5 time tested ways to get rid of a hickey at home

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• I don’t want to be the bearer of this really bad news, but there is no magic or fastest ways to get rid of a hickey. In fact, there is no better way to get rid of one other than by being patient. • Just like you can’t make a bruise go away quickly, you can’t make one on your neck disappear. Because your love bite will run its full course. • But, don’t go all whacko thinking it’s the end of the world. There are of course many ways to remove hickeys. However, it’ll take time and patience.

5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of a Hickey, If You Can’t Wait For It to Go On Its Own Toothbrush  Take a stiff-bristled or an electronic toothbrush.  Gently brush on the affected area for 5-7 minutes.

 Then, apply a cold compress for 7-10 minutes.  Repeat the process every 10-12 hours to get rid of hickeys.

Banana Peels Place a banana peel on your love bite. Use a band-aid or tape to hold the peel in place. Leave it for around 30 minutes.

Aloe Vera • Collect the aloe extract from the plant by peeling off its skin. • Gently massage it on the affected area to remove hickeys.

Hot compress Dip a soft and clean towel in hot water. Rinse out the excess water from the towel. Apply it on the affected area for 5-7 minutes.

Lipstick or Chap Stick Cap  Find any small cylindrical object.

 Place it on the top of your love bite.  Then, press it down into your skin and twist the cap around your skin.  Hold in this position for 10-20 seconds and release slowly.

 Repeat it several times to see the results. To Read More Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Hickeys, Click Here.

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