3 minute read
Bocking Golf Clinics
from 2021 Golf Booklet
by The Ledges
Putter Aim Coaching Class Wednesday, March 3, 6-7 p.m. $50 Let’s start preparing for the 2021 season by aiming the putter where we want the ball to start.
Putting Coaching Camp March 6, 13, 20, 27, 4-5 p.m. $250 March 6 Evaluate putter, current mental state of students putting, and video capture of current stroke March 13 Stroke fundamentals and application March 20 Managing speed to eliminate 3 putts March 27 Final video captures with new stroke and strategies
Practice Coaching Class Sunday, March 21 $125
Do you find yourself not getting the most out of your practice sessions? Maybe you don’t have long to practice because of a busy schedule and you’re not getting any better after practicing. We will discuss strategies, prescribe drills, games, and show you how to get the most out of your practice! Let’s have fun and make 2021 your best year of golf. AimPoint Green Reading Sunday, March 28, 2-4 p.m. $175 AimPoint Express is the green reading system that teaches players how to accurately predict break. Don’t let putting be a mystery anymore, stop guessing and learn the simplicity behind AimPoint Express. In this series we will take a deeper dive into an important skill to help master the flat stick.
Capto Putting Class Saturday, April 17, 4-6 p.m. $125 This class is designed to help you understand your putting stroke with precision. Capto Putting is a product developed by Precision Golf that will give you accurate real time data about how you move the putter. At the completion of this class you will get a detailed report of your stroke and a game plan that will give you the best opportunity to making more putts.
Full Swing Coaching Series May 8, 15, 22, 29, 4-5 p.m. $250 This series includes physical screening and ground mechanic analysis before/after the series, as well as all participants will receive an uploaded video wrap up of their swing.
Short Game Coaching Series May 7, 14, 21, 28, 6-7 p.m. $199 In this series you will learn sound fundamentals and techniques to get the ball in the hole from anywhere less than your full swing with your wedges. Focus will be on 1/2 and 3/4 wedge play, bump and run, finesse shot (low, medium, high trajectories), bunker play (different distances) and the hinge and hold shot.
On the Course with Bocking Saturday, June 6, 3-5 p.m. $175 Are you a 20+ handicap? If Yes, then this is the series for you. We are headed out on the course. Learn where you are throwing away costly strokes on the course! Is it on the greens? Maybe it’s around the greens? Poor club selection? Off the tee issues? We’ve got you covered and going to take a deeper dive into issues that you’re struggling with on the course and costing you strokes.
AimPoint Green Reading Saturday, June 19, 4-6 p.m. $175 AimPoint Speed Class Saturday, June 26, 5-6 p.m. $250 This class is designed to help you hit more fairways with the driver to give you the best opportunity to shoot lower scores. Do you struggle slicing the driver? Are you inconsistent with your strikes? Hitting it high on the face? Too much spin on the golf ball? Banana ball? Low off the face? Toe or heel strike? These are the questions that will be answered in this class the will have you driving the golf ball with confidence!
Full Swing Coaching Series September 5, 12, 19, 26, 4-5 p.m. October 7, 14, 21, 28 $250