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It’s not too early to start fundraising for NCYC in the fall
By Joe Bollig joe.bollig@theleaven.org
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Attention youth group leaders! November really isn’t that far away.
So NOW is the time to start preparing for the National Catholic Youth Conference from Nov. 16-18 in Indianapolis.
There will be lots of interactive events, tons of vendors, hordes of excited young people (mostly ages 15-18) from across the country to meet and greet, and more. And best of all, this year there will be no COVID restrictions!
After all, who wouldn’t want to be in Indianapolis in November?
Just as they have for decades, travel arrangements for parish youth groups going to NCYC will be done by the archdiocesan office of evangelization and Catholic formation for youth.
The conference-goers will leave Kansas City, Kansas, on Nov. 15 and return on Nov. 19. Rick Cheek, archdiocesan youth office consultant, expects the archdiocese will send about 250 youths.
The cost to go is $630, which includes transportation, event tickets and hotel accommodations. Youths will be housed four per room. Participants must pay for their own meals. Each group must have sufficient chaperons who have been Virtus-trained.
Did someone say fundraising? Yes, youth groups must gear up their fundraising.
NCYC is a time of fun and great spiritual experiences, said Cheek. He personally brings lots of trinkets and stuff to trade. Outrageous hats are also a thing at every NCYC. One of Cheek’s triumphs was acquiring a genuine Wisconsin Cheese Head through trade. Wizard of Oz stuff is always in demand.
For information, forms, checklists, registration and more, go online to: archkck.org/youth-ministry/ncyc.
Cheek can be reached at (913) 6470373.