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the NFL, at the height of his career, he was still able to spend a lot of time doing what was right.
e formidable defensive lineman raised $37 million to help people in his Houston community recover from the detrimental e ects of Hurricane Harvey. His work in the community set a great example for me and millions of others and has inspired me to start volunteering and helping those in need.
While it is common to strive to follow in the footsteps of our favorite athletes, it's important to be mindful of the fact that our idealizations of these celebrities may be faulty and that there is a human behind the fame. Following both Antonio Brown and JJ Watt as a fan, I idolized their every move.
While Morant, Brown and Watt have dominated with their style of play, the di erence in how they carried themselves impacted me signi cantly. While on the eld, play is how athletes grab the eye of young fans; however, it’s how they act o of it that makes the biggest impact.