The Lion's Tale - Volume 50, Issue 7

Page 1

Where do musicians like Ellie Davila go after high school? Find out inside.

page 14

The wrestling team ends a state winning season by winning Team of the Year and Coach of the Year. Check out all senior awards.

pages 25

LION’S TALE M a y 14, 2 010

Volume 50

Issue 7

Oviedo High School

601 K ing Street

Oviedo, Florida




PLOP-A-PALOOZA. Senior James Telson contributes to

the NJROTC fund for the artificial turf by buying a ticket for Plop-A-Palooza, May 22.

Fundraising begins for artificial turf John Campbell


staff reporter

eams and clubs across the campus scramble to raise money for the new artificial turf field. “We realize the economy is tough right now,” says Principal Robert Lundquist, “but our students and the community has to help.” The total cost of the new field is estimated to be less then $600,000. To help raise the money, clubs and teams that use the field have been asked to raise their part of the cost. Originally, the cost of the field was broken down by the number of participants in each organization. Participants were each expected to raise their share of the cost, or $500. This gave the teams the total amount they were expected to raise. “We aren’t even going to worry about the total costs right now,” said Athletic Director Wes Allen. “We are only worried about raising around half of the amount for the first deadline, May 15.” For the first deadline, each participant is expected to raise $200. The rest of the money will be collected at the end of summer “We are not going to take any money from the athletics program,” said Allen. “We expect the clubs to work hard and raise as much as they can to meet their requirements.” The athletic program has started a fundraiser where sponsors can purchase a see TURF, page 4

Leah Barroso

James Johnson


TURTLE POWER. Seniors Lindsay Cluxton, Aleins DeJesus, and Anamaria Gomez show off their senior spirit

Joey Schmidt

by dressing up like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Superhero Day during Spirit Week (April 26).

see SENIOR, page 4

Adding up to Graduation 4 years of high school

720 days of attendance

5,040 hours learning

1,209,600 seconds of memories

Megan Stanforth

Laws pass tightening racing, abortion, prayer regulations

Jungle Road. “There is a road next to my house called staff reporter Jungle Road. It is the most frequently used ith a bang of the gavel the Florida drag racing road in Geneva. Racers only race Legislature adjourned and at one or two o’clock in the morning when no Governor Charlie Crist was left one is out. Guys that street race are putting trying to decide whether to sign bills dealing their own lives at risk. They don’t race during the day when kids could be running with street racing, school prayer around. Racers have no intention of rights, and abortion restrictions. endangering anyone. Usually, they A bill to make street-racing block off both ends of the road,” penalties harsher successfully said junior Brandon Bates. made its way through the House Even with the precautions street and Senate. These changes follow racers often take, accidents still serious accidents involving street racing. Brandon Bates ‘11 happen. Last month on Beachline Street According to students, racing in Tampa, a driver died engaged in street frequently occurs after car shows. Races in Geneva often take place on racing. According to statistics, the highest

Jordan Branch


the wording of the pending legislation. Students who wish to say prayers during extracurricular activities including sports events, club meetings, and school gatherings will need a majority vote of the students present to do so. Religion plays a key role in many student lives. “I think that it would be good to pass a bill allowing students to pray without interference from teachers. For a lot of students, like myself, religion is a very big part of daily life and being able to pray openly is a big step,” said senior Claudio Celucci. Students hold different beliefs. Currently, School Prayer Rights six major religions and hundreds of A school prayer rights bill will not allow independent religious organizations exist. schools to interfere in the student, teacher, and staff’s First Amendment rights, according to see CHANGES, page 4 street racing deaths occur in the age group of 15 to 29, putting teens and new drivers at a high risk. Movies like Fast and Furious add fuel to the fire. After its original release date, deaths believed to be linked to street racing doubled to 139 in the country. “I believe street racing should be illegal. It is far too dangerous. I would recommend street racers race at Speed World Dragways in Orlando,” said junior Cody Singleton. Speed World Dragways allows racers to race on a track Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. for a fee of $15.


May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


Exam exemptions return


Attendance not to be factor in exemptions for students

Project graduation’s “Last Roar” will be held on June 4 at Wet-N-Wild. Those attending must be at the OHS bus ramp by 10:30 p.m. Everyone attending must ride the bus to Wet-N-Wild. There will be a buffet cookout at night, and a breakfast buffet starting at 5:00 a.m. The cost is $50 for both seniors and guests. Tickets can still be purchased on June 4.

Journalism student wins opportunity to study sports writing at Orlando Sentinel Newspaper Sophomore Taylor Schwarz beat out 30 high school students from various schools to secure a place at the Sentinel’s annual summer Sports Institute. Schwarz will have an opportunity to job shadow a sports reporter and to interview professional sport players. The Sentinel prints articles throughout the summer written by institute participants.

Graduation Information

Graduation begins at 9:30 a.m. on June 4. All seniors must arrive at the UCF arena by 8:00 a.m. School dress code and rules will be enforced.

Students’ prize-winning public service announcement to be shown on all Bright House channels

Juniors Dhruv Patel, Brittany Skeels, and Allison Tate-Cortese created a public service announcement entitled ‘‘The Real Me’’, which won the Leadership Seminole Character Keys video contest last month. The four issues covered by the service announcement were drugs, alcohol, anger management, self image, and depression. “The Real Me” will be aired on all Bright House channels, which includes ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, and MTV. Bright House professionals will work with the juniors to edit their announcement into 60 seconds. It is expected that close to one million people will watch the public service announcement.


staff reporter

n a surprise announcement during the May 5 faculty meeting, Principal Robert Lundquist announced the return of exam exemptions. According to Lundquist, the students will be exempt from exams based on grades, not attendance, as opposed to the exemption policy followed a year ago. This year there were no exam exemptions. The new school policy will allow students to be exempt from semester exams if they average an A or a B. However, students still must take nine-week exams. “We are very excited. Faculty will be able to grant kids exemptions that have an average of an A or a B. It is a great incentive for students to do their homework, participate, and study for tests and quizzes,” said assistant principal Anna McCarthy. Students feel the same. “I think academic exemptions are good, because they promote hard work,” said junior Thomas Range. Last year, exemptions were based on grades and attendance contributing to a daily attendance average that topped all high schools in Seminole County. According to Superintendent Bill Vogel, exemptions were dropped this year due to a possible Swine Flu epidemic. Next year’s exemption policy will be similar to a policy in force several years ago. Students may still take their semester exam if they wish. The policy previously stated that students who attempt to raise their B to an A by taking semester exams can only better their grades. That will remain the same. “I think the option to take semesters is good. If the class is hard and you’re inbetween grades you wil be less worried for the exam, because it can only help you,” said sophomore Alex Perez. Faculty members jumped on board for the surprise. “What we are trying to do is get students

2010 - 2011 School Schedule

Parents plan ‘Last Roar’ to be held at Wet-N-Wild night of graduation

Jordan Branch

December 17, 20-22 1st Semester Exams. No school for exempt students

illustration/MIRANDA HARMON

a little bit more motivated and not be so lackadaisical about their school work and attendance. They will have a reward for their efforts,” said English teacher Don Cadwallader. This year when administration announced there would no longer be exam exemptions, attendance hit an all time low. “Getting picture captions and meeting deadlines were very difficult, because when students were absent we couldn’t get their pictures. There were no longer exam exemption, so nobody felt the need to go to school,” said senior yearbook staff member Katie Morton. Senior Hunter Buck recieved a

December 24 - January 3 Winter Break March 21-25 Spring Break

notification for the amount of absenses he accumulated this year. “I skipped a lot this year, because i didnt have to worry about exam exemptions in, wich i had gotten the year before. junior year i didn’ miss any school. Everybody just kind of gave up on coming to school,” said Buck. An extra week of break is on the line. Next year, if students achieve the reward of academic exemptions, they will receive an extra week of winter break and begin summer a week early. “When I went to school, I think I tried a little harder in my classes to get good grades, because I wanted that extra week off of school,” said McCarthy.

May 26-27, 31 and June 1 2nd Semester Exams. No school for exempt students

SCPS schools to enforce class-size law Carson Bailey


co-editor in chief

eminole County Schools must meet the class-size rules for “core” classes by next Oct. or face a fine, despite a five percent cut in each school’s budget. “OHS is already pretty close to total compliance with the new class size,” said Principal Robert Lundquist. “There just isn’t enough money for teachers is the bottom line.” School officials were hoping that the compliance date would be pushed to Feb., giving voters an opportunity to vote “yes” for a change in the way class averages are figured. But lawmakers said no and the Oct. due date stands. Under the proposed law, the schools could take a school-wide average of classes,

instead of having to meet the requirement in good idea,” said sophomore Cassidy Reeser. each individual class. “Students have the right to go to the school With school budgets already strained, they are zoned for” officials worry that this requirement could be In a story that ran in the May 27 edition costly. of the Orlando Sentinel, other counties The Florida are struggling with Department of compliance. Volusia “OHS is already pretty close to Education expects County estimates it will district to meet need 180 teachers at total compliance with the new the requirement a cost of about $10.5 class size.” in Oct. If they do million. not, legislators have “My hope is that if Principal Robert Lundquist proposed that state the class size amendment money may have to is enforced as is, elective be given back. classes won’t grow to a huge amount of According to Executive Director of students in order to compensate,” said Secondary Education, Walt Griffin, students newspaper adviser Deb Jepson could potentially be turned away from a According to a new Harvard University school if their attendance would push the study, the class size amendment has no clear school to hire another teacher. effect on student achievement. “I don’t think moving students around is a Supporter of this study is former Gov. Jeb

Bush who has campaigned against the class size amendment. The Florida Legislature voted this spring to put in an alternative to the class size called “right size” into the general election in Nov. This change to the class size amendment would allow class sizes to be calculated as a school average instead of a class average.

Class size

•Core classes include English, social sciences, science and math. These classes are restricted to 25 students per classroom. •Non core classes are not restricted in size. •Students could be transferred to other schools if their attendance would require hiring more teachers. •In Nov. voters will determine if the “right size” amendment will be put into effect.

The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010



SSC name change attracts students Nirvani Khan


staff reporter

hen the Board of Trustees at Seminole Community College received approval to change its name to Seminole State College in September 2009, seniors became more motivated to apply. “I was happy with the change because it shows that the college wants to grow and expand. [The name change] did have some effect in my decision to go there,” said senior Tanner Below. Sophomore Neel Patel, who takes a dual enrollment class at SSC, feels that the college has become more attractive to apply to because of the name change. “I think a state college is definitely more attractive, both to prospective students and other colleges or graduate programs. As a state college, SSC will be able to offer its students even more opportunities, and hopefully continue its growth by attracting new students and faculty. It seems like as a state college, SSC would gain greater visibility, and would exhibit much more of a pull on applicants. Because of the opportunities afforded by its new standing, SSC will hopefully attract larger numbers of students and continue developing further,” said Patel. Because Seminole State College now offers its first fouryear degree, a Bachelor of Applied Science in Interior Design, even more students are drawn to apply there and it makes it convenient for prospective interior design students. “You can pursue a four year degree at Seminole State College now, which is good for those interested in going into [interior design]. The change has definitely made the college more popular,” said senior Steven Semanda. However, because of the change to a state college, overcrowding may become a problem eventually, as well as increased competition. “My class is not overcrowded-but rather the opposite.


SCC to SSC. Sophomore Curtis O’Brien looks over an SSC catalog published prior to SSC’s name change.

There are around 18 students in my class, and there is a high degree of student/teacher interaction. While this may not be the case for all classes, I feel like my professor at SSC spends just as much, if not more, time preparing for our class and helping her students outside of class time as our teachers at OHS,” said Patel. “Overcrowding could cost the loss of these benefits by reducing direct interactions between students and teachers. With too many students, a teacher may not be able to address individual concerns, leading to a decrease in performance.” Guidance counselors have seen the numerous opportunities that SSC’s change to a state college may bring for students. “Right now, SSC only offers one four-year degree, which is in interior design. More four-year degrees are going to be

added. [Now], SSC has some good two year degrees that will enable students to get into their career earlier. Also, they have a good honors program. [SSC] is less expensive and it’s convenient. I think there are a lot of good reasons to go there,” said guidance counselor Marcia Lightsey. In addition, SSC gives its students chances to begin on their career path. “[The advantage of attending SSC is] the ability to pick classes that I will actually need for my degree, nursing. I’m working towards my future career and getting to pick the time I want to take my classes,” said senior Courtney Jacobs. Patel agrees. “Personally, I like the diversity of the classes offered at SSC – rather than taking a general science course, you can choose an interesting path from one of SSC’s more specific options. SSC allows you to explore future career paths, ranging from science research to oceanography, all while tasting the true college environment,” said Patel. SSC offers its students easy accessibility and comfort. “I felt that I wasn’t ready to take on a major university like UCF and I felt that it was the next perfect step for me. The people that I have met there are very nice and I know a lot of people going there. The campus is just down the road from my house,” said Below. SSC gives its students many encouraging incentives at a low cost. Per year, a student pays about $3,543, compared to an average of about $14,500 at other four-year universities in Florida, such as UCF, FSU, and UF. “One of the reasons why I chose SSC was because of the fact that class sizes are way smaller, compared to a regular university. I’m paying about 75% less from what I would be paying at a normal university. I’m saving money by going here. I can use that saved money for books and housing. Yet, I still get to experience the college life,” said Semanda.

Future unclear for Bright Future Scholarship Victoria Persampiere


of Florida, 93% of freshmen accept money

news editor from the program, and the vast majority of

or the past decade, Florida parents have them maintain a high enough GPA to keep slept easy knowing that their child raking it in for their entire stay at UF – 76% would be able to attend a state college of all undergraduates at UF pull funds from or university on the government’s dime. This Bright Futures. past month, that comfort has been deeply The state simply does not have the shaken, and students are left wondering what money to fund that many students’ college the future might hold for them. costs; however, it is reluctant to rescind its The Bright Futures Scholarship Program offer of a free education. So the Senate and was developed 13 years ago as an effort to the House have come to a compromise – if keep high-achieving students in the STEM students want to have Bright Futures in their programs (science, technology, engineering future, they’re going to need to accept some and math) in-state. Essentially, it was changes. designed to keep the best and the brightest at CS/SB 1344 (passed by the Senate) and home in Florida, rather than other universities HB 5201 (passed by the House) are poised across the nation. to be the most extensive legislative changes Unfortunately, the to the Bright Futures program was a little to Program since its much of a success. “[Bright Futures] is why I can inception. Among The program, which changes to the afford college. [...] I couldn’t the program are a creditis funded through afford to go to an out-of-state hour cap, rather the Florida lottery, opened in 1997 with a than a percentage school.” modest budget of $75 of total education Megan Stanforth, ‘10 payment, changes to million. For the 20082009 school year, that the required scores to budget had expanded earn Bright Futures, to a whopping $435 million – with expected and an all-or-nothing perspective that denies tuition increases dragging the figure even the scholarship to students who cannot higher, to an estimated $480 just to sustain maintain a high GPA in college. current coverage. The changes to the necessary scores to This huge increase is due in part to earn Bright Futures may prove to have the the sheer number of students cashing in. biggest impact on students. Throughout the entire state’s university “Personally, I think the 1050 should system, about half of all students are be a lot higher, like 1200 or something,” receiving Bright Futures. At the University said senior Megan Stanforth, who earned

Leadership by NJROTC Example

What’s Changing? It’s harder to earn

As it stands, students need a 3.5 weighted GPA with either a 1270 SAT or a 28 ACT for the 100%, and a 3.0 with either a 970 SAT or a 20 ACT for the 75%. These requirements are expected to rise in the coming years to account for the fact that the state average SAT score is 1000. The Senate has proposed a cutoff of 1050 SAT for the second tier scholarship, and 1290 for the top award.

Cash Caps

It covers less

In the bills, the duration that a student can cash in on their award has been shortened from seven years to five years - making money especially tight for double-majors. Also, Bright Futures may only cover those classes which are essential to the major a student is pursuing; you’ll have to pay for any extra classes on your own. And as tuition rises, Bright Futures funding will not keep pace.


The awards, which were once referred to as “the 100% Bright Futures” or “the 75% Bright Futures” will no longer cover total percentages of college costs. Instead, they will cover a certain dollar amount per credit hour - and don’t expect that rate to rise as tuitions do. Students in the top tier will receive $126 per credit hour; those in the second will get $95. Tuition increases of an estimated 16% annually will not be covered.

the highest tier of Bright Futures. “You’re saying now that I need to better the average [of 1000] by just 50 points to get a 75% but I need to get like 300 points higher to get that last 25%. It doesn’t make sense.” The reality of the situation is that there are too many students needing limited funds;

One strike, out

Previously, students who did not maintain the required GPA in college (3.0 or 2.8, depending on the award) were given a second chance to get their GPA up and get back on track. Now, if you lose it, it’s gone for good - you cannot reapply and reinstate your award. Also, you’ll need to fill out the FAFSA every year to cash in on your scholarship money.

there’s no easy solution to the problem. “This program is why I can afford college,” said Stanforth “I got a scholarship to go to Auburn but it wasn’t enough – I couldn’t afford to go to an out-of-state school even with 50% tuition. I just can’t afford it.”


May 14, 2010

Senior year ends Kevin Veloso


staff reporter

uail-men, Batgirls, and Ninja Turtles, oh my! Along with superheroes of all sorts, Senior Week is filled with oversizedonesies, second grade throwbacks, predictions for the future, and college spirit. Senior week ran from April 26-30. Student Government Association worked together to come with different themes each day. Tuesday the halls filled with superheroes while Friday ended the week with college day. On Wednesday parents provided a breakfast feast including pancakes, sausage, donuts, brownies, and various juices. Students came dressed in what people wore 10 years ago. After being caught in a surge of senior project deadlines and finalizing graduation requirements, seniors appeared happy to have something less stressful to highlight their week. “It was really fun and senior week allows us to have one last stand as the top of the school before we drop back to the bottom of the food chain,” said senior Danny Grove For those who don’t dress up for the week’s festivities, seeing their friends enjoy themselves is just as good. “It is fun for the seniors who participate because they get to have fun for one last time,” said senior Jake Siegal. AP tests began the Monday following Senior Week and hundreds of students treked to Seminole State College, Oviedo campus, to take the college level tests. Most tests ran three hours and included multiple choice questions plus essays. AP testing consumed two weeks, with final tests being given May 14. Final farewells begin 7:30 a.m. on June 1 in the auditorium. Broadcast classes are preparing a video presentation based on pictures supplied by the seniors. Following the presentation, seniors will head to Long Lake Park for the senior picnic scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Food will be provided by the school.

The Lion’s Tale from TURF, page 1 square of the field for $100. Each student in a club or team that uses the field is expected to raise at least $200. Many clubs have taken it upon themselves to start their own fundraisers. NJROTC, for example, is holding ‘Plop-A-Palooza’ to help meet their $70,000 quota. Cadets are instructed to sell one-yard squares of the football field for the May 22 event. There, a cow will be bought onto the field where it will walk around until it ‘plops’ on a square, and then the owner of the square will take home $2,000. All of the 160 cadets in the NJROTC program have been instructed to sell $200 in tickets each in hopes of generating around $30,000. “I don’t think we will be able to reach $50,000,” says Colonel Joseph Nardo, the instructor of the NJROTC program at Oviedo. “I would like to raise at least half of that.” Even as the event creeps closer, the ticket sales for ‘Plop-A-Palooza’ haven’t improved much. “$10 per ticket is expensive for a student share. So far, the athletics program has raised to buy, but we aren’t getting too much support $57,000 of the $150,000 goal for the May 15 from our students. We need as much help deadline. from the community as we can get,” said NJROTC is expected to raise close to Colonel Nardo. $30,000 for their first payment. Though Despite the slow sales in tickets, Colonel NJROTC made a net profit of nearly $6,000 still expects 500 to 1,000 people to attend when they used the field for their state field the event. There, other clubs and teams meet, there is still money to be raised. will have booths and attractions set up for “We are working hard to raise the money,” entertainment while waiting for the cow to said Colonel Nardo, “but I don’t think we are make its appearance. going to make the first payment.” Colonel Nardo Football has a goal also plans to visit of roughly $65,000, and “I am extremely proud of our local clubs and $26,000 by mid May. cadets who have raised more businesses to get During the season, however, sponsors for the football made a net profit of than their share.” event. $26,253 for the nine home “I am extremely Colonel Nardo games they had this season. proud of our cadets “We aren’t stressed out who have raised at all,” said Football Coach Wes Allen. “Our more than their share,” said Colonel Nardo. players have been selling their squares for Another team that has started to raise $100 each.” money is girl’s lacrosse team, which has to Band also has to raise close to $40,000 for raise $20,000. the first deadline. “We have had car washes and have stood “It’s a lot of money,” said Dennis Line, outside of Publix,” says sophomore Sarah the director of Oviedo’s marching band. “But Kaiser, “We’ve raised about $8,000 already, I think it offers a safe place to march. It also but that’s just a lot of money in general.” gives us a chance to hold marching band As the end of the school year approaches, competitions in the future.” teams are being encouraged to pay their Band is giving away tickets and publishing

from CHANGES, page 1 “I think that I shouldn’t have to have other people’s beliefs pushed upon me. If they want to say a little prayer under their breath that’s fine, but to stop everything and pray singles out other people who don’t share their beliefs. We have a separation of church and state and I believe this bill violates that,” said sophomore Steve Tillis.


Abortion rights dominated the closing arguments in this year’s legislative session. Heated disagreements swept the room as Democrats and Republicans battled it out. Currently, the bill that awaits Governor Crist’s signature would require women requesting an abortion in their first trimester to be given an ultrasound. The doctor must describe the fetus to the potential

mother. This includes shape, size, organs, and any visible body parts. The woman must also view the ultrasound unless she signs a paper refusing to observe the fetus. No government money can be used to pay for any aspect of the abortion, according to the pending bill. Ultrasounds begin at around $200. The bill restricts the new national health care plans from covering the expense. As of press, Governor Crist has not indicated whether he will sign the bill or veto it. If he does not sign it and does not veto it, the bill will become law automatically. Planned Parenthood took an adamant stance against the potential legislation. They participated in protests throughout the state encouraging governor Crist to veto the bill. In an article by the Orlando Sentinel on May 13, 2010, CEO of Planned Parenthood in Orlando Sue Idtenson said,


the names of donors to meet their goal. Some students have even gone as far as attempting to play in residential areas early in the morning to take in donations. Though many teams will not make the first payment, the project is still scheduled to be completed by August. “It will be tough, but we are going to get there and have the field in by August,” said Lundquist.

Benefits of Turf ◊Low maintanance. ◊Does not need to be watered. ◊Environmentally friendly, no fertilizer required. ◊Will not get torn up. ◊Paint lasts for months.

“It’s bad legislation. It’s mandating something that doctors and their patients should decide on their own. What other medical procedure would lawmakers try to force people to undergo?”

Bills that Failed

The sagging pants bill reappeared this year but disappeared again, never making it on to the House floor. Democrat Gary Siplin attempted to bring this issue to the forefront for the third year, sponsoring a bill to require kids to keep their pants pulled up and secure at the waist. But once again the bill failed. A bill reducing sexting penalties for minors failed. Sponsors of the Senate bill hoped the bill would stop teen offenders from being branded as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

OHS Thespians


5 Excellents 25 Superiors (including act tech and performance. 5 Best in Shows (including Best in Show tech), Best in Shows include: Duet Musical- Sandia Ahlers and April Sullivan for “Teacher’s Argument” Duet Acting- Harry Bobo and Joey Schmidt for “Comedy of Errs” Pantomime- Claire Shackelford and Spencer Moothart for “Delta Airmimes” Ensemble Scene- Mark Harriott, Spencer Moothart, and Harry Bobo for “The Bible: The Complete World of God Abridged” An acting scholoarship for Sandia Alhers All- Star cast- Sandia Ahlers


The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010


“Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.” - J.K. Rowling

Our Word

Street Talk

Rethink seven period day

The seventh period is killing us. Now that the school year is The few minutes lost each period over, how do you feel about are beginning to add up to hours and days of lost teaching time. the seven period day? Our classes feel like a rush. Teachers cram information into I DON’T CARE LOVE IT our heads and fly through teaching material without a backward glance. 37% They have no time to stop. No time 7% to breath, to crack a joke, to make sure every student understands what’s being taught. “We feel that, despite our fatigue, the tests are here early this year. We didn’t include all the books we used in past years or could not HATE IT get to the end of textbooks; we didn’t say enough about the different 56% types of essays our students will be asked to write; we didn’t wind up with sufficient time to review; we rushed too much,” said AP English Poll out of 100 teacher Roy Starling. students taken The seventh period began to on 5/13 help students meet the increasing academic requirements coming from Tallahassee and to give students a chance to take electives as well. But we all know now that it has not Nagara Riverbank. But the moments that candles. My host father held a class for worked out very well. LAND OF THE RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 stand out to me the most are the ones I spent some of the ambassadors as well as students The race for top ten and high MILES GEISHA HONOR TOKYO SUSHI LAND OF THE with the people I met. from Illinois. We constructed the candles GPAs led students to overload on AP Through the program each student out of milk cartons and then everyone RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 MILES GEISHA classes. ambassador is given the opportunity to decorated theirs in a way that represented And during the year, students felt HONOR TOKYO SUSHI LAND OF THE RISING SUN stay a weekend with a native family. So the message of peace throughout the world. it. Less teaching time during schoolTEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 MILES GEISHA HONOR TOKYO when we traveled to Hiroshima I stayed On August 5-the day the atomic bomb was and an extra period add up to only SUSHI LAND OF THE RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJIthe Sazuki family. When I first saw with dropped on Hiroshima- Mr. Sazuki places one thing. More work and study 9371 MILES GEISHA HONOR TOKYO SUSHI LAND OFwaiting to pick me up from the bullet the candles around the atomic bomb dome them outside of school. train, a girl was holding a handmade sign featured in the Peace Memorial Park. When But there is a limit to how muchTHE RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 MILES with my name on it. The mother introduced I got back to America he sent me pictures of students can do. GEISHA HONOR TOKYO SUSHI LAND OF THE RISING SUN herself as Yasue Sazuki and her 12-yearthe sentimental event. Everyday we see students TEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 MILES GEISHA HONOR TOKYO old daughter. She was the only one of the On our last night Yasue took me to the working on homework for other SUSHI LAND OF THE RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJI that spoke English so communicating grocery store so I could pick out whatever family classes and ignoring the teacher. OFthe other members of the family-two with I wanted to eat for my last meal with them. In some cases, students simply do 9371 MILES GEISHA HONOR TOKYO SUSHI LAND teenage boys and one daughter, as well as We ate together, talked, and laughed. not turn in assignments. Many are THE RISING SUN TEMPLES MT. FUJI 9371 MILES her husband-was difficult at first. Afterwards we went into their living room overwhelmed. GEISHA HONOR TOKYO Carly BrowerSUSHIco-diversions editor Over the weekend I was able to and sat on their tatami mats and played a And it’s affecting not only the experience first hand the generous nature y best friend always tells me game of uno. Even though the rest of the students, but teachers as well. of this family. For dinner Yasue and her I have one life. One life to family didn’t speak English, it wasn’t hard “On my way to the car after daughter brought me to one of their Hippo make the best of, one life to to understand what they were feeling. We school, I find myself saying, for the Family Club meetings. This club works do something extraordinary. When I was all laughed, all felt the same anxiety when first time in my career, ‘This thing toward enhancing their knowledge of other someone else called “uno”, and all had a 15 I didn’t want to go to Japan. When can’t end soon enough for me.’ My languages and understanding other cultures great time. The night ended with a group my parents first brought the subject up of colleagues—even the young ones— better. Yasue has been apart of the club going without them, with students I didn’t photo of all us together. share my feelings. ‘This stuff is know, I panicked. My brother had traveled for many years and she speaks over eight The time I spent with the Sazuki family killing me,’ they say. languages fluently. Her daughter was even through the People to People program was one of the best experiences I have had. The seventh period has made it before- traveling to Australia, New Zealand, going on an exchange program to Russia I was able to experience their generosity difficult for true learning. soon after I left. and all around Europe and had a great and thoughtfulness. Opening up their home Class discussions are chopped off When we arrived at their house they experience. But I was still scared. I shut to me and showing me an insight into their abruptly by the ringing bell. There’s down every attempt they made to persuade presented me with a pair of chopsticks and a lives gave me a better understanding of just so little time to think in such an me to go. But one night they took me to an small compact mirror. After I had settled in another culture. I would have never been environment. information meeting about the trip and after the father started asking me questions about able to have this opportunity had I not The days of creativity, of seeing seeing the things I could be doing-trekking America. What is it like? Have you been gotten over my fears and decided to take a connections between classes has up Mount Fuji, listening to a survivor of the to Disney? The basic questions one would chance. The Land of the Rising Sun opened vanished. And to what benefit? expect when going to a foreign country. atomic bomb in Hiroshima, and going to the door to my ambition to see the world. We applaud Principal Lundquist The next day was spent touring around Miyajima Island where wild dears roam the The next summer I travled to England and for recognizing the problems and for Hiroshima. Yasue wanted to bring us to island- I was convinced. France and accumulated even more onceseeking solutions. We also know his places she thought we would enjoy best. So on June 14th my family drove me in-a-lifetime memories, and I plan to keep hands are tied as even more academic In the morning we went to her son’s sports to the Orlando International Airport and traveling, hopefully going to Egypt and requirements roll out of the Florida said goodbye as I boarded a 15-hour flight. festival and afterwards she took us to a mall. studying abroad for a semester. Legislature. Over the next two weeks I had unforgettable Later during the day I tried octopus for the I still keep in contact with my Japanese We strongly urge you to write to first time. memories. I was able to see a geisha in the family, emailing from time to time, and I local and state officials. They need to For our last day Yasue thought it Kyoto district, visit the Asakusa Kannon will never forget the kindness they bestowed realize there’s a problem that needs would be a great experience to share in Temple, and watch cormorant fishing-a on me, showing me that there are truly good fixing. her husband’s passion for making peace traditional method of river fishing- on the people in the world.

For the graduating class, the finish line is near.

Trip to Japan influences teen’s traveling



Editors-in-chief Carson Bailey Miranda Ghali

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Oviedo High School

601 King Street, Oviedo FL 32765 • Phone: 407-3204199 • Fax: 407-320-4213


The Lion’s Tale is accessible through the OHS website. The Lion’s Tale reserves the right to refuse ads. The views of the staff do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, staff, or faculty of Oviedo High School.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

Senior says you must follow your bliss

of my body. from a cliff 95 meters above the ground. But during those two weeks of difficult music and heat, I remember being handed a sheet of paper during I discovered something else. Friendship. After numerous AP night. It showed the list of AP classes you should ear underclassmen, percussion practices and band camp weeks I had begun To be completely honest, I don’t know who you take. Freshman year do AP human geography. to make new friends. I found individuals I could sit Sophomore year take AP World, etc. If you want, are at all. I’ve never spoken to you. I don’t know down with at lunch and minutes after talking about you can take the easy way out and just follow your passions or your interests. I can’t even imagine how schoolwork enter into an impromptu singing/hand these narrow interest tracks. But I challenge you you felt signing up for classes. drumming rendition of the marching show. to do something more. Create your own path. But despite my ignorance, I feel there is a universal Last Nov. was the last time I will probably Mix your academic interests with extracurricular. lesson in high school worth sharing. Lesson: Take classes perform in a marching band. A lot of people aiming for the top ten that interest you. Forget GPA and rankings It was state competition. I stared up from It sometimes seems that GPA and class rank mean more burn out early during high school. They my mallets and saw the drum major raise her overload themselves with AP classes they than anything else. Classes are carefully calculated so hands. don’t particularly care about and feel difficult classes are avoided and GPA is maximized. And struck downwards. A single bell set overwhelmed with the work. 8th grade year. My parents dragged me to an AP sounded. Gradually vibes and marimbas entered. You’ll probably see these people in information night. I looked around and saw the faces of Then the drumline and then the gentle push of your classes from time to time. They sit other middle schoolers. Some had eyes of wonder and the low brass section. possibly of fear. They were herded by their parents. We sat in the class doing homework for other All the instruments faced the audience and down and stared towards the front of the room.“AP classes periods. Discussions are ignored. And poured out their souls. come the next academic year, nearly all allow you take college classes while in high school. They That feeling of playing. I felt the many information has been forgotten. let you earn college credit. They give you a 5.0 GPA.” hours spent practicing, the friends I’ve made, I challenge you to make your high school The mantra repeats itself. and simply the passion and power of the music. experience meaningful. I challenge you to “Take AP classes….Take AP classes.” Throughout the show I floated on that feeling and take more pride in your experiences and skills Why should I take World Geography? I can’t stand the it carried me. rather than your 4.5 GPA. subject. But I looked around and sure enough I saw my It gently set me down near the instrument If you will indulge me, I would like to friends filling in the course code for AP Human Geography. loading dock after the show. I stared at the people “Why are you doing that?” I asked my friend. “You hate share an anecdote from my time in band. in my section and cried. (How pathetic! A 17 year Four years ago, my neighborhood was history.” old boy crying…goodness) rezoned to Oviedo High School. Honestly…I “Well, it’s worth a 5.0 credit,” he replies. I cried for all the friends I had made and for all was pissed. Most of my friends were zoned to Here’s my advice: take things you’re interested in the time I spent and for the fact that it was all over. regardless of GPA weighting. If you’re interested in music, go to Winter Springs, and I was stuck heading The people in my section: Ryan, Caroline, Katie art, or photography, why take another AP class that doesn’t off to Oviedo. I simply dreaded losing almost looked at me and started crying too. everyone I knew, during middle school interest you at all? My experience with band will far outlast my At this point life was staring at me, laughing, During high school, I’ve taken band, chorus, and memories of being in the top ten. and kicking me further into the mud. Moving into newspaper. Classes worth a 4.0 most of the time. I am In many ways I’ve told you quite a lot. Yet at the a new house nearer to Winter Springs was not happy to state that I’m number nine in my class. But in all same time very little. All the advice and suggestions I an option, so I picked my classes, turned in honesty, class rank doesn’t matter to me. gave probably sound shallow. I can only hope you the form, and prepared for life at Oviedo. The knowledge and experience I’ve gained from these found something worthwhile in my experience. Band Camp: Two weeks of painful fun. classes have far more meaning. I can crank out a newspaper And I wish you nothing less than friends you can Hot is a gross understatement for Florida’s story or editorial in about an hour. I can run a percussion cry with and experiences that fill your life not summers. The heat was sweltering. The sun burned my skin sectional practice on my own. And I can also calculate the your GPA. amount of time it takes for a cat to plummet when dropped and eyes. And all trace of water boiled up through the pores


Jordan Hugh Sam

co-opinion editor


Listen to the little voices that whisper in your head


features editor

Tiffany Ray

our hands shoved me into the tight space of the audition room. A man with gentle eyes sat behind a piano that swallowed half the room. My tongue hung heavy in my mouth as his fingers worked their way up the scale on the black and white teeth. With clenched fists, and a face burning red, I helplessly whisper sang the pitches he played. Bill Schult, my choir director of the next three years, gave me a warm smile. I was not born to be a singer, but on one hot afternoon, I happened to find myself in the old choir room during auditions. I had absolutely no intention of auditioning - the idea, had it formed at my own conclusions, would have been met with ridicule insid e my head. I wasn’t even coaxed into an audition - no, I was physically pushed into the audition room. I took a leap of faith in my vocal ability, and decided to join chorus my sophomore year. I had auditioned into Bravo, the SATB intermediate choir, but ended up sitting in class full of beginning freshman on my first day of chorus. Turns out,

Bravo and newspaper were the same period, and a strange desire possessed me, so I stayed in newspaper and bumped down to Concert Choir, the beginning choir. I was that kid who sang quietly because I didn’t want anyone to hear me sing, but, nonetheless, I enjoyed it. I suppose my obsession with music began in the weeks leading up to my second audition. I desperately wanted to be with my age group, and that meant auditioning into Bel Cantos, the advanced women choir. Successfully auditioning into Bel Cantos was my first great achievement in music, or at least I thought so at the time. My hands flopped in a signature jittery movement that signifies that butterflies are attacking my stomach. I couldn’t bear to look at the paper outside the chorus room that listed who would be in Bravo, Bel Cantos and Horizons the next year. But a voice


rang out through the crowd, exclaiming, “We all got in!” “All” referring to my best friends, Shelby McGrew, Ariana McCain, and me. I’m pretty sure I skipped all the way to the bus that afternoon, excitement and disbelief bubbling inside of me. The third audition did not go well. A darkness settled inside me; nestled a knot in my chest. Why? Because music is my passion. I wanted a choir that would challenge, and shape me. Enter Zack Taylor, a best friend and mentor of mine. As the director of OHS A-Capella, an ensemble that earned the third highest ranking in the district, he took a chance on me, a girl who’s confidence lacked, and only sang in one voice, instead of three. I was lackluster, to say the least. I wondered why he kept me in the ensemble. The answer he gave: potential. I didn’t know that my potential would lead to the discovery of a chest voice, beastly compared to the soft head voice we’d known. Zack and I stumbled our way through my chest voice, working to smooth the pitch, breaks, and volume. Nerves ate at my stomach: I only had one week until I would sing a solo completely in this new voice. I found my body jittering behind the curtain before the concert. I kept thinking to myself, “This is crazy. You can’t find out you have this untouched voice one Friday, then sing it in front of an audience the next!” I was wrong. It’s one of my proudest moments,

and I keep reliving it over in my head. I practically skipped off the stage afterward. I can’t help but feel that everyothing happens for a reason. Every little and large sadness and disappointment led me to who I am today, a drastic contrast to the girl who first walked through Oviedo’s doors. I was the girl who never meant to audition, and I never intended to sing solos in front of hundreds of people. But there were sounds in my head. Little voices whispering. Oh, and I found myself listening. Music, I don’t know who I am without you. I’ve found grief and joy in music, and I would give up my eyes before my ears. I thank my lucky stars that I found friends that feel the same way in Oviedo’s chorus and in the ensemble. I will always remember the blood, sweat, and tears we have experienced together. OHS A-Capella is 440 Harmonics now that graduation’s coming, and we’ll be performing all summer. I’m not afraid to think that I contribute to the ensemble. I know I do. I’m improving every day, and I wake up every morning itching to learn music theory, or sing. I’m even considering to major in music education. In the words of Leonard Cohen, ”If it be your will that I speak no more, and my voice be still as it was before, I will speak no more. But if it be your will that there is a voice, I will sing to you. “ If it be your will to let me sing.

“When I finished presenting at boards. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders knowing I was finally done with senior project.”

“Being able to spend time with friends I don’t have now and ones I might never see after high school.

What was your favorite moment of high school?

Jenna Hill


“Making varsity dance team with my sister my freshman year and yearbook. I could always count on yearbook to put a smile on my face.”

David Kendall


“My world cultural georgraphy class taught by Mr.Brewer was a great class that introduced to my best friend, Geovanny Santillon.”

Kiki Guzman


Cody Goreczky ‘10

The Lion’s Tale

Embrace all life has to offer


Miranda Harmon

staff reporter

ell folks, it’s that magical time of the year. The time where we seniors say our last goodbyes and get ready to blow this metaphorical popsicle stand. Senior columns are so cliché that it’s actually become a cliché to say that senior columns are cliché. Everyone knows about that happy anxiety in the pits of our stomachs as we either graduate or move on to the next year of high school, so at this point it would be redundant to address that. Oops. Anyway, there are so many things to say and think and feel that it would be next to impossible for me to put them all into a 700-word column. That, on top of my tendency to procrastinate, leaves me with this puny excuse for a goodbye. Let me begin my cliché by debunking another cliché. These four years are not the best years of our lives, and if they are, then I feel sorry for us. High school does not define your life, regardless of what anyone will tell you. I take that back. These four years don’t define your life unless you let them. So remember that time you embarrassed yourself in class? How about when you said the wrong thing at the wrong time? Don’t sweat it. I assure you that everyone in these halls, these classes, and these buildings all have regrets, make mistakes, and doubt themselves. And because I’ve spent so much time in these halls, these classes, and these buildings, I’ve made mistakes too.


news editor

did not want to attend Oviedo High. The day I found out that I was destined to become a Lion was quite possibly the most miserable day I’ve ever had. I’d attended Indian Trails Middle School for three years and made some very close friends, all of whom were going to Winter Springs High. But due the location of my house, which put me right on the line for rezoning, I was forced to say goodbye, friends! Goodbye, everyone I know and love! And hello Oviedo. To me, going to Oviedo meant being alone. It meant awkward classes full of strangers and a lunchroom where I was certain nobody would care to let me into their group of pre-determined middleschool friends. It meant throwing out all my purpleand-gold stuff in favor of orange-andblack, and it meant that my best friends would move on together and forget me, the one who was forced to leave them. How wrong I was. Now, at the end of my high school career, I can say that I am absolutely, positively, and without a doubt so grateful that I ended up at Oviedo. Oviedo is more than just a place I go for seven hours every day – it’s my second home. I know the people here like I know my family, and the halls and classrooms and campus, even the parts that have changed my freshman year, are as familiar to me as my own room. The sense of community at OHS is unbelievable. The instant I stepped onto campus, I became a Lion and never looked back. How could I, when there was so much here to capture my attention? Pep rallies, football games, homecoming week, grilling at tailgating parties and dancing the jiggleo. My freshman year didn’t leave time to take a breath; I was drowning in a sea of school spirit and orange-and-black, and I just didn’t have time to miss all the things I’d left behind in Winter Springs.

Opinion 7

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK I’ll be leaving for Goucher College, YOU!a THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THAN lovely, small liberal arts college outside of YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YO Baltimore. Of course it’s going to be scary being so far from my wonderful family and THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THAN friends, but I am very much ready for this next adventure. YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU So as this is my senior column, and THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK as I will soon be tossed into the waves

So if I was to do it all over again, here’s what I would do: Do what I love. This is so important, guys. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you what to make of your life, or how to feel, or what to think. When I began as a freshman here, many people told me how much fun I would have. People kept on insisting that these were going to be an amazing four of maturity and responsibility, I think it’s years. appropriate to end with a quote from a While I appreciate the optimism, what children’s author whom I I wish they told me was how painful it greatly admire, Miss Joan would be, and how everyone was going Rowling. If this makes through the same thing. me immature, well So here is my advice to anyone, senior or not: It’s going to be painful. Life is messy and ever changing, and high school is hardly an exception. You will not always be happy, then I’ll just have environments will not always be to learn to live with nurturing, and people will not always be myself. pleasant. In fact, sometimes people will “The knowledge be downright jerks. Keep in mind that that you have emerged you will be a jerk sometimes, too. wiser and stronger You will always meet mean from setbacks means people, incompetent teachers, death, that you are, ever and disease wherever you are. When after, secure in your it comes down to it, it doesn’t matter ability to survive. You will never truly know yourself, where you are, but who you are. or the strength of your We don’t live in a perfect world, but relationships, until both have I don’t think I’d want it any other way. been tested by adversity.” I know that years from now I’ll look So keep on surviving, back and see only the good times, but to everyone. be honest I am ready to leave. I’m ready to end this column, and soon Remember that there are few afterwards end my high school things worth losing sleep over. career. Don’t panic. I won’t lie and say that I’m Everything will be okay. completely free of doubt. This fall

Future Gator will alway be a lion Victoria Persampiere

May 14, 2010

(This isn’t to say that I’ve forgotten my Winter Springs friends – I’ve kept in touch with them through the years, and I am so happy to still have them in my life. They keep me grounded: when I get too involved in OHS’ self-contained high school world, they’re always there to fish me out.) Some of the classes I’ve taken here at Oviedo have been spectacular. Despite Winter Spring’s squeaky-clean, academically-focused reputation, I honestly think that I’ve received a better education here than I would have had I been a Bear. The teachers here put their heart and souls into every single day that they teach, and they’ve really been the foundation of my success at OHS. Mrs. Savage makes it her personal mission to help each and every one of her AP students understand the material, even if she has to stay after every day after school. Mr. Jesse and Doc Star, our English department inspirations, have an absolute passion for their subject, and it’s contagious! It’s impossible to be in either one of their classes and not be engaged in the discussion. There are too many teachers here at OHS who have had such an influence on my life to mention. The administrators and faculty, too, have worked tirelessly to make my high school experience the best it can be. Mr. Lundquist, Mrs. CoulanWoods, and the awesome ladies who work the front desk – they’ve all contributed their sunny personalities to help make my high school experience that much better. So really, guys, I guess what I’m trying to say is this: you’re at one of the best schools around. I know there are days where you may wish you were anywhere else but here, and that you may sometimes mentally wish your teachers into temporary comas…but for the most part, Oviedo High is an awesome place to be. Enjoy your classes, throw yourself into after-school activities, and plan fun outings with your friends. I know I sound totally

cliché, but high school really goes by in a snap. They say that hindsight is 20-20, and I guess that’s true. Four years ago I was sitting at my kitchen table with tears running down my face, miserable that I would be going to Oviedo High. Yesterday, I sat in the very same chair and addressed my graduation invitations with a similar feeling of sadness, wondering how I could possibly have wanted to go anywhere but OHS.

Miranda Ghali


Editor spoofs “Late Night” host in farewell to OHS


t’s May, and that’s when I usually catch up on some personal stuff before school is out. You know I sign some yearbooks, return my textbooks and, of course, I send out thank you notes. Well, I’m running a bit behind this year because of all my AP exams and senior stuff. Would you guys mind if I write some thank you notes out right now? Thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for giving me the inspiration for my senior column and giving me something to watch on Friday nights. Thank you, best friends, for giving me some of my best memories. I will never forget all the “goldfish moments,” rants, and inside jokes that we’ve had over the years. We make a pretty good TEAM. Thank you, swine flu, for causing the Seminole County Public School system to get rid of the semester exam exemption policy during my last year of high school. You only gave students one more excuse to miss school. Thank you, Mr. Jesse, for all of the help you’ve given me over the past two years. From helping me improve my SAT scores when you weren’t even my teacher, to reading and re-reading my myriad college essays, you’ve taught me more about the English language than I ever hoped to know. You’re pretty much the reason I got into my dream college. Thank you, AP classes, for the multiple anxiety attacks you’ve caused me over the years. It’s okay, my sanity wasn’t that important anyway. Thank you, Mr. Lundquist, for being such an amazing principal. Your friendly and welcoming personality and willingness to help and support your students makes OHS a great place to learn and grow. Thank you, newspaper class and Mrs. Jepson, for teaching me the value of teamwork and cooperation, and for causing me more stress and acne than I ever anticipated. Thank you, AP Lang, for making me notice the parallelism in the structure of this column. Thank you, Mrs. Savage, for being such an amazing and passionate teacher. You stayed after to tutor the “Suicidal Sophomores” more times than I can count just to ensure full understanding and a passing AP score. You even inspired me to major in Chemistry. Thank you, seven-period school day, for adding one more class to everyone’s day and causing all of the teachers to complain about the lack of instruction time. You just couldn’t wait until I graduate could you? Thank you to each and every teacher and staff member of OHS. Your determination and attitude are what makes Oviedo High School as great as it is. In my entire four years, I have never been afraid to approach a single teacher with any kind of question or concern. Every teacher I’ve encountered has been so willing to help in any way that they can, and it’s their enthusiasm for teaching that makes me proud to call myself an Oviedo Lion. This is the last thank you note for the year: Thank you, mom and dad, for putting up with me, for helping me reach my dreams, and for giving me the best lessons I could ever hope to learn. I know I can be difficult to deal with and we sometimes get on each other’s nerves, but you have never lost faith in me and have always supported me no matter what. I can’t imagine having better parents, and for that, I thank you.


May 15, 2009

The Lion’s Tale


Night under the BIG top KING AND QUEEN. Prom

king, Trevor Berry, and queen, Niladi Dupa accept their crowns’ at prom held on May 8 at Epcot World Showplace Pavilion.

Nicole Hanacek and circus performer

Principal Lundquist

Mickey Mouse celebrates circus-themed prom with king and queen at Epcot Kaitlyn Loughlin


Erin O’Dell and Taylor Leigh

Mark V. Harriott

Trevor Berry and Principal Lundquist

staff reporter

undreds of students gathered for an evening “Under the Big Top” at an Epcot ballroom inside the theme park for a night full of dancing, food buffet galore, free photo booth pictures and the announcement of the Oviedo high School 2010 prom king and queen. As seniors Niladi Dupa and Trevor Berry danced the night away and visited with all of their friends, the two also looked back on their high school years, remembered all the good times and friends they had made, in hopes of being crowned the prom king and queen of their senior class. “It felt awesome to win because it’s a big accomplishment. Being a social butterfly makes you feel like your friendliness rubs off on other people,” said Dupa. Dupa is certainly a social butterfly and is involved in many OHS extra curricular activities. “I’ve been a member of SGA for three years, and I’m also a member of PAC,” said Dupa. “I played basketball for three years,

Dance Crew

played softball and also ran track.” Dupa constantly showed her school spirit by giving support to her peers and community. “I gave blood whenever I could, cheered on the sidelines as a Kershner Krazy, and attended all of the tailgate parties and other games that I possibly could,” said Dupa. Convinced that she was not the stereotypical prom queen, Dupa’s wide spread involvement helped her pull through. “When I told my Mom, she was excited, but she said usually the prom queen is the stuck-up, mean, rich girl, and that stereotype is not true at all,” said Dupa. “It’s the same thing with Trevor [Berry], the prom king. He may be the star football player, but other than that, he’s overall an awesome guy, too.” Prom court candidate, senior Jenna Hill, also agrees. “Oviedo is really good about not voting for the usual ‘popular’ stereotypes, like in movies,” said Hill.

Frances Vazquez and Andrea Marquinez

Along with Hill’s support, Dupa also looks to her mother for her inspiration. “You could say I’m following in my Mom’s footsteps.” She was on her homecoming court for four years, and then won prom queen, just like I did,” said Dupa. “She always motivated me to get involved.” But Dupa believes that without the help of her friend, LaQuinta Alexander, who persuaded her to join SGA, she would not have been this successful in her senior year. “SGA is a big part of everything. You plan all the homecoming and prom dances, every charity drive, and many other things for the school,” said Dupa. “It allowed me to think about life as fun, rather than hard.” Dupa believes this experience has had a good impact on her high school journey and that this honor has changed her viewpoints on life in general. “Receiving this honor definitely opens doors for you because you learn how to be friendly and meet many people, as well as learn how to handle yourself in different situations,” said Dupa. photos/LEONARDS ELITE PHOTOGRAPHY

P.J. Kreahling, Lea Barroso, and LaQuinta Alexander

The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010






May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale




Every year, The Lion’s Tale devotes its final edition to the graduating class, honoring the seniors who stood out the most in their four years of high school. After receiving numerous submissions, The Lion’s Tale had the task of selecting winners from the pile of nominations. Selected by their teachers, these seniors are heavily involved in academics and extra curricular activities. compiled by: Julia Thorncroft

Miranda Ghali NEWSPAPER 1

2 3 4 5

What are your plans for after high school? I’m going to Stetson and studying Chemistry because I want to be a doctor. Where do you see yourself in ten years? As a doctor, hopefully. What is one thing you wish to do before you die? I have a bucket list, I want to travel a lot and see everything. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Hogwarts. Harry Potter is the best thing I ever read and I would love to go into that world. Do you have any words to live by? “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” - Dr. Seuss

Jessica Clark

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5

What are your plans for after high school? Going to the University of Central Florida, hopefully getting into the scholars program and the Burnett Honors College majoring in Political Science and Spanish Lit. What is your favorite memory of high school? Going to Boca Raton for ROTC.

What is the one thing you wish to do before you die? Running with bulls in Spain. I have always wanted to grab a bull by the horns without getting impaled. Who is your biggest role model and why? My dad. I learned everything about leadership style from him. What advice would you give for the high school underclassmen? Stop taking fluff classes, always push yourself. Its better to get a “B” in a hard class than get an “A” in an easy one.


What are your plans for after high school? I’m going to attend Flagler College in St. Augustine. I’m going to double major in Elementary Education and Exceptional Education.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I like going out on Motorcycles and hanging out with friends. I also do a lot of community service. What is the one thing you wish to do before you die? I want to experience as many different cultures as I can. What is your favorite song and why? Imagine by John Lennon. It makes you think about what’s happening in the world. Do you have any words to live by? “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” - Frank Lloyd Wright

Anna Rehnstrom

1 2 3 4 5


What are your plans for after high school? I want to go to the University of South Florida for Math Education.

What have you participated in during high school? I am President of French Club. I’m also involved in Science Honors Society and Best Buddies. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Hanging out with friends, reading books, listening to music. I like to ride horses when I can. Do you have any weird or cool talents? I can laugh like Pee Wee Herman. What is the worst class you ever took and why was it so bad? Economics, there is other stuff I’d rather be studying.

The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010






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Kristin Eley CHORUS

What are your plans for after high school? I plan on loving lots of people. My major is English Education. What was your favorite class in high school? Definitely Dr. Starling’s class. Literature is a good thing. He is even better. Favorite superhero? Jesus, the original hippie. What is your most treasured possession? Certain articles of clothing remind me of really good times.

Jessica Childress

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4 5

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If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? London, right now, to see the brilliance of the Gielgud that is Hair the Musical.

Michael Fine NJROTC

What are your plans for after high school? Joining the Marine Corps.

What is your favorite high school memory? Marksmanship team Camp Perry, Ohio for Nationals. Favorite superhero? Iron Man, cause its a good movie. Who is your biggest role model and why? Col. Nardo. He does a lot for ROTC and is a great guy. What advice would you give for the high school underclassmen? Don’t procrastinate.


What are your plans for after high school? I’m going to UCF! Go Knights! I plan to major in educaion. I’m already involved with the spirit program there. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Honestly, I really love mowing lawns, I love going to the beach and getting brown. I love dancing and listening to music too. What is your favorite book? The Giver. I love that book cause it shows everything we all take advantage of in a whole other light. Who is your biggest role model and why? Mrs. Kreahling, because she is everything I want to be. What advice would you give for the high school underclassmen? Have fun, put your heart in everything you do, be happy, and when you are looking for your ultimate motivation, just do it for yourself.

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Claire Shackleford


What are your plans for after high school? I’m going to the University of Arkansas to major in Business and Theater and eventually open my own theater company. Favorite movie? Fight Club. It changed my perspective of life. What is your favorite high school memory? Winning Critic’s Choice at States for my pantomime. Favorite book? The Harry Potter series, because you get emersed in a whole world. And I love her [J.K. Rowling] writin style. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? The Bermuda Triangle, because I want to see if its real. photos/THORNCROFT, VELOSO



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2010! Best wishes from the OHS Administration

Libby Ann Abney Anders Lars Ackerman Sandia Marie Ahlers Laquinta Alexander Jon Kevin Alford Eric Alonso Taylor Ann Ambrosi Rolf Kenneth Anderson Christian Nicholas Andriano April Siegel Asby Chase Kyle Atkinson Kevin Christopher Baird Colin Houston Baker Margaret Elizabeth Baker Tyler John Baker Francis Michael Banigan Krysta Nicole Bann Justin Micheal Barbery Tim L. Barnes Casey Anne Barnhardt Jared Michael Barrett Sonia Yvonne Barrios Leah Michelle Barroso Alesia Nozomi Bass Bridgitte Batista Melissa Aubert Beall Brittany Ann Beavers Robert Michael Becker Michelle Aida Behling Fletcher Robert Bell Tanner Wade Below Jaclyn Ann Bemis Harry James Bennett Rebecca Jo Bernardo Trevor Lee Berry Brian William Billips Carl Stephen Bisbee Emily Elizabeth Anne Blair Samuel Brandon Bloomfield Katelyn Barbara Bobek Harrison Cole Bobo Brandon Drake Boldt Karma Ciara Marie Bolin Pearson Lee Bolt Dalton Jennings Bond Cynthia Kimberly Bonilla Robby Blake Bortles Charles Hal Bowers Patrick Daniel Bowman Michael Nicholas Boyle Matthew Kristopher Brantley Caitlyn Paige Braswell William Hunter Brewer Carly Mae Brower Corinne Dianne Brown Emily Grace Brown Heather N. Brown Keith Brown Ladellzia S. Brown Thalia R. Brown Jacob Andrew Brunson Edwin Hunter Buck Christina Marie Buro Latreill Jeffery William Busck Hector Camacho Jasmine Letitia Campbell Jordan Alyse Carbonneau Chelsea Ann Carrera Benjamin Charles Carroll Stephanie Lynn Carter Jaubri Shomauri Cash Pablo Castro Claudio Daniel Cellucci Casey Patrick Cepek Henry Luiz Chaj Alex Chan Ching-Chun Chang Jessica Raylea Childress Patrick Joseph Christie Jacob Corey Stewart Ciesla Christopher James Clark Heather Nicole Clark Jessica Marie Clark Lindsay Ann Cluxton Sean Matthew Cohen Andrew Jordan Cole Mariette Alice Cole Michelle Louise Collins John Daniel Colon Gina Monique Condly Freddie Lee Conquest Nicholas James Constantino Dylan Cross Cook Stefanie Marie Cortes Stephany Paula Cortese

Emily Jane Cottrell Jamie J. Court George Logan Cowart Tianyu Cox Gabriella Craig Ryan K. Cummings Michael Charles D'Elia Shawn Christopher Dailey Eric Dancy Ryan Johnathan Dangel Pearson P. Dannecker Steven Thomas Darley Cynthia Lyn Darrenkamp Matthew Curtis Daugherty Elysia Christine Davila Joshua Edward Thomas De Coursey Genevieve Anne DeCantis Alenis Haydee DeJesus Geily Diaz Luz Marie Diaz Amanda Dieguez Daniel Edward Dooley Gregory Dorleus Kyle Allen Dreessen Tyler D. Dudley Lindsey Taylor Duke Stephen Ryan Duncan Niladi Marcia Dupa Joseph Eichner Amanda Kumari Eifert Kristin Michelle Eley Meagan Suzanne Elston Guillermo A. Encarnacion Luis Alberto Escobar Abigail Justine Esque Kevin Patrick Eubanks Michael David Fine Adam Tyler Fisk Cody Alexander Flack Mallory Marie Fleming Devin Christian Ray Flynn Richard Douglas Forbes Kristy Lyn Foto Tessa Isabel France Dallas Wayne Frazier Sally Elizabeth Frederickson Grant Richard Freeman Stephanie L. Freismuth William Adrian Friedman Joanna Maria Fydenkevez Sebastian Nicolai Gaarlandt David Michael Gagnon Ashley Marie Galan Fausto Esteban Galindo Corey N. Gankos Bianca Marie Garcia Cindy Ermence Gassan Elise Erin Gerber Miranda Nicole Ghali Blake Robert Gibb Marsha Elizabeth Gibbs Catharine Morgan Gill Mackenzie Tyler Gill Craig Philip Gillen Colin Richard Gillespie Brandon Glenn Jessica Lyn Glosson Anamaria Gomez Leshyram Marie Gonzalez Melanie Lizette Gonzalez Kyle Chase Gordon Cody N. Goreczky Justin Allen Gorinac Bradley Mark Graham Malik Graham Kyle A. Grant Brionna Irene Green Chelsea Carolyn Green Kyle Augustine Greer Ashley Michelle Griffin James Albert Griffin Tyler Steven Griffin Jessica Lynn Gross Daniel Robert Grove Aghayere Nosakhare Guobadia, II Kaitlyn Guzman Alexander M. Hague Parker Frederick Hale Sean Michael Hall Kaila Elizabeth Hamm Nicole Marie Hanacek John Alexander Harbilas Cynthia Jo Ann Harburn Wilonda Kaylese Harden Alicia Latrice Hardy

Jessica Grace Hardy Miranda Marie Harmon Andrew Bradley Harms Mark Vincent Harriott David Leslie Hatfield Philip Edward Haupt Annemarie Lynn Hauser Casey Lynette Hayes Brandi Elizabeth Hays Ashley Nichole Heard Jonathan K. Heber Jenna Marie Hill Hans J. Hinnershitz Beau N. Hogan Meghan Marie Holton Brianna Catherine Howard Madison Rachel Howeller Jessica Leah Huggins Jordan Matthew Hugh Sam Justin M. Hyde Carissa Marie Ivie Courtney Marie Jacobs Kelsea Cheyenne Jaqueth Jessica Jay Allison Marie Jessee James A. Johnson John Robert Johnson Kelsey Anne Johnson Mallory Amber Johnson Ryne J. Johnson Timothy Michael Johnson Ryan F. Johnston Colton Thomas Jones Melissa Ann Jones Amanda Jean Juliano Kyle Edward Kassik Eugene A. Katsevich Caitlyn V. Kavenagh Evin S. Kelley David Anthony Kendall Sara-Marie Kennedy Mohamed Ameer Khan Monica Marie Kiefer Hyung-Jin Kim Angelina Marie Kinnaird Sasha Klimchock Alexandra W. Knerr Rene Jeffrey Kortus, II Lindsey N. Kroning John D. Kumar Nathalie Claudia La Madrid Amanda Lacognata Jesse S. Landenwitch Nicholas Adam Lanz Brittany Marie Laschance Christina Marie Latreill Dominic Phillip Lavoie Callisa Michelle Lawn Emily A. Lay Ryan K. Leatherman Danielle Christina LeDuke Tiffany E. Lee Alexander J. Lemieux Paige A. Lenssen Julie M. Leonard Cory Lane Liljenquist Trevor W. Liljenquist Thomas C. Lindquist Daniel C. Linn Jessica L. Lofton Trevor J. Lombardi Debin T. Long Alexandra R. Lopez Christina A. Lopez Danielle Nicole Lotzia Frances Lourido Christian Alexander Luxon Courtney Abigail Lyons Jon Carlo Malave Shelby Kristina Maniccia Erika Danielle Manning Elliot Anthony Martin Michael D'angelo Martin Dax Chavez Martinez Mayra deJesus Martinez Ian Adair-Parker Marton Elaina Ann Masluk Nelson Armando Matos Adam Christopher Maxon Kijuan Toddrike Mays Ariana Belen McCain Carly Madison McCarthy Kenneth Andrew McCluskey Shannon Kellie McGloin Shelby Ellen McGrew

Ryan Francis McGuire Kyle McKeever McNabb Jonathan E. Melendez Matthew Mendoza Brie Walker Merriwether Razmeek Alexander Merzoian Kalen Gregory Metz Michael Robert Miles Ashley Marie Miller Danny Lee Miller Nicole Lauren Monkarsh Jacelyn Francis Montanez Saeara Moon Forrest Dalton Moons Michael E. Moore Spencer Tarrant Moothart Charissa Marie Morales Joseph Alan Moran Katharine Leighanne Morton Andrew Justin Moumouris Christina Juanita Rachel Moyers Chelsea Elizabeth Mueller Samantha Lena Muller Victoria Ann Muscedere Nancy Lynn Nasser Jessica Nicole Nazario Fabrianna Valetia Nelson Sara Ann Nelson Lyndsey Morgan Neviaser Jordan Alexander Nevin Taylor Grayson Nevin Sean Ryan Nossaman Haley Danielle Nungesser Austin Douglas O'Brien Erin C. O'Dell Sean Francis O'Neill Brittanie Ana Olavarria Dustin Matthew Orchard Brittany Michele Ortner Lindsay Marie Osburn Shelby Elizabeth Owen Ashley Ann Owens Andrew J. Oxford Kurt Patrick Pagano Megan Kathleen Pando Nathan Alexander Parnes Brittany Marie Partain Kristen Brittney Pauley Jillian Paige Peppiatt Victoria Lynn Persampiere Christian James Peterson Arick Amilear-Mikhail Pineda Callahan Sheehan Porcher Matthew Alexander Poweski Jennifer Leah Preedom Daniel James Price Julio Eduardo Quintero Brenden Michael Ramsey Catherine Lee Rarden Emily Rose Ray Tiffany Caitlin Ray Daniel Jordan Razor Lauren Ann Redding Thaddeus Clay Reeser Jordan Ashley Reeve Anna Elisabeth Rehnstrom Patrick Joseph Reilly Kelsey Rae Renfrow Amanda Marie Reyes Sara Margaret Richardson Ryan Daley Ridenbaugh Jonathan Reinhard Ridgway Jasmine Enid Rivera Nicole Ramona Rizkallah Nancy-Clair Roberson Craig Andrew Roberts Aaron Joseph Rodriguez Jazmin Rodriguez Kimberly Jean Rosario Bryan Alexander Roth Raymond Christian Rowland John Dennis Rugg Gabrielle Marie Ruiz Zachary Neil Rutherford Christopher Michael Rybicki Zaisha Marie Sanchez Fontanez Geovanny Hommy Santillan Luis Isaac Santos Sheila Louise Saunders Anita Regina Scheraldi Tyler G. Schiner Forest Steven Schlueb Daniel Vincent Schmidt Joseph E. Schmidt, III Ricky J. Schooling

Joel M. Scott Steven Martin Semanda Ian Michael Seymore Claire Michelle Shackelford Arsalan Shafie Tyler Sharpe Jacob Richard Siegel Xavier Christopher Simon Shekila Katrae Slater Kevin Matthew Slechta Joshua Michael Slee Lauren Michelle Small Blake Cameron Smith Caitlin Annette Smith Kenneth Jordan Smith Rheanon Lee Smith Sean M. Smith Ariel Jacqueline Garza-Sowers Jonandy R. Soto Michelle A. Soto Christopher John Spataro Tyrone Standifer Megan Elizabeth Stanforth Tara Lynn Stanko Christopher James Staral Madison Lee Steiner Mitchell Ryan Stevens Emily Elise Stevenson Kyle Glen Stewart Patrick Stiffler Anna Stolbova Haleigh Atwood Stout Rachael Elizabeth Stueber Kyle Brandon Suggs Sodaved Sum Lacey Ann Taylor Zachary Dean Taylor James Edward Telson Elaine Margaret Thoma Jonathan David Thomas Marcus Stephen Thomas Seth Garfield Thomas Samantha Nichole Tolentino Casey Bri Tucker Mercedes Ashanti Turner Shera Misha Uddin Ted W. Utsey Brooke Annette Van de Houten Kami Lynn Vanderpool Amanda Lauren Vargas Erin Michelle Vaughn Frances Vazquez Gabriel Vazquez Linoshka Vega Kevin Aaron Veloso Maria Gabriela Villafuerte Christina Monique Walker Daniel Robert Walters Lauren Chabot Walters Jennifer Lee Ward Jonathan Bautista Warner Brittany Meagan Warren Drake Alan Watson Sarah Ann Weaver Kaley Elizabeth Webster Rachel Patricia Webster Tobias Joe Weighill Candice Mims Weingart Shelby Leigh Weisinger Matthew C. Whebell Shannon Elizabeth White Daniel Scott Whitehurst Dimitri Antoine Wilks Floyd R. Wilks, Jr. Deansha Yaszmene Williams Danielle Nicole Wilson Jaclyn Marie Wing Kaci Elise Wing Austin Alexander Wittman David Benjamin Wolfson Yirang Woo Simon Sebastian Wood Zachary K. Wood Kayla Jo Woody Jere R. Wysong Michael William Yanckello Matthew Kenneth Yanesh Melissa Lynn Yost Carl Austin Young Adam Bennett Zaintz Brianna Nicole Zdanciewicz Alan Guillermo Zegarra Adrian Michael Ziegler Daniel J. Ziulkowski Dustin Andrew Zuccarini

The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010


Boot camp inspires participants NJROTC’s boot camp experience opens eyes and influences futures Kaitlyn Loughlin


“What do you like best about NJROTC?”

staff reporter

ccording to senior Chelsea Green, almost half of the NJROTC members plan to enlist into a field of the armed forces after high school, and most of them also participate in individual boot camps that are scattered within the United States. “I’m going to a boot camp this summer in Great Lakes, Illinois, to prepare me for the Navy,” says Green. Along with hopes to prepare themselves for the obstacles that will later come with deployment in one of the Armed Forces, NJROTC students expect to obtain stronger athletic abilities as well as obedience to higher ranked commanders. “I’ll be spending 10 weeks sleeping on a tiny cot with hardly any sleep, barely any food, constant exercise, and very challenging times. I have nothing like that here right now,” said junior Ben Traback. “I’ll be more physically fit, disciplined, and even more grateful for my current living status because of it.” For those who have already endured the conditions of a boot camp, like junior Lindsey Hummell, boot camp turned out to be a completely different experience than had been anticipated. “Going to boot camp made me realize that I’m a sissy and I can’t be away from my mommy,” said Hummell. “The physical part really isn’t that difficult, but the emotional part was so hard. The boot camp I went to was only a week long, and I can’t imagine being away from my family and friends for any longer than that.” Yet there are those who do spend long periods of time away from home and their families to be in the military. Junior Chelsea Stroyan’s father, Rick Stroyan, has been a soldier for 23 years and finds being deployed for a long time the hardest part about being in the military. “I’m now retiring so my kids don’t have to attend multiple high schools and can call Oviedo home,” said (R) Stroyan. Daughter, (C) Stroyan, recalls moving six times during her lifetime to places including California, Kansas, Alabama, Germany, and twice to Florida, all in spite of her father’s career. “Even though it is inconvenient for my Dad to be gone a lot for so long, I’m proud of him for what he does and I still support the war because I think they’re making a difference over there,” said (C) Stroyan. Similarly, others, such as Traback, agree that our soldiers are fighting hard for a noble cause. “There’s nothing I’d rather do; I have a strong passion for this country and I feel extremely blessed to be with the people I am with and the government we have. I’m not under a dictatorship; I’m in a free country [and] the greatest country,” said Traback. “There has not been a war fought on our soil since the civil war because of our great military. I want to be with the best.”


Ben Traback


“It’s fun and you make a lot of friends in the end.”


POINT AND SHOOT. NJROTC members Sarah Parks, Brittany Hudson, and Ben Traback practice marksmanship.

Green agrees and wants to expand her Despite the hardships and complications being so far from home can have on a knowledge to persevere towards her future family, Traback’s strong devotion to the goals. “I want to be a nurse in the Marines United States only fortifies his desire to after all of this, and being in ROTC has enlist. “I’m going into a very involved job, already given me a lot of background in which takes tons of time and commitment,” naval science,” said Green. Having familiar skills and knowledge said Traback. “When I do want to get married though, I’ll be sure my wife on her branch of the Armed Forces is not the only factor that Green feels confident understands, and I’ll be as fair as I can.” For those, like Hummell, who are about. She also thinks that being a female already in long-term relationships, this in the Marines is very rewarding. “Many girls won’t step up to this kind kind of decision is one that requires a lot of patience, as well as both physical and of position,” said Green. “They need strong people there, like me, and I’m proud to be emotional strength, for both individuals. Hummell states that her boyfriend is one of them.” When determining considering such a serious career so joining the army as well, and she “There’s nothing I’d rather do; early in life, it can be both self-fulfilling and a tough explains her I have a strong passion for this decision, but it is also approaches to country and I feel extremely one that effects the others the situation, no around them. matter what the blessed.” Ben Traback, ‘11 “My parents and sister result turns out understand what I’m getting to be. into, and I understand as “It’s scary to think that one day he might be deployed and well. There were people meant to do this, I’ll have to say goodbye,” said Hummell. I’m one of them,” said Traback. “There is a “To get the news that I’ll never get to see possibility I’ll die, of course, and while I’m him, maybe even ever again, is a terrifying gone they’ll miss me, but they’ll be proud, and I will to.” thought.” Although such a career can be lifeRegardless of what her boyfriend’s choice may be, Hummell promises to threatening, Traback believes you should always be ardent in important choices like support him 100 percent. “Wanting to enlist still crosses my mind this. “People were meant to be doing what every once in a while, but it requires a lot of time to think about, especially if my they love and if we’ve figured out what boyfriend decides he is going to join,” said we want to do, we should be allowed Hummell. “In that case, I would rather him to pursue it,” said Traback. “There is pursue that path, while I go to college to be nothing better than a person’s passion.” Hummell looks up to those who are so a pediatric psychologist.” Although, Hummell believes that if she devoted to their nation that they are willing does not follow into a career in the Armed to fight for it, and she has a motto that she Forces, she will still take with her the skills thinks everyone should follow, no matter where they go in life. she has learned. “Prepare for the worst and expect nothing “The experiences in both boot camp and ROTC have already taught me integrity, but the best,” said Hummell. “Joining is responsibility, respect, and how to be such an honorable and courageous thing the best leader I can possibly be,” said to do; I give props to anybody who is enlisting.” Hummell.

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Lindsay Hummel ‘11

“I like how everyone’s really close-knit.”

Samantha Muller ‘10

“The instructors. They’re always there when you need help; it’s like a family.”

Teen boot camps What’s the difference between NJROTC boot camps and boot camps for troubled teens?

- Kids at military boot camps endure tough conditions such as constant physical activity. - Camps for troubled teens are for dealing with youths’ with personal struggles. - At military boot camp boys have to have hair cut short and dress in a uniform.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

Future pursuits cause stress Kimberly Segrest


staff reporter

s graduation draws near, seniors like Luis Santos begin to look to the future. Their heads filled with thoughts of college, rent, and worry. “I’m always worrying about paying for rent because I’m going to be living on my own,” says Santos, who will be moving to North Carolina after graduation. “[I’m moving there] because there’s going to be a fighting academy there,” said Santos. He will also be moving there to be closer to his girlfriend, Chastity Masters. “I love her very much and I would do anything for her and she would do the same for me,” said Santos. He will be staying in a home left to Masters’ parents by her grandparents. “They invited me [to live there] in

case I wanted to be closer to Chastity,” he said. This relieves some of the financial burden he would otherwise face living in an unpaid for home or apartment. “All me and her sister have to pay for is the electricity,” said Santos. He will pay for this and things such as groceries and tuition in a couple of ways. “If I need work [Masters’ father] said I can come and work with them,” said Santos. Another big help with money has been his mom, who recently gave him $500 to help with the bills. “I really feel secure with this plan,” he said, “especially with my mom’s help.” After he completes the fighting academy, which will only last a year, he will be moving back to Florida. “I’m going to come home. And me and my girlfriend are going to move into an apartment together. Then I’m going to go to community college and I’m still going to follow my career as a fighter. Santos is not the only one who’s future after high school will lead to moving in with some one they are currently in a relationship with. “My boyfriend and I are going to get an apartment together because we’ll both be going to Seminole State College,” said senior Christina Buro-Latreill. However, where she’ll live is not Buro-Latreill’s biggest concern. “My biggest worry is being able to study abroad because I really need the field work,” said Buro-Latreill, who plans to be a history professor for Scottish heritage. “From what I’ve heard about all the areas of history

illustration/MIRANDA HARMON

I’ve found Scottish and Irish to be the most interesting” she said. In order to pursue her interest in these things she will continue studying them through college. “My first two years [of college] are going to be at SSC so that I’m in smaller classes. Then I’m transferring to UNF,” said Buro-Latreill. After that she plans on studying abroad in Scotland. That’s where her financial concerns come in but she has several ways with which she plans to fund it. “I work now so hopefully by then I’ll be able to save up for it,” Buro-Latreill said. At the moment she is employed at Froggers and plans to stay in the serving business through college. “You make really good money at that and I already have a foot in the door,” she said. In addition to this Buro-Latreill’s guidance counselor has been helping her find scholarships that can help. “I have Bright Futures, I filled out FAFSA, and I got an award from SSC that gave me money.” The grant that will help most with her plans to study abroad is FAFSA, which should she not spend it at SSC or UNF will go straight to her pocket to be used for the trip. “[Without] it I was really worried I wasn’t going to be able to afford to go,” Buro-Latreill said. Jordan Reeve is another senior who plans on going over seas when he graduates. “I’m going to Australia for six months over the summer to study art,” said Reeve. “There is an artist out there whose place I’ll be staying at,” he said. Though he will continue studying art he is not interested in going to college. “I’m already sick of high school,” Reeve said. Despite the pressure to attend some form of University most students face Reeve is comfortable with his plan to continue with his sculpture and so are his parents. “They don’t mind that I’m not going to college,” said Reeve. Even if his art doesn’t fully support him Reeve has a backup plan “My backup plan is going into the Air Force because it’s the easiest to get into,” he said. As stressful as moving on is, weather it be to fighting, sculpting, or anything else. It’s all worth it in the end to pursue their goals. “That’s what it’s all about,” Buro-Latreill said, “being interested.”

Singer prepares for musical life S

Miami, and Loyola. I visited every college and I just got a really good vibe from Loyola. I like the small knit community of the school and the voice teacher I will study with there and just New Orleans in general.” Moving over 600 miles away from her friends and family, Davila has many anxieties but also has a great amount of curiosity as to what her future holds. “I’m so nervous about leaving my family and all my friends but I’m excited for a fresh new start,” said Davila. “I’m also excited to grow with a new teacher and expand upon what I already know and meet other people who share the same passion for music as me.” After she graduates Davila has already thought of what she wants to do with her music degree. “After I graduate I hope to go onto graduate school and then do a young artist program which is an after graduate school program that continues to develop your vocals as your voice matures. And after that I would like to go into opera or teach lessons for kids, or possibly become a professor,” said Davila.


bassoon at Loyola as well because I got a scholarship for it.” Davila first thought of going to school when she went to a music camp that helped show her what she wanted to do with her life. “I’ve been taking lessons for music for years. It really hit me when I went to the Miami Frost School Music Camp last summer that I wanted to pursue a career in this. Everybody was so good and it really inspired me to be better. I wouldn’t be happy with anything else. I couldn’t imagine having a career without music,” said Davila. Davila also goes to a voice teacher, Priscilla Bagley, once a week to help improve her vocals. From Bagley she first heard of the University. “I learned that my voice teacher received her bachelors in voice performance from Loyola University and she highly recommended it,” said Davila. “This summer I also met up with a friend who already goes there and she talked about why she loves the school. It really perked my interest.” Choosing a college for Davila has been a long process - one that involved applying to over eight different schools. With the support of her family she was able to choose the school that she felt best suited her. “I applied to Stetson, University of Miami, Suny Potsdam, Florida Southern,


enior Ellie Davila walks out onto the stage and looks into the bright lights. She takes a deep breath and begins to sing. Her voice moves beautifully through the high and low notes of the opera ballad. “Come raggio di sol mite e sereno/ Sovre placidi flutti si riposa” resonates throughout the auditorium leaving behind a sense of awe over the powerful representation of the song. A few weeks later she receives a call and is granted a $12,000 scholarship to attend Loyola University in New Orleans. “A few months ago I went to the university and auditioned for the school music program. I had to sing two songs in different styles. One had to be an art song and one in a different language. I sang “Schtill vie die nacht” and “Comme raggio di sol.” I thought I did really well, and about a month later I found out about scholarship for $12,000 and also an academic scholarship for $8,000,” said Davila. Davila has had a passion for music her entire life, but going to Oviedo gave her the opportunity to explore her interests. “I joined chorus my sophomore year and then band my junior year,” said Davila. “I play the piano and the bassoon and I just started cello lessons. I think it’s really important to be musically inclined to different things. It enriches me as a person. You should also

Ellie Dav ila, ‘10

Carly Brower really focus on one thing, and for me that’s UNF, and UCF. Recently I was deciding co-diversions editor my voice. But I’m going to be playing the between UNF, Stenson, and University of

The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010





May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


GPA: 4.644

Gene Katsev

Determined ten wind up on top


he top ten hold a coveted position at the high school. They represent the school through their academics, athletics, and pursuit of the arts. Many members start thinking about the top ten from freshman year. “I’ve always been really competitive and motivated. The top ten has always been my goal. Actually, it was valedictorian, but I figured out pretty quickly that that wasn’t an option,” said Amanda Eifert. “I was pretty sure in my sophomore year that I had no chance of being in the top ten because I wasn’t taking as many AP classes as

I thought necessary,” said Morgan Gill. “But I just did my thing, and this is where I ended up.” Maintaining this high level of commitment is no easy feat. “I normally get five to six hours of sleep. But there have been many nights where I have stayed up to two and woken up at four to finish homework,” said Floyd Wilks. Amanda Eifhert said, “You have to take challenging classes. If you aren’t selfmotivated, it’s not going to happen, because there will always be 10 people who are and are willing to give up sleep and sometimes food to get there.”

GPA: 4.442

Flo yd



Where are you planning on going to college and why? Duke because it’s a prestigious school, located in the South, and the athletics are superb. What is your favorite animal and why is that your favorite? The cheetah is my favorite animal because am obsessed with speed and it just looks raw! What are you looking forward to most in college and why? I’m looking forward to living on my own because for so long I’ve been under my parent’s control. Now I have to make my own decisions.

h Sam

Jordan Hug


GPA: 4.4 6

Jordan Hugh Sam co-opinion editor


Where are you planning on going to college and why? I will be attending Amherst College. They have an open curriculum so I am free to pursue my own interests and study things that fasinate me. What is your favorite animal and why is that your favorite? Platypus. They are semi-aquatic egg-laying mammals of action. What is the most difficult class you ever took and why? The most difficult class I have ever taken was newspaper. It was difficult because you had to depend on people that were unreliable

Where are you college and wh Princeton, because I school with the same Who is your bi why? My biggest role mod he’s a gangsta, he do takes nothin’ from n Do you have a I juggle. I really enjo new tricks and impre juggling clubs.


Paige Lenssen

Where are you planning on going why? Auburn University! They’re ranked highly for und they have an absolutely beautiful campus, and e I’ve talked to said they would go back in a heartb What was your favorite high schoo AP Language. I really enjoyed working to becom I’ve always loved to read. What is your favorite movie and w The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Need I sa

Mackenzie Gill

Where are you planning on going and why? I plan on attending Rollins College because it is home, absolutely beautiful, and they boast a s program. If you could do anything over in h what would it be? Get to know Oviedo High School sooner. Do you have any pets? I have five cats: Zoe, Abby, Anya, Sheeba, and

0 1 ‘ TEN The Lion’s Tale


Jo Melissa

om Th

GPA: 4.561


why? ay more?


57 6 4. Where are you planning on going to college and why? UCF: It’s a good school with plenty of opportunities. I like Oviedo and have good friends at UCF so it is a perfect match. What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your faviorite artist? My favorite artist is John Mayer. He is an inspiration because he is an incredible guitar player. What do you want to for a carrer? I want to be a doctor.

GPA: 4.56

Amanda Eifert Where are you planning on going to college and why? I’m going to UF, because A) I was born a Gator, B) it’s far enough away, but not too far, and C) I get Florida Prepaid and Bright Futures for staying in-state. What do you want to do for a career and why? I’d love to be in research and development for biomed engineering, possibly at a university where I could teach too. What is your favorite TV show and why is that your favorite? I love the CSI shows. I like to see if I can figure out who did it before they do.

90 4 . 4


g to college


.51 0

high school


Where are you planning on going to college and why? St. Olaf College because it’s a great school where I can continue to play football. What is the most difficult class you ever took and why was it so difficult? AP U.S. History with Ms. Woods just because of sheer amount of work. What is your favorite movie and why is that your favorite? Anchorman. It’s hilarious.

Morgan Gill

GPA :4

s small, close to superior business

nckello Michael Ya


dergraduate education, every student/alumnus beat. ol class and why? me a better writer, and

Where are you planning on going to college and why? UF because it is such an amazing school, and I have always wanted to be a Gator. What was your favorite high school class and why? AP Art History. I loved studying all of the artworks and artists. How many AP classes did you take this year and how many overall? This year: 4 Overall: 10


4 8 to college and



del is Lil’ Wayne, because like me, oes what he wants to do, and no one. any hobbies? oy it because it’s fun learning essing the Princeton and Yale


u planning on going to hy? figured I might as well go to a e colors as Oviedo High. iggest role model and



n Jo





May 14, 2010

Where are you planning on going to college and why? Rollins, because it has small classes and it is close. What do you want to do for a career and why? I want to work for the United Nations so I can take part in international cooperation and development. Who is your favorite movie/TV/ book character and why? Donnie Darko, because he’s the anti-Christ.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

Senior dances his way to graduation My grandfather came from Greece. ” Harbilas’ friends had similar reactions. staff reporter “They thought it was cool that I was he performance is about to begin. pursuing something out of the box,” said Behind the scenes, seinor John Harbilas. Harbilas learned his dances at the Holy Harbilas prepares for his performance Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Maitland of a traditional Greek dance. “Our final performance was the first in the and was taught by people who knew the competition,” said Harbilas. “I was confident culture. “When I joined the dance troop,” said in what I was doing, but I was worried about Harbilas. “My instructor would bring people forgetting the steps.” Ever since the beginning of the school from Greece to help teach us different year, Harbilas learned several traditional dances.” During his time practicing with the dance Greek dances for his senior project. But his reasons for learning them were more than troop, Harbilas learned several dances for several different occasions. that. “We learned nine “I’ve grown up different dances for around it and I saw “My instructor would bring people festivals [and for] my friends go to performances we learned the program,” said from Greece to help teach us five, so I learned 14 Harbilas. “It gave different dances.” different dances.” me a good platform Out of all of the for senior project John Harbilas, ‘10 several dances he learned, and I always wanted Harbilas’ favorite was to do it.” one called the Pentozali. A l t h o u g h “It’s a faster pace and it gets the guys to Harbilas grew up around the Greek culture do the high kicks and jumps,” said Harbilas. and dances, he is a newcomer to dancing. “I just started dancing this year at the “It brings a lot of energy.” How long it took to learn the dances, beginning of the school year,” said Robbins. Harbilas has a Greek culture tracing back however, varied. “Some dances you could learn in a to his grandparents. He was the first person in his family to have formal dance training. practice,” said Harbilas. “Some dances took SAVE THE LAST DANCE John Harbilas lifts senior James “They were all [my family] really excited three or four practices. It depended on how Telson during Senior Showcase in the Media Center on May 14. [about the dancing],” said Harbilas. “My intricate it was.” Harbilas’s senior project centered around Greek dancing and Like any other physical activity, dancing mom and grandma were excited because his display board contained pictures of him dancing. they wanted to see me carry on the tradition. might cause injuries.

Wesley Wynne


“[When] we did a lot of the jumps and stuff I sprained muscles,” said Harbilas. When performing the traditional dances, Harbilas wore traditional costumes to go along with them. “The costumes we wore were from different regions,” said Harbilas. “No two were exactly the same. My costume was brown wool pants with a brown wool vest with a white shirt and a red sash around the waist.” And after all the hard work, Harbilas and the troop did well. “We did good,” said Harbilas. “We placed 2nd in the competition. I thought we did good for such a young group. We had a lot of young kids.” The performance and showcasing of the dances he learned was probably Harbilas’ favorite part. “It made me feel more apart of my culture,” said Harbilas. When he dances, Harbilas has a very special feeling. “I feel good [and] I enjoy it,” said Harbilas. “It kind of washes away any worries I have.” From this experience, Harbilas learned a few things. “I learned the history behind it [the dancing],” said Harbilas. “And how to embrace my culture.” And Harbilas plans to be dancing in the future. ‘I’m still dancing,” said Harbilas. “Our final performance is in June, and I’ll probably dance at a different college.”

Katsevich named Outstanding Senior of the Year


enior Awards Night took place Monday, May 3 in the Gerald Cassanova Performing Arts Center. This night honors the students who accept awards in a variety of categories, ranging from physical education to nationally recognized awards. There were many scholarships awarded that could not be listed below. Eugene Katsevich accepted the Outstanding Senior Student of the Year award.

Linda Lougee Community Service

Central Florida Blood Center Scholarship

Women in Science

Post 9/11 G.I. Bill Scholarship

Oviedo Women’s Club and Louise Martin Scholarship

Victoria Persampiere Michael Fine Andrew McClusky Toby Weighill

Gerald Cassanova Performing Arts Scholarship Mark Harriott

Seminole State District Board of Trustees Christina Buro-Latreil

Kelli Sessions Michael Tripp

Seminole County Foundation TSIC

Shelby Maniccia Haleigh Stout

The Winter Springs/Oviedo Lion’s Club Scholarship

Chelsea Green

Athletes of the Year

Rising Rotary Achievers Program Deputy Michael Callin Scholarship Cass “Toots” Nardo Endowment Rachael Stueber

Jessica Huggins Carissa Ivie

Shelby Maniccia Shelby Maniccia Julie Leonard Bridgitte Batista

PTSA Scholarships Victoria Perampiere Gabrielle Ruiz Shelby Maniccia Miranda Ghali Nancy Nasser Patrick Christie

School Awards

Victoria Persampiere

Exceptional Student Education

Debin Long Trevor Liljenquist


Joanna Fydenkevez Paige Lenssen

Fine Arts

Colonel J.F. Nardo Endowment

Anita Carlson Award

Allied Veterans

Jack Blanton Award

Foreign Language

Paul Mikler/Micky Norton Future Coach Award

Kenny Anderson

Robert Becker

Chase Atkinson Justin Barbery Robert Becker Guillermo Encarnacion Michael Fine Chelsea Green Christina Lopez Andrew McClusky Andrew Moumouris Samantha Muller Ian Seymore Kenneth Smith Rachael Stueber Toby Weighill Matthew Whebell Alan Zegarra

NJROTC Boosters Club/Merit Award Alan Zeggara Guillermo Encarcion Andrew Moumouris Chelsea Green

Allison Jessee Tanner Below

Brad Graham

Claire Shackleford Anna Rehnstrom


Physical Education

Zak Jarzynka Memorial Scholarship

Joanna Fydenkevez Dallas Frazier

National Merit Finalists

Amanda Eifert Career Education Joseph Moran

Erin O’Dell Ray Roland Chase Gordon

Amanda Eifert Catherine Gill Melissa Jones Eugene Katsevich Paige Lenssen Victoria Persampiere Jonathan Thomas Michael Yankello

Robert Locke Scholarship Claire Shackleford

Social Studies


Michael Fine


Jordan Hugh Sam

Jefferson Award Miranda Ghali

Principal’s Citizenship Award Jessica Childress

Outstanding Senior Student of the Year Eugene Katsevich

The Lion’s Tale

May 14,2010

One by One






? Stealing cars to climbing trees: you know? Senior discovers love for academics while in juvie 1 S Hallie Lavery



enior Daniel Miller is a prime example of the saying “you live and you learn.” About a year and a half ago, when he was 16, Miller stole a car from an empty street in Geneva. “The keys were in the car, it was a friends, and me and some friends took it for a joy ride around 11 or 12 at night,” said Miller. Miller and friends cruised around for about five hours and returned the car, unharmed, to the owner’s driveway. “I know it was stupid, I was bored and just wanted to drive something, but you learn from past mistakes,” Miller said. Even though the car was unscathed, the cars owner found out after the incident, and still pressed charges. I’m actually a very safe driver,” said Miller. But Miller also didn’t have a driver’s license at the time. “I knew whose car it was, we had it kinda planned out. But actually stealing it was a spur of the moment thing. We might have gotton away with it, but my girlfriend’s parents found out and ratted me out.” As for Miller’s parents, they weren’t to surprised about Miller’s arrest. “They knew we [Miller and accomplice] would get caught eventually,” said Miller. After being arrested Miller had to attend a court hearing to determine his punishment. “I had to go to court and talk to a judge, and had to spend three months in a Juvenile Delinquent center in Sanford for a first offense. I also couldn’t get my license for a year,” Miller said. About Juvie, Miller says Juvie wasn’t fun and the food wasn’t good. He also had trouble with old friends. “A lot of people judged me because of the incident. I don’t have as many friends as I used to anymore; it sucked completely,” Miller said. In the facility, delinquents also had to participate in a regular school program where Miller realized he had a passion for school. “Well after the whole jail incident I figured out that I was really good at school, I never really tried before because I didn’t care, but since I had to stay in school while in Juvi I started to actually try and figured out I was really good. I went from a 1.5 GPA to a 3.7 GPA, now I like school a lot,” said Miller. Miller has a sincere interest in helping

Callisa Lawn and Elaine Thoma can blink morse code to each other.


Annemarie Hauser sleepwalks and sleeptalks.


Anna Stolbolva is fluent in Russian.

4 5


REACHING NEW HEIGHTS. Miller is pictured here climbing a tree in the OHS court yard. Among the branches he feels trouble, Miller says he doesn’t have any regrets. “I think everything in life happens for a reason,” said Miller. Overall, from the whole experience Miller has learned a lot, and definitely matured. “I used to do a lot of bad things, but I have become a lot more mature, think about my consequences, and don’t just act on impulse anymore. You live and you learn.” Miller said. ­­

Emily Cottrell’s last name is pronounced COT-rell, not CAHtrell, despite popular belief.


Shelby McGrew dislocated her knee playing four square.


There are five seniors with the last name Smith.


Chris Clark is right handed but brushes his teeth with his left hand.

released from the troubles he faces on the ground.

people and plans to start at Seminole State College and end up at University of Florida. “I want to be a surgeon, I really just want to help people,” Miller said. Thankfully, because Miller was a minor when he was arrested, the charges will be impugned, therefore hopefully not affecting his reputation for jobs or colleges. Now, Miller does a lot of activities to keep himself busy and out of trouble. “I like to climb trees in my spare time. I like to get away from the world and being in a tree makes me feel like there’s not a care in the world,” said Miller. Other than climbing trees Miller likes to run and do other exercising activities, like lifting weights. “They keep me really busy,”said Miller. Even though his actions caused him

Megan Stanforth was bitten by an ostrich when she was four.

9 10

Michelle Collins has “YOLO” which stand for “You Only Live Once” tatooed on her inner lip. Colin Gillespie has over 1,000 CD albums.

Editor’s Note: One by one appears in every edition of the Lion’s Tale, and features a randomly selected student. This edition a staff reporter interviewed the first senior seen coming down the stairs from building one.


by Miranda Harmon

illustration/MIRANDA HARMON


May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

Diversions Tommy Anderson, ‘13

Students have one thought on their mind as the temperature continues to get increasingly hotter: summer.

Find Jelly! A small image of Jelly has been hidden somewhere in the paper. Last edition Jelly was hidden on page 4.

Joelle Mateola, ‘12

Gabe Mora, ‘12






While some students have plans to save up money for future travels by taking up a summer job, or to travel around the United States, other students are raking up their sky miles and traveling over seas.

Summer Sojourns

Teens take off to foreign lands

in South Carolina, it’s through my church. I’m going to be G’day Mate helping needy people. Then I might go to South Florida to staff reporter see my family. I haven’t seen many of them since I moved Sophomore Joelle Mateola takes a deep breath as she weat drips down sophomore Gabe Mora’s face as from there in August,” said Mora. slides the envelopes into her mailbox, puts up the red flag he smears white suds across the car in front of him. to announce outgoing mail, and waits. The weeks between For a moment, Mora wonders why he dedicates his Teen says Bonjour, Hola to summer the letters departure and their return drag on, until finally her weekends to washing cars, mowing yards, and babysitting Freshman Tommy Anderson stares at the paper below letters of sponsorship return. little children. The cold splash of water reminds him- to pay him, trying to memorize the Spanish phrases that will be “I’m going to Australia this summer for 20 days through for his summer. useful while traveling this summer. the People to People Organization,” said Mateola. “I’m going to Japan to see my brother Daniel who is a “I’m going to London, Paris, Madrid and Barcelona this Mateola has been enlisting the help of close ones to help marine stationed in Okinawa. He surprised me by buying a summer,” said Anderson. fund the trip. ticket for me,” said Mora. This will not be Anderson’s first time in Europe. “I’ve been doing fundraisers and sending out letters of Mora will be traveling with his other older brother, 26 “I’ve been to Sweden a couple of times to visit relatives sponsorship to close family and friends. So far they’ve been year old Chris. that live there,” said Anderson. really supportive,” said Mateola. “We will be gone from June 4 through July 4. I’m looking This time, however, Anderson will be joining 14 students Mateola will not only be gaining memories from this trip, forward to being able to make memories and have time with and 10 adults on a tour through England, France, and Spain, but by participating in it, she will also receive high school my brothers,” said Mora. chaperoned by Spanish teacher Jackie Reilly and art teacher credit for one semester. Mora has already begun making pre-travel Tonia Letzo. “I really wanted to do this when I got the letter in the arrangements. “I teach a foreign language and foreign cultrure. There is mail. I thought it would be a good idea. Especially with the “I have to make sure to keep my grades up before I leave. no better way to complete the instruction that to take them high school credit,” said Mateola. Also, I need to speak to the principal to arrange when I can there,” said Reilly. Mateola can not wait to see the many tourist sites in take my semester exams, because I will be in Japan when it Anderson will be visiting many popular sites while in Australia. is time to take them,” said Mora. Europe. “I can’t wait to go scuba diving in the Coral Reef. We are Mora does not expect the different “I’m going to some of the excursions while on the trip, also going to go to the Opera House in Sydney, and we’ll languages to be a problem while on vacation. like Versailles. Also, I might be seeing Phantom of the Opera probably go to see the Koala bears,” said Mateola. “My brothers and I are going to be staying on the military at the West End in London, and the Eiffel Tower in Paris,” Along with 20 days full of memories, Mateola is looking base, and they speak English there,” said Mora. said Anderson. forward to bringing back souvenirs from the trip. While in Japan, Mora hopes to go to the beaches, check While on the trip, Anderson looks forward to collecting “I like to collect a little souvenir from every place I go. out the festivals, and hopes to make it to Australia. his favorite souvenir. Usually it is either a snow globe, a keychain, or a postcard,” “Australia is so close to Japan, I’d love to be able to “I like to collect foreign money from every new place said Mateola. say I went to Japan and Australia over summer break,” said that I go to,” said Anderson. What Mateola is looking forward to the most, however, Mora. Anderson also has plans for the rest of his summer. can’t be put in a suitcase. Mora’s summer plans don’t end when he returns on July “When we get back, I might go to Canada to sightsee “Really, what I’m hoping to gain from this trip is a better 5. around there. And I’m going back to Sweden to visit with my understanding of the world and all of its cultures,” said “After I get back, I’m going to be going to a work camp family,” said Anderson. Mateola.

Stephanie O’Sullivan




The Lion’s Tale

compiled by Angiee Carey

Hang it up

Lighten up your space

Bring a festive glow to your space with a brightly colored paper lantern. They are definitely more stylish than ordinary table lamps and provide a lot of light, so one will do. Found at PBteen $9.00-19.00

Comfortable Seating

Futons look more attractive than just regular metal chairs. A big plus about futons is that they easily convert from a sofa to a sleeper. Although futons seem like they are minimal in design, they truly have enough substance to look decorative and are very easy to accessorize. Buy at Target stores $200 or less

excited to interview the performers. Sadly enough, the performers disappointed me immensely. My story focuses on one particular Julia Thorncroft co-opinion editor member of the comedy troupe. Let’s call him Joe Schmo. Joe Schmo is a real schmuck. A smug, arrogant, sleezy bag of air. Joe stated that the troupe performs once a year, and that they spend the whole year preparing by othing in this world compares writing sketches and practicing once a to writing. Writing is useful for month. not just school, but for social Later on in the interview, Joe claimed networking. You go home, write a research that writing played merely a small role, paper for English class. Post a message that they base their sketches purely on on your friend’s wall. Tweet your every improvisation and unrehearsed jokes. thought. What a bunch of bologna. Despite all the time and effort students In comedy, as in many other things, spend on Facebook, they seem to care even writing proves to be vital. less about writing. I discovered this through “Saturday Night Live,” an iconic sketch a recent interview with someone. comedy show, is filled with excellent While in Tampa at the Florida writing. Most of the cast members on Scholastic Press Association’s (FSPA) “SNL” write their own material, gaining annual convention, I had the opportunity to experience through “underground” sketch represent The Lion’s Tale in a review writing comedy groups like The Groundlings or competition. Second City. The competition required me to watch When asked which comedian he an all student sketch comedy troupe called looked up to the most, Joe Schmo replied, On The Brink (OTB) perform. I had an hour “Uhh, yeah well we all have comedic afterwards to interview the performers and backgrounds, but yeah. I like what we do.” complete writing the review. I asked Joe to expand on his statement, It thrilled me to be a part of this but he went on to say that he looks up to competition. I love nothing more than himself, implying that he has no comedic sketch comedy, which made me even more role model whatsoever.

Pop Culture Column

Comedy troupe on the brink of stupidity


Diversions 21

It’s about time for seniors to start thinking about how they want their new home to look. This page will help you decide what accessories and pieces of furniture you could purchase to make your dorm room look trendy. Have fun dorm shopping!

Forever Lasting Memories

Make your room feel more like home by adding a memo board to display photos of your family and friends. Besides pictures, memory boards can hold cards, notes, or other things you want posted for all your roommates to see. Buy at Kohl’s stores $15

May 14, 2010

Over-the-door hooks can be really helpful space savers. They have adjustable brackets, which for use in college dorms is a must have. College dorm main doors and closet doors are often larger in width than your average home doors. Use these overthe-door hooks and baskets to generate new storage space and reduce your dorm organizing efforts. They hold bags, jackets, washcloths, gloves, hats, bathrobes, towels or anything else that you want to hang over the hooks or place in the basket. Buy at Walmart Stores $23

Easy Transportation

Your bathroom products will be organized in one easy tote that is ready for you to grab when you head down the dorm hall to take y o u r daily shower down at the community shower. Take your AM/FM Shower Radio in your shower tote for easy radio listening while you take a shower. Most shower radios are water-resistant, with a rotating hook that you can place on shower rods or shower heads. Both can be found at Bed Bath and Beyond stores. Shower Basket $5, Radio $10

Then I asked him if he heard of The Groundlings, Second City, or the renowned “SNL.” Alas, he had no idea what I was talking about. My blood began to boil. I understand if he didn’t know who The Groundlings or Second City were, because most people never even hear about them, but he didn’t know about “SNL.” Joe did make an excellent point when he stated that at times, improv can be funnier than writing. But he also made a point of practically throwing out all scripts the troupe worked on just so he could make a racist joke, notably in their NAACP skit. In this skit, a meeting with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Pencils, an African American girl walked in as “Cerulean.” She was soon ambushed, with the leader of the pack saying there’s already a ‘Black’ in the group. Yeah, pretty stupid. Now when it comes to comedy, I believe that there’s no taboo, no subject you can’t cover. But if it doesn’t come across as comedic, it becomes offensive. That was the problem with these skits. They weren’t funny at all. In another skit, a teenage son came out of the “straight closet” to his two daddies, who didn’t react positively. A parody of both gay and straight stereotypes, it didn’t generate any laughs whatsoever.

Most of the skits radiated idiocy, and not in the Will Ferrell naked screaming “We’re going streaking,” kind of way. The group was just plain stupid. It bothered me that someone who claims to have a comedic background couldn’t name one person that influenced him to do sketch comedy. It bothered me even more that a group spends one whole year working towards a performance and then one of it’s members claims most of the performance is improvised. What bothered me the most though, these students are given a golden opportunity of working in a sketch comedy group. If students in Seminole County wanted to form their own group that we could easily be funnier and write better material than them. Writing comedy isn’t a walk in the park, though. In general, writing is a tedious task. But I feel that any student who wishes to pursue a career in comedy can overcome any barriers. Next year is my last year of high school. I won’t lie, I’m highly anticipating getting out of here. But if there were one thing I could accomplish before my time is up, I would start a sketch comedy troupe. If I had the opportunity to start a sketch comedy troupe, writing would be a top priority.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


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COMING SOON The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010

Diversions 23

This summer, children of the 90s will rejoice with the release of Toy Story 3, as their beloved childhood idols – Woody and Buzz Lightyear – hit the big screens once more. Favorites like Shrek and Twilight films will also be released, while original films like Inception and Get Him compiled by Emily Cottrell to the Greek are sure to liven up the summer. GET HIM TO THE GREEK

June 4

An ambitious 24-year-old, Aaron Green (Jonah Hill) must escort rock god Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) from London to Los Angeles’ Greek Theatre for the first-stop on a $100-million tour. In this outlandish and hysterical film, Green will do everything in his power to get this out-ofcontrol rocker to the Greek.

Based on the bestselling memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert, the film follows newly divorced Liz (Julia Roberts) on an incredible journey of life after a painful divorce. During her travels to Italy, India, and Bali, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment, the power of prayer, and the peace of true love. photo/WWW.LETYOURSELFGO.COM


Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) is a truly evil character residing in a happy neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences. He plots to steal the moon with the help of his minions in this 3D summer flick. His plans may be foiled, however, by three innocent orphaned girls.


July 16

Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled thief, steals secrets from deep within the subconscious, and his talents eventually make him an international fugitive. He is offered a chance of redemption in which he and a group of specialists must pull off his most complicated mission yet.


SHREK: FOREVER AFTER May 21 Shrek signs a deal with the conniving Rumplestiltskin that jolts him into an alternate universe – where Rumplestiltskin is king and Shrek and his true love Fiona have never met. With the help of his trusted friends, he sets out to restore his world in this fourth instillation of hilarious, action-packed films.

PRINCE OF PERSIA: SANDS OF TIME May 28 This action-adventure follows a rogue prince (Jake Gyllenhaal) and a mysterious princess as they race against dark forces to protect an ancient dagger capable of releasing the Sands of Time – a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its owner to rule the world. photo/DISNEY.GO.COM/ DISNEYPICTURES/PRINCEOF PERSIA


July 9

June 18

This summer Tom Hanks and Tim Allen return to voice the beloved characters of Woody and Buzz Lightyear. This time around, the toys’ beloved owner, Andy, goes off to college – and they wind up in a daycare center. Teaming up with some new friends, the toys plot a grand escape. photo/DISNEY.GO.COM/TOYSTORY



August 13



June 30

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) finds herself in grave danger as the vengeful vampire Victoria builds an army of the undead to battle the Cullen family once again. She must also make extremely important decisions concerning her relationships with Jacob and Edward as her graduation fast approaches. Another action-packed romance awaits Twilight fans.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010


The Lion’s Tale

2009-2010 Senior Sport Awards

Every year, The Lion’s Tale honors outstanding senior student athletes. With the help from coaches, a group of outstanding seniors were nominated for their athletic and academic excellence. Check out the winners on the following pages.


Do what is necessary to be a champ - coach says

Award: Team of the Year Nominees: Girl’s Soccer, Boy’s Wrestling, Boy’s Football, Boy’s Baseball. Winner: Boy’s Wrestling

Miranda Harmon

staff reporter

Ending a triumphant year, the Boys Wrestling Team takes Team of the Year as well. Wrestling coach J.D. Robbins happily remembers the team’s championship victory becoming state champs. “[It felt] great. It validates that all the hard work you have done has paid off,” said Robbins. Sophomore Nick McLean reflected on his experiences as a team member. “It felt great,” said McLean. “It was really good because it made me get a lot better and improved me mentally. It felt great to be on such a great team, since it’s the most successful team.”

When discussing the challenges of being on the team, McLean talked about the “mental challenges.” “[It was challenging] when the coaches pushed us way farther than we ever went, and we had to keep going,” said McLean. Senior Justin Gorniac also talked about the challenges. “Some people have trouble making weight,” said Gorniac. Gorniac also said that people practice “dieting and running after school, and putting in more work than before.” Robbins acknowledges the challenges of being a team member. “Everyday is a challenge to make sure that when you walk into the room that you work harder than you did the day before,” said Robbins. “We train harder than any other team in the state, that is why we are state champions.” The team was under the coaching of Robbins. “My coaches are great,” said McLean. “The coaches always look out for us. They’re always pushing us and making us better.”

Several coaches work with the team. “There’s actually eight: myself, Tony Velez, Rafael Valle, Tom Coffman, Hank Porcher, Justin Fraga, Chris Mathiux, and John Christiansen,” said Robbins. “It’s not individuals coaching. We have a successfully proven system at OHS that we follow where all the coaches believe in that system and they follow it.” Junior Lee Wildes appreciates his coaches’ effort. “[Coach Robbins] can be harsh at times, but it’s all for the best. Coach Valle is the man,” said Wildes. Junior Joe Hefley agrees. “In the end, [Coach Robbins] helped us reach our goals,” said Hefley. “Coach Valle plays a big part in our program. Not only coaching on the mat, but as an academic adviser to the wrestlers,” said Robbins. The state championship was held at the Lakeland Center in Lakeland. Robbins said that nobody was nervous before the competition. “We knew we had prepared for this event,” said Robbins. “The time to be

nervous is the six months prior to the state meet. Have you outworked your opponent, have you done everything on and off the mat necessary to be a champion even when nobody is looking, and if you’ve done that, and done what is necessary to be a champion then you will be a champion. The nervous should be about putting in the work.” The team also competed in Texas. “We lost a really close duel to the 15th ranked team in the country,” said Hefley. “We lost by two points. “ “It got us ranked 20th in the country,” said Wildes. Gorniac enjoyed his senior year on the team. “I felt happy because it was my last year.” Robbins looks ahead to the next year when he will be a senior. “The only challenge next year will be stepping up as team leaders—Me, Lee, and Jay, and filling the shoes of previous seniors like Chase and Ray,” said Robbins.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


Bortles to continue playing at UCF

Award: Male Athlete of the Year Nominees: Greg Dorleous (Basketball), Trevor Berry (Football), James Telson (Volleyball), AJ Cole (Baseball), Patrick Christie (Soccer). Winner: Blake Bortles Connor Bailey and Kaitlyn Loughlin co-sports editor and staff reporter


enior Blake Bortles says good-bye to the field he’s known for years as he embarks on a new journey into college football. To this day, he still recalls where it all began. “I started playing flag football at Oviedo as soon as I

was old enough to play,”said Bortles. “My first memory of Oviedo football was watching Jason Raulerson and Howard Lingard and former players when I was just a young kid thinking to myself ‘I can’t wait until I get the chance to entertain all of these people’.” Although Bortles watched Oviedo players as he aged one player stood out to him the most. “Jordan Darlymle would have to be my role model because he not only taught me how to play football but also how to work to be the best,” said Bortes As Darlymle may have been his inspiration, Bortles parents have always been his biggest supporters but so have his teammates.

Team captain April Asby sets OHS record with 59 assists Award: Female Athlete of the Year Nominees: April Asby (Soccer), Alex Lopez (Lacrosse), Dani Wilson (Softball), Debin Long (Water Polo), Brie Merriwether (Volleyball). Winner: April Asby Connor Bailey co-sports editor


hile April Asby officially started her soccer career at the age of three, she has been surrounded by soccer since birth. “My brother Steven and sister Brooke both played soccer throughout high school. I grew up going to their games to watch them play,” said Asby. Most girls say Michelle Akers or Mia Hamm would be their role model but for Asby her sister Brooke was her insipration. “Going to all her games and watching her play really influenced me. I always wanted to be like her. She definitely helped me become the player I am today.” Asby has helped lead the girls soccer team to two state Final Four competitions and two district championship titles, and because of all these accomplishments she has been named The Lion’s Tale Female Athlete of the Year. During her four seasons on

varsity, Asby has accumulated 59 assists, setting Oviedo’s all-time record. Over the seasons Asby has had many favorite moments, but one distinctly stands out. “This year during a game against Lake Brantley one of the girls made me very angry and when I threw the ball in, I threw it at her face. That would definitely have to be my all time favorite memories of my years at Oviedo,” said Asby. Over the past four years, Asby recieved numerous awards including this years Orlando Sentinel All-Central Florida girls soccer player of the year. “Winning awards is always nice but it’s not a goal of mine. I just go out onto the field and play the sport I love,” said Asby. Accepting the role as a team captain junior and senior year, Asby led the team with pride. According to junior Colleen O’Kennedy, Asby was everything a captain was supposed to be. “April was an amazing captain. She knew when it was time to ‘goof off’ or get serious. She always brought out the best in me as a player,” said O’Kennedy. Even with coming up short in both state final four apperances Asby wouldn’t have wanted to play with any other team. “Not achieving our goal of winning a state championship was

hard, but I wouldn’t of wanted to lose those games with any other team. We became a family and it was amazing to play with them,” said Asby. Asby added that she couldn’t accomplish any of this without head coach Scott Waisanen. “Coach Waisanen has been more than a coach to me. He is awesome. I couldn’t have asked for a better coach then him,” said Asby. Waisanen reuturns the sentiment. “She went from a quiet, reserved freshman who was unsure of her role on the team to a dominating, commanding force that every team we played had to have some sort of plan to try to stop her,” said Waisanen With her senior year completed Asby is continuing her soccer career next year at the University of Central Florida. “I am very excited about playing in college but nervous at the same time. There are a lot of very talented girls at UCF and I am going to have to work extremely hard to get a position on the team,” said Asby. Looking back on the years Asby has enjoyed every bit of Oviedo soccer. “I wouldn’t change anything. I have made life-long friendships and had life changing experiences that I will never forget.”

“I never would have had as much fun or had as much succes if it wasn’t for the team. We ate, slept, and breathed football,” said Bortles. With all of the practice and achievements of the Oviedo High School football team, succes did not come easy. “Losing to Hagerty my junior year was the lowest point in my four years at Oviedo,” said Bortles. “We made sure that didn’t happen again.” This was not the only hardship Bortles faced. Before his senior year, former head coach Greg Register stepped down and handed his position to coach Wes Allen, but Bortles faced this transition with optimism. “They basically had the same philiosphies since they worked together so there were only a few minor changes,” said Bortles. Despite these obstacles Bortles reminises about his memories on the Oviedo High School football team. “I’m going to miss the tradition the most,” said Bortles. “When you play in college everyone is from a different city, but when you play for Oviedo its everyone’s hometown.” Bortles has signed with the University of Central Florida to continue his football career to stay close to home. “I just want to play ball,”said Bortles.”I think it’s really cool that my friends and family can still come watch me play.” Friends and family are not the only ones who will miss Bortles. Coach Allen shares a very fond memory throughtout the years with Bortles. “When Blake was a sophomore playing quarterback he would be shaking and we would say ‘Blake, where’s your girlfriend’ and he would say ‘right there,” said Allen. “Senior year, when I would be shaking, he would say ‘Coach where is your girlfriend?’ and I would say ‘Right over there.” Along with inside jokes, Allen will never forget Bortles’s leadership style. “He would always say ‘You can count on me’ and make sure that all the other players were doing what they were supposed to be doing,” said Allen. With this chapter coming to end and new one begining, Bortles will always look back on the memories he had at the Oviedo High School John Courrier Field. “Everything about being on the Lion’s team is great. Oviedo always has good team chemistry especially this last season because we all got along and played for each other,” said Bortles. “It was definitely the best season of my life; with the best team, the best work ethic, and the best record.”


The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010







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May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale

Break through athlete thanks team for wins Award: Break Through Athlete of the Year Nominees: A.J. Cole (Baseball), Trevor Berry (Football), Michael Yanckello (Football), Daniel Schmidt (Track/Cross Country), Tanner Below (Basketball) Winner: Tanner Below Lindsay Knox co-sports editor



Scholar athlete balances academics with play Award: Scholar Athlete of the Year Nominees: April Asby (Soccer), Michael Yanckello (Football), Alex Lopez (Lacrosse), Floyd Wilks (Football/Track), Daniel Schmidt (Track/Cross Country) Winner: Michael Yanckello

M. Betterley and A. Ferguson staff reporters


eing awarded the scholar athlete of the year, Michael Yanckello has to balance his schoolwork and his sports. “You get used to it [the work load] through the years. You just got to practice and know you still have homework when you get home. You just gotta do it,” said Yanckello. In addition to being right tackle on the varsity football team, Yanckello is also on the weightlifting and taking five AP classes this year. With so much on his plate, Yanckello still doesn’t feel overwhelmed with work. “The beginning of this year was kind of hard with football and school and applying to colleges, but I brought that on myself because I applied to so many,” said Yanckello, “And even then I didn’t feel overworked necessarily it was just a lot of work.” Yanckello is taking his football and study skills on to St. Olaf College, a private school in Minnesota. “Since there is less kids [in a private school], there is more focus on undergraduate kids than other larger schools who focus more on research,”

Yanckello said. Although college is going to be a challenge, Yanckello is prepared for the change. “College practices will be different and college life will be different and that will take some getting used to, but I’m sure I’ll settle in after awhile,” said Yanckello. Even though Yanckello wants to be an engineer, he is looking into majoring in something to do with math or science. “I haven’t really decided. They don’t have anything to do with engineering so I will probably be math or science related,” Yanckello said. After college, Yanckello hopes to see himself with a job involving math or science that he’ll enjoy doing. As for balancing a social life, Yanckello says his busy schedule does not affect his social life. “A lot of my friends play football, so we see each other a lot, and you still have time to have a social life. I actually miss practice because I have a lot of free time now,” Yanckello said. After nights of tedious practice and seemingly endless homework, it all paid off for Yanckello in the end. “[My proudest moment] was probably when we won districts in 2009,” Yanckello said. In the sports world, Yankello says he looks up to Michael Jordan. “[I look up to him] because of his success and of course his name,” said Yanckello.

fter participating in the basketball program at OHS since his freshman year, senior Tanner Below wins the award of Breakthrough Athlete of the Year. “[Winning Breakthrough Athlete of the Year] means so much to me because it means that all the work and effort I put into becoming a better basketball player paid off,” said Below. “I may not be playing in college but being given this title tells me that all of my hard work was noticed and appreciated.” This 5’10” basketball star began playing back when he was four years old, playing on the Winter Springs basketball league, OHS freshmen team, the JV team, and varsity for his junior and senior years. “I try to play basketball every day because I love it and I want to keep getting better,” said Below. Although he wishes he was getting the chance to continue basketball throughout college, the right opportunity didn’t arise. “I wish I could be [playing basketball in college], but I’m not,” said Below. “I was being looked at in the beginning of the season by two small universities, but that never worked out.” Just because he won’t be playing basketball throughout his college years,

Below plans to pursue basketball even further. “[Five years from now] I would like to see myself doing something in basketball such as coaching or maybe even a manager or scouter,” said Below. “Anything that has to do with basketball.” Below won’t allow himself to take all the credit for his accomplishments this season. He didn’t become the player that he is by himself. “I would have to thank my older brother for everything he has done to make me who I am,” said Below. “Also my coaches for always being there for me and making me be the type of player that can lead a winning team.” Throughout high school, Below could always depends on his coaches and brother. “My brother and coaches always helped me with anything I needed,” said Below. “They were also always there for me when I wasn’t confident in my game.” On the court, Below is a dynamic player who shares a lot of his glory with his teammates. “On the court, I try and get everybody involved by creating equal opportunities for my teammates to score,” said Below. “The game isn’t about one person, it’s about the whole team.” Moving on to college life at Seminole State College, Below is going to miss one particular event above any other about his high school basketball career. “[I’m going to miss] the atmosphere from the fans when we run out onto the court before and during the game,” said Below. “Nothing can ever beat that feeling.”


The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010



Driven coach leads team to repeated success off season including over the summer. “[The most rewarding part of coaching] is that each day I get to go back and do it again the next day,” Robbins said. However, Robbins doesn’t take all of the credit for being Coach of the Year. “I have a bunch of kids who work really hard,” said Robbins. The commitment and dedication the kids put forth is often frustrating to parents who oaching a wrestling team that has not have little time with their kids, which is what lost a competition in ten years takes makes Robbins’ job difficult. passion, which is what got varsity “The parents are the hardest part, wrestling coach J.D. Robbins awarded Coach because their kids spend their Christmas of the Year. and Thanksgiving time practicing,” said “Wrestling defines me; it is me,” said Robbins. Robbins. Wrestlers practice year round, so Traveling around the country is another consequently Robbins works year round as part to his duties. In May alone, Robbins well. spent 28 days on the road with different “Wrestling is a lifestyle with a high wrestlers going to many competitions all level of commitment and dedication,” said over the country. Robbins. “These boys are going Robbins has and practicing with the “Wrestling is a lifestyle with a endured three best teams in the nation,” knee injuries, each high level of commitment and said Robbins. “There is no requiring a separate competition in our area.” dedication.” surgery. Over spring break Even after Robbins took 15 wrestlers Coach J.D. Robbins all the titles and in a van to competitions awards Robbins all over the country. They and his team have achieved, Robbins thinks were gone all spring break. His passion for wrestling all started they have achieved higher goals. In Robbin’s when he began wrestling in high school in years of coaching he has seen 1.8 million California. He then transferred to Florida, dollars worth of scholarships given out to his while still coaching occasionally in wrestlers. “ The best thing is that the wrestlers use California. the sport to get money for school,” said “I don’t like guys who try, you must do Robbins. [on my team], wrestling is an individual sport Robbins has made a commitment to the with a team concept,” said Robbins. team and doesn’t plan on quitting until he is He comes in to school every day during no longer an effective coach. seventh period to coach the wrestlers. “When Oviedo stops winning, I will stop Robbins coaches five days a week during the coaching,” said Robbins. season, and three days practicing during the

Award: Coach of the Year Nominees: Scott Waisanen (Girls Soccer), Janet Williams (Girls Softball), Ed Kersner (Boys Basketball), JD Robbins (Wrestling). Winner: JD Robbins Amanda Ferguson staff reporter



Berry believes trust essential to winning Award: Two-Sport Athlete of the Year Nominees: Michael Yanckello (Football/ Weightlifting), Trevor Berry (Football/ Baseball), Daniel Schimdt (Track/Cross Country). Winner: Trevor Berry

Caitlyn Braswell


staff reporter


or years, senior Trevor Berry worked hard at mastering the sport of baseball. As he entered high school, he became a vital member on the football team and found the time and energy to give his all in both sports as well as balance a personal life outside of school work and team practices. “Everyone in my family played sports, I just followed in their footsteps. When I started high school, actually, I wanted to play basketball but seasons coincided so I tried out for football instead and really started loving the game,” said Berry. Though Berry played football for four years with great success, baseball was always his game. “ I love the football games on Friday and just being together with the team but I’ve played baseball since I was four. I just love pitching in baseball and the feeling of being a family with the other guys on the team,” said Berry. Recently, Berry joined the 2010 baseball team at UCF after being scouted in the winter while practicing. “It felt really good to be recruited to UCF,” said Berry. “I really like the coaches there and the feel of the campus is a lot nicer than the others that I saw. Honestly, it felt

good to finally have everything over with when I finally made the decision to go to the school.” What surprised Berry most was the speed at which he was recruited to UCF. “There are certain rules that they [scouts] have to follow. There are only certain times they can see you. They saw me a lot over the summer and throughout the year,” said Berry. “They had me visit the campus and then offered me a place on the baseball team. It all happened a lot earlier than I though and that really surprised me.” While he is excited for a change in atmosphere this coming fall, Berry still feels connected to Oviedo. “It’s kind of sad going into my seasons knowing this was the last time that I would be playing sports in high school but at the same time I’m really eager to do something new and play baseball at the next level,” said Berry. Berry leaves high school with plenty of accomplishments in football and baseball. “By far, the best things in the last few years have been winning districts in football this year and districts back in my sophomore year for baseball. The feeling of winning is amazing, just knowing we’re best in the district. It’s something you don’t forget,” said Berry. Though Berry will be moving on this fall, he leaves with plenty learned from his four years playing at OHS. “We all just have to learn to play together and the only way to do that is to get close, like a family. You have to trust each other if you think you’ll ever win,” said Berry.



May 14, 2010

The Lion’s Tale


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The Lion’s Tale

May 14, 2010





Lindsay Knox

co-sports editor

Farewell, seniors



SLAM IT DOWN. Junior Luke Pearson faces up against an opposing player in a water polo match looking to net the ball into the back of the goal.

Athletes prepare for Sixteen seniors sign with fall sports season colleges to continue sports Here is the list of sixteen seniors, including their sport, who signed with colleges for athletic achievement.


Michael Yanckello (football) Callie Porcher (lacrosse) Christian Peterson (football) Megan Pando (volleyball) Patrick Christie (soccer) Chase Gordon (wrestling) Brie Merriwether (volleyball) Adam Maxon (baseball) Lindsay Osburn (soccer) Brenden Ramsey (football) Erin O’Dell (wrestling) A.J. Cole (baseball) Blake Bortles (football) Trevor Berry (baseball) April Asby (soccer) Dani Wilson (softball)


Questions with Greg Dorleus


AIRBORNE. Senior Greg Dorleus dunks the

ball into the basket during a warmup againt Lake Brantley High School.

1 2 3 4 5


St. Olaf College Lees McRae College Averett University Armstrong Atlantic State University University of North Florida University of Oklahoma North Carolina State University Jacksonville University Lenoir Rhyne Springfield University Gardner-Webb University University of Miami University of Central Florida University of Central Floriida University of Central Florida Lake Sumter Community College




he 2010-2011 school year is quickly approaching, along with the fall sports season. Sports including football, women’s volleyball, men’s and women’s bowling, golf, slow-pitch softball, and cross country will be in full swing when the school year begins. In order to participate in any of the upcoming athletics, a physical form and white card are required to be turned in to the coach of that sport before you are able to participate in any sort of physical activity. The sports physical forms and white cards can be retrieved from Linda Lougee, the athletic secretary, or Wes Allen, the athletic director. Athletes are prohibited from participating in any physical sports activities, including any form of conditioning or tryouts, until the physical form and white card have been turned in to either the coach of the individual sport, Linda Lougee or Wes Allen in the Athletic Office in Guidance.

his year’s graduating seniors have made a huge impact on our school’s image. From leading the way through football games, pep rallies, and even the infamous jiggleo, the graduating class of 2010 is leaving an innumerous amount of memories on this campus. Although in the past I have had a few minor altercations with the seniors, (i.e. my powderpuff column) through it all, I’ve acquired a certain amount of respect for the seniors. As a sports columnist and the newly named Co-Sports Editor, over the course of my junior year I have had the opportunity to encounter multiple seniors on a regular basis. The graduating class is full of spunk and charisma, something that our school will lose a little bit of once they are gone. I hope that when I am a part of the senior class, I am able to live up to the same legacy in which this class is leaving behind. I hope that I am able to show off my seniority by dressing up for senior week and, no matter how goofy I look, will proudly strut the hallways dressed as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or an elderly woman. I hope the upcoming juniors will look up to my senior class, the way I have looked up to this year’s seniors. Entering my senior year, the halls will seem empty. They will lack pizzazz and spirit, both of which will have to be replenished by my class, which won’t be too much of a feat (we’ve always been a rowdy class, anyways). I hope that not a single individual in the senior class regrets any obstacle or roadblock that they have encountered in their high school career, because life is all about learning and growing. My favorite quote of all time is, “Look at life through the windshield, not the rear-view mirror.” So, to the seniors who are venturing to college in an unfamiliar setting, the ones who are staying at home while attending school, or those who plan to go straight into the military or workforce, keep looking through the windshield; the rear-view mirror should be left in high school.

with Annemarie Hauser

When did you first start playing basketball?

I started playing when I was five.

What are your plans after high school?

To pursue a career in engineering and play college basketball. basketball.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My dad for coming to my games and always helping me out.

What is your favorite memory from basketball?

Playing against Hagerty and beating them twice this year.

What is one thing you want to do before you die? I would like to go skydiving.


GOT IT. Senior Annemarie Hauser secures a rebound off the backboard against Lake Howell High School.

1 2 3 4 5

When did you first start playing basketball?

I first played for the Winter Springs League in the sixth grade.

What are your plans after high school? I’m going to UF, and I am thinking about becoming a teacher.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

The fans inspired me-the girls and coach kept me going.

What is your favorite memory from basketball?

When I got the last second shot in a game against Lake Brantley.

What is one thing you want to do before you die?

I would love to travel to Italy or make a truly significant impact on someone’s life.


Nick’s May 14, 2010


The Lion’s Tale


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