The Lion's Tale - Volume 62 - Edition 4 - Oviedo High School

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Students celebrate BHM around campus

Boys basketball give it a last chance for states




Community reflects on new controversial bill






Feburary brings love and more to campus As the month of February progresses, it’s been quite eventful. February is also known as Black History Month, and at Oviedo High School (OHS), our community has been celebrating African-American culture throughout a few different ways. Posters and flags have been put up around campus to commodorate this month. With the second month of the year also comes Valentine’s Day. OHS does not take the love filled holiday lightly, with a variety of special gifts for sale and a lovethemed spirit week. Singing grams were sent and performed throughout the school on Valentine’s Day, Sean Kingston’s “Beautiful Girls” being a fan favorite. Many students and teachers were serenaded by OHS Choir students to fundraise money for their program. However, this month is not only about showing love for the people you care

about, it is also about self love. This time can be especially lonely during this time of year. Being kind and thoughtful of others is very important during this month. Our love spirit week started off on Monday, wearing student’s relationship status, red being taken, pink meant single, purple was “it’s complicated” and white being preferring not to say. Tuesday was “Single’s Awareness Day” so students were encouraged to wear something they feel confident in. Self love was also a theme of the day so sticky notes with positive messages were posted around campus and in the bathrooms to promote positivity. Wednesday was Peas in a Pod, where students were to dress up with their friends however they wanted. On Thursday students were asked to show their love for their teachers by dressing

up like their favorite OHS staff member. The week finished off with showing love for OHS by wearing black and orange and showing off school spirit. In the world of sports, many achievements have been made. The boys and girls waterpolo teams have started their seasons off strong. The tennis team has also kicked off their season and are looking forward to an exciting year. Both girls and boys lacrosse, softball, track and field, and baseball have all begun their seasons, you can read more about these in the sports section on page 16. OHS’s Mane Attraction Dance Team competed at their nationals this month, you can read more about this on page 15. Our features section has been pursuing the stories of students on campus. On page 9 you can read more about Maddy


Love, a sophomore that runs her own local business and has her products being sold in a local boutique. At the Lion’s Tale Newspaper, this month has been busy. We have been preparing for an upcoming event called FSPA where students get to attend conferences, participate in competitions and receive recognition for all of their hard work throughout the year. In this edition we cover various topics spreading from the Don’t Say Gay Bill in the opinion section on page 2 and Valentine’s Day gifts on a budget from the features section on page 9. As Feburary comes to can end, we look forward to Spring Break and warmer days. From our staff to our readers, we wish you a happy and healthy Valentine’s Day filled with love, joy and the people you love.

Meet The Lion’s Tale staff Penelope Banks Co-Features editor Penelope is a senior and this is her fourth year on staff. As we speak she is working on her college applications. In her free time, she like to hang out with her friends but likes her alone time too. She works at Kelly’s Ice Cream shop and is really into fashion.

Nelly is a senior and this is her first year on staff as a reporter, and her second year here at Oviedo High School. In her free time, Nelly enjoys writing and reading, specifically classic literature and fiction. She is planning to pursue a career in cardiology.

Editor-in-Chief Emma Yost Managing Editor Hannah Warrner News Editor Hannah Warrner

Opinion Editor Veronika Maynard

Art Director Veronika Maynard

Features Editors Ashlee Ross Penelope Banks

Jr. Art Director Audrey Strembicki

Reporters Kaden Bryant Nelly Campos Audrey Choate Entertainment Editor Jaden Cordonero Elliott Woodmansee- Joemi Cordonero Siress Vincent Crook Laura Cruz Online Editor Merrick Dicarolis Hannah Warrner Eric Esquivel Esther Guevara Sports Editors Mackenzie Holmes

Madisyn is a sophmore and this is her first year on staff as a reporter. She is also on OHS’s WROR TV team. She enjoys writing music reviews and interviewing staff and students. Her favorite color is purple and she hopes to be an entertainment manager when she is older.

Kait Peterson Mikayla Philpot Madisyn Rummel Riley Sanderson Alexis Shaughnessy Nathaniel Zoucha Photographers Diego Lara Audrey Strembicki Danielle Stein Faculty Adviser Ben Langevin

Principal Dr. Trent Daniel Oviedo High School 601 King Street Oviedo, FL 32765 P: 407-320-4199 F: 407-320-4213 Population: 2800 students across in person and online settings 29 newspaper staff members

Admin Adviser Nancy Diaz



Nathaniel is a sophomore and this is his first year on staff as a reporter. Nathaniel is an avid reader, and a big fan of anime. His favorite anime is Dragon Ball Z. His favorite color is gray. After high school, Nathaniel hopes to become a journalist.

Madisyn Rummel Reporter

Esther Guevara Reporter Esther is a sophomore and this is her first year on staff as a reporter. Her favorite color is pink and she loves the show Community. Esther loves writing entertainment pieces and designing pages. She also loves attending basketball games in her free time.

Nathaniel Zoucha Reporter

Nelly Campos Reporter

Vincent Crook Reporter Vincent is a junior, and this is his third year on staff as a reporter. He looks forward to becoming a better writer this year, and mainly writes sports stories. His favorite color is red and he is a big Pittsburgh Steeler’s fan. However, Vincent is originally from Chicago, Illinois.

Mission Statement The Lion’s Tale is the student newspaper of Oviedo High School, located in Oviedo, Florida. Our mission is to provide news, feature stories, editorials and opinions relevant to our readers while upholding the highest professional and ethical standards. The Lion’s Tale follows copy standards outlined in the Associated Press Stylebook, 42nd Edition, published in 2007 by the

Associated Press, and is a member of the CSPA, NSPA and FSPA. Distribution 800 copies of The Lion’s Tale are distributed free to all students and staff at Oviedo High School. Subscriber information is available on Reader Contributions Letters to the Editor are accepted and may be

sent by post, e-mail or dropped off in Room 5-020. The Lion’s Tale does not accept guest columns and reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor. Full policy is available on Advertising Policy The Lion’s Tale reserves the right to refuse advertisements. The full advertising policy of The Lion’s Tale is available on OVIEDOJOURNALISM.COM



Month in Photos LOOKING FOR THE GOAL Freshman Julian Tschausoff looks for the goal to make the winning shot

KICKING INTO ACTION Sophmore on varsity Kate Mikaisen puts up a fight against Hagerty at the regional finals



RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE Saxton Beccacece, 10, stops defending the goal to pass the ball



CLAIRE WEST GOES FOR THE GOAL Claire West has been on the womens waterpolo team for all four years of highschool

ACTING A FOOL Seniors in AP Lit act out scenes in class



BUCKLE UP The Early Childhood Education class helps the kids play outside on the playground

LADY LIONS The girls waterpolo team won their third match against East River



VOCALIZING VALENTINES Students can pay $3 dollars and have a choice this Valentine’s Day to pick a song for the choir students to sing to a student of your liking



STORY BY KADEN BRYANT AND VERONIKA MAYNARD A new state policy, the Parental Rights in Education bill, was proposed by republican Florida House member Joe Harding in late January, dubbed by LGBTQ+ advocates as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. This bill would prohibit the “discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in primary grade levels” if passed. It would also allow parents to sue teachers who choose not to out their children to them. It has already passed through the Florida House committee, and the Florida Senate committee just recently passed the bill as well. Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has also signaled support for it. If Florida legislators pass this bill, it will go into effect this year on July 1st with all school district plans having to be updated by June 30th, 2023. When having questioned Seminole County school board members on how the bill would be implemented should it be passed, we were referred to the district attorney who

stated that the bill will be “thoroughly analyzed” on “how it will apply to our schools and how best the requirements can be implemented with the least amount of disruption to our instructional model.” But despite all of these concerns over education having “not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate” topics - such as anything relating to the LGBTQ+ community - throughout the entire K-12 curriculum there is not a single mention of any words pertaining to the community specifically, such as “gay,” “homosexual,” “LGBT,” “queer,” ect.

“I feel like every time we take one step forward, we take two steps back.”

PHOTO BY AUDREY STREMBECKI GSA president Camille Rush discusses possible harmful impacts of the new bill. “I feel like every time we take one step forward, we take two steps back,” said Gay/Straight Alliance senior president Camille Rush. “This bill is sending the message that it is okay to discriminate against someone’s right to live as themselves.” According to many concerned students, this bill could lead to the erasure of the community’s history by diminishing their unique experiences and trauma they’ve endured over the years. People claim that in addition to the bill erasing the societal progress the community has made, it also gives off the impression that being queer is something to be ashamed of. And consequently, by making it a forbidden topic, demonizing LGBTQ+ people and their experiences. “This is only going to further marginalize that group of people,” said senior Samantha Holzman. “Not only are those people being excluded because they can’t even learn about themselves, but now no one else in the classroom can learn about them either.” By creating a stigma around queer topics, it will only make the lives of students in the community more difficult. Not being allowed to discuss LGBTQ+ matters puts a block between students. “[The bill] further oppresses insecurities and issues within students regarding their identity,” said licensed mental health therapist Crystal Conley. If this bill is enacted, it will also al-


low parents to sue teachers for not notifying them if their child comes out to them. This will drive a wedge between student and teacher relationships by causing a breach of trust. “[Students] are not going to come to their teachers anymore and won’t be able to have that safe place where they can talk to them when they need help,” said history teacher Jessica Jenkins. “This bill is basically going to make it so that we no longer have trust or privacy and now these students may not get the help they need.” Now not only will a student not have their parents to go to for guidance, but they can’t talk to their teachers anymore either without the risk of losing their job.

“This bill is basically going to make it so that we no longer have trust or privacy and now these students may not get the help they need.” “Diversity makes us stronger,” said Jenkins. “And banning speech and education achieves the opposite.”


Rock of Ages: behind the curtain STORY BY MIKAYLA PHILPOT


CHOREOGRAPHING: The Rock of Ages’ cast learning choreography for “Just Like Paradise / Nothin’ But A Good Time” PHOTO BY DANIELLE STEIN

REHEARSING: The Rock of Ages’ cast rehearsing choreography for “Just Like Paradise / Nothin’ But A Good Time”

Students celebrate Black History Month around campus STORY BY JOEMI CORDONERO As February is coming to an end, Black History Month is also coming to an end. Black History Month started as a way to celebrate the 16th president, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass’s birth month. Both of them are attributed to their efforts for independence of African Americans and the month is also attributed to other African American accomplishments that have occurred throughout the years. At Oviedo High School, the celebration could be found sprinkled around the campus. The Black Student Union has put up some flags around campus, some including the front of building eight and the bridge between building thirteen and building one. Also courtesy of the Black Student Union, there are books written by black authors in the front display case in the library. “Black History Month is very important to me and other African Americans because it honors and highlights historical figures that aren’t recognized in your everyday history class,”said junior Riyan Tuck. While Black History Month is only a month in a year, the union appreciates and provides so much to the students at OHS. “Black Student Union is not only for black students,” said senior Kianna Scott. “But with our 9% African Americans, seeing more people who embrace their culture can just make them feel more ‘in place’,” Scott has the position of Co-Event Coordinator of the Black Student Union with the hopes of impacting the school but also around. Though at Oviedo High School there has not been much in the past for Black

History Month- now there’s an initiative to do more. The union has also been recently deciding if there should be a spirit week to commemorate the month to go along with the banners and displays in the library. Other clubs have done things to celebrate the month as well, you can find other posters and bulletin boards dedicated to other black lives that impacted science or are influential in different ways. “I really appreciate that our school is even making an effort to celebrate Black History Month, seeing as that not every school does,” said sophomore Uriah Williams. Throughout Black History Month, he has posted quotes from influential black figures as his way to celebrate Black History Month. Williams added on ways Oviedo could better celebrate the month better by educating students to ‘pay homage to the black heroes that came before us’. Another initiative has been made this month and made to light by Dr. Daniels. As soon as the next school year, there’s a new semester class available for sophomores to seniors. The class in mention- African American History. The class includes the history of the chronological events that have affected their lives that were not mentioned in previous history classes. Even though Black History Month is only once a year, there is always a time for everyone to appreciate and celebrate the individuals who have impacted our lives.

Rock of Ages is being put on by OHS’s Theater Department this spring. It’s a musical that centers around Drew and Sherrie’s attempts to make it big in LA, while working at a local bar in the meantime. In addition, the city’s mayor is quickly convinced by two German businesspeople, Hilda and Franz, to rid the city of rock and roll, in favor of “green, efficient living”. This aim to destroy rock and roll leads to protests, as well as the execution of lofty plans, in an attempt to keep local businesses open. In the midst of all this, Sherrie and Drew must figure out how to admit their feelings for one another, but first Sherrie has to find her way out of a toxic relationship with the famous, hot-shot singer Stacee Jaxx. It’s a great show that everyone should come see, as shared by the cast members. “It’s a really energetic and funny show, while still having a good heart,” said sophomore Riley Ellis, who plays Hilda in Rock of Ages. Not only does the show have a good heart, but it will be a reflection of all the hard work put into it by both the cast and tech crew. “...everyone should come support the arts, because so much time and effort is

put into our shows that people don’t know about, including Saturday rehearsals, set building, etc.,” said sophomore Olivia Garcia, who plays Sherrie in Rock of Ages. Speaking of the hard work being put into Rock of Ages, its cast members are facing new challenges, as they are developing their characters. “The biggest challenge is definitely some of the songs that require a lot of vocal movements,” says junior Victoria McGrogan, who also plays Sherrie, in cast B. However, these challenges provide actors an opportunity to grow and improve upon their craft. “I think it will exercise my singing abilities and acting abilities…because I get to act in someone else’s shoes and it’s more experience,” said senior Cameron Carter, who plays Stacee Jaxx. The theater department will be putting on Rock of Ages from Thursday, April 14th to Saturday, April 16th, at seven every night, plus a matinee show at two on the 16th. Tickets will become available to be bought on GoFan closer to the show dates. Make sure to come see the show; to see everyone’s hard work pay off and experience what rock and roll is really about!


HISTORY: Black history month flags can be found all around campus during February. CELEBRATE: In building 8, there is a bulletin with black historical figures.



: T O N R O T HO


Corporate consumerism ruins Valentine’s Day STORY BY AUDREY CHOATE There are countless ideas and opinions people have in regards to Valentine’s Day. Some individuals enjoy the holiday and its ideals of love and affection for others, both platonic and romantic. Others scoff at what they perceive as a fabricated, saccharine excuse for corporate advertising. Contrary to the beliefs of some, these beliefs, at their core, are not mutually exclusive. One can appreciate the display of selfless love for others and still have a disdain for the corporate nature of the holiday today. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend 23.9 billion dollars on Valentine’s Day in 2022. Is Valentine’s Day, as it is commonly portrayed, truly a celebration of love for others, or is it yet another excuse that corporations use to sell product? When one walks into the Valentine Day display in their local supermarket or store, do the products they see truly represent love and affection, or are they simply an expression of thoughtless consumerism? Is the concept of Valentine’s Day being a slightly kitschy, yet heartfelt way to celebrate the love one has for others simply an illusion? These are all questions one may ask themselves as they contrast the ethos of Valentine’s Day with its expression. While it is not necessary to completely eschew the concept of buying things for people one loves on Valentine’s Day, one must ask themselves if they truly want to buy a gift or if they are doing so out of a sense of obligation.







Valentine’s Day can be quite the controversial holiday. With some people finding it completely annoying, while others find it super fun and worth the while. Whether you celebrate it platonically, romantically, or deep in thought, your opinions may vary. This holiday is a day for couples to go all out in expressing their love for each other. Whether that is flowers, candy, stuffed animals, or even fun balloons. Although this holiday is centered around romantic relationships, those people aren’t the only ones who celebrate. Many people cel-

ebrate platonically, hanging out with friends and celebrating this special day without a romantic partner. Despite the fact that many people love this heart-felt holiday, for others, it can be a simple reminder of the loneliness that they feel. The obvious example of this are people who are single, but those aren’t the only people who feel this type of isolation. So many people feel a form of abandonment or isolation while being in a relationship. Although this is definitely not ideal, some feel a worse type of loneliness within a relationship than they would being single.







When your partner is unable to support you, and continues to be incapable of validating your emotions, this feeling of unhappiness is bound to sink in. Valentine’s Day is destined to be a rough day for those experiencing this. Valentine’s Day can be a simple reminder of the harsh realities of a relationship. A lot of these problems get swept under the rug for the societal standards that comes along with Valentine’s day. At the end of the day, you don’t have to be single to feel lonely. Valentine’s Day looks different for everyone.





MADDY MAE LOVE DESIGNS Student’s small, local business brings success to community STORY BY HANNAH WARRNER Many students look for jobs throughout high school, especially during sophomore and junior year. However, junior Maddy Love has taken the high road and started her own business. She sells accessories and paintings through Etsy and is now featured in the Riley Reigh Mod Market boutique. “Most people don’t know about my business and don’t understand it’s actual success,” said Love. While her business has provided Love with economic success it has also provided her with personal success. She has gained confidence in herself to reach out to other businesses to work with and sell her products through. Love knows that education wise, she does not have the most experience in business, but believes that all students have the ability to start selling their own products. “I’d love to own my own boutique someday, and my business has given me the confidence to do this. Having a business at my age shows that you can really have suc-

cess just by your creativity and social media.” said Love. She started her business simply creating an Instagram account to show off a hat design she made for a friend. She has made so many connections with different people and corporations through social media. She has even formed a ‘Girls Group’ including their faith and beliefs. Love has sold to hundreds of girls all over the country. She has also made overseas sales to someone serving in the military. Love’s creations bring bright, bold, and creative fashion to their lives and appearance. Being a part of the Riley Reigh Mod Market boutique has given Love a taste of the boutique world. This opportunity has given her the push to work harder towards her goals of owning her own boutique and expanding her business. “I hope to expand my product assortment and be a vendor for more local boutiques! I just hope my faith shines through my business and that it can be an outlet


ALL SMILES: Some of Maddy Love’s hats featured on her store. She irons on the patches all by hand.


for a lot of good.” said Love. Love enjoys both the creative aspect and business side of her livelihood. She hopes to continue expanding her business throughout the next few years. Not only has Love been successful in the business part of her life but also the social aspect as well. She has organized a group of girls that get together every week to catch up and then do a bible study. This is an amazing way for girls to get to know each other and share their faith. The group is extremely welcoming and friendly to all and the openness with the girls is inspiring. Love encourages other students and teenagers on their own goals, whether that’s academically, economically, socially, or even in sports. She hopes to show her peers that it is possible to be successful and confident in the things you’re passionate about.


IN STORE: Some of Love’s products featured in the Riley Riegh Mod Market.


Valentineʼs Day on a budget:

Find the perfect Valentine’s gift that won’t break the bank STORY BY EMMA YOST As Valentine’s Day approaches, high schoolers are scrambling to find the perfect gift for that special someone. However, the holiday can get expensive, especially for teenagers. Thankfully, there are many ways to still find a gift and date on a budget. Around Oviedo, there are a few art studios, such as Pinspiration, that can make for a fun yet inexpensive date idea. Pinspiration, located on Alafaya Trail, is a craft studio that offers a variety of projects, starting at just twenty five dollars. For Valentine’s Day, they offer custom stamped jewelry making. Any sort of do it yourself craft is a great activity to make together, and craft stores like Michael’s also sell inexpensive craft kits. Dinner out is the classic Valentine’s date night, but this can be expensive, and tricky to get a reservation. However, this doesn’t always have to be the case. Picking up their favorite food and setting up a picnic at a park is a great alternative to the typical dinner reservation. Flowers and boxes of truffles are a classic Valentine’s gift, but a bouquet of flowers can be pricey, ranging from $30 to even over $100. Publix’s floral department sells simple, yet beautiful bouquets starting at $15. Even though they are simply wrapped in plastic, if paired with a vase and decorations, this can give the same effect as a luxury set of flowers. As far as gifts and candy go, Target’s dollar section has a variety of Valentine’s themed decor, trinkets, and baskets- all under five dollars. A basket filled with their favorite candies and treats is a perfect gift that won’t break the bank. Or, a gift card and a “coupon” for a date night is another easy, inexpensive gift idea. Similarly, homemade baked goods are an inexpensive alternative that show how much time was spent on the gift. It’s cheap, easy, and a great way to demonstrate appreciation. Balloons are another fun way to show anyone, romantically or not, appreciation on Valentine’s and are only a few dollars at school, or the nearby dollar store. Paired with a box of candy, this is an simple and fun gift. Cards are typically the finishing touch for a gift, but don’t need to be pricey. Hallmark cards at Publix or Target can be three dollars, but a homemade card can do just the same. There are many free templates available online, or make one with cardstock. Likewise, a piece of paper and a heartfelt letter will do the trick. Depending on the recipient, gifts for this special holiday don’t have to be extravagant. For some, a handwritten note and homemade treat will do just the trick. But ultimately, showing appreciation is what matters most, and with a little thought and effort, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to break the bank. It’s important to remember that Valentine’s Day is just a holiday, and not the only day to show appreciation towards loved ones, so whatever gift is decided on, the thought is what really makes the difference.

Local art studios offer couples craft making, A starting at $25 per perct son.





Find a gift card of their favorite place, and write a “coupon” to exchange G for a date night out.




Save a few bucks on a card by making a homeade one, or writing a heartfelt letter.





Find a pack of their favorite candy at stores such as Target or Publix, starting at just $3.






Skip the wait at a resturaunt and instead, pick up their favorite food to eat and enjoy park picnic together.






“Found Footage” horror short film reignites an interest with the scariest story on the internet


10 | ENTERTAINMENT | THE LION’S TALE | FEBRUARY 22, 2022 “If you’re not careful and you noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you’ll end up in the Backrooms, where it’s nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in. God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you.” So goes the original 4chan /x/ board post, accompanied by an unsettling photo of a yellow-beige barren office backroom, disgusting sunbleach-color wallpaper and parchment-looking carpet coated in eye-straining artificial light. And so spawned one of the internet’s newest, deepest, and darkest creepypastas, the fictional urban legend of “The Backrooms”. Built on by internet users across many platforms and message boards, The Backrooms grew into a colossal, reality-bending myth, “survivors” and “explorers” claiming to have visited the mustard-colored labyrinth and the many, possibly infinite levels below, along with the monsters lurking within. As it’s popularity grew, many fascinated with the story and concept added on to the lore and rules, creating more and more levels to the horror just behind our fickle existence. However, interest in The Backrooms didn’t peak until January of 2022, when young filmmaker and video editor Kane Parsons, a.k.a. “Kane Pixels” on YouTube, uploaded a 9 minute short movie simply titled “The Backrooms (Found Footage)”, where the cameraman of a group of teenage film students accidentally “noclips” out of reality and finds himself in The Backrooms. Keeping the camera rolling, the boy explores The Backrooms and all of it’s liminal, nightmarish, and non-euclidean nooks and crannies, eventually crossing passes with a skeletal, deformed monster made of wires. Pursued by the screaming creature, the cameraman delves deeper into The Backrooms before being attacked again, presumably not making it out alive this time.

With YouTubers such as The Game Theorists, Jackcepticeye, Dawko and 8-BitRyan giving their frightened reactions and delving into the many hidden details, the short film skyrocketed in popularity, eventually receiving several follow-ups as Kane Parsons presented his own personal Backrooms story to fans. The internet was hooked, secret organizations and space-time tech experiments adding on to the mystery which unfolded through masterpieces of short films, with an incredibly unique style of editing in the vein of other internet horror series such as The Mandela Catalogue or Monument Mythos. Much like other oddities across the internet, “The Backrooms” shines bright amongst the sea of creepypasta for it’s ability to be molded and transformed into countless forms and expressed through all kinds of media. It started as a short post on 4Chan, and is now a professional webseries on YouTube. And all because of fans like Kane Pixels with a camera and a computer, or like the unknown original poster with a photo and a skill for writing, and what both of them - along with many other talented people across the internet - have in common, a beautifully twisted type of imagination. The Backrooms is a special kind of treasure, bringing artists and fans together to create something no Hollywood slasher flick or horror novel will ever be able to achieve, a chilling idea so powerful and fluid it can transcend simple media and instill fear and dread unlike anything else. Monsters and killers are scary, but the infinite loneliness, vulnerability and violation which The Backrooms embodies is far more horrifying. The nightmarish aura of the liminal spaces in those photos. The stink of old moist carpet. The overwhelming and inescapable anxiety of what skulks behind the next corner. The madness of mono-yellow. The stomach-churning blend of claustrophobia and agoraphobia. The endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz. That’s true, raw, powerful horror. So be careful where you step.

ORIGINS : The original “Backrooms” photo posted to the /x/ board on 4Chan.

UNEASY EXPLORATION : The cameraman explores his new surroundings, unsure of where exactly he is yet.

THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL : The cameraman finds a dimly lit hallway, and the shadowy figure at the end of it.

THE ENCOUNTER : The cameraman crosses paths with the monster for the first time, forced to aimlessly run away.


Fifteen years after trying to steal the first map made after the Magellan expedition, Nathan Drake (played by Tom Holland) crosses paths with fortune hunter Victor “Sully” Sullivan (played by Mark Walhberg) on a journey to find his lost partner and Nathan’s brother Sam, who promised to come back for Nathan when they were orphaned children. Searching for his brother, the two race against mercernaries for the fabeled Magallan treasure.. Acting as a prequel to the Sony video game series, Uncharted promises high-stake action and adventure on par with the games its based off of, bringing the legendary Nathan Drake to the big screen.




THE LION’S TALE BOX OFFICE With the Moon off its orbit and hurdling straight for the Earth, conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman teams up with ex-astronaut Brain Harper and the deputy director at NASA and former crewmate of Harper’s, Jocinda Fowler, to discover what happened with the Moon and how to save humanity, ultimately discovering, or rediscovering, secrets hidden below the Moon’s surface, such as a race of swarm-like creatures attacking astronauts. With an all-star cast and one of the highest budgets for an independently produced film, Moonfall explores a new, astronomical kind of disaster sci-fi scenario on par with older films such as 2012 and Independence Day.



“SICK!” brings hope for the future to listeners STORY BY ESTHER GUEVARA

New band “Shadow Academy” rocks their darkly debut STORY BY ELLIOTT WOODMANSEE-SIRESS

Released on January 14 of this year, “SICK!” by American rapper, songwriter and record producer Earl Sweatshirt has recieved praise from critics and hip hop fans alike. Acting as his fourth studio album, SICK! is strong and bold, a straight 7/10 which many found to be Sweatshirt’s best work yet in his discography. The album features many other artists and rappers such as Zelooperz, Armand Hammer, and Na-Kel Smith and was produced by a collective of talents within the rap and hip hop realm, from Daniel Alan Maman, a.k.a. The Alchemist, Black Noi$e, Sage Elsesser, Samiyam and Alexander Spit. SICK! talks about acceptance, balance, and moving forward in general while also reminiscing on the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic back at the start of 2020 and the affect it had on Sweatshirt. “SICK! is my humble offering of 10 songs recorded in the wake of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns.” Earl Sweatshirt stated in an annoucement for the upcoming album, “People were sick. The People were angry and isolated and restless. I leaned into the chaos cause it was apparent that it was going anywhere. These


songs are what happened when I would come up for air.” Riddled throughout fan favorite tracks such as “2010”, “Tabula Rasa”, and “Titanic”, the album captures many of Sweatshirts emotions and thoughts on the recent decade while looking forward with hope. Sweatshirt uses this album to empower said hope, the title track ending with a quote from the 1979 documentary Music Is The Weapon, “As far as Africa is concerned, music cannot be for enjoyment. Music has to be for revolution. Music is the weapon.”

From the minds of comedy musician cross co-host of the YouTube gaming channel Game Grumps Dan Avidan and Emmy Award winning record producer and songwriter Jim Roach, the two have recently revealed their newest joint rock band, “Shadow Academy.” Along with the announcement of this new project, the band released several short previews to their yet-to-be-named debut album, along with promising their first single, “White Whale” on January 28 and an accompanying music video. Avidan and Roach started working on music together shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic started, the two realizing they had something special after they finished the aforementioned single. Shadow Academy promises to bring listeners a wide orchestral explosion of heavy rock and rich synth, bringing something in the likeness to the legendary bands of the 70s and 00s - such as Rush, Smashing Pumpkins, Queens Of The Stone Age, and MUSE - to the modern day stage. “White Whale” further solidifies this promise, a powerful kick start armed with sharp guitars and booming drums inflamed with energy capable of getting anyone headbanging. The animated mu-


sic video only elevates this ability, showcasing a twisted, ethereal take on the novel “Moby Dick.” Over the pandemic, Avidan worked on reading up on such classics, and now is using this band as a vessel to explore these books in a blood red and stark white light. Now feeling reconnected to the world post-pandemic, Avidan and Roach have expressed their thrill to bringing fans what Shadow Academy has to offer, both in the shrill of stinging rock tracks and the warped world in which this music is king.

A fresh direction taken with “Pokémon Legends: Arceus” STORY BY NATHAN ZOUCHA

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is an amazing game with a lot of new features never seen before and recurring twists to the franchise. But with the good comes the bad, like some of the characters seeming out of place and an overall bland world that brings down the brand new style and gameplay. Starting with the highlights of the game is the world that you explore. It’s a region called Hiusi which is an ancient Sinnoh. The main goal of the game is to complete the first ever PokeDex while working alongside Team Galaxy’s survey team. You have to help the diamond and pearl clans calm the raging deity


pokemon that were struck by strange lightning coming out of a rift in space. Although the world is interesting, it also feels pretty empty, devoid of life and missing some of the charm one could find overflowing in the older games. However, the main highlight of Legends: Arceus is just how much they have flipped the RPG foundation of Pokémon on its head. Out with the Gyms and random encounters, the tyrannical evil teams and overworld trainer battles, in with the new. Although these changes are not to groundbreaking for the normal action game, these changes offer Pokémon fans a brand new experience never before seen in these titles, like be-

ing able to go about capturing or fighting wild Pokémon with a wide range of options, or the way the story, game and even overworld heavily toy with the fabric of space-time. Pokémon Legends: Arceus offers players far more challenge then some recent titles with the fun of new battles and getting to fill out the PokeDex with all the new Pokémon you can catch. However the empty world and the repetitive functions can turn some off or bog down the otherwise fresh and fun experience. With some polish, this new direction could be a massive step forward for the franchise, an evolution many fans have been begging for for years.

New “Stranger Things: Season 4” posters spark excitement



Stranger Things Season 4 has been somewhat of an oddity itself for the past two years, not much known about it and little information trickling out. Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, production on the season was several halted, and the series was hit with several rewrites as the story was rebuilt to fit with the changing world outside. Many fans were left hopeless and concerned for the show, voicing their opinions across the internet on how the child actors who found their fame with the first season might be too old now to continue their adolescent, D&Dthemed adventures, or how the drought

of content wore off all excitement for the show’s future. However, on February 17, the show’s creators, Matt and Ross Duffer, announced the release date - well, actually dates, plural - for the upcoming season alongside new posters. Season 4 has been announced to be split into two parts, “Act 1” coming out May 27 and “Act 2” releasing just over a month later on July 1. This information came with five new posters, all featuring a number of characters walking towards a blood red portal into The Upside-Down with the tagline “Every Ending Has A Beginning.” The first finds Mike, Will and two new characters in a Californian neighborhood. The second has Eleven exploring the

abandoned Hawkins Lab, now trashed and in ruins. The third is set in the mysterious Creel House, with the remaining Hawkins gang up in the attic. The fourth sees Hopper in the Russian Base with Joyce and Murray. The fifth and final poster mashes all four of these settings together with one massive portal, The Duffer Brothers’ letter to fans states that the show was always planned with five seasons in mind, Season 4 as the penultimate and Season 5 as the finale. They also promised that there are more stories to tell in the Stranger Things universe, even after the end of Eleven and Hawkin’s story.




It’s the most wonderful time of the year…. No. It’s not Christmas. It’s Mardi Gras season! Another year goes, another Mardi Gras celebration comes to Universal Studios. Due to Covid restrictions, Floridians have been unable to enjoy this spectacular celebration the past two years. But this year, Universal announced their return and they’re not here to play. The park introduced brand new floats and themes this year, including space astronauts. The fun, colorful floats are all the hype and Floridians are all competing to ride these impressive creations. Universal gives attendees the opportunity every Mardi Gras to ride the floats and throw out beads to all the parade watchers. Anyone who manages to get this chance definitely is



lucky. The tickets to ride these floats sell out instantly so you’ve gotta move quickly! This year’s concert lineup is absolutely insane. A few of my favorite performances this year include Jason Derulo, Khalid, and Lee Brice. The artists this year are completely unexpected but definitely didn’t disappoint. There is an array of artists from each genre sure to please any ears that decide to attend these concerts every Saturday night. I definitely made sure I’d be there front row every weekend so far. It can’t get any better than two months full of concerts and partying. After all the screaming and singing, I was definitely ready to try all of the fun Louisiana inspired snacks Universal had to offer this year.

The menu this year includes King Cake,Beignets (VG), Mardi Gras Marshmallow Pie, Cajun Twisted Frank with Chorizo Queso, Blackened Chicken Po’ Boy, Shrimp Gumbo with Rice, and Chicken & Andouille Sausage Jambalaya. I don’t know about you, but everything on this menu is hitting the spot for me. If I had enough room in my stomach every one of these snacks would be in my possession. I am obsessed with the culture in these dishes. The spice blends, seafood, and over the top desserts made me feel like I was right in the middle of New Orleans itself. While Mardi Gras comes to a finish for us Floridians on April 24th, the green, gold, and purple lives in our hearts all year long as we wait for its return next February.

FEBRUARY 22, 2022 | THE LION’S TALE | AD | 13

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Senior boys give it a last chance for states STORY BY KAIT PETERSON

With the boys basketball season slowly coming to an end, this also means an end to an era for some of our seniors on the team. There have been many ups and downs in their season this year. The men’s varsity team currently stands at 21 wins and a mere 6 losses, an impressive number of wins for the season. Some of their more notable wins include their home game against Winter Springs High school, taking the win at 5414, and their home game against Lyman high school at 57-29, with a total winning percentage of 78%. The varsity team consists of five seniors, five juniors and three sophomores. The team has worked solid as a unit and came together to have an amazing season. Senior Alex Saunders committed to South Dakota University earlier this school year to play for their football team, but playing basketball was something he found enjoyment in participating in. As for his college plans pertaining to basketball, Saunders is undecided. “I’ve actually thought about playing basketball once I get to college. It doesn’t hurt to try, I would basically be walking onto the team, but with my football scholarship like I said, there’s nothing to lose. Definitely something I’ll have to think about when I get up there,” Saunders said. However, Saunders feels this season has been successful overall. “I think this season has honestly been great personally and as a team we have overcome many obstacles. When you have 21 wins it’s always a great season,” said Saunders. Basketball for many has become a big part of many of the player’s lives, and with the most recent district g ame s against Seminole h i g h school being one of

their last few games, the players reminisce on the earlier times of the season. Both personal and team memories are bound to bloom from being around the same group of teammates for a whole season, learning to work and grow together as a unit presents many opportunities for bonds to form outside of the court as well. “My favorite moments were when we beat Tampa Jesuit in the championship game and won our first holiday tournament, and as a team, I think our best moment was beating Lake Brantley for the second time after losing the first time we went against them, it showcased our growth as a team,” said senior Max Strictland. For others, their favorite moments were a bit more personal. “My favorite moment personally this season was senior night having everyone out there supporting; my friends, family, and teammates,” said senior Kristian Galloway. “But my best moment with the team was definitely bouncing back after losing three straight games and winning a tournament.” Many memories were made off court as well, as the boys spent hours on hours with each other outside of the sport or even just before they began practices or games. “I think the best moment would probably be winning the tournaments. We’ve had a lot of ups and downs this year but when it mattered most we came through which will help when we make a run to states. The locker room hangouts will always be a top memory for me, always joking around and having fun,” said Saunders. Aside from the amazing parts of their season, there were also some downs to it as well, along with things the players wished they would go back and change.

“One thing I would change is keeping our head up after a loss and not let that hold us back,” said Galloway. Going back and changing a loss seemed to be a common theme as some of the others said this as well, some getting more specific on which games they would’ve loved to have won. “The only thing I would maybe change about this season would be the 2 losses against Hagerty,” said Strickland. The annual “hometown showdown” game between Oviedo and our rival school Hagerty across town is always an event which people look forward to, the stands are packed to the top with cheering fans, students, and even other attendees from other schools. This year the Lions went up against the Hagerty Huskies not once but twice, sadly losing both games, the first, an away game lost only by three points at 60-57, and the second being a home game and losing by 14 points. As the seniors leave the Lion’s Den and move on into bigger adventures in their lives, they leave the younger members of their team with some words of advice and encouragement. “For the underclassmen coming up to varsity, which we have a lot of young guys on the team this year, just keep working and play every game like it’s your last because in a blink of an eye you will be a senior playing your last game before you know it so make all the memories you can,” said Saunders. Some words being very heartfelt, they build bonds like brothers in and out of the gym throughout the season. “I want to leave the team with them knowing that I love y’all and it’s been a fun season. My advice for the younger guys would be to keep working on your craft and stay focused even when things aren’t looking so good,” said Galloway.

In the season



17.6 Per game for points Dawson Barr DESIGN BY MACKENZIE HOLMES


Mane attraction dance team takes on nationals STORY BY ALEXIS SHAUGHNESSY Oviedo High School’s very own Mane Attraction Dance Team just attended the UDA National Dance Team Championship this past weekend at Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports. The Lions competed against numerous high schools throughout the nation. The team competed in the large varsity game day, hip hop, and jazz categories. They made double finals for their hip hop and jazz routines and semi-finals for their game day routine. Overall, they placed ninth for hip hop, sixth for game day, and twelfth for jazz. The dance team stayed at Disney’s All Star Music Resort from Thursday to Monday and even got to room with some of their teammates. When they weren’t competing they were practicing along with many other of their competitors to make their routines look as flawless as possible, to ensure a spot at Finals and earn a high placement. On their last night there, Disney’s Magic Kingdom park was open for only dance team members after hours and there was no entry fee required. The team has been perfecting

these routines since the beginning of the year in their seventh period class and after school practices. Dancers practiced every Tuesday and Thursday from three to five thirty from August to December. However, in January, they practiced every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from three to five thirty and two to four thirty on Wednesdays. This is including their seventh period class practices. As you can tell, a lot of time and practice goes into preparing each dance for their big Nationals competition at the end of January every year. The team competed at three regional competitions this year alone including Dance Team Union, NDA and UDA. They also performed these routines during both the junior varsity and varsity basketball games halftimes. The team’s coach, Annie Futato, and their assistant coach, Halle Fuerst, helped to polish these dances by cleaning them. They look at specific things such as spacing, arm placement, timing, facials, synchronicity, technique, and projection. The

goal of this is to make each dancer look like one person moving across the stage. If someone is even the slightest bit off or different, it may catch a judge’s attention, resulting in deductions. A key essential to make routines exciting are lifts, turns, and tricks. These are difficult to execute as an individual and even harder to execute as a team in perfect sync. Many preparations go into these performances such as costuming. Each routine has a different costume and sometimes rhinestones are added to them for more of a performance look. When the team competes the need to wear heavy stage makeup including eyeliner, mascara, foundation, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow, fake lashes, lipstick, highlighter, and more. This may seem like a lot of makeup, but when there are bright lights shining on you, it appears completely natural. Another key essential to appearance is hairstyling. The team usually wears their hair in a centered part low bun. Items like hairspray, gel, hair nets, and Bobby pins are required to

keep the bun secure while dancing and tumbling around. All this hard work really paid off in the long run and the dance team had a blast! Be sure to try out next year for an amazing experience!


ROAR ON: Dance team is posing in a picture after winning Top Ten for multiple categories

Rams beat Bengals in Superbowl LVI STORY BY HUNTER FUEHRER Super Bowl XVI is the second consecutive Championship where one of the teams playing is hosting the game. With that being said the LA Rams, based in SoFi stadium where the Super Bowl was hosted, were considered the visitors in the coin toss to start the game. Early in the game we saw both defensive lines start off strong with the Bengals getting an early sack. In the Rams second possession Matthew Stafford threw a touchdown to Odel Beckam Jr. putting the Rams up 7-0 after the extra point. Toward the end of the first quarter, Joe Burrow threw a 46 yard pass to Jamarr Chase in man coverage. Chase was guarded by Jalen Ramsey who is widely regarded as the best cover corner in the league. However, Ramsey would redeem himself coming up with a stop, forcing the Bengals to kick a field goal making it 7-3 at the end of the first quarter. Then after calling a timeout in the second half, the Rams would go on and score another touchdown after a six play, 75 yard drive, making the score 13-3. But the Rams would muff the extra point attempt and the Bengals would make a stop. But the Bengals were quick to strike back with a touchdown of their own after a 75 yard drive. We then saw the

Bengals better adjusting to the Rams defensive with a run heavy offense and throwing outside when the Rams would rush five. However in the Rams next drive, Odel Beckham Jr. would suffer a knee injury taking him out of the game. Later it was released that Odel had retorn his ACL which he had previously torn in week 7 of the 2020 season against the Bengals during his time with the Cleveland Browns. Beckham would not return to the game finishing his season with the Rams with 305 yards in eight games for five touchdowns in the regular season. OBJ would also have 288 yards in the four playoff games with the Rams scoring two touchdowns in the postseason. Soon after Jessie Bates III, a four year Bengals safety, would catch an interception in the endzone. But a flag for illegal celebration would see the Bengals start at the 10 yard line. The Rams Defensive Line would then come up with a sack and forcing a punt with second left on the clock. After three deep throws from Matthew Stafford, all coming up incomplete, the Rams would punt the ball and the Bengals would take a knee with four second left in the second half, taking us into half time.

At the start of the third quarter, Joe Burrow goes to Tee Higgins for a deep pass making the game 13-17. But the Bengals weren’t done yet. In the Rams first play of the second half, Chidobe Awuzie, would intercept Matthew Stafford giving the ball back to the Bengals. However the Rams would get a stop on third down forcing the Bengals to kick a field goal to bring the score to 13-20. The Rams would then go on to struggle in the run game. The Bengals Defensive ends have been forcing the run game into the Linebackers leaving the Rams run game averaging -2 yards with 5:58 in the third quarter. The Rams would manage to kick a field goal to make the game 16-20 But in the Rams next possession the Bengals would get a three and out stop picking up another sack on Matthew Stafford. However, Chidobe Awuzie would be injured and come out of the game. Chidobe would not return the game finishing his season with 2 interceptions in the regular season and another in the Super Bowl. The former Dallas Cowboys would also have 77 solo tackles this season with 24 of them coming in the postseason. With 11:55 left in the fourth quarter after the Rams got a sack on third down on Joe Burrow. After the play we would

see Burrow limping off the field. This would be the Rams 7th sack of the game. Then with 1:38 left in the 4th quarter two flags on the same play canceled out a touchdown by Cooper Kupp forcing a repeat first down. But it didn’t matter because Stafford would connect with Kupp again for a touchdown. With 1:25 left on the clock the Rams lead 23-20. The Bengals would get the ball and start driving down the field. However on a fourth and one the Rams would pressure Joe Burrow and force him to throw the ball just short of Tee Higgins. This stop would turn the ball back over to the Rams who would take a knee and let the clock run. The LA Rams would ultimately win Super Bowl XVI after a hard fought game and a fourth quarter comeback. Cooper Kupp would go on to win Super Bowl MVP for his efforts in the final drive of the game. Highlights of the game would be both teams’ defensive lines pressuring the QBs and making big stops. This game also marketed their first superbowl wins for multiple players with the Rams. It was Stafford’s first superbowl win ever since being traded almost a year ago from the Deroit lions who he previously played with for 12 seasons. In this trade it was to get Stafford, to give Jared Goff, the Rams previous quarterback.



of the Month: Ryleigh ROARBOARD Athlete Holcomb BASEBALL

STORY BY MERRICK DICAROLIS The Oviedo Girls Weightlifting team has high hopes for the season. Riley Finnegan and Ayana Fergurson lead the team with a bench press of 175lbs and 155lbs respectively, along with a clean and jerk of 165 Ibs and 150Ibs respectively.


STORY BY ERIC ESQUIVEL Ending last season 19-6 , the Oviedo Softball team have hopes of doing better this season. With the loss of nine seniors from last season, younger players are going to have to step up this season with key player Angelee Bueno leading the way.


STORY BY VINCENT CROOK The Oviedo Lions boys lacrosse team is set for another year of high performance. After their very successful season last year, with a record of 13-2, high expectations have been set on the team.


STORY BY HUNTER FUEHRER Oviedo Girls Varsity Lacrosse’s first match of the season is Tuesday, February 15th at Trinity Prep. The girls look to improve on their 9-6 record last season. The girls were ranked 35th in the state and are looking to start off the season with a win over the formerly 16th ranked Trinity Prep.

The 2021-2022 Oviedo girls varsity soccer season has been overall successful to say the least with a ranking of #19 in the state of Florida. So many factors have contributed to making this team stand out from other Florida high school teams. The main reason is undoubtedly the large amount of talent on the team. One of these talented players is junior Ryleigh Holcomb. “I have been playing soccer for thirteen years and I play left forward.” Ryleigh said. “My favorite part of playing soccer is the competitiveness and being able to make lasting friendships,” said Holcomb. Just watching the team play, it is evident that the strong friendship dynamic between the players as well as hard work is what drives the team’s success. After an accomplished regular season, Oviedo’s girls varsity team matched up with the Lake Mary rams for the district championships on February 2nd. After a long game, they were tied with a score of 1-1. The Oviedo girls managed to come out victorious by winning the shootout in overtime. “ It was really cool winning districts against Lake Mary and everyone was so happy since we lost to them 3-0 in the normal season and were able to work together to beat them when it was most important,” said Holcomb, remarking the triumphant comeback. As an accomplished soccer player, Ryleigh Holcomb looks up to players on the US Women’s soccer team as role models. “Someone I look up to is Julie Ertz because

she is a leader and always works hard no matter what situation she is in on the field,” Holcomb said.


STORY BY MERRICK DICAROLIS The Oviedo boys tennis team fell 1 to 6 to the Lake Howell silver hawks on Wednesday, February, 9. The boys went 3-9 last year and they’re looking for a bounce back season. The teams also received brand new tennis courts to replace the older worn ones.



The OHS track and field season starts this month with a pre-season meet at Lake Mary on February 18th. The first official meet of the season is on February 25th and will be located at Seminole HS.


STORY BY ERIC ESQUIVEL One of the most challenging sports at Oviedo High is water polo. With the season starting this month, high expectations have been placed on the team, after a good season last year.


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