2011~Wisner~LIONMAN~Grant Proposal (2)

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LIONMAN Foundation Inc. BLUE LION Karate Academy IN SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL and SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Application for Grant Funds from the Edward Wisner Donation Foundation Submitted by LIONMAN Foundation Inc. 7400 New Castle Street New Orleans, La 70126 May 2, 2011

CONTACT: Grand Master Eric O’Neal, Sr. Lionman Foundation, Inc. 7400 New Castle St., New Orleans, LA 70126 504-258-7773 | lionman7777777@gmail.com

Name of Applicant:


Proposal A ttached YES Federal ID # 30-­‐0175831 and phone # of contact person Address (city, state, zip) Name, Title Eric O’Neal, Sr. President/CEO 7400 New Street Grand Master Federal ID C #astle 30-­‐0175831 New Orleans, La 70126 (504) 258-­‐ 7773 or (504) 450-­‐1540 Descriptive title of proposed project: Application for funds to establish the B LUE LION K arate Academy I n School, After School and Summer Enrichment Programs in multiple locations in New Orleans, to serve the physical, emotional, and academic needs of students in the city whose families are lacking the financial resources f or them to attend needed programs. Area(s) affected b y project (e.g., Estimated Funding-­All sources Area(s) affected b y project (e.g., Source Amount Councilmatic d istrict, councilmatic district, Edward W isner T rust $ 150,000 neighborhood, c ensus t racts, e tc.) neighborhood, census tracts, etc.) other g rants $ 40,000 N. O. O Crleans ity Wide, Council District “B”, New East, Council District “C” In-­‐Kind S upport $ 10,000 Council District “C”, Council District Paid Tuition $ 24,750 “D” Council District “E” Total for Enrichment Program $ 224,750 Project Start Date: Type o f Applicant June 1, 2011 N eighborhood Organization Community Based Organization Project end Date: For Profit May 31, 2012 Not for P rofit X To the best of my k nowledge and b elief all data i n this application is true and correct, the governing b ody of the applicant has duly authorized the document and the applicant will comply with the attached assurances if the assistance i s awarded. Name of Authorize Title Phone (504) 258-­‐7773 Representative: Executive Charlesetta Beck Assistant LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

May 2, 2011


SECTION 1: Proposal Narrative Program Background

The LIONMAN Foundation programs, BLUE LION Karate Academy In School, After School and Summer Enrichment Programs are composed of a model curriculum and many elements that support students and f amilies in the following essential areas: 1. Martial Arts: Martial Arts training provide youth with a structural environment in which to develop self-­‐discipline and self-­‐control. Progression through the belt system and team leaders requires learning and executing specific skills that b uild progressively and are independent of age. Higher b elts and becoming a team leader can only be achieved through diligence, focus, and self-­‐discipline all skills that are required for educational and professional success. Benefits: Respect for their ability to achieve progressively harder goals, self-­‐discipline, patience and respect for others with greater skills and experience. 2. Learning Skills: Long term educational (and professional) success comes from learning “how to learn,” techniques that are different for each student. The program will provide tutoring assistance in particular subjects, but the focus will be more on identifying learning patterns and teaching skills and techniques that will support those patterns over the long term. The self-­‐ discipline skills being learned in the Martial Arts programming will be tied with the learning skills, with staff using similar language and support patterns. 3. Family Support: Parents and other family members will be provided with regular verbal and written communications that will include ideas for reinforcing the program messages in the home. At the end of each school semester session, the program hosts a family celebration program that will include belt testing dance, music and team performances. 4. Community/Cultural Mentoring: The program will involve volunteer “elders” from the community to mentor the students in areas of respect, goal setting, multiculturalism and professional success. This programming will also include opportunities for the students to participate in business and cultural experiences (for example, ethnic dancing, writing, singing, entrepreneurship, etc.) 5. Focused Assistance: The program will provide small group and one-­‐on-­‐one sessions to teach goal setting and conflict avoidance behaviors. Each student will regularly set progressive goals, which will be monitored by instructors, in education, Martial Arts and other areas. Conflict avoidance programming could include modeling responses to bullying or pressure on negative behaviors. Students participating in BLUE LION Karate Academy In School, After School and Summer Enrichment Programs will exhibit increased ability to achieve progressively harder goals, and improved self-­‐discipline, patience and respect for others. They will have developed improved personalized study techniques, and learned how to approach classroom assignments with those individual techniques. This will allow students to i mprove their performance within the classroom and on standardized tests. The youth will also have an increased respect for and experience of cultures, and increased connection with their parent/caregivers. They will have grown to a greater understanding of the importance of education and setting realistic goals. The youth will have increased their ability to manage and avoid conflicts, and improve behavior stressful and confrontational situations. These results are measurable through pre and post program evaluations, and review of report cards and behavior reports.

SECTION 2: Organizational Profile The LIONMAN Foundation (LMF) was establish as a non-­‐profit organization in 2000 to build on Grand Master Eric “LIONMAN” O’Neal Sr.’s long term commitment to supporting the youth i n the New Orleans community. All programs are based on the mental and physical skills acquired through martial arts, combined with mentoring and promoting higher academic achievement. The goal of the LIONMAN Foundation and i ts BLUE LION Karate Academy In S chool, After S chool and Summer E nrichment Programs (BLKAEP) are to foster the future success of young people by helping them to acquire the self-­‐discipline and attitudes that support academic achievement in school as well as i n life. The E nrichment Programs seek to meet three needs of low-­‐income students. First, low-­‐income students have a great need for productive, supervised activities during the school year, and their families are typically unable to pay for such programs. In addition, these students are already at a high risk for academic failure because of lost of significant skills over the summer break. Finally, these youth also struggle with low personal growth skills. They typically have low self-­‐esteem, low self-­‐control, limited abilities to set and reach goals, and limited views of their future opportunities. Formal research has shown that Martial Arts is an excellent way for youth to gain focus, concentration, strategy and self-­‐esteem skills that b enefit them in their academic activities and all aspects of their life. (See Attachment A for a summary of this research.) To achieve this goal, the program aims that participants will (1) demonstrate fewer b ehavioral problems and (2) exhibit improved academic achievement in school over the program period. The LMF has b een providing a positive refuge and learning experience for thousands of youth i n New Orleans for over 25 years. LMF continues to serve over 700 youth at its in school, after-­‐school and summer programs at several public and parochial schools as well as at NORD community centers throughout the city of New Orleans. 90% of LMF students earn “A’s” and “B’s”, i n their academic work. At the present time the LMF and Grand Master Eric O’Neal Sr. has partnered with Disney’s Martial Arts Festival in search of LIONMAN ~ 7 Y oung American Heroes. The LMF and BLUE LION Karate Academy School and Summer Enrichment Programs will host many events partnered with Disney's Martial Arts Festival to provide an opportunity for students to show case their talent and skills as well as all the information they are learning throughout each semester. Disney will be presenting to all students, attending scheduled events, hats with the Mickey Mouse Ears and authentic certificates signed by b oth Mickey Mouse and Grand Master Eric O'Neal Sr. Partnering with the Disney Martial Arts Festival, T he LMF and Grand Master O’Neal will kick off the amazing and exciting LIONMAN, “Knowledge i s Power” 20–City Tour this summer i n Anaheim, California. http://www.thelegendoflionman.com/ http://lionmanfoundation.com/ http://www.facebook.com/LIONMAN7777777 http://twitter.com/#!/LIONMAN7777777

SECTION 3: List of Board Members/Key Officers The Board of Directors for the LIONMAN Foundation is comprised of the following individuals:

Grand Master Eric O’Neal, Sr., President of the LIONMAN Foundation/New Orleans, La. Mr. Jose Conseco, Attorney and Entrepreneur/New Orleans, La. Ms. Karen Dunn, Marketing Professional /New Orleans, La. Mr. D’Juan Hernandez, Attorney and Entrepreneur/New Orleans, La. Ms. Lynn Lee, Entergy New Orleans/New Orleans, La.

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SECTION 4: Key Contact Information for the Organization 1.) Chief Executive Officer: Grand Master Eric O’Neal Sr. President/CEO 7400 New Castle Street New Orleans, LA 70126 Home Office 504-­‐258-­‐7773 lionman7777777@yahoo.com 2.) Proposal Activities: Erika M. Gibson – Asst. Director N ew Orleans, La.70126 Office 504-­‐450-­‐1540 Lionman7777777@me.com 3.) Administer Grant Fund Charlesetta Beck -­‐ Executive Assistant N ew Orleans, La.70126 Office 504-­‐450-­‐1540 Lionman7777777@gmail.com 1.) Liaison/Financial Report: Grand Master Eric O’Neal Sr. President/CEO 7400 New Castle Street N ew Orleans, LA 70126 Home Office 504-­‐258-­‐7773 lionman7777777@yahoo.com

SECTION 5: Leadership Grand Master Eric O'Neal Sr. is a 7 X U.S.K.A. World Champion and has been inducted to the International Hall of Fame with The legendary Bruce Lee and Chuck N orris as well as he represented the United States at the 1998 Goodwill Games, winning two gold and one silver metals i n those games. Grand Master O'Neal has also trained over 30,000 youth around the world through his Karate school, BLUE LION Karate Academy as well as his successful youth programs in schools throughout New Orleans. He has produced over 100 outstanding Black Belts and 90% of all students participating i n the current programs are earning A's and B's i n their academic work. Grand Master O'Neal Sr. programs are unique because he combines training i n the Martial Arts with a focus on self-­‐esteem, the value of education, multi-­‐cultural, and r espect for all individuals. To support these principles he developed LIONMAN and the Seven KURODOS, a multi-­‐cultural group of superheroes. (see attachment) Students in the programs are exposed to a comprehensive program that supports the whole individual, and stresses the long-­‐term value of education and the skills learned in the Martial Arts classes. BLUE L ION Karate Academy In S chool, After School a nd Summer E nrichment Programs will b e under the direction of Grand Master Eric O’Neal, Sr. He will be assisted by a number of staff members whom also have experience training students, in Martial Arts, education, counseling and mentoring. Staff and Volunteers will be drawn from the local universities and other established programs. All staff and volunteers will be subject to appropriate screening. Grand Master Eric O’Neal will be the Program Director and will have overall r esponsibility for the program. Mrs. Charlesetta Beck, Executive Asst. of LMF and BLKAEP, will serve as Program Administrator, coordinating r egistration, accounting, results tracking, and other administrative functions.

SECTION 6: Other Sources of Project or General Support Funding The Foundation will be submitting f unding requests to Entergy Corporation, the Allstate Foundation, United Way, the Wal-­‐Mart Foundation, Target, Coca-­‐Cola, and Rose Mary Foundation technical companies and other funding sources. In the past, LMF has obtained in-­‐kind support from various organizations for material r eproduction, entrance fees, food for events, office and tutoring room furnishings, etc. At this time, we are currently pending obtaining these commitments for the 2011/2012 In School, After School and Summer Enrichment Programs.

Attachments: 1. Resumes of Key Program Staff A summary r esume for Grand Master Eric O’Neal, Sr. is provided i n Attachment 2. Statement regarding 501(c)(3) status The LIONMAN Foundation received its recognition as a 501(c)(3) organization on January 9, 2004, under an advanced ruling period that began April 24, 2003. The notification letter is provided in Attachment D. 3. Annual Report The LIONMAN Foundation was formed i n 2004 and will submit an Annual Report. 4. Agency Affiliation The LIONMAN Foundation is not associated with any federated funds or public agency.

LIONMAN FOUNDATION BLUE LION KARATE ACADEMY IN SCHOOL, AFTER SCHOOL AND SUMMER PROGRAMS JUNE 2011 TO MAY 2012 Number of Students 400 Weeks of Program 39 Target Staff Level 7 REVENUES School Fees Target Total $ 13,000 Blue Lion Karate Academy Total $ 37,000 Edward Wisner Trust Total $ 50,000 In-­‐Kind Contributions/Small Total $ 15,000 Grants Total $ 15,000 Individual Donations Total $ 10,000 Rosemary Foundation $140,000 TOTAL REVENUES student Funding Gap < $19,510 > Student Student EXPENSES $159,510 Student Staffing Rate Weeks Eric O’Neal, Sr., Program Director 1 $ 500wk 39 $19,500 Staff (Xavier -­‐ Intern) 1 $ 200wk 39 $ 7,800 Staff (Dillard -­‐ Intern) 1 $ 200wk 39 $ 7,800 Staff (SUNO -­‐ Intern) 1 $ 200wk 39 $ 7,800 Staff (UNO -­‐ Intern) 1 $ 200wk 39 $ 7,800 Karate Instructors 1 $ 200wk 39 $ 7,800 Program Manager 1 $ 400wk 39 $15,600 Taxable Payroll $74,100 Payroll Taxes/Workers Comp 10% $ 7,410 Total Staffing $ 81,510

Program Materials Drill Team Karate Uniforms (400) $ 50.00 student $20,000 Curriculum materials & Consumables $7,000 T-­‐shirts (400) $10.00 student $4,000 Lunches $ 5.00 stud/week $2,000 Bus Service/Transportation (4Trips) $ 7.00 stud/week $11,200 Drill Team Drum/Dance Program $ 3.00 student $1,200 Field trips/outside programs $ 10.00 stud/week $1,600 Promotion (signs, posters, flyers) $7,000 Insurance (Program Liability) $1,500 Total Program Materials $ 69,900 Administration Rent (Partial) $ 700 9month/space $6,300 Utilities (Partial) $ 300 9 month/space $2,700 Office Expenses $ 200 9month/space $1,800 (Phone, copying, supplies) Total Program Setup and Evaluation $8,100 TOTAL PROGRAM COST $159,510 Cost per student per week at full capacity $10.23 Administration as % of total 10.9%

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.


www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.


www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.


www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.


www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com


The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com


Blue Lion Karate Academy LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

ONE Enterprises, LLC. Toys, Toys & Mo’ Toys

“The Legend Of “LIONMAN” and “The Seven Kurodos” Grand Master Eric O’Neal has been a presence in martial arts for over 40 years, and has been working with the youth of New Orleans for over 25 years. Grand Master O’Neal was raised in the Desire housing project and introduced to marital arts at a young age. He grew up admiring Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris for their outstanding contributions to the world, and aspired to duplicate their efforts. At the age of eleven he won his first karate tournament in Lake Charles, LA. He went on to win the All South National Karate Championship three years straight. He then traveled across the country competing and winning a number of titles. At the age of seventeen, he graduated from G.W. Carver Sr. High School and took a break from Karate competition to focus on his education. He when to the University of New Orleans and studied marketing at Dillard University. Grand Master O’Neal he worked in corporate America for over ten years. He served as audit supervisor for several local hotels, including coordinating the startup of the Le Meridian hotel. He was hired by IT&T Corporation and advance to become the number five marketing person in their world-wide organization. He worked locally as a District Manager for Minolta Corporation, and holds a Real Estate License and Insurance License. In October, 1986, Grand Master O’Neal left the corporate world to return to martial arts and a focus on youth. He opened up BLUE LION KARATE ACADEMY in a garage, moving quickly to a storefront studio in Gentilly Woods Shopping Center. In the past 25 years, BLUE LION has grown into the largest and most successful martial arts organization in the southeast. Through the Academy, Grand Master O’Neal has trained over 30,000 youth in the martial arts. Most of his students have graduated from high school

and gone on to college, and are now successful in a wide range of professions. He has trained many of the city’s police and business leaders, including Chief Eddie Compass. Also in 1986, Grand Master O’Neal returned to competition, and captured over 100 consecutive championships including the 1990 United States Karate Alliance (USKA) World Karate Championships Grand Champion Title. He went on to win Seven World Titles in his weight division. The USKA World Karate Championships is the same tournament that Chuck Norris won and that launched his career with the great Bruce Lee. Grand Master O’Neal was inducted into the International Karate Hall of Fame in 1988 along with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee. In 1998, he was appointed to Team USA for the Goodwill Games and competed in Cancun, Mexico representing his country. He returned with two Gold Metals and one Silver Metal and was named Competitor of the Year by the President of the organization, Dr. Mayle. For the past 25 years Grand Master has worked with the youth of New Orleans, building self-esteem and self-control through martial arts training. He has established satellite after-school programs in many public and parochial schools, bringing the joy and discipline of martial arts training to youth throughout the city. From the beginning of the Blue Lion Academy, Grand Master O’Neal has combine training in the marital arts with a focus on self-esteem, the value of education, multicultural, and respect for all individuals. To support these values, Grand Master O’Neal developed the LIONMAN™ Super Hero concept. Students coming into the Academy and its satellite programs are exposed to a comprehensive program that supports the whole individual, and stresses the long term value of education and the skills learned in the martial arts classes. Seventy percent of the students in the programs have straight “A”s in school, and all show increased academic performance and improved behavior both in and out of school. Grand Master O’Neal is constantly exploring ways to bring his programs to youth who would otherwise not be able to afford the training. In 2003 he founded The LIONMAN Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing discipline, respect and better future to youth throughout the city. Through the Foundation, Master O’Neal is working at Fannie C. Williams Middle School to establish a 6th Grade Academy and with the ADEPT elementary after school program. Bringing the discipline of martial arts training into the schools provides students with increased interpersonal skills and self-esteem, leading to better performance both academically and socially at school. In his personal and professional life, Grand Master O’Neal has overcome many obstacles because he understands the minds of young and old alike. He devotes many hours to speaking at schools in and around the country. He teaches that martial arts are 10% physical and 90% mental. Grand Master O’Neal dedicates his life to teaching that physiology to today’s youth to help them overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds facing them.

Grand Master Eric O’Neal was one of the first members of the 100 Black Men Organization, and is a member of Kuro Bushi Kai Karate Do Kempo, the All American Martial Arts Brotherhood Association, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternal, Inc., the NAACP, the United States Karate Alliance and countless other organizations. He is a recipient of the “Kool Achiever”, a national award that recognizes outstanding civic leadership, and has been awarded the Trail Brazier Award a number of times. True to his word to give back to the community, Grand Master Eric O’Neal is frequently called upon to speak and hold programs for different organizations worldwide. He has spoken at over 700 hundred schools in the past 25 years. He has taught at Xavier University, Dillard University, Delgado College, Tulane University, Loyola University and just about all public, parochial, nursery schools and summer camps in the New Orleans area. Master O’Neal is committed to teaching our youth to be strong, confident and successful warriors for the next generation to come.

The LIONMAN Foundation, Inc.

www.lionmanfoundation.com | www.thelegendoflionman.com

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