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“We’re proud of our employees,” he continued, “and are especially grateful for the two religious communities that serve here. They bring a special quality to the care here and make the presence of Christ very real and visible to the residents.”

The leadership team at Villa St. Francis is excited to get this process started.

“This critical update will greatly improve our facilities and the care that we provide our residents,” said Jackie Longston, chief operating officer of Villa St. Francis. “Our mission is to provide personalized, resident-centered care. We are one of the only communities in the area that will accept residents regardless

>> See “IMPROVEMENTS” on page 4

All Catholics 14 years of age and older are obliged to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 22, and all the Fridays of Lent. Catholics 18 to 59 years of age are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday — a fast consisting of one normal meal and two lesser meals, with no eating in between. It is also recommended that Catholics find opportunities throughout the Lenten season to complement their fasts with prayer, reception of the of reconciliation and the Eucharist, positive works of charity.

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