6 minute read

Stop Waiting and Just Manifest It!

Have you ever heard how important paying attention to your thoughts is? Thoughts are a form of energy that becomes things. It’s true! It has been scientifically proven. Everything around us is a form of energy that vibrates at different frequencies, just like thoughts do.

And even going a step deeper, quantum mechanics states that ALL matter and energy are related on the atomic and subatomic levels. This is some powerful stuff here! What does this all mean? Energy cannot be created or destroyed; there is no beginning or end, and since energy is universal, it can also be manipulated. I would like to show you how utilizing energy can help manifest what you desire. Since children, in a way, we all have been programmed through repetition. For example, we have been programmed to put our coats on when it’s chilly outside because we were taught we would catch a cold. I would like to believe we have all taken health classes, and some of us are in the health field, yet colds are not transmitted by not wearing a coat. But we maintain that we must wear a coat or end up sick. Isn’t this the same thing we instill in our children and Grandchildren? Do you remember when you ran out of the house, did not have a coat, and got sick? You then may have angered yourself because you did not wear a coat. Regardless of what science may say, most of us maintain the same sentiment because of how we were raised, right?


If We Could Only Change Our Reality

In some professions, you may still have to phone in, using your scratchy, sick voice (that you practiced a few times) just to tell them you are using your sick leave for the day. The kids are off to school, your spouse is at work, and you are excited to spend the day alone at home. Did you suddenly start to feel feverish, your throat becoming scratchy, or maybe a cough? You are starting to feel sick! What happened here? You faked it like you were sick (no judgment here), and now your body is starting to feel sick. What caused all that? YOU! You have not realized just yet how powerful of a being you are. Your body and mind could not tell the difference, and because you programmed it to act sick, you started to feel sick. You manifested a sickness within yourself unbeknownst to you, all through thought, action, and practice. You, your entire spirit, is an energy magnet. You can give energy, you can take energy, you can manifest energy; it’s up to you because of the energetic power within yourself. Now, let’s learn to control it.

If You Change Your Thoughts, It Will Change Your Life

There are many ways to harness the energy to manifest what you want. In today’s age, vision boards are a very popular way to manifest a person’s desires, like a new vacation destination, stepping into a new tax bracket, and finding new love, just to name a few. Vision boards are created by cutting out magazine clippings to show a different lifestyle trajectory you want for yourself, which also may include positive affirmations. You place the poster board somewhere where you can see it daily to remind yourself this is what you desire and the new direction you want to take. I have nothing against vision boards; however, I want to introduce a very unpopular way to manifest everything you desire, plus more. It will, however, take practice, dedication, determination, and action: it is called visualization.

t’s Practice Time!

When you read this next paragraph, you may need to reread it several times or record yourself reading it. I am about to give you some sauce, and it’s pretty good too! You will practice utilizing all your senses to see, smell, taste, feel, and hear it, using your mind’s eye. All are very important pieces in this visualization process. Place yourself in a comfortable position. Close your eyes. And in your mind’s eye, I would like you to hold an apple in your outstretched hand. Physically, there is no need to raise your arm; however, energetically, see yourself doing so. In your mind’s eye, how big is the apple? Is it green or red? Does it have hints of orange? In your mind’s eye, does the apple have freckles? Is there a stem attached? Is the apple in your left hand or right hand? Now, I would like you to take a bite of the apple; what does that apple taste like? Is it sweet, bitter, or sour? Where are you while you are holding your apple? Are you in your kitchen? Are you standing up or sitting down? Is natural light coming through the window, or are you beneath the kitchen light? What does the temperature feel like around you? Are you hot or cold? Do you feel a little breeze?

Now, while the attention is slowly transferred from the apple to your surroundings when you visualize anything, you want to be as descriptive as possible. Before moving on to the next steps within the Apple exercise, please ensure you can easily transverse from one step to the next.

During this exercise, I am certain your body has reacted somewhat in some way to what you’ve just visualized. Your arm may be sore from holding that outstretched apple in your mind’s eye. The fact that you bit into the apple and were able to taste it made it real. Did you find yourself salivating more? Did your stomach start to gurgle? Did you hear the crunch you made when you bit into the apple? Was there some weight to your apple? Or were you frustrated because you could not visualize it? And if that is the case, that is okay too! You choose an exercise you want to practice visualizing. Once you’ve mastered it, pick something else, new items, a new location, and new feelings this time. This is all mental magic, using the power of your thoughts manipulating energy, to manifest your desires. What did I desire by using this apple exercise? I wanted to make this experience real for you, to show you just how easy visualization can be, and to list some steps you can use along your path. Once you can visualize, you can then begin to manifest. Because thoughts become things, you can change your reality and begin to attract the very thing you visualize. You want that new car, what color will it be? Any modifications to the outside of the car? Once you open the car door, what does it smell like? What type of interior do you want? You can make it affordable! Will your new car take regular gas or supreme? It’s just this simple. Yes, it takes time, practice, and dedication, but it works! You have the power within yourself to make the change that you desire in your life. See it. Believe it. Feel it. Manifest it. Substitute the apple exercise to work with anything that you desire.

Also, oftentimes, unbeknownst to us, we also tend to manifest negative things in our lives due to negative self-talk and negative beliefs we have about ourselves. Sometimes, people’s negative perceptions may affect us, and we internalize them. We must resist the urge to speak negatively about ourselves and find positive ways to increase our frequency. Utilizing positive affirmations in our lives can help us, for example:

• I allow all my desires to become a reality for me

• I am worthy of love

• I radiate love and happiness

Strengthen every single cell in your body.

This was shared with me a long time ago. Have you ever heard this one about a man drowning in the ocean? A person was out rowing a small boat and rushed to a man drowning in the water. He went to throw him a life preserver, and the drowning man said, “No, God’s got me.” The person said, “Are you sure?” He said, “Yes, he’s going to save me.” The person then rowed off. A sailboat came near. The captain saw the man in distress and offered his hand to help the man onto his boat. Again, he declined and said, “No, God’s got me; he’s going to save me!” And the sailor sailed away. It happened yet a third time. The man could barely stay afloat, yet he still declined the help while maintaining that he would be fine because God’s got him and will save him. And, of course, the man eventually drowned. He finally got a chance to meet God. He was upset and said, “I have loved you, I have followed you, I have abided by your rules and been your faithful servant; why did you allow me to die? And God replied, “I sent three boats to help you!” The moral of this story is sometimes help comes in many ways, but with the lack of perspective, we might just miss it.

I would love to hear what you were able to manifest. And if you need more guidance, I am here for you too! Peace,

SiStar Tanisha Kemp

Gethsemane Chapter 34

Holistic Practitioner


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