewed Bishop Robert Barron about his latest book, “To Light a Fire on the Earth.” NaPro Fertility Care Archbishop Naumann interviewed Phyllis White, director of the FertilityCare Center of Greater Kansas City and Doctor Rebecca, a young physician just starting out as a resident practicing gynecology that offers medical alternatives to in vitro fertilization. Louise Naumann Archbishop Naumann interviews his mother Louise. They discuss his childhood from the murder of his father before he was born to his first callings to the priesthood. This is a poignant and humorous view of our shepherd from the vantage of his first teacher of the faith, his mother. Abby Johnson Archbishop Naumann talks with former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson about the movie based on her life, from clinic director to pro-life activist. Four themes of Catholic social teaching Archbishop Naumann discusses with Bill Scholl, archdiocesan social justice consultant, the four main principles of Catholic social teaching. The archbishop explains the centrality of human dignity, the duty to the common good, the importance of subsidiarity and the call to solidarity.
Do your words and your actions convey your love?
By Deacon Tony Zimmerman Special to The Leaven
am a bit of a prankster. Teasing and playful games are one way I try to get close to children and grandchildren. We were sharing a TOOLS FOR meal at our FAMILIES favorite Growing as pizza place. Disciples of Our 2-yearJesus old grandson was there. Thinking of the sprinkling rite we experienced at Mass earlier in the day, I dipped my fingers in a large tumbler of water and began to playfully sprinkle some water on him. Much to my surprise, he quickly copied my actions and stuck his whole arm in the large tumbler and doused me with water, spilling water everywhere. Needless to say, I got some disapproving looks for my antics. In this story, my message of love and playfulness contained a lesson: We communicate a message verbally and nonverbally to those we encounter
each day. Do our words and actions communicate our love to others? If we drive through traffic grumbling and impatient with other drivers, would we be surprised to hear our children (young and older) exhibit the same behavior?
If our spouse wants to talk about taking a little time together, is our response “let me think about it,” while our eyes are locked on our smartphone or on our laptop? Or, do we put these aside and look in the other person’s eyes and really listen? Would
others say, “He or she left me feeling like the most important person? It was as if they were there for me.” If something is said that hurts our feelings, do we react by slamming kitchen cabinet doors to communicate our disapproval? Or, do we take
a breath, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and approach the other person saying, “I am really hurt or surprised. Can we talk?” Perhaps, like me, you don’t have a “poker face.” I can easily roll my eyes or scowl if something is said or done that I don’t like. Breathing in the love of the Holy Spirit, I can stop and focus on the person in front of me. What is it about this person that I most love? How can I respond and communicate in a way that is loving? In the coming week, don’t be surprised if you find yourself facing a moment to communicate with love. What is your plan to grow in this area of marriage and family life? Will it be to take a breath, praying, “Come, Holy Spirit?” Perhaps you might invoke the Holy Family’s help. Perhaps you will notice how you have learned to put aside iPhones, laptops and other distractions. Perhaps you will notice a more loving atmosphere in your home. Plan now to model loving communication.
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Catholics rally against growing tide of legal euthanasia
By Marc and Julie Anderson ANSAS CITY, Kan. — Eight. That’s the number
of states in which assisted suicide is now legal.
Maine became the latest on June 12. Explaining her rationale for signing the
legislation, Gov. Janet Mills acknowledged the law creates “a moral dilemma” and said she hopes “this law, while respecting the right to personal liberty, will be used sparingly.” Given the trend of bills being introduced throughout the country, experts say it’s unlikely. This year, at least 18 states considered similar legislation. According to Deb Niesen, archdiocesan pro-life consultant, Kansans tend to think it won’t happen here. “I can see why people in Kansas think we’re kind of immune to this,” she said, “but we’re not. “Kansas has strong pro-life legislators, so they tend to stop any traction of bills as they are introduced. But the fact of the matter is, they are still being introduced every year.” In fact, during this past legislative session which ended in May, a lawmaker proposed the Kansas Death with Dignity Act. >> Continued on the next page
>> Continued from previous page “This went nowhere, but basically what this bill said is that an adult suffering from a terminal disease and who has voluntarily expressed a wish to die could make a written request for a prescription for the purpose of ending his or her life in a humane and dignified manner,” Niesen said. “Obviously, we would disagree with the wording on that,” she added. “It’s just an example of a bill that was introduced this year and, thanks be to God, went nowhere. But yes, it is happening.”
Activists push for euthanasia in Kansas Niesen said she regularly touches base with the Kansas Catholic Conference and pro-life organizations such as Kansans for Life to stay current with pending legislation that contradicts Catholic moral teaching. And she knows that people like Jeanne Gawdun, a senior lobbyist with Kansans for Life, watch proposed bills focusing on the sanctity of human life. Those experts, she said, are painfully aware of the push by the assisted suicide movement to pass legislation in every state. Gawdun, a member of St. Matthew Parish in Topeka for more than 30 years, agrees with Niesen’s assessment: a strongly pro-life Kansas Legislature can currently prevent euthanasia legislation from making it to either chambers’ floor for a vote. But that doesn’t mean those who advocate for euthanasia and assisted suicide have stopped trying. “Things are always popping up in different states,” Gawdun said, “and it’s been that way for years. “It just depends on what groups are active in a particular state. Like here in Kansas, we’ve had what they call a death with dignity [bill], which is also known as physician-assisted suicide, and there’s a group in Lawrence that’s been pushing that several times over the past 10 years.” In addition to legislation, those in favor of assisted suicide often lobby professional organizations to abandon their long-standing tradition of opposing physician-assisted suicide to positions of neutrality or pro-assisted suicide. For example, Niesen pointed to a shift in wording by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) which recently ended its long-standing opposition to physician-assisted suicide. “Instead, they’ve adopted a position of what they’re calling ‘engaged neutrality,’” Niesen said.
Euthanasia is not compassionate or Christ-like “The fact that there’s been weakening of formal positions should be of big concern for Catholics,” Niesen said. “This should be a wake-up call to us,” she continued, “that we need greater clarity on what our Catholic perspective is so that the average, common Catholic or even just citizen is hearing the other side of the message instead of the message our culture gives about taking the easy way
out and that assisted suicide is compassionate. “So, we have to offer what we know and believe to be true compassion.” The word “compassion” comes from two Latin roots, “cum” and “pati.” “Cum” translates to “with,” and “pati” means “suffering or enduring.” So, true compassionate care, Niesen said, means walking alongside our brothers and sisters even when it’s most difficult. What’s causing professional organizations to adopt once unthinkable positions and causing even faithful Catholics to consider assisted suicide? Niesen thinks there are a variety of reasons. “The common citizen has just been convinced that assisted suicide is good and compassionate,” she said. “But as we know, it’s false compassion, and I think it’s being driven by our culture that associates the dignity of a person on their autonomy and their productivity and not understanding that a person’s dignity is given by our Creator.” “There’s an inherent dignity that comes from the recognition that humans are created in the image and likeness of God,” added Niesen. “There’s been a lack of education that life is a gift from God and that we are stewards of this gift from God. “Instead, in our culture, there’s such an emphasis right now on personal choice, on individual freedom, instead of [that] your life is a gift and you’re a steward of that gift. I think that fuels [the euthanasia and assisted suicide movement].” Gawdun agrees. Ironically, Gawdun said, people who advocate for assisted suicide tend to want to end the death penalty, arguing it’s cruel and unusual punishment. And the reality is, assisted sui-
cide involves other people, as well as state government. “You’re not doing this in and of yourself,” she said. People have to obtain drugs from those authorized to prescribe and dispense them, professionals who have to meet legal standards passed by government officials. “They forget that it does affect others,” she concluded. And those who die don’t think about the anguish and emotional distress they inflict upon their families or the long-term impact on those left behind — often because their depression doesn’t allow them to think clearly about the matter. “Who does it harm the most?” she asked. “It’s all about the survivors.”
Fear is the real motivator In addition to framing assisted suicide as a matter of choice, Niesen said that the movement tends to feed
on the fears of people. Citing statistics published by the state of Oregon (the first state to legalize assisted suicide) for the years between 1999 and 2010, Niesen said that patients did not list the prevention of pain as their leading reason for assisted suicide (see sidebar for actual numbers). Other fears predominated, Niesen said, including the fear of losing autonomy, fear of being unable to do things, fear of being abandoned and fear of becoming a burden on family members. “Instead of the Catholic compassionate choice — for family members to say, ‘No, your life has value to me. You’re important to me. You’re important to our family, and our focus should be on managing comfort and helping that human remain in dignity’ — mainstream culture’s answer is similar to its response to a woman who finds herself facing an unexpected pregnancy. Instead of receiving encouragement about being able to care for a child, oftentimes women
medicine is entwined with Christian ideals from the good Samaritan. “It’s good to emphasize doctors can always work on relieving suffering.”
Pressure to choose death
are counseled to abort their children. “The best thing people counsel these women to do is death,” lamented Niesen, adding that the same applies to the other end of life’s spectrum. Niesen said a Catholic’s response should not be sugarcoated, but it should be compassionate. “This isn’t easy. This is hard,” she said. “But we’re here to be with you through this time in your life while you’re most vulnerable. That’s what true Catholic compassion is.”
Suicide is never an answer Wesley J. Smith, a lawyer, author and consultant to the Patients’ Rights Council, said American culture sends mixed messages about suicide. In his book “Culture of Death: The Age of ‘Do Harm’ Medicine,” Smith writes: “The United States is growing progressively pro-suicide.” There are currently more than 100,000 suicide sites on the internet, he said, many which are highly graphic and feature suicide notes, death certificates and photographs. “The popular culture is beginning to view suicide as ‘just another option among many that should be available to suffering people,’” he said. Dr. Patrick Herrick, a physician, Prince of Peace in Olathe parishioner and a member of the archdiocesan ethics advisory council, concurs. Within his own practice, he said, the topic comes up rarely. But when it does, he uses it as an opportunity to educate patients. “From a medical standpoint, it’s good to bring up that medicine is here to relieve suffering,” he said. “And so, a large part of the history of
Smith argues that, based on his more than 25 years of studying the euthanasia and assisted suicide movement expand steadily across the country, the right to die is rapidly becoming a duty to die in hospitals across the nation. “Whereas providing intensive treatment used to be the standard of care, today’s biases push forcefully against providing expensive care, particularly when the patient is elderly, dying or significantly disabled,” Smith writes. “Patients or families who request ‘disfavored’ treatments,” he continued, “often find themselves pushed, pressured and cajoled by doctors, nurses, social workers, hospital chaplains and bioethics committees to change their minds.” Take, for example a document now found in most hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation facilities across both Kansas and Missouri. Known a TPOP for short, the Transportable Physician Orders for Patients form is typically printed on hot pink-colored paper and is intended to follow patients from facility to facility. Produced by the Center for Practical Bioethics based in Kansas City, many pro-life advocates find the document particularly troubling for a number of reasons. Dr. Austin Welch, a geriatrician and member of the archdiocesan ethics advisory council, said Section C of the document — the section that focuses on food and hydration — allows people to make decisions that are contrary to church teaching. “We’re very concerned about the Center for Practical Bioethics and its Transportable Orders,” he said. “People don’t really see the problem in this. Ninety percent of the document is OK, but when you get down to feeding and hydration, they assume it’s OK to let people not eat or not feed, and thereby die. And they think that people have a right to forgo feeding. “Of course, the church teaches us that we have an obligation to feed others, even when they can’t pick up the fork themselves or can’t swallow.” “We’ve got people who are dying because people aren’t feeding them and we’ve got people who are dying because they choose to die, they choose not to eat.” According to Welch, people are saying ahead of time they don’t want a feeding tube, even if they can digest the food. “There are doctors and hospitals who are only too happy to accommodate them,” he said. Even more troubling, said Welch, is that doctors often try to stop people from choosing feeding tubes for themselves or their loved ones. But Welch has found that many of the stroke patients he’s treated, along with their families, have eventually chosen feeding tubes even when they have, at first, insisted they didn’t want them. Welch, who places feeding tubes in patients, generally frames the discussion with patients and their families
as an option that allows them time to get stronger and work with therapists to regain speech and swallowing functions. When the feeding tube option is presented in that manner, he said, nearly every patient will choose it.
How to prevent pro-euthanasia legislation Though assisted suicide is already legal in some states, it can be thwarted in others. Education, Niesen said, is the key on this issue and so many other important topics. “So many people have not gotten solid catechesis and perhaps haven’t been taught about the truth and beauty of our Catholic teachings. “Unfortunately, our culture is loud, loud, loud everywhere we go. It’s so easy for people to lose their way and feel like this is the loving and compassionate thing when it isn’t. And that’s the problem.” Niesen said Catholics should also
become more educated on the values of hospice care, especially through agencies such as Catholic Community Hospice. Smith agrees. “We desperately need to improve our end-of-life care,” he writes, “specifically by reforming hospice so that — instead of taking lethal actions — it becomes normalized as the true ‘death with dignity.’” Finally, both Welch and Herrick urge Catholics to educate themselves on the church’s teaching, particularly when it comes to health care decisions, and then to live out that teaching. Catholics should welcome aging parents into their own homes, Welch said, and visit those in nursing homes and hospitals, especially those who have been forgotten. “We should actually see them as Christ. We should go out of our way to visit these abandoned. . . . The works of mercy are something we need to take seriously. We’ve been neglecting a lot of them.” “We need to show how God values these people. If we don’t do it, nobody will,” he said.
Assisted suicide and ‘death nudging’
AT A GLANCE • ASSISTED SUICIDE means a patient requests medication from a physician to intentionally cause his/her death, whereas euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person by someone else to end the patient’s suffering. • “DEATH-NUDGING” refers to pressure brought to bear by doctors, hospitals or bioethics committees on the patient to reject life-preserving treatment. Some bioethicists and health care providers have taken this to mean insulin, antibiotics, or food and water. • EIGHT STATES (California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont and Washington), along with the District of Columbia, have legalized assisted suicide. • OREGON was the first state to legalize assisted suicide in 1994; the law took effect in 1997. • MAINE became the eighth state in June. • ALLOWING PEOPLE who are not dying to die by intentional starvation and dehydration by withdrawing food and fluids is legal in all 50 states, according to several pro-life organizations. • IN THE NETHERLANDS, euthanasia is legal with or without consent. • TOTAL SUICIDE RATES increase by 6.3% when assisted suicide is factored in.
• EUTHANASIA OF CHILDREN without parental consent or knowledge has been pushed for legalization by a prominent children’s hospital in Toronto. • SUICIDE INCREASED by 49% among 35- to 64-year-olds in Oregon after legalizing assisted suicide as compared to a 28% national increase between the years 1999 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). • PREVENTION OF PAIN was not listed as the leading reason for assisted suicide according to annual reports from the state of Oregon for the years 1998 to 2017. Instead, the leading reasons were loss of autonomy (97.2%), diminished ability to engage in activities making life enjoyable (88.9%), loss of dignity (75%), loss of control of bodily functions and fear of becoming a burden on family and friends. According to the Center for Elderly Suicide Prevention, most, if not all of these, can be addressed by therapeutic interventions. • DEPRESSION is often common among patients asking for assisted suicide. In 2018, only three of 168 patients who died of lethal injections under Oregon law underwent psychiatric evaluation. According to the Oregon Department of Public Health, since passage of the law, only 4.59% have had such evaluations.
Couple nurtures each other, and their marriage, through thick and thin >> Continued from page 1 To learn how to nurture your marriage for a lifetime, try:
car, and that’s when we started dating.” Four months later, Sam asked for Teresa’s hand in marriage, but her mother was adamantly against it. “I said, ‘Well, if I don’t run off with her, someone else will,’” Sam recalls telling her. And a few months later, we ran off.” They were married in 1939 in the Olathe courthouse by the famous Judge Bert Rogers. Eventually, their marriage was blessed in the church. But even that didn’t satisfy Sam’s new mother-in-law. It took the words of a priest friend of the family to reassure her. “‘Don’t worry,’” Teresa recalls him telling her mother. “‘This marriage won’t last.’”
A rough start to a happy ending Money was tight, so the young couple started out living with Sam’s parents. Eighty years later, Teresa still regrets that decision. “I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone,” she said. “His mother spoiled him; it was terrible. It was awful. “She did everything for him first — it was like I wasn’t even in the house.” But they found salvation in a mutual love — dancing. Every Saturday night, they would leave their children in the care of Sam’s mother and go to the Pla-Mor ballroom in Kansas City, Missouri. “We used to make a day of it,” said Sam. “We would go downtown, we’d go to a show and, after the show, we’d go to the soda shop and have a malt. “Then we would take a streetcar and
• A Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend Oct. 4-6 or Nov. 15-17 at Savior Pastoral Center or • Date Night: a free program that allows you to start off your date with a happy (half) hour, appetizers and a brief talk on faith, marriage and family. From there, you’re on your own! This month’s Date Night is scheduled for 6:30-7:30 p.m. at The Classic Cup Cafe (cellar) on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri.
Teresa Mentesana married Sam when she was 19; on Oct. 12, she will turn 99.
Salvatore “Sam” Mentesana married Teresa when he was 20; on Oct. 6, he will turn 100.
for a quarter we could get to the PlaMor. I always made sure I had a quarter left so we could get home.” The couple eventually moved out on their own and raised their family in St. Augustine Parish in Kansas City, Missouri. Their five children attended St. Augustine School and Bishop Hogan High School. Teresa was known as a mother’s mother. “She could do anything,” Leo said. “Good cook, good baker. I don’t remember her sitting down; she was constantly on the move. “I can see her doing wash in the basement.” By “doing wash” he means something very different from what we think of today. “She had a board and bloody knuckles,” said Sam.
Sam worked hard, too. He started out as a baker for Roma Bakery until he discovered he was allergic to flour. Then he ran a liquor store and subsequently became part-owner in a Hamm’s beer distributorship.
Family, faith and cookies Family dinner was a ritual that always waited on Sam to get home from work. “Nobody had anything to eat until I got home,” said Sam. “And then, the table was set and we would eat as a family. “We did that all our life.” Sometimes, it was a long, hungry wait for Sam to arrive home, but the Mentesana children had a workaround for their empty stomachs.
“We constantly hear how grateful children are that their parents had things taken care of. Have you done this for your children?”
“We would sneak stuff,” admitted Leo. “At Christmas especially, Mom would make Italian cookies — she would fill tin cans and we would sneak them. “She would hide them, but we would find them.” Weekends meant family time, too; Teresa would make popcorn to share while watching a movie on television, or they would gather with extended family. But Mass was their constant. “You wouldn’t think about missing church,” said Sam.
For the ages At the heart of it all, however, was a love story. A love that both of them nurtured their entire marriage. “She spoiled him, and he spoiled her,” Leo said. “To this day, when they go to bed, she will crawl over to be near him every night. “They have to be right next to each other, side by side.”
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Ticketing agent Esther Fernandez, center, prays during Mass Aug. 5 at Our Lady of the Skies Chapel at John F. Kennedy International Airport in the Queens borough of New York.
Father Chris Piasta greets police investigator Don Swiatocha of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey following Mass at JFK’s Our Lady of the Skies Chapel Aug. 5.
Spirituality ‘just tip of iceberg’ for airport chaplain always on the go By Beth Griffin Catholic News Service
AMAICA, N.Y. (CNS) — As the Catholic chaplain at John F. Kennedy International Airport ambled through Terminal 4 on a hot summer afternoon, security personnel, airport employees and flight crews shouted a cheery hello or stopped for a quiet word. “That’s my priest,” one uniformed woman told her companion with a confident nod. The bearded man in a black polo shirt, black trousers and scuffed black Crocs smiled back at them. “There’s no average day here. Most of my ministry happens on the go,” Father Chris Piasta said in an interview at the airport, located in Jamaica in the New York borough of Queens. He is a priest of the Diocese of Brooklyn, pastor of St. Joseph Parish in Jamaica and is now in his 10th year as the face of the Catholic Church at the nation’s busiest airport. “It’s a ministry of presence,” Father Piasta said. “At its core is being an open and friendly human being to someone else, being open to the humanity of others and simply embracing their needs at a particular time.” Sometimes that entails giving arriving passengers directions to connecting flights or answering what he says is the most common question, “Where is the nearest restroom?” Once he found himself washing dishes in a sushi restaurant when a hurricane prevented employees from getting to the airport. That encounter started with a challenge from the overwhelmed proprietor of the eatery and ended with a deep conversation with two of the 60 million people who pass through JFK each year. Most often, the chaplain is ministering to the spiritual needs of some of the airport’s 40,000 employees. Five days a week, Father Piasta celebrates Mass at the small well-lit chapel of Our Lady of the Skies tucked into a quiet space on the terminal’s upper level. The patroness is depicted in a wooden statue at the side of the altar, perched on an airplane propeller. A simple display case testifies to the ministry’s long association with travelers, including St. Paul VI who presented a chalice on his 1965 visit. The holy water font is a blue ceramic view of the Atlantic Ocean and the continents it touches. At Mass on a recent Monday, the half-dozen worshippers included airport workers on their lunch break from posts in different terminals at JFK. Among the intercessions was a prayer for those who are stranded and the people who come to their aid.
Father Chris Piasta, Catholic chaplain at John F. Kennedy International and LaGuardia airports in the Queens borough of New York, prepares the altar prior to celebrating Mass at JFK’s Our Lady of the Skies Chapel Aug. 5.
“IT’S A MINISTRY OF PRESENCE. AT ITS CORE IS BEING AN OPEN AND FRIENDLY HUMAN BEING TO SOMEONE ELSE, BEING OPEN TO THE HUMANITY OF OTHERS AND SIMPLY EMBRACING THEIR NEEDS AT A PARTICULAR TIME.” Father Piasta said his first largescale experience of aiding the stranded happened in February 2010 shortly after he was appointed chaplain. Ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland grounded flights in Europe and caused large-scale disruptions to air travel around the world. Airport authorities used the area outside Our Lady of the Skies and the other denominational worship spaces to set up 400 cots for travelers. “We called it ‘Camp Kennedy,’”
Father Piasta said. He and the rabbi with whom he shares office space distributed bagels and cream cheese to the people who were stranded for a week. Father Piasta said volunteers brought food and supplies for the travelers and he was able to use funds from the Diocese of Brooklyn and the Archdiocese of New York to help meet the needs of his unexpected guests. Father Piasta is one of four chaplains at JFK. In addition to the rabbi, there is a Lutheran pastor and an imam. “We are constantly educating one another,” he said. Our Lady of the Skies is not a parish, but Father Piasta offers the sacraments, spiritual direction, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, critical incident stress management, assistance for grieving passengers and Masses for traveling groups. It is not unusual for him to be asked to meet an arriving passenger whose family member has died during his or her absence. Father Piasta said he and a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent meet the person on board the plane, share the sad news and invite them to pray if they want and go to Father Piasta’s office. The customs official expedites the passenger’s reentry and collects luggage. Father Piasta said managers of
various airport offices refer stressed employees to him. “Sometimes they need to talk or vent and then they feel better,” he said. He also described spending many hours with an international supermodel who was “sitting on the floor having a breakdown in the chapel” over the loss of a modeling contract. “Security was ready to take her out,” the chaplain recalled, but they moved to his office and talked for four hours before she abruptly stood and left. Among the many services at the chapel, Father Piasta said memorials for deceased employees are always poignant. “People rearrange their flight schedules to be here. You see a lot of goodness going on,” he said. Father Piasta said Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn is supportive of his efforts in many ways, but the chaplain is responsible for raising the $35,000 to $40,000 annual budget for his ministry. He does this through an autumn luncheon held with the assistance of the Catholic Guild of JFK. The Catholic Guild was established in 1952 to promote, foster and maintain the faith and the chapel. Early on, Masses were held in a restaurant, celebrated at an altar that was rolled from a hangar across the tarmac before and after the service.
EMPLOYMENT Drivers - Assisted Transportation is now hiring caring and reliable drivers to transport K-12 students to and from school and other activities in company minivans. Positions are now available in Olathe, Overland Park and Kansas City, Kansas. Competitive wages and flexible schedules. CDL not required. Retirees encouraged to apply. Call (913) 262-3100 or apply online at: EEO. Community assistants - L’Arche Heartland of Overland Park serves adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities in day program support services and in residential services. We are seeking assistants who are looking for a unique opportunity in a faith-based organization. We are in immediate need of day service assistants to work in our day program serving 30 adults. We have a recycling program and community activities. Our core members participate in distributing for Meals on Wheels and Rise Against Hunger. They also attend community events such as the library, movies, bowling and going to parks. We also have a need for live-in and live-out assistants in our five residential homes. If interested, contact Jamie Henderson, community leader, by email at: DRIVERS NEEDED Seeking caring and reliable drivers. Work up to 40 hours per week. Transport elderly and disabled individuals to and from medical appointments. CDL not required. Retirees encouraged to apply. Competitive wages and benefits. EOE. Learn more or apply online at: (913) 262-5190 Music director - Mother Teresa Parish in Topeka is seeking a part-time music director. Duties and responsibilities include: coordinating repertoire for all liturgies with the pastor; coordinate the purchase, maintenance and distribution of liturgical music resources, music licenses and instruments; recruit, train and supervise choir members and other musicians for all liturgies; direct rehearsals and provide on-going training for cantors, ensembles and individual musicians; prepare music ministry schedules and budget; attend meetings relevant to the position; and other duties as needed. Position qualifications: high degree of proficiency with a principal instrument capable of providing musical leadership during liturgies, preferably keyboard or piano; ability to lead and train musicians in music theory and application; general knowledge of Microsoft Office and general office equipment needed to complete job tasks; active member of the Catholic Church. Submit resume to: Mother Teresa Catholic Church, Attn: Mary, 2014 N.W. 46th St., Topeka, KS 66618 or send an email to Mary at: School cafeteria manager - Holy Spirit School is seeking a cafeteria manager for the 2019-20 school year. This person will oversee the operation of the school food service program and must be knowledgeable of all state and federal regulations and all requirements related to school lunch programs. Duties include but are not limited to: planning menus; ordering food and supplies; filing reports with KSDE/ Wellness programs; supervising employees and volunteers; and serving as the head cook and supervisor of all kitchen operations. Competitive salary and benefits. Interested applicants should send a letter of application and resume to the attention of Michele Watson at: or to Holy Spirit Catholic School, 11300 W. 103rd St., Overland Park, KS 66219. Communications director - The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth (SCLs) are currently seeking a communications director. This position is responsible for maintaining and coordinating a comprehensive communications program to support the mission, philosophy and positive image of the SCLs and facilitate the flow of information within the organization and to its various publics. The successful candidate will possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, public relations or similar field and at least five years’ experience in a lead communications role. This position requires proficiency working in a Windows environment, desktop publishing and website content management. Awareness of the unique role of a religious community, coupled with some knowledge of the SCL mission, and understanding of the culture of Catholicism are preferred. If you possess the desired qualifications and would like to work for a truly wonderful and outstanding religious community, please email a cover letter with salary requirements and your resume to: Full-time preschool teachers - St. Joseph Early Education Center is currently looking for candidates for an opening for a full-time teacher who can support on multiple levels at our center. We are also looking for candidates for infant through preschool rooms in hopes of expanding our ability to care for the children on our waiting lists. Salary is at or above the norm, and the benefits are excellent. Contact us if you are interested; you may call our school secretary, Ms. Patricia, at (913) 248-4588; our general number at (913) 631-0004; or send an email to: Enthusiastic group leader - Holy Spirit School is seeking an enthusiastic applicant, 18 years of age or older who enjoys working with children, for a position in our after-school care program. This group leader must be available M - F, 2:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. It’s the perfect opportunity for a college student, adult who likes working with children or anyone interested in the field of education. If interested, please contact Eileen Colling at: or (913) 492-2582, ext 129. Preschool/child care staff - John Paul II Preschool/Child Care is seeking staff for our school-age program with regular hours from 3 - 6 p.m. Additional hours are available when school is closed. Year-round employment is possible, if desired. Applicants must be 18 years of age. Experience working with children is preferred. Virtus training is required. Great job for a college student! Contact Donna at: dhogue@ for more information or to apply.
Food service position - A food service position is available at St. Joseph, Shawnee. The hours are Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Training is provided. Must be able to manage multiple tasks and maintain a friendly presence with the schoolchildren. If interested or would like more information, send an email to Kathy Ketter-Hirt at: Business and office manager - Christ the King Parish in Topeka is seeking a qualified individual for a business and office manager position. This position assists the pastor in caring for the material and financial affairs of the parish. The applicant must have excellent leadership, team-building and management skills; and knowledge of software such as automated accounting system, MS Word and Excel. Must have minimum five years’ administrative management experience in a business financial environment. Degree in business, finance or accounting preferred. Interested applicants may contact Father Matthew Schiffelbein at (785) 273-0710 or send an email to:, with inquiries or to submit resumes. Director of youth ministry - Prince of Peace in Olathe is seeking an exceptional and experienced leader to be director of youth ministry. This is a full-time, leadership and administrative position that will be responsible for the implementation of a weekly youth program for junior and senior high, with an emphasis on preparing middle school students for the sacrament of confirmation. Seeking a Catholic experienced in youth ministry who will encourage and train catechists and youth team leaders. Full job description and application details may be found at: Applications must be submitted by Sept. 1. Tutor - We are a homeschooling family with 8th- and 5thgrade students. We are looking for a Catholic tutor for Fridays only. Duties will include administering spelling and math tests; help with editing papers; some grading; and light lunch prep. Six hours/day and compensation between $12$14/hour. We need someone who can commit to the entire school year, with breaks for holidays, spring break, etc. We are members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. For more information or to apply, call (317) 459-0398. Accountant - St. Agnes Parish currently has a job opening for a parish accountant. A qualified candidate will possess strong interpersonal and organizational skills; advanced Excel and Parish Data System skills; three years of recent, hands-on experience with payroll and benefit software systems; and at least an associate’s degree in accounting. Must also be able to multitask; be detail-oriented and self-directed; be a willing team player; understand and implement best practice guidelines as prescribed by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. A full job description can be found at: www.stagneskc. org, click on “Contact Us,” then click on “Careers.” Personal assistant - Seeking a female personal assistant to do housekeeping; some cooking; provide rides to the doctor; shop for groceries; and assist client as needed. Call Janet at (913) 605-0212. Custodian - Sacred Heart Parish in Shawnee is seeking a part-time custodian to care for the daily needs of the parish campus. Duties include general custodial and janitorial tasks, as well as lawn care; minor repairs; painting; and other routine maintenance. To be considered for the position, send an email to Mike Billquist at: Board members - Villa St. Francis, a skilled nursing community sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, is actively seeking board members. We are looking for candidates with a strong health care background. If you are interested in giving your time and talent to the Villa’s mission, submit a letter of interest and resume to: rwhittington@ Open positions - Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph (CCKCSJ) serves those in need by taking direct action to relieve their anxieties and remove their burdens while simultaneously lifting them to the dignity of self-reliance. CCKCSJ is a fun and faith-based environment. Associates of CCKCSJ enjoy a compressed workweek by working Monday-Thursday weekly (dependent upon each position), with almost every weekend as a three-day weekend. We currently have the following positions open: Community Housing Case Manager and Family Development Specialist. To apply and to view all available opportunities at CCKCSJ, go online to: joseph. After-school chess coach – The Knight School is looking for a part-time chess coach who is great with kids and has strong integrity and character; a highly gregarious and professional personality; a love for laughter; and reliable transportation. No prior chess knowledge is needed, as we teach the chess. The pay we’re offering is $16/hour. Applicant must pass a background check, be Virtus trained and register for the MVP program at SMSD. To apply: go online to: html. Email Brian Harris at: with questions or for more information.
Masonry work - Quality new or repair work. Brick, block and chimney/fireplace repair. Insured; second-generation bricklayer. Member of St. Paul Parish, Olathe. Call (913) 829-4336. The Drywall Doctor, Inc. – A unique solution to your drywall problems! We fix all types of ceiling and wall damage — from water stains and stress cracks to texture repairs and skim coating. We provide professional, timely repairs and leave the job site clean! Lead-certified and insured! Serving the metro since 1997. Call (913) 768-6655. EL SOL Y LA TIERRA *Commercial & residential * Lawn renovation *Mowing * Clean-up and hauling * Dirt grading/installation * Landscape design * Free estimates Hablamos y escribimos Ingles!! Call Lupe at (816) 935-0176 Local handyman - Painting int. and ext., wood rot, power washing, staining, masonry (chimney repair, patio’s) gutter cleaning, water heaters, junk removal, lawn mowing, window cleaning, honey - do list and more!! Member of Holy Angels Parish, Basehor. Call Billy at (913)927-4118. DRC Construction We’ll get the job done right the first time. Windows - Doors - Decks - Siding Repair or replace, we will work with you to solve your problems. Choose us for any window, door, siding or deck project and be glad you did. Everything is guaranteed 100% (913) 461-4052 Popcorn ceiling removal - Renew your ceiling and walls with a fresh coat of paint. Replace drywall or plaster repaired with no mess!! 25 years experience. Call anytime. Jerry (913) 2061144. Painting - Diamond Painting, (913) 648-4933, Residential/ Commercial, Exterior/interior, Free Estimates, Affordable, Decks,, Kcmo/Overland Park Metropolitan area. STA (Sure Thing Always) Home Repair - Basement finish, bathrooms and kitchens; interior & exterior repairs: painting, roofing, siding, wood replacement and window glazing. Free estimates. Call (913) 579-1835. Email: smokeycabin@hotmail. com. Member of Holy Trinity, Lenexa. NELSON CREATION’S L.L.C. Home makeovers, kitchen, bath. All interior and exterior remodeling and repairs. Family owned, experienced, licensed and insured. Member St. Joseph, Shawnee. Kirk Nelson. (913) 927-5240;
SERVICES 8 to Your IdealWeight Get Real, Get Healthy, Get Empowered. Release your weight and restore your power in 8 weeks! Faith-based counseling to cope with life concerns Kansas City area. Call Mary Vorsten, licensed clinical professional counselor, at (913) 909-2002. Tree Trimming Tree Trimming/Landscaping Insured/References Free Estimates/Local Parishioner Tony (913) 620-6063 Custom countertops - Laminates installed within five days. Cambria, granite and solid surface. Competitive prices, dependable work. Call the Top Shop, Inc., at (913) 962-5058. Members of St. Joseph, Shawnee. Speedy Guzman Moving and delivery Licensed and insured Anytime (816) 935-0176 Bankruptcy consultation - If debts are overwhelming you, seek hope and help from compassionate, experienced Catholic attorney, Teresa Kidd. For a free consultation, call (913) 422-0610; send an email to:; or visit the website at: Please do not wait until life seems hopeless before getting good quality legal advice that may solve your financial stress. Clutter getting you down? - Organize, fix, assemble, install! “Kevin of all trades” your professional organizer and “Honey-do” specialist. Call or email me today for a free consultation at (913) 271-5055 or Insured. References.
Concrete construction - Tear out and replace amped, stained or colored patios and drives. Retaining walls, footings, poured-in-place safe rooms, excavation and hauling. Asphalt drives and lots. Fully insured; references. Call Dan at (913) 207-4371 or send an email to:
Mike Hammer local moving - A full-service mover. Packing, pianos, rental truck load/unload, storage container load/unload and in-home moving. No job too small. Serving JoCo since 1987. St. Joseph, Shawnee, parishioner. Call Mike at (913) 927-4347 or send an email to:
Rusty Dandy Painting, Inc. – We have been coloring your world for 40 years. Your home will be treated as if it were our own. Old cabinets will be made to look like new. Dingy walls and ceilings will be made beautiful. Woodwork will glow. Lead-certified and insured. Call (913) 341-9125.
Win disability benefits - Disabled and no longer able to work? Get help winning Social Security disability benefits. Free consultation. Eight years’ experience. No fee unless you win. Call (785) 331-6452 or send an email to: monte or visit:
Water-damaged basement walls? - Remove and replace insulation, dry out, mold treatment and painting. Fully insured, serving Johnson County for 25 years. Call Jerry at (913) 2061144 or email:
Memory quilts - Preserve your memories in a keepsake quality quilt, pillows, etc. Custom designed from your T-shirt collection, baby clothes, sports memorabilia, neckties . . . Quilted Memories. (913) 649-2704.
Rodman Lawn Care Lawn mowing, aeration, verticutting, mulching, Hedge trimming, leaf removal, gutter cleaning Fully insured and free estimates John Rodman (913) 548-3002 Tutor - Available for K - 12 in various subjects and test preps. Tutor has 17 years of experience teaching and tutoring. Call Kathleen at (913) 206-2151 or email: HARCO Exteriors LLC Your Kansas City fencing specialists Family owned and operated (913) 815-4817
CAREGIVING Looking for assisted living at home? - Before you move, call us and explore our in-home care options. We specialize in helping families live safely at home while saving thousands of dollars per year. Call today for more information or to request a FREE home care planning guide. Benefits of Home - Senior Care, or call (913) 422-1591. Caregiving - We provide personal assistance, companionship, care management, and transportation for seniors in their home, assisted living or nursing facilities. We also provide respite care for main caregivers needing some personal time. Call Daughters & Company at (913) 341-2500 and speak with Laurie, Pat or Gary. Caregiver - Reasonable rate, years of experience with all kinds of medical issues, conditions and challenges. Can help with shopping, food preparation and basic personal care. Call Pam at (913) 602-1289.
PILGRIMAGE Pope Francis authorized pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Fiat Voluntas Tua organizes pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Oct. 29 – Nov. 10, 2019: Pilgrimage to Medjugorje and Fatima Call Grace for more information. (913) 449-1806
FOR SALE Residential lifts - New and recycled. Stair lifts, porch lifts, ceiling lifts and elevators. St. Michael’s parishioners. KC Lift & Elevator at (913) 327-5557. (Formerly Silver Cross - KC) For sale - Inside tandem space for two traditional entombments. Tier F, Mount Calvary Mausoleum, Holy Trinity in Topeka, last ones available. Call (785) 215-9540 or (785) 580-3928. For sale - Two spaces at Resurrection Cemetery in Mausoleum, St. John Corridor. Reasonable rate. Call (913) 894-2448. For sale - Double lawn crypt at Resurrection Cemetery in Lenexa, Garden of Hope section, double lawn crypt, lot 78 C, space 4. Conveyance fee included. $7500. Call Lou at (512) 294-2869. For sale - Two single crypts at Mount Calvary in the patio mausoleum, tier C. Valued at $14,950; will sell for $10,000. Call Pam at (913) 631-4911.
REAL ESTATE CASH FOR YOUR HOME (913) 980-4905 Any condition in the metro area Mark Edmondson - local parishioner WE SELL HOMES - Looking to sell? This is a seller’s market. Call for a free consultation detailing the steps to selling your home. Ask about our 39-day sales guarantee. Mention this ad for a special offer. Call Jim Blaufuss, Re/Max Realty Suburban, at (913) 226-7442. Coming soon - A charming two-bedroom, one-bath home with electric appliances; wood floors; unfinished basement; private drive; and a wooded lot located near St. Agnes Church and the Shawnee Indian Mission. The home is in Roeland Park, 3224 W. 53rd St., for $1050 per month, 12-month lease, one month deposit required. Send inquiries to: church@stagnes or leave a message at (913) 766-9758. Whole Estates Need to sell a home and everything in it? We buy it all at once in as-is condition. Call (816) 444-1950 or send an email to: We buy houses and whole estates - We are local and family-owned, and will make you a fair cash offer. We buy houses in any condition. No fees or commissions and can close on the date of your choice. Selling your house as is never felt so good. Jon & Stacy Bichelmeyer (913) 599-5000.
WANTED TO BUY Wanted to buy - Antique/vintage jewelry, paintings, pottery, sterling, etc. Single pieces or estate. Renee Maderak, (913) 475-7393. St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee. Will buy firearms and related accessories - One or a whole collection. Honest evaluation and top prices paid. Contact Tom at (913) 238-2473. Member of Sacred Heart Parish, Shawnee. Wanted to buy - Old cars or hot rods. Uncompleted project cars in any condition, with or without titles. Cash buyer. Call (913) 980-3559.
CALENDAR PARISH AND REUNION PICNIC Immaculate Conception Parish Centennial Building 201 W. Palmer St., St. Marys Aug. 17 at 4 p.m.
The cost for a dinner of roast beef and ham will be: $9 for adults; $5 for kids 5 - 12; and kids 4 and under eat for free. There will also be cash bingo, a silent auction, a quilt raffle, a cakewalk, a bounce house and other games.
Mass will be held at 4 p.m. followed by a chicken dinner with all the trimmings. The cost will be $10 for adults and $5 for kids 12 and under. There will also be games and prizes beginning at 5 p.m.
CROATIAN FESTIVAL St. John the Baptist Parish 708 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas Aug. 17 at 5 p.m.
Following Mass, there will be dinner and a dance. Experience the joy of celebrating diverse abilities, share a traditional Mexican meal and enjoy professional Mexican dancers from El Grupo Atotonilco.
Admission is free and activities begin after 4 p.m. Mass on the parish grounds. Traditional Croatian goods and cold beverages will be available for purchase. There will be children and family booths. Hrvastski Obicaj will provide music and there will be food booths. Visit the Strawberry Hill Boutique for T-shirts and aprons as well as strawberry-themed jewelery and magnets. There will also be a free dance with music by Kolograd. For more information, email:
BENEFIT LUNCH AND AUCTION Corning Community Building 6621 5th St., Corning Aug. 18 at 11 a.m.
A benefit lunch and auction will be held for Jim Rethman to help with the family’s medical and travel expenses as Jim recovers from a stroke. Jim is a member of St. Patrick Parish in Corning. Follow the Jim Rethman Benefit Lunch and Auction event page on Facebook for more information and updates.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL Sacred Heart Parish (hall) 106 Exchange St., Emporia Aug. 18 from 5 - 7 p.m.
There will be a variety of homemade ice creams and desserts to enjoy. The suggested donation is a freewill offering.
WIDOWED WOMEN OF FAITH Perkins Restaurant and Bakery (back room) 1720 S.W. Wanamaker Rd., Topeka Aug. 20 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Join other women of faith for lunch and companionship. No RSVP is needed. We can help each other ease the pain and get through this time in life. For more information, send an email to:
BIRTHDAY POTLUCK Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish (Formation Room) 3601 S.W. 17th St., Topeka Aug. 22 from 5 - 7 p.m.
The Christian widow and widowers organization will host the birthday potluck dinner. There is no cost to attend. For more information, call (785) 233-7350.
PICNIC AND BAZAAR St. Columbkille Parish 13311 Hwy. 16, Blaine Aug. 24 at 5 p.m.
ICARE ADAPTIVE MASS AND MEXICAN FIESTA Queen of the Holy Rosary Parish 7023 W. 71st. St., Overland Park Aug. 24 at 6 p.m.
ICE CREAM SOCIAL Christ the King Parish 3024 N. 53rd St., Kansas City, Kansas Aug. 24 from 5 - 9 p.m.
Mass will be at 4 p.m. followed by the ice cream social. There will be great food, fellowship, new games, a DJ, homemade desserts and bingo.
MEMORIAL LITURGY Curé of Ars (Father Burak Room) 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood Aug. 24 at 8 a.m.
There will be a memorial liturgy for deceased loved ones followed by a grief support meeting in the Father Burak Room. Grief counselor, Joel Carmer, will speak. For more information, call (913) 649-2016.
DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA LITTLE FLOWER CIRCLE Christ the King Parish 5972 S.W. 25th St., Topeka Aug. 25 at 12:30 p.m.
There will be a covered dish luncheon followed by a business meeting. If anyone knows of a member or family in need of the circle’s prayers, call Theresa Smith-Lawton at (785) 640-1403. If you are interested in or would like more information about the Daughters of Isabella, call Cindy Keen at (785) 228-9863.
PROJECT CHRYSALIS Church of the Ascension (St. Luke’s Room) 9500 W. 127th, Overland Park Aug. 26 from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
Project Chrysalis is a Catholic ministry designed to help parents who have lost a child find hope through sacred Scripture and community. For more information, Call Ken or Patty Billinger at (913) 634-4210 or send an email to: There is more information on the website at: www. or on the Facebook page: projectchrysaliskc. This group is also open to those who have lost a grandchild and to immediate family members.
INTEGRATED HUMANITIES PROGRAM MEMORIAL DEDICATION St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center 1631 Crescent Rd., Lawrence Aug. 31 and Sept. 1
On Aug. 31, there will be a barbecue at Clinton Dam Outlet Park — 1316 E. 902 Rd., West
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Shelter — at 4 p.m. The cost will be $12 for adults and $4 for kids 6 - 12. On Sept. 1, there will be a Mass at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at 11 a.m. followed by a champagne reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres in the St. Lawrence social hall. Register online at: and click on “Memorial Dedication Event.”
HEALING MASS Curé of Ars 9401 Mission Rd., Leawood Aug. 29 at 7:30 p.m.
A Mass with prayers for healing, sponsored by archdiocesan charismatic prayer groups, will be held. Father Anthony Ouelette will preside. For more information, call (913) 649-2026.
PARISH PICNIC Sts. Peter and Paul Parish 411 Pioneer, Seneca Sept. 1 at 4:30 p.m.
The cost for a dinner of roast beef and ham will be $10 for adults and $4 for kids. There will also be concessions, bingo and other games, a beer garden and a teen dance. A live auction will follow at 8:30 p.m.
CATHOLIC WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Holy Trinity Parish (Father Quigley Center) 13615 W. 92nd St., Lenexa Thursday mornings, beginning Sept. 5, from 9:30 - 11 a.m.
This Bible study will cover the books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is offered for kids ages 12 and under. Kids under the age of 3 are welcome to stay with Mom in a “moms’ study group.” New this year for 7th- and 8th-graders, is a junior Bible study. Also new this year is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for the babies. To register, go online to: and click on “Catholic Women’s Bible Study.” Registration is due by Aug. 26. Mail to Kathryn Burditt at 11414 Acuff Ln., Lenexa KS 66210. For more information, call Laura Haeusser at (913) 341-9057 or Kathryn Burditt at (913) 451-3680 or send her an email at: tkburditt
‘COPING WITH LIFE ALONE’ PEER-TO-PEER GRIEF SUPPORT St. Therese Parish, North (lower level, Birkel Room) 7207 N.W. Hwy. 9, Kansas City, Missouri Sept. 7 - Oct. 19 from 2 - 4 p.m., Saturdays
“Coping with Life Alone” is a Beginning Experience grief support program that meets each week for seven weeks. The program helps those who have lost a love relationship (due to death, divorce or separation) move through the experience of grief and loss into a future with renewed hope.
UNITY FEST 2019 Our Lady of Unity Parish 2646 S. 34th St., Kansas City, Kansas Sept. 7 from 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
There will be barbecue and traditional Mexican- style food and drinks. There will also be carnival games and inflatables for the kids. All day entertainment will include different musical groups: mariachi, Hispanic dance
Catholic Store 119 SE 18th Topeka, KS (785) 232-2543 Hrs. T-F - 10 a.m. 5:30; Sat. 9 a.m. to noon
groups and much more. There will also be a silent auction in the church basement.
HOLY SMOKIN’ JAMBOREE Mother Teresa of Calcutta Parish 2014 N.W. 46th St., Topeka Sept. 7, 8 and 9
Festivities begin with a Smoke-Off competition on Friday afternoon. On Saturday and Sunday, there will be kids games, a silent auction, craft sale, cakewalk, raffle prizes, a barbecue dinner and more. There will also be a 5K run, a poker run, car show and more. For more information, go online to:
BREAKFAST WITH THE KNIGHTS Divine Mercy Parish 555 W. Main St., Gardner Sept. 8 from 8 - 10 a.m.
Come join the fun and fellowship and enjoy a hot and hearty breakfast of pancakes, sausage, biscuits and gravy. The cost is: $6 for adults; $3 for kids 6 - 12; and free for kids 5 and under.
LUAU St. Leo Parish 1340 First Ave. E, Horton Sept. 8 from 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
A meal of veggie kabobs, cheese potato casserole and sides will be served for a freewill donation. There will also be Hawaiian beverages, kids games, bingo, a raffle and cow plop ($500 prize).
HOLY ANGELS BAZAAR St. Rose School 530 E. 4th St., Garnett Sept. 15 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
A dinner of chicken and noodles, turkey, roast beef and sides will be served along with homemade bread and pies. The cost is: $9 for adults; $5 for kids 10 and under; and $12 for takeout. There will also be crafts for sale, a drawing and raffles.
ANNUNCIATION CHURCH PICNIC Cigna Center 402 N. Maple, Frankfort Sept. 15 from 4 - 7 p.m.
There will be a dinner of roast beef with all the trimmings for the cost of $10 for adults; $5 for kids ages 10 and under. There will also be a cakewalk, bingo, church poker, children’s games, train rides, pot-of-gold and lots of fun. Takeout meals and home delivery are available. Call the parish office during morning hours (M - F) at (785) 292-4462 to order delivery meals.
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING Sacred Heart Parish (offices) 27 Cottonwood St., Emporia Sept. 15, 20 and Oct. 13 from 1:30 -3:30 p.m.
This is a three-class series in the natural family planning method SymptoPro. The cost is $120 for the course, plus one year of personal follow-up and charting support. A discount is available for enrolled college students. For more information or to enroll, send an email to Megan Mahoney at: meganohayes@gmail. com.
Want to help someone heal from an abortion? Call or text 913-621-2199
COMMENTARY TWENTIETH WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Aug. 18 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jer 38: 4-6, 8-10 Ps 40: 2-4, 18 Heb 12: 1-4 Lk 12: 49-53 Aug. 19 John Eudes, priest Jgs 2: 11-19 Ps 106: 34-37, 39-40, 43ab-44 Mt 19: 16-22 Aug. 20 Bernard, abbot, doctor of the church Jgs 6: 11-24a Ps 85: 9, 11-14 Mt 19: 23-30 Aug. 21 Pius X, pope Jgs 9: 6-15 Ps 21: 2-7 Mt 20: 1-16 Aug. 22 The Queenship of Mary Jgs 11: 29-39a Ps 40: 5, 7-10 Mt 22: 1-14 Aug. 23 Rose of Lima, virgin Ru 1: 1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22 Ps 146: 5-10 Mt 22: 34-40 Aug. 24 BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE Rv 21: 9b-14 Ps 145: 10-13ab, 17-18 Jn 1: 45-51 TWENTY-FIRST WEEK OF ORDINARY TIME Aug. 25 TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Is 66: 18-21 Ps 117: 1-2 Heb 12: 5-7, 11-13 Lk 13: 22-30 Aug. 26 Monday 1 Thes 1: 1-5, 8b-10 Ps 149: 1b-6a, 9b Mt 23: 13-22 Aug. 27 Monica 1 Thes 2: 1-8 Ps 139: 1-3, 4-6 Mt 23: 23-26 Aug. 28 Augustine, bishop, doctor of the church 1 Thes 2: 9-13 Ps 139: 7-12b Mt 23: 27-32 Aug. 29 The Passion of John the Baptist 1 Thes 3: 7-13 Ps 90: 3-5a, 12-14, 17 Mk 6: 17-29 Aug. 30 Friday 1 Thes 4: 1-8 Ps 97: 1, 2b, 5-6, 10-12 Mt 25: 1-13 Aug. 31 Saturday 1 Thes 4: 9-11 Ps 98: 1, 7-9 Mt 25: 14-30
he final tally is in: me, 6; hammock, 1. I just returned from five days at Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House in Sedalia — Colorado, not Missouri. It’s between Colorado Springs and Denver, about eight hours and a bit from Tonganoxie. The retreat house literature says: “The atmosphere of prayerful silence is the gift we give to one another.” In other words, time spent here is in the Jesuit tradition, where “retreatants agree to abstain from conversation during their stay, except during the daily meetings with their spiritual director and participation in the celebration of Eucharist.” Yes, hard to believe, but I was actually quiet for those five days . . . and I loved every minute of it. Imagine coming into the dining room there. You pick up a tray, select what you want from the buffet and then sit down at a table. There are maybe 20 other people in the room, but about the only sound you hear is soft music playing in
Beat a retreat? You can’t MARK MY WORDS
FATHER MARK GOLDASICH Father Mark is the pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Tonganoxie. He has been editor of The Leaven since 1989.
the background. (I say, “about the only sound you hear” because I found that you really can’t eat raw carrots, tacos or potato chips “quietly.”) Not having to worry about table chitchat means you notice things — like the taste of food, the speed at which you normally eat or how you handle your knife and fork. Silence promotes a deep awareness. The retreat house — “a little bit of heaven on a hill” — sits on about 280 acres and is filled with walking paths.
Along the way, there were plenty of chairs, benches and gliders, so you can sit, pray, ponder, write and drink in the beauty of the Rocky Mountain foothills. One of my favorite spots was a pond covered with water lilies that also had a gurgling fountain. Everything was designed to promote not only outer peace, but inner peace as well. Mary O’Hara, an Irish soprano and harpist, captured this experience well: “One day last summer, after I’d been working on some songs, I left the harp before the open window. Suddenly, I heard the sound of distant and lovely music. It lasted only a few seconds and left me puzzled. When it hap-
pened again, I noticed that the sound came from the instrument and was caused by the gentle breeze playing on the harp strings. “At times of prayer, we can be like that harp, by allowing sufficient calm to gather round us so that the Holy Spirit, the Breath of God, may play his music on us. But remember, it was a very gentle breeze and the music could be heard only because of the surrounding stillness. (Found in Anthony Castle’s “A Treasury of Quips, Quotes & Anecdotes.”) Helping me to discover those promptings of the Spirit was my spiritual director, Father Ed Kinerk, SJ. I met with him for about an hour each morning. At our first meeting, he surprised me by knowing where Tonganoxie was. He explained that he served as president of Rockhurst University in Kansas City from 1998-2006 and had ties to St. Ann in Prairie Village. It really is a small world. In addition to having time to read some spiritual books, two main themes occu-
pied my prayer there: joy and gratitude. The quiet gave me the opportunity to recall the innumerable blessings of my life, especially wonderful people. Each day, I prayed for a number of them — by name — and was filled with happiness for how they shaped me into the person I am today. I was particularly grateful for the opportunity to enjoy this silent retreat, a rarity for many people in our busy and noisy world. Oh, about the tally at the beginning of this article. Scattered around the retreat grounds were about a half dozen hammocks. They tempted me by how comfortable they looked, swaying gently in the cool breeze. But I was intimidated. Could I gracefully get into one, let alone get out of it? Swallowing my pride, I eventually took the plunge and, over the next few days, only tumbled out of a hammock once! Thank goodness no one saw me —because their hysterical laughter would have shattered the silence for miles around!
Prophet predicted defeat, but also God’s eventual mercy
eremiah predicted the conquest of Jerusalem by the Babylonians and urged Zedekiah, the king of Judah, to surrender to them. A cynical observer might attribute this advice to Jeremiah’s astute assessment of the superior Babylonian military forces. After all, they were the foremost power in the ancient Near East. On the other hand, Jeremiah saw a deeper meaning. He saw Judah’s impending doom as God’s punishment for their sins. It was better to acquiesce to this well-deserved punishment, to plead for mercy, than to resist. Resistance was futile. That explains the complaint of the princes of Judah in Sunday’s first reading (Jer 38:4-6,
FATHER MIKE STUBBS Father Stubbs is the pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Overland Park and has a degree in Scripture from Harvard University.
8-10): “Jeremiah ought to be put to death; he is demoralizing the soldiers who are left in this city, and all the people, by speaking such things
to them; he is not interested in the welfare of our people, but in their ruin.” Jeremiah’s prediction came true. In 587 B.C., the Babylonian army conquered Jerusalem. They destroyed the Temple and demolished most of the city. They captured King Zedekiah. His sons and the princes of Judah were put to death in front of him. Then he was blinded, so
POPE FRANCIS Pope Francis has asked families to set aside time to pray, both individually and together as a family. His prayer intention for the month of August invites people to pray that “families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly schools of true human development.” At the start of each month, the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network releases a short video of the pope
that the last thing that he saw was the death of his sons. He was cast into prison for the rest of his life. He should have listened to Jeremiah. Before the Babylonian conquest, the princes of Judah had Jeremiah thrown into a dry cistern as punishment for his seditious calls for surrender. They wanted to leave him there to die. This was not the first time that Jeremiah had suffered because of his political views. Earlier, King Zedekiah had imprisoned Jeremiah in the quarters of the guard at the palace (Jer 32:2). But that had not stopped Jeremiah from prophesying. While still in prison, Jeremiah had continued to predict that the Babylonians would conquer Jerusalem. After Jeremiah was
thrown into the dry cistern, King Zedekiah had pity on him and released him from captivity. So, Jeremiah was saved. Similarly, even though Jeremiah prophesied doom and destruction for the Israelites, he saw beyond that to a time when God would eventually have pity on them. God would not bring Israel to total destruction. Speaking on God’s behalf, Jeremiah assured the Israelites, “Behold, I will gather them together from all the lands to which in anger, wrath and great rage I banish them. I will bring them back to this place and settle them here in safety. . . . “Just as I brought upon this people all this great evil, so I will bring upon them all the good I promise them” (Jer 32: 37, 42).
offering his specific prayer intention at: www.thepopevideo. org. Focusing on the church’s mission of evangelization, the pope asked in the short video: “What kind of world do we want to leave for the future?” The answer is a “world with families,” he said, because families are “true schools for the future, spaces of freedom and centers of humanity. Let us care for our families” he said, because of this important role they play. And let us reserve a special place in our families for individual and communal prayer.” — CNS
Topeka Catholics to host retreat by genocide survivor By Carolyn Kaberline Special to The Leaven
Retreat information
OPEKA — Even though it was about 10 years ago that Susan Papps, a member of Most Pure Heart of Mary Church here, first heard Immaculée Ilibagiza speak, she remembers the impact that the Rwandan genocide survivor made on her quite well. “It was at a retreat in Kansas City,” said Papps. “I didn’t know anyone on the planet like her. “I felt I was in the presence of a true saint on earth.” In 2017, Papps and two close friends and fellow parishioners Lannie Buford and Ellen Brentine went to St. Louis for a retreat Ilibagiza was offering. “Ellen’s first words once we got back into the car were: ‘We’ve got to bring her to Most Pure Heart,’” said Papps. When Ilibagiza spoke in St. Louis a year later, all three women were again in attendance. “She was amazed that we had driven twice to St. Louis to see her,” said Papps. Out of this second retreat grew Ilibagiza’s upcoming retreat at Most Pure Heart on Aug. 23-24. “The next day when I attended Sunday Mass, I was able to share with Father Greg [Hammes] after Mass a little about our Immaculée experience,” said Brentine. “He seemed interested and, early in October of last year, Susan, Lannie and I met with Father Greg in his office and further explained about the Immaculée retreat and requested his permission and blessings to plan for one. “Father Greg was very enthusiastic about hosting the retreat at Most Pure Heart of Mary.” “Our parish coordinator helped us select three possible dates in the summer of 2019 to submit to Annette, Immaculée’s event coordinator in New York City,” Brentine continued. “Annette, in
Immaculée Ilibagiza, Rwandan genocide survivor, will lead a retreat at Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish in Topeka on Aug. 23 from 5 to 9 p.m., and on Aug. 24 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This two-day retreat will focus on the power of prayer and the miracles of the rosary, as well as the importance of forgiveness as viewed through her personal experiences. Register at her website at: www. or by sending an email to: annette@ Contact Susan Papps at (785) 608-1139 with questions or assistance in registering for the August retreat. The cost for the two days is $57 for one person or $76 for two.
From left, back row, Lannie Buford, Sharon Hassett, Susan Papps and Ellen Brentine stand around Rwandan genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza, who will be leading a retreat at Most Pure Heart of Mary Church in Topeka Aug. 23-24. turn, gave us Immaculée’s available date . . . and we moved forward with retreat planning from there.” What makes Ilibagiza’s retreats so special? “We are all on our own faith journey, so each time I’ve gone [to one of hers], it’s like she’s speaking to me alone,” said Papps. “She speaks from the heart. It is so powerful when others share their spiritual journeys.” “I was struck by her devotion to the Blessed Virgin, especially her devotion to praying the rosary,” said Buford. “She tells of her experience of being hidden in a 3 feet by 4 feet bathroom with seven other people. She found her safety there through the courage of the man, a minister, who hid them for 91 days, while the men who had killed her family were
Bernice (Haug) and John Nordhus, members of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Seneca, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary with a Mass on Aug. 11 followed by a dinner at their home for their children and spouses. They were married on Aug. 10, 1949, in St. Mary Church, St. Benedict, by Father Cyprian Nordhus, OSB, uncle of the groom. Their children are: Robert Nordhus, Mary Lynn Stephens, Diane Schultejans, Debra Hermesch, Bill Nordhus, Kathleen Nolte, Julie Glissman (deceased), John Nordhus, Tom Nordhus, Jane Nordhus (deceased), Jerry Nordhus and Sharon Shumaker. They also have 39 grandchildren and 46 great-grandchildren. John “Jack” and Donna Patterson, members of Prince of Peace Parish, Olathe, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Aug. 27 with family. The couple was married on Aug. 27, 1959, at St. Patrick Church, Newry, Pennsylvania. Their children are: John, Mike and Jeff. They also have five grandchildren. Janet (Walters) and Jude Gerstner, members of Holy Spirit Parish, Overland Park, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 23. The couple was married on Aug. 23, 1969, at St. Joseph Church, Hays. Their children are: John, St. Louis; and Jeff, Chicago. They also have two grandchildren. They plan to celebrate with family in Nashville, Tennessee.
looking for her. “She found her strength and her hope for the future for those 91 days through prayer.” “I had never heard of Immaculée,” explained Buford. “But when Susan invited me to go with her to St. Louis that first time and told me of Immaculée’s story and Susan’s own experiences at previous retreats, I said, ‘YES!’ “And it was everything she had promised — a transformational two days that have stayed with me ever since.” “When I went to retreats in 2017 and 2018 in St. Louis, I thought she was someone down to earth but in a different place on her spiritual journey,” said Papps. “I could tell she was a very holy woman. “She likes to give retreats; her days
are devoted to this,” Papps continued. “Her one surviving brother was away from Rwanda studying at the time of the genocide. Her story was so heartbreaking, since both tribes got along before the genocide.” All three women agreed that both Ilibagiza’s book, “Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust,” and her retreats also emphasize forgiveness — how she could give unconditional forgiveness to those who destroyed her family. No money was paid to her in reparation for her loss of home and family. Although she now lives in New York City, she has returned to her homeland several times. To help her village in Rwanda, she displays and sells quilts made by women of both tribes — Hutu and Tutsi — who got along so well before the genocide. Like her retreats, it is just another way to help heal the wounds of the tragedy so many endured.
Robert and Diane (Monroe) Eisele, members of Prince of Peace Parish, Olathe, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 30. The couple was married on Aug. 30, 1969, at St. Ann Church, Prairie Village, by Msgr. A.M. Harvey. Their children are: Jerry Sanders and Trisha Weber. They also have five grandchildren.
Toby A. and Mary Ann (Sachse) Brown, members of St. Joseph of the Valley Parish, Leavenworth, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 29. The couple was married on Aug. 29, 1969, at St. John the Evangelist Church, Lawrence. Their children are Peter Brown and Sarah Brown. They also have two granddaughters.
Dave and Barb (Lillig) Aziere, members of St. Ann Parish, Prairie Village, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a family trip. The couple was married on Aug. 9, 1969, at St. Peter Church, Kansas City, Missouri. Their children are Michelle Whitmore and Bryan Aziere (deceased). They also have three grandsons.
Carol (Bloedel) and Bill Hornung, members of Church of the Nativity, Leawood, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 24 with a dinner with their children and grandchildren. The couple was married on Aug. 22, 1969, at St. Mary Church, Derby. Their children are: Bob Hornung, Andy Hornung, Matthew Hornung and Holly Arnold. They also have 17 grandchildren.
Rosie and Pat Crilly, members of St Patrick Parish, Kansas City, Kansas, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with family and friends on Aug. 9. The couple was married on Aug. 9, 1969, at Christ the King Church, Kansas City, Kansas. Their children are: John, Brian and Kevin. They also have three grandchildren. Tom and Teresa Frieze, members of St. Joseph Parish, Shawnee, are celebrating their 50th anniversary this summer. The couple was married on Aug. 8, 1969, at St. Agnes Church, Roeland Park. Their children are: Pam, Kelley, Jayme and Tom. They also have 11 grandchildren. The couple plans to celebrate with a family gathering.
Roberta (Rethman) and Marvin Lierz, members of Sacred Heart Parish, Sabetha, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Aug. 24 with family and friends at their home. The couple was married on Aug. 27, 1959, at St. Mary Church, St. Benedict. Their children are: Laureen Lierz, Duane Lierz, Arlen Lierz, Brenda Hammes and Rhonda Meyer. They also have five grandchildren.