3 minute read
Dave’s top tips
Wiring a pull cord switch
A pull cord switch is typically mounted to the ceiling, with the pull cord hanging down, most often used in a bathroom or toilet and generally available in two types and ratings:
A 6 amp version to control lights or 45 amp version used as an isolator for an electric shower After some use and time this type of switch can get a little tired where the switch appears not to function properly as an internal spring can get stuck.
The 6 amp switch is usually part of the lighting circuit and is fused in the main distribution unit. It is very important to isolate the electrical supply before attempting any repair to the switch. Ensure the electricity is isolated from the switch by removing a fuse or trip the breaker (MCB) Make a note of the wiring and how the wires are connected to the switch. With the 6 amp switch for lighting, there are usually just two wires to disconnect. It is possible that these will be the same colour, either red or in newer wiring circuits, you may find brown or black or even blue.
Loosen the Screws Usually a small flat blade screwdriver is necessary to undo the tightening screws and pull the wires free. Then connect new switch doing each wire in turn, tighten the screws and then gently try to pull the wire from each side of the switch, to ensure you have connected it properly. Then making sure you do not kink or trap the wiring, fit the switch to the backing plate and operate the pull cord to check it is functioning properly.
Dave Stevens.
If in doubt call me (see main advert for number) and I will do the investigating for you. Disclaimer. All advice above is given in goodwill with many years experience. We cannot guarantee however that your problems will be rectified so please, if in doubt call us before undertaking any works yourself.

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Hucclecote Townswomens Guild
Entertainingtimes ahead. The newcommittee metin Aprilandplannedevents for thecomingyear, complete with the confirmation offullpackedprogramme of monthlymeetings.
Thisstartedwith great success on the 20th April, with anfascinatedtalk on “Regency Fashion”, with Kate andhermotherAngelaRandal, complete with a demonstration ofthe amazinghandcrafteddresses. Wewere taken back to the romantic JaneAustin periodandwere staggeredby the design andstructure of the dresses andundergarments.The authenticity was revealed,complete with adjustability forlettingout afterthose large Regency dinners (many ofusmaystill appreciate that facilitytoday). The eveningwas concludedwithbeingable to look closely at the garments andchat to AngelaandKate. Welook forwardto the next time they joinuswith anotherwonderfulentertainingillustratedtalk. In additionto ourfriendly enjoyable evening, fournew members were welcomed and joinedthe Guildandwe look forward to seeingthemat ourfuture meetings andevents.
Meetings– Hucclecote Community Centre 7:30pmstart (dooropen 7pm)
Thur15th June- “Mercy Ships” with Rebekah Gayland
Thur20th July -“The History ofThe Everyman Theatre” with Sally-Ann Rhodes Events
Bi-monthly -Luncheon Club- May andJuly June-Garden Party -date andvenue to be confirmed
Forfurtherinformation please phone Linda617701orpopalongto ameeting.
Hucclecote Garden Club
Well, half way through the gardening year and time to make the most of our lovely long evenings in the garden. This is a good time to sow hardy annuals outside in the garden to flower this year as any frosts should be well behind us. Tender vegetables such as tomatoes and runner beans can be planted out now to get good crops. Now is also a good time to cut down the faded foliage of bulbs. Lift and divide overgrown clumps of bulbs too.
The Bring and Buy Plant Sale held at the beginning of May was a great success for both our Gardening Club and Hucclecote Methodist Church. The Plant Sale featuring mainly vegetables, held at the end of the month was a welcome new addition to our Gardening Calendar.
On the 22nd June we welcome Karen Beasley from Bristol to the Club. Karen will be giving us some great ideas for planting up Summer and Winter containers. Do come along. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at Hucclecote Community Centre, doors open at 7.00pm.
For further details please ring either Joy on 553185 or Sue on 543573.
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