LH Feature Magazine

Page 8


Mental health during a global pandemic By Aala Basheir and Rebecca Michaelli


n the midst of a pandemic with little structure, many students have expressed finding it challenging to adjust to the new normal. In addition to the challenges posed by new ways of learning, mental health and wellbeing can often be overlooked. “There’s nothing normal about this situation right now,” Ivryel Reed ‘21 said, “I had a concert I was looking forward to in June, I had bought my tickets and everything.” On March 11th, COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and two days later, President Donald Trump declared a state of emer-

gency in the United States. the United States. The cumula“Everyone started talking tive COVID-19 positivity rate about Corona. I honestly didn’t has reached 12.79% in Johnson think it was that big of a deal be- County, Iowa. cause I “ I ’m r e a l l y “I’m not really hanging out with peo- s u p e r e x paranoid pected ple until a COVID vaccine, you don’t a b o u t us to etting know how other people are handling gcoronahandle it a lot it, or if they’re wearing masks or v i r u s . better I like washing their hands.” than to get what outside IVRYEL REED CITY HIGH SENIOR h a s of the haphouse but, the pened,” Iya Alexander ‘22 said. only time I really go anywhere is According to the Center on the weekends, maybe going for Disease Control, the total to the mall or something,” Reed number of COVID-19 cases said. “Besides that, I’m not really rose to a high of 7.2 million in hanging out with people until a

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COVID vaccine, you don’t know how other people are handling it, or if they’re wearing masks or washing their hands.” While many find that it’s important to stay updated and informed on current events, and what’s taking place in the world, a constant stream of news can often feel overwhelming. For some, nonstop information can add to anxiety and stress. “In the beginning, [news about COVID-19] was all I looked at. Looking back on it, one of my biggest triggers for my anxiety is watching the news. In hindsight, maybe I shouldn’t have been doing that so often, because I would wake up, check the news, and continue to check it throughout the day,” Reed 10.23.20

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