Like Magazine Issue 002

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Issue 002 [ Winter 2012 ]

[ LURK ] Tetty Simeonova [ ART ] Duke’s Sharp Attack page 1 | Issue 002

Contents [ 6-9 ] Lurk | Tetty Simeonova [ 10-11 ] Featured Band | Wings like Weapons [ 12-15 ] Album Reviews [ 16-21 ] Dance Your Way to Work [ 22-23 ] First World Problems

Behind Some Skewed Mask [ 24-29 ] Featured Artist | Dukes Sharp Attack [ 31-37 ] Featured Designer | Wolle Hammer [ 44-49 ] Oil Spills [ 60-61 ] How to Sand Candles [ 62-65 ]

Dear Like Readers, Thank you to all who our a part of this adventure or those of you who are seeing it for the first time :] Bringing you the best from all walks of life...

Jesse Alford: Photographer/Editor Maryanne Alford: Writer/Editor Victoria Melshaw: Layout/Editor

We hope you Like what you see and desire more. Satisfy these desires at until the release of Issue 003. Cheers, The Like Team

Favorite shoot (to date)? Hmm... I do love all of them at the end of the shooting... and then 2 days after I don’t like them anymore :] guess I will never have a really all time favorite one, as I am always to critical of myself. Inspiration? Everything can get me inspired... Something I see. A song I hear over the radio. Even a color or a word. I am always open to the world. Favorite part about photography? I love everything about the work. From the planning , casting the models, ‘till the retouching part in the end. Getting inspired and then seeing how your ideas come to fruition is always an amazing experience. Least favorite part about photography? What I don’t like is sorting... There are always so many pictures that I love at the end of the day, but you have to choose just a couple of them. [ [ [ [ [ [

Name ] Tetty Simeonova Age ] 26 Current Location ] Ulm, Germany Hometown ] Sofia, Bulgaria Occupation ] Fashion/Beauty Photographer Hobby ] Photography, I guess I just love what I do : ]

How long have you been a photographer? I started several years ago, first as a hobby, but then after some time it turn out to be my greatest passion. What interested you in photography? Being really creative and working with other creative people is what got me. You are able to create your own world, shape your own point of view and just have fun. You can capture moments or dreams and share them with others.

Dream Shoot? Underwater photography. That is something I will love to try one day! Favorite Photographer? I can’t say I have one. There are too many good ones... popular or not so popular... Good photography is always an inspiration. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In Vogue *laugh*...I just hope I can still be doing what I love and more and more people will actually see my works and like them. :]

L urk page 7 | Issue 002 page 8 | Issue 002 page 9 | Issue 002

As Khalil Gibran says, “When love beckons to you follow him, Thoughhis ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you...when hespeaks to you believe in him.” “We want our music to speak to our audience in a way that not onlyexpresses the joys in life, but also the pains of getting there. Loveis a double-edged sword, and that’s what our songs are about. Whenyou’re a modern-day Icarus, you prepare for the fall. You’ve gottacome with guns fully loaded.” Wings like Weapons strive to bridge the gap, creating music for music’s sake. A sound inspired by “fast cars and loud guitars”. Wings like Weapons’ “post apocalyptic” feel creates a genre all it’s own. page 10 | Issue 002

Wings Like Weapons

[ photos ] Erik Ng

Album Reviews Written by, Philly the Drunk

Aficionado “Aficionado” No Sleep Records

Aficionado really blindsided me, here. I first heard them when “Confidence Is Intimidating” popped up on the good old college radio. It was new and refreshing to me; an ‘aficionado,’ if you will, of mid-to-late-90’s Warped Tour punk and ska. Definitely out of my comfort zone. This self-titled album is the epitome of something for everyone. Every main, cool sub-genre of rock-n-roll is utilized and you won’t feel guilty for enjoying ANY of it. It’s emo without being lame. It’s indie, but you won’t feel like a hipster. It’s punk in attitude and energy without alienating yourself. Keyboard, piano and organ partner up with the occasional flute part and/or metal inspired “riffage” to bring everything together. Setting you up just to get knocked down by the vocals. Oh, I love me some good singing. Passionate, sincere male lead vocals complimented by female without anyone screaming, growling or trying to be raspy. “The Things You Like” starts things off. A seamless transition into “Stir Like Hell” and in the blink of an eye you’re on track 5, tempo changes and things go from quiet to loud, but it never gets boring. “Permanent,” track 8, is the kind of slow song. Acoustic guitars, piano and an upright bass played like a cello. My eyes well up, though I am not sad. Next thing I know, I’m singing along with the chanting chorus. Just good shit. All in all: If you don’t love this album, you need to go back to your home planet. Do I LIKE this?: Understatement of the century. Stars or whatever out of 5?: Lucky number 7! I haven’t been this excited about a band new to me in a long-ass while. page 12 | Issue 002

The Wonder Years “Suburbia I’ve Given You All and Now I’m Nothing” Hopeless/No Sleep Records

This is some good ass pop-punk. Bass lines that thud ever so flowingly: check. Heavy sounding, bouncy beats that make you wanna dance: damn right. What’s that?! You want some angst-filled vocals you can’t help but sing along with? It’s all right here. A nice medium sized package tied up by the bow that is a triple team guitar attack. Three axes that hit you with everything from metal influenced, melodic hardcore riffs to single note picked chords...there’s even an acoustic song thrown into the mix. The album flows from intense to calm, raucous to quiet throughout but nothing gets stale. You get sucked in. There aren’t really any unexpected turns and twists, but you can’t wait to hear what’s coming next. Not to say simply that ‘the Wonder Years sound like..... (fill in the blank),’ but I can hear elements of other bands in their songs and they put them all together AWESOMELY! If you’re a fan of: Blink-182, New Found Glory, Bigwig, Saves the Day, and Rise Against just to name a few, then the Wonder Years are your new favorite band brah! Do I like it?: Damn tootin.’ How many out of 5?: A solid 4. Recomended tracks: “Came Out Swinging,” “My Life as a Pigeon,” “Don’t Let Me Cave In” page 13 | Issue 002

Frank Turner

“England Keep My Bones” Epitaph/Xtra Mile I was expecting another Flogging Molly or Pougues sound alike when I picked up Frank Turner. Obviously, not knowing anything of his previous work (this is his fourth solo album), I was pleasantly surprised. Oh, how ignorant I be. No fake Irish accents or anything. He’s not even Irish. He’s English. This is just a great folk based rock and roll record.The songs aren’t just good, they make one feel like even though the chips are down, you can still come out a winner. When I hear Frank sing on the opening track: ‘Well I haven’t always been a perfect person/ And I haven’t done what mum and dad had dreamed/But on the day I die I’ll say/At least I fucking tried/That’s the only eulogy I need,’DAMN. I want to go out and DO something rather than just hide in a bottle of booze and hope the world goes away. ‘Hear Ye! Hear Ye!,’ he exclaims on “I Still Believe.” ‘Now who would’ve thought that after all/something as simple as rock ‘n’ roll would save us all.’ It is great to know that some good music can bring us all together. Just set aside our differences and let the tunes fill you with joy. And it’s not like the whole album is sappy and acoustic. Turner strums his guitar throughout while banjo, piano, harmonica and distorted guitar are meticulously used. “One Foot Before the Other” is the hard rocker of the record. Not fast, but one can imagine a sea of people bouncing up and down to the heavy rhythm while chanting the chorus ‘I REMAIN! I am remembered.’ Peppered with tunes that are so catchy and upbeat they could easily be thrown in between Third Eye Blind and Jack Johnson on Top 40 radio, “England Keep My Bones” reminds one to be thankful for what they have and to be your own savior. When shit hits the fan, don’t dwell on it. Right your wrongs, learn from your mistakes. We are the holders of our own destiny. Like it?: Love it. Out of 5: 5. Recommeded tracks: “Glory Hallelujah,” “Wessex Boy,” “I Still Believe” page 14 | Issue 002


“Radioactive” Shady, DGC, Interscope Something that I’ve noticed with mainstream rap in the past year or so is that it usually goes one of two ways. Either loud, frantic club music that makes you wanna pump your fist at about 200 beats per minute. Or slow and sensitive jams that paint a picture of the broken hearted thug. Yelawolf, opted for the latter. “Radioactive” is bursting with slow-jams about a horny emcee, from the gutter, who will occasionally reminisce about the past. Featuring a cavalcade of guest appearances, nonetheless. The record picks it up a little with “Let’s Roll.” Kid Rock sings the chorus. They didn’t need him on here, but why not name drop when you can? They add some piano and bell chimes. I can imagine this song being on the radio, entering the top 40. This HAS to be the single, right? “Good Girl” is the love song ‘cause ‘bitches like love songs.’ This is actually the point of the album where the the songs get kinda groove-alicious. Slow-jam style. Good stuff. Things really flow smoother from here on out. “Made in the U.S.A.” has Priscilla Renae singing on it. Good track. “Animal” has Fefe Dobson on the hook. Wolf rapping fast like Eminem. “The Hardest Love Song in the World” is cool. Bass, drums, AND guitar getting things nice and sexy with smooth vocals on the chorus. I can see this being a single. “Write Your Name” keeps things soulful with some piano and a chorus elegantly sung by Mona Moua. “Everything I Love the Most” is the hard luck tale of lookin’ for love in all the wrong places. Who can’t relate? I know I can. Yelawolf started off rocky for me, as I never heard him before and didn’t know what to expect, but Eminem’s protege put together a decent record. If you’re a fan of Eminem, you’ll like this. page 15 | Issue 002

DANCE YOUR WAY TO WORK Aerialist: Jenny Atomik Photographer: Jesse Alford Photographer Assistant: Victoria Foglia page 16 | Issue 002

Aerial acrobatics is a sub genre of modern dance, stemming from both gymnastics and circus performance. Choreography begins with an apparatus attached to the ceiling, allowing the aerialist to explore space vertically, horizontally, and everywhere in between. The apparatus will have it’s own motions that the aerialist must adapt to and move with, while still making their movements appear free and effortless. This ability to create three-dimensional movement leaves a vast amount of creative freedom for the aerialist. It is a daring feat, as the aerialist is not attached to anything, but relies purely on their own strength while performing risky moves mid air. page 18 | Issue 002 page 19 | Issue 002

Name: Jenn

How long hav I started doing So about 5 ye Have you done any other types of dance? I have done all different types of dance. When I was growing up I started with ballet, but as I grew up I then moved on to other styles of dance such as modern, contemporary, jazz, and hip-hop. Dance is still a huge passion of mine, but aerial truly brought me into my own and took me to a higher level. Do you choreograph all your own stuff? Yes and no? Haha I do work alot on my own acts yes, but also I do get assistance from my coaches, and from my fellow aerial friends. They are the best!

What got you Coming from Cirque du So fortlessly thes :-) I got to a I usually did. touched on th in 06, I tried a

What’s the greatest challenge of aerial acrobatics? Well there come with aerial acrobatics, but I think that’s what makes it feel s Its not easy and requires a lot of your attention, dedication, and ha lenge I think is to stay dedicated, and stay focused. Don’t give up s self up for not getting something right away. If you give things tim cate yourself something, you will get it and it will be much more How often where from

(how many 4-5 days a

hours day/week) week. Hours can

do vary

you from

What would be your advice for someone wanting to become an a start taking classes on conditioning first, so that way your body is st Once you get that, just have fun and try all the different types of fits right for you :-) Stay focused, and work hard, put some of your that you can do anything you put your mind and heart to. And mo page 20 | Issue 002

[ Photo ] Cody Molica

ny Atomik

ve you been an aerialist? g aerial acrobatics in 2006? ears now :-)

into it? a dance background, I always had a huge urge to try aerial. I remember seeing by oleil ‘s Quidam when I was a kid and just being so moved by how gracefully and efse aerialists could move in the air. Well, of course, at least they made it look effortless point in my dancing career where I really needed a change, and a step up from what I was looking for something that was unique in which i could call my own. I had rehe thought of trying aerial acrobatics, so during the Bay Area National Dance Week back a couple classes to find out if it was right for me, and I have been hooked ever since :-)

e is always challenges to overso rewarding once you get it :-) ard work. But the biggest chalso quickly, and not to beat yourme, and stay focused and dedie rewarding when that happens. practice? 4 hours

I to

practice anysometimes 6?

aerialist? My advice to them, is trong enough to hold yourself up. aerial and see what feels like it r fears aside and assure yourself ost importantly, Just Have Fun :-) page 21 | Issue 002

People P-ersons, mega-movie star, is struggling with his current Godlike fame status. Desperate to get back to his normal self he calls on his old friend, Sherman Firecracker, to help him shed his enormous ego. After repeated film and theatrical failures (The Color Purple “On ICE� , The Killing Fields: Cirque du Soleil edition) Sherman Firecracker turns to People Persons for help. They agree to make an indie film together, free of Hollywood influence in the city of San Francisco. But, when the cameras start rolling we see People Persons struggle to separate reality from the film itself. As cast members start to die, and the film crew begins to disappear, Sherman seems to lose control and fears for his life... Or is this just all part of the movie? IS THIS REAL? OR just PART OF THE REEL? page 23 | Issue 002

Behind some skewed mask... model, Marita Gomsrud photographer, Jesse Alford story by, Kalyn Kendig page 24 | Issue 002

Well it’s the middle of the night and the Men are pulling in real tight and She’s spinning round the clocks until the ballrooms stops Takes in a deep breathe and suddenly it’s all over page 25 | Issue 002

No dancin’ dames, no search for the fame Behind some skewed mask While the men glide right on through her, Spinning her round but she’s not really there

Her minds a cloud and these men are hot air Then just like a snap, her feet caught off the map And now her glides stuck, And now her eyes catch… Her mask can’t hide this feeling, her false smile falls and she’s frozen Her mind can’t process this realm Her hearts on the rise in her chest Panic stirring under her dress no words could explain this incident page 26 | Issue 002

The cold water wreaks havoc on her skin so she Grabs those frail arms, stands and stares at this place Frozen only in fear, cuz the sun is right here. But her hearts still pounding in her chest

She thinks “this just cant be real.”

Poor girl walks this lone beach Cliffs are the only faces that see her But she dangles her mask, to let them know What her old friends couldn’t believe in As her walk clocks the time that just wont stop She pretends she’s back home free page 27 | Issue 002

But freedom never rang any bells where she came from Hours locked in a room don’t come close to boredom When she, she wasn’t alone, she was always alone Never found the company that could see her She never spoke louder than a whisper Old friends always spoke over, never questioned or consoled her Ballrooms were never her forte, dancing was more like knife play Her toes find soft ground, her heels now won’t be found page 28 | Issue 002

This beach is loud but free, that word has found her a meaning Free, free like the wind in her hair Free, free like before could never compare And its so beautiful here. Here, where music isn’t forced but naturally plays She lets her feet taste the ocean Drops her shoulders breathes fresh air in Something she had never known before She doesn’t need to sit and wait, Doesn’t need to pretend she can go back to that place, because here The waters not so cold now. The waves don’t crash they just fold now The sun was never as warm now. So she twirls on her own now

The End

Like, a Contest Winner.

Congratulations to Kenzie Sage Kahauni who won Like, a contest! Out of 1340 votes Kenzie came out on top. As the outcome she won an artsy tag team from Jesse Alford and Duke’s Sharp Attack which included a photoshoot, a custom drawing from the shoot, and of course... to be featured in Like Magazine ;]

Stay in touch with us and on the look out for future contests that you can be a part of at page 30 | Issue 002

Kenzie Sage Kahauni page 31 | Issue 002

Duke’s Sharp Attack

Ashley Brooke Mitchell page 32 | Issue 002

Mel Su page 33 | Issue 002

Trashed Potato

Zoe Sevenstone page 34 | Issue 002

Maya Baiene page 35 | Issue 002

Zelena Zec Loriel Andrea page 36 | Issue 002

Jenny Diaman- page 37 | Issue 002

Justin Parker page 38 | Issue 002 page 39 | Issue 002 page 40 | Issue 002

Marcin Owczarek page 41 | Issue 002


arcin Owczarek is fascinated with the influence of new technologies over human life, particulary within urban space. Focusing on the issues of mechanization and standardization, he tackles them in an anti-utopian style, depicting the total capture of the spirit by the machine world. His art has also been influenced by the content of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as well as his studies in cultural anthropology. page 43 | Issue 002 page 44 | Issue 002 page 45 | Issue 002 page 46 | Issue 002 page 47 | Issue 002 page 48 | Issue 002

[ model ] Irene Petrotchenko Wolle Hammer [ fashion ] [ photos/hair/mua ] Tetty Simeonova page 49 | Issue 002 page 50 | Issue 002 page 51 | Issue 002

[ photos ] Jesse Alford Carly Sorenson [ model ] [ model ] Laura Cordova Gypsy Den [ jewelery/wardrobe ] page 52 | Issue 002 page 53 | Issue 002 page 54 | Issue 002

[ photos ] Steven Baker Nicole Castillo [ Model ] [ Modeling Agency ] M Model Management [ Makeup Artist/ Hair Stylist ] Marisa Anhaltzer [ Wardrobe Stylist ] Sarah Frankel page 55 | Issue 002

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[ photos ] Dark unicorn photography Sarah Anstead [ mua ] [ hair ] Sammie Downer Katayna Grimm [ model ] [ model ] Stefanie Uncles TwoTwentyTwo Clothing [ designer ] page 57 | Issue 002 page 58 | Issue 002 page 59 | Issue 002

Facts An oil spill is the unintentional release of oil on either land, or in water. The BP Oil Spill in October 2010 is the largest marine oil spill in the world to date. The spill released an estimated 170 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Oil Spill has cost over 5 billion to clean-up, to date. More than 8,000 birds, sea turtles, and marine mammals were found either dead or injured following the BP Oil Spill. Oil coats birds’ feathers, hindering their buoyancy and their ability to regulate body temperature. Ingesting oil results in ulcers and internal bleeding in marine mammals. Oil kills deep sea corral. More than 150 endangered species of sea turtles were found dead, due to the BP Oil Spill. To find out what you can do to help, go to page 60 | Issue 002

[ photos ] Samantha Scharf Ashly McKessok [ mua ] [ hair ] Makeba Ferguson Danailya Reese [ model ] page 61 | Issue 002

How to Sand Candles

off the beach... Don’t let winter keep you

You Will Need...

Pot Heating e (bbq, cam etc.) Wicks

Wax Coloring (Optional) page 62 | Issue 002


element mpfire,

Wax page 63 | Issue 002

Sand Candle Steps Locate the perfect spot in the sand and dig a hold.

Melt down wax until it reaches liquid form (add color if desired).

Once it has solidified pull your candle from it’s sandy world. page 64 | Issue 002

Hold wick (or wicks) in place as you pour wax into the hole. Hold wicks in place until the wax hardens.

Like, Tips.

Trim the wicks to 1 inch above candle.

Pour two different color waxes at the same time, to create a psychedelic swirly candle.

Light, and enjoy. :]

Stick seashells around the interior of the hole, they will stick to your candle once you pour the wax. page 65 | Issue 002

Sneak Peak at Issue 002 We love to tease you‌ page 66 | Issue 002

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Cause We Have Issues ; ]

This is dedicated to those of you who are searching for something more, looking to be inspired, or just simply want something real to enjoy. We hope in some way we reach you and keep you wanting more... The Like Team

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